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奥陶系宝塔组灰岩的环境相、生态相与成岩相   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
晚奥陶世宝塔组灰岩在上、中、下扬子碳酸盐沉积区分布极为广泛,因其层面上注记着不规则状、类似鸡冠花的形态特征,因而素以加引号的“龟裂纹灰岩”称之,以此代表宝塔组灰岩特有的沉积构造,以致于两者为同一词。宝塔组灰岩是地质历史中仅有的、唯一的在层面上具有特殊网纹的形态组构,其他时代的灰岩均无此特点,因而它是地质历史中的“时髦相”。形成这一组构可能有三个因素:一是盆地的沉积-构造背景,华南晚奥陶世为前陆盆地,前隆的结果使建筑在克拉通上的碳酸盐大平台构造掀斜,成为浅海中的深水盆地,为低能、慢速沉积的灰泥岩、泥灰岩提供了宽大而平坦的构造-沉积环境空间;二是深水环境中的生态和生物遗迹,由游泳型角石和与之能抗衡的大型软体生物在软底上和沉积物内留下活动的印迹;三是灰泥和泥质物成岩压实作用,叠加在印痕上,因此,宝塔组灰岩“龟裂纹”组构的形成是构造-沉积环境相、生态相和成岩相的产物。  相似文献   

杨朝青  庆安 《沉积学报》1990,8(2):59-66
云南曲靖中泥盆统曲靖组中发育了陆源碎屑与海相碳酸盐的混合沉积。混合沉积发生在以泥为背景沉积物的海湾中,系由突发性事件造成,属间断混合。主要表现为:在同一沉积环境背景上,陆源碎屑与灰泥和生物屑混合掺杂而形成混合组分沉积物。本文还对混合组分岩石的分类命名作了讨论,并命名了混合沉积的典型产物“混积岩”  相似文献   

Recognition of the occurrence and extent of hemipelagic and pelagic deposits in turbidite sequences is of considerable importance for environmental analysis (palaeodepth, circulation, distance from land, hemipelagic or pelagic versus turbidite sedimentation rates) of ancient basins. Differentiation between the finegrained parts (E-division) of turbidites and the (hemi-) pelagic layers (F-division of turbidite-pelagite alternations) is facilitated in basins where carbonate turbidites were deposited below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) such as the Flysch Zone of the East Alps but may be difficult in other basins where less compositional contrast is developed between the fine-grained turbidites and hemipelagites. This difficulty pertains particularly in Palaeozoic and older basins. For Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oceans with a relatively deep calcite compensation level three other types of turbidite basins may be distinguished for which differentiation becomes increasingly more difficult in the sequence from (1) to (3): (1) terrigenous turbidite basins above the CCD; (2) carbonate turbidite basins above the CCD; (3) terrigenous turbidite basins below the CCD. Criteria and methods useful for the differentiation between turbiditic and hemipelagic mudstone in the Upper Cretaceous of the Flysch Zone of the East Alps include calcium carbonate content, colour, sequential analysis, distribution of bioturbation, and microfaunal content. In modern turbidite basins clay mineral content, organic matter content, plant fragments, and grain-size (graded bedding, maximum grain diameter) have reportedly also been used as criteria (see Table 3). Deposition of muddy sediment by turbidity currents on weakly sloping sea bottoms such as the distal parts of deep-sea fans or abyssal plains is not only feasible but may lead to the accumulation of thick layers. Contrary to earlier speculation it can be explained by the hydrodynamic theory of turbidity currents, if temperature differences between the turbidity current and the ambient deep water as well as relatively high current velocities for the deposition of turbiditic muds (an order of magnitude higher on mud surfaces than commonly assumed) are taken into consideration. The former add to the capacity of turbidity currents to carry muddy sediment without creating a driving force on a low slope.  相似文献   

The Nolichucky Formation (0–300 m thick) formed on the Cambrian pericratonic shelf in a shallow intrashelf basin bordered along strike and toward the regional shelf edge by shallow water carbonates and by nearshore clastics toward the craton. Lateral facies changes from shallow basinal rocks to peritidal carbonates suggest that the intrashelf basin was bordered by a gently sloping carbonate ramp. Peritidal facies of the regional shelf are cyclic, upward-shallowing stromatolitic carbonates. These grade toward the intrashelf basin into shallow ramp, cross-bedded, ooid and oncolitic, intraclast grain-stones that pass downslope into deeper ramp, subwave base, ribbon carbonates and thin limestone conglomerate. Ribbon limestones are layers and lenses of trilobite packstone, parallel and wave-ripple-laminated, quartzose calcisiltite, and lime mudstone arranged in storm-generated, fining upward sequences (1–5 cm thick) that may be burrowed. Shallow basin facies are storm generated, upward coarsening and upward fining sequences of green, calcareous shale with open marine biota; parallel to hummocky laminated calcareous siltstone; and intraformational flat pebble conglomerate. There are also rare debris-flow paraconglomerate (10–60 cm thick) and shaly packstone/wackestone with trace fossils, glauconite horizons and erosional surfaces/hardgrounds. A 15-m thick tongue of cyclic carbonates within the shale package contains subtidal digitate algal bioherms which developed during a period of shoaling in the basin. Understanding the Nolichucky facies within a ramp to intrashelf basin model provides a framework for understanding similar facies which are widely distributed in the Lower Palaeozoic elsewhere. The study demonstrates the widespread effects of storm processes on pericratonic shelf sedimentation. Finally, recognition of shallow basins located on pericratonic shelves is important because such basins influence the distribution of facies and reservoir rocks, whose trends may be unrelated to regional shelf-edge trends.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous system in the Xiaohaizi area, Bachu County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, composed of typical mixed terrigenous clastic, carbonate and sulphate sediments, was mainly deposited in the tidal flat and lagoon environments. The mixed sediments occur as the following eleven types: 1. limestone intercalated with siltstone; 2. interbeds of shale and limestone; 3. gypsolyte interbedded with limestone; 4. gypsolyte intercalated with siltstone; 5. gypsolyte interbedded with shale; 6. gypsolyte intercalated with siltstone, limestone and dolomite; 7. siltstone interbedded with gypsolyte and limestone; 8. terrigenous detritus scattered in carbonate matrix; 9. carbonate as cement in clastic rocks; 10. mixed sediments of carbonate and terrigenous mud; 11. mixed sediments of carbonate grains with terrigenous sand. Based on the analysis of the dynamic mechanism of mixed sediments, it is believed that these types of mixed sediments in the study area were controlled by climate, sea level change and so  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic profiles collected by Parasound and SES-2000 deep profilers during Cruise 26 of the R/V Akademik Sergei Vavilov (2009) along the continental slope base of South America, NW Africa, and West Europe are correlated with the deep-sea drilling boreholes. Lithofacies interpretation of the Quaternary deep-water seismic facies of hemipelagites, bottom current deposits (contourites), and gravitites (turbidites, mud flow deposits) is presented. The data obtained reveal the domination of contourites in the accumulation of continental rise apron under conditions of relatively scarce terrigenous material supply. It is shown that acoustically stratified seismic facies under these conditions commonly reflect interbedding of the terrigenous clay and biogenic calcareous ooze related to the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

In the uppermost Jurassic of the central part of the South-East Basin of France, an association of lime mudstone beds, calcarenite beds and coarse carbonate breccia bodies form an informal stratigraphical unit called the 'Barre Tithonique'. In the 'Barre Tithonique', gradual transitions from lime mudstone or calcarenite to breccia show different stages of deformation leading to progressive brecciation of the original lithologies. The study of the breccia facies, and the observed gradual transitions as a whole, document a new early diagenetic process in carbonate environments, resulting from water-wave and seabed interaction. Water-wave induced brecciation and its abundance in the 'Barre Tithonique' indicate that sea–seabed interaction was significant. Comparison with modern studies of the mechanics of wave–seabed interaction suggests that water depth was less than 200 m. It is demonstrated that sedimentary features such as channel-like structures, previously interpreted as being the result of erosion and deposition of mud-flows, were in fact produced by wave-induced, in situ reworking of lime mud, without any significant unidirectional flow or gravity induced displacement.  相似文献   

The Bowland Basin (northern England) contains a series of carbonates and terrigenous mudstones deposited during the Ivorian to early Brigantian. Two regional depositional environments are indicated by facies and facies associations. Wackestone/packstone and calcarenite facies indicate deposition in a carbonate ramp environment, while lime mudstone/wackestone, calcarenite and limestone breccia/conglomerate facies, often extensively slumped, represent a carbonate slope environment. Stratigraphic relations suggest that the depositional environment evolved from a ramp into a slope through the Dinantian. Two main sediment sources are indicated by the sequence; an extra-basinal terrigenous mud source and a supply of carbonate from the margins of the basin. Deposition from suspension and from sediment gravity flows, in situ production and remobilization of sediment during sedimentary sliding were important processes operating within the basin. Periods of enhanced tectonic activity in the late Chadian to early Arundian and late Asbian to early Brigantian are indicated by basin-wide horizons of sedimentary slide and mass flow deposits. Both intervals were marked by a decline in carbonate production resulting from inundation and uplift/emergence. The first of these intervals separates deposition on a seafloor with gentle topography (carbonate ramp) from a situation where major lateral thickness and facies variations were present and deposition took place in a carbonate slope environment. The second interval marks the end of major carbonate deposition within the Bowland Basin and the onset of regional terrigenous sedimentation.  相似文献   

Uplifted during the 1964 Alaskan earthquake, extensive intertidal flats around Middleton Island expose 1300 m of late Cenozoic (Early Pleistocene) Yakataga Formation glaciomarine sediments. These outcrops provide a unique window into outer shelf and upper slope strata that are otherwise buried within the south‐east Alaska continental shelf prism. The rocks consist of five principal facies in descending order of thickness: (i) extensive pebbly mudstone diamictite containing sparse marine fossils; (ii) proglacial submarine channel conglomerates; (iii) burrowed mudstones with discrete dropstone layers; (iv) boulder pavements whose upper surfaces are truncated, faceted and striated by ice; and (v) carbonates rich in molluscs, bryozoans and brachiopods. The carbonates are decimetre scale in thickness, typically channellized conglomeratic event beds interpreted as resedimented deposits on the palaeoshelf edge and upper slope. Biogenic components originated in a moderately shallow (ca 80 m), relatively sediment‐free, mesotrophic, sub‐photic setting. These components are a mixture of parautochthonous large pectenids or smaller brachiopods with locally important serpulid worm tubes and robust gastropods augmented by sand‐size bryozoan and echinoderm fragments. Ice‐rafted debris is present throughout these cold‐water carbonates that are thought to have formed during glacial periods of lowered sea‐level that allowed coastal ice margins to advance near to the shelf edge. Such carbonates were then stranded during subsequent sea‐level rise. Productivity was enabled by attenuation of terrigenous mud deposition during these cold periods via reduced sedimentation together with active wave and tidal‐current winnowing near the ice front. Redeposition was the result of intense storms and possibly tsunamis. These sub‐arctic mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate sediments are an end‐member of the Phanerozoic global carbonate depositional realm whose skeletal attributes first appeared during late Palaeozoic southern hemisphere deglaciation.  相似文献   

The textural characteristics, carbonate content and the coarse fraction components of the Recent bottom sediments of the marine environment off Kuwait are described and the faunal-sediment associations discussed. The sediments were subdivided into seven textural classes, namely sand, silty sand, muddy sand, sandy silt, sandy mud, silt and mud. Most of the study area is covered with muddy sediments whereas sandy deposits are restricted to the rocky bottoms near the southern flat of Kuwait Bay, the southern coast of Kuwait and around the islands and bathymetric highs. The textural classes, carbonate contents and faunal types of the coarse fraction were used to construct a biolithofacies map of the marine bottom sediments off Kuwait, in which nine facies are identified. The sedimentological characteristics of the Recent marine bottom sediments off Kuwait reflect the interaction between autochthonous calcareous fragments mostly of biogenic origin, lime rock fragments derived from beachrocks and submerged reef flats, and allochthonous terrigenous detritus transported to the area mainly by dust storms. The Kuwaiti offshore area is generally a low energy depositional environment with little sediment transport.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地玛北地区三叠系百口泉组储层成岩相特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过岩芯观察、薄片鉴定、扫描电镜分析、测井和录井资料分析,对准噶尔盆地玛北地区三叠系百口泉组的储层特征和成岩作用特征进行了研究,结果表明该区主要发育砂砾岩、不等粒砾岩、含砾砂岩、细砂岩等,储层成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低;储层主要经历了压实作用、胶结作用、溶蚀作用的改造,且泥质杂基含量对储层成岩作用及孔隙演化产生了较大的影响。在综合储层岩石学特征、成岩作用特征、泥质杂基含量对储层影响的基础上,建立了研究区成岩相划分方案,将砂砾岩储层划分为6个成岩相:高成熟强溶蚀相、高成熟中胶结中溶蚀相、高成熟强压实弱溶蚀相、高成熟强胶结相、低成熟强压实相、低成熟强胶结相;不同的成岩相反映了不同的沉积环境和成岩作用的关系,与储层的孔隙类型及物性条件存在着密切关系,具有不同的成岩序列特征、孔隙演化模式、剖面及平面展布特征,这种剖面和平面分布特征可为优质储层的预测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

东营凹陷在沙河街组沉积期为北陡南缓的箕状断陷湖盆。通过钻井岩心、测井、薄片及扫描电镜分析,在断陷湖盆的南缓坡带古近系沙河街组中识别出了冲积扇、河流、三角洲和湖?白沉积体系,以及滨浅湖砂坝和缓坡远端浊积扇沉积相。建立了东营凹陷南部缓坡带层序地层格架及层序演化模式。在此基础上,详细研究了层序地层格架内的成岩作用特征。层序地层格架内主要成岩作用类型有压实作用、压溶作用、溶解作用等,成岩阶段为早成岩A、B期,晚成岩A、B期。层序地层格架内发育了碳酸盐胶结、石英次生加大、高岭石胶结和泥岩压实四种成岩相。  相似文献   

The study deals with the depositional environment of Jumara Dome sediments. The Jumara Dome is an important outcrop of Bathonian to Oxfordian sediments amongst the Kachchh Mainland exposures. On the basis of facies analysis three associations have been documented, namely, G-1 consisting of low energy facies comprising of cross-bedded sandstone, massive sandstone, grey shale and thin bedded sandstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic grainstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic packstone, microbioclastic packstone/wackestone, bioturbated laminated wackestone to mudstone and pelagic lime mudstone; G-II consisting of moderate energy facies comprising of laminated sandstone and grapestone or agglutinated grainstone; G-III consisting of high energy facies comprising of interbedded gypsiferous shale and sandstone/siltstone, oolitic grainstone to conglomerate and bioclastic grainstone. The facies associations reflect an ideal shallowing upward sequence representing slope, bioclast bar, lagoon and inner shelf. Presence of wide range of facies indicates that the rocks of the studied area were deposited during the fluctuating sea level, interrupted by the storms, in the shallow marine environment.  相似文献   

Carbonate rocks contain prolific hydrocarbon reserves all over the world, particularly in the Middle East. For exploration and production strategies, it is essential to understand carbonate reservoirs in terms of their internal characteristics, depositional environment, relative age, diagenetic processes and impact on petrophysical properties. This study has been performed on exposed Cretaceous, Paleocene and Miocene marine carbonate sedimentary sequences in two localities (Maghdoucheh and Qennarit) near the city of Sidon (Southern Lebanon). It represents the first comprehensive study that takes into consideration the carbonate reservoir facies, diagenetic history and reservoir quality in the area. Rocks at Maghdoucheh are mainly dominated by limestone beds showing sedimentary structures and erosive bases alternating with microfossil-rich silty marls, related to a shallowing upward sequence in a restricted marine platform environment. Shells of benthic foraminifera and mollusks dominate the fossil assemblage extracted from the studied rocks. The microfossil and nannofossil assemblage detected in the Maghdoucheh sections indicates a middle Miocene age. Rocks at Qennarit are composed of mudstone/wackestone limestone beds rich in planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils related to open marine conditions. Based on the nannofossil content, rocks from Qennarit 1 and 2 are Paleocene and Cretaceous in age, respectively. Four main types of microfacies have been identified, i.e. (1) microbioclastic peloidal calcisiltite, (2) pelagic lime mudstone and wackestone with planktonic microfossils, (3) grainstone/packstone with abundant foraminifera and (4) fenestral bindstones, mudstones and packstones with porostromate microstructures. The porosity-permeability (poro-perm) analysis of representative samples reveals moderate to good porosity but very low permeability. This is mainly due to the presence of large moldic pores that are isolated in nature. The diagenetic features are dominated by micritization and dissolution (both fabric selective and non-fabric selective). Among all diagenetic features, dissolution in both localities contributes to porosity enhancement, while micritization, cementation, compaction and the filled fractures have negative impacts on permeability; hence the overall reservoir quality.  相似文献   

Sedimentology and budget of a Recent carbonate mound, Florida Keys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sedimentology of a Recent carbonate mound is investigated to further our understanding of mound building communities, surface and subsurface mound sediments, and the overall sediment budget of mounds. Nine sedimentary facies of the surface of Tavernier mound, Florida Keys are described. These sediments are composed of Neogoniolithon, Halimeda, Porites, mollusc and foraminiferal grains, and lime mud. Muds rich in aragonite and high magnesian calcite show little mineralogical variation over the mound surface. Geochemical evidence suggests that the mud is mainly formed from breakdown of codiacean algae and Thalassia blade epibionts. Production rates of the facies are established from in situ growth rate experiments and standing-crop surveys. Annual calcium carbonate production is c. 500gm-2, intermediate between reef and other bay and lagoonal environment production rates in the Caribbean. The internal structure of the mound, studied from piston cores and sediment probes, indicates that seven facies can be identified. Five of these can be related to the present-day facies, and occur in the upper part of the mound (gravel-mound stage). The remaining two facies, characterized by molluscs and aragonite-rich muds, occur in the lower part of the mound (mud-mound stage), and are most similar to facies from typical Florida Bay mud mounds. Mangrove peats within the mound indicate former intertidal areas and C14 dates from these peats provide a time framework for mound sedimentation. The mound appears to have formed because of an initial valley in the Pleistocene surface which accumulated mud in a shallow embayment during the Holocene transgression. A sediment budget for the mound is presented which compares production rates from present-day facies with subsurface sediment masses. During the mud mound stage production rates were similar to accumulation rates and the mound was similar to the present-day mounds of Florida Bay. During the gravel mound stage (3400 yr BP-present day), conditions were more normal marine and the establishment of Porites and Neogoniolithon on the mound increased production rates 10% over accumulation rates. This excess sediment is thought to be transported off the mound to the surrounding seabed. Models are proposed which divide carbonate mounds on the basis of internal versus external sediment supply. Comparisons are made with other Recent and ancient mounds. Similarities exist between the roles of the biotic components of late Palaeozoic mounds but major differences are found when structures and early diagenesis are compared.  相似文献   

Uppermost Triassic (Rhaetic) facies, as developed in the Southern Alpine region of Northern Italy, were deposited in a rapidly subsiding, fault-dissected trough (the Lombardy Basin) bounded by carbonate platforms. The main part of the Rhaetic succession consists of 10-m-scale asymmetric cycles, each divided into three parts: a lower shale portion; a central rhythmic portion consisting of repeated marl-limestone couplets, the limestone parts of which thicken upward; and an upper, wholly carbonate unit. A study of the diagenetic history of the series demonstrates that both the major asymmetric cyclicity and the limestone-marl couplets of the central rhythmic member (together constituting a ‘compound’ cyclic form) are fundamentally depositional in nature. It is suggested that this compound cyclicity resulted from the superposition of a low-frequency (approximately 100 000-year periodicity) asymmetric carbonate mud signal with a higher-frequency terrigenous mud signal. Field, petrographic, and geochemical investigations suggest that the basinal carbonate is predominantly allochthonous in origin, having been derived as relatively pure aragonitic mud from adjacent carbonate platforms. It is postulated that the asymmetric carbonate signal was linked to the ecological effects of eustatic fluctuation on platform carbonate systems. Repeated subaerial exposure of subtidal muds in shallow areas indicates that such sea-level variations occurred. A model is presented in which the basinward export of carbonate was negligible in the deepening phase, increased to a maximum during shallowing and was finally halted by the emergence of large platform flats. In contrast, the higher frequency terrigenous mud signal of the basin is thought to have been climatically modulated; fluctuations of a shorter period than those predicted by the Milankovitch theory affected hinterland precipitation and runoff. Particularly rapid subsidence and high depositional rates may have allowed the preservation of this signal.  相似文献   

The sedimentary–diagenetic structure stromatactis is widespread in Palaeozoic spiculitic carbonate mud mounds, but occurs only sporadically in Mesozoic sponge carbonate mud mounds. Comparative analysis of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic stromatactis limestones suggests that this variation results from the degree of siliceous sponge skeletal rigidity and the amount of internal sediment accumulation in the original cavity network. Partial to entire filling by internal sediment resulted in a continuum, from a small amount of internal sediment and large amount of cement (stromatactis, common in the Palaeozoic), to only internal sediments (aborted stromatactis, common in the Mesozoic). These observations match independent lines of evidence concerning the siliceous sponge evolution and sediment recycling (e.g. bioerosion) across the Palaeozoic to Mesozoic biotic revolution.  相似文献   

柴北缘石炭系克鲁克组发育了一套厚层富有机质细粒沉积岩,是研究区页岩气勘探的主力层系。克鲁克组泥页岩形成于陆表海沉积环境,与深海富硅质泥页岩和湖相富碳酸盐泥页岩具有显著差异,目前研究程度相对较低,因此对其开展岩相与沉积环境研究具有十分重要的沉积学与油气地质学意义。通过野外露头和岩心观察,薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析等技术,以区分标志明显、易于识别为主要原则,综合矿物组成、沉积构造、化石组合及其他混入物等因素,将柴北缘石炭系克鲁克组泥页岩划分出10种主要岩相类型,分别指示不同的沉积微环境。其中,煤岩、水平层理碳质黏土岩、透镜状层理粉砂质黏土岩、波状层理黏土质粉砂岩、脉状层理粉砂岩均属于潮坪沉积;富含菱铁矿结核的块状黏土岩为潟湖沉积;块状泥灰岩和块状生屑灰岩属碳酸盐台地沉积;而含介壳粉砂型泥岩和介壳型泥岩则属于潟湖与局限台地之间的过渡沉积,具有原地混积的特点。由于陆表海平缓的古坡脚,致使区内沉积体系受短期海平面升降变化影响显著,随滨线快速迁移,不同沉积环境的泥页岩在垂向上频繁叠置,交互出现,可总结出3种主要的岩相组合类型,分别形成于局限台地相潟湖相潮坪相组合,局限台地相潟湖相组合和局限台地相生物碎屑浅滩相组合。在泥页岩的岩相类型、特征、沉积环境及垂向演化序列研究的基础上,最终建立了陆表海泥页岩沉积模式。  相似文献   

Rivière粒度资料解释法以数学方法模拟实测粒度累积曲线、并援用若干曲线特征参数判别沉积物形成的流体动力条件,是独树一帜且甚有成效的环境分析方法之一。孟加拉深水扇细粒沉积物经此方法检验,表明半远海环境构成了该深水扇的沉积背景,在此背景下,穿插有低密度阵发性浊流的直接生成物或出现沉积物受等深流的局部改造。总体能量较弱的流体动力环境有利于该地区正常地层记录的保存。  相似文献   

针对鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长组长7段富有机质泥页岩岩石学特征及生烃潜力认识不清的问题,通过对研究区泥页岩的岩石学、矿物组成、有机地球化学、孔隙类型及沉积模式精细研究,结果表明:研究区主要存在3种不同类型的泥页岩,分别是泥质碎屑流成因的块状泥岩、浊流成因的正粒序泥岩及沉积于静水环境中的纹层状泥岩.块状泥岩和正粒序泥岩含有较多的陆源碎屑矿物,纹层状泥岩碳酸盐矿物含量高,同时含有较高的有机碳及可溶烃和热解烃,它们的干酪根类型以Ⅱ型为主,含有少量Ⅰ型.泥页岩储集空间主要为粒间孔、粒内孔及微裂缝,有机质孔少见,纹层状泥岩孔隙类型多样,储集空间大.泥质碎屑流形成的块状泥岩沉积在湖盆坡脚处,浊流成因的正粒序泥岩及纹层状泥岩广泛沉积于湖盆中心,且厚度大.  相似文献   

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