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Vegetation indices derived from remote sensing data still remain to be used for analysing the relationship between climatic factors and vegetation seasonal phenology in middle latitudes with subtropical conditions forests such as the Canarian laurel forest. The Garajonay National Park, located in the La Gomera Island, protects one of the best preserved examples of the Macaronesian laurel forest, due to the cloud banks produced by trade winds, with rainfall and temperature field data showing a clear Mediterranean climatic pattern. We have analysed seasonal vegetation indices trend for different types of forest inside the Garajonay National Park using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) products derived from moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) Aqua data for two hydrological years (October 2003 to September 2005) in relationship with the existing field climatic data: rainfall, net fog water and temperature. Maximum annual EVI maps show the highest vegetation indices in the laurel forest of La Gomera that occur during the dry season, mainly in late spring to early summer, with EVI temporal profiles showing that valley‐bottom laurel forest areas have the most clear seasonal trend. Difference maps of EVI values between months with the lowest and highest rainfall of each hydrological year clearly confirm the highest photosynthetic activity in the laurel forest during the dry season. In addition, these forests show a significative temporal correlation between EVI values and the temperature in the forest (p < 0·001). Our results prove the absence of summer drought stress in the laurel forest implying that the fog drip income is high enough to maintain enough soil moisture to allow the forest fully transpire when temperatures are higher. As the laurel forest of La Gomera occurs in the main recharge area of the island's aquifer system, our analysis of EVI data suggests that fog drip constitutes a key hydrological factor. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two distinct major units are present in La Gomera island: the basal complex and the later volcanic formations. The basal complex is formed by basic and ultramafic layered plutonic rocks that show a zonal arrangement, and submarine sedimentary and volcanic rocks overlying them. The ensemble is cut by an extremely dense dyke swarm, amounting to 80% of the rock in volume. There is an important « stratigraphic » hiatus between the basal complex and the later volcanic formations. These are constituted of trachyticphonolitic and basaltic series separated by unconformities. A process of alkalinization of the host rocks produced by the intrusion of syenitic rocks is described. The consolidation of the plutonic rocks could have happened in a reservoir beneath a volcano or else at deep levels of the crust or in the upper mantle. In either case, after consolidation, they were uplifted and croded and then submarine materials covered them. New uplift accompanied by the intrusion of the dyke swarm took place later. This dyke swarm is thought to represent the roots of an important and now destroyed volcanic field. It is postulated that the repeated intrusion of magmas in the area was possible due to the development of a zone of weakness within a field of tensional stresses that could be related to the formation of the atlantic rift. The trachytic-phonolitic formation situated imediately over the main unconformity represents the roots of an croded volcanic field formed by the accumulation of cumulo domes and related materials.  相似文献   

We present rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic results obtained on samples belonging to a Neogene sequence of 11 successive lava flows and a dyke from La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain). Analysis of thermomagnetic curves allows to distinguish three types of samples: (i) Type H samples with low-Ti titanomagnetite as the only carrier of remanence; (ii) type M samples with a main intermediate Curie-temperature phase (TC = 450°C) and low-Ti titanomagnetite; (iii) type L curves with a low Curie-temperature phase (TC = 120 to 200°C) and an intermediate Curie-temperature phase (TC = 400°C). Analysis of hysteresis parameters suggests that the grain size of most studied samples corresponds to pseudo single-domain particles, which can be also interpreted as a mixture of single-domain and multi-domain particles. Paleomagnetic experiments reveal only a single paleomagnetic component. Characteristic remanence of all studied lava flows and the dyke shows reverse polarity. The mean direction of the whole sequence is D = 188.2°, I =−35.4° (k = 46.9; α95 = 6.4°) and the calculated paleomagnetic pole yields a longitude λ= 150.7° and a latitude ϕ= 78.8° (k = 59.4; A95 = 5.7°). Secular variation is analysed through the scatter of virtual geomagnetic poles (VGP). A VGP angular scatter SB = 5.9 with an upper confidence limit Sup = 8.0 and a lower confidence limit Slow = 4.6 are obtained. This scatter is clearly smaller than the average for this latitude obtained for the last 5 Ma. The studied lava flows were probably emitted in a relatively short time interval.  相似文献   

Differential interferometry is a very powerful tool for detecting changes in the Earth’s crust where coherence conditions are good, but is difficult to employ in some volcanic areas due to dense vegetation. We apply two differential InSAR methods using the time series associated with the interferograms to perform a phase analysis on a data set for La Palma island (Canary Islands) from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 European Space Agency (ESA) satellites for the time period 1992 to 2000. Both methods involve choosing a master image from the database and creating a series of interferograms with respect to this image. The “Coherent Pixel Time Series” (CPTS) technique chooses pixels with good average coherence, aligns the unwrapped interferograms with a stable area and then performs an inversion to calculate the linear velocity to quantify the deformation. The Coherent Target Modeling (CTM) method calculates the temporal coherence of each pixel to identify stable targets and then determines the best velocity for each pixel by using a linear fit that maximizes the temporal coherence. Using these two methods we have been able to detect deformation on La Palma Island that has been previously undetectable by conventional InSAR methods. There is a roughly circular region on the Southern part of the island that is actively deforming at ~ −4 to −8 mm/yr. This region is located near the Teneguia valcano, the host of the last known eruption on La Palma in 1971. A thorough investigation of the possible sources for this deformation revealed that it was most likely created by a subsurface thermal source.  相似文献   

Electric resistivity tomography (ERT), self-potential (SP), soil CO2 flux, and temperature are used to study the inner structure of La Fossa cone (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands). Nine profiles were performed across the cone with a measurement spacing of 20 m. The crater rims of La Fossa cone are underlined by sharp horizontal resistivity contrasts. SP, CO2 flux, and temperature anomalies underline these boundaries which we interpret as structural limits associated to preferential circulation of fluids. The Pietre Cotte crater and Gran Cratere crater enclose the main hydrothermal system, identified at the centre of the edifice on the base of low electrical resistivity values (<20 Ω m) and strong CO2 degassing, SP, and temperature anomalies. In the periphery, the hydrothermal activity is also visible along structural boundaries such as the Punte Nere, Forgia Vecchia, and Palizzi crater rims and at the base of the cone, on the southern side of the edifice, along a fault attributed to the NW main tectonic trend of the island. Inside the Punte Nere crater, the ERT sections show an electrical resistive body that we interpret as an intrusion or a dome. This magmatic body is reconstructed in 3D using the available ERT profiles. Its shape and position, with respect to the Pietre Cotte crater fault, allows replacing this structure in the chronology of the development of the volcano. It corresponds to a late phase of activity of the Punte Nere edifice. Considering the position of the SP, soil CO2 flux, and temperature maxima and the repartition of conductive zones related to hydrothermal circulation with respect to the main structural features, La Fossa cone could be considered as a relevant example of the strong influence of pre-existing structures on hydrothermal fluid circulation at the scale of a volcanic edifice.  相似文献   

A new method to calculate volcanic susceptibility, i.e. the spatial probability of vent opening, is presented. Determination of volcanic susceptibility should constitute the first step in the elaboration of volcanic hazard maps of active volcanic fields. Our method considers different criteria as possible indicators for the location of future vents, based on the assumption that these locations should correspond to the surface expressions of the most likely pathways for magma ascent. Thus, two groups of criteria have been considered depending on the time scale (short or long term) of our approach. The first one accounts for long-term hazard assessment and corresponds to structural criteria that provide direct information on the internal structure of the volcanic field, including its past and present stress field, location of structural lineations (fractures and dikes), and location of past eruptions. The second group of criteria concerns to the computation of susceptibility for short term analyses (from days to a few months) during unrest episodes, and includes those structural and dynamical aspects that can be inferred from volcano monitoring. Thus, a specific layer of information is obtained for each of the criteria used. The specific weight of each criterion on the overall analysis depends on its relative significance to indicate pathways for magma ascent, on the quality of data and on their degree of confidence. The combination of the different data layers allows to create a map of the spatial probability of future eruptions based on objective criteria, thus constituting the first step to obtain the corresponding volcanic hazards map. The method has been used to calculate long-term volcanic susceptibility on Tenerife (Canary Islands), and the results obtained are also presented.  相似文献   

This Reply aims to clarify and address many of the errors introduced to the discussion of our original paper (García‐Santos and Bruijnzeel, 2011; referred to henceforth as GSB2011) in the comment by Ritter and Regalado (2012) (henceforth referred to as RRR2012) as explained more fully under replies nos. 1–6, 8–12 and 14–18 below. Two (largely inconsequential) shortcomings in our original paper as detected by RRR2012 are acknowledged (see replies nos. 7 and 13 below). It is concluded that the majority of the comments offered by RRR2012 are unfounded as well as unnecessary. In summary, the two errors in GSB2011 spotted by RRR2012 (see points 7 and 13 below) could easily have been addressed in an erratum. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical data for samples collected from a surge sequence from La Fossa cone (Vulcano Island, Italy) show a wide variety of alteration states between adjoining beds, the macroscopic features of which are expressed by various degrees of reddening. The effects of the alteration processes on pyroclastic rocks are as follows: hydration and oxidation of each component of the pyroclastic rocks to varying degrees; formation of authigenic smectite; precipitation of a large variety of soluble salts; and corrosion on the surface of glass fragments (pitting). Dry surge beds, emplaced from a two-phase, dry steam + solid, suspension do not show significant alteration. By contrast, wet surge deposits, suggesting an emplacement from free water-bearing turbulent flows, show an increasing degree of alteration, passing from grey to red coloured beds. The strict relationship between the present alteration state and the depositional unit rules out any post-depositional processes. The occurrence of alteration in wet surge beds and the lack of alteration in dry beds shows that the main controlling agent was water condensed from the eruptive cloud and suggests a syn-depositional character to the alteration itself. These observed differences can be ascribed to the different chemical reactivities of the water, probably related to the amounts of acidic species carried by the eruptive cloud and/or by the efficiency of their capture during the condensation of the water vapour.  相似文献   

A previous study aiming to characterize the water dynamics of a cloud forest in the Garajonay National Park (La Gomera) from measurements taken in a plot located in the upper part of a selected watershed within the park is here commented. Reported magnitudes of hydrological variables and conclusions based on them are in disagreement with those of numerous studies carried out previously at the same site. Large data dispersion and inapplicability of some of the hypothesis assumed are shown to invalidate most of the results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although hillslope evolution has been subject to much investigation for more than a century, the effect of climate on the morphology of soil‐mantled hillslopes remains poorly constrained. In this study, we perform numerical simulations of volcanic cinder cones in the Golan Heights (eastern Mediterranean) to estimate soil transport efficiency across a significant north–south gradient in mean annual precipitation (1100 to 500 mm). We use the initial cinder cone morphology (constrained by stratigraphy), the modern hillslope form (surveyed with sub‐meter accuracy) and the eruption age (based on 40Ar–39Ar chronology) to predict the best‐fit value of the soil transport coefficient (‘diffusivity’) based on a nonlinear transport model. Our results indicate that the best‐fit diffusivity (K ) varies from 1 to 6 m2 ka?1 among the five cinder cones in our field area. Diffusivity (K ) values vary systematically with precipitation and hillslope aspect; specifically, K is higher on south‐facing (drier) hillslopes and decreases with mean annual precipitation. We interpret this climate dependency to reflect vegetation‐driven variations in apparent soil cohesion, which increases with root network density, and attenuation of rain splash and overland flow erosion, which increases with vegetative ground cover. To assess how vegetative root mass and ground cover vary with precipitation and aspect, we quantified the spatial distribution of NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) from ASTER satellite images and observed spatial variations that correlate with our calibrated values of K . Analysis of previously studied cinder cones in the USA can be used to extend our framework to arid domains. This endeavor suggests a humped relationship between K and precipitation with maximum diffusivity at mean annual precipitation of 400–600 mm. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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