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One of the crucial problems in study on the middle atmosphere is to determine theconcentration and distribution of some trace gases.In this aspect,sounding methods with highspectral resolution have been developed by many scientists.Some major trace gases and theirspectral characteristics,space-borne limb method for determination of trace gases in the middleatmosphere are introduced,requirements for used methods and instruments,development andchallenge encountered by sounding of trace gases with high spectral resolution are discussed in thispaper.  相似文献   

以浙江省及周边74个气象站1961—2000年常规气温观测资料为基础,利用月平均气温物理经验统计模型,完成了浙江省100m×100m分辨率月平均气温、月平均最高气温、月平均最低气温空间分布的制图,分析了拟合气温的局地分布规律,并从多个角度对拟合结果进行了验证。结果表明,月平均气温的绝对误差平均值为0.09~0.59℃,平均最高气温误差为0.09~0.80℃,平均最低气温误差为0.10~0.58℃。拟合结果较好地反映了浙江山地月气温的宏观分布趋势和局地分布特征,为浙江山地气候资源的合理开发与利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本文利用WRF模式,以25 km分辨率数值模拟结果作为驱动场,对江苏省现代和未来15 a的气候进行5 km高分辨率降尺度模拟及预估。结果显示,高分辨率降尺度模拟对其驱动场具有显著的提高,降水的负偏差和气温冷偏差均有所降低,其模拟的降水与气温概率分布与观测更为接近;对于极端指数,WRF模式能够模拟出其基本分布,除连续湿润日数CWD和极端高温TXx之外,高分辨率模拟对其他指数的模拟均有显著的提升。在RCP8.5排放情景下对未来气候变化的预估表明,江苏降水在夏季以减少为主,在春季则以增加为主,全年平均降水存在减少趋势;未来0~1 mm·d^(-1)的微弱降水发生概率将增加,小雨、中到大雨以及暴雨发生的概率均降低,而暴雨强度的增强导致极端强降水R95显著增加;气温25℃以上高温发生的概率在未来有所增加,而0℃以下的低温发生概率减小,从而导致暖持续日数显著增加,而冷持续日数减小,另外,极端高温和极端低温都有显著的升高。  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements in the seawater of the subtropical and the temperate western Indian Ocean were conducted for the first time from 3 December to 20 December 1997. In total, 443 surface seawater DMS determinations were performed between 24°–49° S and 50° E–77° E with a frequency of 1 sample every 10 km. An important spatial variability was observed in seawater DMS concentrations with values ranging from 0.9 to 35.8 nM. DMS maxima coincided in most cases with thermal fronts and were in reasonable agreement with mean pigment figures obtained from satellite observations. The deduced DMS fluxes are consistent with long-term observations of atmospheric DMS and rainwater concentrations of nss- SO4= and MSA measured at Amsterdam island (37° S, 77° E); then account for the differences observed in atmospheric DMS concentrations between Amsterdam island and Cape Grim, Indian Ocean monitoring stations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of aerosol methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt (nss) sulfate were measured at six island stations in the Pacific Ocean to investigate regional and seasonal patterns of organosulfur emissions and the origin of nss sulfate over the Pacific. The mean MSA concentrations, in g/m3, at the stations were: Shemya, 0.097±0.098; Midway, 0.029±0.021; Fanning, 0.044±0.012; American Samoa, 0.026±0.012; New Caledonia, 0.021±0.009; Norfolk, 0.024±0.019. The extremely high MSA levels found at Shemya indicate a major source of organosulfur emissions in the western North Pacific. Significant seasonal trends in MSA were observed, with higher MSA occurring during warm months. The amplitude of the seasonal variation was greatest at higher latitude stations. At Fanning and American Samoa, which have minimal input of continental material, there is a significant positive correlation between MSA and nss sulfate. MSA/nss sulfate ratios at other Pacific stations exhibit greater variability, which may be related to variations in: the input of continentally derived sulfate, the composition of oceanic organosulfur emissions, and atmospheric reaction pathways.  相似文献   

回顾了湿空气热动力学的研究进展,对未饱和湿大气、饱和湿大气及非均匀饱和湿大气的动热力方程、能量方程、连续方程等进行了梳理,指出饱和湿空气动量方程与非均匀饱和湿空气动量方程的最大区别在于对凝结过程的处理不同。饱和湿大气中,由于大气均是饱和的,由饱和造成的水凝物可处处出现,不能区分真正发生水汽凝结的区域。而非均匀饱和湿空气中,凝结发生与相对湿度的幂次方有关(即与凝结概率函数的分布有关),在相对湿度较小的区域不会出现水汽凝结,凝结区与非凝结区可自动区别,其描述的凝结过程与实际大气更接近。同时,总结了湿大气水汽凝结饱和非均匀分布的动热力物理量在高影响天气分析中的应用,最后讨论了未来推进湿空气动力学研究需重点考虑的一个内容。  相似文献   

Developments allowing the direct determination of sulfur dioxide and dimethyl sulfide in grab samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with isotopically labeled standards (GC/MS/ILS) are reported. Isotopomers of DMS and SO2 are used as internal standards. Spiked air samples are dried to a dew point of <–60 °C and trapped cryogenically in loops of Teflon tubing. Sealed samples are transported to the laboratory under liquid nitrogen and later subjected to GC/MS analysis. Holding times of up to one month do not result in significant sample loss. For samples collected in a clean marine environment, concentrations of SO2 and DMS greater than 5 and 8 pptv, respectively, are significantly different from blanks at the 95% confidence level. Average measurement precision derived from a propagation of errors are 9% for SO2 and 42% for DMS at concentrations from 5–15 pptv.Improvements are outlined which should provide sensitivity and precision comparable to that of on-site GC/MS. The technique will allow increased flexibility for the determination of trace sulfur species in the field under conditions where deployment of a mass spectrometer is not possible.  相似文献   

蔡雪薇  张芳华 《气象》2014,40(8):1026-1032
2014年5月环流特征如下:北半球极涡成准圆形绕级分布,中心强度为524 dagpm,较气候平均的强度偏强4~6dagpm,北半球高纬500 hPa位势高度呈4波型分布,我国中东部大部地区受偏西气流控制,多短波槽活动;副热带高压较常年明显偏西偏北,南方地区出现多次强降水天气过程。另外,南海季风爆发较常年同期明显偏晚。5月全国平均气温为全国平均气温16.5℃,较常年同期(16.2℃)偏高0.3℃;全国平均降水量73.8 nm,较常年同期(69.5 mm)略偏多6.2%。月内,我国主要天气特点是:华南江南暴雨频发,华北黄淮出现极端高温。  相似文献   

风云卫星高时空分辨率资料在热带气旋监测预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姬翔  王新 《气象科技》2014,42(4):647-651
阐述了高时间、空间分辨率卫星资料在台风结构、强度、路径和降水监测预报等方面的应用能力和现状。通过高时空分辨率卫星观测,在台风内部中尺度云团快速生消特征、外围及高低层环境气流演变和配合、台风降水的落区判断等方面都有了长足进展,从而推进了台风预报水平的提高。在此基础上,探讨我国未来FY-3极轨、FY-4静止卫星发展计划,将通过增加新仪器、提高区域观测频次和空间分辨率、组网观测等手段,进一步辅助提升台风定位、定强及风雨预报的准确率。  相似文献   

文章以站点资料为观测场,以多源实况融合及GPM-IMERG降水产品为评估场,计算西南山地范围内降水数据的时间、空间技巧评分,并比较了几套资料在描述降水量及强降水频率方面的适用性。结果表明,在2019年汛期的大部分时段内,实况融合降水产品的空间评分较为稳定。三套资料在盆地西北侧及南部边缘地区时间评分均优于其他地区,但在盆地多云区GPM-IMERG产品的时间技巧评分低于实况快速融合降水数据。从强降水频率的描述上看,实况快速融合降水的空间分布与站点实测资料最为相似,但其反映的强降水频率与实测值相比偏小,GPM-IMERG产品则偏大。从降水量值的描述上看,实况快速融合降水与实况值相比偏小,而GPM-IMERG产品与实况值相比则偏大。  相似文献   

平流层爆发性增温及其影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
杨光  李崇银  李琳 《气象科学》2012,32(6):694-708
平流层爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)是冬季平流层大气环流结构的一种突变现象,在短时间内平流层中高纬度的温度、风和极涡都会发生剧烈变化。因此,SSW也就成为平流层大气环流及其变化研究的重要方面之一。在强SSW期间,高纬地区温度急剧升高,西风被东风取代,极涡几乎全部崩溃。SSW极大地影响着北半球对流层大气,甚至整个中高层大气,包括对平流层乃至中层大气微量气体分布的重要影响。随着临近空间飞行平台的研究应用,以及由此而提出的临近空间环境条件的保障问题,作为临近空间重要组成部分的平流层环流变化将更加引起人们的关注。本文就SSW的特征、发生机制、对上下层相互作用的重要影响,以及SSW与准两年振荡、ENSO等的密切关系和SSW的数值模拟等方面的研究工作,进行了回顾和总结。  相似文献   

In this study,an extreme rainfall event that occurred on 25 May 2018 over Shanghai and its nearby area was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model,with a focus on the effects of planetary boundary layer(PBL)physics using double nesting with large grid ratios(15:1 and 9:1).The sensitivity of the precipitation forecast was examined through three PBL schemes:the Yonsei University Scheme,the Mellor?Yamada?Nakanishi Niino Level 2.5(MYNN)scheme,and the Mellor?Yamada?Janjic scheme.The PBL effects on boundary layer structures,convective thermodynamic and large-scale forcings were investigated to explain the model differences in extreme rainfall distributions and hourly variations.The results indicated that in single coarser grids(15 km and 9 km),the extreme rainfall amount was largely underestimated with all three PBL schemes.In the inner 1-km grid,the underestimated intensity was improved;however,using the MYNN scheme for the 1-km grid domain with explicitly resolved convection and nested within the 9-km grid using the Kain?Fritsch cumulus scheme,significant advantages over the other PBL schemes are revealed in predicting the extreme rainfall distribution and the time of primary peak rainfall.MYNN,with the weakest vertical mixing,produced the shallowest and most humid inversion layer with the lowest lifting condensation level,but stronger wind fields and upward motions from the top of the boundary layer to upper levels.These factors all facilitate the development of deep convection and moisture transport for intense precipitation,and result in its most realistic prediction of the primary rainfall peak.  相似文献   

2013年5月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱文剑  何立富 《气象》2013,39(8):1083-1088
2013年5月环流特征如下:北半球极涡呈单极型分布,中心强度较常年偏强2~4 dagpm,东亚高纬环流呈4波型分布,其中新西伯利亚地区有一切断低涡,造成了新疆北部的降温天气;南支波动较常年同期活跃,南海季风爆发较常年同期偏早,副热带高压逐步西伸北抬.5月,全国平均气温为16.9℃,较常年同期(16.2℃)偏高0.7℃;全国平均降水量为85.5 mm,较常年同期(69.5 mm)偏多23.0%,为1961年以来历史同期第二多.月内,我国主要天气特点是:南方暴雨频发,20个省市遭受风雹袭击,北方地区出现一次沙尘天气.  相似文献   

利用2018年1—10月华南3 km区域高分辨率模式08时、20时起报的气温预报和实况资料,采用线性内插法进行站点预报值处理,并从平均均方根误差及预报准确率的角度,检验分析了贵州省72 h预报内逐24 h最高(低)气温预报质量。结果表明,72 h内随着预报时效的增加,预报准确率差异较小;日最低气温预报准确率相对最高气温平均高出20%左右;08时起报的最高(低)气温预报优于20时的。同时发现,最高(低)气温的预报能力在月份上存在明显差异,6—8月预报性能总体优于其它月份;在24~48 h预报中,东北—西南向一带较贵州其它区域展现出更高的预报能力。在9个主要城市站上,最高(低)气温均表现出较高的预报技巧,其中,20时起报的兴义站24 h最低气温准确率100%。通过对2018年7月18日气温预报质量检验,最高(低)气温及35.0℃以上高温事件预报准确率均在80%左右,较好反映了天气实况。因此,华南3 km高分辨率区域模式对贵州气温预报具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

Rate coefficients for the reactions of difunctional nitrates with atmospherically important OH radicals are not currently available in the literature. This study represents the first determination of rate coefficients for a number of C(3) and C(4) carbonyl nitrates and dinitrates with OH radicals in a 38 l glass reaction chamber at 1000 mbar total pressure of synthetic air by 298±2 K using a relative kinetic technique.The following rate coefficients (in units of 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1) were obtained: 1,2-propandiol dinitrate, <0.31; 1,2-butandiol dinitrate, 1.70±0.32; 2,3-butandiol dinitrate, 1.07±0.26; -nitrooxyacetone, <0.43; 1-nitrooxy-2-butanone, 0.91±0.16; 3-nitrooxy-2-butanone, 1.27±0.14; 1,4-dinitrooxy-2-butene, 15.10±1.45; 3,4-dinitrooxy-1-butene, 10.10±0.50.The possible importance of reaction of OH as an atmospheric sink for the compounds compared to other loss processes is considered.  相似文献   

An automated cumulative sampling system and a method that combines a two-step cryo-concentrated system and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (CCS-GC/MS) are introduced. The method is evaluated by a set of special experiments and the results are presented. The lowest measurement detection limit was expanded from 10^-6 nmol mol^-1 to 10^-12 nmol mol^-1 by using CCS-GC/MS instead of the simpler method of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), with the average responsible factor of 39 object compounds being 2.9 × 10^-12. When the volume of air sample reached 1000 cm^3, the lowest detection limit reached up to 7 × 10^-12-40 × 10^-12 nmol mol^-1. The CCS-GC/MS method can potentially identify all objective chemical species in an atmospheric sample, with an average 2.5 s bias error of retention time for 39 gas chromatography (GC) peaks. Within the range 0-400×10^-9 nmol mol^-1, the concentration of 39 kinds of objective compounds can be individually calculated very accurately by a standard curve [average r^2 (coefficient of determination) value of above 0.99]. The recovery efficiency was 88%-111%, with an average of 100.8% ±5.6%. The bias error of precision was 2%-14%, with an average of 6.6%.  相似文献   

2013年8月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
杨舒楠  何立富 《气象》2013,39(11):1521-1528
2013年8月环流特征如下:极涡呈单极型分布、贝加尔湖以东地区为明显负高度距平,我国中高纬多短波槽活动,东北冷涡活动频繁,西太平洋副热带高压强度较常年偏强、偏西。8月全国平均降水量101.0 mm,较常年同期(105.3 mm)偏少4.1%;全国平均气温22.0℃,较常年同期(20.8℃)偏高1.2℃,与2006年并列为1961年来同期最高。8月我国的大范围强降水过程有7次。月内东北地区暴雨过程频繁,共出现5次局地强降水过程,造成松花江、嫩江和黑龙江流域等出现大范围洪涝灾害。8月共有6个热带气旋在南海和西北太平洋活动,其中“飞燕”、“尤特”和“潭美”等3个热带气旋在我国登陆。我国黄淮西部及淮河以南大部地区出现35℃以上异常高温天气,其中黄淮西部、江淮大部、江汉、江南以及广西北部、重庆、贵州东部、四川东部、新疆南部和东部最高气温普遍达38~40℃,部分地区超过40℃。  相似文献   

李然  张涛 《气象》2016,42(8):1026-1032
北半球极涡呈偶极型分布,极涡主体分别位于格陵兰岛以西以及贝加尔湖北部附近,强度较常年同期偏强;中高纬环流呈4波型分布特征,长波槽分别位于北美西部、格陵兰岛东部、里海西部和贝加尔湖北部;西太平洋副热带高压较常年同期面积明显偏大,588 dagpm等高线东西伸展经度跨度很大,接近环绕全球。5月全国平均气温16.3℃,较常年同期(16.2℃)偏高0.1℃;全国平均降水量82.8 mm,较常年同期(69.5 mm)偏多19.1%。月内我国主要天气特点是:南海夏季风5月下旬爆发;西南地区东部、江南、华南南暴雨过程频发;强对流过程影响范围广、过程强度大、雷暴大风和冰雹灾害较多。  相似文献   

2006年杭嘉湖平原夏秋天气异常分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年杭嘉湖平原出现夏季特长、秋季极短,梅雨量极少、高温天数多、夏旱连秋旱的气候异常现象,对大气环流进行分析发现,西太平洋副高持续偏强偏西,北半球极涡偏弱,冷空气活动偏北,亚洲地区盛行纬向环流.区域气候的异常与大气环流的季节转换异常有关,并且大气环流的异常可以追溯到其前期环流的异常.2006年前冬和春季中高纬度较强的经向环流和持续偏强的副热带高压使得该年夏季副高继续偏强,并且春季的这一环流异常现象,导致秋季大气环流向冬季过渡较快.对涡动高度的分析表明,5月平流层正中心的异常两移、6~7月平流层持续分裂出两个正中心,以及9月正中心的异常增强,预示和促进了夏季低层大气环流的异常发展,从而夏季偏长、夏秋季节转换推迟;11月冷低压的异常增强南压和暖高压的突然减弱,使秋冬季节转换较快,从而秋季极短.  相似文献   

ECMWF、日本高分辨率模式降水预报能力的对比分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
张宏芳  潘留杰  杨新 《气象》2014,40(4):424-432
利用2012年4月1日至2013年3月31日ECMWF、日本高分辨率模式降水预报资料,全国2419个台站逐6 h降水量观测、CMORPH(NOAA Climate Prediction Center Morphing Method)卫星与全国3万余个自动站逐小时降水融合资料,基于列联表预报评分、泰勒图等统计方法,客观对比分析ECMWF、日本高分辨率模式对中国逐6、12和24 h分段降水的预报能力,主要结论如下:(1)整体来说,ECMWF对降水的预报优于日本模式,日本模式预报离散度偏大,而ECMWF预报相对平稳,与观测更加一致;(2)两个模式晴雨预报中降水发生频率较实际偏高,暴雨预报频率较实际偏低,随着分段间隔的增加,这一情况有所改善;(3)ECMWF模式6 h分段降水晴雨预报评分低于日本模式,暴雨预报评分整体高于日本模式,12和24 h分段ECMWF模式晴雨、暴雨预报评分一致高于日本模式;(4)通过调整阈值改变预报偏差能够在一定程度上提高预报技巧;(5)就空间分布来看,模式在东南地区Bias、CSI技巧评分整体优于西北地区。  相似文献   

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