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时间域瞬变电磁法在地质勘查中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈卫  杨生  王有霖  刘涛 《矿产与地质》2006,20(4):538-542
在介绍对瞬变电磁法原理、方法技术以及资料解释等的基础上,论述了该方法在金属矿产勘查中的深埋矿体的探测、划分构造格局以及利用井中TEM确定井旁盲矿等方面的应用实例。应用结果表明,瞬变电磁法在固体矿产找矿中,具有工作效率高、分辨率高且勘探深度较大和空间定位效果好等优点,它是固体矿产勘查的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

A numerical experiment was applied to explore the potentialities and limitations of joint inversion of IP-affected transients measured with different loop configurations above a uniform half-space with a Cole-Cole complex conductivity. One of us calculated 200 m × 50 m and 50 m × 50 m loop responses of a uniform polarizable conductor with varied Cole-Cole parameters and imposed synthetic Gaussian noise that simulated measurement errors. Then the generated pseudo-experimental data passed to the other co-author who performed single and joint 1D inversion twice: first being unaware of the “true” underlying models and then after being told that they all were represented by a uniform polarizable earth. More than a half of the fitted models provided a good idea of the true models though misfit was quite large in some cases. The fit was better in single inversion with a priori information available, and improved further through joint inversion of central-loop and coincident-loop responses. Joint inversion with a priori information known was of good quality even at a chargeability as low as 0.02. The standard error in joint inversion was times the measurement error and depended mainly on fitting errors for smaller-loop data. The reason is that the smaller-loop transients included a non-monotonous interval where the signal changed rapidly under the effect of fast-decaying induced polarization.  相似文献   

Southwestern Madagascar is a semi-arid region and a hot-spot of global change. On the Mahafaly plateau, people live with quasi-permanent water stress and groundwater, the only available resource, is difficult to exploit due to a complex hydrogeological environment. A methodology (suitable for humanitarian projects; <?40 k€) was developed in four phases to assess the sustainable exploitation of the water resource: (A) regional scale exploration, (B) village scale exploration, (C) drilling campaign, and (D) hydro-climatic monitoring. This integrated hydrogeophysical approach involves geophysical measurements (262 TEM-fast soundings, 2588 Slingram measurements, 35 electrical soundings), hydrochemical analyses (112 samples), and a piezometric survey (127 measurements). Two groundwater resources were identified, one deep (below 150 m) and one shallow (<?20 m). Hydrochemical results highlighted the vulnerability of both resources: anthropic contamination for the shallower and seawater intrusion for the deeper. Therefore, subsequent geophysical surveys supported the siting of six boreholes and three wells in the shallow aquifer. This methodological approach was successful in this complex geological setting and requires testing at other sites in and outside Madagascar. The study demonstrates that geophysical results should be used in addition to drilling campaigns and to help monitor the water resource. In fact, to prevent over-exploitation, piezometric and meteorological sensors were installed to monitor the water resource. This unique hydro-climatic observatory may help (1) non-governmental organization and local institutions prevent future water shortages and (2) scientists to understand better how global change will affect this region of the world.  相似文献   

中国西南地区主要地质灾害及常用监测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国西南部地区山地面积比例高,地质灾害尤为突出,发生频繁。主要灾害类型为崩塌、滑坡及泥石流。目前的滑坡、泥石流监测工作主要有以工程减灾为目的的专业监测,城镇居民点的综合减灾监测,而广大农村则以群测群防为主监测。国土资源部建立了全国性的内容包括滑坡、泥石流的中国地质环境监测体系,特别是在三峡水库区,地质灾害专业监测由中央主管部门统一指挥、专业技术人员配以相关监测方法及仪器进行。目前使用的主要监测方法有地表位移监测、滑坡体深部位移监测、滑坡体应力应变监测、地下水监测、3S技术综合应用I、nSar技术应用、基于现代通讯技术的实时自动化监测等。通过这些监测,对三峡水库区的移民迁建、经济建设及构建和谐社会起到了重要作用。  相似文献   


Garber Schlag (Q-GS) is one of the major springs of the Karwendel Mountains, Tyrol, Austria. This spring has a unique runoff pattern that is mainly controlled by the tectonic setting. The main aquifer is a moderately karstified and jointed limestone of the Wetterstein Formation that is underlain by nonkarstified limestone of the Reifling Formation, which acts as an aquitard. The aquifer and aquitard of the catchment of spring Q-GS form a large anticline that is bound by a major fault (aquitard) to the north. Discharge of this spring shows strong seasonal variations with three recharge origins, based on δ18O and electrical conductivity values. A clear seasonal trend is observed, caused by the continuously changing portions of water derived from snowmelt, rainfall and groundwater. At the onset of the snowmelt period in May, the discharge is composed mainly of groundwater. During the maximum snowmelt period, the water is dominantly composed of water derived from snowmelt and subordinately from rainfall. During July and August, water derived from snowmelt continuously decreases and water derived from rainfall increases. During September and October, the water released at the spring is mainly derived from groundwater and subordinately from rainfall. The distinct discharge plateau from August to December and the following recession until March is likely related to the large regional groundwater body in the fissured and moderately karstified aquifer of the Wetterstein Formation and the tectonic structures (anticline, major fault). Only a small portion of the water released at spring Q-GS is derived from permafrost.


初始地应力是地下开采及施工所需要考虑的重要影响因素,地应力值的准确获得通常采用现场测量与反演计算结合实现。针对某铜镍矿复杂地质体,在已有监测数据的基础上建立三维正交数值模型,获得监测点的地应力计算值。利用遗传规划程序,回归地应力监测点的地应力与各自变量的函数关系。建立地应力实测值和计算值之差的平方和最小的目标优化函数,使用遗传算法智能算法对目标函数进行优化,最终获得了矿区的原岩应力场。检测样本验证结果显示,计算值与实测值的误差控制在10%以内,一定程度上证明了该地应力场智能识别方法的可靠性,可为以后复杂地质体矿区地应力场的计算提供较为可行的研究方法。  相似文献   

The late-Paleozoic Uralides represent one of the largest lode-gold metallogenic provinces in the world. In the southern Urals, gold distribution is heterogeneous and is confined mainly to two tectonostratigraphic zones, namely the Main Uralian fault and the East Uralian zone. The important lode-gold districts within and in the immediate hangingwall of the first-order crustal suture of the Main Uralian fault are characterized by a complex tectonic history of earlier compressional tectonics involving thrusting, folding and reverse faulting and later transcurrent shearing. Gold mineralization is hosted by second- and third-order brittle to brittle–ductile strike-slip faults that developed late during the kinematic history of the Main Uralian fault. Strike-slip reactivation of earlier compressional structures was related to the late-stage docking of the passive margin of the East European platform with island-arc complexes of the southern Urals, an event that is tentatively related to changes in plate motion during the final stages of terrane accretion during the upper Permian and lower Triassic. Gold mineralization was controlled by the permeability characteristics of the hydrothermal conduits, as well as by competence contrasts and geochemistry of the mainly volcanic host rocks. Mineralization occurred at relatively shallow crustal levels (2–6 km) and largely post dates peak-metamorphism of the host rocks. The large and very large (up to 300 to Au) gold deposits of the East Uralian zone are hosted by upper-Paleozoic granitoid massifs. Gold mineralization is temporally associated with the main phase of regional-scale compressional tectonics and granite plutonism during the upper Carboniferous and lower Permian. Controlling structures have a dominantly east–west strike and occur as hybrid shear-tensional vein systems in competent granitoids subjected to east/west-directed regional shortening. Deformation textures and alteration mineral assemblages indicate lower-amphibolite-facies conditions of mineralization close to peak metamorphic conditions that are associated with the mid-Permian regional metamorphism and tectonism. Gold deposits in the southern Urals are, therefore, polygenetic and are temporally and genetically distinct in each of the two major mineralized tectonostratigraphic zones of this well-preserved collisional orogenic belt. The different timing of ore fluid generation and fluid discharge is interpreted to be the result of the different tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic evolution of terranes in the southern Urals.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence methods in geological forecasting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of applications of expert systems to geological forecasting is to use heuristic knowledge of experienced geologists, as well as their intuition and facility for drawing the right forecast conclusions based on incomplete data. At the same time, considerable experience is accumulated in geological forecasting with formal mathematical models that generalize the setting of some forecast problem classes. Thus, the bottom-up heuristic approach and the more formal top-down methods are aspiring to the same aim, so they supplement and strengthen each other. A forecast expert system called GENESIS that allows both approaches to be used has been produced. The heuristic part of GENESIS is the empty expert system, which consists of the knowledge definition language, destined for an expert geologist, the knowledge base used for forecast models storing, then forming knowledge base facilities, relational database for storing user's data and forecast specimen, components that organize the certain inference and its explanation.  相似文献   

Geological and geomorphic manifestations of the source of the earthquake that occurred in the southern Gorny Altai on September 27, 2003, are described. This earthquake, the strongest over the entire history of seismological observations, caused damage to buildings and structures in the Chuya and Kurai basins and was accompanied by exposure of its source at the surface with formation of a system of seismic ruptures trending in the northwestern direction. The linear zone of seismic rupture was traced for more than 70 km on the northern slopes of the North Chuya and South Chuya ranges, and a developed network of related splays was found. The secondary (gravitational and vibrational) seismic dislocations were expressed as downfalls, landslides, and gryphons in the pleistoseist zone. These dislocations occur over an area of approximately 90 × 25 km2 that broadly coincides with the region of quakes having intensities of IX–VII. The paleoseismogeological investigations performed in the source region of the 2003 earthquake have shown that seven seismic events with M = 7.0–8.0 occurred in its source over the last 5000 years with a 500-to 900-year recurrence period. The study of the tectonic setting of the earthquake source in the Gorny Altai has allowed northward tracing of the main seismically active zones of the Mongolian and Gobi Altai, where earthquakes with a magnitude M > 7.0 occurred repeatedly, in particular, during the 20th century, and combination of all mountain systems of the Greater Altai into a common high-magnitude seismotectonic province.  相似文献   

李华健  王庆飞  杨林  于华之  王璇 《岩石学报》2017,33(7):2189-2201
青藏高原碰撞造山背景下形成了雅鲁藏布江缝合带及哀牢山造山带两条造山型金矿带。雅鲁藏布江缝合带包含马攸木、念扎、邦布及折木朗金矿等;该矿带形成于拉萨地块及特提斯喜马拉雅地层序列地壳初始缩短加厚的背景(59~44Ma),与林子宗火山岩和高压变质岩同期形成。控矿构造主要以EW向展布。金以自然金形式赋存在石英硫化物脉及石英脉两侧以绿片岩相变质为主的千枚岩及板岩中。哀牢山造山带包含镇沅、金厂、大坪及长安金矿等,主要形成于35~26Ma,成矿背景为区域发生大规模走滑剪切,矿区内分布有成矿前期的煌斑岩及富碱斑岩。控矿构造主要以NW-SE向展布,围岩变质级低于雅鲁藏布江缝合带。C-S-H-O-Pb同位素变化较大,整体雅鲁藏布江缝合带及哀牢山造山带造山型金矿成矿流体主要来源于深部地幔流体、围岩地层的变质流体及岩浆流体,成矿围岩的差异性也会导致同位素的变化性。  相似文献   

陕西黄陵、山西王家岭的大回线和山西中条山小发射回线瞬变电磁探测,表现出了不同的地形影响特点。在典型地形影响规律的基础上,通过测道图判断影响的性质;根据电流线聚集与发散机理,对地形影响的不同表现性状给出了解释。研究表明:对于典型的地形影响,可采用通常的比值、滤波等校正方法;非典型的大回线地形影响,将视电阻率-深度剖面上原被空气置换部分挖除是合理的;小回线装置较少受地形影响,可以仅作各测点的高程校正。  相似文献   

湖南原生金刚石成矿地质背景及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董斌  陈明珊  肖湘辉 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z3):337-340
湖南省西北部地区,位于城步-桃江-宁乡-浏阳板块俯冲带的上盘,武陵-雪峰-加里东期弧形构造带展布其中,金刚石出土星罗棋布,具有形成金刚石原生矿的生成条件和找矿前景。文章认为湖南金刚石寄主岩的形成与古俯冲作用有关,近期(印支期—燕山期)、近源(金刚石及其指示矿物相对富集区的补给源区几十千米范围内)应是湖南原生金刚石找矿的主攻方向。  相似文献   

李强峰    丛培章  聂凤军  王丰翔    曹毅  丁成武  蒋喆   《地质通报》2015,34(06):1133-1145
芬兰北部的金矿床数量众多,大多数金矿床(点)产出于古元古界中央拉普兰绿岩带(CLGB)和库萨莫—帕拉波加片岩带内,主要分为3种类型:造山型金矿、铁氧化物铜-金(IOCG型)矿床及砂金矿。其中造山型金矿绝大部分分布于中央拉普兰绿岩带中部及库萨默地区和帕拉波加地区,最常见的矿石矿物为黄铁矿、毒砂、黄铜矿和磁黄铁矿,其次为方铅矿、闪锌矿、黝铜矿等。 围岩蚀变包括钠长石化、绢云母化、黑云母化、碳酸盐化及绿泥石化。造山型金矿床主要控制因素包括构造、岩性和造山期区域变质。IOCG型矿床主要分布在CLGB的西部克拉瑞地区,容矿围岩是钠长石-直闪石石棉型岩石,矿石中富含Fe-Cu-Au±Ag、Bi、Ba、Co、Mo、Sb、Se、Te、Th、U和轻稀土元素。围岩蚀变强烈,并且有明显的分带现象。IOCG型金矿床的形成受岩浆热液活动和构造的影响较大。砂金矿床包括古砂金矿床和现代砂金矿床,主要分布在CLGB东北部。芬兰北部金矿床的研究对北极圈及邻区的找矿勘查工作具有重要意义,也为中国胶东半岛、华北克拉通北缘、小秦岭和秦岭地区及新疆北部地区进一步金矿勘查提供参考。  相似文献   

芬兰北部的金矿床数量众多,大多数金矿床(点)产出于古元古界中央拉普兰绿岩带(CLGB)和库萨莫—帕拉波加片岩带内,主要分为3种类型:造山型金矿、铁氧化物铜-金(IOCG型)矿床及砂金矿。其中造山型金矿绝大部分分布于中央拉普兰绿岩带中部及库萨默地区和帕拉波加地区,最常见的矿石矿物为黄铁矿、毒砂、黄铜矿和磁黄铁矿,其次为方铅矿、闪锌矿、黝铜矿等。围岩蚀变包括钠长石化、绢云母化、黑云母化、碳酸盐化及绿泥石化。造山型金矿床主要控制因素包括构造、岩性和造山期区域变质。IOCG型矿床主要分布在CLGB的西部克拉瑞地区,容矿围岩是钠长石-直闪石石棉型岩石,矿石中富含Fe-Cu-Au±Ag、Bi、Ba、Co、Mo、Sb、Se、Te、Th、U和轻稀土元素。围岩蚀变强烈,并且有明显的分带现象。IOCG型金矿床的形成受岩浆热液活动和构造的影响较大。砂金矿床包括古砂金矿床和现代砂金矿床,主要分布在CLGB东北部。芬兰北部金矿床的研究对北极圈及邻区的找矿勘查工作具有重要意义,也为中国胶东半岛、华北克拉通北缘、小秦岭和秦岭地区及新疆北部地区进一步金矿勘查提供参考。  相似文献   

文章阐述了九曲岭地区铀资源前景的调查成果,初步确定了构造有利岩性热变质带热液脉体及蚀变相互匹配是本区铀矿化产出环境的基本特征。控(含)矿构造与寒武系有利岩性、产状吻合的层间破碎带或层间断裂裂隙带控制的外接触带型铀矿化,是该区及其它花岗岩外带地区今后找矿的主要目标和找矿方向。  相似文献   

Safe and successful use of a drone requires careful preparation, planning and practice. This includes full understanding of: (1) how to fly a drone and how the model being used works, (2) rules and regulations concerning drone use, (3) hazards and what to do in an emergency, (4) how to prepare and plan a flight and (5) how to keep a drone airworthy. We present procedures for what to do before, during and after a flight. In common with other industries in which safety and good performance are critical, it is advised that drone operators follow checklists, and examples of such checklists are provided.  相似文献   

徐武家变质辉长岩出露于内蒙古集宁土贵乌拉地区,侵入在孔兹岩系中,与孔兹岩系的超高温变质作用和深熔作用存在密切的成因联系.本文在区域地质填图基础上,对徐武家辉长岩开展了岩石学、岩石地球化学和同位素年代学等研究.徐武家辉长岩属偏碱性中基性岩,钾钠含量变化大.岩石富集稀土,轻、重稀土分馏强烈,显弱负铕异常.微量元素表现大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K、Sr、Pb富集,高场强元素Th、U、Nb、Ta、Ti明显亏损.从变质辉长岩中获得了1917±12 Ma的岩浆结晶年龄和1910±26 Ma、1915±11 Ma的变质年龄.锆石Hf同位素测试显示εHf(t)多为负值,Hf模式年龄(TDM)为2273~2501 Ma.综合研究表明徐武家辉长岩可能来源于富集地幔,在上升过程中遭受了地壳物质的混染,并在就位后遭受了麻粒岩相变质作用和富钾质流体的交代.辉长岩就位于下地壳,表明在其侵位之前孔兹岩系已处于地壳深部.结合怀安地块上高压麻粒岩的形成年龄(1.95~1.93 Ga),集宁孔兹岩系原岩沉积时代应早于1.95 Ga.徐武家变质辉长岩应形成于古元古代陆-陆碰撞造山过程中由挤压背景向伸展背景的转换阶段,是碰撞造山峰期俯冲板片断离、幔源岩浆上涌侵位的产物,对造山峰期的时限有重要制约作用.  相似文献   

天津市宝坻区南部周良庄一带赋存较为丰富的地热资源。为查明该区各热储补给来源,地温场是否受断裂构造影响,利用人工地震结合钻探资料进行二次解译,分析该区地质构造背景和热储发育特征,同时在综合分析水化学和同位素等化探方法的基础上,对该区的地热成因进行探讨。查明该区主体构造为一背斜构造,地热属沉积盆地型层状热储,地热流体主要有孔隙型热水系统和基岩裂隙型热水系统2个类型,热储条件好。该区热流体矿化度较低的原因是接近补给区,补给水源来自北部山区大气降水;地热流体在深循环过程中与富氧岩石进行了氧交换,δ18O值存在不同程度的氧漂移。  相似文献   

琼中麻粒岩的成因及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对琼中前寒武纪高级变质杂岩中的麻粒岩进行了较系统的岩石学和矿物学研究,并利用不同的矿物温压计估算了麻粒岩形成的温压条件。结果表明,本区麻粒岩形成于高温低压(低p/T)环境,属于典型的低压麻粒岩,其峰期变质温度为824±15℃,压力小于0.5GPa,晚期岩石发生了退变冷却,终止温度为705℃左右,压力与峰期时的压力相近;麻粒岩相变质作用具有顺时针的p-T轨迹,早期可能经历了一个缓慢降压升温的过程,峰期之后的退变则表现出近等压冷却(IBC)的特点。结合岩石变形作用较弱的特点及区域大地构造背景,认为琼中低压麻粒岩形成于陆缘拉张环境,其可能的机制是,由于地壳拉伸减薄,导致软流圈减压上隆产生岩浆,上覆地壳岩石(包括已经结晶的岩浆)受到下部岩浆热源的影响而发生进变质,随后受拉伸扰动的地热梯度向正常地热梯度恢复,从而形成具有降压升温过程和IBC过程的顺时针p-T轨迹。  相似文献   

雷传扬  刘兆鑫  文辉  范敏  蒋华标  王波  马国玺  谢海洋  陶海江  郝金波 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062033-2022062033
三维地质模型可以直观的展现地下地质情况,对传统地矿行业的转型升级和城市规划建设都具有重要意义。针对复杂地质条件下三维模型的构建,笔者等提出了一种基于多源数据和地质先验知识约束的三维地质建模方法。以成都市为例,基于MapGIS10.0 软件三维地学建模模块,在DEM数据、数字地质图、综合地质剖面图、钻孔数据、物探解译数据、构造纲要图等多源数据,以及地质体展布形态、产状和厚度变化,断层性质、延伸方向、产状变化、对地质体的错切,褶皱类型、形态特征、两翼产状变化等地质先验知识的共同约束下,开展复杂地质条件下三维地质模型构建研究。笔者等详细介绍了复杂地质体三维建模数据源的准备、建模流程与方法、模型的构建与可靠性分析。认为采用分块建模技术可有效降低复杂地质体三维模型构建的难度,提高建模效率,实现模型的无痕拼接,且易于后期模型的修改完善。本次基于多源数据和地质先验知识约束,采用分块建模技术首次构建了成都市三维地质模型。笔者等通过地质先验知识(地质规律)和静态数据(可视化和抽稀钻孔数据)对模型的可靠性进行了分析,其中抽稀钻孔数据分析采用未参与建模的真实钻孔对三维地质模型中地质体埋深和分层厚度进行误差计算,获得地质体埋深误差均值为33.15 m,分层厚度误差均值21.37 m,认为模型的可靠性较高,可为成都市城市规划和重大工程选址提供重要的基础地质数据支撑。  相似文献   

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