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本文主要运用构造力学机制分析方法,对区内构造地貌的形成发展作了较详细的分析研究,基本结论是:顺时针扭动的南北向挤压应力场控制着本区的宏观构造地貌格局。 相似文献
Desert pavement development and landscape stability on the Eastern Libyan Plateau, Egypt 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Desert pavement surfaces of the eastern Libyan Plateau in central Egypt represent a stable landscape preserving Middle and Upper Paleolithic artifacts. Detailed measurements of pavement clasts indicate significant variability in clast size, density, lithology and orientation between pavements, but no spatial relationship among any of these pavement variables over the study area. Pavement characteristics are unrelated to local geomorphic features including slope gradient and aspect, suggesting a desert pavement surface that has developed without significant influence from transporting mechanisms such as overland flow and slope failure. Meridional vertical cracks in surface clasts implicate thermal stresses due to diurnal solar variation as a mechanical weathering process, whereas the presence of a clast-free silty layer within all soil profiles indicates that these are accretionary pavement surfaces that have grown upward over time. The desert pavement in this region has likely developed in situ through mechanical breakdown of surface clasts and desert pedogenesis, indicating long-term stability for this region and minimal taphonomic effects on artifacts > 2 cm in diameter deposited on this surface over the last ca. 100 ka. 相似文献
Based upon the Bayesian framework for analyzing the discovery sequence in a play, a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler—the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, is employed to sample model parameters and pool sizes from their joint posterior distribution. The proposed sampling scheme ensures that the parameter space of changing dimension can be traversed in spite of the unknown number of pools. The equal sample weights make it easy to obtain the confidence intervals and assess the statistical error in the estimates, so that the statistical behaviors of the discovery process modeling can be well understood. Two application examples of the Halten play in Norwegian Sea and the Bashaw reef play in the Western Canada Basin show that, the computational advantage of this method to the simple Monte Carlo integration is considerable. In order to increase the convergence speed of the sample chains to the posterior distributions, several parallel simulations with different starting values are recommended. 相似文献
旧石器时代至商周时期贵州遗址空间分布及其自然环境背景 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据对贵州230 处遗址的时空变化分析发现, 贵州旧石器时代遗址集中分布在中部、西北部和黔西南等喀斯特发育的高海拔区域。至新石器时代, 遗址仍集中分布在中部、西北部和黔西南地区, 但南部、东部等沿河地带和中西部的山间坝子开始有遗址分布。到商周时期, 遗址主要分布在沿河地带和山间坝子里。其中, 东部和南部海拔低于1000 m的地区遗址多分布在沿河地带, 而西部和北部海拔高于1000 m的地区遗址则分布在山间坝子。贵州位于亚热带湿润气候区, 气候环境的冷暖干湿波动对从事渔猎、采集及原始农业生产的古人类影响不大, 人类居住空间变化更多的与贵州特殊的自然地理背景有关, 特别是喀斯特地貌发育及适宜农业生产地方的空间差异, 对贵州旧石器至商周时期的遗址分布影响显著。旧石器时代人类以采集和渔猎为生, 临近水源的天然溶洞是人类居住的首选。随农业的出现和发展, 便于农耕的沿河地带和山间坝子成为人类的生活居住地。故新石器时代, 贵州先民居住呈现洞穴和河流阶地或山间坝子并存;至商周时期, 农业成为人类的主要经济生产方式, 人类主要居住在沿河地带和山间坝子里。 相似文献
聚落是识别区域文化景观同一性的重要指标。中国闽台石器时代文化因受区域环境的影响,呈现出与全国其他地区不同的文化特征。借用"文化基因"的概念,运用GIS技术对闽台石器时代文化遗址空间特征、文化特质和历史渊源进行分析。研究结果表明:闽台石器时代文化遗址在产生时间上具有继承性;在空间扩散、迁移及居住地空间选择上,闽台石器文化遗址都呈现了山岗、沿河流阶地和滨海分布模式,并经历了由点经线到面的扩散和迁移过程;在器具、技术工艺和作物类型等方面亦存在着广泛的相似性和共同性。石器遗址文化表明闽台具有相同的文化根基。 相似文献
华北地区晚全新世初期环境变化分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
华北地区在3000-2500aBP的晚全新世初期,曾发生过一次环境变化。其主要表现有:气候变凉、变干;植被衰退;降水减少且时、空分配不;河流以暴涨暴落的洪水为主,改道频繁;山地强烈切割,形成第一级阶地;平原快速堆积,造陆作用增强;大部分湖沼洼地被埋没;海岸线后退。因而使得动物迁徙或灭绝,人类活动向第一级阶地、泛滥平原及演海平原延伸。地质历史进入了晚全新世。该变化既具有渐变性质,又具有突变特征。该文分析其变化的原因、机理及中、晚全新世的时代划分。 相似文献
清代中期因"摊丁入地"政策的刺激,人口激增,中国PRED关系严重失衡.长期、大范围的坡地和非宜农地被开垦,导致了一次中国封建农业时代范围最广、破坏最严重的生态退化过程.与此同时,长城生态功能的消失进一步扩大并加深了退化过程.从系统角度分析,支撑庞大人口的物质、能量基础不是来自自然社会经济复合系统(NSECS)之外,也不是通过提高系统效率,而是转嫁于生态.转嫁源自农民对耕地的过度依赖关系,其根源则在于传统生产方式和文化惯性.NSECS子系统耦合导致正反馈效应,使生态长期处于退化的困境中. 相似文献
本文立足于政冶地理学的基本理论,从冷战后国际政治基本态势的分析入手,系统阐述了当前世界政治地理研究的基本任务,并在此基础上提出了当前及今后一段时期世界政治地理研究应以世界政治地理格局的演变、国家形成与消亡的地理政治背景、国际领土及边界争端和各国行政区划的基本原则为重点。 相似文献
The Luonan Basin is a key region of early human settlement in Central China with more than 300 discovered Paleolithic sites. Artifact layer 1 of the Liuwan site was dated to approximately 0.6 million years(Ma) based on correlation with the well-dated loess–paleosol sequence of the central Chinese Loess Plateau. This study reassessed the age of the Liuwan artifact layer via an absolute dating method, namely, 26Al/10Be burial dating. We determined the burial age of artifact layer 1, which was most likely at least 0.60 ± 0.12 Ma(1?), using three simple burial ages. The new burial age confirmed the previous estimated age and provided a considerably accurate age range. Therefore, we suggest the use of the 26Al/10Be burial dating method in thin loess-covered Paleolithic sites around the Qinling Mountain Range is helpful to understand the early human behavior. 相似文献
对中世纪暖期(MWP)的时空分异和区域影响进行综合分析,关系到对近百年来全球气候变暖驱动力的正确认识,也有助于客观地解析20世纪气候变化增暖的历史地位.本研究对中国疆域内各个地区MWP的一些成果进行梳理和再思考,表明MWP在中国疆域内的存在是毋庸置疑的,但不同地区MWP表现出明显的时空差异.中国中东部地区在800—1300 AD存在明显温暖期,各种地质记录和文献记载都有较明显反映;虽然西北部MWP表现不很明显,但是众多石笋、湖泊沉积和风沙沉积也记录了500—1500 AD间呈现温暖湿润的气候特征;青藏高原各地MWP的表现差异明显,其中800—1100 AD暖期是高原东北部最暖的时期,而南部和西部最暖期分别出现于1150—1400 AD和1250—1500 AD.太阳辐射变化和火山活动可能是形成MWP的基本原因,而中国三大自然区下垫面条件的复杂多样性造成MWP发生过程和表现形式的时空分异. 相似文献
Wang Kexin Xu Xinghua Sun Xuefeng Tu Hua Zeng Qiongxuan Lu Yiming Lu Huayu Wang Shejiang 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(3):406-416
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The Luonan Basin is a key region of early human settlement in Central China with more than 300 discovered Paleolithic sites. Artifact layer 1 of the Liuwan site... 相似文献
MAO Longjiang MO Duowen JIANG Leping JIA Yaofeng LIU Xiaoyan LI Minglin ZHOU Kunshu SHI Chenxi 《地理学报》2008,18(2):247-256
At about 173 ka BP of the late period of mid-Pleistocene, the second terrace of the river had been formed as a result of uplift happening in Shangshan area because of the cli-mate, sea level change and tectonic action. Between 173?75 ka BP, aeolian deposited on the terrace, a layer of reticulate red clayey soil about 80?100 cm thick deposited and developed under the warmer and higher temperature. In the last glacial period, the drop of the tem-perature and the decrease of the precipitation induced the dust-storms increased, A layer of Xiashu loess about 1.0?1.5 m thick accumulated on Shangshan terrace in the last glacial, which has the reticulate red clayey soil buried. At the beginning of the Holocene (11500 a BP?), temperature went higher gradually and precipitation got more, the pre-persons moved on the Shangshan terrace (11,400?8600 a BP), which is one of the most important archaeo-logical sites, and can connect the paleolithic culture with Neolithic culture. It could be as-sumed from the results that the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the home of rice cul-tivation, too. The lower place to the west of the Shangshan site experienced the two cycles process of the fluvial facies and the lacustrine facies, indicating that the water source of the pre-historical Shangshan is the river water or lake water. Two AMS 14C age proved the water source disappeared more than 1000 years ago. 相似文献
用GIS方法和既有的考古资料研究了嵩山南麓颖河上游和双洎河上游龙山晚期和夏商期聚落的时空特征。受距今4000年前降温事件影响,嵩山南麓地区的史前聚落在夏商期对地貌的选择与龙山晚期有显著差异,而且两个时期聚落的R-S分布也从多要素竞争型向单因素支配型转变;对聚落在龙山晚期和夏商期的域面进行的泰森分析表明,环境变迁对聚落域变化幅度的影响在颍河上游大于双洎河上游。根据影响聚落分布的自然和文化因子,文章认为龙山晚期的聚落空间结构演化表现为文化选择型模式,反映了人本主义的规划法则,而夏代早期的聚落结构则表现出环境选择型的某些特征。基于此演化序列,文章最后归纳了气候转折期史前聚落演化的两种模式。 相似文献
There is an ongoing discussion regarding the geologic nature of accumulations that host gas in low-permeability sandstone environments. This note examines the discovery sequence of the accumulations in low permeability sandstone plays that were classified as continuous-type by the U.S. Geological Survey for the 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment. It compares the statistical character of historical discovery sequences of accumulations associated with continuous-type sandstone gas plays to those of conventional plays. The seven sandstone plays with sufficient data exhibit declining size with sequence order, on average, and in three of the seven the trend is statistically significant. Simulation experiments show that both a skewed endowment size distribution and a discovery process that mimics sampling proportional to size are necessary to generate a discovery sequence that consistently produces a statistically significant negative size order relationship. The empirical findings suggest that discovery sequence could be used to constrain assessed gas in untested areas. The plays examined represent 134 of the 265 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas assessed in undeveloped areas of continuous-type gas plays in low permeability sandstone environments reported in the 1995 National Assessment. 相似文献