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The intermontane basin of Ptolemais is part of a major tectonic trench, located in NW Greece and includes around 65% of Greek coal reserves. The Upper Xylite Layer (UXL) is a distinct lignite layer, being 3–6 m thick and outcropping in the upper part of the Pliocene Lignite-bearing Sequence at the Notio Field and Tomeas Eksi Mines of Ptolemais. Compared with the xylite-rich lithotypes, the matrix lithotypes within UXL contain more ash. Micropetrographic studies suggest that the Upper Xylite Layer is rich in huminite (>90%). Textinite dominates in the xylite-rich lithotypes, while attrinite dominates in the matrix lithotypes. The liptinite content is <10%, while inertinite rarely occurs. Palaeobotanical determination revealed that the xylite-rich coal originated from Coniferous vegetation, specifically from Glyptostrobus europaeus. The occurrence of G. europaeus as a coal-forming element is significant because, though this kind of vegetation was common in many Greek coals of Miocene age, this is the first time it has been recorded from the Pliocene. This study suggests that the Upper Xylite Layer is autochthonous. According to coal-facies diagrammes, peat accumulated under pure telmatic conditions in a relatively wet forest fen. Both herbaceous and arboreal vegetation contributed to peat formation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pyrochlorophyll a and pyrophaeophytins a and b in the bottom sediments of a small eutrophic lake (Priest Pot, Cumbria, U.K.) is reported on the basis of HPLC coinjection with standards. Assignment of pyrophaeophytins a and b was confirmed by FAB mass spectrometric and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the isolated components and comparison with standards. The co-occurrence of pyrochlorins with their non-pyro counterparts, even in a surface sediment, shows that decarbomethoxylation can occur at the very earliest stages of the Treibs diagenetic pathway linking the chlorophylls and sedimentary porphyrins.  相似文献   

The Achankovil Zone of southern India, a NW–SE trending lineament of 8–10 km in width and > 100 km length, is a kinematically debated crustal feature, considered to mark the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block in the north and the Trivandrum Granulite Block in the south. Both these crustal blocks show evidence for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism during the Pan-African orogeny, although the exhumation styles are markedly different. The Achankovil Zone is characterized by discontinuous strands of cordierite-bearing gneiss with an assemblage of cordierite + garnet + quartz + plagioclase + spinel + ilmenite + magnetite ± orthopyroxene ± biotite ± K-feldspar ± sillimanite. The lithology preserves several peak and post-peak metamorphic assemblages including: (1) orthopyroxene + garnet, (2) perthite and/or anti-perthite, (3) cordierite ± orthopyroxene corona around garnet, and (4) cordierite + quartz symplectite after garnet. We estimate the peak metamorphic conditions of these rocks using orthopyroxene-bearing geothermobarometers and feldspar solvus which yield 8.5–9.5 kbar and 940–1040 °C, the highest PT conditions so far recorded from the Achankovil Zone. The retrograde conditions were obtained from cordierite-bearing geothermobarometers at 3.5–4.5 kbar and 720 ± 60 °C. From orthopyroxene chemistry, we record a multistage exhumation history for these rocks, which is closely comparable with those reported in recent studies from the Madurai Granulite Block, but different from those documented from the Trivandrum Granulite Block. An evaluation of the petrologic and geochronologic data, together with the nature of exhumation paths leads us to propose that the Achankovil Zone is probably the southern flank of the Madurai Granulite Block, and not a unit of the Trivandrum Granulite Block as presently believed. Post-tectonic alkali granites that form an array of “suturing plutons” along the margin of the Madurai Granulite Block and within the Achankovil Zone, but are absent in the Trivandrum Granulite Block, suggest that the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block and the Trivandrum Granulite Block might lie along the Tenmalai shear zone at the southern extremity of the Achankovil Zone.  相似文献   

The high salinity of coastal saline field is a key factor limiting the reclamation. Halophytes have been utilized in the reclamation of saline land. The study area is in Yancheng, China. An analysis of the concentrations of Rb, Cs, Sr, and Ba, the ratio of Rb/Cs, and Sr/Ba in soils in autumn shows that the soil of this study area has great homogeneity. Artemisia halodendron, Gossypium hirsutum, and Sesbania cannabina were selected as the reclamation plants in the present study. In order to know the spatial-temporal distribution of soil salinity, the influence of plant-specific vegetation, and the difference of desalination among these halophytes in coastal flat, the authors analyze the soil-layers and seasonal variation in salt ions. Sodium chloride was accumulated in 0–5 cm topsoil with no vegetation during the winter and spring. The effect of desalinization of halophytes is significant. Of the three plant species, Sesbania cannabina has the greatest desalinization. The difference of ions composition of soils covered with various plant species is significant. It can be concluded that halophytes have better amelioration of coastal soil salinity. Special attention should be paid to the selection of plant species and measures to plant and cultivate crops in the reclamation of saline land.  相似文献   

Jurassic coals, coaly shales, shales and claystones from the Eastern Pontides in NE Turkey have been investigated using microscopical, petrophysical and detailed organic geochemical methods in order to determine their catagenetic stage, to reveal the composition of the organic matter and to discuss the depositional environment. The Liassic–Dogger period in the Eastern Pontides was characterised by the presence of a rift system which resulted in rock units of very variable lithology and facies. Coal seams, ranging from a few centimetres to several decimetres and intercalated with shales, claystones and sandstones occur within the basal part (the Aggi Formation) as well as in the uppermost part (the Hamurkesen Formation) of the rift deposits. All coal seams investigated are at a catagenetic maturation stage corresponding to subbituminous B up to low volatile bituminous ranks. They represent a depositional environment of short-lived swamp areas with intense aerobic reworking of the higher plant detritus by heterotrophic bacteria, but with possible anaerobic microenvironments at deeper levels. At least some coal seams were influenced temporarily by marine ingressions. Most samples are impure humic coals with highly variable chemical compositions as indicated by the broad range of their hydrogen contents. This variation in hydrogen content is partly attributed to variable contributions of algal material. On the other side, considering several analytical results, the hydrogen variation is primarily due to bacterial reworking that affected the composition of the organic matter to variable extent and resulted especially in an enrichment of bacterial lipids. Bacterial reworking by an active microbial community within the upper layer of the peat swamp is inferred from elevated concentrations of iso-alkanes even exceeding those of the corresponding n-alkanes in several samples which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been observed with coals before.  相似文献   

Reproductive pentoxylalean material from the Albian Triton Point Formation, Fossil Bluff Group of Alexander Island, Antarctica is the youngest record of this group globally. Leaves are referred to Taeniopteris daintreei McCoy, ovulate reproductive organs to Carnoconites cranwelli Harris, and stem material to Pentoxylon sp. Occurring in leaf litter layers on palaeosol surfaces the sedimentology suggests that pentoxylalean plants grew upon areas of the floodplain distal to the river channel, where they covered the forest floor in a similar habit to modern brambles. The forest floor was shared with Equisetales and liverworts, an abundance of ferns [Cladophlebis Brongniart, Gleichenites Goeppert, Phyllopteroides Medwell, Sphenopteris (Brongniart) Sternberg], as well as angiosperms. Bennettitales, Ginkgoites Seward and Nilssonia Brongniart were rare within these communities, as were coniferous trees.  相似文献   

An insect, Folsomia candida, was found in a shallow aquifer along the southwestern coast of Michigan. F. candida is a standard organism for soil toxicity testing but its occurrence in groundwater is uncommon to rare, or has been under-reported in the literature. Attempts to correlate the presence of F. candida to water and soil parameters yielded: (1) F. candida is present in the upper 15–25 cm of topsoil, but absent in the underlying vadose zone except directly above the water table, regardless of the presence in groundwater; (2) F. candida is most abundant in groundwater 4.3–5.0 m below land surface; (3) Most F. candida occur in wells with dissolved oxygen ranging from 4 to 5 ppm; (4) F. candida is most abundant in water between about 14 and 18°C; (5) F. candida is abundant in groundwater with high concentrations of Cl, Na+, and K+; and, (6) Small differences in pore space volume determine the feasibility of F. candida occupancy, but not the presence of F. candida in the study area.  相似文献   

The post-glacial environmental history of Voua de la Motte, a small pond, was studied by the lipid geochemistry of a 6 m long core. Palynological studies show that the deepest part of the core goes back to 10,000 yr BP corresponding to the time of formation of the lake following the retreat of the Rhodanian glacier. Hydrocarbons, aldehydes, linear alcohols, sterols, monocarboxylic and monohydroxy fatty acids, were determined throughout the core both in the free and bound lipid fractions, as well as in the tightly bound fraction for the carboxylic acids. There is no clear evidence of a transformation from the unbound to the bound form, except perhaps for the α-hydroxy acids.Qualitative as well as quantitative fluctuations in the distributions of these lipid classes were observed upward in the core. An attempt is made to correlate these fluctuations with the bioenvironmental and climatological evolution of the Basin on the basis of information obtained from palynology.  相似文献   

The coal seam No. 207 was a subject of palynological and petrographic studies. According to the results of the vitrinite random reflectance measurements supplemented by moisture and calorific value determinations, the rank of this coal is matching the boundary between sub-bituminous and bituminous coals. The aim was to reconstruct the environmental conditions during the biochemical stage of seam formation, as well as the facies development throughout the seam profile. The maceral (incident and fluorescence mode) and microlithotype compositions (incident light) supplemented by palynological analyses, show that there were two main facies developments. In the authors opinion, they correspond with a phase of ombrogenous, raised bog marked by the presence of crassidurite with Densosporites variabilis and a wet-forest swamp phase represented by vitrite and clarite with more diverse spore assemblage including densospores. Other minor but distinctive sediments, a cannel layer and a reeds facies, both occurring in the lower part of the seam. Above the tonstein horizon, a dry forest type of sedimentation is recognized.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of coexisting natural 3T and 2M 1 phengite samples (Cima Pal, Sesia Zone; Val Savenca; Western Alps, Italy) with similar chemical compositions have been studied by room temperature–high pressure powder diffraction, using synchrotron radiation on the ID9A beam-line at ESRF (Grenoble, France). The PV curves have been modelled by the Birch–Murnaghan model; a third-order expansion fitted to the experimental data yields for 3T and 2M 1 K 0=60.4(±0.7) GPa, K′=5.79(±0.11) at V 0=703.8851 Å3, and K 0=57.3(±1.0) GPa, K′=6.97(±0.24) at V 0=938.8815 Å3, respectively. The relative stability of 3T vs. 2M 1 has been explored as a function of pressure and temperature in terms of configuration and deformation contributions to the Gibbs energy, using the elastic properties determined here and other thermodynamic parameters from earlier investigations. The results presented agree with the hypothesis of stability of the 3T polytype in the high pressure regime.  相似文献   

程业明  王曦  杨小男  谭锴  靳悦高 《地质通报》2016,35(8):1230-1233
内蒙古包头达尔罕茂明安联合旗发现了保存完整的白垩纪大型本内苏铁目拟苏铁科拟苏铁属(Cycadeoidea)茎干化石。茎干化石呈椭球形,保存完好,高56cm,最大直径48cm,化石表面密布的菱形叶柄基呈螺旋状排列,从基部至顶端叶柄基逐渐变小,球果不均匀散生于叶柄基之间。茎干化石从内到外包括中央的髓部、外围的木质部圆筒、叶柄基、球果等。这是国内首次发现保存比较完整的本内苏铁目拟苏铁科茎干化石。同时,在茎干化石产地附近还发现有裸子植物宽孔异木(Xenoxylon latiporosum(Cramer)Gothan)木化石。本内苏铁茎干及宽孔异木化石对于研究本内苏铁目的演化历史和当时的植物群组成特点具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

The behaviour of synthetic Mg-ferrite (MgFe2O4) has been investigated at high pressure (in situ high-pressure synchrotron radiation powder diffraction at ESRF) and at high temperature (in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction) conditions. The elastic properties determined by the third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state result in K0=181.5(± 1.3) GPa, K=6.32(± 0.14) and K= –0.0638 GPa–1. The symmetry-independent coordinate of oxygen does not show significant sensitivity to pressure, and the structure shrinking is mainly attributable to the shortening of the cell edge (homogeneous strain). The lattice parameter thermal expansion is described by a0+a1*(T–298)+a2/(T–298)2, where a0=9.1(1) 10–6 K–1, a1=4.9(2) 10–9 K–2 and a2= 5.1(5) 10–2 K. The high-temperature cation-ordering reaction which MgFe-spinel undergoes has been interpreted by the ONeill model, whose parameters are = 22.2(± 1.8) kJ mol–1 and =–17.6(± 1.2) kJ mol–1. The elastic and thermal properties measured have then been used to model the phase diagram of MgFe2O4, which shows that the high-pressure transition from spinel to orthorombic CaMn2O4-like structure at T < 1700 K is preceded by a decomposition into MgO and Fe2O3.  相似文献   

The Early Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Qahlah Formation is the oldest stratigraphical unit lying upon the eroded top of the obducted Semail Ophiolite, of Santonian–Campanian age, in the Northern Oman Mountains. It crops out as a series of low hills on the western flank of the mountains, which are located along the boundary between the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman. This paper presents the results of an investigation into the bio- and lithofacies of the Qahlah Formation in the Jabal Huwayyah section (at the boundary between the Al Ain area of the United Arab Emirates and the Buraimi area of Oman). The data collected were used to determine the age and depositional environment of the rock unit studied. In addition, the section is lithostratigraphically correlated with other sections in the study area. Microfossils from Jabal Huwayyah are represented mainly by the larger benthic foraminifera Loftusia elongata, L. morgani, Pseudorbitolina marthae, Orbitoides media, Omphalocyclus macroporus and Lepidorbitoides minor. These foraminifera are reported for the first time from this section. The diversity and abundance of fauna, particularly within the calcareous siltstone bed near the top of the formation (unique to the Huwayyah area), reflect a shallow marine depositional environment.  相似文献   

As a part of the MONTBLEX-90 observational programme, Kytoon and Doppler sodar observations were taken at Kharagpur. These data are analysed to study the turbulent characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer in terms of stability, temperature structure function (C T 2 ) and velocity structure function (C v 2 ).C T 2 follows aZ −4/3 law on most of the days, whereas the variation ofC V 2 is not systematic.C V 2 andC T 2 values are found to vary between 10−5−10−1 m4/3s−2 and 10−5−10−2°C2 m−2/3 respectively.  相似文献   

A new pollen organ, Bayeritheca hughesii gen. et sp. nov. with in situ Eucommiidites pollen grains, is described from the Cenomanian of Bohemia in Central Europe. It is based on a single lignified specimen which is the largest Eucommiidites -producing pollen structure described so far. It shows whorls of microsporangiate units attached to a massive main axis forming a cone-like structure. Each microsporangiate unit forms distally an angular head bearing trichomes and centrally arranged mucronate tubercles. The head is attached to a short stalk. Proximal sides of heads display radially arranged synangia. Each synangium contains an unknown number of pollen sacs with numerous Eucommiidites pollen grains.Bayeritheca is the only genus of Erdtmanithecales in which synangia instead of sporangia are found. Bayeritheca differs from Eucommiiditheca Friis & Pedersen in the whorled arrangement of microsporangiate units, which are densely spaced forming a cone-like structure. It differs from Erdtmanitheca Pedersen, Crane & Friis in the elongate shape of the whole organ, slender main axis, shorter pollen sacs, and different Eucommiidites pollen.  相似文献   

The diagnoses of the conchostracan genera Cratostracus and Porostracus are revised following a re-examination of their type species under a scanning electron microscope. In Cratostracus each growth line has a serrated lower margin. Radial lirae branch into smaller ridges that merge with each other to give the upper part of each growth band in the ventral region of the carapace a slightly undulating surface. Cross-bars are present between these lirae. In Porostracus the radial lirae on the growth bands near the umbo are long and relatively widely spaced. There is a fine reticulum between them in the umbonal part of the carapace and cross-bars on the ventral surface. The ornament of Porostracus indicates that it can be assigned to the family Halysestheriidae rather than to the Afrograptidae, in which it has been placed previously. Morphological analysis of most of the species of the two genera and closely related Orthestheria (Migransia) under the scanning electron microscope is required before their stratigraphic potential can be fully realized.  相似文献   

Messinian marls from evaporitic cycle IV of the Gessoso-solfifera formation (Italy) are known to contain in high abundance the diaromatic carotenoid isorenieratene of green sulfur bacterial (Chlorobiaceae) origin along with a second diaromatic carotenoid. The previous tentative assignment of the latter as a cis diastereomer of isorenieratene has now been confirmed; this indicates that double bond isomerization occurs during early diagenesis and provides further evidence for the pathway proposed previously to link isorenieratene to a number of aromatic isoprenoid hydrocarbon biomarkers. Stable carbon isotopic data confirm the Chlorobiaceae origin of the intact all-trans isorenieratene isomer and indicate that the isomerization is accompanied by little or no kinetic isotope effect. Comparison of the δ13C values of each of the isolated carotenoids (measured as isorenieratane after hydrogenation) with those of their sulfide-bound counterpart in the polar fraction of the extracts (also measured as isorenieratane) indicates that sulfurization resulted in little depletion in 13C.  相似文献   

The presence of PAHs, n-alkanes, pristane, and phytanes in core sediment from the Vossoroca reservoir (Parana, southern Brazil) was investigated. The total concentration of the 16 PAHs varied from 15.5 to 1646 μg kg−1. Naphthalene was present in all layers (3.34–74.0 μg kg−1). The most abundant and dominant n-alkanes were n-C15 and n-C36, with average concentrations of 198.1 ± 46.8 and 522.9 ± 167.7 μg kg−1, respectively. Lighter n-alkanes were distributed more evenly through the layers and showed less variation, specially n-C9, n-C12, and n-C18, with average concentrations of 14.6 ± 3.0, 31.6 ± 1.9, and 95.0 ± 5.2 μg kg−1, respectively; heavier n-alkanes were more unevenly distributed.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple semblance-weighted stacking technique to estimate crustal thickness and average VP/VS ratio using teleseismic receiver functions. We have applied our method to data from 32 broadband seismograph stations that cover a 700 × 400 km2 region of the Grenville orogen, a 1.2–0.98 Ga Himalayan-scale collisional belt in eastern North America. Our seismograph network partly overlaps with Lithoprobe and other crustal refraction surveys. In 8 out of 9 cases where a crustal-refraction profile passes within 30 km of a seismograph station, the two independent crustal thickness estimates agree to within 7%. Our regional crustal-thickness model, constructed using both teleseismic and refraction observations, ranges between 34.0 and 52.4 km. Crustal-thickness trends show a strong correlation with geological belts, but do not correlate with surface topography and are far in excess of relief required to maintain local isostatic equilibrium. The thickest crust (52.4 ± 1.7 km) was found at a station located within the 1.1 Ga mid-continent (failed) rift. The Central Gneiss Belt, which contains rocks exhumed from deep levels of the crust, is characterized by VP/VS ranging from 1.78 to 1.85. In other parts of the Grenville orogen, VP/VS is found to be generally less than 1.80. The thinnest crust (34.5–37.0 km) occurs northeast of the 0.7 Ga Ottawa–Bonnechere graben and correlates with areas of high intraplate seismicity.  相似文献   

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