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In this paper,compression tests of intact granite samples have been made in a triaxial testing machine with solid confining pressure.From the tests,the influences of confining pressure and loading rate(axial strain rate)on the deformation and fracture process of rock samples,on the stress drop and recurrence interval of stick-slip events,and on the geometric distribution of the main fracture have been studied.The experimental results show that the loading rate influences the stress drop and recurrence interval of stick-slip events greatly.At lower loading rates,the stress drop of stick-slip events is greater,their recurrence interval is longer and shows no regularity in distribution.When the loading rate goes higher,the stress drop will become smaller and the recurrence interval will tend to be constant and stick-slip events show a quasi-periodicity.At lower confining pressures and strain rates,the main fracture may evolve into 2 X-shaped conjugate shear faults; whereas at higher confining pressures and  相似文献   

利用纯S波波形拟合方法,输入纯S波波形,使用传递矩阵计算了层状介质自底面传到地表约100 km厚度、32 s的理论地震波形;引进快速模拟退火法进行反演搜索理想模型,用理论波形与观测波形的相关系数作为约束函数,选择同一台站几个震例的理论波形与实际波形吻合最好的模型作为该台站下方的可接受速度结构模型.收集深源远震的清晰S波记录波形,我们共得到了陕西省境内秦岭造山带中段及其邻近区域13个地震台站下方的S波速度结构.结果显示,秦岭造山地带、渭河盆地及鄂尔多斯块体的地壳结构之间存在很大的差异,各个块体有其各自的构造特点;不过三个块体的地壳厚度都显示了由东向西逐渐增加的变化趋势.  相似文献   

固体围压下完整花岗岩粘滑现象的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程海旭  吴开统 《中国地震》1993,9(3):211-222
本文用完整的花岗岩样品在固体围压三轴实验装置上压缩,研究围压和应变速率对岩样变形破裂过程、粘滑应力降、粘滑复发间隔及样品主破裂几何分布的影响。结果表明,加载速率较低时,粘滑应力降较大,复发间隔较长且分布无规律。加载速率越大,粘滑应力降越小,复发间隔也近似相等,粘滑事件表现出准周期性。围压和应变率较低时,岩石的主破裂会演变成两个交叉的共轭断裂面;而围压和应变率较高时,岩石的主破裂则演变成单一断裂面或入字形断裂面。本文结果对认识中国大陆板内地震孕育、发生及重复过程;研究地震重复发生的机制及影响地震复发间隔的主要因素都有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文利用山西省数字台网的深源远震S波记录,利用直接拟合S波波形的方法反演得到了山西境内山自皂(113.71,40.08)、右玉(112.37,40.02)、苛岚(111.72,38.78)、昔阳(113.72,37.57)、离石(111.24,37.53)、夏县(111.24,35.12)共6个台站下的剪切波速度结构.  相似文献   

—We determined the response to P- and S-wave incidence of the permanent stations of the seismic network of Baja California (RESNOM) using two independent methods. We selected 65 events with magnitudes between 2.2 and 4.8 and hypocentral distances ranging between 5 and 330 km. The site response of the ten stations analyzed was first estimated using average spectral ratios between the horizontal and the vertical components of motion (H/V ratios). As a second approach we performed a simultaneous inversion for source and site. In order to invert the spectral records to determine the site response, we made an independent estimate of the attenuation for two different source-station path regions. Then we corrected the spectral records for the attenuation effect before we made the inversion. Although the average H/V ratio of many sites is inside the error bars of the site response estimated with the spectral inversion, the spectral inversion tends to give higher values. For the S wave some sites show similar frequency of predominant peak when comparing the responses obtained with both methods. In contrast, for the P waves the H/V ratios disagree with the results of the inversion. In general, the site response of the stations is strongly frequency dependent for both P and S waves. We also found that the natural frequency of resonance of the sites is near 0.5 Hz for P and near 0.8 Hz for the S waves.  相似文献   

目前,地球物理学界普遍采用岩石的细观力学模型来解释岩石的声弹现象(即岩石应力状态的改变会造成岩石的弹性波波速的改变),认为岩石内部的微裂隙分布和取向在加载应力的作用下会发生改变,使岩体的宏观物理性质发生变化,从而影响到岩石的弹性波波速.  相似文献   

岩石受压破裂的ULF和LF电磁前兆信号   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
实验观测到了4类岩性、18块样品在单轴压力下直至破裂发生全过程中的ULF和LF电磁前兆信号。这些不同频率的信号是零散出现的,其形态为一组组脉冲,宽度为4ms~16ms,幅度为0.1mV~1.4mV。实验发现具同一谐振频率的天线收到的信号频次与其相对于裂缝的位置和方位有关。结果还表明,电磁前兆信号的频度与岩样强度有关,抗压强度高的岩样电磁前兆信号多。微破裂可能产生了偶电层,在破裂过程中向外辐射,产生了LF频段的磁信号,ULF磁信号则主要由压磁效应产生。  相似文献   

The Effect of Velocity Inversions on H/V   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyzed the phenomenology of microtremor H/V curves under inversions in the shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile in the subsoil. Under no Vs inversion the spectral signature of the H/V peaks is found to be ‘eye-shaped’ with the horizontal components higher than the vertical. Conversely, under negative velocity gradients, numerous of differences emerge. I) A H/V ratio below 1 is observed for a wide range of frequencies, due to the decrease of the horizontal components below the vertical one. II) In the presence of persistent H/V < 1, small bumps in the H/V ratio given by local minima in the vertical spectral component may represent the relics of the peaks indicating resonances and stratigraphic discontinuities. As a consequence, in the presence of velocity inversions the H/V > 2 SESAME (2004) criterion fails but a stratigraphic interpretation may still be possible. III) The H/V curves should always be interpreted together with the single component spectra. IV) Microtremor H/V measurements for stratigraphic/microzonation purposes on stiff artificial soils, (asphalt, concrete, cement, pavements) should always be avoided since the latter often produce velocity inversions. This may have consequences in the intermediate to high frequency domain ( > 1 Hz) also in the application of reference site methods, like Hsite/Hbedrock, to microtremor. Theoretical modeling confirms these experimental findings.  相似文献   

We combine detailed mapping and microstructural analyses of small fault zones in granodiorite with numerical mechanical models to estimate the effect of mesoscopic (outcrop-scale) damage zone fractures on the effective stiffness of the fault zone rocks. The Bear Creek fault zones were active at depths between 4 and 15 km and localize mesoscopic off-fault damage into tabular zones between two subparallel boundary faults, producing a fracture-induced material contrast across the boundary faults with softer rocks between the boundary faults and intact granodiorite outside the boundary faults. Using digitized fault zone fracture maps as the modeled fault geometries, we conduct nonlinear uniaxial compression tests using a novel finite-element method code as the experimental “laboratory” apparatus. Map measurements show that the fault zones have high nondimensional facture densities (>1), and damage zone fractures anastamose and intersect, making existing analytical effective medium models inadequate for estimation of the effective elastic properties. Numerical experiments show that the damage zone is strongly anisotropic and the bulk response of the fault zone is strain-weakening. Normal strains as small as 2% can induce a reduction of the overall stiffness of up to 75%. Fracture-induced effective stiffness changes are large enough to locally be greater than intact modulus changes across the fault due to juxtaposition of rocks of different lithologies; therefore mesoscopic fracturing is as important as rock type when considering material or bimaterial effects on earthquake mechanics. These results have important implications for earthquake rupture mechanics models, because mesoscopic damage zone fractures can cause a material contrast across the faults as large as any lithology-based material contrast at seismogenic depths, and the effective moduli can be highly variable during a single rupture event.  相似文献   

为了研究混凝土在不同的围压和温度耦合作用下的抗压强度,根据相似分析原理,对混凝土抗压强度σmax的控制参数进行无量纲化,得到相关的相似准数;以C40混凝土为例,进行有限元计算得到相似准数之间的关系。结果表明:抗压强度σmax和残余强度随着围压的增大而增加,且最大偏应力与围压呈线性关系;在围压小于20 MPa时,应力-应变曲线可以分成两段,而在围压大于20 MPa时,应力-应变曲线可以划分成三段,出现明显的屈服;在不同的围压作用下温度对抗压强度的影响明显不同,且最大偏应力与温度近似为线性关系;三个无量纲参数σmax/E、F/Eαθ在三维坐标近似形成了一个平面,说明σmax/EαθF/E基本呈线性变化。  相似文献   

用地球的自由振荡研究地球内部结构、速度间断面、密度分布等具有射线理论不可替代的优点。而地球的自由振荡可以用简正振型来表示,用简正振型叠加方法合成的PKP波理论地震图,其PKPab波震相和PKPdf波震相的走时与射线理论计算的理论走时基本一致,并且研究了在地幔底部至核幔边界上方300km处,压缩波的速度梯度的变化对PKPab波振幅的影响,从而证明当波以接近掠射角或者大于掠射角入射时,会有漏能现象的发生,或者可称之为隧道效应。发现用3个不同模型合成的地震图,在震中距相同的情况下,核幔边界上P波速度梯度大的,其PKPab波的振幅较小一些。这也进一步说明核幔边界上方P波速度梯度的变化对漏能现象有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

非线性弹性模量对波速影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在循环应力作用下,对砂岩和石英砂两种结构较松散的样品进行了实验研究。对非线性模量与应变的关系作了非线性拟合,用非线性模量代替弹性模量,对弹性介质中的波速公式作了修正。将波速与应力的多值函 数关系转化成波速作为应变(或密度)的单值函数。同时考虑了水饱和对非线性模量和波速的影响,得出了速度与应变的拟合关系曲线。实验数据和理论曲线有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Increasing the damage and crack porosity in crustal rocks can result in significant changes to various key physical properties, including mechanical strength, elastic and mechanical anisotropy, and the enhancement of transport properties. Using a Non-Interactive Crack Effective Medium (NIC) theory as a fundamental tool, we show that elastic wave dispersion can be inverted to evaluate crack density as a function of temperature and is compared with optically determined crack density. Further, we show how the existence of embedded microcrack fabrics in rocks also significantly influences the fracture toughness (KIC) of rocks as measured via a suite of tensile failure experiments (chevron cracked notch Brazilian disk). Finally, we include fluid flow in our analysis via the Guéguen and Dienes crack porosity-permeability model. Using the crack density and aspect ratio recovered from the elastic-wave velocity inversion, we successfully compare permeability evolution with pressure with the laboratory measurements of permeability.  相似文献   

通过对采自青藏高原的六种地壳岩石,包括花岗闪长岩、混合岩、片麻岩、玄武岩、辉橄岩及斜长角闪岩等,进行高温高压纵波速度测量,发现绝大多数地壳岩石其纵波速度在压力高于0.2-0.3GPa时基本上随压力线性增加。在固定压力下随温度升高而降低,但在温度较低时这一现象并不明显,随温度的程式高波速出现明显降低。通过对实验后的样品进行显微薄片分析,发现含水矿物的脱水和部分熔融是造成岩石波迅速降低的主要原因。在实验过程中还发现高压下温度较高时,接收到的超声波振幅会增大。对实验中发现的这些现象本文进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

刘科 《震灾防御技术》2022,17(3):579-588
为量化地震作用下钢筋混凝土(RC)柱损伤情况和变形,并将不同地震破坏状态下RC柱损伤和变形进行分析。从太平洋地震工程研究中心(PEER)数据库中收集91组RC柱抗震试验数据,选取4种广泛应用的构件损伤模型进行计算,将损伤发展曲线与层间位移角发展曲线进行对比分析。对RC柱损伤指标限值进行归一化处理,统计分析后得到不同破坏等级下的位移角限值,并给出了RC柱各破坏等级下的位移角限值与损伤指标限值对应关系。研究结果表明,牛荻涛损伤模型可更准确地评价地震作用下结构构件损伤程度,且与层间位移角发展曲线均呈近似线性增长趋势;不同破坏等级下的位移角限值验算保证率均>80%,表明本文提出的位移角限值具有一定合理性。  相似文献   

针对煤矿采动区建筑物的地震损伤演化过程尚不明晰的问题,考虑到煤矿采动与地震联合成灾机制的复杂性,基于损伤力学理论,采用地震工程学和开采学理论,建立煤矿采动损害影响下的建筑物动力损伤判据,探讨煤矿采动与地震联合作用下建筑物损伤演化灾变过程,通过有限数值计算分析煤矿采动建筑物地震动力破坏的损伤成灾机制。结果表明:"联合作用"能够更好的描述煤矿采动与地震对建筑的破坏作用,煤矿采动损害影响下建筑物的次生损伤与其应力成反比,煤矿采动加剧了建筑的地震动力响应,所产生的次生损伤不断发展演化,导致建筑物的薄弱层位置形成塑性铰,严重削弱了建筑物的抗震性能。  相似文献   

剪切波速对设计反应谱的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
本文采用一维土层等效线性化波动理论模型,研究了3种单一均质不同土性的土层剖面,在一定范围内剪切波速变化对场地设计反应谱的影响,重点分析设计反应谱的特征周期Tg和平台值αmax的变化趋势,其结果对于指导地震安全性评价中的勘察试验工作以及提高土层地震反应计算精度具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

利用目前工程上广泛应用的一维土层地震反应计算程序对成都平原某典型卵石场地剖面进行了计算,得到了不同输入地震强度下的加速度峰值随输入界面处剪切波速增大的变化规律。结果表明,无论是地表加速度峰值,还是地下5m处的加速度峰值,在相同的地震动输入强度下,均随着输入界面处剪切波速值的增大呈对数形式增大。且在小震输入下的增加速率最快,中震输入下的增加速率次之,大震输入下增加的速率最慢。当地震动输入界面处剪切波速值从500m/s增加至800m/s时,加速度峰值均增大20%以上,最大达到32%。统计得到的二者间的经验关系式,可作为本地区具有相似场地条件工程换算加速度峰值的经验公式,为工程抗震设计人员提供参考。  相似文献   

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