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该文简述了巡天观测和星表编制的历史和意义.介绍了天体测量星表与巡天观测的最新进展,如位置星表URAT、Pan-STARSS、LSST;自行星表LSPM、PM2000、BDKP;视差星表USNO,CTOPI、L和T型星的视差测定等.简略介绍了天体物理星表,其中包括测光星表GCPD、UBV、GSPC;光谱星表MSS、BDSS,SDSS和视向速度星表GCRV、CORALIE、RAVE.特别描述了恒星名至今仍在使用的20世纪初编制的Durchmusterung、Lowell、HenryDraper星表.描述了近年来普遍受到人们关注的联合星表编制的发展,如SKYMAP、距离太阳10 pc内的近距星表RECONS、描述了局部天区的HDF、双星星表等.另外还介绍了其他波段的巡天观测,如射电的NVSS、FIRST;近红外的IRAS PSC和FSS;X波段的WGCAT星表等.最后,对今后开展巡天观测和编制星表提出了应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

FK5星表和依巴谷星表的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆佩珍  须同祺 《天文学报》1999,40(1):107-112
由FK5星表和依巴谷星表在不同历元上的比较、检测和讨论了FK5星表的系统差.结果表明,FK5星表的自行系统差可能是影响FK5星表位置系统差的主要来源.在一些研究工作中,例如在依巴谷星表系统中研究地球自转的长期变化或以前的照相观测结果的重新归算,需要考虑依巴谷星表自行个别误差的影响  相似文献   

依巴谷星表和第谷星表的特征和意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要论述依巴谷星表和第谷星表的观测特征和天体测量特征,依巴谷卫星在短期内同时测定大量高精度的恒星位置,自行和视差等五个天体测量参数以及星等和色指数,依巴谷星表和第谷星表为建立高精度的光学参考系,为研究恒星的起源,演化,分布,质量,大小和光度等,为研究双星和聚星的分布和运动,为研究星系运动和星系动力学提供了大量的高精度资料,具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

由于空间大地观测数据传输耗时及处理过程复杂, 导致极移测量值的获取存在时延, 无法满足对高精度的极移预报值有重大需求的应用领域. 针对极移复杂的时变特性, 提出一种基于奇异谱分析(singular spectrum analysis, SSA)的预报方法. 首先用SSA分离提取极移时序中的高频组分与低频组分; 其次建立最小二乘(least square, LS)外推与自回归(AutoreGressive, AR)模型对极移高频和低频组分进行组合预报. 结果表明, SSA方法能够准确地分离和提取极移低频和高频组分, 对低频和高频组分组合预报可以显著改善极移的中长期(30--365d)预报精度, 与国际地球自转和参考系服务局(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, IERS)提供的A公报中的极移预报值相比, SSA方法对极移PMX分量(本初子午线方向)和PMY分量(西90$^\circ$子午线方向)的中长期预报精度改进最高分别可达45.97%和62.44%. 研究结果验证了SSA方法对极移中长期预报改进的有效性.  相似文献   

针对目前极移最小二乘(Least Square, LS)+自回归(AutoRegressive, AR)预报模型的单一数据选取方案, 提出分别考虑LS模型数据量和AR残差数据量的组合数据模式, 并对极移预报时单一数据和组合数据预报结果精度进行分析, 探讨模型输入数据量对极移预报精度的影响. 结果表明, 模型输入数据量的变化对极移预报结果影响较大. 采用组合数据预报的方式相比较于单一数据量预报方式精度更高, 特别是针对30--360 d跨度内的中长期预报, 组合数据量的极移预报精度可比单一数据量预报精度有较大改善. 结论证明组合数据在极移预报时具有一定的优势, 可为以后极移预报数据量选取提供一定的借鉴参考意义.  相似文献   

针对极移复杂的时变特性, 根据混沌相空间坐标延迟重构理论, 提出一种基于Volterra自适应滤波的极移预报方法. 首先, 利用最小二乘拟合算法分离极移序列中的线性趋势项、钱德勒项和周年项, 获得线性极移、钱德勒极移和周年极移的外推值; 其次, 通过C-C关联积分法对最小二乘拟合残差序列进行相空间重构, 并利用小数据量法计算残差序列的最大Lyapunov指数验证其混沌特性, 在此基础上, 构建Volterra自适应滤波器对残差序列进行预测; 最后, 将线性极移、钱德勒极移和周年极移的外推值以及最小二乘拟合残差的预测值相加获得极移最终预报值. 利用国际地球自转服务局(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, IERS)提供的极移数据进行1--60d跨度预报, 并将预报结果分别与国际地球定向参数预报比较竞赛(Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign, EOP PCC)结果和IERS A公报发布的极移预报产品进行对比, 结果表明: 对于1--30d的短期预报, 该方法的预报精度与EOP PCC最优预报方法相当, 当预报跨度超过30d时, 该方法的预报精度低于EOP PCC最优预报方法, 优于参与EOP PCC的其他方法; 与IERS A公报相比, 该方法的短期预报效果较好, 当预报跨度增加时预报精度低于IERS A公报. 预报结果表明该方法更适合于极移短期预报.  相似文献   

在过去的时间纬度工作中,对大气反常折射的研究证明,大气反常折射给时问纬度测量带来了严重的影响。而当时大多数星表的编制都是时间纬度测量的副产品,无疑大气反常折射也给这些星表带来严重的误差影响。过去我国的经典天体测量工作以测时、测纬为主,这一问题并没有得到重视。在星表和参考系工作已成为我国基本天休测量工作的一项主要内容的今天,对大气反常折射的测量与研究,尤其对有效的测量应得到足够的重视。作者根据自己的实际测量和研究指出,大气反常折射主要由观测室周围不良小气候的造成,其中以具有周年变化和周日变化的大气反常折射对初始星表系统的影响最为严重。并分别讨论了这种反常折射对子午星表、等高星表和参考系的影响,提出了今后开展这方面工作的建议。  相似文献   

为提高观测效率,节约运行成本,云南天文台将建立一套2.4 m望远镜远程观测系统.2.4 m望远镜观测目标查询系统作为远程观测系统的一个重要组成部分,它支持国际虚拟天文台通用的VOTable格式;它提供丰富的星表检索,并生成模拟星图和目标列表,同时还具备了交叉证认,距离计算等辅助功能.  相似文献   

详细讨论了判断与消除河外射电源表之间在局部相对形变化种方法,结合实例分析了各自的特点和 适应范围。指出弧长差方法是目前最有效和实用的消除局部相对形变的方法。  相似文献   

After publication of the Hipparcos catalogue (in 1997), a few new astrometric catalogues have appeared (TYCHO‐2, ARIHIP, etc.), as a good combination of the Hipparcos satellite and ground‐based data, to get more accurate coordinates and proper motions of stars than the Hipparcos catalogue ones. There are also investigations on improving the Hipparcos coordinates and proper motions by using the astrometric observations of latitude and universal time variations (via observed stars referred to Hipparcos catalogue), together with Hipparcos data, carried out during the last few years. These kind of ground‐based data were collected at the end of the last century by J. Vondrák. There are about 4.4 million optical observations made worldwide at 33 observatories and with 47 instruments during 1899.7–1992.0; our Belgrade visual zenith telescope data (for the period 1949.0‐1986.0) were included. First of all, these data were used to determine the Earth Orientation Parameters – EOP, but they are also useful for the opposite task – to check the accuracy of coordinates and proper motions of Hipparcos stars which were observed from the ground over many decades. Here, we use the latitude part of ten Photographic Zenith Tubes – PZT data (more than 0.9 million observations made at 6 observatories during the time interval 1915.8–1992.0), and combine them with the Hipparcos catalogue ones, with suitable weights, in order to check the proper motions in declination for 807 common PZT/Hipparcos stars (and to construct the PZT catalogue of μδ for 807 stars). Our standard errors in proper motions in declination of these stars are less than or equal to the Hipparcos ones for 423 stars. The mean value of standard errors of 313 stars observed over more than 20 years by PZT is 0.40 mas/yr. This is 53% of 0.75 mas/yr (the suitable value from the Hipparcos catalogue). We used the Least Squares Method – LSM with the linear model. Our results are in good agreement with the Earth Orientation Catalogue – EOC‐2 and the new Hipparcos ones. The main steps of the method and the investigations of systematic errors in determined proper motions (the proper motion differences with respect to the Hipparcos values, the EOC‐2 ones and the new Hipparcos ones, as a function of α, δ, and magnitude) are presented here. A comparison of the four catalogues by pairs shows that there is no significant relationship between the differences of their μδ values and magnitudes and color indices of the common 807 stars. All catalogues have relatively small random and systematic errors which are close to each other. However, the comparison shows that our formal errors are too small. They are underestimated by a factor of nearly 1.7 (for EOC‐2, it is 2.0) if we take the new Hipparcos (or Hipparcos) data as reference (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present comparison results of our Independent Latitude (IL) catalogue of μδ determinations for 1120 bright stars with the Hipparcos, new Hipparcos and Earth Orientation Catalogue (EOC‐2) values. Also, we took into consideration the EOC3 and EOC4 (recent versions of EOC catalogues). Our μδ values are based on zenith telescope observations from seven Independent Latitude (IL) observatories. The IL measures are spanning a time baseline of up to 90 years which is the key advantage to the accurate determination of μδ. The short interval of the Hipparcos satellite observations is a disadvantage for a good accuracy of stellar proper motion, especially in the case of double and multiple stars. For this reason many astrometric catalogues have appeared after the publication of the Hipparcos including our IL catalogue. These catalogues are an appropriate combination of the Hipparcos satellite and ground‐based data which yields more accurate stellar coordinates and/or their proper motions. Among various types of ground‐based observations the latitude and universal time variations obtained from several million observations of stars reduced to the Hipparcos reference system were used for this purpose. These observations were obtained during almost the entire last century and were originally used to determine the Earth Orientation Parameters. It is also possible to use these data in the inverse task of checking the accuracy of stellar coordinates and/or their proper motions listed in the Hipparcos Catalogue. Such latitude and universal time variations data are the basis of the EOC and IL catalogues. In this paper, we computed the differences in μδ values between pairs of catalogues and analyzed the results to characterize the μδ errors for the four catalogues with a special focus on our IL catalogue. The standard errors of μδ for IL stars observed over more than 20 years are mostly smaller than or equal to the Hipparcos errors, and close to the accuracy level of the EOC‐2 (EOC‐3, EOC‐4) and the new Hipparcos. The resulting investigations of errors of differences of μδ, show that all four catalogues have relatively small random and systematic errors which are close to each other meaning that the corresponding μδ values have a high accuracy. Our sample also contains detected double and multiple stars for which the effects of the orbital and proper motions are difficult to separate. The differences of μδ values for these stars generally exceed those obtained for single stars. Also, these discrepancies could be attributed to effect of possible, still unrecognized, astrometric binaries. These investigations about the proper motions and double stars are in line with the activity of the IAU Working Group on Astrometry by Small Ground‐Based Telescopes. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper presents formulas for the calculation of the refraction anomalies caused by the inclination of atmospheric boundary layers. Anomalies were calculated for a few zenith distances for several different atmospheric models. It was established, that near Earth the atmospheric boundary layers have the global inclination in meridian plane near one minute of arc from North to South. They are calculated with standard deviation ±0.2′–±0.35′. The tilts are decreased gradually with the altitude and equal nearly 0 on the heights 8–10 km. Then direction of inclination is changed on opposite (from South to North) and maximum 1′ reaches on the heights 15–18 km. Next inclinations slowly decrease and equal 0 on the heights 28–30 km. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

朱紫 《天文学报》2006,47(4):456-466
许多研究结果表明,FK5和Hipparcos自行系统的关系,与VLBI和LLR所测定的岁差常数改正值不相符合.利用建立在FK5系统上的PPM和ACRS自行数据的分析,通过多个子样本的考察,发现不论由PPM或ACRS自行资料,都无法给出一致的岁差改正值和分点运动改正值.从而表明,FK5自行内部的系统差是产生这种问题的主要因素.  相似文献   

为解决常规射电望远镜归心测量工作耗时耗力的问题,引入GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)同步监测技术实现了一种针对射电望远镜参考点的无人值守监测方法.设计了针对GNSS靶标点观测数据的归算方法,包括数据匹配、数据检核以及后续精度评估等步骤,并对2018年佘山25-m射电VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry)望远镜的GNSS靶标点实测数据开展了数据预处理、解析与归心解算等,证明了该方法的可行性.结果表明基于该方法,采用单日内部分(5%)数据(约7600个靶标点),所测定的VLBI望远镜参考点的点位形式精度可达3 mm.总结了针对射电望远镜采用GNSS开展无人值守归心测量先行试验中的一些经验教训,明确了利用该方法测量过程中应该注意的问题,为今后更高精度射电望远镜参考点无人值守归心监测提供重要参考.  相似文献   

介绍了实现CCD整体平差的FORTRAN归算程序的详细流程,包括(a)数据收集、(b)预处理和(c)整体平差与结果输出共三个步骤,并给出了各步所调用的子程序名称及其功能说明。采用模拟数据对该程序进行了可靠性检验,并将该程序应用于4颗河外射电源的光学定位。结果表明, 由于利用整体平差方法参加归算的观测资料覆盖天区扩大,包含了较多的参考星,因而可以获得高于单底片归算的定位精度。  相似文献   

北美防空司令部(North American Aerospace Defense Command, NORAD)发布的双行根数(Two Line Element, TLE)是广大航天工作者最常用的轨道根数,与其对应的轨道模型是SGP4/SDP4 (Simplified General Perturbation Version 4/Simplified Deep-space Perturbation Version 4)解析模型.由于TLE中并没有包含相应的轨道精度信息,编目轨道的应用范围受到很大的限制.基于Space-Track网站发布的历史TLE数据和配套的SGP4/SDP4动力学模型,采用定轨标预报的方法统计并生成了大量目标轨道的预报误差,通过对预报轨道的时间区间划分给出了每个目标的预报误差随预报时间变化的拟合系数,并进一步对不同类型轨道预报误差的演化规律和特征进行了分类讨论,给出了4种轨道类型目标的轨道预报误差随时间演化的平均解析模型,为拓展双行根数的应用提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   

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