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Benthic ecosystem in Gwangyang Bay, a fast developing industrial area with steel production, port container handling, petroleum and other chemical processing in South Korea was studied. The average levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (ΣPCB) in the benthic components were: seawater 2.99 ± 0.13 (ng/L); sediment 294 ± 118 (ng/g TOC); [biota=ng/g lipid] starfish 92; prawn 131 ± 2; mussels 127 ± 22; crab 182 ± 114; clam 187; polychaeta 215; sea cucumber 497 ± 90; squill 603 ± 38; fish 396 ± 159. Levels in the inner bay samples were higher than the outer bay samples suggesting land based pollution. Good correlation (r(2)=0.79; p<0.05) existed between PCB concentration and lipid content indicating partitioning processes in action. PCB signature in the abiotic and biotic components shows enrichment of lower chlorinated congeners emitted by a unique source nearby, viz. steel manufacturing plant.  相似文献   

In order to investigate spatial and temporal distribution of organic pollutants in the Saemangeum Bay, organophosphorus pesticides (10), alkylphenols (8), chlorophenols (2), bisphenol A were analyzed from the surface seawater taken in 2002–2003. Most of the analytes were not detected in all stations except nonylphenol and S-benzyl-O,O-di-isopropyl phosphorothioate (IBP). Concentrations of nonylphenol and IBP ranged from ND to 298 ng/l and from ND to 1840 ng/l, respectively. The high levels of nonylphenol and IBP were found in the estuary areas of Mangyeong and Dongjin River. The levels of nonylphenol and IBP in surface seawater varied through seasons and the high levels of nonylphenol and IBP were in summer season (August). Based on real time monitoring of IBP and on correlation between concentrations of target compounds and contents of salinity in seawater, physical mixing and diffusion of seawater were found to be the major factors that affect the spatial distribution of IBP and nonylphenol in the Saemangeum Bay environment.  相似文献   

The distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been investigated in the surface and core sediments from Masan Bay, Korea. Total PAHs in the surface sediments ranged from 207 to 2670 ng/g dry weight with a mean value of 680 ng/g. Qualitative similarity and quantitative difference between inner and outer bay indicate that the main sources of PAHs are located in the inner bay and outer bay is also affected by the same sources. Vertical distribution of PAHs revealed that three distinctive stages could be differentiated with the help of PCA analysis. The highest concentration (industrialization stage) appeared between late 1950s and 1980, which was 10 years later than other developed countries. A strong pyrolytic source fingerprint has been detected with slight influence of petrogenic sources, and diagenetic PAH, perylene also contributed. Total organic carbon normalized PAHs (sum of 13 PAHs, 8.85-88.0 microg/g OC) were under the threshold effects concentration (TEC, 290 microg/g OC).  相似文献   

The present state of knowledge regarding the input of anthropogenic pollutants into Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island was reviewed and benthic infaunal communities present at four depositional environments within the upper Bay were characterized. Inter-station differences in species composition and abundance of these assemblages were examined in relation to established pollution gradients.Using diversity curves and multivariate statistics, evidence of significant anthropogenic impact on the structure of benthic macrofaunal communities in Narragansett Bay was identified. The magnitude of this impact was greatest at stations closest to the Bay’s urban centers, where exposure to multiple stressors had resulted in communities of opportunistic taxa which persisted in a state of low faunal diversity characteristic of early stages of species succession. As was expected based on historic models of faunal succession; the apparent maturity of benthic assemblages in Narragansett Bay increased along the north-south gradient of decreasing anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   

Camamu Bay (Bahia, Brazil) is an Environmental Protected Area with mangroves of economic and ecological importance. The objective of this study was to elucidate, through the distribution of the benthic macrofauna and its relationships with trace metals and bioavailabilty, if the current quality of the mangrove sediments of Camamu Bay is acceptable for the protection of aquatic life. Seven sampling stations were selected as representative of the meso-littoral region of Camamu Bay. It was found 581 macrobenthic organisms distributed in 38 species. The highest values of metals occurred at stations located in areas that influenced by barite extraction, while the lowest concentrations were found in areas with relatively lower anthropogenic influence. Analysis of acid volatile sulphide and simultaneously extracted metals showed the occurrence of the ratio SEM/AVS >1, indicative of possible bioavailability of metals, at only one station. The results suggested that Camamu Bay is a nearly pristine area.  相似文献   

Congener specific determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was carried out in 21 surface sediment samples and a sediment core from Masan Bay, Korea. Among the 40 PBDE congeners targeted only 29 were detectable. PBDE congener profile within sediments was dominated by BDE-209 followed by BDEs-99, -47, -153 and -183, sequentially. In surface sediments, the average ΣPBDEs levels approached that of average ΣPCBs values. However, trends observed in the sediment core suggest that this pattern will alter over time and result in higher surface sediment PBDE concentrations than PCBs in future. Various diffuse and point sources for PBDEs and PCBs were identified in this location. Shipping and other industrial activities were associated with PCB contamination while domestic and industrial waste discharges corresponded with PBDE contamination. The average concentration for PBDEs and PCBs in surface sediments were 5.7, 7.2 ng/g dry weight, respectively.  相似文献   

Horizontal and vertical distributions of organochlorine compounds (OCs) were determined in sediments from Masan Bay. The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), HCB, hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and chlordane related compounds (CHLs) in sediments were in the range of 1.24-41.4, 0.28-89.2, 0.02-0.59, nd-1.03, and nd-2.56 ng/g, respectively. The spatial distribution of OCs showed a negative gradient from the inner of the bay to outer part of the bay, indicating that the source of OCs was probably located inside the bay. Compositional pattern of PCB congeners showed a relatively high concentration of high-chlorinated congeners in the inner part of the bay and a relatively low concentration of low-chlorinated congeners in the outer part. In sediment core from Masan Bay maximum concentrations of PCBs and DDTs are observed in the subsurface samples and correspond to an age of early 1980s and late 1960s. The concentration profiles of PCBs and DDTs in sediments of Masan Bay appear to correspond to use of PCBs and DDTs in Korea.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and industrialization of Visakhapatnam and construction of an outer harbour, restricting water flow, have markedly increased the organic load in the inner harbour. Studies of the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of six selected stations along a decreasing gradient of organic pollution have been carried out over a period of two years. The predominantly polychaete benthic fauna occurs in three distinct assemblages: Capitella capitata-Nereis glandicincta in the inner harbour; Cossura coasta-Tharyx marioni in the outer harbour; and a Chloeia-Axiothella-Chaetozone-Nephtys assemblage in the open sea.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted adjacent to a pelagic fish canning factory in Saldanha Bay, South Africa, to determine the effects of effluent on the benthic macrofauna. Pairs of samples were taken using Scuba diving techniques at each of five stations situated at increasing distances from the factory. The benthic macrofauna was analysed using numerical methods of classification and ordination thereby defining three groups of stations. The macrofauna nearest the factory was impoverished with several species having only small individuals but with distance from the factory species richness, species density, density of individuals and ash-free biomass increased. Although conditions adversely affected some of the macrofauna at the five stations, the situation has undoubtedly improved since June 1972, when a huge benthic mortality occurred.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons in the Antarctic marine environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Antarctic marine environment contains a range of hydrocarbons at low concentrations, which are generally biogenic in origin. All major classes of hydrocarbons have been found in the Antarctic ecosystem. At present, anthropogenic input is very low and difficult to resolve from background levels. Pollution in the Antarctic is limited to only a few sources and although contamination can be locally chronic it is very restricted in extent. To date there have been few studies of hydrocarbon pollution and those available have been patchy in spatial coverage and generally lack time-series data. The low levels of natural hydrocarbons and restricted human activity make the Antarctic ecosystem suitable as an indicator of global hydrocarbon pollution.  相似文献   

A specific monitoring program was implemented in the estuaries of Cantabria (northern Spain) in order to assess the medium-term effects (2003-2005) of the Prestige oil spill (POS) on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. A control-impact design was adopted, examining four unaffected and five oil-affected estuaries. High mortalities and significant differences in overall richness and diversity between the control and impacted estuaries were not detected. Some changes in the temporal evolution of species abundance were observed for some key species, but these could not be related to the spillage event. It was not possible to ensure that low magnitude effects had not occurred, due to the high range of natural variability of benthic communities, the confounding effects of other contamination sources and the absence of previous reference conditions.  相似文献   

Bottom hypoxia (dissolved oxygen concentration ≤2 ml l(-1)) from anthropogenic eutrophication is a growing global concern. Here, we summarized characteristics of hypoxia and its effects on benthic organisms in Tokyo Bay. Despite recent decreases in nutrient inputs, hypoxia has been increasing in duration and spatial extent, suggesting that the substantial loss of tidal flats from reclamation is contributing to a decrease in the ability of Tokyo Bay to recycle nutrients. Hypoxia develops in the central to northern part of the bay and persists from spring to autumn, causing defaunation of benthic organisms. After the abatement of hypoxia in autumn, the defaunated area is recolonized, either through migration or larval settlement. Some megabenthic species with a spawning peak in spring and summer experience failure of larval settlement, which is probably due to hypoxia. The adverse effects of hypoxia are an impediment to recovery of benthic organisms in Tokyo Bay.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(5-12):215-220
Bottom hypoxia (dissolved oxygen concentration ⩽2 ml l−1) from anthropogenic eutrophication is a growing global concern. Here, we summarized characteristics of hypoxia and its effects on benthic organisms in Tokyo Bay. Despite recent decreases in nutrient inputs, hypoxia has been increasing in duration and spatial extent, suggesting that the substantial loss of tidal flats from reclamation is contributing to a decrease in the ability of Tokyo Bay to recycle nutrients. Hypoxia develops in the central to northern part of the bay and persists from spring to autumn, causing defaunation of benthic organisms. After the abatement of hypoxia in autumn, the defaunated area is recolonized, either through migration or larval settlement. Some megabenthic species with a spawning peak in spring and summer experience failure of larval settlement, which is probably due to hypoxia. The adverse effects of hypoxia are an impediment to recovery of benthic organisms in Tokyo Bay.  相似文献   

Wastewater effluent is known to contain macro and micropollutants, which may be deleterious to environmental health. One such class of micropollutants is chelated gadolinium, which are used as MRI contrast agents. As these MRI contrast agents can be assumed to behave conservatively during estuarine mixing, it is possible to calculate how much wastewater is represented in any particular sample. In this study, the percentage contribution of wastewater at specific locations in Moreton Bay, Qld, were determined by calculating the additional anthropogenic gadolinium contribution to the total rare earth element concentrations. Wastewater contributions were measured at concentrations as low as 0.2%, demonstrating the applicability of this technique for wastewater effluent plume mapping.  相似文献   

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