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We present the result of our extensive intranight optical monitoring of the well-known low-energy peaked BL Lac (LBL) object PKS 0735+178. This long-term follow-up consists of R -band monitoring for a minimum duration of ∼4 hours, on 17 nights spanning 11 years (1998–2008). Using the CCD as an N-star photometer, a detection limit of around 1 per cent was attained for the intranight optical variability (INOV). Remarkably, an INOV amplitude of  ≥3 per cent  on hour-like time-scale was not observed on any of the 17 nights, even though the likelihood of a typical LBL showing such INOV levels in a single session of  ≳4  hours duration is known to be high  (∼50 per cent)  . Our observations have thus established a peculiar long-term INOV quiescence of this radio-selected BL Lac object. Moreover, the access to unpublished optical monitoring data of similarly high sensitivity, acquired in another programme, has allowed us to confirm the same anomalous INOV quiescence of this LBL all the way back to 1989, the epoch of its historically largest radio outburst. Here, we present observational evidence revealing the very unusual INOV behaviour of this classical BL Lac object and discuss this briefly in the context of its other known exceptional properties.  相似文献   

We study the incidence of the underlying host galaxy light on the measured optical linear polarization of blazars. Our methodology consists of the implementation of simulated observations obtained under different atmospheric conditions, which are characterized by the Gaussian σ of the seeing function. The simulated host plus active nucleus systems span broad ranges in luminosity, structural properties, redshift and polarization; this allows us to test the response of the results against each of these parameters.
Our simulations show that, as expected, the measured polarization is always lower than the intrinsic value, due to the contamination by non-polarized star light from the host. This effect is more significant when the host is brighter than the active nucleus, and/or a large photometric aperture is used. On the other hand, if seeing changes along the observing time under certain particular conditions, spurious microvariability could be obtained, especially when using a small photometric aperture. We thus give some recommendations in order to minimize both unwanted effects, as well as basic guidelines to estimate a lower limit of the true (nuclear) polarization.
As an example, we apply the results of our simulations to real polarimetric observations, with high temporal resolution, of the blazar PKS 0521−365.  相似文献   

We present radio observations of the radio galaxy PKS 2152–699 obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The much higher resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the new radio maps reveal the presence of a bright radio component about 10 arcsec north-east of the nucleus. This lies close to the highly ionized cloud previously studied in the optical and here shown in a broad-band red snapshot image with the HST PC 2. It suggests that PKS 2152–699 may be a jet/cloud interaction similar to 3C 277.3. This could cause the change in the position angle (of ∼ 20°) of the radio emission from the inner to the outer regions. On the large scale, the source has Fanaroff & Riley type II morphology although the presence of the two hotspots in the centres of the lobes is unusual. The northern lobe shows a particularly relaxed structure while the southern one has an edge-brightened, arc-like structure.  相似文献   

We present radio observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array to study the jets and lobes of three Fanaroff–Riley class I (FR I) radio galaxies: PKS B1234−723, 1452−517 and B2148−555. The total intensity and polarization radio images of the FR I jets are used to determine jet brightness and width variations, magnetic field structure and fractional polarization. The equipartition pressure is determined as a function of distance from the galaxies to probe the intergalactic medium.  相似文献   

The BL Lacertae object PKS 1413+135 is associated with a disc-dominated galaxy that heavily absorbs the BL Lac nucleus at optical and X-ray wavelengths. It has been argued whether this galaxy is actually the host galaxy of PKS 1413+135 or whether the BL Lac is a background QSO, gravitationally lensed by the apparent host galaxy. We have obtained deep high-resolution H -band images of this unusual BL Lac object using the UKIRT IRCAM3. Our observations show that the BL Lac nucleus is centred within 0.05 arcsec of the galaxy. Based on this result, we assess the probability for the lensing scenario and come to the conclusion that the disc galaxy is indeed the host of PKS 1413+135. The galaxy shows peanut-shaped isophotes, suggesting the presence of a central bar, which is a common feature of AGN.  相似文献   

We present multi-epoch 8.4- and 43-GHz Very Long Baseline Array images of the BL Lac object 0735+178. The images confirm the presence of a twisted jet with two sharp apparent bends of 90° within two milliarcseconds of the core, resembling a helix in projection. The observed twisted geometry could be the result of precession of the jet inlet, but is more likely produced by pressure gradients in the external medium through which the jet propagates. Quasi-stationary components are observed at the locations of the 90° bends, possibly produced by differential Doppler boosting.
Identification of components across epochs, since the earliest VLBI observations of this source in 1979.2, proves difficult due to the sometimes large time gaps between observations. One possible identification suggests the existence of superluminal components following non-ballistic trajectories with velocities up to     . However, in images obtained after mid-1995, components show a remarkable tendency to cluster near several jet positions, suggesting a different scenario in which components have remained nearly stationary in time, at least since mid-1995. Comparison with the earlier published data, covering more than 19 years of observations, suggests a striking qualitative change in the jet trajectory sometime between mid-1992 and mid-1995, with the twisted jet structure with stationary components becoming apparent only at the later epochs. This would require a re-evaluation of the physical parameters estimated for 0735+178, such as the observing viewing angle, the plasma bulk Lorentz factor, and those deduced from these.  相似文献   

We present new X-ray and H  I 21-cm data on the poor cluster of galaxies Abell 3581. The ASCA spectrum requires a low temperature, has a strong requirement for excess absorption and shows evidence for multi-temperature components. The ROSAT HRI image shows the strongly peaked emission indicative of a cooling flow. Despite the low temperature (∼ 1.5–2.0 keV) and low luminosity (∼ 2 × 1042 erg s−1 in the 2–10 keV band), Abell 3581 has a mass deposition rate ∼ 80 M⊙ yr−1 which is larger than found for other nearby low-luminosity objects. VLA observations in the 21-cm band set velocity width and spin temperature dependent limits on the column density of atomic hydrogen.  相似文献   

We present optical identifications for a sample of 20 previously unknown X-ray/radio sources that are present both in the source catalogue of ROSAT PSPC pointed observations ( ROSAT SRC) and in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). The optical spectroscopy was carried out with the 2.1-m telescope at San Pedro Martir (Mexico) during 1995 April and September. We have identified 15 active galactic nuclei [including 12 broad-emission-line (FWHM >1000 km s−1) objects, one bona fide BL Lac, one BL Lac candidate and one narrow-line (FWHM < 1000 km s−1) radio galaxy] and five radio galaxies. We derive the X-ray fluxes and luminosities by analysing the PSPC exposures, and show the radio morphology from the NVSS maps.  We find that the correlation between the monochromatic X-ray luminosity at 2 keV and the core radio luminosity at 5 GHz for the radio galaxies in our sample follows that found for the 3CR radio galaxies, suggesting a possible nuclear origin for the X-ray emission in these sources. This correlation is weaker in the case of broad-line objects, indicating the presence of another (unbeamed) mechanism for the X-ray emission only weakly related to the radio emission.  相似文献   

The results of a BeppoSAX target of opportunity (TOO) observation of the BL Lac object Mrk 421 during a high-intensity state are reported and compared with monitoring X-ray data collected with the BeppoSAX Wide Field Cameras (WFC) and the RXTE All Sky Monitor (ASM). The 0.1–100 keV spectrum of Mrk 421 shows continuous convex curvature that can be interpreted as the high-energy end of the synchrotron emission. The source shows significant short-term temporal and spectral variability, which can be interpreted in terms of synchrotron cooling. The comparison of our results with those of previous observations when the source was a factor 3–5 fainter shows evidence for strong spectral variability, with the maximum of the synchrotron power shifting to higher energy during high states. This behaviour suggests an increase in the number of energetic electrons during high states.  相似文献   

本文综述了ASCA ,RXTE ,BeppoSAX和XMM -NEWTON对TeV耀变体 (Blazar)X射线研究的最新进展。主要集中在X射线资料的时间和光谱分析的最重要的方面 ,包括功率谱密度 ,结构函数 ,带间时间延迟 ,同步峰值能量的漂移和谱演化。对这些新结果的物理意义也进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

We present a Chandra observation of the candidate BL Lac object EXO 0423.4−0840. The X-ray emission from EXO 0423.4−0840 is clearly extended, and is associated with an optical early-type galaxy, MCG-01-12-005, at the centre of cluster ClG 0422-09. We do not detect a point source that can be associated with a BL Lac, but we found a small radio source in the centre of MCG-01-12-005. The cluster gas temperature mapped by the Chandra observation drops continuously from 80 kpc towards the centre, and is locally single phase. We measure a metallicity profile that declines outwards with a value  0.8 Z  in the centre, dropping to  0.35 Z  at larger radius, which we interpret as a superposition of cluster gas and a dense interstellar medium (ISM) in the central galaxy. Although the temperature profile suggests that conduction is not efficient, the ISM and intra-cluster medium seem not to have mixed. The entropy profile declines continuously towards the centre, in agreement with recent results on groups and clusters. The radio source appears to have had some effect in terms of gas heating, as seen in the small-scale (∼10 kpc) entropy core, and the asymmetric hard emission on the same scale.  相似文献   

External Faraday rotation has been detected in both the core and the parsec-scale jet of BL Lac in a four-frequency very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment. This unexpected result indicates the presence of significant amounts of thermal gas close to the nucleus of this object. The rotation measure (RM) in the jet components is constant, and differs from the currently accepted Galactic RM, indicating that this value (−205 rad m−2) is not applicable to the components in the parsec-scale jet. The similarity of the RM in these jet components leads us to suspect that the jet RM is caused by a foreground screen in our Galaxy, although we cannot rule out a combination of Galactic RM and RM local to the jet. If the jet RM is due solely to the Galaxy, this would mean that the currently accepted value of the foreground RM (−205 rad m−2 ) is not correct, either because the value changed between 1982 and 1997, or because the assumption of no intrinsic source rotation was incorrect, as it was at our later epoch of observation. Our observations suggest a value of     .
After correcting for the foreground RM, the core value is −427 rad m−2, which is unexpected since, owing to the weakness of their line emission, BL Lac objects are often assumed to be depleted in gas. The core RM appears to be variable, probably because of the presence of at least two polarized components close to the core the relative contributions of which vary with time.  相似文献   

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