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Effects of land use changes on soil erosion in a fast developing area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land use changes extensively affect soil erosion, which is a great environmental concern. To evaluate the effect of land use change on soil erosion in fast economic developing areas, we studied land use changes of Guangdong, China, from 2002 to 2009 using remote sensing and estimated soil erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation. We calculated the areas and percentage of each land use type under different erosion intensity and analyzed soil erosion changes caused by transitions of land use types. In addition, the impact of land use change on soil erosion in different river catchments was studied. Our results show that forest and wasteland land conversions induce substantial soil erosion, while transition from wasteland to forest retards soil loss. This suggests that vegetation cover changes significantly influence soil erosion. Any conversion to wasteland causes soil erosion, whereas expansion of forests and orchards mitigates it. The most significant increase in soil erosion from 2002 to 2009 was found in the Beijiang catchment corresponding to the transition from forest/orchard to built-up and wasteland. Soil erosion in the Xijiang catchment accelerated in this period due to the enormous reduction in orchard land. In Hanjiang catchment, erosion was alleviated and vegetation coverage greatly expanded owing to considerable transitions from wasteland and cropland to orchards. Field investigations validated our estimations and proved the applicability of this method. Measures including protecting vegetation, strict control of mining as well as reasonable urban planning should be taken to prevent successive soil erosion.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the environmental issue that generates the greatest public concern regarding the mining industry. Thus, characterization of mine waste rock according to acid generation potential is necessary for mining operations to ensure proper waste rock storage and to avoid future adverse environmental effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to estimate the potential of AMD generation in the largest operating gold mine in Thailand by using acid base accounting and net acid generation tests. Representative samples of six types of waste rock classified by mining geologists for mineral processing and waste dumping were collected for this study: volcanic clastic, porphyritic andesite, andesite, silicified tuff, silicified lapilli tuff, and sheared tuff. Under various conditions, experimental results indicate that only silicified lapilli tuff and shear tuff are potentially acid-forming materials. The results indicate that AMD generation may possibly occur a long time after mine closure due to the lag time of the dissolution of acid-neutralizing sources. Acidic generation from some waste rocks may occur in the future based on environmental conditions, particularly the oxidation of sulphide minerals by the combination of oxygen and water. Therefore, a proper design for waste rock dumping and storage is necessary to reduce the risk of AMD generation in future. It is advisable to install a surface management system to control the overland flow direction away from the waste dump area and tailing storage facility and to install a second water storage pond next to the main storage pond to store the spilled water during storms and the rainy season. A water quality monitoring plan that focuses on disturbed areas such as water storage ponds and mine pits should be put in place.  相似文献   

矿山正常的生产经营活动势必形成一定的矿山地质环境问题。为全面贯彻生态文明思想,牢固树立“绿水青山就是金山银山”的理念,按照恢复生态、兼顾景观总体要求,因地制宜、多措并举,扎实开展废弃露天矿山地质环境修复。依据矿山地质环境保护与恢复的相关规范与要求,以汶川某废弃露天矿山为例,从矿山环境角度介绍了矿山地质环境的影响因素,开展矿山斜坡整体稳定性、采场边坡稳定性、弃渣堆稳定性及地形地貌景观破坏等地质环境影响评价,划分治理重点、次重点和一般3个基本的矿山地质环境保护与恢复防治区。结果表明: 矿山斜坡及弃渣堆现状基本稳定、采场边坡稳定性较差、地形地貌景观影响和破坏程度中等; 研究区矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理可划分为一般防治区和较严重防治区,其中一般防治区面积约554 m2(矿区无因采矿活动诱发的地质灾害,影响区内无居民居住,无威胁对象,矿区及周围地表水体未漏失,矿业活动对水土环境影响程度为影响程度小,未影响到矿区及周围生活供水)、较严重防治区面积186 m2(矿区与影响区地质灾害发生可能性小,地形地貌景观影响和破坏程度较严重)。针对评价结果提出的“坡面浮石清理+清除建筑垃圾、块石+植被重建”等修复建议,为同类型矿山绿色开采及地质环境保护措施提供了的重要技术参考依据。  相似文献   

高顶山矿区位于广安华蓥市城区东南约5km处。长期的采矿活动,导致区内矿山地质环境问题突出,严重影响华蓥山地区人民的生命财产安全。矿山地质环境问题亟待解决。本文通过分析区内主要存在的矿山地质环境问题,提出通过矿山地质灾害、矿山土地恢复、矿山地形地貌景观恢复治理,河道综合整治、道路修复、生态保育、产业提升等措施;消除安全隐患,保障区内人民生命财产安全;改善生态环境,实现华蓥山地区生态环境全面恢复,生态环境质量提升,提高环境承载力,实现区内"山青、水秀、林美、田良"的目标。并对区内的产业转型升级进行了探讨,提出将高顶山矿区建设成具有科普和教育价值的旅游景观目的地;利用矿区独具特色工业人文景观和别致的自然景观,将高顶山矿区建设成集"科普、休闲、康养、户外、探秘"五大功能于一体的矿山公园,推动矿业经济转型升级,促进产业结构转型和经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

地下采空区及其引发的地面沉降对人民生命、财产安全带来严重隐患,对生态环境危害极大,需要对其进行危险性评估和预测,并为矿山地质环境综合治理提供科学依据。通过遥感解译、水下测量、水工环调查、物探、钻探等手段对宿州市朱仙庄采煤沉陷区开展综合地质勘察,查明朱仙庄采煤沉陷区的地质灾害类型、分布与规模、沉陷现状及影响范围,为沉陷区地质灾害防治及综合治理、土地规划利用提供了依据。综合方法用于采煤沉陷区勘察效果好,可为今后开展类似工作提供参考。  相似文献   

矿山水土环境污染是采矿活动引发的主要环境地质问题之一。我国矿山数量众多,水土污染比较普遍,尤以金属矿山最为严重,矿山水土污染防治是今后开展国土空间生态保护修复的重要内容。基于全国矿山地质环境摸底调查成果资料,对矿业活动不同阶段的水土污染风险以及不同矿山的水土污染类型、特征和污染物迁移演化规律等进行了研究。分析指出:矿业活动过程包括勘探、建矿、开采、洗选、冶炼等多个阶段,而水土污染风险贯穿于矿业活动全过程,不同阶段的污染风险不同;矿产资源开发造成的水土污染物类型、特征因开采的矿产类型不同而不同,呈现出特征污染物与矿体母岩的高度相关性;矿山及其周边污染物的迁移作用受污染物自身的物理化学性质和外界环境条件的影响,在矿山长期持续开采条件下矿山水土污染物存在累积效应,而矿产资源集中开采区的污染物扩散表现出叠加效应。通过对某典型水土环境污染案例的分析研究,初步证实了上述推断。根据我国矿山水土环境污染多发性和复杂性的特点,建议今后开展矿山水土污染防治工作应区分不同类型矿山、不同地质环境条件、不同污染物特征、不同污染程度,采取分类施策、系统修复、标本兼治的对策,以实现矿山环境明显改善。  相似文献   

重建植被在能量交换与生态循环中发挥着重要作用,其动态变化可表征煤矿区生态系统受扰动和修复的广泛细节。从植被的不同扰动状态(未扰动状态、采煤扰动状态、复垦恢复状态和修复后状态)出发,分析了煤矿区重建植被演替的6种情景:高效恢复至成熟型、低效恢复至成熟型、高效恢复而后退化型、高效恢复发展型、低效恢复发展型与无效恢复型。通过模拟重建植被发展的阶段性特征,将煤矿区土地复垦全生命周期划分为:未复垦期、土地复垦发展期(复垦初期、快速发展期和稳定发展期)和成熟期。再对不同恢复阶段的重建植被分别设置判断标准,提出煤矿区土地复垦关键保护区域的识别思路,据此确立煤矿区土地复垦管控的4种修正模式:生态保育、生态管护、生态修复、生态重建。并以黄土高原山西平朔大型露天煤矿区为研究区开展应用分析,在学习掌握重建植被发展规律基础上,通过判断土地复垦模式与矿区生态系统演变机理的适应性水平,具体落实平朔露天煤矿复垦排土场集群区生态保育、生态管护、生态修复和生态重建等4大修正模式的具体管控措施。本研究归纳了露天煤矿区重建植被动态发展的演替规律,并据此提出加强土地复垦管控的修正模式,可为国家绿色矿山建设提供方法论基础。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a combined soil and vegetation survey in Ro?ia Montan? mining area (western Romania), famous for its gold and silver deposits, extensively exploited over the last 2,000 years. As the ore extraction has ceased in 2006 and new operations could be initiated in the future, the study contributes to the definition of the environmental baseline. Samples of topsoil and leaves of the tree species Betula pendula and Carpinus betulus have been collected from the inside and outside of the mining area, on a total surface of more than 60 km2. The pH and heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) have been measured on 262 soils/sediments samples, revealing the predominantly acidic character of soils and the generally low contents of heavy metals. Stronger acidity and higher contents of heavy metals have been noticed in the proximity of the mining site, on the tailings and waste rock dumps, and along the streams with acid water. More than 100 leaf samples have been analysed for the same heavy metals as soils and also for chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment concentrations. B. pendula has shown a particular ability to concentrate Zn in leaves, at levels that may greatly exceed the Zn content in the corresponding soil samples. The correlation between the heavy metal contents in leaves and in soils, in most of the cases, is not very strong, presumably in relation to the low concentrations in soils. The chlorophyll concentration in leaves of B. pendula slightly diminishes on soils with low pH.  相似文献   

高原高寒冻土区生态治理是世界性难题,在生态治理的同时进行煤炭资源保护更少先例可言。按照系统工程思路,以生态环境保护为宗旨,并兼顾残存煤炭资源的保护,在青海省木里地区生态治理过程中取得成果认识如下:研究了木里矿区自然气候特征控制下的生态易破坏且难于修复性;总结了土壤层状结构控制下的水土流失和植被水分补给特征;认为生态地质层缺失和破坏是致使生态破坏的关键症结。为此,借鉴前人成果,研发了煤层顶板及其上覆岩层生态地质层修复技术,建立了生态地质层损伤判识方法,分析了生态地质层修复与再造对煤炭保护及生态修复的意义。  相似文献   

为了基本查明冀东地区矿产资源开发过程中占损土地、恢复治理和矿山环境现状及变化趋势,利用国产高分遥感卫星数据作为主要数据源,辅以野外调查和走访,对该区矿产资源开发和矿山环境问题进行了调查与研究。在广泛收集基础地质资料和遥感资料基础上,结合野外验证建立了该区矿山开发占地的解译标志; 利用ArcGIS平台对矿山占损土地进行了统计与变化分析; 对区内采矿引起的植被破坏、水体污染和采空沉陷等系列矿山环境问题进行了调查与研究。结果表明: ①区内2016年度矿山占损土地总面积为49 755.47 hm2,占研究区总面积的2.26%,且有逐年扩大趋势; ②相较开发占损土地状况,区内矿山环境恢复治理程度低,治理进程滞后,2016年治理率仅为4.7%; ③区内206个金属矿开采点距离重要水源较近,对水体安全构成威胁; ④采矿引起的采空沉陷面积较大,影响周边村庄和生态环境稳定性,直接影响区域总面积达24 351 hm2; ⑤国产高分遥感卫星数据具有空间分辨率高、快速、经济等特点,在矿山开发占地和矿山环境调查研究中可发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

大柳塔煤矿采煤塌陷对土地沙漠化进程的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
陕西神木大柳塔县地区煤炭资源的开发不可避免会产生地面塌陷、地裂缝、地下水位下降等矿山环境地质问题,地面塌陷是否会加剧土地沙漠化成为研究的热点问题。调查表明20年间整个研究区和其中的主要矿区土地沙漠化呈现出重度沙漠化土地逐年减少、轻度及非沙漠化土地面积逐年增大的一致演化趋势,采煤塌陷区土地沙漠化没有出现加剧的现象。通过4处采煤塌陷区及2处煤矿未开采区土壤垂向剖面研究,地表植被类型及覆盖度、植被根系垂向分布、土壤粒度、含水率、地下水位之间等关系表明,采煤塌陷对土地沙漠化进程没有明显的影响。年均415mm的降雨量基本满足采煤塌陷区沙生植被正常生长所需水份,其结论为该地区大规模煤炭资源开发土地沙漠化防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Can, a county in the province of Canakkale, is one of the most prominent coal mining districts in Turkey. Many mining companies have been operating coal deposits for power generation and district heating in this region since 1980. Generally, small and medium-scale mining companies operate for short periods and abandon the operational land without providing any rehabilitation. Human intervention in the natural structure and topography of the earth surface causes large holes and deterioration in these areas. Artificial lakes occur because of surface discharge and underground leakage into abandoned open pit mines with high lignite sulfur content (0.21–14.36 wt %). Furthermore, these lakes gain acidic character due to acid generation from pyrite oxidation. Acid mine lakes are highly acidic (pH < 3.05) and have elevated concentrations of \({\text{SO}}_{4}^{2 - }\) , Fe and some metals. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the environmental conditions and demonstrate the development of a monitoring system for their possible changes in the acid mine lakes of the open cast lignite mining area on a regional scale. For this purpose, the data received from remote sensing satellites were used. Areal change detection and perimeter changes of nine acid mine lakes caused by coal mining companies in Can from 1977 to 2011, were determined using Landsat, Quickbird and Worldview satellite images. As a case study, an area of 9 km2 was chosen for the variety of acid mine lakes. Using GIS software, satellite images were analyzed in time series, borders of acid mine lakes were digitized and converted into vector data format. At this stage, prior to the digitization, in order to create contrast on the satellite images, “stretch type” and “stretch values” were changed. The areal and perimeter changes were computed and presented via tables and graphics. In addition, thematic maps of the acid mine lakes were created and visualized. The results show that the number of acid mine lakes increased and these caused environmental risks due to their hydrochemical properties and areal increments.  相似文献   

生态自然修复为国家生态修复政策的重要方向;采取有限人工措施实现煤矿区生态的自然恢复促进,符合“双碳”目标背景下的工程实际需求也更具市场应用前景。针对煤矿区3种主要受损土地类型,系统梳理生态自然修复方向的研究成果,研究分析人工促进自然修复的理念内涵,并结合煤矿区受损生态生境特征,探讨煤矿区人工促进生态自然修复的分区分类治理模式及主要技术方向。研究表明,分区分类实施人工促进措施是低扰动、高效率实现煤矿区生态自然恢复的主要策略;具体实施中可在煤矿区生态自然修复潜力评估基础上,构建基于大部免于干扰、关键局部处理原则的人工促进生态自然修复3类区域治理体系,综合选用原有植被保护与促进更新、易扩繁乡土植被建植、微区域土壤重构改良、微地形地貌塑造等技术方法,来充分挖掘煤矿区的生态自然修复潜力,并应在矿区微地形与植被恢复关系、人工促进措施实施区域选择等方面加强研究,以进一步有效提升生态治理效率、降低工程成本。本研究可为经济、高效和稳定地实现煤矿区生态治理目标提供基础理论及技术策略支撑。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(3):371-381
The Nambija Mineral District (NMD) is located in the southeastern part of Ecuador, east of Zamora (Zamora Chinchípe's country), Ecuadorian Amazon. In this district, Au occurrences have been know since colonial and pre-colonial times, but only after the early 1980s has intensive artisanal Au mining activity been developed. Currently, the different NMD Au occurrences continue to be exploited by artisanal operations and are difficult to control in the study area. The environmental impacts due to Au mining are a consequence of the illegal situation and deficiency in controlling the techniques of ore exploitation. The Au extraction is carried out by outdoor amalgamation, so the indiscriminate use of Hg by artisanal miners, associated with careless methods of tailings disposal, has caused occupational exposure and environmental degradation. The present study evaluated the geochemical dispersion and concentrations of local contamination of metallic Hg in soils, stream sediments and mine tailings in the NMD area. This article aims to contribute to the discussion of environmental changes caused by the artisanal Au mining in the Nambija district. A total of 82 samples (32 soil, 40 stream sediment and 10 mine tailings) were analyzed. The results were compared with the Hg levels in soil and stream sediments considered not to be contaminated in the Nambija mining area and in other areas where Hg is mined in the Amazon basin. In this work, mean total Hg (T-Hg) concentrations of 1.7 μg g−1 in soils and 2.7 μg g−1 in stream sediments have been found. Mercury values in the mine tailing samples revealed values ranging from 89 to 1555 μg g−1. The results found for Hg in the different analyzed materials pointed to contamination of the studied area by this metal, while soil erosion is responsible for an increase in stream sediment's T-Hg concentrations in the different aquatic ecosystems of the Nambija Creek and Nambija River.  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的广西矿山地质环境综合评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以广西陆域作为研究区,利用遥感技术开展矿山地质环境遥感调查与监测工作,获取矿产资源开发状况、矿业活动占地情况、矿山地质灾害、矿山环境污染、矿山生态环境恢复治理情况等客观数据,综合自然地理、基础地质等相关资料,选择14个评价因子,采用网格法进行矿山地质环境综合评价,划分矿山地质环境严重影响区、较严重影响区、一般影响区、无影响区,为政府部门整治矿山地质环境、制定相关政策法规等提供技术支撑及决策依据。  相似文献   

Chen  Weichi  Li  Wenping  Yang  Zhi  Wang  Qiqing 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(4):1629-1645

The impact of high-intensity coal mining on water resources has drastically affected the local environment in the Yushenfu mining area, Northwest China. Many studies have ascertained that coal mining has caused reduction of the phreatic water level and vegetation death, which has deteriorated the fragile arid and semiarid ecosystems. However, at Jinjitan coal mine, it has been observed that the phreatic water level rose due to coal mining, which has been beneficial for the local ecology, especially the vegetation. In this study, the variation of the phreatic water table and its ecological effects were investigated by in-situ tests and remote sensing. The results suggest that the recovery of the permeability of the loess aquitard controls the vertical leakage of phreatic water, whereas horizontal recharge is controlled by land subsidence. An ecological impact evaluation, using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), demonstrates that the vegetation is being gradually improved. Compared to a small improvement of ~9.7% in the unexploited area, a?~23.3% improvement occurred in the exploited area where low-density shrubs transformed to high-density shrubs and herbs. Emergence of phreatic water at the land surface in low-lying areas of the working faces may induce the formation of an oasis and wetland system in arid and semiarid areas. These findings could change the conventional negative impression around mining and improve ecological restoration practices.


Much wildlife habitat is being destroyed by extractive resource industries in mountain environments. This article illustrates how mountain wildlife habitat was restored in a devastated area. A strip mine for coal on the east slopes of the Alberta Rockies, occupied during its operations by Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis, Shaw 1803), was reclaimed as bighorn habitat. By considering the behaviour and habitat requirements of bighorns in conjunction with an operating coal mine and reclamation process, a large coal mining company has been able to reconstruct the mine site restoration to benefit mountain sheep. Although bighorn habitat requirements are well known, it was not until the animal and its requirements were studied against the backdrop of an operating coal mine that obvious recommendations regarding the maintenance and placement of high steep excavated rock faces were made and accepted by the government regulatory agencies. An open pit mine is a devastated landscape; trees, soil and overburden are removed to retrieve coal that may be up to 215 m underground. Overburden and soil are returned, but the disturbance compares to the barren landscapes left behind by glaciers. Contouring of the land, grading of overburden and soil, seeding with grass and legume mixtures and extensive fertilization are designed to speed plant colonization and soil development. By examining the bighorn's biological needs with respect to specific mining operations, a unique opportunity arose to employ McHarg's design with nature concept. This approach incorporates environmental and societal values into every aspect of development, and promotes the evaluation of the constraints and opportunities arising. The sheep numbered about 200. Their seasonal movements were similar to those found on native ranges. They used the reclaimed areas as winter range and for the mineral licks exposed during mining; in summer, the sheep moved to nearby alpine areas. Two thirds of all sightings were confined to 1.3 km2 of reclaimed grassland; its average productivity (4190 kg/ha) exceeded native ranges (1700 kg/ha). The body mass of female sheep in autumn equalled that of the largest in Alberta, but the skull dimensions were not larger than those of adjacent ranges. Infestation with lungworms was moderate. Lamb production and survival were high. Design criteria should be: feeding areas should be dry and lie within 300 m of escape terrain, which should have a slope of 40% and contain at least three benches. Rock piles should be placed on grazing areas. Mineral licks, a vital welfare factor, already existed within the high walls created by strip mining.  相似文献   

Private docks are common in estuaries worldwide. Docks in Massachusetts (northeast USA) cumulatively overlie ~ 6 ha of salt marsh. Although regulations are designed to minimize dock impacts to salt marsh vegetation, few data exist to support the efficacy of these policies. To quantify impacts associated with different dock designs, we compared vegetation characteristics and light levels under docks with different heights, widths, orientations, decking types and spacing, pile spacing, and ages relative to adjacent control areas across the Massachusetts coastline (n = 212). We then evaluated proportional changes in stem density and biomass of the dominant vegetation (Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens) in relation to dock and environmental (marsh zone and nitrogen loading) characteristics. Relative to adjacent, undeveloped habitat, Spartina spp. under docks had ~ 40% stem density, 60% stem biomass, greater stem height and nitrogen content, and a higher proportion of S. alterniflora. Light availability was greater under taller docks and docks set at a north-south orientation but did not differ between decking types. Dock height best predicted vegetation loss, but orientation, pile spacing, decking type, age, and marsh zone also affected marsh production. We combined our proportional biomass and stem elemental composition estimates to calculate a statewide annual loss of ~ 2200 kg dry weight of Spartina biomass (367 kg per ha of dock coverage). Managers can reduce impacts through design modifications that maximize dock height (> 150 cm) and pile spacing while maintaining a north-south orientation, but dock proliferation must also be addressed to limit cumulative impacts.  相似文献   

The increased rate of annual temperature in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau exceeded all other areas of the same latitude in recent decades. The influence of the warming climate on the alpine ecosystem of the plateau was distinct. An analysis of alpine vegetation under changes in climatic conditions was conducted in this study. This was done through an examination of vegetation greenness and its relationship with climate variability using the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer satellite imagery and climate datasets. Vegetation in the plateau experienced a positive trend in greenness, with 18.0 % of the vegetated areas exhibiting significantly positive trends, which were primarily located in the eastern and southwestern parts of the plateau. In grasslands, 25.8 % of meadows and 14.1 % of steppes exhibited significant upward trends. In contrast, the broadleaf forests experienced a trend of degradation. Temperature, particularly summer temperature, was the primary factor promoting the vegetation growth in the plateau. The wetter and warmer climate in the east contributed to the favorable conditions for vegetation. The alpine meadow was mostly sensitive to temperature, while the steppes were sensitive to both temperature and precipitation. Although a warming climate was expected to be beneficial to vegetation growth in the alpine region, the rising temperature coupled with reduced precipitation in the south did not favor vegetation growth due to low humidity and poor soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

在对吉林省洮南市闹牛山铜矿进行地质勘查工作的同时,开展了矿区水文地质、工程地质、环境地质工作。查明矿区水文地质条件及矿床充水因素,预测矿坑涌水量;评价井巷围岩的岩体质量和稳固性;预测矿床开发可能引起的主要环境地质问题,并提出防治的建议。本文根据工作实际,分析吉林省洮南市闹牛山铜矿矿床开采技术条件。  相似文献   

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