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The extraordinary SN 1997cy associated with GRB 970514 has been observed photometrically and spectroscopically for nearly 2 yr. At the time of discovery, SN 1997cy was the brightest supernova (SN) ever observed (MV相似文献   

GRB 100219A at z = 4.667 has been the highest redshift gamma‐ray burst observed with the X‐shooter spectrograph up to now. The spectrum covering the range from 5000 to 24000 Å and a large number of absorption lines allows to make a detailed study of the interstellar medium in a high redshift galaxy. The ISM in the low ionisation state and the kinematics of the absorption line components reveal a complex velocity field. The metallicity measured from different absorption lines is around 0.1 solar. Other GRB hosts at redshift beyond ∼3 have similar metallicities albeit with a large scatter in the metallicity distribution. X‐shooter will allow us to determine metallicities of a larger number of GRB hosts beyond redshift 5, to probe the early chemical enrichment of the Universe and to study its evolution from redshift 2 to beyond 10 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

关于脉冲星脉冲到达时间转换方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
较详细地介绍了脉冲星脉冲到达时间(TOA)转换方程,讨论了脉冲星TOA转换方程在航天器导航算法中的具体应用问题。同时,对导航用的脉冲星脉冲TOA转换方程与地面射电计时观测用的脉冲星脉冲TOA转换方程进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

GRB 100418A was an intermediate duration GRB detected by Swift. It showed an initially dim optical afterglow that had a late increase in brightness, reaching its maximum several hours after the burst onset, unlike typical afterglows that peak tens of seconds after. It also displayed a bright X‐ray and radio counterpart. In this paper we present the observations of the afterglow obtained with X‐shooter. Three epochs were obtained, 0.4, 1.4, and 2.4 days after the burst. In these spectra, each covering the range from 3000 to 24800 Å, we detect abundant absorption features with 4 velocity components, and emission lines from the host galaxy with 2 additional velocity components. In one single velocity component, we detect a Fe II* 2396 Å fine structure feature which disappears from the first to the second epoch indicating that it is due to the effect of the GRB radiation on its environment. We consider it to be the closest absorption component to the GRB itself, for which we determine a redshift of z = 0.6239 ± 0.0002. From the Hα to [N II] ratio we determine a host galaxy metallicity of 0.5 solar (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

探索来源于BATSE(http://cossc:gsfc:nasa:gov/batse)的GRB(Gamma-Ray Burst,伽玛射线暴)观测数据的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系,基于64个用KRL函数模型(即,文[1]中的(22)式)能很好地拟合的FRDE(Fast Rise and Exponential Decay,快速上升指数下降)型脉冲样本。发现64个样本中有63个的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系属于平台—幂率—平台型结构或峰型结构。64个样本的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系在观测中可详细分为5种类型:a)有34个样本为幂率形式关系;b)18个样本为低能段平台关系;c)有7个样本为高能段平台关系;d)4个样本为峰型结构关系;e)另外有1个样本为其他结构。结果表明:GRB观测数据的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的确存在有幂率的关系。此结果进一步确认了文[2](Qin etal 2005)的观点,即半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系是由于火球模型的多普勒效应(Doppler effect)导致的。  相似文献   

Statistical relations between the luminosity L of gamma-ray burster (GRBs) and several of their other observable properties have been discovered. Four of these properties are considered here: the spectral lag; a measure of the light-curve variability; peak energy and the minimum light-curve rise time. Data are taken from a tabulation by Schaefer. Log–log regression of L on various combinations of the four light-curve properties, as well as redshift, is considered, using conventional multiple linear regression, and multiple errors-in-variables regression. Several cases are found in which the regression coefficients of more than one luminosity indicators are significant. In particular, the simultaneous regression of luminosity on peak energy, spectral lag, minimum rise time and redshift is meaningful.  相似文献   

For high-precision pulsar timing analysis and low-frequency gravitational wave detection, it is essential to accurately determine pulsar pulse times of arrival(ToAs) and associated uncertainties. To measure the ToAs and their uncertainties, various cross-correlation-based techniques can be employed. We develop methodologies to investigate the impact of the template-matching method, profile shape, signal-to-noise ratio of both template and observation on ToA uncertainties. These methodologies are...  相似文献   

A Fractal Structure of the Time Series of Global Indices of Solar Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salakhutdinova  I. I. 《Solar physics》1998,181(1):221-235
The structure of time series of daily global indices of solar activity is investigated: the sunspot numbers for the time interval between the years 1854 and 1996, the Greenwich total sunspot area for 1874–1983, the radio-flux at 10.7 cm (F10.7) for 1964–1996, and the Stanford mean solar magnetic field for 1975–1996. The fractal dimensions are determined by two fractal and spectral methods. The identified three time-scale ranges, 2 days–2 months, 2 months–2 years, 2 years–8 and more years, with the fractal dimensions 1.4–1.6, 2, 1.2–1.6, respectively, show perhaps some fractal structure of time series of global indices. The first time-scale range may correspond to ordinary brownian noise and the second to flicker noise. The solar rotation influence of the value of the fractal dimensions at the time range close to the rotational period is studied.  相似文献   

The Swift/XRT detected the X-ray afterglow of long burst GRB 220117A,which began to rebrighten 300 s after triggering and followed a single power-law decay segment after thousands of seconds of the orbital observation gap.This segment is different from the shallow decay segment(plateau) and flare,and may belong to a giant X-ray bump.We investigated this segment by the fall-back accretion model and found that the model can interpret this segment with reasonable parameter values.Within this physic...  相似文献   

We report the optical observations of GRB 121011 A by the 0.8m TNT facility at Xinglong observatory, China. The light curve of the optical afterglow shows a smooth and featureless bump during the epoch of ~130 s and ~5000 s with a rising index of 1.57 ± 0.28 before the break time of 539 ± 44 s, and a decaying index of about 1.29 ± 0.07 up to the end of our observations. Moreover, the X-ray light curve decays in a single power-law with a slope of about 1.51 ± 0.03 observed by XRT onboard Swift from 100 s to about 10 000 s after the burst trigger. The featureless optical light curve could be understood as an onset process under the external-shock model. The typical frequency has been below or near the optical one before the deceleration time, and the cooling frequency is located between the optical and X-ray wavelengths. The external medium density has a transition from a mixed stage of ISM and wind-type medium before the peak time to the ISM at the later phase. The joint-analysis of X-ray and optical light curves shows that the emissions from both frequencies are consistent with the prediction of the standard afterglow model without any energy injections, indicating that the central engine has stopped its activity and does not restart anymore after the prompt phase.  相似文献   

The optical flash accompanying GRB 990123 is believed to be powered by the reverse shock of a thin shell. With the best-fit physical parameters for GRB 990123 and the assumption that the parameters in the optical flash are the same as in the afterglow, we show that: 1) the shell is thick rather than thin, and we have provided the light curve for the thick shell case which coincides with the observation; 2) the theoretical peak flux of the optical flash accounts for only 3×10~-4 of the observed. In order to remove this discrepancy, the physical parameters, the electron energy and magnetic ratios, εe and εB, should be 0.61 and 0.39, which are very different from their values for the late afterglow.  相似文献   

We have obtainedK-band imaging observations of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) host galaxies with the near-infrared spectro-imager ISAAC installed on the Very Large Telescope at Paranal (Chile). The derivedK magnitudes, combined with other photometric data taken from the literature, are used to investigate theR-K colors of GRB hosts. We do not find any extremely reddened starbursts in our sample, despite the capability of GRBs to trace star formation even in dusty regions. The observedR-K colors are on the contrary typical of irregular and spiral blue galaxies at high redshift.  相似文献   

The afterglow of GRB 050401 presents several novel and interesting features. (i) An initially faster decay in optical band than in X-rays. (ii) A break in the X-ray light curve after ∼0.06 d with an unusual slope after the break. (iii)The X-ray afterglow does not show any spectral evolution across the break while the R -band light curve does not show any break. We have modelled the observed multiband evolution of the afterglow of GRB 050401 as originating in a two-component jet, and interpreting the break in X-ray light curve as due to lateral expansion of a narrow collimated outflow which dominates the X-ray emission. The optical emission is attributed to a wider jet component. Our model reproduces all the observed features of multiband afterglow of GRB 050401. We present optical observations of GRB 050401 using the 104-cm Sampurnanand Telescope at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital. Results of the analysis of multiband data are presented and compared with GRB 030329, the first reported case of double jet.  相似文献   

As indicated by observed X-ray flares,a great amount of energy can be intermittently released from the postburst central engine of gamma-ray bursts(GRBs).As a natural consequence,the GRB’s external shock could be repeatedly energized.With such a multiple energy injection model,we explore the unique X-ray afterglow light curve of GRB 050712,which exhibits four shallow decay plateaus.Together with three early X-ray flares,the central engine of GRB 050712 is believed to have released energy at least seven times after the burst.Furthermore,we find that the energies released during the four plateaus are all on the same order of magnitude,but the luminosity significantly decreased with time.These results may provide some interesting implications for the GRB central engine.  相似文献   

We calculate the energy and momentum distributions associated with a Gödel-type space–time, using the well-known energy–momentum complexes of Landau–Lifshitz and Møller. We show that the definitions of Landau–Lifshitz and Møller do not furnish a consistent result.  相似文献   

We investigate the wavelet transform of yearly mean relative sunspot number series from 1700 to 2002. The curve of the global wavelet power spectrum peaks at 11-yr, 53-yr and 101-yr periods. The evolution of the amplitudes of the three periods is studied. The results show that around 1750 and 1800, the amplitude of the 53-yr period was much higher than that of the the 11-yr period, that the ca. 53-yr period was apparent only for the interval from 1725 to 1850, and was very low after 1850, that around 1750, 1800 and 1900, the amplitude of the 101-yr period was higher than that of the 11-yr period and that, from 1940 to 2000, the 11-yr period greatly dominates over the other two periods.  相似文献   

High energy emission (> tens MeV) of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) provides an important clue on the physical processes occurring in GRBs that may be correlated with the GRB early afterglow. A shallow decline phase has been well identified in about half of Swift Gamma-ray Burst X-ray afterglows. The widely considered interpretation involves a significant energy injection and possibly time-evolving shock parameter(s). We calculate the synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) radiation of such an external forward shock and show that it could explain the well-known long term high energy (i.e., tens MeV to GeV) afterglow of GRB 940217. We propose that cooperation of Swift and GLAST will help to reveal the nature of GRBs.  相似文献   

本文综述了活动星系核 ,特别是blazar天体的研究现状 ,对blazar天体的多波段与多波段能谱特性研究进行了较为详细的评述。主要的研究工作包括以下内容 :(一 )γ噪blazar天体的短时标光变研究 ,通过对 1 6个γ噪blazar天体 (其中包括全部已证认和观测到VHEγ射线爆发的可能甚高能γ射线源 )自 1 998年的光学观测及光变分析研究表明 ,短时标光变 (小时量级 )是GeVγ噪blazar天体的普遍特性 ,光变幅度通常可达 0 .6mag/h ,对PKS 1 51 0 -0 89类星体的观测发现在一个小时内对象变暗 2个星等 ,对如此激烈的光变变暗目前的理论还不能很好的解释 ,但它同样反映了辐射区域的内部结构 ;而对TBLs的监测表明 ,其光学波段的短时标光变没有其他对象激烈 ,出现的频度和振幅变化都较小 ;(二 )在研究γ噪blazar天体光变时 ,研究了寄主星系对光变的影响 ,得到了 1ES 2 3 44 + 51 4的光变与PSF的FWHM的关联 ,表明随着大气视宁度的下降 (即FWHM变大 ) ,对象变暗 ,即由于寄主星系的影响从而导致假光变的产生 ;(三 )引进两个多波段复合谱指数 ,αxox=αox-αx 及αoro=αor-αo。对样本的统计研究表明 ,RBLs是能谱特性界于XBLs和OVVs之间的一类中间态 ,所得结果支持了Sambrunaetal.( 1 996)大样本多波段能谱分布特性的统计研  相似文献   

GRB 980519 is characterized by its rapidly declining optical and X-ray afterglows. Explanations of this behaviour include models invoking a dense medium environment, which makes the shock wave evolve quickly into the subrelativistic phase, a jet-like outflow, and a wind-shaped circumburst medium environment. Recently, Frail et al. found that the latter two cases are consistent with the radio afterglow of this burst. Here, by considering the transrelativistic shock hydrodynamics, we show that the dense medium model can also account for the radio light curve quite well. The potential virtue of the dense medium model for GRB 980519 is that it implies a smaller angular size of the afterglow, which is essential for interpreting the strong modulation of the radio light curve. Optical extinction arising from the dense medium is not important if the prompt optical–UV flash accompanying the γ -ray emission can destroy dust by sublimation out to an appreciable distance. Comparisons with some other radio afterglows are also discussed.  相似文献   

GRB absorption spectroscopy opened up a new window in the study of the high redshift Universe, especially with the launch of the Swift satellite and the quick and precise localization of the afterglow. Eight‐meter class telescopes can be repointed within a few hours from the GRB, enabling the acquisition of high signal‐to‐noise ratio and high resolution afterglow spectra. In this paper I will give a short review of what we learned through this technique, and I will present some of the first results obtained with the X‐shooter spectrograph (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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