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We present both synthetic and observed   I - Z   colours for a sample of spectroscopically classified M and L dwarfs drawn primarily from recent wide-field infrared surveys. Our synthetic photometry does not reproduce the strong decrease in the   I Harris- Z RGO  natural colour beyond M9 to a minimum around L2.5 reported by Steele & Howells. However, it does support the result that the   I Harris- Z RGO  colour does not increase with spectral type between  L0–L2.5  . Instead, the   I Harris- Z RGO  ,   i WFC- Z WFC  ,   i SDSS- z SDSS  and   I C- Z RGO  colours are shown to remain more or less constant before increasing once again for types later than  L3–L4  . These results, which are supported by both previously published observations and new photometry obtained with the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the Wide Field Camera (WFC), have implications for the interpretation of the recently publicly released Wide Field Survey Programme data covering the Pleiades cluster and surveys for late-type M and L dwarfs in general.  相似文献   

The I − Z colour has recently been shown to be a good temperature indicator for M dwarfs. We present the first IZ photometry of a small sample of L dwarfs ranging in spectral type from L0.5V to L6.0V. We find that the I − Z colour is not a good temperature indicator for objects between L1V and L5V, such objects having colours that overlap with mid M dwarfs. We attribute this to the reduction in the strength of the TiO and VO bands in the L dwarfs, which are the dominant opacity source in the I band for late M dwarfs. Beyond L5V, I − Z appears to be a reasonable indicator. This has important implications for the planning of optical surveys for cool objects in clusters and the field. For example, I − Z will cease to be a good method of identifying brown dwarfs in the Pleiades below around 0.04 M, and at around 0.075 M in the Hyades and Praesepe.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the first results from a survey for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, based on a photographic stack of around 100 Schmidt plates. This survey extends photographic searches by about 2 mag, and covers an area of 25 deg2. Some 30 faint objects with large R − I colours were selected for further study, and were found to have very strong molecular absorption in their spectra, but only moderately red infrared colours. Five of these stars were selected for a parallax programme; three of these were found to be at a distance of around 45 pc, implying a very low luminosity. On the basis of their luminosity alone it is clear that these stars are field brown dwarfs, and we discuss their likely evolutionary status in the context of current models of low-mass stellar evolution.  相似文献   

Recent observations point to the presence of structured dust grains in the discs surrounding young brown dwarfs, thus implying that the first stages of planet formation take place also in the substellar regime. Here, we investigate the potential for planet formation around brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars according to the sequential core accretion model of planet formation. We find that, for a brown dwarf mass 0.05 M, our models predict a maximum planetary mass of  ∼5   M  , orbiting with semimajor axis ∼ 1 au. However, we note that the predictions for the mass–semimajor axis distribution are strongly dependent upon the models chosen for the disc surface density profiles and the assumed distribution of disc masses. In particular, if brown dwarf disc masses are of the order of a few Jupiter masses, Earth-mass planets might be relatively frequent, while if typical disc masses are only a fraction of Jupiter mass, we predict that planet formation would be extremely rare in the substellar regime. As the observational constraints on disc profiles, mass dependencies and their distributions are poor in the brown dwarf regime, we advise caution in validating theoretical models only on stars similar to the Sun and emphasize the need for observational data on planetary systems around a wide range of stellar masses. We also find that, unlike the situation around solar-like stars, Type II migration is totally absent from the planet formation process around brown dwarfs, suggesting that any future observations of planets around brown dwarfs would provide a direct measure of the role of other types of migration.  相似文献   

The spectral type is a key parameter in calibrating the temperature which is required to estimate the mass of young stars and brown dwarfs. We describe an approach developed to classify low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Trapezium Cluster using red optical spectra, which can be applied to other star-forming regions. The classification uses two methods for greater accuracy: the use of narrow-band spectral indices which rely on the variation of the strength of molecular lines with spectral type and a comparison with other previously classified young, low-mass objects in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region. We have investigated and compared many different molecular indices and have identified a small number of indices which work well for classifying M-type objects in nebular regions. The indices are calibrated for young, pre-main-sequence objects whose spectra are affected by their lower surface gravities compared with those on the main sequence. Spectral types obtained are essentially independent of both reddening and nebular emission lines.
Confirmation of candidate young stars and brown dwarfs as bona fide cluster members may be accomplished with moderate resolution spectra in the optical region by an analysis of the strength of the gravity-sensitive Na doublet. It has been established that this feature is much weaker in these very young objects than in field dwarfs. A sodium spectral index is used to estimate the surface gravity and to demonstrate quantitatively the difference between young (1–2 Myr) objects, and dwarf and giant field stars.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a detailed near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of eight notable white dwarfs, predominantly of southern declination. In each case the spectrum failed to reveal compelling evidence for the presence of a spatially unresolved, cool, late-type companion. Therefore, we have placed an approximate limit on the spectral type of a putative companion to each degenerate. From these limits we conclude that if GD659, GD50, GD71 or WD2359−434 possesses an unresolved companion then most probably it is substellar in nature  ( M < 0.072 M)  . Furthermore, any spatially unresolved late-type companion to RE J0457−280, RE J0623−374, RE J0723−274 or RE J2214−491 most likely has   M < 0.082 M  . These results imply that if weak accretion from a nearby late-type companion is the cause of the unusual photospheric composition observed in a number of these degenerates then the companions are of very low mass, beyond the detection thresholds of this study. Furthermore, these results do not contradict a previously noted deficit of very-low-mass stellar and brown dwarf companions to main sequence F, G, K and early-M type primaries ( a ≲ 1000 au).  相似文献   

We present the results of a proper motion survey of the Hyades to search for brown dwarfs, based on UKIRT Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) and Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) data. This survey covers  ∼275 deg2  to a depth of   K ∼ 15  mag, equivalent to a mass of  ∼0.05 M  assuming a cluster age of 625 Myr. The discovery of 12 L dwarf Hyades members is reported. These members are also brown dwarfs, with masses between  0.05 < M < 0.075 M  . A high proportion of these L dwarfs appear to be photometric binaries.  相似文献   

One of the most promising space missions of the European Space Agency is the astrometric satellite Gaia , which will provide very precise astrometry and multicolour photometry, for all 1.3 billion objects to   V ∼ 20  , and radial velocities with accuracies of a few km s−1 for most stars brighter than   V ∼ 17  . Consequently, full homogeneous six-dimensional phase-space information for a huge number of stars will become available. Our Monte Carlo simulator has been used to estimate the number of white dwarfs potentially observable by Gaia . From this we assess the white dwarf luminosity functions that Gaia will obtain and discuss in depth the scientific returns of Gaia in the specific field of white dwarf populations. Scientifically attainable goals include, among others, a reliable determination of the age of the Galactic disc, a better knowledge of the halo of the Milky Way and the reconstruction of the star formation history of the Galactic disc. Our results also demonstrate the potential impact of a mission such as Gaia within the context of current understanding of white dwarf cooling theory.  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy are obtained for a heterogeneous sample of nearby white dwarfs with possible excess flux as identified primarily in the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Among the sample of 43 stars are a number of white dwarfs that are either metal-rich, magnetic or binary suspects. With a few notable exceptions in four (or possibly five) distinct categories, the newly obtained JHK photometric data fail to corroborate the putative excesses, with  〈 K IRTF− K 2MASS〉=+0.31  mag. Where available, Galaxy Evolution Explorer photometric data are used to better constrain the overall spectral energy distribution of the white dwarfs, enabling any excess near-infrared flux to stand out more readily against the expected stellar photosphere.
With superior data, a near-infrared photometric excess is confirmed at three metal-rich white dwarfs and ruled out at nine others. Several new binaries are confirmed or suggested; five white dwarf–red dwarf pairs and five double degenerates. Four apparently single magnetic white dwarfs – two DA and two DQp – display modest to strong near-infrared excess (relative to non-magnetic models), which may be better described as two effective temperatures owing to a redistribution of energy in highly magnetic or peculiar atmospheres.  相似文献   

We perform binary population-synthesis calculations to investigate the incidence of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) and their birth rate in the Galaxy. We use a binary-evolution algorithm that models all the relevant processes including tidal circularization and synchronization. Parameters in the evolution algorithm that are uncertain and may affect X-ray binary formation are allowed to vary during the investigation. We agree with previous studies that under standard assumptions of binary evolution the formation rate and number of black hole (BH) LMXBs predicted by the model are more than an order of magnitude less than what is indicated by observations. We find that the common-envelope process cannot be manipulated to produce significant numbers of BH LMXBs. However, by simply reducing the mass-loss rate from helium stars adopted in the standard model, to a rate that agrees with the latest data, we produce a good match to the observations. Including LMXBs that evolve from intermediate-mass systems also leads to favourable results. We stress that constraints on the X-ray binary population provided by observations are used here merely as a guide as surveys suffer from incompleteness and much uncertainty is involved in the interpretation of results.  相似文献   

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