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作为南海之滨唯一的海洋大学,广东海洋大学建校70多年来,秉承海洋使命,坚持海洋特色办学,抓住国家构建海洋创新体系、广东建设海洋经济强省的机遇和学校建设博士点的机遇,贯彻落实《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》教育发展指导意见,调整优化学科建设,深化教学改革,形成了能安心、能吃苦、能创业的"三能"人才培养模式。  相似文献   

建设“海上中国”需要海洋人才   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建设“海上中国”需要海洋人才王诗成(山东省海洋与水产厅)一、海洋人才开发工程的提出1.从“科学技术是第一生产力”到“科教兴国”远古时代,人类改造自然靠的是人的体力和自然力。人的自然力是当时的第一生产力。到了18世纪,人类进入动力机器的时代,机器成为这...  相似文献   

坚持特色办学,地方高校才能保持永不衰竭的生机和活力。广东海洋大学在其发展历程中,依靠立海兴邦光荣传统、与地方社会经济文化发展相融合、满足地方社会发展对高校的要求、贯彻产、学、研结合方针,经不断探索,创建出自身的海洋和水产学科特色,在为广东海洋经济强省建设和南海资源开发利用服务中取得了可喜成效。  相似文献   

《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》的颁布,标志着海洋高等教育大发展新一轮高潮的到来,文章在国家人才战略规划视野下,分析目前国家对海洋高等教育的需求、海洋高等教育的现状,提出海洋高等教育发展、加强海洋人才培养的具体建议。  相似文献   

《人民日报》于2011年9月28日第11版刊发了国家海洋局党组书记、局长刘赐贵题为《开发利用海洋资源必须坚持五个用海》的署名文章,现予全文转发。  相似文献   

由国家科学技术著作出版基金和中共大连市委、大连市人民政府资助出版,中国工程院院士丁德文等著述的专著《工程海冰学概论》已由海洋出版社正式出版发行。该书从工程角度出发,集海冰理论和工程环境应用于一体,介绍了海冰区的工程环境及其对工程行为的影响以及海冰监测、海冰灾害预警和抗冰减灾技术等。  相似文献   

为了减少海洋人才报名中招聘工作人员的工作量,以招聘中需要实际处理的工作为出发点,结合开放的、易扩展的SSH集成框架,设计实现一个友好、方便、易用性高的海洋人才招聘管理系统,从而提高招聘工作的工作效率。  相似文献   

文章归纳总结了我国海洋人才发展现状,分析了发展中存在的主要问题。在此基础上,从人才培养、人才引进、重点工程引领、海洋意识宣传和资金投入等5个方面研究,提出了我国海洋人才发展的对策和建议,以期为决策层提供参考依据。  相似文献   

地方海洋高校办出海洋特色,既是主动参与高等教育竞争的应然之举,又是服务海洋经济和社会发展、谋求跨越式发展的内在要求。通过在办学理念和办学定位上体现海洋使命、在学科专业建设上彰显海洋特色、在人才培养上瞄准海洋人才市场,在校园环境建设中弘扬海洋文化等方面突出海洋特色,是地方海洋高校发展的战略选择。  相似文献   

根据国家海洋局"数字海洋"的总体目标和总体框架,结合浙江省的实际情况,浙江省"数字海洋"建设的重点先期放在"数字海洋"信息基础框架建设上,基于国家"数字海洋"信息基础框架进行统筹规划和标准统一。充分利用"908专项"成果和浙江省在海域管理、环境保护、海岛和海岸带资源开发利用等各个领域积累的丰富信息资源,建立面向海洋经济、海洋开发管理和海洋决策支持的海洋信息基础平台和省级海洋综合管理信息系统,形成业务化海洋信息综合应用服务能力,为浙江省的海洋管理、海洋经济发展以及社会公众服务。  相似文献   

使用经验正交函数(EOF)等方法,分析了北太平洋(20°~60°N,120°E~120°W)上层海洋热含量(HST)、海表面气压(SLP)、海表感热和潜热通量的年代际变化特征,并探讨了北太平洋HST与阿留申低压在年代际时间尺度上的关系。研究表明:第1特征向量能很好地代表北太平洋HST年代际尺度上的时间和空间变化特征。在近50a中,北太平洋HST具有明显的年代际变化特征,周期约为25a,其中在20世纪60年代中后期到90年代初存在一个较强的完整周期震荡。变化中心位于38°N左右的西北太平洋,且在155°W处向南延伸。根据北太平洋上层海洋HST的冷、暖异常和增、减热趋势,年代际背景场可分为冷态和暖态以及增热期和减热期。对比研究发现,在年代际尺度上,北太平洋上层海洋热含量的增、减热过程通过影响以西北太平洋为中心的海表热通量,进而对阿留申低压有一定的控制作用。热含量增热过程对应于弱的阿留申低压,减热过程对应于强的阿留申低压,阿留申低压的响应一般滞后热含量增、减热趋势变化1~2a。北太平洋年代际背景场对其年际变化有较强的调制作用,且这种年际变化跟ENSO事件有一定的对应关系。  相似文献   

The morphological features associated with Co-rich manganese deposits, the size variations of nodules, and the occurrence of different substrates have been analyzed, to evaluate the influence of various seabed slope angles on the distribution of these features. The coverage and size of the crusts depend on their surface morphology and seabed topography, resulting in cobble-type, lineated, or step-like outcrops. Small nodules (1 - 4 cm in diameter) dominate all seabed slopes, with a few locations having nodules ranging from 1 to 8 or 1 to 10 cm. Sediments invariably occur as substrates for nodules and as cover for crusts, their coverage being inversely proportional to that of the nodules and crust outcrops. Steeper seafloor areas have large crust outcrops exposed with no or few nodules and sediments associated with them. The intermediate slopes have a combination of nodules, sediments, and crusts in various proportions, depending on topography and gradient. Large-scale nodule occurrences, followed by sediment fields and crust outcrops on seabed slopes of greater than 3 degrees, 3 - 7 degreees, and less than 15 degrees, respectively, represent typical morphological distribution zones of the Co-rich manganese deposits on a seamount in the central Pacific Ocean. A transition zone between nodule-dominated fields and large crust outcrops occurs for slopes from 7 degrees to 15 degrees. This detailed study on distribution of Co-rich deposits gives a better understanding for purposes of their exploitation.  相似文献   

Radar altimetry provides an important geophysical parameter, backscatter coefficient (σ0), which is useful in studying target surface characteristics. Ku-band (Oceansat-2 scatterometer- OSCAT) and Ka-band (SARAL-AltiKa altimeter) data are concurrently used to characterize polar surface features over the Antarctic region. Maximum-likelihood classification has been employed to classify combined data set (AltiKa and OSCAT) for discrimination among sea ice, open water, and ice sheet (interior and exterior). The sea ice region obtained using the current approach has been compared with sea ice boundary derived from passive microwave data.  相似文献   


The morphological features associated with Co-rich manganese deposits, the size variations of nodules, and the occurrence of different substrates have been analyzed, to evaluate the influence of various seabed slope angles on the distribution of these features. The coverage and size of the crusts depend on their surface morphology and seabed topography, resulting in cobble-type, lineated, or step-like outcrops. Small nodules (1–4 cm in diameter) dominate all seabed slopes, with a few locations having nodules ranging from 1 to 8 or 1 to 10 cm. Sediments invariably occur as substrates for nodules and as cover for crusts, their coverage being inversely proportional to that of the nodules and crust outcrops.

Steeper seafloor areas have large crust outcrops exposed with no or few nodules and sediments associated with them. The intermediate slopes have a combination of nodules, sediments, and crusts in various proportions, depending on topography and gradient. Large-scale nodule occurrences, followed by sediment fields and crust outcrops on seabed slopes of < 3°, 3–7°, and > 15°, respectively, represent typical morphological distribution zones of the Co-rich manganese deposits on a seamount in the central Pacific Ocean. A transition zone between nodule-dominated fields and large crust outcrops occurs for slopes from 7° to 15°. This detailed study on distribution of Co-rich deposits gives a better understanding for purposes of their exploitation.  相似文献   

提高全民海洋意识对于建设海洋强国具有重要意义,在全民海洋意识教育中,大学生作为海洋强国梦的重要建设力量,提高大学生群体的海洋意识非常重要。文章在分析大学生群体海洋意识教育现状的基础上,提出了加强海洋通识教育课程建设、利用快速发展的计算机技术创新海洋通识教育形式、培育师资力量、加大网络教育资源建设、利用重大活动及纪念日和社团提高参与度等相关对策。  相似文献   

The results of wind-wave measurements with bottom-pressure sensors are discussed. These measurements were performed at the southeastern coast of the Island of Sakhalin in 2006–2009. The problems of converting data obtained with these sensors into water-level displacent in the context of the linear theory are noted. Twenty records with a duration of 2 weeks to 3 months were obtained. These records contain from 150000 to 1200000 waves for three different observation points located at the southeastern coast of Sakhalin in the regions of the village of Vzmor’ye, Lake Izmenchivoye, and the Cape of Ostryi. The estimates obtained for wave-height distributions were approximated by the Weibull distribution. They were compared to the theoretical Rayleigh, Forristall, Weibull, and Glukhovskii distributions. As one would expect, in the region of small wave heights, all distributions prove to be close to one another, and, for large wave heights, the Weibull distribution is preferred.  相似文献   

实现了用于平面离散向量场分解的Polthier算法,提出了“先分解向量场,后检出特征”的、基于向量场分解的提取与可视化平面流场中的涡旋、特别是弱小涡旋的新途径.  相似文献   

内陆湖里海盆地叠加在位于阿拉伯和欧亚岩石圈板块连接区沉积盆地体系或其巨大片段(地质块体)之上。这对这里发生过(和发生着)的对整个海区范围内的油气分布产生根本性影响的地质—地球物理过程生产重要的意义,这包括不同地质块体范围内极不相同的圈闭类型、圈闭分布的规律性、  相似文献   

本文以世界海域头足类的28个科及其重要种类的分布为依据,结合生境、生态和捕获状况,探讨了头足类的分布特点、分布趋向和区系特征。  相似文献   

The fauna from eight benthic samples in Chalky and Preservation Inlets is considered and four infaunal assemblages recognised. A comparison with the benthic ecology of Milford Sound shows considerable differences but varying sampling techniques preclude a detailed comparison. The echinoderms Psilaster acuminatus (Sladen), Ophiuroglypha irrorata (Lyman), Ophiacantha imago Lyman, and Brissopsis oldhami Alcock are recorded from Fiordland waters for the first time.  相似文献   

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