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利用新一代中尺度研究和预报模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model,简称WRF)分别耦合多冠层、单冠层和平板模式三种情况进行南京地区2007年8月1日的天气过程模拟,分析不同城市冠层方案对南京气象场的模拟效果。在此基础上,结合模拟效果最好的城市冠层方案,研究南京城市下垫面的变化对其热岛的影响。结果表明:多冠层方案对近地面气温、10 m风场的模拟效果最好;城区的扩张使南京地区近地面气温升高,主要表现为城市区域夜间升温显著,并且导致热岛强度明显增强;城市扩张后,城区白天风速大范围地减小,同时热岛环流更加显著,且具有明显的城市热岛的"下游效应"。  相似文献   

This paper evaluated the performance of a coupled modeling system, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)/Urban Canopy Model (UCM), in the simulation of a heat wave event which occurred around Guangzhou during late June through early July, 2004. Results from three experiments reveal that the UCM with new land data (E-UCM) reproduces the best 2-m temperature evolution and the smallest minimum absolute average error as compared with the other two experiments, the BPA-Bulk Parameterization Approach with new land data (E-BPA) and the UCM with original U.S. Geological Survey land data (E-NOU). The E-UCM is more useful in capturing the temporal and spatial distribution of the nighttime Urban Heat Island (UHI). Differences in surface energy balance between the urban and suburban areas show that low daytime albedo causes more absorption of solar radiation by urban areas. Due to the lack of vegetation which inhibits cooling by evapotranspiration, most of the incoming energy over urban areas is partitioned into sensible heat flux and therefore heats the surface and enhances the heat wave. During nighttime, the energy in the urban area is mainly from soil heat flux. Although some energy is partitioned as outgoing long wave radiation, most of the soil heat flux is partitioned into sensible heat flux due to the small latent heat flux at night. This leads to the development of nighttime UHI and the increase of the magnitude and duration of heat waves within the municipality.  相似文献   

西安市城市热岛效应卫星遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Landsat卫星的ETM<'+>(增强型主题成像传感器)数据计算西安市亮度温度,采用监督分类法对西安市影像进行土地利用/覆盖变化分类;在此基础上对西安市城市热岛的空间分布特征及城市热岛与土地利用/覆盖变化的关系进行研究.结果表明:西安市城区地表温度明显比郊区地表温度高,由市中心向外呈现地表温度逐渐降低的趋势.城市地表温度与土地利用类型密切相关,不同地表覆盖类型的地表温度差异显著,城市用地和裸地是城市热岛强度的主要贡献因素,水体和林地具有较好的降温作用.  相似文献   

应用卫星资料分析苏州夏季城市热岛效应   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
朱焱  朱莲芳 《气象科学》2009,29(1):77-83
利用苏州2004-2007年自动气象站资料以及购自中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心的Landsat 5卫星(25 m分辨率)资料,分析研究苏州地区城市热岛总体特点以及分布规律,并对可能变化做一些探讨.分析认为,由于城市热岛效应,苏州地区气温呈中间高两侧低的分布特征,气温高值中心呈西北-东南走向,沿太湖及沿江地区气温相对较低;苏州城市地表温度呈明显的放射型分布,以市区中心向四周呈放射状分布.  相似文献   

In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 3.2 is used to examine the impact of precipitating ice and especially snow-graupel partitioning in the simulation of a heavy rainfall event over Chalkidiki peninsula in Northern Greece. This major precipitation event, associated with a case of cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea, occurred on the 8th of October 2006 causing severe flooding and damage. Two widely used microphysical parameterizations, the Purdue Lin (PLIN) and WRF Single-Moment 6-class scheme (WSM6) are compared with available raingauge measurements over the complex topography of Chalkidiki. To further investigate the importance of snow and graupel relative mass content and the treatment of precipitating ice sedimentation velocity, two older versions of the WSM6 scheme were compiled and run with the current model. The verification results indicate that all simulations were found to match raingauge data more closely over the eastern mountainous Chalkidiki peninsula where maximum accumulations were observed. In other stations all schemes overestimate 24h accumulated rainfall except a station situated at the western part of the peninsula, where none of the simulations was able to reproduce observed rainfall. Graupel dominance in PLIN generates rapid precipitation fallout at the point of maximum predicted 24h accumulation. Similar behavior is shown in WSM6 from WRF version 2, but with significant less rainfall. Increasing snow amounts aloft, due to the unified treatment of precipitating ice in WSM6 from WRF version 3, modifies rain dynamics which decrease rainfall rates, but increases 24h accumulations. A sensitivity experiment where PLIN is used with snow accretion by graupel turned off, indicated that this process seems to be the most important factor controlling the differences in surface precipitation between PLIN and WSM6 from WRF version 3, determining the spatial and temporal distribution of this heavy precipitation event. The results also revealed that snow overestimation can lead to high rainfall accumulations, even though rain is more evenly distributed over the 24h period, deteriorating precipitation forecast.  相似文献   

本文建立了一个采用地形坐标及高分辨率的行星边界层参数化方案的三维中尺度静力模式。模式中还采用能考虑边界上地形变化的开侧边界条件。利用该模式,本文研究了弱盛行风条件下的陆风以及平坦地形和斜坡地形下城市热岛和陆风的相互作用。结果表明:夜间下坡风的出现和消失都早于陆风;坡风增大了陆风强度,并延迟了陆风向海风的过渡。 结果还表明,城市对陆风的影响比坡风小。在陆风形成和发展阶段,城市主要起增大下垫面摩擦的动力作用;在陆风减弱和消亡阶段,城市热岛环流逐渐形成并增强,城市对周围风场主要起热力作用。另一方面,在盛行风,坡风和陆风的影响下,热岛环流的形成、发展、强度和辐合带轴线的方向等都会发生改变。  相似文献   

城市热岛效应对污染物扩散规律影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
苗曼倩 《大气科学》1990,14(2):207-214
用一个二维非定常扩散方程模拟了夜间城市边界层中三种不同有效高度(20m,72m和110m)连续线源所产生的污染物浓度分布特征。数值试验结果表明:不管是否出现热岛环流,城市热岛效应使高架源产生的地面浓度增大,而使近地面源所产生的地面浓度减小。这是因为城市下垫面的热力和动力作用改变了一般的边界层低层的温度结构和湍流结构所致。  相似文献   

随着全球城市化快速发展、城市化水平逐渐提高,城市气候问题日益突出,城市热岛效应的形成机理也成为当前研究的热点。基于海口市2010—2015年社会经济、气象和Landsat卫星遥感数据资料,分析了海口市城市热岛强度变化和城市化发展对城市热岛效应的影响。结果表明,海口市的热岛强度逐渐增强,范围逐渐扩大。城市热岛强度具有明显的季节变化,春季最高,夏季和秋季逐次之,冬季最低。城市热岛强度与归一化建筑指数、人口密度和国内生产总值呈显著正相关,和归一化植被指数呈显著负相关,都通过了信度0.01的显著性检验。城市扩大植被面积在一定程度上有助于缓解城市热岛效应。  相似文献   

周晶  刘蕾  霍飞  鲍婷婷 《气象科学》2018,38(3):342-350
利用中尺度数值模式WRF,分别选用新旧两种下垫面资料和不同城市冠层模型设计试验,以江苏一次秋末高温天气个例(2014年11月20—21日)为背景,研究城市化进程对气温的影响和可能机制。将模式结果与江苏国家气象观测站和地面加密区域自动站观测资料进行对比,并分析3组试验结果发现:(1)采用BEP城市方案对2 m气温、2 m相对湿度和10 m风速等物理量的日变化模拟最优。(2)相比USGS数据,MODIS较新地表覆盖变化数据能更真实反映研究区域当前地表类型分布情况,且能提高近地面风温湿要素空间分布的模拟。(3)分析不同试验模拟的地表能量平衡过程差异,发现相比UCM单层城市冠层方案,BEP多层城市冠层方案在白天能更好模拟出城市地区的温度升高以及相对应的地表感热通量和地面热通量的增加。  相似文献   

城市热岛成因及其对污染物扩散影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用大涡模拟方法,通过数值求解可压缩流体的动力学方程和欧拉型的浓度扩散方程,建立了不同的地表模型,将城市地表差异等因素作为地面热通量的边界条件引入,得到了简单区域上的温度场和流场的三维结构,证实了城乡地表差异是引起热岛现象的根本原因之一,成功再现了城市热岛现象,并研究了城市热岛效应的存在对污染物扩散的影响。  相似文献   

如何量化土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)对区域气候的影响,是人类活动影响气候变化研究中的一个难点。本文利用卫星遥感反映过去三十年东亚区域土地利用变化数据,基于Mosaic近似考虑土地利用及其变化次网格尺度过程,量化了LUCC对地表辐射收支及气温的影响。过去三十年土地利用/覆盖变化对东亚区域总体呈降温效应(中国东部地区增温效应),LUCC导致的地表反照率变化影响地表辐射收支,中国和东亚区域的辐射强迫分别为-0.56 W m~(-2)和-0.50 W m~(-2)。  相似文献   

Temporal characteristics of the Beijing urban heat island   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary This paper describes the inter-annual trend, and the seasonal and hourly variation of the near surface urban heat island (UHI) in Beijing. The surface air temperature data (mean, maximum, and minimum) from one urban (downtown Beijing) and one rural (70 km from downtown Beijing) station were used for the period 1977 and 2000. It is found that the temperatures in both urban and rural stations show an increasing tendency. Specifically, minimum temperature shows the greatest tendency at the urban station whereas maximum temperature shows the greatest increase at the rural station. The UHI intensity obtained by calculating the difference in temperatures between the two stations identifies that the intensity is greatest and has the greatest increasing trend for minimum temperature, while the UHI intensity of maximum temperature shows a slow decrease over time. UHI intensity for minimum temperature has a strong positive correlation with the increase in the urban population and the expansion of the yearly construction area. Seasonal analyses showed the UHI intensity is strongest in winter. This seasonal UHI variation tends to be negatively correlated with the seasonal variation of relative humidity and vapor pressure. Hourly variation reveals that the strongest UHI intensity is observed in the late nighttime or evening, while the weakest is observed during the day.  相似文献   

随着长三角地区经济发展的同时,人类活动对自然环境产生了很大影响,其中土地覆盖状况变化显著,尤以城市化扩展为主。为了评估土地覆盖资料对天气过程的数值模拟影响,了解土地覆盖变化对区域气象环境产生的作用,本文利用中尺度数值天气模式WRFV3.0/Noah/UCM,选取2005年250 m分辨率的MOD IS数据制作土地覆盖资料,针对2007年7月长三角地区一次夏季高温过程进行数值试验,分析表明:新的土地覆盖资料更真实地反映了长三角地区的下垫面结构,尤其体现出区域内城市群面积快速增长的特征。将模拟结果与高分辨率的气象站观测资料对比,统计结果显示精细化土地覆盖资料的引入明显改善了模拟效果,较真实的反映出城市化发展对区域气象环境的影响作用。  相似文献   

The snow cover extent in mid-high latitude areas of the Northern Hemisphere has significantly declined corresponding to the global warming, especially since the 1970s. Snow-climate feedbacks play a critical role in regulating the global radiation balance and influencing surface heat flux exchange. However, the degree to which snow cover changes affect the radiation budget and energy balance on a regional scale and the difference between snow-climate and land use/cover change (LUCC)-climate feedbacks have been rarely studied. In this paper, we selected Heilongjiang Basin, where the snow cover has changed obviously, as our study area and used the WRF model to simulate the influences of snow cover changes on the surface radiation budget and heat balance. In the scenario simulation, the localized surface parameter data improved the accuracy by 10 % compared with the control group. The spatial and temporal analysis of the surface variables showed that the net surface radiation, sensible heat flux, Bowen ratio, temperature and percentage of snow cover were negatively correlated and that the ground heat flux and latent heat flux were positively correlated with the percentage of snow cover. The spatial analysis also showed that a significant relationship existed between the surface variables and land cover types, which was not obviously as that for snow cover changes. Finally, six typical study areas were selected to quantitatively analyse the influence of land cover types beneath the snow cover on heat absorption and transfer, which showed that when the land was snow covered, the conversion of forest to farmland can dramatically influence the net radiation and other surface variables, whereas the snow-free land showed significantly reduced influence. Furthermore, compared with typical land cover changes, e.g., the conversion of forest into farmland, the influence of snow cover changes on net radiation and sensible heat flux were 60 % higher than that of land cover changes, indicating the importance of snow cover changes in the surface-atmospheric feedback system.  相似文献   

应用基于多层城市冠层方案BEP(Building Environment Parameterization)增加室内空调系统影响的建筑物能量模式BEM(Building Energy Model)方案的WRF模式,模拟研究重庆热岛的特征、成因以及局地环流对热岛形成的影响。文中共有两个算例,一为重庆真实下垫面算例,称之为URBAN算例,二为将城市下垫面替换为耕地下垫面的对比算例,称之为NOURBAN算例。结果表明:1)WRF方案模拟结果与观测2 m气温的对比吻合较好,误差主要出现在正午温度峰值和凌晨温度谷值处,由城市下垫面特性及城市内建筑分布误差引起。2)BEP+BEM方案较好地模拟出了重庆地区的热岛分布的空间和时间特征。重庆市温度的分布受地形和城市下垫面的双重影响,越靠近城区,温度的分布受城市化影响就越大,在海拔低处,温度就越高。3)城区立体三维表面对辐射的陷阱作用导致城市表面总体反射率小,向上短波辐射小于郊区约20 W/m~2。城市表面以感热排放为主,而郊区则表现为潜热的作用占主导。夜间城市地表储热以及空调废热向大气释放,是城市热岛形成的重要原因。4)模拟区域背景风场主要为东南风,局地环流呈现出越靠近山区风速越大、城市区域风速较小的特性,体现了城市密集的建筑群对低层大气流场的空气动力学效应,以及复杂山谷地形的山谷风环流特性。在市区的西侧和东南侧均有高大山脉阻挡,山脉对城市出流的阻碍作用、气流越山与绕流运动对城市热岛的形成有一定影响。  相似文献   

城市热岛效应热点问题研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了国内外城市热岛效应研究热点及不足,探讨了时空替代性、评价指标合理性、模拟空间尺度适宜性及理论与应用研究相结合等问题,指出未来城市热岛效应研究应注重新方法与新思路的集成、城市群热岛效应监测、城市热岛与全球异常环境要素间的生态关联性、缓解城市热岛效应的生态途径与技术方法。  相似文献   

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