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四川省农业资源开发利用现状及可持续利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用系统、综合分析法,全面、系统、科学的分析评价了四川农业资源开发利用现状及其发展变化趋势,针对四川耕地面积不断减少、人地矛盾日趋尖锐、水土流失严重、水资源利用率低、水资源污染日趋严重等制约四川经济社会可持续发展的主要因素,提出了切实保护耕地、加强生态环境保护和建设、防治水资源污染、提高水资源利用率和供水能力等一系列实现农业资源可持续利用的对策和措施.  相似文献   

耕地后备资源的可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地是人类赖以生存的基本资源。人类对土地倾注了极大的关注。在一个国家和地区可以耕种土地的多少和耕地后备资源能否持续利用,将直接影响到区域性的粮食安全和社会稳定。在全球人口不断膨胀、自然资源日趋紧缺的今天,如何利用土地及保持土地利用的可持续性已引起世界各国的普遍重视。  相似文献   

以1996~2005年南岳区相关统计资料为依据,对南岳区耕地资源利用.的现状进行了分析,在对其动态变化特征进行研究的基础上探讨了其耕地补充潜力,最后提出了南岳区耕地资源的可持续发展对策.  相似文献   

从可持续发展的角度,分析了广东省徐闻县土地资源利用的现状和耕地锐减的原因,并有针对性的提出了通过建立土地资源可持续利用机制和采用行政、经济、法律及技术等措施来保护耕地,实现土地资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

一、耕地可持续利用评价概念 耕地可持续利用指标体系的制定,其直接目的就是为了实现对耕地持续利用性的定量评价一可持续利用评价。耕地可持续利用评价是土地的宜农性在时间方向的延伸趋势进行的一种判断和评估,是可持续发展思想在土地评价领域的体现。  相似文献   

耕地是稀缺性资源,具空间位置的不可移动性和使用的排他性,必须讲求永续利用,追求经济、社会和生态效益的统一。从耕地持续利用的内涵出发,建立耕地可持续利用评价指标体系,运用相关系数法确定各评价指标的权重,并根据系统科学的灰色预测理论,利用DPS数据处理软件的GM(1,1)模块对耕地资源可持续利用进行评价,证实了济宁市耕地可持续利用性在1991-2003年处上升阶段;并预测2004-2020年该市耕地资源可持续性仍呈上升趋势,但要注意控制影响耕地可持续性利用的因素。  相似文献   

刘敏 《国土资源》2003,(11):26-27
《中国21世纪议程》,作为中国社会经济发展战略,其核心是充分合理利用自然资源。土地可持续利用是经济社会可持续发展的核心,土地不仅是任何物质生产不可替代的生产资料,也是人类生存和必需的物质条件。实现土地资源的可持续利用必然会对可持续发展战略的全面实施奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

随着我国人口增加和社会经济的发展,生产、生活用水都在急剧增长,年取水量已经占到了世界全部取水量的12%,是用水最多的国家之一,这就使我国水资源的供需矛盾更加突出了:每年因缺水造成的工业经济损失上千亿元,农田受旱面积达到4亿亩(占耕地总量的1/4);全国660座城市约有400座城市缺水,100多座城市严重缺水。切实保障人民安  相似文献   

上一轮土地利用总体规划实施以来,虽然在土地利用和管理中发挥了很大的作用,不仅使土地用途管制制度、基本农田保护制度得以顺利实施,保障了耕地占补平衡,促进了土地的集约利用,而且使土地利用总体规划自身得到了前所未有的重视,树立了应有的地位和权威,但在实施过程中也遇到了许多新情况和新问题,其中最主要的问题之一是“刚性有余,弹性不足”,如何增强土地利用总体规划的弹性和可操作性,是目前解决土地管理中遇到的矛盾和探索新一轮土地利用总体规划修编思路中迫切需要研究的课题。1 增强土地利用总体规划弹性和可操作性十分必…  相似文献   

从可持续发展的角度,分析了广东省徐闻县土地资源利用的现状和耕地锐减的原因,并有针对性的提出了通过建立土地资源可持续利用机制和采用行政,经济、法律及技术等措施来保护耕地,实现土地资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

According to the theory of sustainable development, the current situation and existent problemsoftheexploita-tion of water resources were analyzed in this paper. The results show that the contradiction between supply and demandof water resources is continually aggravating, water pollution is increasingly serious, water environment is worse, theover-extraction area of the underground water is expanding and water crisis stands out gradually, so it is imperative underthe situation to actualize the sustainable exploitation strategies of water resources. It is necessary for sustainable utilizingwater resources to introduce the model of sustainable utilization of water resources the model of wealth transferring be-tween the generations of water resources, establish water-saving society system and water market, form technology sys-tems, management systems and evaluation systems for many sorts of water resources, improve the utilization ratio of waterresources, transform waste water into resources and maintain and restore the water space of water environment.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China,and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization.The result of comprehensive analysis shows that constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China are complicated, including physical geographi cal factors and socio-economic factors, such as uneven distribution of water resources at temporal and spatial scales,inappropriate institutional arrangement and non-water-saving and non-water-conservation production and life mode.The countermeasures against constraining factors to water resources sustainable development are put forward as follows: l) using wetlands and forests, and through spatial conversion to realize temporally sustainable supply of water resources; 2) transferring water between basins and areas and developing various water resources in water shortagearea; 3) establishing water-saving society; 4) strengthening water pollution control and water resources protection;and 5) establishing unified water resources management mechanism.  相似文献   

lINThODUCnoNResourcesarethefoundationofeconomicdevel-opment,andsustainabledevelopmentistheinevitabletrendofhumandevelopment.Thesustainabedevel-opmentofChineseforestryisanimPOrtantPOrtionofChinesesustainabledevelopmentstrategy,andforestresourceisthekeyproblemofsustaialleforestryde-velopment.Therefore,exploringthereasonableforestresourcemanagementandutilizationprojecthasimpor-tantsignificancefortherealizationofsustainableforestrydevelopment-DaHingganMountainsforestdistrictisoneoftheimPOrt…  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThearidlandinNorthwestChina,richinlight,heat,landandmineralresources,isoneofthebiggestpotentialregionsforeconomicdevelopmentinthefuture.Itischaracterizedbydroughtclimate,scarceprecipitationandthereisnoagriculturewitholltirrigation(Liu,1980).Waterisnotonlythemostvaluablenaturalresources,butalsoveryimportantenvironmentalfactorinthisarea.Theoasesandwaterresourcesforhumansurvivalanddevelopmentaredistributedmainlyintheinlandriverbasins.Atpresentexploitationandutilizationofwater…  相似文献   

在深入分析区域水资源可持续利用评价系统的基础上,建立了区域水资源可持续利用能力评价指标体系,并将基于禁忌搜索优化的投影寻踪技术(TSPP)应用于水资源可持续利用评价。通过对淮河片区水资源可持续利用能力的初步研究,表明了此模型能完整而系统地反映区域水资源可持续利用能力,并且直观、简便,在各种实际系统评价中具有应用价值。  相似文献   


In the coastal catchments of Shandong Province the water scarcity is aggravated due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. Such a situation calls for sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM). The idea for the objectives and implementation of the IWRM are explained in this paper. The general objective of the planned project disscussed in the present study is to bring together German traditional expertise in water resources management and newer developments in the context of the European Water Framework Directive; the research efforts aim to relieve the desperate water scarcity situation in the costal area of Shandong Province.  相似文献   

North China, whose total area is 420,000 km2, covers 2 provinces and 2 cities (Shanxi and Hebei provinces, Beijing and Tianjin) and the territories of Henan and Shandong provinces to the north of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Liaoning Province. Most of this region, which is situated in the semi-humid, semi-arid continental climate temperate zone, gets an annual precipitation of 500-600 mm, whereas, the perennial average amount of total water resource is 50.99 billion m3, including 33.82 billion m3 of surface water, 32.94 billion m3 of ground water and 15.77 billion m3 of their duplication. Due to the intensive exploitation of water resource caused by the deficiency of water resource in North China, key elements of water balance was changed, runoff volume reduced, evaporation increased, vertical movement of moisture strengthened, water circulation pattern transformed from open system into regionally closed system; meanwhile, due to the incompetent water  相似文献   

The processes of water resources exploitation and utilization can be divided into three stages by water resources transformation, and the history, present situation and future trend of water resources development in piedmont areas around high mountains of arid northwestern China. The three stages are: the stage of surface water development (the first stage), the stage of comprehensive development of surface and ground water (the second stage) and the stage of economical development of water resources (the third stage). The three stages link each other and show the law and processes of water resources exploitation and utilization associated with social and technological progress. The economical water policy should run through the three stages. On this point, however, the third stage differs from the others, particularly, refering to irrigated agriculture. The third stage has more progressive significance because it breaks the traditional ideas on water resources development. According to our investigation and calculation, under present conditions of water resources development, the net used water is about 160 × 108 m3, accounting for 18% of the total water resources of northwestern China. The water resources have not been fully developed. If the first stage is finished, the exploitable water can be increased by 91%. After the second stage, furthermore, it can be increased by 216%. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Ussuri / Wusuli River watershed is located in the southeast part of Heilongjiang Province of China, which joins remote regions of Russia. The watershed consists of approximately 26 000 000 ha, which is about two thirds of the watershed ecosystem in Russia, one  third in China. The Ussuri River forms part of the border between Russia and China, the shared border stretches more than 1100 km. Khanka/Xingkai Lake lies within both China and Russia. Its total area …  相似文献   

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