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The calci-mircobialite is a special carbonate buildup, which is formed due to the activities of different kinds of microbes. Abundant microfossils preserved in the microbialite show the high-level productivity during deposition, while characteristic sedimentary minerals and geochemical compositions suggest an anoxic marine environment for organic burial. The high-level productivity and anoxic sedimentary environment favor the efficient preservation of organic matter and thus the formation of source rocks. On these points, microbialites could be one of the potential hydrocarbon source rocks, awaiting further geobiological investigation and exploration. Precambrian and some of the great transitional stages in Phanerozoic are critical periods when microbialites were well developed. Widespread microbialites have been found in North and South China. Bitumen observed in many outcrops of Precambrian and late Devonian microbialites further raises the possibility of the calci-microbialite as a potential hydrocarbon source rock. __________ Translated from Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007, 32(6): 797-802 [译自: 地球科学-中国地质大学学报]  相似文献   

Soils are recipients of contaminants from the burning of metal-containing materials in bonfires. In order to obtain a better understanding of the impacts of bonfires on soils, a total of 218 surface soil samples were collected from a traditional bonfire site in Galway City, Ireland. Concentrations of 14 elements including Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sc, Ti and Zn in 30 selected samples were determined using ICP-OES. Strong variations were observed for these elements. Concentrations of Zn, Cu and Pb were elevated, indicating that these metals may be influenced by human activities. Therefore, concentrations of these three metals were further measured using a portable X-ray fluorescence (P-XRF) analyser (n = 218) and their spatial distribution was investigated using a Geographical Information System (GIS). Soils with elevated metal concentrations, as evident from the spatial distribution maps, coincided with the locations of traditional festival bonfires. The results of this study provide useful information for the management of bonfire sites including the enforcement of a control policy regarding the burning of materials in bonfires.  相似文献   

Using a modified extraction procedure, the effect of pH on the leaching of selected elements from Ca-rich (Type C) power plant fly ash was studied. Continuous additions of acetic acid were used to maintain pH values of fly ash slurries at 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 for 24 h and an additional set was leached at its natural pH (average 11.8) value. Analyses for Se, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Fe, Na and Pb showed that the highest concentrations occur in the leachate at pH 4.0 and decline with increasing pH. Concentrations of Cr and Fe increased slightly between neutral and high pH. Arsenic, Cd, Cr, Pb and Se concentrations exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency's toxicity criteria at pH 4.0. Selenium was above its toxicity level at pH values near 7 but the other elements were below their respective toxicity levels near neutral pH. Because recent studies show adverse effects of Se on aquatic life at far lower concentrations than the current Environmental Protection Agency's standard, high-Ca, power plant fly ashes represent a potentially hazardous pollutant to surface and subsurface waters.  相似文献   

The seismic source parameters for five large Vrancea earthquakes are calculated : corner frequency, focal radius, seismic moment and stress drop.The multiplicity character of some events is put in evidence, using spectral and time domain analysis.  相似文献   

Use of tsunami waveforms for earthquake source study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tsunami waveforms recorded on tide gauges, like seismic waves recorded on seismograms, can be used to study earthquake source processes. The tsunami propagation can be accurately evaluated, since bathymetry is much better known than seismic velocity structure in the Earth. Using waveform inversion techniques, we can estimate the spatial distribution of coseismic slip on the fault plane from tsunami waveforms. This method has been applied to several earthquakes around Japan. Two recent earthquakes, the 1968 Tokachi-oki and 1983 Japan Sea earthquakes, are examined for calibration purposes. Both events show nonuniform slip distributions very similar to those obtained from seismic wave analyses. The use of tsunami waveforms is more useful for the study of unusual or old earthquakes. The 1984 Torishima earthquake caused unusually large tsunamis for its earthquake size. Waveform modeling of this event shows that part of the abnormal size of this tsunami is due to the propagation effect along the shallow ridge system. For old earthquakes, many tide gauge records exist with quality comparable to modern records, while there are only a few good quality seismic records. The 1944 Tonankai and 1946 Nankaido earthquakes are examined as examples of old events, and slip distributions are obtained. Such estimates are possible only using tsunami records. Since tide-gauge records are available as far back as the 1850s, use of them will provide unique and important information on long-term global seismicity.  相似文献   

A multi-act scale for measuring the earthquake preparedness of individuals and small businesses was developed and used to assess the earthquake preparedness and the perceived difficulty of becoming prepared for earthquakes of 291 University of Southern California undergraduate students approximately 3 weeks prior to the 5.9 magnitude Whittier Narrows earthquake on 1 October 1987. These data were then compared with similar information collected over a 2 1/2 month period following the earthquake from randomly selected samples of subjects that had participated in the original survey. In one case, levels of preparedness of a single group were measured at approximately 2 week intervals (the repeated measures study). In a second case, this information was collected at different points in time following the earthquake from different groups of subjects (the between groups study). Results indicated an initial increase in earthquake preparedness which was significant for subjects in the repeated measures group and which approached significance for subjects in the between groups. This increase in preparedness was maintained for subjects in the repeated measure study but gradually declined to pre-earthquake levels for subjects in the between subjects study. Subjects in the repeated measures study also perceived earthquake preparedness as a significantly less difficult task following the earthquake. Level of perceived difficulty continued to decline over the 2 1/2 month study period. Declines in perceived difficulty for the between subjects study were more erratic, and were only approximately 1/3 of that for the repeated measures group at the end of 2 1/2 months.  相似文献   

李莉  黄文斌  吕鹏  吴西顺 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):391-392
稀土是在地壳发现的一系列化学元素,由于其独特的化学性质,稀土元素广泛应用于包括电子产品、计算机、通信系统、交通、医疗、国防等多个领域。随着稀土资源的持续开采、高昂的环境代价,以及新兴领域对稀土需求的日益增长提出对回收稀土加强研究,利用经济可行的方法,寻找更多来源的要求。  相似文献   

The production rate and isotopic composition of H2 derived from radiolytic reactions in H2O were measured to assess the importance of radiolytic H2 in subsurface environments and to determine whether its isotopic signature can be used as a diagnostic tool. Saline and pure, aerobic and anaerobic water samples with pH values of 4, 7, and 10 were irradiated in sealed vials at room temperature with an artificial γ source, and the H2 abundance in the headspace and its isotopic composition were measured. The H2 concentrations were observed to increase linearly with dosage at a rate of 0.40 ± 0.04 molecules (100 eV)−1 within the dosage range of 900 to 3500 Gray (Gy; Gy = 1 J Kg−1) with no indication of a maximum limit on H2 concentration. At ∼2000 Gy, the H2 concentration varied only by 16% across the experimental range of pH, salinity, and O2. Based upon this measured yield and H2 yields for α and β particles, a radiolytic H2 production rate of 10−9 to 10−4 nM s−1 was estimated for the range of radioactive element concentrations and porosities typical of crustal rocks. The δD of H2 was independent of the dosage, pH (except for pH 4), salinity, and O2 and yielded an αDH2O-H2 of 2.05 ± 0.07 (αDH2O-H2 = (D/H)H2O to (D/H)H2), slightly less than predicted radiolytic models. Although this radiolytic fractionation value is significantly heavier than that of equilibrium isotopic exchange between H2 and H2O, the isotopic exchange rate between H2 and H2O will erase the heavy δD of radiolytic H2 if the age of the groundwater is greater than ∼103 to 104 yr. The millimolar concentrations of H2 observed in the groundwater of several Precambrian Shields are consistent with radiolysis of water that has resided in the subsurface for a few million years. These concentrations are well above those required to support H2-utilizing microorganisms and to inhibit H2-producing, fermentative microorganisms.  相似文献   

Up to 150 years of historical mean felt report data at 32 key Australian towns and cities were tested for completeness and converted to intensity recurrence intervals using extreme‐value analysis. It was found that the backward extrapolation of the mean modelled results of the most recent earthquake hazard study for these same localities fell within the 95% confidence interval derived from the regression of these historical data. Historical maximum felt intensities in the same towns and cities of Australia were used to show that damaging intensities of MM7 (or more) can be expected at susceptible sites at one (or more) of these centres, on average at least once every decade. Hence identification of the susceptible sites in each of these localities should be a priority.  相似文献   

Lithospheric stress in Mongolia has been studied using mechanisms of 84 M_(LH)≥ 4 earthquakes that occurred in the 20 th century and instrumental seismic moments of 17,375 M_(LH)≥2.5 events recorded between 1970 and 2000.The M_(LH)≥ 3.5 earthquakes mostly have strike-slip mechanisms in southern and central Mongolia,with frequent reverse-slip motions in the west and normal slip in the north,especially,in the area of Lake Hovsgol.The principal stresses are,respectively,S_HS_vS_h in the center and in the south;high horizontal compression with S_HS_hS_v in the west;and a heterogeneous stress pattern with S_vS_HS_h in the north.According to seismic moments of M_(LH)=2.5 events,oblique slip generally predominates over the territory,at S_v≈S_HS_h,while frequent strike slip motions in the west record high horizontal compression(S_HS_vS_h).Earthquake mechanisms show the principal horizontal compression S_H to be directed W-E in the east,NE-SW in the central and Gobi-Altay regions,and approximately N-S in the west of Mongolia.The patterns of principal lithospheric stresses in the territory of Mongolia have undergone three events of dramatic change for a few recent decades,and these events were synchronous with three similar events in the Baikal rift system(BRS):in the latest 1960 s,latest 1970 s to earliest 1980 s,and in the latest 1980 s to earliest 1990 s.The seismicity of Mongolia has been controlled by superposition of variable stresses associated with rifting activity pulses in the neighbor BRS on the background of quasi-stationary super-regional compression.  相似文献   

The university as a local source of expertise   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relationship between the university and the city is expressed, amongst others, by the transfer of knowledge from the university to local actors. The universitys role as a local source of knowledge is studied by analyzing the outflow of the two main knowledge assets to the local area: graduates and research results. By comparing the results from universities in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom comparative evidence is discussed.  相似文献   

Examples of the mightiest energy releases by great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and hypotheses providing explanations for them are analyzed along with the results of some recently published researches and visualizations.The emerging conclusions are that the mechanism of the strong earthquake is a chemical explosion;that volcanic eruption is a special type of earthquake wherein the hypocenter rises to the earth-surface;and that there is an association between the seismic-volcanic processes and mantle "fluids" and the lack of energy for mantle plumes.A conceptual system of hypotheses is put forward to explain the conservation of energy during Earth’s accretion,its quasi-stable release by primordial H- and He-degassing and of the crucial role of the energy of degassing-comprisingreactions in endogenic processes.Specific mechanisms and chemical processes are proposed for the gas-liquid mantle plumes melting through the solid mantle using heat-energy released in reactions of their metamorphic and chemical transformation under gradual decrease of pressure and temperature;volcanic gases are put forward as energy carriers.He performance as a unique measuring transformer correlative to the internal heat flow was used for calculation of energy release by degassing;it equals to 5.12×1020 J/yr.an amount of energy five-fold greater than the entire energy loss involved in earthquake and volcanic activity.The hypotheses proposed are objectively testable.  相似文献   

Variations of the air pressure, cosmic ray fluxes, sunspot numbers, and interplanetary magnetic field in connection with strong earthquake occurrences are studied. The results of this investigation permits one to consider the variations of the cosmic rays as one of the possible cause of air pressure variations and one of the possible earthquake precursors.  相似文献   

An important problem of the studies of earthquake sources is to clarify the mechanism of formation of radiated source spectra of the ω?2 (“omega-square”) kind, or equivalently, of flat acceleration spectra. This spectral model is well established empirically and has the status of a classical one in source seismology; however, it lacks adequate theoretical foundation. It is shown that spectra of the ω?2 kind can be explained by combining the following three concepts regarding source rupture: (1) the fault asperity model of Das-Kostrov; (2) the Andrews’s concept that the field of the stress drop over the fault is a 2D flicker-noise with amplitude spectrum of the 1/k type; and (3) the hypothesis that the distance of propagation of Rayleigh waves from a failing spot on a fault is determined by the width of the slip zone associated with the rupture front.  相似文献   

Coal as a source rock for oil: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The geological debate about whether, and to what extent, humic coals have sourced oil is likely to continue for some time, despite some important advances in our knowledge of the processes involved. It is clear that not only liptinites, but also perhydrous vitrinites have the potential to generate hydrocarbon liquids in the course of natural coalification. Some liptinites, especially alginite, cutinite, and suberinite, contain a higher proportion of aliphatic moieties in their structure than other liptinites such as sporinite and resinite and are, therefore, more oil-prone. It is of potential value to be able to predict the several environments of deposition in which coals with high liptinite contents or containing perhydrous vitrinites may have been formed. Review of the distribution of oil-prone coals in time and space reveals that most are Jurassic–Tertiary with key examples from Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. Methods based both on experimental simulations and the examination of naturally matured samples have been used to determine the order of generation of hydrocarbons from different macerals. Results are not entirely consistent among the different approaches, and there is much overlap in the ranges of degradation, but it seems probable that in the natural environment vitrinites begin to generate early, followed by labile liptinites such as suberinite, then cutinite, sporinite, and, finally, alginite.Petroleum potential may be determined by experimental simulation of natural coalification or inferred through various micro-techniques, especially fluorescence and infrared (IR) spectroscopy, or bulk techniques such as elemental analysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The latter three techniques enable a measure of the polymethylene component of the coal, which now appears to be one of the best available approaches for determining petroleum potential. No method of experimental simulation of petroleum generation from coals is without criticism, and comparative results are highly variable. However, hydrous pyrolysis, confined pyrolysis, and forms of open-system hydrous pyrolysis approach acceptable simulations.Whether, and to what degree generated liquid hydrocarbons are expelled, has long been the central problem in ‘oil from coal’ studies. The structure of vitrinite was believed until recently to contain an interconnected microporous network in which generated oil would be contained until an expulsion threshold was attained. Recent studies show the pores are not interconnected. Combined with a dynamic model of pore generation, it now seems that expulsion of hydrocarbons is best explained by activated diffusion of molecules to maceral boundaries and ultimately by cleats and fractures to coal seam boundaries. The main reason for poor expulsion is the adsorption of oil on the organic macromolecule, which may be overcome (1) if coals are thin and interbedded with clastic sediments, or (2) if the coals are very hydrogen-rich and generate large quantities of oil.The existence of oil in vitrinite is attested to by solvent extractions, fluorescence properties, and by microscopic observations of oil and bitumen. Experimental simulation of expulsion of oil from coals has only recently been attempted. The relative timing of release of generated CO2 and CH4 could have considerable importance in promoting the expulsion of liquid hydrocarbons but the mechanism is unclear. As it is universally agreed that dispersed organic matter (DOM) in some shales readily generates and expels petroleum, it is curious that few consistent geochemical differences have been found between coal macerals and DOM in interbedded shales.Unambiguous evidence of expulsion from coals is limited, and in particular only a few commercial oil discoveries can be confidently correlated to coals. These include Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation coals in the USA, from which oil is produced; New Zealand Tertiary coals; and Middle Jurassic coals from the Danish North Sea. It is likely that coals have at least contributed to significant oil discoveries in the Gippsland Basin, Australia; in the Turpan Basin, China; and in the Kutei and Ardjuna basins in Indonesia, but this remains unproven. Early reports that early Jurassic coals in mid-Norway were a major source of the reservoired oils have been shown to be inaccurate.None of the proposed ‘rules of thumb’ for generation or expulsion of petroleum from coals seem particularly robust. Decisions on whether a particular coal is likely to have been an active source for oil should consider all available geological and geochemical information. The assumptions made in computational models should be well understood as it is likely with new understandings of processes involved that some of these assumptions will be difficult to sustain.  相似文献   

We collected and analyzed 68 civilian monitoring videos recording the scenes of the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan earthquake. These video recordings are shared online by volunteers after the earthquake. Intensity was estimated by visual inspection of the playback video recordings. Comparing to traditional media accounts, these video records have the distinctive unbiased feature in obtaining local intensity due to their dynamic and repeatable nature. We argue that with proper guidance for providing the necessary information of the location and time when sharing these data online, civilian monitoring videos are potentially more and more useful in the citizen-powered macro-seismology.  相似文献   

陈志明 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):81-85
发生在2008年5月12日的四川汶川里氏8.0级大地震,给人民的生命财产和国家建设造成了严重的损失。面对汶川大地震千百万受灾群众的苦难,以及未来亚洲地震灾害的研究和防治,作者通过多年研制的亚洲与邻海有关地学基础图件的基本信息,就汶川大地震发生的成因及其大陆地震动力源等问题作出客观解释。  相似文献   

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