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The Sr and C isotopic compositions of Precambrian carbonate rocks are determined for Amderma Rise, in the northeastern margin of Pai-Khoi Ridge. Based on the Sr isotopic chemostratigraphy, it is established for the first time that the Amderma Formation is referred to the Early Vendian, while the Morozovsk Formation is Late Riphean in age. This conclusion along with detailed mapping proves that the Precambrian “section” of the Amderma Rise is a series of tectonic plates combined in a nonchronostratigraphic order. Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Morozovsk and Sokolninsk formations make up the allochthon proper, while carbonate rocks of the Amderma Formation make up the para-autochthon. The high values of δ13С (up to +9.5‰) identified in limestones of both formations suggest a considerable distance of the Pai-Khoi paleobasin from the passive margin of the Baltic Region upon facies similarity to the Laurentia active margins.  相似文献   

We propose a detailed δ13C curve for the Vendian and Lower Cambrian (Tommotian) strata of the central Siberian Platform. Two positive carbon isotope excursions identified near the base of the Yuryakh Formation (up to 5.5) and in the lower Bilir Formation (up to 5‰) are assigned to the lowermost and middle Tommotian, respectively. This correlation is supported by paleontological data, specific 87Sr/86Sr values (0.70845-0.70856), and similar C isotope record in coeval Early Cambrian basins. The documented minor vertical oscillations (a few meters) of these isotope excursions relative to the formation boundaries in remote boreholes is presumably caused by the spatiotemporal migration of facies. A high-amplitude negative δ13C excursion (-8 to -11) in the upper Nepa Regional Stage putatively corresponds to the global Shuram-Wonoka negative carbon isotope excursion (Middle Ediacaran). Carbonates of the lower Nepa Regional Stage (Besyuryakh Formation) demonstrate positive δ13C values (up to 5) and minimum 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70796-0.70832. The C and Sr isotope record of the Nepa Regional Stage provides its robust correlation with the Dal’nyaya Taiga and Zhuya Groups of the Patom Foredeep. Micropaleontological data herein reported and glacial diamictites documented at the base of the Vendian sedimentary cover both in the central Patom Foredeep and on its periphery suggest a full stratigraphic volume of the Ediacaran System in the most stratigraphically complete sections of the central Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

This study uses Sr isotope chemostratigraphy to place constraints on the depositional age of carbonate rocks from the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent. The age of carbonate rocks of the Irkut Formation (87Sr/86Sr initial ratio equal to 0.70480–0.70485) is determined to be older than 1250 Ma, whereas carbonates of the Zabit (0.70706–0.70727 and 0.70828–0.70848) and Agarin Gol (0.70725–0.70743) formations were deposited in the interval 630–560 Ma.  相似文献   

In Upper Jurassic carbonate turbidites of the Betic mountains (southern Spain), chert occurs in three morphologies: bedded chert, nodular chert and mottled chert. The last refers to a weak dispersed and selective silification which gives a speckled appearance to the rock. The three types of chert are formed by replacement of limestones and are associated with different calcareous facies. Turbidite packstones of Saccocoma and peloids, and turbidite lime mudstones of pelagic material contain bedded and nodular cherts. The silicification textures are mainly micro- and cryptocrystalline quartz, with local chalcedonic quartz (both length-fast and length-slow) which is more common in the packstones. Only mottled chert is produced where calcareous breccia beds are silicified. Mottled chert consists of micro- and cryptocrystalline quartz, length-slow chalcedonic quartz and mosaics or individual crystals of euhedral megaquartz. Beds and nodules are the result of early diagenetic silicification, with silica derived from the calcitization and dissolution of radiolarians and, subordinately, sponge spicules, whereas mottled chert is the consequence of later silicification in a probably Mg-rich environment. Early silicification is mainly confined to turbidite beds and only rarely occurs in the interbedded pelagic limestones. Turbidite sedimentation favours silicification because rapid burial of the transported siliceous tests prevents silica from the dissolution of tests passing into overlying sea water. A silica-rich interstitial fluid develops in the turbidite layer and this migrates to more permeable zones giving rise to bedded and nodular chert.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic carbonates represent important potential targeted reservoirs for geothermal energy in the Geneva Basin (Switzerland and France). Horizons affected by dolomitization, the focus of the present study, are of particular interest because they proved to be productive in time-equivalent deposits currently exploited in Southern Germany. The study is based on sub-surface samples and outcrops in the Geneva Basin. Petrographic analyses allowed to constrain the paragenesis of the Upper Jurassic units prior to discussing the cause(s) and effect(s) of dolomitization. Data reveal that the facies are affected by early and late diagenesis. All samples show at least two stages of burial blocky calcite cementation with the exception of those from the sub-surface, which display an incomplete burial blocky cementation preserving primary intercrystalline porosity. Dolomitization affected all units. The results point to an early dolomitization event, under the form of replacement dolomite. Dedolomitization, through calcitization and/or dissolution, is an important process, creating secondary pore space. Results of the present study favor a reflux model for dolomitization rather than the mixing-zone model suggested in earlier work. However, considering the geodynamic context, other dolomitization models cannot be excluded for the subsurface. The presence of secondary pore space might contribute to the connectivity of the porous network providing enhanced reservoir properties. These results are a first step towards a better understanding of the diagenetic history of the Upper Jurassic in the Geneva Basin. Moreover, it provides a reasonable framework for further geochemical analyses to constrain the nature and timing of fluid migration. The paragenesis and the dolomitization model hold the potential to help in ongoing exploration for geothermal energy beyond the Geneva Basin.  相似文献   

The position of the Chenka Sequence in the section, original data on its clay minerals, facies and structural parageneses with consideration of volcanic and climatic events, as well as the available published information provide grounds for accepting it as Pliensbachian-Toarcian in age. It is shown that the Chenka sandstones are a facies or group of facies deposited in deltaic-plain or delta-front environments and that it cannot be ranked as an autonomous formation or other stratigraphic unit.  相似文献   

对青藏高原北部地区新生代陆相地层中湖相碳酸盐岩进行了系统采样分析,以碳氧同位素作为古环境和古气候变化的替代指标,试图从古湖泊演化的角度,阐明高原新生代早期环境演变历史和过程。研究结果表明,该区所有分析样品中生物碎屑灰岩类样品的δ18O和δ13C显示最低值,反映它们沉积在一个水体滞留时间短的开放性淡水湖泊系统中。泥晶灰岩类样品的δ18O和δ13C之间具有正相关关系,表明它们发育在蒸发作用明显的封闭性咸水湖泊体系中,而叠层石灰岩类明显富集13C可能与微生物活动有关。从始新世到渐新世至中新世,湖相碳酸盐岩δ18O值具有逐渐增大的趋势,δ13C则由古近纪的负值变为新近纪的正值,反映该区古湖泊系统经历了一个由开放到封闭的过程,预示古近纪到新近纪之交高原古气候格局发生了重大变革。  相似文献   

The paper presents results of the lithological study of Upper Jurassic limestones, flyschoids and limestone breccias on the southern side of the Baidar Valley in the Crimean Mountains. Study of the microfacies revealed that the limestones are represented by deposits on lagoons, platform edge shoals, reefs, and forereef aprons on the carbonate platform slope. Flyschoids include deposits in the distributive turbidite channels and hemipelagic sediments in the deep-water part of the basin. Limestone breccias were formed by gravitation flows on the carbonate platform toe-of-slope and slope. The presence of gravitation deposits in the Upper Jurassic carbonate complexes of the Crimean Mountains can testify to the primary clinoform structure of this sedimentary sequence. Comparison of the obtained sedimentological data made it possible to reconstruct the facies model of the Crimean carbonate platform and main episodes of its formation. Development of the carbonate shelf was related to two transgressive-regressive cycles. A dome-shaped reef was formed away from the coast at the initial (Oxfordian) stage. The carbonate platform was formed at the early Kimmeridgian lowstand stage when sediments were deposited in the internal part of the platform adjacent to land. In the late Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian, configuration of the carbonate platform profile resembled a distally steepened ramp, and its active progradation and shelf expansion took place in the course of transgression. Regression in the late Tithonian–early Berriasian led to regressive transformation of the ramp into platform with a flattened shallow-water shelf. Tectonic deformations at the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition promoted the formation of megabreccias on the carbonate platform foreslope. The tectonically reworked rock sequence of the “extinct” carbonate platform was overlapped transgressively by the upper Berriasian or lower Valanginian, relatively deep-water deposits of the Cretaceous platform cover.  相似文献   

Conglomerates and sandstones related to Upper Jurassic division of Mesozoic rocks make up the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains. Grain size and structural features testify to active hydrodynamic regime of depositional environments. Conglomerates contain a small quantity of exotic granite-granodiorite pebbles and boulders probably transported from the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield situated 400 km north of the Crimean Peninsula. Paleohydrodynamic parameters and transportation mechanisms of debris were modeled with the help of different methods used in geoengineering computations. The results obtained demonstrated satisfactory convergence of the data. The calculations showed that the rocks under investigation were formed during a short (from geological standpoint) but very intense episode of sedimentation related to active tectonic processes that were responsible for the activation of hydrodynamic and sedimentation processes in the paleobasin.  相似文献   

As a result of a microfacies analysis of the section of Middle-Upper Tithonian Limestones of the Demerdzhi Plateau (Mountainous Crimea), 12 microfacies types of rocks were distinguished. It has been established that these microfacies types formed in the facies zones of an inner carbonate platform: the littoral, restricted and open marine and sand shoals of the margins of a carbonate platform. The sequence of the microfacies types in the vertical section corresponds to a transgressive trend with minor sea-level fluctuations of the second order. In addition, the communities of microencrusters, which played an active role in sediment stabilization and formation of small bioherms, have been studied. These communities are considered to be evidence of the shallowness of the paleobasin  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Yu 1 1 and Yu 1 2 productive beds of one deposit from the Yetypur arch are characterized. The summarized scheme of sedimentation conditions before the Late Jurassic is constructed as a result of study of the drill core and geophysical log data. The northern, southern, and central parts of the deposit are occupied by a delta complex, beach sediments, and lagoon, overwater bar, and spit sediments, respectively. The scheme explains the dependence of the permeability on the open and effective porosity and the anomalously high oil debits of some wells.  相似文献   

The carbonate succession in the Lyalintsi section of the western Moesian Platform (western Bulgaria) displays a shallowing-upward trend. Growth of the Tithonian–Valanginian coral biostromes and low-relief bioherms was preceded by Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian sedimentation of fine-grained peloidal-bioclastic limestones and Saccocoma-bearing limestones on the homoclinal ramp and the carbonate platform slope. In the late Kimmeridgian, boundstones with very rare corals, but with easily recognisable biohermal morphology, were developed. The main components of this reef are encrusting microorganisms, microbial crusts and synsedimentary cements. Microencrusters Labes atramentosa, Crescentiella morronensis, Perturbatacrusta leini and Radiomura cautica, as well as thin crusts of calcified sponges (sclerosponges), are the main biotic components. Corals (almost exclusively microsolenids) are sparse, whereas photophilic microencrusters (e.g., “Lithocodium–Bacinella”), are absent, although they are common in the overlying shallow-water part of the Lyalintsi sequence. Microbialites and synsedimentary cements provided additional support for the reef framework. The framework, especially the biotic components, and the reefal facies position within the sedimentary succession, implies that the high-energy upper slope of the carbonate platform was the depositional setting of the microencruster-microbial-cement reef studied. Encrusting microorganisms, except for C. morronensis and sponges, are only known from the intra-Tethyan platforms. This study supports conclusion of studies of coeval Alpine reefs that the presence of the microencruster-microbial-cement framework provides insight into the palaeobathymetry, palaeogeography and tectonic configuration of the intra-Tethyan carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Abstract Widespread ultra-high-P assemblages including coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite, and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite in marble, gneiss and phengite schist are present in the Dabie Mountains eclogite terrane. These assemblages indicate that the ultra-high-P metamorphic event occurred on a regional scale during Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. Marble in the Dabie Mountains is interlayered with coesite-bearing eclogite and gneiss and as blocks of various size within gneiss. Discontinuous boudins of eclogite occur within marble layers. Marble contains an ultra-high-P assemblage of calcite/aragonite, dolomite, clinopyroxene, garnet, phengite, epidote, rutile and quartz/coesite. Coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite occur as fine-grained inclusions in garnet and omphacite. Phengites contain about 3.6 Si atoms per formula unit (based on 11 oxygens). Similar to the coesite-bearing eclogite, marble exhibits retrograde recrystallization under amphibolite–greenschist facies conditions generated during uplift of the ultra-high-P metamorphic terrane. Retrograde minerals are fine grained and replace coarse-grained peak metamorphic phases. The most typical replacements are: symplectic pargasitic hornblende + epidote after garnet, diopside + plagioclase (An18) after omphacite, and fibrous phlogopite after phengite. Ferroan pargasite + plagioclase, and actinolite formed along grain boundaries between garnet and calcite, and calcite and quartz, respectively. The estimated peak P–T conditions for marble are comparable to those for eclogite: garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometry yields temperatures of 630–760°C; the garnet–phengite thermometer gives somewhat lower temperatures. The minimum pressure of peak metamorphism is 27 kbar based on the occurrence of coesite. Such estimates of ultra-high-P conditions are consistent with the coexistence of grossular-rich garnet + rutile, and the high jadeite content of omphacite in marble. The fluid for the peak metamorphism was calculated to have a very low XCO2 (<0.03). The P–T conditions for retrograde metamorphism were estimated to be 475–550°C at <7 kbar.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地东缘布曲组碳酸盐岩的成岩作用类型主要有泥晶化作用、胶结作用、压实压溶作用、破裂作用、溶解作用等,其中以破裂作用、溶解作用和泥晶化作用最为发育。根据成岩组构可将碳酸盐岩的成岩环境分为海水、大气淡水和埋藏三种成岩环境。初步总结了布曲组剖面上成岩作用与沉积环境和海平面变化的关系。沉积旋回的下部以选择性的内溶孔和海底泥晶化作用为主要特征,中上部以发育压实、压溶的埋藏成岩作用为主。海平面到达最高点以后快速下降,以发育晚期的大汽淡水溶蚀作用为主要特征。初步总结了海进环境下成岩作用演化序列;探讨了羌塘盆地东缘的布曲组在油气普查与方面的重要意义。  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of C, O, and Sr in carbonates, as well as Rb-Sr systems in the silicate material from Upper Precambrian and Lower Cambrian rocks exposed by the Chapa River in the northern Yenisei Ridge, are studied. The Late Precambrian part of the section includes the following formations (from the bottom to top): Lopatinskaya (hereafter, Lopatino), Vandadykskaya (hereafter, Vandadyk) or Kar’ernaya, Chivida, Suvorovskaya (hereafter, Suvorovo), Pod”emskaya (hereafter, Podyom), and Nemchanka. They are characterized by alternation of horizons with anomalously high and low δ13C values (such alternation is typical of the ∼700–550 Ma interval). The lower, relatively thin (20 m), positive excursion (δ13C up to 4.3‰) was established in dolomites from the lower subformation of the Vandadyk (Kar’ernaya) Formation (hereafter, lower Vandadyk subformation). The upper positive excursion (δ13C = 2.2 ± 0.6‰) was recorded in the 3-km-thick Nemchanka Formation enriched in terrigenous rocks. The lower negative excursion stands out as uniform, moderately low δ13C values (−2 ± 1‰) and significant thickness. It comprises the upper part of the Vandadyk Formation, as well as Chivida and Podyom formations. The upper negative excursion is related to a thin (∼20 m) marker carbonate horizon of the upper Nemchanka subformation, in which δ13C values fall down to −8.3‰. The lower part of the Lebyazhinskaya (hereafter, Lebyazhino) Formation, which overlies the Nemchanka Formation, shows a step-by-step increase in δ13C from −2.2 to 2.5‰ typical of the Vendianto-Cambrian (Nemakit-Daldyn Horizon/Stage) transitional sequences. The absence of relationships between the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions and other parameters of postsedimentary alterations suggests that the excursions characterized above could form at the sedimentation stage and coincide in general with δ13C fluctuations in seawater. The value of 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7076−0.7078 in limestones of the Podyom Formation points to their early Ediacaran age. Values of 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70841 and 0.70845 in dolomites of the lower Lebyazhino subformation correspond to the Early Cambrian. The Rb-Sr systems of the clay material from the Vandadyk and Chivida formations are approximated by a straight line, parameters of which correspond to the age of 695 ± 20 Ma (87Sr/86Sr0 = 0.7200 ± 0.0013) and probably characterize the epigenetic stage of older sedimentary rocks, which were subjected to very rapid exhumation and “polar” sulfuric acid weathering in the course of glacioeustatic regression.  相似文献   

马晓宁 《江苏地质》2023,47(4):428-437
Mg是中等挥发和流体活动性元素,也是生物所必需的元素,几乎参与了地球上所有的地球化学过程,包括物理、化学和生物循环。近20年来,随着多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)高精度测定Mg同位素技术的快速发展,Mg同位素在碳酸盐岩研究中显示出非常广阔的应用前景,其中低Mg碳酸盐岩的研究对了解大陆地壳的化学演化具有非常重要的作用。然而,由于现有高Ca低Mg碳酸盐岩的分析方法并不能很好地将Ca完全去除,因此利用低Mg碳酸盐岩的Mg同位素特征进行地质研究仍然存在很大的局限性。通过对已有碳酸盐岩的Mg同位素分析方法进行归纳总结,认为可采取下列措施提高低Mg碳酸盐岩样品的Mg同位素分析精度,即上柱前完全溶解样品;化学分离过程中确保Mg与其他基质元素完全分离;淋洗基质过程中采用HF与HNO3混合酸进行淋洗,同时提高Mg的进样量;采用新鲜的测试样品和标准溶液进行测试等。上述措施可为该分析方法的改进及其在碳酸盐岩类Mg同位素研究中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

New data on Sr-and C-isotopic systematics of carbonate rocks from the Upper Riphean stratotype (Karatau Group of the southern Urals) are obtained for several southwestern sections of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium, which have not been studied before. The results obtained supplement the Sr-and C-isotopic information for the group upper horizons thus detailing chemostratigraphic characterization of the entire succession. Limestone and dolostone samples used to analyze the Sr isotope composition satisfy strict geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity and have been subjected to preliminary treatment in ammonium acetate to remove secondary carbonate phases. Data on 255 samples of carbonate rocks (171 studied for the first time) show that δ13C value varies in the Karatau Group succession from ?2.8 to +5.9 ‰ V-PDB with several in-phase excursions from the general trend in all the sections studied in the area 90 × 130 km. The δ13C variation trend demarcates several levels in the carbonate succession of the Karatau Group suitable for objectives of regional stratigraphy and for C-isotope chemostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Riphean. The results of Sr isotopic analysis of 121 samples (51 unstudied before) from the Karatau Group imply that rocks in its lower part (the Katav Formation and basal horizon of the Inzer Formation) experienced considerable secondary alterations, while limestones and dolostones of the overlying interval of the group are frequently unaltered. In the “best” samples satisfying geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity, the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio increases from 0.70521–0.70532 in the lower Inzer deposits to 0.70611 in the upper Min’yar carbonates, decreasing to <0.70600 near the top of the latter. Above the regional hiatus separating the Min’yar and Uk formation, this ratio grows from 0.70533 to 0.70605–0.70609 in the limestone succession of the last formation.  相似文献   

Shallow-platform settings with marked differences in paleoplatform bottom physiography influence the degree of connection with oceanic waters and overall circulation patterns,even when sharing the same palaeoclimatic conditions.Two Kimmeridgian shallow-marine settings have been explored to test the sensitivity and reliability of carbonate chemostratigraphy to detect such differences.An integrated overview of the obtained elemental trends depicted four major facies,shared along specific stratigraphic intervals of both depositional records.Diagenesis obliterated original geochemical signals only throughout the siliciclastics-rich interval,corresponding to the most landward setting.For the remaining facies,elemental features could be attributed to the differential action of forcing mechanisms operating along the south-Iberian paleomargin during Kimmeridgian times.The highest degree of continental influence can be recognized by a strong relationship between Fe and Mn for the most proximal setting,which fades out along the mixed carbonate-fine siliciclastic rhythmic deposition in more open settings.A characteristic geochemical signature of progressively more positive δ~(13)C values and significantly higher Sr content is identified for the interval dominated by biogenic sponge buildups.Such a local response is related to local forcing by upwelling in the surroundings of a coral fringe.The geochemical signature of a hydrothermal origin can be clearly differentiated from the influence of mere terrigenous pulses.Accordingly,the decoupling of Fe and Mn along marginal settings is the clue to detecting major events of palaeogeographic restructuring.Observed temporal variations in Mg content along both studied sections are attributed to tectonic activity influencing nearshore/coastal water masses.By integrating chemostratigraphic information and complementary evidence,the palaeoenvironmental mechanisms promoting differentiated sedimentary records along ancient subtropical,shallow,coastal settings can be disentangled.  相似文献   

王亚东  姜山  王之晟  马国祥  王晓奇  卢天军  蔺鹏飞  于兵  王洪志 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2022112018-2022112018
内蒙古扎鲁特旗工农屯地区玛尼吐组火山岩位于大兴安岭南段,LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb年龄为149±1.1Ma,形成时代为晚侏罗世。地球化学特征显示SiO2(58.14%~63.69%),Al2O3(16.31%~18.66%),Fe2O3(3.17%~5.39%),K2O+Na2O(6.58%~7.86%),MgO(0.82%~2.04%),Mg#(25~41)。研究区玛尼吐组安山岩属于准铝质—弱过铝质高钾钙碱性岩石。稀土元素总量为 13641×10-6~16364×10-6;轻稀土和重稀土元素之比为722~1002,均值为842。(La/Yb)N为7.70~10.44,均值8.95;(La/Sm)N为3.18~3.77;因此可知轻稀土元素要比重稀土元素富集程度高,轻重稀土内部存在明显的分馏。δEu为0.84~0.90,均值0.87。显示较弱的负铕异常;稀土元素配分模式为右倾型。富集大离子亲石元素 Ba、Th、K;而高场强元素 Ti、P、Nb较为亏损。Nb/Ta为 13.63~18.04之间。Rb/Sr为0.10~0.16。岩石成因可能是下地壳铁镁质岩石部分熔融,同时古太平洋板块向西俯冲过程有俯冲流体的加入。构造环境为活动大陆边缘环境,同古太平洋板块向西俯冲作用后的伸展作用相关  相似文献   

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