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This work aims at investigating unstable modes of oscillation of quasi-vertical two-dimensional current sheets with sheared magnetic fields under physical conditions typical for the solar corona. We use linear magnetohydrodynamic equations to obtain sets of unstable modes related to the longitudinal inhomogeneity of the current sheet. It is shown that these modes of current sheet oscillations can modulate the current sheet thickness along the polarity inversion line. Based on the obtained results, we propose a scenario which can naturally explain both the quasi-periodic pulsations of hard X-ray emission and the parallel movement of their double footpoint-like sources along the polarity inversion line observed in some eruptive two-ribbon solar flares.  相似文献   

采用二维三分量磁流体力学模型,对日冕三重无力场电流片的磁场重联进行了数值研究,揭示了重联过程的基本物理特征.这类重联过程将加热和加速日冕等离子体,并导致多个高温、高密度、高磁螺度的磁岛的形成和向上喷发.这表明,多重无力场电流片的重联可能在日冕磁能释放、上行等离子体团的形成和太阳磁场螺度向行星际空间的逃逸方面起重要的作用.  相似文献   

林元章 《天文学进展》1995,13(4):325-334
主要论述宁静日冕洞,以及日冕加热问题的研究现状。讨论了宁静日冕的理论模型、观测模型和混合模型,以及冕洞区大气模型和太阳风加热问题。最后对计划中的日冕空间探测作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

In the solar atmosphere a new phenomenon is discovered, namely, the formation, growth, and disappearance of mushrooms as a consequence of eruptive processes. This phenomenon gives an insight into many geometric and physical properties of coronal mass ejections (CME).  相似文献   

The series of nine impulsive, highly collimated beams of near-relativistic electrons seen by ACE/EPAM on 26 and 27 June 2004 occurred at a quiet time with respect to solar flare and CME production. However, they were accompanied by decametric type III radio bursts observed by WIND/WAVES, which had progressively higher starting frequencies, suggestive of coronal acceleration. There were no CMEs seen by SOHO/LASCO in association with any of the type III bursts except possibly the first. The energy spectrum of the electrons was soft, typically E−4.5 but extended up to at least ∼200 keV. We suggest that the source region for these events is in the high corona. We discuss this result in the context of solar electron acceleration at other times.  相似文献   

We detect and analyze the oscillatory behavior of waves using a coronal seismology tool on sequences of coronal images. We study extreme-ultraviolet image sequences of active and quiet Sun regions and of coronal holes we identify 3- and 5-minute periodicities. In each studied region the 3- and 5-minute periodicities are similarly frequent. The number of pixels exhibiting a 3-minute periodicity is between 6 %?–?8 % and those pixels exhibiting a 5-minute periodicity is between 5 %?–?9 % of the total number of observed pixels. Our results show 3-minute oscillations along coronal loop structures but do not show 5-minute oscillations along these same loop structures. The number of pixels exhibiting 3- and 5-minute periodicities in one type of region (active Sun, quiet Sun, and coronal holes) is roughly the same for all observed regions, leading us to infer that the 3- and 5-minute oscillations are the result of a global mechanism.  相似文献   

Ji  H.S.  Song  M.T.  Li  X.Q.  Hu  F.M. 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):365-379
Within the framework of nonlinear force-free field models, we have developed a relaxation scheme for estimating horizontal electric currents in solar active regions. The test case which uses an analytical solution shows that at each iteration step the average Lorentz force decreases rapidly and the values of Bx/z and By/z converge well toward analytical ones. As a result the computed horizontal electric currents and analytical ones show good agreement in both distribution and magnitude. This scheme has avoided mathematical singularities along the inversion line Bz=0 which appeared in the previous extrapolating methods. Then this newly developed scheme is used to analyze the vector magnetogram of a flare-prolific region NOAA 6659. The computational results show the following: (1) The distribution of horizontal electric current and vertical electric current share a similar configuration. (2) Near the separator of a quadrupole field configuration of this active region there is a confined region of strong horizontal electric currents, near which a white-light flare took place on the same day.  相似文献   

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are challenging objects to detect using automated techniques, due to their high velocity and diffuse, irregular morphology. A necessary step to automating the detection process is to first remove the subjectivity introduced by the observer used in the current, standard, CME detection and tracking method. Here we describe and demonstrate a multiscale edge detection technique that addresses this step and could serve as one part of an automated CME detection system. This method provides a way to objectively define a CME front with associated error estimates. These fronts can then be used to extract CME morphology and kinematics. We apply this technique to a CME observed on 18 April 2000 by the Large Angle Solar COronagraph experiment (LASCO) C2/C3 and a CME observed on 21 April 2002 by LASCO C2/C3 and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). For the two examples in this work, the heights determined by the standard manual method are larger than those determined with the multiscale method by ≈10% using LASCO data and ≈20% using TRACE data.  相似文献   

Benz  Arnold O.  Krucker  Säm 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):349-363
Sensitive observations of the quiet Sun observed by EIT on the SOHO satellite in high-temperature iron-line emission originating in the corona are presented. The thermal radiation of the quiet corona is found to fluctutate significantly, even on the shortest time scale of 2 min and in the faintest pixels. The power spectrum of the emission measure time variations is approximately a power law with an exponent of 1.79±0.08 for the brightest pixels and 1.69±0.08 for the average and the faintest pixels. The more prominent enhancements are identified with previously reported X-ray network flares (Krucker et al., 1997) above the magnetic network of the quiet chromosphere. In coronal EUV iron lines they are amenable to detailed analysis suggesting that the brightenings are caused by additional plasma injected from below and heated to slightly higher temperature than the preexisting corona. Statistical investigations are consistent with the hypothesis that the weaker emission measure enhancements originate from the same parent population. The power input derived from the impulsive brightenings is linearly proportional to the radiative loss in the observed part of the corona. The absolute amount of impulsive input is model-dependent. It cannot be excluded that it can satisfy the total requirement for heating. These observations give strong evidence that a significant fraction of the heating in quiet coronal regions is impulsive.  相似文献   

本文利用太阳活动区光球横向磁场观测资料推算纵向电流密度分布,论述了具体的计算方法和取得的结果,并简要讨论了太阳活动区电流计算在太阳物理研究中的应用。  相似文献   

尤建圻 《天文学进展》1999,17(4):299-308
近年来Yohkon,SOHO和Ulysses等飞船的上天大大提高了日冕观测的范围和精度。如SOHO上的LASCO使日冕可观测范围扩展到1.1-30R并有分光能力;Ulysses则可以取得黄道面外各纬度处的太阳风实地观测数据。这些资料为日冕物态研究提供了大量有用信息:Yohkoh的软X射线观测发现了大尺度冕环重联的证据;  相似文献   

M. Kleman  J. M. Robbins 《Solar physics》2014,289(4):1173-1192
The singularities of an irrotational magnetic field are lines of electric current. This property derives from the relationship between vector fields and the topology of the underlying three-space and allows for a definition of cosmic field flux tubes and flux ropes as cores (in the sense of the physics of defects) of helical singularities. When applied to force-free flux ropes, and assuming current conservation, an interesting feature is the quantization of the radii, pitches, and helicities. One expects similar quantization effects in the general case. In the special case when the total electric current vanishes, a force-free rope embedded in a medium devoid of magnetic field is nonetheless topologically stable, because it is the core of a singularity of the vector potential. Magnetic merging is also briefly discussed in the same framework.  相似文献   

In this paper, ten CME events viewed by the STEREO twin spacecraft are analyzed to study the deflections of CMEs during their propagation in the corona. Based on the three-dimensional information of the CMEs derived by the graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) model (Thernisien, Howard, and Vourlidas in Astrophys. J. 652, 1305, 2006), it is found that the propagation directions of eight CMEs had changed. By applying the theoretical method proposed by Shen et?al. (Solar Phys. 269, 389, 2011) to all the CMEs, we found that the deflections are consistent, in strength and direction, with the gradient of the magnetic energy density. There is a positive correlation between the deflection rate and the strength of the magnetic energy density gradient and a weak anti-correlation between the deflection rate and the CME speed. Our results suggest that the deflections of CMEs are mainly controlled by the background magnetic field and can be quantitatively described by the magnetic energy density gradient (MEDG) model.  相似文献   

Using Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) spectra recorded daily at Sun center from the end of 2006 to early 2011, we studied the long-term evolution of the quiet corona. The light curves of the higher temperature emission lines exhibit larger variations in sync with the solar activity cycle while the cooler lines show reduced modulation. Our study shows that the high temperature component of the corona changes in quiet regions, even though the coronal electron density remains almost constant there. The results suggest that heat input to the quiet corona varies with the solar activity cycle.  相似文献   

A physical model of the solar transition region and corona is presented, in which plasma flows in rapidly-diverging coronal funnels and holes are described within the framework of a two-fluid model including wave-particle interactions. The ions are heated by wave dissipation and accelerated by the pressure gradient of high-frequency Alfvén waves, which are assumed to originate at the bottom of the magnetic network by small-scale reconnection. The heating is assumed to be due to cyclotron-resonant damping of the waves near the local ion gyrofrequency. The EUV emission lines observed by the SUMER spectrometer on SOHO show very strong broadenings, which seem to be ordered according to the ion charge-per-mass ratio and thus to indicate cyclotron-resonant heating by waves. Based on quasilinear theory, a closure scheme for anisotropic multi-component fluid equations is developed for the wave-particle interactions of the ions with Alfvén waves. The acceleration and heating rates are calculated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have studied the rotation of the solar corona using the images taken at a 9.4?nm wavelength by the AIA 094 instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. Our analysis implies that the solar corona rotates differentially. It appears that ??, the angular rotation velocity of the solar corona, does not only depend on heliographic latitude but is also a function of time, while the nature of the latter dependence remains unclear. Besides measurement errors, deviations ???? from the mean rotational speed are also caused by proper motion of the observed point source (the tracer) with respect to its surroundings. The spread in ?? values at a particular heliographic latitude is a real effect, not caused by measurement errors. Most of the observations carry relative error less than 1?% in???.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONRecently Bao, Zhang, Ai, and Zhang (1999), using Huairou vector magnetograph data,have shown that the average current helicity (h.) or the curreflt helicity imbalance ph of activeregions change rapidly after so1ar flares. Up'an the onset of flares it tends to decrease for a fewhours and then to increase again, whereas ifQ some cases the flare promotes an increase in thecurrent helicity The observations led to tbe fol1owing conclusions: (1) raPid and substantialchanges of c…  相似文献   

Alexander  David  Fletcher  Lyndsay 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):167-184
We present recent observations of coronal jets, made by TRACE and Yohkoh/SXT on 28 May and 19 August 1998. The high spatial resolution of TRACE enables us to see in detail the process of material ejection; in the line of Fe ix (one million degrees) we see both bright emitting material and dark absorbing/scattering material being ejected, i.e., both hot and cold material, highly collimated and apparently ejected along the direction of the overlying field lines. Bright ejecta are seen simultaneously in Lyman α for one event and Yohkoh/SXT in the other. The jets on the two days are different in that the 19 August jet displays the morphology typical of a one-sided anemone jet while the 28 May jet exhibits a two-sided jet morphology. The 19 August jet shows evidence for rotation and an interesting bifurcation at large distances from the energy release site. We study the physical properties and energetics of these jetting events, and conclude that existing theoretical models capture the essential physics of the jet phenomena. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005213826793  相似文献   

Doyle  J. G.  O'Shea  E.  Erdélyi  R.  Dere  K. P.  Socker  D. G.  Keenan  F. P. 《Solar physics》1997,173(2):243-258
Nonthermal velocities are presented for spectral lines covering the temperature range 10 4–10 6 K, measured from high-spectral-resolution data for several solar features observed at the limb by the high resolution telescope and spectrograph (HRTS), including a coronal hole, quiescent regions and several small-scale active regions. These results are compared with predictions based on acoustic waves and heating via Alfvén waves. It is likely that more than one mechanism is operating simultaneously, in particular, resonant Alfvén wave heating, which is very sensitive to background plasma motions.  相似文献   

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