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Underwater acoustic technologies may be used for remote sensing of estuarine and coastal benthic habitat in addition to more traditional methods of assessing the seabed. These systems use reflected sound energy to identify surface objects, texture, and subbottom density discontinuities, and to classify benthic habitat. We evaluated the ability of subbottom profiling systems, side scan sonar, and acoustic seabed classification systems (ASCS) to assess oyster habitat in the Chesapeake Bay. Our criteria were the systems' abilities to assess the quality and quantity of oyster shell resources and to integrate with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology for the charting of the seabed. Although all systems examined have previously been used for benthic habitat assessment, we found that ASCS offered the most promise as a stand alone system for mapping complex and heterogeneous habitat typical of oyster bottoms. The results from this study suggest that ASCS technology is highly suited for the identification and charting of oyster shell as well as distinguishing among different combinations of shell and fine sediments. Such systems also offer excellent linkage with GIS display and analysis capability.  相似文献   

本文以舟山岛为例,以乡镇街道为基本分析单元,根据遥感与GIS方法,进行了1999-2012年间海岸线长度与人工岸线比例、曲折度、利用集约度、资源利用类型的时空变化观测与统计分析。结果表明:(1)舟山岛的岸线在1999年至2012年间不断变化,但变化幅度逐渐减缓,逐渐趋于稳定。区域集中性明显,主要集中在生态风险低的区域。在岸线范围变化的同时,人工化指数也在不断上升;(2)本岛岸线利用方式变化明显,主导利用方式为港口与工业岸线和城镇生活岸线。岸线各利用类型存在部分相互转化,主要是对其它用途岸线开发。舟山岛岸线利用用途相互转化较为合理;(3)随着岸线范围与利用类型的变化,舟山岛岸线利用集约度不断提高,说明本岛对于岸线利用的定位逐渐精准化。结合舟山市海洋功能区划岸线管理效果的回顾性分析,对舟山岛乃至更多海岛县的岸线资源未来的可持续发展提出合理意见。  相似文献   

海岸线的动态变化监测可为海岸带防护、海岸带资源开发利用和可持续发展过程中的决策支持提供理论支撑。文中基于1973-2017年覆盖连云港市的Landsat系列和GF系列卫星影像数据,结合海岸线分类体系,提取了连云港市10期海岸线信息,并分析了海岸线演变特征及其成因。结果表明:(1) 2017年连云港市海岸线总长度为205.90 km,主要岸线类型为建设围堤和港口岸线,两类岸线总长为120.52 km,占总岸线长度的58.53%;(2) 1973-2017年连云港市海岸线长度整体呈现增长态势,44年间海岸线长度共增长了57.17 km,年增长率约为1.3 km/a。连云港市海岸线主要增长的岸线类型为建设围堤、港口岸线和生物岸线;(3) 44年间,连云港市海岸变化主要的海岸线类型为粉砂淤泥质岸线、生物岸线、港口岸线、建设围堤和盐田围堤;(4) 2017年连云港市自然岸线长度为69.15 km,占总岸线长度的33.6%,44年间,自然岸线长度减少了28.8km,年减少率为0.65 km/a。自然岸线减少的原因主要为养殖业发展、城市扩张建设和港口建设。  相似文献   

The variation of the backscatter strength with the angle of incidence is an intrinsic property of the seafloor, which can be used in methods for acoustic seafloor characterization. Although multibeam sonars acquire backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles, the angular information is normally neglected during standard backscatter processing and mosaicking. An approach called Angular Range Analysis has been developed to preserve the backscatter angular information, and use it for remote estimation of seafloor properties. Angular Range Analysis starts with the beam-by-beam time-series of acoustic backscatter provided by the multibeam sonar and then corrects the backscatter for seafloor slope, beam pattern, time varying and angle varying gains, and area of insonification. Subsequently a series of parameters are calculated from the stacking of consecutive time series over a spatial scale that approximates half of the swath width. Based on these calculated parameters and the inversion of an acoustic backscatter model, we estimate the acoustic impedance and the roughness of the insonified area on the seafloor. In the process of this inversion, the behavior of the model parameters is constrained by established inter-property relationships. The approach has been tested using a 300 kHz Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar in Little Bay, NH. Impedance estimates are compared to in situ measurements of sound speed. The comparison shows a very good correlation, indicating the potential of this approach for robust seafloor characterization.  相似文献   

罗源湾水质评价与富营养化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2009年7月对罗源湾的调查数据,对罗源湾水质和富营养化进行研究。结果表明:罗源湾海域营养盐含量较高:无机氮均值为0.30 mg/L,活性磷酸盐均值为0.07 mg/L;总体来看,湾北部高于南部,高值多分布于近岸区域。富营养化分级评价表明该海域处于氮限制性富营养化阶段。通过对近30 a的历史文献进行研究,对罗源湾海域富营养化的长期变化趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

林卉  胡晋山 《海洋测绘》2005,25(1):76-78
从现代测绘技术发展和加入WTO的内在要求出发,分析了开展双语教学的必要性,重点结合《遥感原理及应用》课程双语教学实践,阐述了其有效途径,并对进一步搞好双语教学提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Methylmercury (MeHg) concentration and production rates were studied in bottom sediments along the mainstem of Chesapeake Bay and on the adjoining continental shelf and slope. Our objectives were to 1) observe spatial and temporal changes in total mercury (HgT) and MeHg concentrations in the mid-Atlantic coastal region, 2) investigate biogeochemical factors that affect MeHg production, and 3) examine the potential of these sediments as sources of MeHg to coastal and open waters. Estuarine, shelf and slope sediments contained on average 0.5 to 1.5% Hg as MeHg (% MeHg), which increased significantly with salinity across our study site, with weak seasonal trends. Methylation rate constants (kmeth), estimated using enriched stable mercury isotope spikes to intact cores, showed a similar, but weaker, salinity trend, but strong seasonality, and was highly correlated with % MeHg. Together, these patterns suggest that some fraction of MeHg is preserved thru seasons, as found by others [Orihel, D.M., Paterson, M.J., Blanchfield, P.J., Bodaly, R.A., Gilmour, C.C., Hintelmann, H., 2008. Temporal changes in the distribution, methylation, and bioaccumulation of newly deposited mercury in an aquatic ecosystem. Environmental Pollution 154, 77] Similar to other ecosystems, methylation was most favored in sediment depth horizons where sulfate was available, but sulfide concentrations were low (between 0.1 and 10 μM). MeHg production was maximal at the sediment surface in the organic sediments of the upper and mid Bay where oxygen penetration was small, but was found at increasingly deeper depths, and across a wider vertical range, as salinity increased, where oxygen penetration was deeper. Vertical trends in MeHg production mirrored the deeper, vertically expanded redox boundary layers in these offshore sediments. The organic content of the sediments had a strong impact on the sediment:water partitioning of Hg, and therefore, on methylation rates. However, the HgT distribution coefficient (KD) normalized to organic matter varied by more than an order of magnitude across the study area, suggesting an important role of organic matter quality in Hg sequestration. We hypothesize that the lower sulfur content organic matter of shelf and slope sediments has a lower binding capacity for Hg resulting in higher MeHg production, relative to sediments in the estuary. Substantially higher MeHg concentrations in pore water relative to the water column indicate all sites are sources of MeHg to the water column throughout the seasons studied. Calculated diffusional fluxes for MeHg averaged  1 pmol m− 2 day− 1. It is likely that the total MeHg flux in sediments of the lower Bay and continental margin are significantly higher than their estimated diffusive fluxes due to enhanced MeHg mobilization by biological and/or physical processes. Our flux estimates across the full salinity gradient of Chesapeake Bay and its adjacent slope and shelf strongly suggest that the flux from coastal sediments is of the same order as other sources and contributes substantially to the coastal MeHg budget.  相似文献   

乐清湾海水增养殖区环境质量状况及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚炜民  陈雷 《海洋通报》2007,26(4):116-120
利用2002年至2004年对乐清湾海水增养殖区的海洋环境监测结果,分析和评价了乐清湾海水增养殖区的海洋环境质量状况。结果表明:乐清湾海水增养殖区营养盐超标严重,导致增养殖区整体水质超出四类海水水质标准,与增养殖区应达到的二类海水水质标准不符,影响了增养殖区主导功能的发挥。  相似文献   

近岸生态环境质量综合评价方法及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在借鉴国外近岸海域生态环境质量综合评价方法的基础上,结合我国近海的生态环境特点和现有的海洋环境质量评价标准及资料状况,提出了一种适合我国近海特点的生态环境质量综合评价方法.该方法选取了生物学质量要素、水质要素、沉积物质量要素和生物体质量要素共4类评价指标,根据评价标准对各类指标进行赋分,最后集合4类评价指标得分,将近岸海域生态环境质量划分为"优、良、中、差、劣"共5个最终级别.将此方法应用于胶州湾海域,结果表明20世纪九十年代以来胶州湾生态环境质量基本维持在"良/中"级水平,且逐渐趋于好转.通过实际应用,证实了该方法具有一定的科学性和较好的可操作性.  相似文献   

We tested and refined the Neutral Red staining method for separating live and dead copepods in natural samples. Live copepods were stained red whereas dead copepods remained unstained. The staining results were not affected by method of killing, time of death or staining time. Tow duration had no significant effect on the percent dead copepods collected. The Neutral Red staining method was applied to study the occurrence of dead copepods along the York River and the Hampton River in the lower Chesapeake Bay during June–July, 2005. The zooplankton community was dominated by copepods; on average 29% of the copepod population appeared dead. Recovery of percent dead copepods did not differ between horizontal tows and vertical tows, suggesting that dead copepods were homogenously distributed in the water column. No significant relationship was found between the percent dead copepods and surface water temperature, salinity, Secchi depth or chlorophyll concentration. In laboratory experiments, dead copepods were decomposed by ambient bacteria and the rate of decomposition was temperature-dependent. Combining field and laboratory results we estimated that the non-consumptive mortality (mortality not due to predation) of copepods in the lower Chesapeake Bay was 0.12 d−1 under steady-state condition, which is within the global average of copepod mortality rate.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of the bed textural and morphologic properties that influence boundary-layer roughness characteristics in the lower Chesapeake Bay, the lower portions of the York, James and Elizabeth Rivers, and the adjacent inner continental shelf were systematically mapped. A high resolution, fully-corrected side-scan sonar mapping system (100 kHz) was used for remote acoustic detection of bottom roughness, supported by ‘ground-truthing’ by direct in situ observations by divers. These complementary methods proved to be especially effective in detecting a wide range of roughness-controlling bed surface properties at various scales. Fine-scale variations in sediment size and associated bottom texture are considered to be the main source of heterogeneity in Nikuradse (skin friction) roughness. A wide variety of small- and intermediate-scale morphologic elements provide meso-scale and small-scale distributed (form drag) roughness. Depending upon location, the distributed roughness may be either biogenic or hydrodynamically induced (by currents and waves), although anthropogenic roughness prevails in certain instances (e.g. port areas). In terms of particular combinations of roughness scales and types, combined sonar and diver observation data allow the beds to be systematically but qualitatively classified into 10 bottom types, each of which is associated with a particular type of subenvironment.  相似文献   

从薛家岛湾采集了扇贝、紫贻贝、牡蛎、竹蛏、杂色蛤和对虾6种生物样品。分析和测定了这些生物体中各种重金属污染物的含量。结果表明没有一个污染物含量超标。除了紫贻贝和杂色蛤中As的含量约为标准的80×10~(-2)以外,其它污染物在各种生物体中的含量均远低于标准。在6种生物中,杂色蛤对各种污染物的浓缩能力最大,其次是紫贻贝。因此可以把它们当作指示生物,监测该海区的环境质量。  相似文献   

Alkenone unsaturation indices (UK37 and UK′37) have long been used as proxies for surface water temperature in the open ocean. Recent studies have suggested that in other marine environments, variables other than temperature may affect both the production of alkenones and the values of the indices. Here, we present the results of a reconnaissance field study in which alkenones were extracted from particulate matter filtered from the water column in Chesapeake Bay during 2000 and 2001. A multivariate analysis shows a strong positive correlation between UK37 (and UK′37) values and temperature, and a significant negative correlation between UK37 (and UK′37) values and nitrate concentrations. However, temperature and nitrate concentrations also co-vary significantly. The temperature vs. UK37 relationships (UK37=0.018 (T)−0.162, R2=0.84, UK′37=0.013 (T)−0.04, R2=0.80) have lower slopes than the open-ocean equations of Prahl et al. [1988. Further evaluation of long-chain alkenones as indicators of paleoceanographic conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52, 2303–2310] and Müller et al. [1998. Calibration of the alkenone paleotemperature index UK′37 based on core-tops from the eastern South Atlantic and the global ocean (60°N–60°S). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, 1757–1772], but are similar to the relationships found in controlled studies with elevated nutrient levels and higher nitrate:phosphate (N:P) ratios. This implies that high nutrient levels in Chesapeake Bay have either lowered the UK37 vs. temperature slope, or nutrient levels are the main controller of the UK37 index. In addition, particularly high abundances (>5% of total C37 alkenones) of the tetra-unsaturated ketone, C37:4, were found when water temperatures reached 25 °C or higher, thus posing further questions about the controls on alkenone production as well as the biochemical roles of alkenones.  相似文献   

滨海湿地是介于陆地生态系统和水生生态系统之间的特殊生态系统,是珍贵的湿地资源,具有重要的生态系统功能。掌握滨海湿地的分布状况对于我国滨海湿地自然资源的保护和管理意义重大。文章基于2018—2019年“哨兵2号”卫星10 m分辨率多光谱影像,完成广东、广西和海南滨海湿地的遥感制图;对岩石海岸、砂石海滩、淤泥质海滩、潮间盐水沼泽、红树林、河口水域、河口三角洲/沙洲/沙岛、海岸性咸水湖、海岸性淡水湖、浅海水域共10个亚类建立解译标志,通过目视解译,对滨海湿地进行分类和统计。研究结果显示:广东、广西和海南滨海湿地面积共计1 377 140 hm2,各地滨海湿地面积与岸线长度基本呈正相关,海岸线越长,滨海湿地面积越大,各地典型滨海湿地的类型也不相同。  相似文献   

泰国湾近30年海岸线变迁剧烈。文章基于1988年、1996年、2006年和 2016年4个时期Landsat TM/OLI中等分辨率卫星遥感影像数据,开展了近30年泰国湾岸线长度时空变迁遥感监测,并应用数字海岸分析系统(DSAS)计算出4期岸线变迁速率,给出了4个时期泰国湾侵蚀淤积面积状况,分析了岸线变迁的自然因素和人类活动因素。并从岸线增长速率、岸线变迁速率、蚀淤面积状况、岸线类型变化4个方面给出结论。  相似文献   

This study was carried out with the primary aim of understanding how the mangrove ecosystem in the Niger Delta has been altered recently. Specifically, we determined the spatial extent of the mangrove forest in the Niger Delta using remotely sensed satellite data and estimated changes in the spatial extent of the forest from the mid-1980s through 2003. Overall, about 21,340 hectares of Mangrove forest was lost over the study period. Fieldwork confirmed that these losses were primarily due to urbanization, dredging activities, activities of the oil and gas industries, and the spread of Nypa Palm (Nypa frutican) plant species.  相似文献   

This study was carried out with the primary aim of understanding how the mangrove ecosystem in the Niger Delta has been altered recently. Specifically, we determined the spatial extent of the mangrove forest in the Niger Delta using remotely sensed satellite data and estimated changes in the spatial extent of the forest from the mid-1980s through 2003. Overall, about 21,340 hectares of Mangrove forest was lost over the study period. Fieldwork confirmed that these losses were primarily due to urbanization, dredging activities, activities of the oil and gas industries, and the spread of Nypa Palm (Nypa frutican) plant species.  相似文献   

A combination of CTD casts, discrete bottle sampling and in situ voltammetric microelectrode profiling was used to examine changing redox conditions in the water column at a single station south of the Bay Bridge in the upper Chesapeake Bay in late July/early August, 2002–2005. Short-term (2–4 h) fluctuations in the oxic/suboxic/anoxic interface were documented using in situ voltammetric solid-state electrodes. Profiles of dissolved oxygen and sulfide revealed tidally-driven vertical fluctuations of several meters in the depth and thickness of the suboxic zone. Bottom water concentrations of sulfide, Mn2+ and Fe2+ also varied over the tidal cycle by approximately an order of magnitude. These data indicate that redox species concentrations at this site varied more due to physical processes than biogeochemical processes. Based on analysis of ADCP data, tidal currents at this station were strongly polarized, with the principal axis of tidal currents aligned with the mainstem channel. Together with the chemical data, the ADCP analysis suggests tidal flushing of anoxic bottom waters with suboxic water from north of the site. The present study is thus unique because while most previous studies have focused on processes across relatively stable redox interfaces, our data clearly demonstrate the influence of rapidly changing physical mixing processes on water column redox chemistry.Also noted during the study were interannual differences in maximum bottom water concentrations of sulfide, Mn2+ and Fe2+. In 2003, for example, heavy spring rains resulted in severe hypoxia/anoxia in June and early July. While reported storm-induced mixing in late July/early August 2003 partially alleviated the low-oxygen conditions, bottom water concentrations of sulfide, Mn2+ and Fe2+ were still much higher than in the previous year. The latter implies that the response time of the microbial community inhabiting the suboxic/anoxic bottom waters to changing redox conditions is slow compared to the time scale of episodic mixing events. Bottom water concentrations of the redox-sensitive chemical species should thus be useful as a tracer to infer prior hypoxic/anoxic conditions not apparent from ambient oxygen levels at the time of sampling.  相似文献   

福建罗源湾网箱养殖区海洋生态环境质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比2004年的调查资料与历史资料,分析了罗源湾海区多年水质、水域的养殖力(营养盐、叶绿素a和初级生产力)以及浮游植物多样性的变化,并采用潜在生态危害指数法对其生态危害程度现状进行评价。结果表明,罗源湾水体中的无机氮和活性磷酸盐质量浓度超过第二类水质标准,沉积物中除Hg、Cd污染较为严重外,其它重金属的生态危害很小。此外,罗源湾表层沉积物微量元素含量属正常范围。目前,罗源湾网箱养鱼已超负荷,但养殖面积还有扩大趋势,故必须调整网箱养殖面积和数量,优化养殖种类结构,实现生态养殖,才能达到持续健康、高质、高效发展。  相似文献   

A 22-month study was conducted to determine the exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus between a mesohaline vegetated marsh in the Carter's Creek area of Virginia and the surrounding estuary, focusing on the role of the vegetated marsh surface in the processing of these constituents. On an annual basis there was a removal of NH4+, PO43?, NO3?, dissolved organic nitrogen, dissolved organic phosphorus, particulate nitrogen and particulate phosphorus from the tidal water as it resided on the vegetated marsh. Only nitrite was transported from the marsh to the estuary. Most of the nitrogen and phosphorus species showed distinct seasonal trends with respect to the direction of transport except nitrate and orthophosphate. The ammonium flux data indicates that this nutrient was removed from the inundating water during late spring and fall, with a slight release of this constituent into the tidal water during the late summer. The transport of nitrite was from the estuary to the marsh for most of the year except during the fall. The large release of this nutrient into the tidal water at this time is associated with the senescence of the marsh vegetation. There was a large removal of DON from the tidal water during the fall, while the flux of DOP was from the estuary to the marsh for most of the year except during the summer. The largest removal of particulate nitrogen and phosphorus from the tidal water occurred during the summer months when the turbidity of the tidal water was highest, especially when wave scouring of the mudflats brings material into the water column. A loss of particulate nitrogen from the marsh to the estuary was evident during the fall and winter.  相似文献   

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