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The Holocene climate evolution in Northern Africa is studied in a 9000-yr-long transient simulation with a coupled atmosphere–ocean–vegetation model forced by changes in insolation and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The model simulates in the monsoonal domains a significant decrease in precipitation under influence of the orbitally forced reduction in summer insolation. In the Western Sahara region, the simulated mid-Holocene transition from humid to arid conditions (the termination of the African Humid Period) is highly non-linear with the occurrence of centennial-scale climate fluctuations due to the biogeophysical feedback between precipitation and vegetation cover. This result is in agreement with proxy data from the Western Sahara region. The other monsoonal regions experience a more gradual climate evolution that linearly follows the insolation forcing, which appears in disagreement with available lake level records.  相似文献   

Climate impact of high northern vegetation: Late Miocene and present   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Late Miocene belongs to the late phase of the Cenozoic. Climate at that time was still warmer and more humid as compared to today, especially in the high latitudes. Corresponding to the climate situation, palaeobotanical evidences support that vegetation in the high northern latitudes changed significantly from the Late Miocene until today. To quantify the climate impact of this vegetation change, we analyse how vegetation in the high northern latitudes contribute to climate evolution. For that, we perform climate modelling sensitivity experiments for the present and for the Late Miocene (Tortonian, 11–7 Ma). For our present-day sensitivity experiment, we introduce the Tortonian vegetation in the high northern latitudes. For our Tortonian sensitivity experiment, we introduce the modern vegetation on the same grid cells. In the Tortonian and in the present, the modern vegetation leads to a strong cooling of the northern extratropics (up to −4°C). Nevertheless, the meridional heat transports remain nearly unchanged in both cases. In general, the vegetation impact on climate is similar in the Tortonian and in the present. However, some exceptions occur. Due to the Tethys Ocean in the Tortonian, temperatures decline only weakly in eastern Europe and western Asia. In the Tortonian climate, temperatures on the Sahara realm rise (up to +1.5°C), while the temperatures do not change remarkably in the present-day climate. This different behaviour is caused by a stronger and more sensitive hydrological cycle on the Sahara region during the Tortonian.  相似文献   

Several proxy data indicate an aridification of the East African climate during the Neogene, which might be influenced by the orographic changes of the East African Rift System (EARS) induced by tectonic forcing during the last 20 million years. To investigate the impact of the orography and especially of the rifts, the regional climate model CCLM is used, covering the EARS with Lake Victoria in the centre of the model domain. CCLM is driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis and applied with a double-nesting method resulting in a very high spatial resolution of 7 km. The resolution clearly shows the shoulders and rifts of the western and eastern branch of the EARS and the Rwenzoris within the western branch. To analyse the orographic influence on climate, a new technique of modifying the orography is used in this sensitivity study. The shoulders of the branches are lowered and the rifts are elevated, resulting in a smoothed orography structure with less altitude difference between the shoulders and rifts. The changes in 2 m-temperature are very local and associated with the changes in the orography. The vertically integrated moisture transport is characterised by less vortices, and its zonal component is increased over the branches. The resulting amount of precipitation is mainly decreased west of the western branch and increased in the rift of the western branch. In the eastern branch, however, the changes in the amount of precipitation are not significant. The changes in the precipitation and temperature patterns lead to a shift of biomes towards a vegetation coverage characterised by more humid conditions in the northern part of the model domain and more arid conditions in the South. Thus, the aridification found in the proxy data can be attributed to the orographic changes of the rifts only in the northern model domain.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1818-1837
We present the first synchronously coupled transient simulation of the evolution of the northern Africa climate-ecosystem for the last 6500 years in a global general circulation ocean–atmosphere–terrestrial ecosystem model. The model simulated the major abrupt vegetation collapse in the southern Sahara at about 5 ka, consistent with the proxy records. Local precipitation, however, shows a much more gradual decline with time, implying a lack of strong positive vegetation feedback on annual rainfall during the collapse. The vegetation change in northern Africa is driven by local precipitation decline and strong precipitation variability. In contrast, the change of precipitation is dominated by internal climate variability and a gradual monsoonal climate response to orbital forcing. In addition, some minor vegetation changes are also simulated in different regions across northern AfricaThe model also simulated a gradual annual mean surface cooling in the subtropical North Atlantic towards the latest Holocene, as well as a reduced seasonal cycle of SST. The SST response is caused largely by the insolation forcing, while the annual mean cooling is also reinforced by the increased coastal upwelling near the east boundary. The increased upwelling results from a southward retreat of the North Africa monsoon system, and, in turn, an increased northeasterly trade wind. The simulated changes of SST and upwelling are also largely consistent with marine proxy records, albeit with a weaker magnitude in the model.The mismatch between the collapse of vegetation and gradual transition of rainfall suggests that the vegetation collapse is not caused by a strong positive vegetation feedback. Instead, it is suggested that the Mid-Holocene collapse of North African vegetation is caused mainly by a nonlinear response of the vegetation to a precipitation threshold in the presence of strong climate variability. The implication to the modeling and observations is also discussed.  相似文献   

The precipitation climatology and the underlying climate mechanisms of the eastern Mediterranean, West Asia, and the Indian subcontinent are reviewed, with emphasis on upper and middle tropospheric flow in the subtropics and its steering of precipitation. Holocene climate change of the region is summarized from proxy records. The Indian monsoon weakened during the Holocene over its northernmost region, the Ganges and Indus catchments and the western Arabian Sea. Southern regions, the Indian Peninsula, do not show a reduction, but an increase of summer monsoon rain across the Holocene. The long-term trend towards drier conditions in the eastern Mediterranean can be linked to a regionally complex monsoon evolution. Abrupt climate change events, such as the widespread droughts around 8200, 5200 and 4200 cal yr BP, are suggested to be the result of altered subtropical upper-level flow over the eastern Mediterranean and Asia.The abrupt climate change events of the Holocene radically altered precipitation, fundamental for cereal agriculture, across the expanse of late prehistoric-early historic cultures known from the archaeological record in these regions. Social adaptations to reduced agro-production, in both dry-farming and irrigation agriculture regions, are visible in the archaeological record during each abrupt climate change event in West Asia. Chronological refinement, in both the paleoclimate and archaeological records, and transfer functions for both precipitation and agro-production are needed to understand precisely the evident causal linkages.  相似文献   

Vegetation and climates in southern Tasmania since the last glaciation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Enclosed basins (glacial and nonglacia) of Tasmania contain the most comprehensive record in Australia of trends in a regional vegetation and climate since the late Pleistocene. Seven pollen sequences, each continuous and extending back at least 10,000 years, are used to reconstruct the history of postglacial vegetation and climate in Southern Tasmania (42°S–43°30′S). Interpretations are supported by a study of the modern pollen rain. Postglacial climates in Tasmania were characterized by a strong west-to-east decrease in precipitation. During the late Pleistocene, climates were markedly colder and drier than at present, and the vegetation was largely devoid of trees. A major rise in temperature between ca. 11,500 and 9500 yr B.P., accompanied by rising effective precipitation, resulted in the expansion of Eucalyptus, then other trees, across Tasmania. This warming trend may have been temporarily reversed during the early postglacial. Dry climates delayed the development of forest in inland eastern Tasmania until after ca. 9500 yr B.P. There is no evidence for a major change in climate since this temperature rise. Two broad phases of development have occurred within the postglacial forests. The first was an early Holocene phase during which Nothofagus cunninghamii cool temperate rain forest developed in western Tasmania and on the slopes of mountains in central and southeastern Tasmania. Eucalyptus sclerophyll forests developed in eastern Tasmania and have remained dominant there since. By ca. 7800 yr B.P. rain-forest communities were established beyond present-day limits. The second phase was a mid to late Holocene phase during which forests and alpine vegetation became more open in structure, leading to the re-expansion of Eucalyptus and shade-intolerant species. During the early to mid Holocene, climates in Southern Tasmania were wetter and (? then) warmer than at present. Maximum and minimum dates for this “optimum” are 8000 and 5000 yr B.P. Since then, climates have become increasingly rigorous, possibly through an increased incidence of inequable “weather types” leading to an increase in the frequency of drought and frost. Structural changes in the postglacial vegetation of Southern Tasmania closely parallel those at equivalent latitudes in New Zealand and Chilean South America, hence are likely to reflect the same primary cause.  相似文献   

Around 8500 cal years BP, at the time of the maximum of the African Humid Period, lakes and wetlands expanded in the present-day Sahara while large paleodrainages were formed or re-actived, in response to an orbitally-induced increase in monsoon rainfall. It has been suggested that the direct consequence of this increase in rainfall was the northward displacement of the Sahara/Sahel boundary, thought to have reached 23°N in central and eastern Africa. Here, we show a more complex situation characterized by an increase in biodiversity as the desert accommodated more humid-adapted species from tropical forests and wooded grasslands: tropical plant species now found some 400 to 500 km to the south probably entered the desert as gallery-forest formations along rivers and lakes where they benefited from permanent fresh water. At the same time, Saharan trees and shrubs persisted, giving rise to a vegetation that has no analogue today. In this article, we present distribution maps of selected plant species to show both the amplitude of the vegetation change compared to the present and the composition of the past plant communities. We also estimate the migration rate of tropical plant taxa to their northernmost position in the Sahara. This study is based on the use of several data sets: a data set of the modern plant distribution in northern Africa and a data set of modern and fossil pollen sites (from the African Pollen Database, http://fpd.mediasfrance.org/ and http://medias.obs-mip.fr/apd/).  相似文献   

New and existing pollen data from Wales, UK, are used to assess the level of landscape openness at the regional and local scale. At the regional scale, the existing pollen data support the high‐forest model of vegetation structure by 6000 cal. yr. BC prior to any palynological signal for anthropogenic impact in the region. New data from two sites in southwest Wales follow the general regional pattern of early to middle Holocene vegetation succession, but are striking owing to maintenance of high non‐arboreal pollen percentages (NAPs) throughout the mid‐Holocene. It is argued that these NAPs indicate that a significant degree of openness can be found at the local level (and beyond the confines of the peat‐forming site) within regions characterised by closed woodland. It is possible that woodland development in these areas may have been suppressed by reduced drainage, although the role of grazing animals in maintenance of clearings cannot be assessed. Implications for this local degree of openness are discussed, in particular the significance of vegetation heterogeneity at the local scale for the construction of place or locale for prehistoric communities. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Latest field research and palæoenvironmental reconstructions have revealed that within less than 6000 years the eastern Sahara experienced a dramatic climatic change similar to that in the western Sahara, passing from hyperaridity to semi-aridity (dry savanna) to its present hyperarid state. Groundwater levels started to rise about 9300 years before present (14C years BP), leading to the formation of a mosaic of freshwater lakes and swamps. Within a few decades, the aquifers were loaded and the palæopiezometric surface was as much as 25 m higher than it is today. The uplands generated up to 800 km long fluvial systems, which put an end to the endorheic drainage of the region and functioned as migration paths for large savanna mammals. These wetter conditions persisted in Western Nubia during the Holocene until ca 5000 years BP The climatic deterioration began around 5700 years BP as shown by evaporitic sediments. Reversal events prior to aridification during the Late Holocene were not recorded systematically in the sediments of the eastern Sahara because of the stability of the ecosystems. Changes in land-surface conditions such as palæolakes, swamps and vegetation created water vapour sources that generated local rainfall and buffered short dry spells. Radiocarbon-dated charcoal indicates that Neolithic human occupation culminated during this Early Holocene wet phase and ended ca 2000 years after the fading of the wet phase at about 3000 years BP, when the shallow aquifers were exhausted.  相似文献   

Presented here are stable nitrogen isotope data from a rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) middens from northwestern Namibia that record a series of rapid aridification events beginning at ca. 3800 cal yr BP, and which mark a progressive decrease in regional humidity across the Holocene. Strong correlations exist between this record and other terrestrial and marine archives from southern Africa, indicating that the observed pattern of climate change is regionally coherent. Combined, these data indicate hemispheric synchrony in tropical African climate change during the Holocene, with similar trends characterising the termination of the ‘African Humid Period’ (AHP) in both the northern and southern tropics. These findings run counter to the widely accepted model of direct low-latitude insolation forcing, which requires an anti-phase relationship to exist between the hemispheres. The combined dataset highlights: 1) the importance of forcing mechanisms influencing the high northern latitudes in effecting low-latitude climate change in Africa, and 2) the potential importance of solar forcing and variations in the Earth's geomagnetic shield in determining both long-term and rapid centennial-scale climate changes, identifying a possible mechanism for the variations marking the AHP termination in both the southern and northern tropics.  相似文献   

对中国北方干旱区329个古土壤和湖泊沉积物的14C年龄数据的时空分布及频数统计分析表明, 从末次盛冰期至冰消期, 我国整个干旱区受控于西风带;在全新世, 干旱区东部环境变化主要受控于东亚季风系统, 而其西部仍属西风控制区。全新世以来, 中国干旱区存在至少4次百年至千年级的干旱事件, 且干湿变化基本上与全球西风模式区的气候变化相反, 而与低纬非洲干旱区气候变化有很好的对应关系 。由于我国干旱区和非洲干旱区的干湿变化均受控于来自低纬热带海洋的夏季风的强弱, 因此 两区干旱事件的同时发生可能与低纬热带海洋的气候变化有关。同时, 本文利用14C年龄的时空分布和其它地质资料, 初步恢复了末次盛冰期和全新世最适宜期我国干旱区的沙漠分布状况。  相似文献   

High-resolution proxy records from the circum-Caribbean region indicate significant variation in Late Holocene climate, especially precipitation, attributed primarily to shifts in the mean annual position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The paleoenvironmental and cultural impacts of this Late-Holocene climate variability have been analyzed intensively in the western Caribbean, and to a lesser extent in the southern Caribbean. However, the occurrence and impacts of Late Holocene climate shifts in the eastern Caribbean, especially in island interiors, has not been well documented. Here we present sediment records of Late-Holocene paleoenvironmental change from two lakes located on the Caribbean slope of the Cordillera Central in the Dominican Republic that span the last ~3000 years. Sediment characteristics, pollen, charcoal, biogenic carbonate assemblages and isotopic composition, and bulk sedimentary carbon isotope values in Laguna Castilla and Laguna de Salvador indicate extreme shifts in hydrology, vegetation, and disturbance regimes in response to climate change and human activity in the lake watersheds. Close correspondence between the hydrological histories of the lakes and trace metal concentrations in sediments of the Cariaco Basin indicate that precipitation variability here responds to the same controls, and may similarly reflect shifts in the mean annual position of the ITCZ. Human occupation of the watersheds appears to be closely linked to severe dry periods and may indicate larger scale cultural responses to precipitation variability on the island of Hispaniola. Prehistoric human populations strongly affected vegetation and disturbance regimes in the lake watersheds. Impacts may have lasted several centuries and may have been more severe than impacts of modern populations.  相似文献   

Heikkilä, M. & Seppä, H. 2010: Holocene climate dynamics in Latvia, eastern Baltic region: a pollen‐based summer temperature reconstruction and regional comparison. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 705–719. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00164.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A pollen‐based summer temperature (Tsummer) reconstruction reveals the Holocene climate history in southeastern Latvia and contributes to the limited understanding of past climate behaviour in the eastern sector of northern Europe. Notably, steady climate warming of the early Holocene was interrupted c. 8350–8150 cal. yr BP by the well‐known 8.2 ka cold event, recorded as a decrease of 0.9 to 1.8 °C in Tsummer. During the Holocene Thermal Maximum, c. 8000–4000 cal. yr BP, the reconstructed summer temperature was ~2.5–3.5 °C higher than the modern reconstructed value, and subsequently declined towards present‐day values. Comparison of the current reconstruction with other pollen‐based reconstructions in northern Europe shows that the 8.2 ka event is particularly clearly reflected in the Baltic region, possibly as a result of distinct climatic and ecological gradients and the sensitivity of the vegetation growth pattern to seasonal temperature change. The new reconstruction also reveals that the Holocene Thermal Maximum was warmer in Latvia than in central Europe and Fennoscandia. In fact, a gradient of increasing positive temperature anomalies is detected from northernmost Fennoscandia towards the south and from the Atlantic coast in Norway towards the continental East European Plain. The dynamics of the temperate broadleaved tree species Tilia and Quercus in Latvia and adjacent northern Europe during the mid‐Holocene give complementary information on the multifaceted climatic and environmental changes in the region.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):941-953
Pollen analysis shed light on vegetation community structure over the last 23,000 year in the western Cape. The pollen from dated hyrax faecal accumulations (hyraceum) relates to the evolution of climate and contributes to proxy records in southern Africa. Principal components analyses of the pollen data and δ13C values of the hyrax dung samples show millennial and shorter scale temperature, moisture and seasonality variations in the winter rain region. The moisture availability at times do not parallel that in previously studied proxy records in the summer rain region showing an asynchronous moist event in the early Holocene and drier conditions in the Middle Holocene. Anomalies in climate between the two regions may depend on the degree of northward or southward shifting of winter- and summer-rain circulation systems. Scenarios with winter-rain or cool growing seasons mostly typify the dung sequence but do not exclude the possibility of southward displacement of the westerly belt under precessional strength with slight summer rain increases during the Last Glacial Maximum. Limited southward displacement is also possible during the Mid Holocene.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores recovered from Dahu Swamp, which is located in eastern Nanling Mountains in south China, were selected for investigation of palaeoclimatic changes. Multi‐proxy records of the two cores including lithological variation, organic carbon isotope ratio, dry bulk density, organic matter content, magnetic susceptibility, humification degree, median grain size and geochemical proxies reveal that during the last deglaciation three drier phases correspond to the Oldest, Older and Younger Dryas cooling events, and the intercalated two wetter phases synchronise with the Bølling and Allerød warming events. The Holocene Optimum, which was resulted from a strengthening of the East Asian (EA) summer monsoon, occurred in the early and mid Holocene (ca. 10–6 cal. ka BP). In the mid and late Holocene (ca. 6–3 cal. ka BP), a prevailing dry climate suggested a weakening of the EA summer monsoon. The general trend of Holocene climatic changes in this study agrees with the 25° N summer solar insolation, suggesting that orbitally induced insolation may have played an important role in the Holocene climate in the study region. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(11-12):1621-1637
A review of Holocene climate patterns in eastern Australia is presented on the basis of a series of high-resolution pollen records across a north-to-south transect. Previously published radiocarbon data are calibrated into calendar years and fitted with an age-depth model. The resulting chronologies are used to compare past environmental changes and describe patterns of climate change on a calendar-age scale. Based on the present-day Australian climate patterns and impact of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the palynological data are interpreted and the prevalent climate mode throughout the Holocene reconstructed. Results show that early Holocene changes are strongly divergent and asynchronous between sites, while middle to late Holocene conditions are characterized by more arid and variable conditions and greater coupling between northern and southern sites, which is in agreement with increasing influence of ENSO.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):541-554
The ecotone between the boreo-nemoral (hemiboreal) and the southern boreal vegetation zones constitutes the northern distributional limit of a number of thermophilous tree species in northern Europe and is, to a large extent, controlled by climatic conditions. We present a quantitative annual mean temperature reconstruction from a high-resolution pollen stratigraphy in southern boreal Finland, using a pollen-climate calibration model with a cross-validated prediction error of 0.9°C. Our model reconstructs low but steadily rising annual mean temperature from 10,700 to 9000 cal yr BP. At 8000–4500 cal yr BP reconstructed annual mean temperature reaches a period of highest values (Holocene thermal maximum) with particularly high temperatures (2.0–1.5°C higher than at present) at 8000–5800 cal yr BP. From 4500 cal yr BP to the present-day, reconstructed annual mean temperature gradually decreases by ca 1.5°C. Comparison of present results with palaeotemperature records from the Greenland ice cores, notably with the NorthGRIP δ18O record, shows marked similarities, suggesting parallel large-scale Holocene temperature trends between the North Atlantic and North European regions. The verification of the occurrence, timing, and nature of the short-term temperature fluctuations during the Holocene in the southern boreal zone in Europe requires replicate, high-resolution climate reconstructions from the region.  相似文献   

Asynchronous Holocene climatic change across China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of Holocene climatic variations in different parts of China shows that they were asynchronous. Proxy data from ice cores, pollen, loess, lacustrine sediments, and changes of sea and lake levels demonstrate that many warm and cold oscillations have occurred in China during the Holocene, including a most important climatic event known as the “Holocene optimum,” a milder and wetter period, and that the duration and amplitude of the optimum period, as well as its start and end times, differed in different parts of China. Uplift of the Tibetan plateau over the past millions of years led to the development of the monsoon climate and to complex atmospheric circulation over continental China during the Holocene. As a result, the Holocene optimum began and terminated earlier in high-altitude regions of western China than at lower elevations in eastern China, and the amplitude of the variations was lower in the east. This suggests that the western higher-altitude areas were more sensitive to climatic change than were the eastern lower-altitude areas. Holocene climatic records in the Dunde and Guliya ice cores do not correspond. Inverse δ18O variations between the two cores indicate that the effects of climate and atmospheric processes on the stable isotopes at the two sites differed. The correlation between the isotopic composition of carbonates in lake deposits in western China and climatic variations is similar to that in the ice cores. The climatic resolution in ice cores and lake sediments is higher than that in other media. The lack of precise correspondence of climatic records constructed on the basis of proxy data from different parts of China is a result of the different locations and elevations of the sampling sites, the different resolutions of the source material, and the varied climatic conditions within China. Further work is needed to confirm both the conclusions and the inferences presented here.  相似文献   

Mixed‐wood boreal forests are characterized by a heterogeneous landscape dominated by coniferous or deciduous species depending on stand moisture and fire activity. Our study highlights the long‐term drivers of these differences between landscapes across mixed‐wood boreal forests to improve simulated vegetation dynamics under predicted climate changes. We investigate the effects of main climate trends and wildfire activities on the vegetation dynamics of two areas characterized by different stand moisture regimes during the last 9000 years. We performed paleofire and pollen analyses in the mixed‐wood boreal forest of north‐western Ontario, derived from lacustrine sediment deposits, to reconstruct historical vegetation dynamics, which encompassed both the Holocene climatic optimum (ca. 8000–4000 a bp ) and the Neoglacial period (ca. 4000 a bp ). The past warm and dry period (Holocene climatic optimum) promoted higher fire activity that resulted in an increase in coniferous species abundance in the xeric area. The predicted warmer climate and an increase in drought events should lead to a coniferization of the xeric areas affected by high fire activity while the mesic areas may retain a higher broadleaf abundance, as these areas are not prone to an increase in fire activity. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From a transact along 15‡N latitude in the middle Bengal Fan, temporal and spatial variations in the granulometric parameters and clay minerals in14C dated box cores from the eastern, the central and the western regions were studied to determine climate induced changes in the hydrography. Clay assemblages have spatial and temporal changes and are markedly different in the eastern and the western bay. From a high abundance of the clay smectite, which has its major source in the Deccan Basalt in peninsular India, it is inferred that the western bay is predominantly a depocenter of ‘peninsular sources”. The eastern and the central regions of the bay, however, mostly receive sediments of the ‘Himalayan source’. Related to unstable climate, the reported dominant illite-chlorite (I + C) assemblage in the eastern region of the bay (I + C > 60% smectite <15%), between 18 and 12.6 ka BP, points to a predominant supply from the Himalayan sources through equatorwards dispersal by the winter hydrography. Higher smectite, and reduced clays of the Himalayan sources (smectite > 25%; I + C > 45%) are reported also after 12.5 ka BP from the eastern bay. These are interpreted as evidences of an intensified SW monsoon and associated change in the dispersal pattern by stronger summer monsoon hydrography which supports across bay dispersal by anticyclonic gyre. The influence of climate on hydrographic changes is consistent during the short events of arid climate (weak NE monsoon) in Holocene in core 31/1 (western bay), in which the enhanced contents of the clays of the Himalayan sources are observed (smectite < 40% I + C > 50%). These findings have implications for climate regulated influence of fluvial processes over the areas, hitherto, considered unaffected by the Indian peninsular fluvial sources  相似文献   

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