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Here we report the occurrence of some uncommon mineral assemblages including pääkönenite, aurostibite, native arsenic, native antimony, and native bismuth found in the Baogutu gold deposit in the western Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China. The mineralization could be generally subdivided into two types: the gold-bearing quartz-vein type mineralization and disseminated mineralization in the wall rocks. The sulfide minerals in gold lodes commonly include pyrite, arsenopyrite, marcasite, and stibnite. However, the L7 lode in No. 4 orebody and the L1 lode in No. 11 orebody of the Baogutu gold deposit are quite different in terms of their mineral assemblages. The L7 lode contains native arsenic–quartz veins in shallow levels and stibnite–quartz veins at depth. Gold-bearing minerals (electrum, native gold, and rarely aurostibite) mainly coexist with pääkönenite, stibnite, native arsenic, and native antimony. The crystallization of As- and Sb-bearing minerals was likely to have consumed H2S from the hydrothermal fluid, which probably triggered the precipitation of native gold. The L1 lode consists of several discontinuous sulfide-dominated lensoid orebodies. The massive sulfide ores that produced most of the gold resource are characterized by an intimate association between native bismuth and native gold mineralization.  相似文献   

Significant and widespread enrichment of platinum, palladium, and gold has been found within the Nkenja mafic–ultramafic body located in southern Tanzania in the central part of the Ubendian metamorphic belt. This body is dominated by partly serpentinized chromitiferous dunite, wehrlite and olivine clinopyroxenite, which are tectonically intercalated with amphibolitized metagabbro. The dunites contain both disseminated and seam-type chrome spinel with an Al-rich composition. The seams are thin, impersistent and, together with enclosing dunite, often show deformation at granulite facies conditions. Forsterite contents of olivine in the dunite range from 87 to 92?mol%. Clinopyroxene in wehrlite and clinopyroxenite is diopsidic with significant contents of Al and Na. Clinopyroxene forms irregular bands and crosscutting veins in the dunite, as well as occurring as weakly dispersed isolated grains in the dunite. Elevated levels of Pt, Pd and Au occur in all ultramafic rocks, but not amphibolitized metagabbro, and there is a weak correlation between high abundances of platinum-group element (PGE) and chromitites. PGE values are erratically distributed and are associated with trace to minor amounts of disseminated sulphides (pyrrhotite, pentlandite, heazlewoodite, chalcopyrite and bornite). The abundances of all PGE are consistently anomalous, suggesting a primary igneous control by sulphides in ultramafic rock. However, there has evidently been a strong metamorphic and/or hydrothermal overprint on what was probably an original magmatic concentration of PGE-bearing sulphides. Geological mapping and petrological evidence, as well as the style of PGE sulphide mineralization, are consistent with the Nkenja ultramafic body being part of the crustal section of a dismembered Palaeoproterozoic ophiolite.  相似文献   

A recently recognized molybdenum (Mo) metallogenic belt is present within and adjacent to the northern part of the North China Craton (NCC). More than 20 Mo deposits are present in the belt, including the Sadaigoumen and Dacaoping porphyry deposits located in the Fengning region of the northern part of Hebei Province. The Sadaigoumen deposit has a Re–Os molybdenite weighted mean age of 236.5 ± 2.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.4, n = 6), which is more reliable than existing dates and is interpreted as the precise age for formation of the deposit. The Dacaoping Mo deposit is about 100 million years younger, with a Re–Os molybdenite isochron age of 140.1 ± 3.4 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.26, n = 5), which is within error of the weighted mean age of 139.4 ± 0.9 Ma. The ages of the two deposits show that there are at least two episodes of Mo porphyry formation in the Fengning region. In combination with the regional geological evolution of this part of the craton margin, we propose that the Triassic Mo event at Sadaigoumen is associated with a collisional event during the closure of the ancient Asian Ocean, whereas the Early Cretaceous Mo event at Dacaoping is associated with lithospheric thinning of the NCC.  相似文献   

The Zhaima gold–sulfide deposit is located in the northwestern part of the West Kalba gold belt in eastern Kazakhstan. The mineralization is hosted in Lower Carboniferous volcanic and carbonate rocks formed under conditions of marginal-sea and island-arc volcanic activity. The paper considers the mineralogy and geochemistry of primary gold–sulfide ore and Au-bearing weathering crusts. Au-bearing arsenopyrite–pyrite mineralization formed during only one productive stage. Disseminated, stringer–disseminated, and massive rocks are enriched in Ti, Cr, V, Cu, and Ni, which correspond to the mafic profile of basement. The main ores minerals are represented by finely acicular arsenopyrite containing Au (up to few tens of ppm) and cubic and pentagonal dodecahedral pyrite with sporadic submicroscopic inclusions of native gold. The sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides is close to that of the meteoritic standard (δ34S =–0.2 to +0.2). The 40Ar/39Ar age of three sericite samples from ore veinlets corresponds to the Early Permian: 279 ± 3.3, 275.6 ± 2.9, and 272.2 ± 2.9 Ma. The mantle source of sulfur, ore geochemistry, and spatial compatibility of mineralization with basic dikes allow us to speak about the existence of deep fluid–magmatic systems apparently conjugate with the Tarim plume.  相似文献   

Northern Sweden is currently experiencing active exploration within a new gold ore province, the so called Gold Line, situated southwest of the well-known Skellefte VMS District. The largest known deposit in the Gold Line is the hypozonal Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit. Mineralization at Fäboliden is hosted by arsenopyrite-rich quartz veins, in a reverse, mainly dip-slip, high-angle shear zone, in amphibolite facies supracrustal host rocks. The timing of mineralization is estimated, from field relationships, at ca. 1.8 Ga.The gold mineralization is hosted by two sets of mineralized quartz veins, one steep fault–fill vein set and one relatively flat-lying extensional vein set. Ore shoots occur at the intersections between the two vein sets, and both sets could have been generated from the same stress field, during the late stages of the Svecofennian orogen.The tectonic evolution during the 1.9–1.8 Ga Svecofennian orogen is complex, as features typical of both internal and external orogens are indicated. The similarity in geodynamic setting between the contemporary Svecofennian and Trans-Hudson orogens indicates a potential for world-class orogenic gold provinces also in the Svecofennian domain.The Swedish deposits discussed in this paper are all structurally associated with roughly N–S striking shear zones that were active at around 1.8 Ga, when gold-bearing fluids infiltrated structures related to conditions of E–W shortening.  相似文献   

The Navachab gold deposit in the Damara belt of central Namibia is hosted by a near-vertical sequence of amphibolite facies shelf-type metasediments, including marble, calc-silicate rock, and biotite schist. Petrologic and geochemical data were collected in the ore, alteration halos, and the wall rock to evaluate transport of elements and interaction between the wall rock and the mineralizing fluid. The semi-massive sulfide lenses and quartz–sulfide veins are characterized by a complex polymetallic ore assemblage, comprising pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and arsenopyrite, native bismuth, gold, bismuthinite, and bismuth tellurides. Mass balance calculations indicate the addition of up to several orders of magnitude of Au, Bi, As, Ag, and Cu. The mineralized zones also record up to eightfold higher Mn and Fe concentrations. The semi-massive sulfide lenses are situated in the banded calc-silicate rock. Petrologic and textural data indicate that they represent hydraulic breccias that contain up to 50 vol.% ore minerals, and that are dominated by a high-temperature (T) alteration assemblage of garnet–clinopyroxene–K-feldspar–quartz. The quartz–sulfide veins crosscut all lithological units. Their thickness and mineralogy is strongly controlled by the composition and rheological behavior of the wall rocks. In the biotite schist and calc-silicate rock, they are up to several decimeters thick and quartz-rich, whereas in the marble, the same veins are only a few millimeters thick and dominated by sulfides. The associated alteration halos comprise (1) an actinolite–quartz alteration in the biotite schist, (2) a garnet–clinopyroxene–K-feldspar–quartz alteration in the marble and calc-silicate rock, and (3) a garnet–biotite alteration that is recorded in all rock types except the marble. The hydrothermal overprint was associated with large-scale carbonate dissolution and a dramatic increase in CO2 in the ore fluid. Decarbonation of wall rocks, as well as a low REE content of the ore fluid resulted in the mobilization of the REE, and the decoupling of the LREE from the HREE. The alteration halos not only parallel the mineralized zones, but may also follow up single layers away from the mineralization. Alteration is far more pronounced facing upward, indicating that the rocks were steep when veining occurred. The petrologic and geochemical data indicate that the actinolite–quartz– and garnet–clinopyroxene–K-feldspar–quartz alterations formed in equilibrium with a fluid (super-) saturated in Si, and were mainly controlled by the composition of the wall rocks. In contrast, the garnet–biotite alteration formed by interaction with a fluid undersaturated in Si, and was mainly controlled by the fluid composition. This points to major differences in fluid–rock ratios and changes in fluid composition during alteration. The alteration systematics and geometry of the hydrothermal vein system are consistent with cyclic fluctuations in fluid pressure during fault valve action. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Five Cu–Au epidote skarns are associated with the Mt. Shea intrusive complex, located in the 2.7–2.6 Ga Eastern Goldfields Province of the Archean Yilgarn craton, in greenstones bounded by the Boulder Lefroy and Golden Mile strike-slip faults, which control the Golden Mile (1,435 t Au) at Kalgoorlie and smaller “orogenic” gold deposits at Kambalda. The Cu–Au deposits studied are oxidized endoskarns replacing faulted and fractured quartz monzodiorite–granodiorite. The orebodies are up to 140 m long and 40 m thick. Typical grades are 0.5% Cu and 0.3 g/t Au although parts are richer in gold (1.5–4.5 g/t). At the Hannan South mine, the skarns consist of epidote, calcite, chlorite, magnetite (5–15%), and minor quartz, muscovite, and microcline. Gangue and magnetite are in equilibrium contact with pyrite and chalcopyrite. The As–Co–Ni-bearing pyrite contains inclusions of hematite, gold, and electrum and is intergrown with cobaltite and Cu–Pb–Bi sulfides. At the Shea prospect, massive, net-textured, and breccia skarns are composed of multistage epidote, actinolite, albite, magnetite (5%), and minor biotite, calcite, and quartz. Gangue and magnetite are in equilibrium with Co–Ni pyrite and chalcopyrite. Mineral-pair thermometry, mass-balance calculations, and stable-isotope data (pyrite δ34SCDT = 2.5‰, calcite δ13CPDB = −5.3‰, and δ18OSMOW = 12.9‰) indicate that the Cu–Au skarns formed at 500 ± 50°C by intense Ca–Fe–CO2–S metasomatism from fluids marked by an igneous isotope signature. The Mt. Shea stock–dike–sill complex postdates the regional D1 folding and metamorphism and the main phase of D2 strike-slip faulting. The suite is calc-akaline and comprises hornblende–plagioclase monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, granodiorite, and quartz–plagioclase tonalite porphyry. The intrusions display a wide range in silica content (53–73 wt% SiO2), in ratio (0.37–0.89), and in ratio (0.02–0.31). Chromium (62–345 ppm), Ni (23–158), Sr (311–1361 ppm), and Ba (250–2,581 ppm) contents are high, Sr/Y ratios are high (24–278, mostly >50), and the rare earth element patterns are fractionated . These features and a negative niobium anomaly relative to the normal mid-ocean ridge basalt indicate that the suite formed by hornblende fractionation from a subduction-related monzodiorite magma sourced from metasomatized peridotite in the upper mantle. The magnesian composition of many intrusions was enhanced due to hornblende crystallization under oxidizing hydrous conditions and during the subsequent destruction of igneous magnetite by subsolidus actinolite–albite alteration. At the Shea prospect, main-stage Cu–Au epidote skarn is cut by biotite–albite–dolomite schist and by red biotite–albite replacement bands. Post-skarn alteration includes 20-m-thick zones of sericite–chlorite–ankerite schist confined to two D3 reverse faults. The schists are mineralized with magnetite + pyrite + chalcopyrite (up to 0.62% Cu, 1.6 g/t Au) and are linked to skarn formation by shared Ca–Fe–CO2 metasomatism. Red sericitic alteration, marked by magnetite + hematite + pyrite, occurs in fractured porphyry. The biotite/sericite alteration and oxidized ore assemblages at the Shea prospect are mineralogically identical to magnetite–hematite-bearing gold lodes at Kambalda and in the Golden Mile. Published fluid inclusion data suggest that a “high-pressure”, oxidized magmatic fluid (2–9 wt% NaCl equivalent, , 200–400 MPa) was responsible for gold mineralization in structural sites of the Boulder Lefroy and Golden Mile faults. The sericite–alkerite lodes in the Golden Mile share the assemblages pyrite + tennantite + chalcopyrite and bornite + pyrite, and accessory high-sulfidation enargite with late-stage sericitic alteration zones developed above porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(11):1855-1864
The Coquimbo region has been one of the richest producers of Cu, Au and Hg in Chile, and some of the deposits have been mined almost continuously since the 16th century. To assess the potential environmental contamination in this region, the authors measured the concentration of Cu, As, Cd, Zn and Hg in samples of stream and mine waters, stream sediments, soils, flotation tailings, and mine wastes in the Andacollo (Cu, Au, Hg) and Punitaqui (Cu–Au, Hg) districts. The concentration of Hg in the atmosphere in these districts were also measured. Although contamination is strongly controlled by the ore in each district, metal dispersion is modified by the degree of metallurgical processing efficiency as shown by the outdated Cu flotation system at Andacollo (stream sediments Cu 75–2200 μg/g). Conversely, more efficient procedures at Punitaqui resulted in less stream contamination, where stream sediments contained Cu ranging from 110–260 μg/g. However, efficient concentration by flotation of a given metal (e.g. Cu) may lead to the loss of another (e.g. Hg up to 190 μg/g in the tailings at Punitaqui), and therefore, to contamination via erosion of the tailings (downstream sediments Hg concentrations up to 5.3 μg/g). Continued use of Hg for Au amalgamation at Andacollo has led to significant contamination in stream sediments (0.2–3.8 μg/g Hg) and soils (2.4–47 μg/g Hg). Communities in this region are underdeveloped, and decades of inefficient treatment of flotation tailings and waste-rock stock piles has resulted in significant contamination of the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   


The Linglong-Jiaojia district is one of the most important regions containing gold deposits in China. These gold deposits can be divided into: a) the pyrite-gold-quartz vein type (Linglong type), which is controlled by brittle-ductile to ductile deformation structures, and b) the alteration-zone type (Jiaojia type), characterized by small veinlets, or the disseminated type recognized in brittle shear zones. Lode gold deposits in the Jiaojia area occur in NE brittle fracture zones, formed in a dominantly simple shear deformation regime, mainly in thrust attitude with a minor sinistral strike slip component. In the Linglong area, the lode gold deposits are located at the intersection of three types of structures: NNE and NE brittle-ductile fault zones and the ENE ductile reverse shear zone in the south of the area. The structural characteristics of these brittle shear zones are consistent with a tectonic NNW-SSE principal stress field orientation. Similar stresses explain the ENE Qixia fold axes, the Potouqing and several other ENE reverse ductile shear zones elsewhere in the region, the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone and its subsidiaries in the vicinity of the Linglong-Jiaojia district, as well as the southern ENE suture zone north of Qingdao. Therefore these structural systems occurred as part of different major tectonic events under NNW-SSE compression principal stress fields in the area. Gold deposits are hosted in smaller-scale structures within the brittle fault zones and brittle-ductile shear zones. Although ore bodies and, on a smaller scale, quartz ore veins often seem to be randomly oriented, it is possible to explain their distribution and orientation in terms of the simple shear deformation process under which they were developed. The progressive simple shear failure is characterized by various fracture modes (tension and shear) that intervene in sequence. The tension and shear fractures are influenced by the stress level (depth of burial beneath the paleosurface) in their structural behavior, show variable dilatancy (void openings) and extend on all scales. By making use of these characteristics, a progressive failure analysis can be applied to predicting the shape and extent of ore bodies as well as the styles of mineralization at any given location.  相似文献   

The formation environments of stratiform ore deposits in the Neoproterozoic Baikal–Patom region (BPR) have been considered. A model for the formation of the Sukhoi Log gold ore deposit in the Bodaibo zone has been put forward. The first stage is gold concentration by a chemolithotrophic bacterial community. Independently established facts suggest that bacterial communities may also have contributed to initial metal accumulation in the sediments of the Kholodnaya Pb–Zn deposit. The ore beds occur in the high-carbon sediments of the side and trough of a back-arc basin. Sedimentation (Dal’nyaya Taiga and Zhuya regional horizons) took place during the “back-arc basin–foreland basin” transition. This transition is characterized by increased sediment bioproductivity, which is clearly evidenced from the increased biophile-element content and taxonomic diversity of organic remains. Hundreds of microfossil sites in the Neoproterozoic BPR host littoral benthos (cyanobacteria and brown algae) and plankton (green algae). Most microfossils in the outer shelf, on the basin side, and in its trough belong to chemolithotrophic bacteria. These bacteria are assumed to have accumulated metals in the vent field of the back-arc basin. Studies showed the ability of microorganisms (bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.) to accumulate Fe, Mn, Au, Pb, Zn, and other metals. Bacterial communities are particularly important for metal accumulation in the vent fields of rift zones and areas of arc volcanism. All these conditions were observed in the Neoproterozoic BPR.  相似文献   

The Rosario–Bunawan district is situated about 200 km north of Davao City, the capital of the Mindanao Island, Southern Philippines. Gold is produced from the Co-O mine, containing about 2,034,000 t of ore at 10.9 g/t Au, and in numerous small-scale operations by local miners. Epithermal gold mineralization in the Rosario–Bunawan district and the Co-O mine is confined to narrow (0.2–4 m) low-sulfidation quartz–chalcedony–calcite veins in volcanic and volcaniclastic wall rocks. Three major vein orientations are distinguished: (1) the NNW–SSE-trending set with a sinistral strike-slip sense of deformation (Philippine Fault trend); (2) the ENE–WSW-trending dextral strike-slip set (Palawan trend) and associated veins in the Riedel geometry; and (3) the WNW–ESE-trending conjugate set (Co-O trend). Three structural stages are defined: (1) extensional shear or shear veins formed in the Co-O, the Philippine Fault, and Palawan trends during regional NW–SE compression and near vertical vein opening (D1); (2) reactivation of veins in the Philippine Fault, veins associated with the Palawan, and, to a lesser extent, the Co-O trends during E–W compression and near horizontal N–S-oriented vein opening (D2). New D2 extensional shear or shear veins formed in the Philippine Fault, and structures associated with the Palawan and associated Riedel trends; (3) the D3-stage block faulting subsequently displaced all of the auriferous veins. The auriferous Rosario–Bunawan district is situated between two splays of the Philippine Fault, which acted as a lateral ramp system during the oblique convergence of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. The oblique convergence resulted in a change from a compressional (D1) to a transpressional (D2) regime, which was a prerequisite for the two-stage vein opening and hydrothermal mineralization, leading to an economic gold enrichment. D1 compressional tectonics may have caused an elevated geothermal gradient in shallow crustal levels, forming the heat source for the fluid plumbing system, which is at variance to typical epithermal deposits formed in extensional zones. D2 thrusting of a limestone nappe together with syn-tectonic diorite intrusions may have further increased the geothermal gradient, maintaining the fluid plumbing system. The limestone nappe may, at the same time, have represented an aquitard forcing the hydrothermal fluids into the volcanic and volcaniclastic wall rocks, which is regarded as critical for the two-stage gold mineralization in the Rosario–Bunawan district.  相似文献   

The Hillgrove gold–antimony deposit is hosted in late Palaeozoic, biotite-grade metasedimentary rocks and Permo-Carboniferous granitoid intrusions of the New England Orogen. Mineralisation occurred at a range of structural levels during rapid uplift in the orogen at 255–245 Ma. Hydrothermal fluids were controlled by extensional faults in a regional-scale sinistral strike-slip fault system. Principal faults in this system were developed in, and possibly evolved from, mylonite zones which were active during Late Permian tectonics. Earliest mineralisation formed scheelite-bearing quartz veins, and these were followed by auriferous arsenopyrite–pyrite–quartz–carbonate veins with minor base metal sulphides. This latter type was accompanied by sericitisation and carbonation of the host rock, with addition of sulphur, arsenic and gold, in zones up to 20 m from veins. Quartz–stibnite veins with electrum, gold, aurostibite, and arsenopyrite form a prominent and economically important hydrothermal type, with little wall-rock alteration but extensive hydrothermal breccia formation and local open-space filling textures. Below a mining depth of 300–500 m, this type passes over a short distance downwards into stibnite-poor gold-bearing veins. Late-stage carbonate–stibnite veins with gold and silver sulphosalts cut all earlier veins, and have open-space filling textures. Aspects of the Hillgrove deposit have similarities to many other orogenic gold deposits in the SW Pacific which have been formed at different structural levels. Hillgrove is distinctive in having evidence for mineralisation at this wide range of structural levels in the one deposit, formed progressively during syn-orogenic uplift. Editorial handling: N. White  相似文献   

Copper–gold–bismuth–tellurium mineralization in the Stanos area, Chalkidiki Peninsula, Greece, occurs in the Proterozoic- to Silurian-aged Serbomacedonian Massif, which tectonically borders the Mesozoic Circum-Rhodope metamorphic belt to the west and crystalline rocks of the Rhodope Massif to the east. This area contains the Paliomylos, Chalkoma, and Karambogia prospects, which are spatially related to regional NW–SE trending shear zones and hosted by marble, amphibolite gneiss, metagabbro, and various muscovite–biotite–chlorite–actinolite–feldspar–quartz schists of the Silurian Vertiskos Unit. Metallic minerals occur as disseminated to massive aggregates along foliation planes and in boudinaged quartz veins. Iron-bearing sulfides (pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite) formed prior to a copper-bearing stage that contains chalcopyrite along with galena, sphalerite, molybdenite, and various minerals in the system Bi–Cu–Pb–Au–Ag–Te. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of primary aqueous liquid–vapor inclusions in stage I quartz veins range from 170.1 °C to 349.6 °C (peak at ~ 230 °C), with salinities of 4.5 to 13.1 wt.% NaCl equiv. Calculated isochores intersect P–T conditions associated with the upper greenschist facies caused by local overpressures during late-stage tectonic movement along the shear zone in the Eocene, which produced stretching and unroofing of rocks in the region. Values of δ34S for sulfides in the Stanos shear zone range from 2.42 to 10.19‰ and suggest a magmatic sulfur source with a partially reduced seawater contribution. For fluids in equilibrium with quartz, δ18O at 480 °C varies from 5.76 to 9.21‰ but does not allow for a distinction between a metamorphic and a magmatic fluid.A 187Re–187Os isochron of 19.2 ± 2.1 Ma for pyrite in the Paliomylos prospect overlaps ages obtained previously from intrusive rocks spatially-related to the Skouries porphyry Cu–Au, the Asimotrypes Au, and the intrusion-related Palea Kavala Bi–Te–Pb–Sb ± Au deposits in northern Greece, as well as alteration minerals in the carbonate-replacement Madem Lakkos Pb–Zn deposit. Ore-forming components of deposits in the Stanos area were likely derived from magmatic rocks at shallow depth that intruded an extensional shear environment at ~ 19 Ma.  相似文献   

The Freda-Rebecca Mine is currently the largest gold producer in Zimbabwe. The ore deposit is hosted by two main shear systems crosscutting the Rebecca diorite and Bindura granodiorite (2.65 Ga) as well as Shamvaian metasediments, which are affected by contact metamorphism. Following the intrusion of the Bindura granodiorite, intensive hydrothermal alteration developed preferentially in the dioritic part of the igneous complex (Rebecca diorite). The hydrothermal alteration started with an extensive K-dominated hydrothermal metasomatism in the whole Rebecca diorite. It was followed by less penetrative hydrothermal alteration developed preferentially near shear zones and veinlets. Hydrothermal metasomatism caused microcline and biotite formation, prevailing in the Rebecca diorite. Two main stages of post-metasomatic hydrothermal alteration and mineralization were distinguished, based on spatial relationships between different minerals and some geochemical aspects. In the first stage, an actinolite-tourmaline-arsenopyrite mineralization formed, which is characterized by Ni-Co arsenopyrite associated with actinolite, tourmaline and quartz. The second, lower temperature stage gave a polyphase gold-rich mineralization that developed in four phases which are distinguished by different parageneses including: Phase 1. Actinolite, chlorite, clinozoisite/epidote, quartz, calcite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite. Phase 2. Chlorite, epidote, calcite, gold, native Bi, Bi-Pb sulfides, galena, chalcopyrite, fahlore, pyrite, Fe-gersdorffite. Phase 3. Epidote, calcite, (Ni, Co, Fe) As S phases, Co-Fe-gersdorffite. Phase 4. Chlorite, calcite, quartz. The gold mineralization is exclusively associated with phase 2 and developed in three sulfide parageneses: – Gold + Bi-Pb sulfides + bismuth + chalcopyrite + galena, associated with chlorite (Au 1). – Gold + galena + pyrite, associated with calcite and chlorite (Au 2). – Gold + pyrite + Fe-gersdorffite, associated with epidote, chlorite and calcite (Au 3). The hydrothermal alteration and mineralization formed after the consolidation of the Rebecca diorite and Bindura granodiorite, most probably in the postmagmatic cooling stage. The mineralization was emplaced either synchronously or subsequently to the shear zones which crosscut the consolidated pluton. Not all shear zones are mineralized and different shear zones show different amounts of mineralization and hydrothermal alteration. Thus, it is suggested that during the cooling stage of the pluton and subsequent to the formation of the K-metasomatic zone (microcline + biotite), hydrothermal fluids preferentially followed just forming or pre-existing shear zones. It cannot be excluded that this process developed in a plutonic porphyry copper-like environment, in which the classically hydrothermal zonation did not form due to synchronous tectonic disturbance, which preferentially drives the hydrothermal flow along shear zones. Mineral parageneses and data from chlorite geothermometry indicate that the different stages and phases of hydrothermal alteration reflect cooling stages of the hydrothermal system, from >300 °C in the first stage to about 150 °C in the last phases. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 13 August 1999  相似文献   

The recently discovered Toki cluster, which includes the Toki, Quetena, Genoveva, Miranda, and Opache porphyry Cu–Mo prospects, is located 15 km south–southwest of the Chuquicamata–Radomiro Tomic mines in northern Chile. These prospects occur in an area of 5?×?6 km and are completely covered with Neogene alluvial deposits. Inferred resources for the cluster are estimated at about 20 Mt of fine copper, with Toki and Quetena contributing ~88 % of these resources. Mineralization in these deposits is associated with tonalite porphyries that intruded andesites and dacites of the Collahuasi Group and intrusions of the Fortuna–Los Picos Granodioritic Complex. Hypogene mineralization in the Toki cluster consists mainly of chalcopyrite–bornite with minor molybdenite with mineralization grading outward to a chalcopyrite–pyrite zone and ultimately to a pyrite halo. Alteration is dominantly of the potassic type with K-feldspar and hydrothermal biotite. Sericitic alteration is relatively restricted to late quartz–pyrite veins (D-type veins). Previous K–Ar geochronology for the cluster yielded ages within a range of 34 to 40 Ma. Four new Re–Os ages for Toki indicate that molybdenite mineralization occurred in a single pulse at ~38 Ma. Re–Os ages for three different molybdenite samples from Quetena are within error of the Toki mineralization ages. These ages are concordant with a new zircon U–Pb age of 38.6?±?0.7 Ma from the tonalite porphyry in Quetena. Two Re–Os ages for Genoveva (38.1?±?0.2 and 38.0?±?0.2 Ma) are also within error of the Toki and Quetena molybdenite ages. Four Re–Os molybdenite ages for Opache range between 36.4 and 37.6 Ma. The Miranda prospect is the youngest with an age of ~36 Ma. Four new Re–Os ages for the Chuquicamata deposit range between 33 and 32 Ma, whereas nine new 40Ar/39Ar ages of biotite, muscovite, and K-feldspar range between 32 and 31 Ma. Analyzed molybdenites have Re and Os concentrations that vary between 21–3,099 ppm and 8–1,231 ppb, respectively. The highest Re and Os concentrations are found in the Toki prospect. Three new 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Toki cluster are younger than the Re–Os mineralization ages. The age spectra for these three samples show evidence of excess argon and have similar inverse isochron ages of 35 Ma that probably reflect a late hydrothermal phyllic event. The new geochronological data presented here for the Toki cluster indicate that molybdenite mineralization occurred within a very short period, probably within 2 Ma, and synchronously (at ~38 Ma) in three mineralization centers (Toki, Quetena, and Genoveva). Furthermore, mineralization at the Toki cluster preceded the emplacement of the Chuquicamata deposit (35–31 Ma) and indicates that porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization occurred episodically over a period of several million years in the Chuquicamata district.  相似文献   

The gold deposits at Kalgoorlie in the 2.7-Ga Eastern Goldfields Province of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, occur adjacent to the D2 Golden Mile Fault over a strike of 8 km within a district-scale zone marked by porphyry dykes and chloritic alteration. The late Golden Pike Fault separates the older (D2) shear zone system of the Golden Mile (1,500 t Au) in the southeast from the younger (D4) quartz vein stockworks at Mt Charlotte (126 t Au) in the northwest. Both deposits occur in the Golden Mile Dolerite sill and display inner sericite–ankerite alteration and early-stage gold–pyrite mineralization replacing the wall rocks. Late-stage tellurides account for 20 % of the total gold in the first, but for <1 % in the second deposit. In the Golden Mile, the main telluride assemblage is coloradoite?+?native gold (898–972 fine)?+?calaverite?+?petzite?±?krennerite. Telluride-rich ore (>30 g/t Au) is characterized by Au/Ag?=?2.54 and As/Sb?=?2.6–30, the latter ratio caused by arsenical pyrite. Golden Mile-type D2 lodes occur northwest of the Golden Pike Fault, but the Hidden Secret orebody, the only telluride bonanza mined (10,815 t at 44 g/t Au), was unusually rich in silver (Au/Ag?=?0.12–0.35) due to abundant hessite. We describe another array of silver-rich D2 shear zones which are part of the Golden Mile Fault exposed on the Mt Charlotte mine 22 level. They are filled with crack-seal and pinch-and-swell quartz–carbonate veins and are surrounded by early-stage pyrite?+?pyrrhotite disseminated in a sericite–ankerite zone more than 6 m wide. Gold grade (0.5–0.8 g/t) varies little across the zone, but Au/Ag (0.37–2.40) and As/Sb (1.54–13.9) increase away from the veins. Late-stage telluride mineralization (23 g/t Au) sampled in one vein has a much lower Au/Ag (0.13) and As/Sb (0.48) and comprises scheelite, pyrite, native gold (830–854 fine), hessite, and minor pyrrhotite, altaite, bournonite, and boulangerite. Assuming 250–300 °C, gold–hessite compositions indicate a fluid log f Te2 of ?11.5 to ?10, values well below the stability of calaverite. The absence of calaverite and the dominance of hessite in the D2 lodes of the Mt Charlotte area point to a kilometer-scale mineral and Au/Ag zonation along the Golden Mile master fault, which is attributed to a lateral decrease in peak tellurium fugacity of the late-stage hydrothermal fluid. The As/Sb ratio may be similarly zoned to lower values at the periphery. The D4 gold–quartz veins constituting the Mt Charlotte orebodies represent a younger hydrothermal system, which did not contribute to metal zonation in the older one.  相似文献   

1IntroductionDuring the Mesozoic there occurred large-scalemagmatism and mineralization in South China.As amain part of East Asian,the South China continent isan extremely complex region,involving multi-stageMesozoic tectono-magmatism.Therefore,various hy…  相似文献   

Numerous Fe–Cu deposits are hosted in the late Paleoproterozoic Dongchuan and Dahongshan Groups in the Kangdian region, SW China. The Dongchuan Group is composed of siltstone, slate, and dolostone with minor volcanic rocks, whereas the Dahongshan Group has undergone lower amphibolite facies metamorphism and consists of quartz mica-schist, albitite, quartzite, marble and amphibolite with local migmatite. Deposits in the Dongchuan Group are commonly localized in the cores of anticlines, in fault bends and intersections, and at lithological contacts. Orebodies are closely associated with breccias, which are locally derived from the host rocks. Fe-oxides (magnetite and/or hematite) and Cu-sulfides (chalcopyrite, bornite) form disseminated, vein-like and massive ores, and typically fill open spaces in the host rocks. The deposits have extensive albite alteration and local K-feldspar alteration overprinted by quartz, carbonate, sericite and chlorite. Deposits in the Dahongshan Group have orebodies sub-parellel to stratification and show crude stratal partitioning of metals. Fe-oxide ores occur as massive and/or banded replacements within the breccia pipes, whereas Cu-sulfide ores occur predominantly as disseminations and veinlets within mica schists and massive magnetite ores. Ore textures suggest that Cu-sulfides formed somewhat later than Fe-oxides, but are possibly within the same mineralization event. Both ore minerals predated regional Neoproterozoic metamorphism. Both orebodies and host rocks have undergone extensive alteration of albite, scapolite, amphibole, biotite, sericite and chlorite. Silica and carbonate alterations are also widespread. Ore-hosting strata have a LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age of 1681 ± 13 Ma, and a dolerite dyke cutting the Fe-oxide orebodies has an age of 1659 ± 16 Ma. Thus, the mineralization age of the Dahongshan deposit is constrained at between the two. All ores from the two groups have high Fe and low Ti, with variable Cu contents. Locally they are rich in Mo, Co, V, and REE, but all are poor in Pb and Zn. Sulfides from the Fe–Cu deposits have δ34S values mostly in the range of +2 to +6 per mil, suggesting a mix of several sources due to large-scale leaching of the strata with the involvement of evaporites. Isotopic dating and field relationships suggest that these deposits formed in the late Paleoproterozoic. Ore textures, mineralogy and alteration characteristics are typical of IOCG-type deposits and thus define a major IOCG metallogenic province with significant implications for future exploration.  相似文献   

Koyna–Warna region in western India is known to be the largest case of the reservoir-triggered seismicity in the world with M6.3 earthquake in 1967. This region continues to be seismically active even after 45 years with occurrences of earthquakes up to M5.0. The porous crustal rocks of Koyna–Warna region respond to changes in the prevailing stress/strain regime. This crustal section is highly fractured and is being fed by rivers and reservoirs. It is also subjected to fluctuating plate boundary forces and significant gravity-induced stresses due to crustal inhomogeneities. These changes induce variations in the water level in bore wells before, during and after an earthquake, and their study can help in understanding the earthquake genesis in the region. The ongoing seismicity thus requires understanding of coupled hydrological and tectonic processes in the region. Water table fluctuations are a reflection of the ongoing hydro-tectonics of the region. The fractal dimension of water levels in the bore wells of the region can be used as measure of the nonlinear characteristics of porous rock, revealing the underlying complexity. In this paper, we present values of correlation dimensions of the water level data in the bore wells using the nonlinear time series methodology. The spatiotemporal changes in the fractal dimensions have also been determined. The results show that hydro-seismically the region behaves as a low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system.  相似文献   

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