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典型沙漠绿洲城市表土磁性特征及环境指示意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
选取典型沙漠绿洲城市(乌海、石嘴山、银川)表土为研究对象,对其环境磁学性质、土壤质地与重金属含量分布进行系统研究.结果表明,乌海市和石嘴山市表土为典型砂土,银川市为砂壤土.三个城市表土样品均以较粗的MD-PSD颗粒的亚铁磁性矿物(磁铁矿)为主导,磁化率均值分别为152×10-8、104×10-8和117×10-8 m3·kg-1.乌海市表土磁性矿物含量和磁性颗粒大小都显著高于石嘴山和银川市.重金属(Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Fe)的污染负荷指数(PLI)均显示,三个城市表土均存在轻度污染特征.同时磁化率和污染负荷指数在非工业区表现出点状高值分布,在工业区表现为面状高值分布特征.乌海市表土磁参数与重金属的相关系数显著高于石嘴山和银川,表明磁参数对于污染来源单一地区的污染程度评估更具优势.尽管三个城市表土磁学性质存在较大差异,但其磁化率均随污染负荷指数的增加呈现相同程度的递增.磁化率可以作为宁夏平原地区表土重金属污染程度评估的统一有效的代用指标.  相似文献   

The removal of Cu, Zn, and Cd from a sandy soil was investigated using iron filings as an adsorbent, and subsequently recovering the iron filings by magnetic separation. The best treatment was obtained by using 5% iron filings and 3 h contact time between iron filings and the soil. The metal removal efficiency from soil extracts was evaluated, using MetPLATETM, a toxicity test that is specific for heavy metals, and the 48 h Ceriodaphnia dubia acute toxicity test. The toxicity removal was generally higher than 95% for Cu after a single treatment. With regard to Zn-spiked soil, the toxicity removal was 96.1%, 70.0%, and 49.6% after single treatment at the input concentration of 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, and 800 mg Zn2+/kg soil, respectively. After two or three successive treatments, more than 90% of the toxicity was removed for 400 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg Zn-spiked soils. In the case of Cd-spiked soil, a single treatment removed 51.1% of the toxicity from 200 mg/kg Cd-spiked soil extracts while more than 90% of the toxicity was removed after two or three treatments. Chemical analysis and a mass balance study were also carried out to investigate the Cu distribution in the soil fractions. The results indicate that, before treatment, a large portion of Cu was immobilized in the soil matrix. Following magnetic separation, Cu was removed from both the soil matrix and extracts and was indeed adsorbed and concentrated on the iron filings. The retrieval of Cu by iron filings was further examined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS).  相似文献   

磁化率及其环境意义   总被引:30,自引:15,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
作为地质与环境演化过程的替代指标,磁化率被广泛地用来研究各种与古气候和环境演化相关的问题.然而,磁化率的复杂性和多解性常常被忽略.本文从磁化率的物理基础出发,系统地论述了磁化率的测量、影响磁化率的主要因素(包括磁性矿物的类型、粒径、温度、频率和外加场等),简要介绍了磁化率在海陆古环境研究中的应用.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) method results are shown for vertical magnetic dipole (VMD) configuration by using the EM38 equipment. Performance in the location of metallic pipes and electrical cables is compared as a function of instrumental drift correction by linear and quadratic adjusting under controlled conditions. Metallic pipes and electrical cables are buried at the IAG/USP shallow geophysical test site in São Paulo City, Brazil. Results show that apparent electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility data were affected by ambient temperature variation. In order to obtain better contrast between background and metallic targets it was necessary to correct the drift. This correction was accomplished by using linear and quadratic relation between conductivity/susceptibility and temperature intending comparative studies. The correction of temperature drift by using a quadratic relation was effective, showing that all metallic targets were located as well deeper targets were also improved.  相似文献   

钢铁厂周围不同污染介质的磁学性质及环境意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了通过钢铁厂周围不同污染介质的磁学性质研究,实现对环境污染的有效监测,本文系统地采集了河北兴隆和湖南娄底两个钢铁厂周围的树皮和草表面的飞灰、土壤及不同树种的年轮样品.其中前三者用来反映现今污染源,而树木年轮用来追踪长时间尺度的污染历史.通过综合岩石磁学实验分析(包括热磁曲线、磁滞性质和低温实验等)、电子扫描电镜(SEM)和能谱(EDX)以及X射线衍射(XRD)分析,发现钢铁厂周围现今污染源中的主要粗颗粒磁性矿物为磁铁矿、赤铁矿和纯铁.其中8~50 μm的球形磁铁矿颗粒和呈棱角状的铁颗粒是钢铁厂污染物的特征磁性矿物.对不同树种来说,其中香樟树和枫树树木年轮中的磁性矿物以顺磁性物质为主, 不适合用于环境磁学的污染监测.而柳树中的磁性矿物(主要为磁铁矿)与现今污染源的磁性矿物相符.以上研究表明多参数岩石磁学测量并辅以微观分析等手段,可以精确地提取磁性矿物的种类及粒度特征, 判别重工业区污染源,为应用磁学方法来监测环境污染提供依据.  相似文献   

杭州城区土壤的磁性与磁性矿物学及其环境意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对杭州城区四个不同功能区块土壤进行了系统的环境磁学测定,结果表明城市土壤的磁化率平均值为128×10-8m3·kg-1,频率磁化率平均值3.6%(样品数=182),城市土壤呈现明显的磁性增强. 城市土壤的磁化率与频率磁化率呈极显著指数负相关,表明城市土壤磁性增强明显区别于自然成土过程引起的以超顺磁性(SP)颗粒为主的表土磁性增强机理. 统计分析表明,城市土壤磁化率与软剩磁和饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)呈显著直线正相关,说明亚铁磁性矿物是城市土壤剩余磁性的主要载体. 综合等温剩磁获得曲线、热磁曲线、磁滞回线等岩石磁学测定和SEM/EDX分析,城市土壤的磁性矿物以磁铁矿和赤铁矿为主,磁性矿物以假单畴-多畴(PSD-MD)颗粒存在,粒度明显大于成土过程形成的磁性颗粒,这些磁性颗粒主要来自燃料燃烧、汽车尾气等环境污染物. 因此,城市土壤磁测可作为城市土壤污染监测、污染空间分布和污染物来源判断的新手段.  相似文献   

花东海盆浊流沉积的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对取自台湾以东花东海盆GX168孔的浊流沉积物进行系统的岩石磁学研究,揭示其沉积学和岩石磁学特征,分析其物源和形成机制.研究结果显示,剖面上共识别出12层浊流沉积物,其分布存在规律,下部350~700 cm共发育11层浊流沉积物,而0~350 cm仅出现1层浊流沉积物.浊流沉积物粒径明显较背景沉积物粗,石英、长石含量更高,底部与下伏背景沉积呈突变接触,顶部与上覆背景沉积呈渐变接触,内部发育典型的正粒序韵律结构.浊流沉积物和背景沉积物具有相似的磁学特征,两者均以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物类型,且磁铁矿颗粒均以准单畴和多畴颗粒为主.同时,两者也存在一定差异,浊流沉积物中磁铁矿较背景沉积物更为富集,磁化率和饱和等温剩磁更强,磁铁矿粒径更粗,这与浊流沉积物原始沉积区更靠近物源区有关.花东海盆浊流沉积形成的诱发机制可能是末次冰期以来频发的海平面波动造成陆坡之上沉积物重力失稳,导致陆坡沉积物向海盆搬运.  相似文献   

Pitambar  Gautam  Ulrich  Blaha  Erwin  Appel 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):424-435
Abstract Soil profiles of the Kathmandu urban area exhibit significant variations in magnetic susceptibility (χ) and saturation isothermal remanence (SIRM), which can be used to discriminate environmental pollution. Magnetic susceptibility can be used to delineate soil intervals by depth into normal (< 10?7 m3/kg), moderately enhanced (10?7–< 10?6 m3/kg) and highly enhanced (≥ 10?6 m3/kg). Soils far from roads and industrial sites commonly fall into the ‘normal’ category. Close to a road corridor, soils at depths of several centimeters have the highest χ, which remains high within the upper 20 cm interval, and decreases with depth through ‘moderately magnetic’ to ‘normal’ at approximately 30–40 cm. Soils in the upper parts of profiles in urban recreational parks have moderate χ. Soil SIRM has three components of distinct median acquisition fields (B1/2): soft (30–50 mT, magnetite‐like phase), intermediate (120–180 mT, probably maghemite or soft coercivity hematite) and hard (550–600 mT, hematite). Close to the daylight surface, SIRM is dominated by a soft component, implying that urban pollution results in enrichment by a magnetite‐like phase. Atomic absorption spectrometry of soils from several profiles for heavy metals reveals remarkable variability (ratio of maximum to minimum contents) of Cu (16.3), Zn (14.8) and Pb (9.3). At Rani Pokhari, several metals are well correlated with χ, as shown by a linear relationship between the logarithmic values. At Ratna Park, however, both χ and SIRM show significant positive correlation with Zn, Pb and Cu, but poor and even negative correlation with Fe (Mn), Cr, Ni and Co. Such differences result from a variety of geogenic, pedogenic, biogenic and man‐made factors, which vary in time and space. Nevertheless, for soil profiles affected by pollution (basically traffic‐related), χ exhibits a significant linear relationship with a pollution index based on the contents of some urban elements (Cu, Pb, Zn), and therefore it serves as an effective parameter for quantifying the urban pollution.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,85(1-2):373-378
The surficial coastal sediments in Kendari Bay are sampled in the field to determine the concentration and pollution level of three heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Cr). Twenty-five sampling points ranging from the inner (Wanggu River) to the outer area of the bay have been chosen. The physicochemical properties, such as temperature, pH, salinity and TDS of the overlying water, as well as the sediment type and TOC of the surficial sediments, are also measured. The total concentrations of the Pb, Cd and Cr in the sediment samples are quantified using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentrations of the heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Cr) ranged from 0.84 to 17.02 μg/g, 0.02 to 0.17 μg/g and 1.92 to 40.11 μg/g (dry weight), respectively, following the Cr > Pb > Cd sequence. To assess the degree of contamination, a geoaccumulation index (Igeo) is measured. Kendari Bay is not a contaminated area regarding Pb, Cd and Cr.  相似文献   

本文对黄土高原和天山黄土区表土进行系统的岩石磁学和粒度测试分析,探讨了表土磁性特征及其环境意义,结果表明表土中的强磁性矿物均为磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,弱磁性矿物为赤铁矿和纤铁矿或针铁矿,黄土高原黄土地层中的磁赤铁矿至少有部分属于风积成因.黄土高原表土中磁化率与频率磁化率呈良好的正相关,气候作用是主导黄土高原表上磁化率增强的主...  相似文献   

PAH concentrations of 61 surface soil samples collected from the Yellow River Delta (YRD), China were measured to determine occurrence levels, sources, and potential toxicological significance of PAHs. The total concentrations of ∑PAHs ranged from 27 to 753 ng/g d.w., with a mean of 118 ± 132 ng/g. The highest concentrations was found in the mid-southern part of the YRD (753 ng/g), which was associated with the oil exploration. The ratios indicated that the PAHs throughout the YRD were mostly of pyrogenic origin; while various sites in mid-southern part in the region were derived mainly from the petrogenic sources. Multivariate statistical analyses supported that the PAHs in surface soils of the YRD were principally from the coal and biomass combustion, petroleum spills, and/or vehicular emissions. The toxic assessment suggested that the PAHs in soils were at low potential of ecotoxicological contamination level for the YRD.  相似文献   

The use of bivalves such as the brown mussel (Perna perna) and the black mussel (Choromytilus meridionalis) is common in the study of marine pollution and the effect of these pollutants on ecosystems and are important in both economic and ecological roles. Namibian marine ecosystems are threatened by pollution from mining, commercial fishing and population growth. The aims of this study were to determine baseline metal concentrations, spatial variation and variation between species. Metal levels in C. meridionalis from Guano Platform (GP) are the lowest of all the sites. The most polluted sites are Rocky Point (RP), Halifax Island (HIL) and between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund (WS). The bioaccumulation of metals between P. perna and C. meridionalis were not uniform for all metals. Overall the study indicates the condition of the coastline to be mostly normal, with Cd and Pb levels being of concern.  相似文献   

An assessment of water quality measurements during a spring flood in the Elbe River is presented. Daily samples were taken at a site in the middle Elbe, which is part of the network of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (IKSE/MKOL). Cluster analysis (CA), principal components analysis (PCA), and source apportionment (APCS apportioning) were used to assess the flood‐dependent matter transport. As a result, three main components could be extracted as important to the matter transport in the Elbe River basin during flood events: (i) re‐suspended contaminated sediments, which led to temporarily increased concentrations of suspended matter and of most of the investigated heavy metals; (ii) water discharge related concentrations of pedogenic dissolved organic matter (DOM) as well as preliminary diluted concentrations of uranium and chloride, parameters with stable pollution background in the river basin; and (iii) abandoned mines, i.e., their dewatering systems, with particular influence on nickel, manganese, and zinc concentrations.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations in surface sediments at 56 stations during two cruises in the Yellow Sea in summer and winter, 2011 were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The pollution status was assessed via the Geoaccumulation index and Hankanson potential ecological risk index. Higher concentrations of heavy metals (except for Mn) were found in the central Southern Yellow Sea and the western Northern Yellow Sea. The higher contents of Mn were much closer to Shandong Peninsula. Correlation analyses indicated that Pb, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn and Co probably had the same origin and were controlled by grain size and total organic carbon. Pollution assessment showed that most areas of the Yellow Sea were not or lowly contaminated with the exception of the northwest and south parts of the Southern Yellow Sea showing Cd-contamination. The pollution status of the Yellow Sea in summer was worse than that in winter.  相似文献   

The study on magnetic properties of the red clay indicates that the red clay and loesspaleosol sequence have a common magnetic mineralogy, with magnetite, maghemite, hematite (and possibly goethite) contributing to the magnetic behavior. The red clay magnetic susceptibility is also found to have a positive relation with extrafine superparamagnetic grains. This suggests that, like the Quaternary loess-paleosols, an ultrafine ferrimagnetic component produced during pedogenesis in the red clay under humid conditions also plays an important role in susceptibility enhancement in the soil units. This is supported by the correlation between Rb/Sr ratio and magnetic susceptibility. This signifies that, like the above loess-paleosol sequence, the magnetic susceptibility of the red clay can be used as a general proxy paleoclimatic indicator, although whether its susceptibility in the red clay is comparable to pedogenesis intensity and requires further investigation. Magnetic susceptibility variation in the red clay thus also provides an eolian/pedogenic record of paleoclimatic evolution. Study of the background susceptibility indicates that, on average, the absolute scale of the paleoclimatic shift from red clay development to Quaternary loess deposition is similar to the climatic shift from stage 5 (S1) to stage 2–4 (L1). This may suggest that during the Quaternary there is an evident strengthening of the absolute wind intensity to bring more (about double) coarser and less weathered (non-SP fraction) eolian magnetic input from the source regions to the Loess Plateau than during the Pliocene. The presence of eolian red clay since 7.5 Ma BP in central-northern China implies an important environmental change from the underlying Cretaceous red sandstone. The red clay development was closely related to global drying and climate cooling since the Cretaceous and closely associated with the abrupt uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau at about that time. This uplift of the plateau intensified the East Asia monsoon system and started red clay deposition.  相似文献   

About 30 studies from the published literature were reviewed to determine the pollution status regarding heavy metals and organic compounds of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR). The literature revealed that most studies were performed in the South and Central American Caribbean Region with sparse reports on the small island states. Collectively, the most frequently analyzed heavy metals were Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, Cd, Ni, Mn and Cr while DDT and its metabolites were the most frequently reported organic pollutants. The samples which were analyzed vary in terms of sampling schemes, parameters and analytical techniques, as well as differences in data reporting presentation (i.e. dry weight versus wet weight, sediment fraction analyzed, or % lipids). These differences make meaningful comparisons of the available data very difficult. Furthermore, there is limited data available for most of these contaminants from the majority of nations in the WCR. Therefore, any attempt to create a regional scale assessment from contaminants data available in the open literature is limited by the scarcity of available information.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility is a non‐conventional way that can be used for evaluating proxy soil heavy metals pollution. The paper monitors available heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn) present in cultivated soils around iron–steel plant by soil magnetic susceptibility. Our study was located in an area with high pollution with small grid density of 250 m in China. Results showed that low field magnetic susceptibility was significantly correlated with available Cu, Zn, and Mn. No clear association exists between magnetic susceptibility and available Fe, soil organic matter, pH. Frequency dependent susceptibility >5% suggests the possible presence of super‐paramagnetic particles, fly ashes produced during coal combustion.  相似文献   

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