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To investigate land–sea interactions during deglaciation, we compared proxies for continental (pollen percentages and accumulation rates) and marine conditions (dinoflagellate cyst percentages and alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures). The proxies were from published data from an AMS-radiocarbon-dated sedimentary record of core GeoB 1023-5 encompassing the past 21,000 years. The site is located at ca. 2000 m water depth just north of the Walvis Ridge and in the vicinity of the Cunene River mouth. We infer that the parallelism between increasing sea surface temperatures and a southward shift of the savanna occurred only during the earliest part of the deglaciation. After the Antarctic Cold Reversal, southeast Atlantic sea surface temperatures no longer influenced the vegetation development in the Kalahari. Stronger trade winds during the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Younger Dryas period probably caused increased upwelling off the coast of Angola. A southward shift of the Atlantic anti-cyclone could have resulted in both stronger trade winds and reduced impact of the Westerlies on the climate of southwestern Africa.  相似文献   

During the Neogene and Quaternary, tectonic and climatic processes have had a profound impact upon landscape evolution in England and, perhaps as far back as 0.9 Ma, patterns of early human occupation. Until the Late Miocene, large-scale plate tectonic processes were the principal drivers of landscape evolution causing localised basin inversion and widespread exhumation. This drove, in places, the erosion of several kilometres of Mesozoic cover rocks and the development of a regional unconformity across England and the North Sea Basin. By the Pliocene, the relative influence of tectonics on landscape evolution waned as the background tectonic stress regime evolved and climatic influences became more prominent. Global-scale climate-forcing increased step-wise during the Plio-Pleistocene amplifying erosional and depositional processes that operated within the landscape. These processes caused differential unloading (uplift) and loading (subsidence) of the crust (‘denudational isostasy’) in areas undergoing net erosion (upland areas and slopes) and deposition (basins). Denudational isostasy amplified during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (c.0.9 Ma) as landscapes become progressively synchronised to large-scale 100 ka ‘eccentricity’ climate forcing. Over the past 0.5 Ma, this has led to the establishment of a robust climate record of individual glacial/interglacial cycles enabling comparison to other regional and global records. During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition and early Holocene (c.16–7 ka), evidence for more abrupt (millennial/centennial) scale climatic events has been discovered. This indicates that superimposed upon the longer-term pattern of landscape evolution is a more dynamic response of the landscape to local and regional drivers.  相似文献   

This paper aims at reconstructing paleostress history and deciphering the pore-fluid pressure conditions during the reactivation of a regional-scale fault. Paleostress analyses of the mesoscopic structures suggest that three successive events of reactivation on the Great Boundary Fault occurred in thrust-type, strike-slip type and thrust-type tectonic-settings, respectively. Whereas the pore-fluid pressure was supralithostatic during the first and third events of reactivation, it was sublithostatic during the second event. Each event of reactivation induced a fluid pressure gradient, which resulted in the focused and enhanced flow of syntectonic fluids within the high permeability locales, primarily fractures and faults.Fluid inclusion study on strike-slip veins reveals that the syntectonic fluids were highly dense, Na–Ca–Cl brines of formational water origin. Stratigraphic evidence in favour of a 2-km-thick column of overburden above Kaimur sandstone beds implies that the strike-slip faulting occurred at 160–202 °C temperature and 53 MPa pressure. Variation in homogenization temperature reflects fluctuation in pore-fluid pressure during entrapment of syntectonic fluids and points to seismic pumping as a possible mechanism of fluid flow during faulting. High paleogeothermal gradient, obtained by fluid inclusion data, is ascribed to the high heat flow due to crustal stretching during the Proterozoic rifting, the basal and intermittent volcanism in the basin, and occurrence of Berach granite as the basement.  相似文献   

大陆构造、大洋构造和地球构造研究构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大陆动力学和大洋动力学是当前固体地球科学的前沿领域 ,反映处于中期阶段的板块理论正向更加深入、全面、完善的方向发展 ,并走向统一的地球构造学的趋势。中、新生代造山带构造 ,全球高原构造的比较 ,周边洋底构造对欧亚大陆的动力作用 ,应是大陆动力学中优先研究的问题。对全球洋底构造的继续探测 ,用地震各向异性研究地幔的流动或变形 ,布设海底宽频带地震台阵探测地幔细结构 ,将会提供更多的地球内部过程信息。“地球大系统科学”概念的提出 ,将能推进固、液、气三态地球多球层相互作用的研究 ,例如固体地球微动态、固液气三态球层运动的可比较性、不同球层分区性的比较等 ,都是需要深入探讨的问题 ,代表了从整体地球系统开展学科交叉研究的方向  相似文献   

Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and annual mean air temperatures (MATs) are estimated for the last 200 years from glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) proxies in a marine sediment core from the Skagerrak, off southern Norway. The reconstructed values compare well with annual SSTs and summer air temperatures obtained from composite regional instrumental records. The results provide further confidence in the application of proxies based on GDGTs to estimate past temperatures.  相似文献   

The particularities of the current tectonic structure of the Russian part of the Arctic region are discussed with the division into the Barents–Kara and Laptev–Chukchi continental margins. We demonstrate new geological data for the key structures of the Arctic, which are analyzed with consideration of new geophysical data (gravitational and magnetic), including first seismic tomography models for the Arctic. Special attention is given to the New Siberian Islands block, which includes the De Long Islands, where field work took place in 2011. Based on the analysis of the tectonic structure of key units, of new geological and geophysical information and our paleomagnetic data for these units, we considered a series of paleogeodynamic reconstructions for the arctic structures from Late Precambrian to Late Paleozoic. This paper develops the ideas of L.P. Zonenshain and L.M. Natapov on the Precambrian Arctida paleocontinent. We consider its evolution during the Late Precambrian and the entire Paleozoic and conclude that the blocks that parted in the Late Precambrian (Svalbard, Kara, New Siberian, etc.) formed a Late Paleozoic subcontinent, Arctida II, which again “sutured” the continental masses of Laurentia, Siberia, and Baltica, this time, within Pangea.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric studies over the Bundelkhand craton indicates a high resistivity sub-structure, typically observed in the Archean-Proterozoic regions. The geoelectric section shows a single high resistivity layer in the northern part of the craton, extending from surface to a depth of about 60 km and a three layered resistivity structure overlying a conductive bottom in its southern part. The geological studies reported earlier have delineated an EW trending zone of ultramafic rocks, called the Bundelkhand tectonic zone (BTZ), which marks the divide between the two electrical resistivity patterns. The geoelectric structure is broadly indicative of a northward dipping tectonic fabric in this region which conforms to the Himalayan subduction, to the immediate north of this craton. However this observation cannot explain the findings from geochemical, isotope analysis and geological studies, suggesting possible vertical block movements in the region, which are also indicated in the Bouguer gravity studies. The geoelectric structure beneath the Vindhyan group to the south shows low resistivities even up to 60 km, suggesting that the Bundelkhand craton which is characterized by high resistivity rocks, does not extend to the south beneath the Vindhyans, as was believed by the earlier researchers. A low resistivity body with an extremely high conductance of about 100,000 Siemens is delineated at the mid crustal depths beneath the exposed Bijawars south of Bundelkhand craton. The causative factors behind this low resistivity are not immediately apparent, but some possibilities are discussed here.  相似文献   

新疆地壳结构和演化中的若干问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘训 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):111-117
以新疆独山子-泉水沟地学断面的资料为主,讨论了泉水沟-阿勒泰剖面的地壳结构主要特征。它们不仅在地表形成了三山两盆的盆山结构面貌,而且在深部的地壳结构上也有明显的不同。进而我们认识到以天山和祁连山为代表的中国西北的主要山系在地质历史上虽然属于不同时期的造山带,但真正形成现代的盆山结构是新生代以来壳幔相互作用的结果。特别是天山地区,新生代以来的造山活动和古生代时期有明显的不同,也和高原南侧喜马拉雅山的新生代造山作用不同,我们称之为“天山型造山运动和天山型造山带”。  相似文献   

The lower plate is the dominant agent in modern convergent margins characterized by active subduction,as negatively buoyant oceanic lithosphere sinks into the asthenosphere under its own weight.This is a strong plate-driving force because the slab-pull force is transmitted through the stiff sub-oceanic lithospheric mantle.As geological and geochemical data seem inconsistent with the existence of modernstyle ridges and arcs in the Archaean,a periodically-destabilized stagnant-lid crust system is proposed instead.Stagnant-lid intervals may correspond to periods of layered mantle convection where efficient cooling was restricted to the upper mantle,perturbing Earth's heat generation/loss balance,eventually triggering mantle overturns.Archaean basalts were derived from fertile mantle in overturn upwelling zones(OUZOs),which were larger and longer-lived than post-Archaean plumes.Early cratons/continents probably formed above OUZOs as large volumes of basalt and komatiite were delivered for protracted periods,allowing basal crustal cannibalism,garnetiferous crustal restite delamination,and coupled development of continental crust and sub-continental lithospheric mantle.Periodic mixing and rehomogenization during overturns retarded development of isotopically depleted MORB(mid-ocean ridge basalt)mantle.Only after the start of true subduction did sequestration of subducted slabs at the coremantle boundary lead to the development of the depleted MORB mantle source.During Archaean mantle overturns,pre-existing continents located above OUZOs would be strongly reworked;whereas OUZOdistal continents would drift in response to mantle currents.The leading edge of drifting Archaean continents would be convergent margins characterized by terrane accretion,imbrication,subcretion and anatexis of unsubductable oceanic lithosphere.As Earth cooled and the background oceanic lithosphere became denser and stiffer,there would be an increasing probability that oceanic crustal segments could founder in an organized way,producing a gradual evolution of pre-subduction convergent margins into modern-style active subduction systems around 2.5 Ga.Plate tectonics today is constituted of:(1)a continental drift system that started in the Early Archaean,driven by deep mantle currents pressing against the Archaean-age sub-continental lithospheric mantle keels that underlie Archaean cratons;(2)a subduction-driven system that started near the end of the Archaean.  相似文献   

In this work, we evaluate the impact of terminated oceanic heat flux in the North Atlantic and Barents Sea on the Northern Hemisphere climate in January by numerical experiments with a coupled model of atmospheric general circulation and a thermodynamic model of the upper mixed layer of the ocean. We analyze the variations in the atmospheric circulation and near-surface temperature. We found that the termi-nation of the oceanic heat flux leads to a depression in atmospheric centers of action in the Northern Hemi-sphere (by 3?C5 hPa) and a significant cooling over the continents with the strongest temperature decrease down to ?10°C in northwestern Eurasia.  相似文献   

Arabian Journal of Geosciences - This study was motivated by two main concerns including (a) prediction of the Persian Gulf Sea surface temperature (PGSST) anomalies using an autoregressive...  相似文献   

Jun Korenaga 《地学学报》2008,20(6):419-439
The chemical composition of the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) indicates that the present‐day thermal budget of Earth is likely to be characterized by a significant excess of surface heat loss over internal heat generation, indicating an important role of secular cooling in Earth’s history. When combined with petrological constraints on the degree of secular cooling, this thermal budget places a tight constraint on permissible heat‐flow scaling for mantle convection, along with implications for the operation of plate tectonics on Earth, the history of mantle plumes and flood basalt magmatism, and the origin and evolution of Earth’s oceans. In the presence of plate tectonics, hotter mantle may have convected more slowly because it generates thicker dehydrated lithosphere, which could slow down subduction. The intervals of globally synchronous orogenies are consistent with the predicted variation of plate velocity for the last 3.6 Gyr. Hotter mantle also produces thicker, buoyant basaltic crust, and the subductability of oceanic lithosphere is a critical factor regarding the emergence of plate tectonics before the Proterozoic. Moreover, sluggish convection in the past is equivalent to reduced secular cooling, thus suggesting a more minor role of mantle plumes in the early Earth. Finally, deeper ocean basins are possible with slower plate motion in the past, and Earth’s oceans in the Archean is suggested to have had about twice as much water as today, and the mantle may have started as dry and have been gradually hydrated by subduction. The global water cycle may thus be dominated by regassing, rather than degassing, pointing towards the impact origin of Earth’s oceans, which is shown to be supported by the revised composition of the BSE.  相似文献   

A high‐resolution, three‐dimensional, thermomechanical ice‐flow model is used to investigate the glaciodynamics of the Last Glacial Maximum Welsh Ice Cap – a large, independent ice centre of the British–Irish Ice Sheet. The model uses higher‐order physics to solve longitudinal stresses, and is coupled to climate via a distributed, positive degree‐day mass‐balance scheme. A suite of model experiments driven by the GISP2 δ18O curve was initiated from a climatic optimum at 38.3 ka BP through to the Devensian/Holocene boundary to identify an icecap configuration compatible with available empirical evidence. An enhanced cooling from present of 11.85°C and strong precipitation suppression are required between 27.4 and 23.5 ka BP for the modelled icecap to attain well‐established empirical limits, a scenario probably associated with Heinrich Event‐2 and the potential collapse of thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic. The experiments indicate ice‐dispersal centres located in North and Mid Wales, the latter being essential for forcing ice southwards of the Brecon Beacons during the Last Glacial Maximum. Deglaciation of the Welsh Ice Cap was relatively rapid, occurring within one millennium. Dynamic stability is governed largely by the dominance and vigour with which fast‐flowing outlet glaciers drain the icecap interior, which in turn are linked to variations in the climatic forcing. The distribution of permanently cold‐based ice across the uplands and summits indicates the probable preservation of relict landscapes in these areas throughout the full glacial cycle.  相似文献   

Chironomid remains from a mid-elevation lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, were used to estimate quantitative summer surface water temperatures during the past ∼15,000 yr. Reconstructed temperatures increased by ∼3°C between lake initiation and the onset of the Holocene at ∼10,600 cal yr BP (calibrated years before present). Temperatures peaked at 6500 cal yr BP, displayed high variability from 6500 to 3500 cal yr BP, and stabilized after 3500 cal yr BP. This record generally tracks reconstructed Santa Barbara Basin sea surface temperatures (SSTs) through much of the Holocene, highlighting the correspondence between SST variability and California land temperatures during this interval.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional, large-scale models for groundwater flow and solute transport are used for the low-temperature, fractured crystalline rock sites in Sweden that are being considered for the geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel. It has been suggested that comparisons between measured and simulated present-day hydrochemical data provide a means to constrain the complex influences of past climatic events and to improve the ability to understand the palaeohydrogeological evolution of the physical system studied. Here the authors demonstrate how the integration of multidisciplinary data and models from one of the sites in Sweden (Forsmark) can aid the appraisal of the hydrochemical conditions at 8000 BC, which is the selected starting point for the palaeohydrogeological modelling of the hydrochemical conditions in the Fennoscandian Shield during the Holocene (last 10 ka). Since a firm understanding of the evolution of the hydrochemical conditions is important for the long-term safety assessment, recognition of the initial hydrochemical conditions is essential for the overall build-up of confidence in the modelling process.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2007,339(11-12):721-733
The life cycle of pollutants is affected by chemical as well as meteorological factors, such as wind, temperature, precipitation, solar radiation. Therefore, climatic changes induced by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases may be expected to have significant effects on air quality. Because of the spatial variability of the pollutant emissions and climate-change signals, these effects are particularly relevant at the regional to local scales. This paper first briefly reviews modelling tools and methodologies used to study regional climate-change impacts on air quality. Patterns of regional precipitation, temperature, and sea-level changes emerging from the latest set of general circulation model projections are then discussed. Finally, the specific case of climate-change effects on summer ozone concentrations over Europe is presented to illustrate the potential impacts of climate change on pollutant amounts. It is concluded that climate change is an important factor that needs to be taken into account when designing future pollution-reduction policies.  相似文献   

High‐pressure granulites are characterised by the key associations garnet‐clinopyroxene‐plagioclase‐quartz (in basic rocks) and kyanite‐K‐feldspar (metapelites and felsic rocks) and are typically orthopyroxene‐free in both basic and felsic bulk compositions. In regional metamorphic areas, two essential varieties exist: a high‐ to ultrahigh‐temperature group and a group representing overprinted eclogites. The high‐ to ultrahigh‐temperature type formerly contained high‐temperature ternary feldspar (now mesoperthite) coexisting with kyanite, is associated with garnet peridotites, and formed at conditions above 900 °C and 1.5 GPa. Clinopyroxene in subordinate basic rocks is Al‐rich and textural evidence points to a high‐pressure–high‐temperature melting history. The second variety contains symplectite‐like or poikilitic clinopyroxene‐plagioclase intergrowths indicating former plagioclase‐free, i.e. eclogite facies assemblages. This type of rock formed at conditions straddling the high‐pressure amphibolite/high‐pressure granulite field at around 700–850 °C, 1.0–1.4 GPa. Importantly, in the majority of high‐pressure granulites, orthopyroxene is secondary and is a product of reactions at pressures lower than the peak recorded pressure. In contrast to low‐ and medium‐pressure granulites, which form at conditions attainable in the mid to lower levels of normal continental crust, high‐pressure granulites (of nonxenolith origin) mostly represent rocks formed as a result of short‐lived tectonic events that led to crustal thickening or subduction of the crust into the mantle. Short times at high‐temperature conditions are reflected in the preservation of prograde zoning in garnet and pyroxene. High‐pressure granulites of both regional types, although rare, are known from both old and young metamorphic terranes (e.g. c. 45 Ma, Namche Barwa, E Himalaya; 400–340 Ma, European Variscides; 1.8 Ga Hengshan, China; 1.9 Ga, Snowbird, Saskatchewan and 2.5 Ga Jianping, China). This spread of ages supports proposals suggesting that thermal and tectonic processes in the lithosphere have not changed significantly since at least the end of the Archean.  相似文献   

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