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自适应卡尔曼滤波在航空重力异常解算的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
郑崴  张贵宾 《地球物理学报》2016,59(4):1275-1283
依据航空重力测量基本原理,构建了航空重力异常解算的卡尔曼滤波模型,将新息自适应卡尔曼滤波器(IAE,Innovation based Adaptive Estimation)应用于量测噪声未知的航空重力异常解算.针对IAE滤波器滑动窗口宽度难以准确确定的问题,通过对多个不同滑动窗口新息协方差估计的加权平均,获得改进的IAE滤波器,该IAE滤波器不仅具有量测噪声自适应估计能力,还能实现滑动采样窗口的优化选取.试验结果表明,IAE滤波器可以降低因量测噪声统计信息不明引起的解算误差,改进IAE解算的重力异常误差约为1 mGal.  相似文献   

基于星载GPS的HY-2卫星高精度精密定轨模拟研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HY-2卫星是我国第一颗测高卫星,其径向定轨精度要求厘米量级,搭载了星载GPS接收机。目前HY-2还处于测试阶段,没有公布观测数据。为了确定基于星载GPS的HY-2精密定轨流程及其定轨精度,本文模拟了HY-2卫星星载GPS观测数据,结果表明HY-2星载GPS天线每个历元至少观测7颗GPS卫星。给出了基于星载GPS的精密定轨流程,分别采用简化动力学方法和动态几何法进行了精密定轨实验。对于相位1mm和3mm随机误差的相位观测数据,简化动力学法和动态几何法定轨都能够实现厘米量级的径向精密定轨,几何法定轨精度略低于简化动力定轨。地球重力场模型是影响HY-2卫星精密定轨的重要因素,本文对不同阶次的重力场模型EIGEN2、EGM96、TEG4和GEMT3进行了简化动力学定轨实验,高于50阶次的重力场模型都能够实现厘米级径向精密定轨,主要原因在于大量的高精度星载GPS观测数据和重力场模型精度的提高。  相似文献   

There are two kinds of methods in researching the crust deformation: geophysical method and geometrical (or observational) method. Considerable differences usually exist between the two kinds of results, because of the datum differences, geophysical model errors, observational model errors, and so on. Thus, it is reasonable to combine the two kinds of information to collect the crust deformation information. To use the reliable geometrical and geophysical information, we have to control the observational and geophysical model error influences on the estimated deformation parameters, and to balance their contributions to the evaluated parameters. A hybrid estimation strategy is proposed here for evaluating the deformation parameters employing an adaptively robust filtering. The effects of measurement outliers on the estimated parameters are controlled by robust equivalent weights. Adaptive factors are introduced to balance the contribution of the geophysical model information and the geometrical measurements to the model parameters. The datum for the local deformation analysis is mainly determined by the highly accurate IGS station velocities. The hybrid estimation strategy is applied in an actual GPS monitoring network. It is shown that the hybrid technique employs locally repeated geometrical displacements to reduce the displacement errors caused by the mis-modeling of geophysical technique, and thus improves the precision of the estimated crust deformation parameters. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40774001 and 40841021) and National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA12Z331)  相似文献   

固定非差整数模糊度的PPP快速精密定位定轨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从GPS基本观测模型出发,给出并推导了分离相位小数偏差求解非差整数模糊度的精密单点定位数学模型和算法.利用少量IGS跟踪站组成服务端观测网计算未检校的相位小数偏差改正信息,用于改正用户端接收机的相位观测值,实现了固定非差整数模糊度的快速精密单点定位与定轨.试验结果表明: 利用30 min的地面动态或静态观测数据进行精密单点定位,非差模糊度固定成整数后,其定位结果较PPP浮点解有明显改善,水平方向提高了近一个数量级,可达到1 cm甚至毫米级的精度;高程方向与对流层延迟解算精度也改善了20%~60%.与浮点解相比,固定解能显著改善PPP的定轨精度,仅用15 min的短弧段观测数据,切向与法向的定轨精度可达到1 cm左右;径向方向为3~5 cm左右,较浮点解定轨精度改善了50%~70%.因此,固定非差整数模糊度后的PPP能够满足毫米至厘米级的快速精密定位和定轨的要求,这在GPS(准)实时应用与服务中具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

抗差自适应Kalman滤波算法中,抗差等价权矩阵和自适应因子的计算,要求观测信息具有多余观测量且准确可靠,但在动态变形监测应用中,通常滤波观测值仅为三维坐标且存在较强噪声和粗差的影响。为此,先对该算法中的自适应因子和抗差等价权矩阵的计算进行研究和改进,然后计算了某高速公路边坡的GPS动态监测数据。结果表明,抗差自适应Kalman滤波能够有效地抵制动态变形监测中观测值异常的影响。  相似文献   

利用自适应信号处理的原理,尝试消除地磁观测数据中的干扰噪音。结果显示这种方法能有效地抑制包括随机噪音,大幅度突跳偏离和阶跃各种形式的干扰。对于和信号频率相重的干扰能给予有效抑制,且能保持信号基本不变。  相似文献   

低轨重力卫星轨道的精确确定是获得精密地球重力场模型的前提, 而精密重力场模型又是获得高精度定轨结果的保证.本文简述了利用卫星重力方法恢复地球重力场及简化动力学方法确定低轨卫星轨道的数学模型,并简单分析和比较现有的几种重力场模型.用CHAMP实测数据,结合现有的重力场模型,系统分析、研究了不同阶次、不同重力场模型对低轨卫星定轨精度的影响;研究了不同间隔的随机速度脉冲在简化动力学方法中对模型误差的吸收、调节作用.计算结果表明,在定轨中,选择合理阶数的、较精确的重力场模型及合理间隔的随机脉冲参数,不但可以提高计算效率,更能提高定轨精度.  相似文献   


本文针对CHAMP型卫星建立了顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程定轨理论与方法.首先从卫星运动的二阶微分方程出发,引入了正常引力位以及相应的参考轨道,然后分别推导了线性化轨道扰动方程与顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程,同时说明了建立的线性化轨道扰动方程与目前处理CHAMP卫星数据的动力学定轨方法是等价的.其次分别对线性化轨道扰动方程与顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程的精度进行了估计,在卫星定位精度为3 cm与非惯性力测量精度为3×10-10m·s-2的前提下证明了下列结论:当参考轨道与实际轨道之间的距离ρ≤4.7 m时线性化轨道扰动方程的精度能达到非惯性力的测量精度以及当ρ≤4.14×103 m时顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程能达到非惯性力的测量精度.由此便可得出结论:相对于线性化轨道扰动方程,顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程具有更高的精度,且适合在更长的时间弧段上建立关于引力场位系数的法方程组,特别是针对CHAMP卫星计划进行的模拟计算也完全验证了该结论.最后利用叠加原理,给出了顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程的求解方法.此外,还针对GRACE卫星计划利用顾及非线性改正的轨道扰动方程进行了恢复引力场的模拟计算,结果表明:分段建立位系数的法方程组时子弧段分别取值2 h、1 d、6 d对恢复引力场的结果几乎不产生影响,这表明在处理GRACE数据时能够以6 d的弧长来建立法方程组.


We present a singular value decomposition (SVD) filtering method for the enhancement of coherent reflections and for attenuation of noise. The method is applied in two steps. First normal move‐out (NMO) correction is applied to shot or CMP records, with the purpose of flattening the reflections. We use a spatial SVD filter with a short sliding window to enhance coherent horizontal events. Then the data are sorted in common‐offset panels and the local dip is estimated for each panel. The next SVD filtering is performed on a small number of traces and a small number of time samples centred around the output sample position. Data in a local window are corrected for linear moveout corresponding to the dips before SVD. At the central time sample position, we sum over the dominant eigenimages of a few traces, corresponding to SVD dip filtering. We illustrate the method using land seismic data from the Tacutu basin, located in the north‐east of Brazil. The results show that the proposed method is effective and is able to reveal reflections masked by ground‐roll and other types of noise.  相似文献   

由于卫星重力梯度观测的有色噪声特性和海量观测特征,在利用直接法进行重力场模型的最小二乘求解时,观测值的协方差阵为超大型的非对角阵,这给数值求解带来了极大困难.本文提出了一种基于先验误差功率谱密度的最优ARMA滤波模型构建方法,结合法方程的分块求解策略,可实现对卫星重力梯度观测值的高效滤波处理.数值仿真结果表明,利用最优ARMA滤波器进行时域滤波后,法方程的态性得到了明显改善,重力梯度观测值中的有色噪声得到了有效的"白化"处理,大地水准面精度得到了显著提升.  相似文献   

To improve the data quality of converted waves, and better identify and suppress the strong ground-roll interference in three-component (3C) seismic recordings on land, we present an adaptive polarization filtering method, which can effectively separate the groundroll interference by combining complex polarization and instantaneous polarization analysis. The ground roll noise is characterized by elliptical plane polarization, strong energy, low apparent velocity, and low frequency. After low-pass filtering of the 3C data input within a given time-window of the ground roll, the complex covariance matrix is decomposed using the sliding time window with overlapping data and length that depends on the dominant ground-roll frequency. The ground-roll model is established using the main eigenvectors, and the ground roll is detected and identified using the instantaneous polarization area attributes and average energy constraints of the ground-roll zone. Finally, the ground roll is subtracted. The threshold of the method is stable and easy to select, and offers good groundroll detection. The method is a robust polarization filtering method. Model calculations and actual data indicate that the method can effectively identify and attenuate ground roll while preserving the effective signals.  相似文献   

In tight gas sands, the signal‐to‐noise ratio of nuclear magnetic resonance log data is usually low, which limits the application of nuclear magnetic resonance logs in this type of reservoir. This project uses the method of wavelet‐domain adaptive filtering to denoise the nuclear magnetic resonance log data from tight gas sands. The principles of the maximum correlation coefficient and the minimum root mean square error are used to decide on the optimal basis function for wavelet transformation. The feasibility and the effectiveness of this method are verified by analysing the numerical simulation results and core experimental data. Compared with the wavelet thresholding denoise method, this adaptive filtering method is more effective in noise filtering, which can improve the signal‐to‐noise ratio of nuclear magnetic resonance data and the inversion precision of transverse relaxation time T2 spectrum. The application of this method to nuclear magnetic resonance logs shows that this method not only can improve the accuracy of nuclear magnetic resonance porosity but also can enhance the recognition ability of tight gas sands in nuclear magnetic resonance logs.  相似文献   

土木工程结构鲁棒控制的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评述了结构控制的发展,指出发展结构鲁棒控制策略的重要性。重点评述了结构双重调谐质量阻尼器(DTMD)和多重双重调谐质量阻尼器(MDTMD)的控制策略,提出了需进一步发展主动双重调谐质量阻尼器(ADTMD)和主动多重双重调谐质量阻尼器(AMDTMD)控制策略、此外,评述了结构鲁棒控制的设计准则与高层建筑和大跨桥梁在风与地震作用下的统一自适应主动鲁棒控制策略。  相似文献   

Qomolangma Feng——Mt. Everest (QF in shorter) is located in the east part of the China-Nepal boundary. QF is the highest mountain in China, also in the world. It lies in the collision zone along the boundary of Eurasian and Indian plates. It is one of focuses in geo- sciences study[1―7]. The northern slope area of the QF (QF area in shorter) is in Tibet, China, and the altitude of snow line in the QF area is around 6000 m. Spring in the QF area is March, April and May every year, a…  相似文献   

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