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Since lenses of chert are common within the volcano-sedimentary succession hosting the massive sulphide deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain and Portugal), we examined numerous chert occurrences, both petrographically and geochemically, to test their possible value for massive sulphide exploration. The chert is found at two main lithostratigraphic levels (upper and lower) that are also interpreted as massive-sulphide bearing. In both cases the chert is located at the top of acidic volcanic sequences or in the associated sediments; we have not been able to observe the relationships between massive sulphides and chert, but some of the large orebodies of the Province (Lousal, La Zarza, Tharsis, Planes-San Antonio body of Rio Tinto, Neves) are described as being locally capped by chert facies. Four main types are recognized among the chert and associated facies: (1) red hematitic chert?±?magnetite; (2) radiolarian and/or sedimentary-textured (conglomeratic) chert with hematite and/or Mn oxides; (3) pale sulphidic chert; (4) rhodonite and/or Mn carbonate?±?magnetite facies. In the Spanish part of the Province the radiolarian chert is confined to the upper level; the distribution of the other types appears to be haphazard. The hydrothermal origin of the South Iberian chert is shown by its high Fe-Mn and low Co-Ni-Cu contents. The presence of small positive Ce anomalies indicates a shallow marine environment (shelf or epicontinental sea), which is consistent with the volcanological and sedimentological data. The chert was emplaced below the sea floor through chemical precipitation and/or through alteration and replacement of the country rock, residual traces of which are ghost phenocrysts and high Al, Ti and rare earth contents. Macro- and microscopic relationships indicate that the oxide facies (hematite?±?magnetite) formed first, probably providing a protective insulating cover against the marine environment and enabling an evolution towards sulphide facies; a phase of Mn?carbonate and silicate + quartz?±?chlorite + sulphides appears to be even later. It was not possible, through discrimination, to isolate a chert that could be considered as representing a lateral marker of massive sulphides; moreover, both field observations and geochemical data seem to indicate a relative independence of this siliceous sulphide hydrothermal activity from the hydrothermal activity giving rise to the massive sulphides. Such is also indicated by the lead isotopic signature of the chert, which is appreciably more radiogenic than that of the massive sulphides; the lead enrichment in the sulphidic chert facies indicates the participation of a different source (sediments, sea water) from that of the massive sulphides. The hypothesis of an independent hydrothermal “chert” event can thus be envisaged, wherein the chert reflects submarine low-temperature hydrothermal activity that is most apparent during a “break” within the volcano-sedimentary succession and which may locally have competed with the high-temperature hydrothermal activity giving rise to the massive sulphides. The interest of the chert thus rests in its palaeodynamic significance, as a marker of periods of volcanic quiescence, and in its possible role as a protective insulating cap favourable to the deposition of massive sulphides.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of gold in the massive sulfide orebodies of the upper Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary environment of the SW Iberian Pyrite Belt have long been assumed to be quite uniform. Recent investigations in several working mines indicate that the gold content of the ores varies between ore types, and is controlled by physico-chemical and time factors during deposition. Above-average gold grades occur in the following ore types: lead-zinc-rich ores, situated laterally and on top of the massive sulfide lenses; copper-rich siliceous basal ore facies; footwall stringer sulfides; and gangue-rich massive sulfides (siliceous, carbonate-rich, baryte bearing, or carbonaceous matrix). Exploration possibilities therefore are promising in foot- and hanging-wall environments within an orebody, as well as in disseminated and stringer ores in its footwall.  相似文献   

We present the first platinum group elements (PGE) data on seven massive sulfide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), one of the world largest massive sulfide provinces. Some of these deposits can contain significant PGE values. The highest PGE values were identified in the Cu-rich stockwork ores of the Aguas Teñidas Este (Σ PGE 350 ppb) and the Neves Corvo (Σ PGE 203 ppb) deposits. Chondrite normalized PGE patterns and Pd/Pt and Pd/Ir ratios in the IPB massive, and stockwork ores are consistent with the leaching of the PGE from the underlying rock sequence.  相似文献   

Stratiform pyritic deposits occur interbedded with sedimentary and volcanic rocks and may be considered to consist of sulphidic rock, called pyritite. In the Iberian Pyrite Belt such deposits are found at different levels and settings in the Volcanic-Siliceous Complex of Lower Carboniferous age, which comprises sediments and felsic to mafic volcanics. The felsic volcanics range from dust tuffs to lapilli tuffs of quartz-keratophyric to rhyolitic composition, and are interpreted as submarine ashflow tuffs laid down by sliding and flowing down volcanoes at the eruptive centres in the Hercynian geosyncline. The pyritite bodies are likewise regarded as redeposited: they originated on the volcano flanks from emanations towards the end of the felsic vulcanicity, to slump and move down into deeper water among tuffs or muds.
Résumé Les gisements pyriteux stratiformes se trouvent intercalés dans des roches sédimentaires et volcaniques, ce qui mène à les considérer comme constitués d'une roche appelée »pyritite«. Dans la Ceinture Pyriteuse Ibérique, ces dépôts se présentent dans des niveaux et des milieux variés, dans le Complexe Vulcano-Siliceux, d'âge Carbonifère inférieur, qui comporte des sédiments et des roches volcaniques acides et basiques. Les volcanites acides sont des tufs variant de très fins à grossiers, de composition quartz-kératophyrique à rhyolitique. Nous admettons un mode de dépôt par des coulées sous-marines de cendres, à la suite d'éboulements sur les volcans aux centres éruptifs dans le géosynclinal hercynien. Nous estimons également que les masses de pyritite se sont déposées en deux étapes: engendrées par des exhalations sur les flancs des volcans, vers la fin du volcanisme acide, elles glissaient et coulaient dans des eaux plus profondes, parmi des tufs ou des boues.

This paper aims to discuss the structural evolution of the Iberian Pyrite Belt during the Variscan Orogeny. It provides new structural data, maps and cross sections from the eastern part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Regional geology of the South Portuguese Zone and lithostratigraphy of the Iberian Pyrite Belt are first briefly summarised. Three roughly homoaxial deformation phases are distinguished, and are mainly characterised by south-verging multi-order folds, axial planar cleavages and thrusts. Three structural units are distinguished: the La Puebla de Guzmán and Valverde del Camino antiforms are rooted units related to the propagation of southward-directed thrust systems that may branch onto the lower décollement level of the South Portuguese Zone; El Cerro de Andévalo is a structurally higher unit, mainly composed of allochthonous D1 thrust nappes. No evidence of sinistral transpression has been found in the transected cleavage and the strike of S3 with respect to S2. Better evidence of transpression is the moderately to steeply westerly plunging folds that show S-type asymmetry in down-plunge view. Variscan deformation in the Iberian Pyrite Belt is defined as the combination of a dominant southwards shear and a sinistral E-shear caused by oblique continental collision between the South Portuguese plate and the Iberian Massif.  相似文献   

Sea water basalt interaction in spilites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Low grade hydrothermally metamorphosed mafic rocks from the Iberian Pyrite Belt are enriched in 18O relative to the oxygen isotopic ratio of fresh basalt (+6.5±1). The observed 18O whole rock values range from +0.87 to +15.71 corresponding to positive isotopic shifts of +5 to +10, thus requiring isotopic exchange with fluids under conditions of high water:rock ratios at low temperatures. The lowest 18O observed corresponds to an albitized dolerite still and is compatible with independent geochemical data suggesting lower water: rock ratios for the alteration of these rocks.The isotope data are consistent with the hypothesis that the spilites from the Pyrite Belt were produced by interaction of basaltic material with sea water.Significant leaching of transition metals from the mafic rocks during alteration coupled with available sulphur isotopic data for the sulphide ores also suggest that sea water may have played an important role in the formation of ore deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt.  相似文献   

The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), SW Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal, one of the most famous and oldest mining districts in the world, includes several major concentrations of massive sulphides, unique on Earth (e.g., Riotinto, Neves Corvo), as well as a large number of smaller deposits of this same type. All these deposits, in spite of their general similarities, show significant differences in geological setting, age, relations to country rocks, hydrothermal alteration, mineralogy and geochemistry. As a consequence of a review of the available data in the IPB, together with new findings on volcanism, hydrothermal alteration and ore mineralogy, we propose a modified genetic scenario, that can account particularly for the diversity of the geological situations in which sulphide deposits occur, as well as for their mineralogical and petrological diversity. It is concluded that there is no direct genetic relationship between felsic volcanic activity and massive sulphide deposition in the IPB, and that most of the massive sulphide bodies, including all of the giant ones, are closely related to hydrothermal vents, being therefore proximal. The available isotopic data yield additional genetic information: (a) Homogeneous lead isotope values indicate a single (or homogenized) metal source; (b) sea and connate water are the fluid reservoirs for hydrothermal input, and (c) bacterial reduction of sulphur is the most probable cause of differences in δ34S between stockwork and massive sulphide mineralizations. Finally, current geodynamic models suggested for the IPB are discussed. It is suggested that an intracontinental, ensialic rift or pull-apart environment is the most probable genetic environment for the IPB mineralizations.  相似文献   

A geochronology study using U-Pb isotope dilution TIMS analyses of zircon has been conducted to determine the ages of volcanic-associated massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the world's most prolific VMS province. Ages have been determined for host rocks to four VMS systems that span the IPB: the giant Rio Tinto and Aljustrel districts in the central region, Lagoa Salgada to the west, and Las Cruces to the east. A sample of chloritized quartz porphyritic dacite/rhyolite in the footwall of the San Dionisio massive sulfide deposit of the Rio Tinto district is 349.76ǂ.90 Ma. This is taken as the best age estimate of the mineralization in the Rio Tinto district, probably the world's largest volcanogenic massive sulfide system. Two xenocrystic zircons from the same sample yielded 207Pb/206Pb ages of 414 and 416 Ma, which provide a minimum estimate for the age of the inherited component. A biotite tonalite from the Campofrio area, 3.5 km north of the center of the Rio Tinto district, is chemically similar to the felsic host rock protolith at Rio Tinto. The Campofrio sample has an age of 346.26ǂ.81 Ma, slightly younger and outside of the 2C error for the Rio Tinto age; therefore, this phase of this intrusion was not a heat source for the hydrothermal system that formed the deposits of the Rio Tinto district. The Campofrio sample also has three zircon analyses with 207Pb/206Pb minimum ages of 534, 536, and 985 Ma, indicating inheritance from Ordovician and Neoproterozoic sources. In the Aljustrel VMS district, a U-Pb zircon age of 352.9ǃ.9 Ma characterizes the altered Green Tuff host rock of the Algares deposit, which is slightly older than the Rio Tinto age. Two zircons with 207Pb/206Pb ages of 531 and 571 Ma from this sample indicate inheritance from a Cambrian or older source. The age of mineralization at Lagoa Salgada is given by essentially identical ages of 356.21ǂ.73 and 356.4ǂ.8 Ma, for footwall and hanging wall samples, respectively. The hanging wall sample has two zircon analyses with 207Pb/206Pb ages of 464 and 466 Ma, indicating inheritance from an Ordovician or older source. The age for an altered dacite tuff sample from the hanging wall of the Las Cruces deposit is 353.97ǂ.69 Ma. One zircon analysis from the Las Cruces sample has a 207Pb/206Pb age of 1048 Ma, indicating inheritance from a Neoproterozoic source. These U-Pb ages refine the IPB geochronology provided by previous studies, and they suggest that either volcanism progressed toward the center of the IPB, or that volcanism was broadly static and the strata were progressively rifted to the margins during transtensional basin formation. The zircon inheritance provides direct evidence for Proterozoic to Ordovician sources, reflecting either basement rocks beneath the Phyllite-Quartzite Group during VMS formation in late Tournaisian times, or a Proterozoic to Ordovician detrital component in Phyllite-Quartzite Group source rocks. The presence of an older crustal component is consistent with VMS formation during rift development at a continental margin.  相似文献   

Lead isotope analyses were performed on 26 polymetallic massive sulphide deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, as well as on overlying gossans and associated volcanic rocks. All the massive sulphide deposits (except for Neves-Corvo), and nearly all the volcanic rocks show very similar isotopic compositions grouped around 18.183 (206Pb/204Pb), 15.622 (207Pb/204Pb) and 38.191 (208Pb/204Pb), indicating that most of the ore deposit lead was derived from the same continental crust environment as the associated volcanic rocks. The isotopic compositions are representative of the average south Iberian crust during the Devonian to Early Carboniferous (Dinantian), and their constancy implies a homogenization of the mineralizing fluids before the deposition of the massive sulphides from hydrothermal fluids circulating through interconnected regional fracture systems. This isotopic constancy is incompatible with multiple, small, independent hydrothermal cells of the East Pacific Rise type, and fits much better with a model of hydrothermal convections driven by “magmatic floor heating”. Neves-Corvo is the only south Iberian massive sulphide deposit to have a heterogeneous isotopic composition with, in particular, a highly radiogenic stanniferous ore (206Pb/204Pb of the cassiterite is >18.40). A model of lead mixing with three components is proposed to explain these variations: (1) one derived from the Devonian to Early Carboniferous (Dinantian) continental crust that generated all the other massive ores; (2) an Eohercynian stanniferous mineralization partly remobilized during the formation of the massive sulphides, but independent of them; and (3) a Precambrian continental crust component. The juxtaposition of three different sources places Neves-Corvo in a specific paleogeographic situation that could also explain its mineralogical specificity. The geodynamic context that best explains all the obtained isotopic results is one of an accretionary prism. The fact that lead isotope signatures of the gossans are almost identical to those of the underlying massive sulphides means that this technique could be a useful exploration tool for the Iberian Pyrite Belt.  相似文献   

Igneous formations associated with massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) are essentially composed of basic lavas and dolerites, and dacitic to rhyolitic volcanites; intermediate lavas are subordinate. The basic rocks show variable geochemical characteristics: lavas and dolerites comparable to recent within-plate alkaline basalts seem restricted to the western and southern parts of the IPB, whereas basic rocks comparable to continental tholeiites or arc-related basalts occur across the whole belt. The felsic rocks are classified as calc-alkaline and belong to the “low-Al2O3 and high-Yb type”. At given SiO2, Al2O3 and TiO2 contents, they show variable Zr, Nb, and HREE contents. Heavy-rare-earth element fractionation decreases from the dacites to the rhyolites ([Gd/Yb]N ∼ 1), whereas the negative Eu-anomaly becomes more pronounced. The characteristics of the rhyolites are typical of sulphide-fertile volcanic packages. Trace-element modelling suggests that the felsic rocks evolved from a dacitic parent magma through fractional crystallization of hornblende and plagioclase. Partial melting of an amphibolite protolith, which appears as the most probable model for the origin of this dacitic magma, requires a high T/P gradient in the crust. The occurrence of alkaline basalts and continental tholeiites is consistent with formation of the IPB in a tensional tectonic setting. However, the associated island-arc tholeiites suggest a location in a domain of plate convergence. Emplacement in a fore-arc basin over a recently accreted crustal segment is envisaged as a possible hypothesis to account for the geological and petrological constraints. A high geothermal gradient and eruption in a submarine tensional basin could have been two key ingredients for the development of massive sulphide deposits within the IPB.
Resumen (translated by E. Pascual) Las formaciones ígneas asociadas con los depósitos de sulfuros masivos de la Faja Pirítica Ibérica (IPB) se componen esencialmente de doleritas y lavas básicas y de rocas volcánicas dacíticas a riolíticas; las lavas intermedias son poco abundantes. Las rocas básicas muestran caracteres geoquímicos variables: lavas y doleritas comparables a basaltos alcalinos intraplaca recientes parecen hasta ahora restringidos a las partes W y S de la IPB, mientras que rocas básicas de caracteres comparables a las de toleítas continentales o basaltos relacionados con arcos aparecen en toda la zona. Las rocas ácidas se clasifican como calcoalcalinas del tipo “low-Al2O3, high-Yb”. Para un contenido dado en SiO2, Al2O3 y TiO2, muestran contenidos variables en Zr, Nb y REE. El contenido en tierras raras pesadas decrece de dacitas a riolitas ([Gd/Yb]N ∼ 1), al tiempo que la anomalía de Eu se hace más pronunciada. La modelización de elementos trazas sugiere que las rocas evolucionaron a partir de un magma parental dacítico mediante cristalización fraccionada de hornblenda y plagioclasa. La fusión parcial de un protolito anfibolítico, que parece el modelo más plausible para el origen del magma dacítico, requiere un elevado gradiente T/P en la corteza. La existencia de basaltos alcalinos y de toleítas continentales es congruente con la formación de la IPB en un entorno tectónico distensivo. El emplazamiento en una cuenca “fore-arc”, en un segmento cortical de reciente acreción, se contempla como una hipótesis posible para explicar los caracteres geológicos y petrológicos. Un alto gradiente térmico, junto con la erupción en una cuenca submarina extensional, pueden haber sido los dos ingredientes clave en el desarrollo de los depósitos de sulfuros masivos en la IPB.

Received: 3 March 1996 / Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical and geochemical studies of the volcanogenic sulphide mineralization in the Spanish part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) define two geochemical, mineralogical and spatial gold associations: (1) the Tharsis-Sotiel-Migollas type in which the gold is enriched with (Co?±?Bi) in the stockworks and interaction zones at the base of the massive sulphide mound; and (2) the Rio Tinto-Aznalcóllar-La Zarza type in which the gold is enriched in facies with a polymetallic (Zn?+?Ag?±?As?±?Tl?±?Hg) signature in a distal position or blocked beneath the massive sulphides. The first type is localized within a domain covering the southern half of the belt which is characterized by an abundance of sedimentary facies. The paragenesis shows that the gold association formed at high temperature (>300?°C) during the initial phases of massive sulphide genesis; the gold, which occurs in patches of very auriferous electrum (Au?>?75?wt.%), was transported by chloride complexes. The second type is found in the northern domain of the belt where volcanic facies are predominant. The paragenesis shows that the gold association formed at lower temperature (<280?°C) late in the massive sulphide genesis. This gold was transported by bisulphide complexes [Au(HS)2 ?] and is contained in Ag- and Hg-rich electrum (up to 61.0 and 30.5?wt.% respectively) and/or auriferous arsenopyrite (mean of 280?ppm Au), two mineral expressions that are able to coexist. It would appear that sulphur activity and oxygen fugacity were important factors in controlling the distribution of gold between the two host minerals and also in determining the Ag content of the electrum. This antithetic behaviour of the gold in the IPB reflects differences in the gold mineralizing fluids that may be due to the geologic environment; i.e. either dominantly sedimentary and acting as a mechanical barrier for gold bearing fluids, or dominantly volcanic and more open to seawater circulation. The fact that possible complications can occur during massive sulphide genesis, in response to the source and evolution of the fluids, raises the question of whether one or two gold influxes are involved. For example, the two gold associations could derive from a single gold influx, with remobilization and redistribution of the gold from the early (Co?±?Bi) facies giving rise to the later gold paragenesis of the (Zn?+?Ag?±?As?±?Tl?±?Hg) facies; this would not have occurred or would have been limited at the Tharsis-Sotiel-Migollas type orebodies. Alternatively, the two gold associations could reflect two separate evolutionary processes distinguished by the gold appearing either early or late in the hydrothermal fluids. Knowing the gold association of a massive sulphide deposit is an advantage when exploring for potential host facies.  相似文献   

Riebeckite-arfvedsonite amphiboles occur in very low-grade metamorphosed doleritic sills at various localities within the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The alkali-amphiboles grew during sub-solidus hydrothermal spilitization of basalt associated with submarine massive sulphide ore formation. The riebeckite-arfvedsonite is only very rarely preserved, being converted to albite-chlorite during regional metamorphism. In the South Portuguese zone Hercynian regional metamorphic grade increases in a northward direction from zeolite facies south of the Pyrite Belt through prehnite-pumpellyite facies to the greenschist facies in its northernmost zone. Compositional and mineralogical data indicate a geothermal gradient in the order of 40–50 °C/km.Volcanism in the Pyrite Belt is essentially representative of a bimodal association of twoleiitic to alkalic basalt and dacite/rhyolite. Geochemical data for the Pyrite Belt mafic meta-volcanics contrast with available data for subduction related volcanic suites in orogenic belts but exhibit similarities with the basaltic members of basalt-rhyolite associations found in areas of extensional tectonics. It is proposed that the Iberian Pyrite Belt volcanism represents magmatic activity in an intra-continental basin undergoing rifting during the late Devonian and lower Carboniferous times. On leave from: Mineralogia e Geologia, Faculdade de Ciencias, Lisboa-2, Portugal  相似文献   

The Iberian Pyrite Belt is a world-ranking massive sulphide province in which a reassessment of the palaeovolcanology has dramatically changed understanding of the source of metals and mechanism of ore formation. In the northern sector, the deposits are hosted by a sill–sediment complex in which more than 90% of the sills post-date the sulphide sheets. Because of a very high sill/sediment ratio, these late intrusions dominate the host succession and have severely disrupted the post-mineralization configuration thus obscuring the true genetic relationships. For example, some oxide deposits have been separated by hectometric sills from sulphide deposits they originally capped, creating seemingly totally independent mineralizing systems. In addition, stratiform sulphide sheets without underlying stockworks are not necessarily allochthonous. An early timing for the mineralization with respect to volcanism means that metals had to be predominantly sourced from the sedimentary basin and the continental crust below the volcanogenic sequence.  相似文献   

Twelve massive sulphide deposits from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) show well-preserved iron caps, some of which were mined during the last century to recover precious metals (e.g., Tharsis, Rio Tinto, San Miguel). Field observations and correlation assays between the distinct mineral sequences at different deposits suggest that all the gossans were developed under similar conditions and have undergone the same geological events. All the gossans have a mushroom-like morphology in sharp contact with the underlying massive sulphide orebodies. In most cases these are located over an apparent supergene enrichment zone rich in secondary sulphides. Some gossans extend into tongues of alluvial heterolithic breccias consisting of eroded transported gossans displaced as far as several hundred meters away from their sources. The distribution of major minerals throughout the gossan profiles (goethite, hematite, quartz and jarosite) and the statistical analysis of the geochemical data distinguish three separate zones, with gradual contacts roughly parallel to the current topography: (1) the lower zone dominated by goethite and subordinate jarosite, with significant enrichment in S, As, P, Pb, Sn, Sb, Ag and Au; (2) the middle or principal zone dominated by goethite and lacking jarosite, which is depleted in S, and As, as well as heavy and precious metals; and (3) the upper zone near the surface, mainly composed of hematite and quartz with only weak anomalies in P, Pb and Sn. The origin and variations occurred in the profiles are explained by a three-stage process. This involves an initial acidic stage of gossan development centred on the oxidation of sulphides that lead to the formation of the first Fe-rich oxyhydroxides and sulphates (mainly goethite and jarosite, respectively). Over time, a progressive stage of maturity is reached progressively downwards through the gossan profile due to the intensification of the oxidation and leaching processes. The ongoing gossan formation produced alteration and reprecipitation of pre-existing oxyhydroxides, the loss of the majority of the previously sorbed heavy metals, and a major dilution of trace elements especially in the zones near the surface. The main results of this stage of formation are the production of heavy metal-depleted oxyhydroxides, most commonly goethite and hematite, and the disappearance of jarosite. Subsequently, local uplift of the gossanous rocks by neotectonic movements facilitated the rejuvenation of the oxidation of the ores. This final stage complicated the previously developed zonation with the formation of jarosite in mature areas. Possible major breaks in this gossan development ocurred in Messinian times (7–8 Ma) and at the beginning of the Early Quaternary (1–2 Ma?).  相似文献   

The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) has, over the past decade, been an area of renewed mining activity and scientific research that has resulted in a wealth of new data and new geological and metallogenic concepts that are succinctly presented in this Thematic Issue. The reason for this interest in the IPB, which forms part of the Hercynian orogenic belt, is that its Late Devonian to Middle Carboniferous rocks host a huge quantity of volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization (1700 Mt of sulphides, totalling 14.6 Mt Cu, 13.0 Mt Pb, 34.9 Mt Zn, 46100 t Ag and 880 t Au). The mineralization and its environment display a number of typical signatures that can be related to the mineralogy and zoning of the sulphide orebodies, to the lead isotopes of the mineralization, to the geochemical and mineralogical variations in the hydrothermal alteration halos surrounding the orebodies, to the geochemical characteristics of the bimodal volcanics hosting the VMS, to the complex structural evolution during the Hercynian orogeny, to the presence of palaeofaults and synsedimentary structures that acted as channels and discharge traps for the metalliferous fluids, and to the gossans developed over VMS. Discriminant geological criteria have been deduced for each domain which can be helpful in mineral exploration, complementing the more traditional prospecting techniques. Although the question of the IPB's geodynamic setting is still under debate, any interpretation must now take into account some incontrovertible constraints: for example, the geochemical characteristics of a large part of the basic lavas are comparable to those of mantle-derived basalts emplaced in extensional tectonic settings, and the associated acidic rocks were produced by melting of a basic crustal protolith at low- to medium-pressures and a steep geothermal gradient, thus, the sulphide-bearing volcano-sedimentary sequence differs strongly from recent arc-related series. It is considered here that the tectonic setting was extensional and epicontinental and that it developed during the Hercynian plate convergence, that culminated in thin-skinned deformation and accretion of the South Portuguese terrane to the Iberian Paleozoic continental block.
Resumen (translated by E. Pascual) Durante la década pasada, la Faja Pirítica Ibérica (FPI) ha sido un área de actividad minera e investigación cientifica renovadas, lo que ha conducido a la obtención de nuevos datos y conceptos geológicos y metalogénicos, que se exponen sucintamente en este Número Especial. La razón de este interés en la FPI, que forma parte del cinturón orogénico hercínico, es que sus rocas, cuyas edades abarcan desde el Devónico tardío al Carbonífero Medio, albergan una enorme cantidad de mineralizaciones de sulfuros masivos ligados a vulcanismo (1700 millones de toneladas de sulfuros, que totalizan 14,6 Mt de Cu, 13,0 Mt de Pb, 34,9 Mt de Zn, 46100 toneladas de Ag y 880 toneladas de Au). Las mineralizaciones y su entorno muestran signaturas que se pueden relacionar con la mineralogía y la zonación de las masas de sulfuros, con los isótopos de plomo de la mineralización, con las variaciones en los halos de alteración hidrotermal alrededor de las mineralizaciones, con los caracteres geoquímicos de las rocas volcánicas bimodales que albergan los sulfuros masivos, con la compleja evolución tectónica del conjunto durante la orogenia hercínica, con la existencia de paleofallas y estructuras sinsedimentarias que actuaron como canales y trampas de descarga para los fluidos metalíferos y los gossans que se desarrollaron sobre los sulfuros. Se han deducido criterios geológicos discriminantes para cada área de conocimiento, que pueden ser útiles para la exploración minera, complementando las técnicas más tradicionales de prospección. Aunque la cuestión del entorno geodinámico de la FPI todavía es materia de debate, cualquier interpretación tiene que tener ahora en cuenta algunas restricciones incontrovertibles: por ejemplo, los caracteres geoquímicos de una gran parte de las rocas básicas son comparables a los de basaltos derivados del manto y emplazados en entornos tectónicos extensionales, y las rocas ácidas asociadas se produjeron a partir de un protolito cortical básico, a presiones bajas o intermedias y asociadas a un abrupto gradiente térmico. Por consiguiente, la secuencia vulcanosedimentaria que contiene los sulfuros masivos difiere claramente de las series recientes relacionadas con entornos de arco. Consideramos aquí que el entorno tectónico fue extensional y epicontinental y que tuvo lugar durante la convergencia de placas hercínica, que culminó en deformación “thin-skinned” y acreción del terreno constituído por la Zona Sudportuguesa al bloque continental paleozoico ibérico.

Received: 4 April 1996 / Accepted: 10 April 1997  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2007,11(3-4):328-339
Volcanic rocks from Serra Branca, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal, consist of calc-alkaline felsic and intermediate rocks. The latter are massive andesites, whereas the former include four dacitic to rhyolitic lithologies, distinguishable on spiderdiagrams and binary plots of immobile elements. Zircon thermometry indicates that two felsic suites may have formed from different magmas produced at distinct temperatures, with only limited fractionation within each suite. Alternatively, all the felsic rocks can be related through fractionation of a single magma if the lower zircon saturation temperature obtained for one suite merely results from Zr dilution, mostly reflecting silicification.The relatively high magma temperatures at Serra Branca ease the classification of felsic rocks based on their HFSE contents and also indicate volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit favorability. This contrasts with other areas of the Belt that register lower magma temperatures and are subsequently barren. However, magma temperatures may have not been high enough to cause complete melting of refractory phases in which HFSE reside during crustal fusion of an amphibolite protolith, implying difficult discrimination of tectonic environments for the felsic rocks. The intermediate rocks were possibly formed by mixing between basaltic magmas and crustal material, compatible with volcanism in an attenuated continental lithosphere setting.  相似文献   

The Aznalcóllar mining district is located on the eastern edge of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) containing complex geologic features that may help to understand the geology and metallogeny of the whole IPB. The district includes several ore deposits with total reserves of up to 130 Mt of massive sulphides. Average grades are approximately 3.6% Zn, 2% Pb, 0.4% Cu and 65?ppm Ag. Mined Cu-rich stockwork mineralizations consist of 30?Mt with an average grade of 0.6% Cu. Outcropping lithologies in the Aznalcóllar district include detrital and volcanic rocks of the three main stratigraphic units identified in the IPB: Phyllite-Quartzite Group (PQ), Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VSC) and Culm Group. Two sequences can be distinguished within the VSC. The Southern sequence (SS) is mainly detritic and includes unusual features, such as basaltic pillow-lavas and shallow-water limestone levels, the latter located in its uppermost part. In contrast, the Aznalcóllar-Los Frailes sequence (AFS) contains abundant volcanics, related to the two main felsic volcanic episodies in the IPB. These distinct stratigraphic features each show a different palaegeographic evolution during Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous. Massive sulphides occur in association with black shales overlying the first felsic volcanic package (VA1) Palynomorph data obtained from this black shale horizon indicate a Strunian age for massive sulphides, and consequently an Upper Devonian age for the VA1 cycle. Field and textural relationships of volcanics suggest an evolution from a subaerial pyroclastic environment (VA1) to hydroclastic subvolcanic conditions for the VA2. This evolution can be related to compartmentalizing and increasing depth of the sedimentary basin, which may also be inferred from changes in the associated sediments, including black shales and massive sulphides. Despite changes in the character of volcanism, the same dacitic to rhyolitic composition is found in both pyroclastic and subvolcanic igneous series. The main igneous process controlling chemical variation of volcanics is fractional crystallization of plagioclase (+accessories). This process took place in shallow, sub-surface reservoirs giving rise to a compositional range of rocks that covers the total variation range of felsic rocks in the IPB. The Hercynian orogeny produced a complex structural evolution with a major, ductile deformation phase (F1), and development of folds that evolved to thrusts by short flank lamination. These thrusts caused tectonic repetition of massive and stockwork orebodies. In Aznalcóllar, some of the stockwork mineralization overthrusts massive sulphides. These structures are cut by large brittle overthrusts and by late wrench faults. The original geometric features of massive sulphide deposits correspond to large blankets with very variable thicknesses (10 to 100?m), systematically associated with stockworks. Footwall rock alteration exhibits a zonation, with an inner chloritic zone and a peripheral sericitic zone. Silicification, sulphidization and carbonatization processes also occur. Hydrothermal alteration is considered a multi-stage process, geochemically characterized by Fe, Mg and Co enrichment and intense leaching of alkalies and Ca. REE, Zr, Y and Hf are also mobilized in the inner chloritic zones. Three ore types occur, both in stockworks and massive sulphides, named pyritic, polymetallic and Cu-pyritic. Of these, Cu-pyritic is more common in stockworks, whereas polymetallic is prevalent in massive sulphides. Zoning of sulphide masses roughly sketches a typical VHMS pattern, but many alternating polymetallic and barren pyritic zones are probably related to tectonics. Although the paragenesis is complex, several successive mineral associations can be distinguished, namely: framboidal pyritic, high-temperature pyritic (300?°C), colloform pyritic, polymetallic and a late, Cu-rich high-temperature association (350?°C). Fluid inclusion data suggest that hydrothermal fluids changed continuously in temperature and salinity, both in time and space. Highest Th and salinities correspond to inner stockworks zones and later fluids. Statistic population analysis of fluid inclusion data points to three stages of hydrothermal activity, at low (<200?°C), intermediate (200–300?°C) and high temperatures (300–400?°C). 34S values in massive sulphides are lower than in stockwork mineralization suggesting a moderate bacterial activity, favoured by the euxinoid environment prevailing during black shale deposition. The intimate relation between massive sulphides and black shales points to an origin of massive sulphides by precipitation and replacement within black shale sediments. These would have acted both as physical and chemical barriers during sulphide deposition. Hydrothermal activity started during black shale deposition, triggered by a rise in thermal gradient due to the ascent of basic magmas. We suggest a three-stage genetic model: (1) low temperature, diffuse fluid flow, producing pyrite-bearing lenses and disseminations interbedded with black shales; locally, channelized high-T fluid flow occurs; (2) hydrothermal cyclic activity at a low to intermediate temperature, producing most of the pyritic and polymetallic ores, and (3) a late high-temperature phase, yielding Cu-rich and Bi-bearing mineralization, mainly in the stockwork zone.  相似文献   

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