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The variability in the Caribbean Sea is investigated using high resolution (1/15°) general circulation model experiments. For the first time in this region, simulations were carried out with a 2-way nested configuration of the NEMO primitive equation model. A coarse North Atlantic grid (1/3°) reproduces the main features of the North Atlantic and Equatorial circulation capable of influencing ocean dynamics in the Caribbean Sea. This numerical study highlights strong dynamical differences among basins and modifies the view that dynamics are homogeneous over the whole Caribbean Basin. The Caribbean mean flow is shown to organize in two intense jets flowing westward along the northern and southern boundaries of the Venezuela Basin, which merge in the center of the Colombia Basin. Diagnostics of model outputs show that width, depth and strength of baroclinic eddies increase westward from the Lesser Antilles to the Colombia Basin. The widening and strengthening to the west is consistent with altimetry data and drifter observations. Although influenced by the circulation in the Colombia Basin, the variability in the Cayman Basin (which also presents a westward growth from the Chibcha Channel) is deeper and less energetic than the variability in the Colombia/Venezuela Basins. Main frequency peaks for the mesoscale variability present a westward shift, from roughly 50 days near the Lesser Antilles to 100 days in the Cayman Basin, which is associated with growth and merging of eddies.  相似文献   

Satellite ocean-color imagery and field spectroradiometer observations are used to assess the bio-optical signatures of two mesoscale features, a cyclone C1 and an 18°-water anticyclone A4, in the Sargasso Sea. Field determinations of upper layer bio-optical properties, such as the diffuse attenuation coefficient and remote-sensing reflectance spectra, show little statistically significant variations with distance to the eddy center for either eddy. This contrasts field observations showing many-fold higher phytoplankton pigment biomass at depth (and for A4 higher primary production rates at depth) than is typical for this region. The cyclone C1 does show a significant decrease in the depth of the 1% photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) isolume with increasing distance from eddy center while the anticyclone A4 shows no coherent signal vs. distance. Vertical profiles of bio-optical properties show consistent patterns where subsurface maxima are displaced higher inside the core of the cyclone C1 than in the surrounding waters while the highest values of the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 443 nm are observed within the core of anticyclone A4. Satellite observations of near-surface bio-optical properties show signals consistent with eddy physical characteristics, although the magnitude of these variations is very small, barely detectable by typical field measurement protocols. Mean values of bio-optical properties are higher within the cyclone compared with its periphery but not for the anticyclone. For both eddies, significant inverse correlations are observed between time series of bio-optical properties and eddy center sea-level anomaly. Consistent response to wind speed is also noted: following strong wind events, bio-optical parameters are elevated inside the anticyclone and are reduced inside the cyclone. These observations demonstrate that a combination of physical processes, including vertical eddy uplift, eddy horizontal advection, and eddy-scale Ekman pumping, contribute to the bio-optical imprint of mesoscale eddies. The contributions of these forcing mechanisms change over the period of observation, illustrating the limitations of inferring eddy bio-optical dynamics from short-term, field observations. The present analyses provide insights into the potential as well as the drawbacks of bio-optical techniques for probing the biological and biogeochemical impacts of open-ocean eddies.  相似文献   

Using the mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas product derived from satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 2016, this study analyzes statistical characteristics and seasonal variability of mesoscale eddies in the Banda Sea of the Indonesian seas. The results show that there were 147 mesoscale eddies that occurred in the Banda Sea, of which 137 eddies were locally generated and 10 originated from outside. The total numbers of cyclonic eddies(CEs,clockwise) and anticyclonic eddies(AEs, anticlockwise) ar...  相似文献   

南海中尺度涡温盐异常三维结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于1994-2015年海面高度异常数据,采用winding-angle中尺度涡旋探测算法识别出南海范围内共5 899个反气旋涡(AE)和3 792个气旋涡(CE),结合世界海洋数据集(WOD13)及中国科学院南海海洋研究所(SCSIO)温盐观测数据集,采用基于变分法的客观插值方法,合成了南海及南海各区域中尺度涡的温盐异常三维结构。结果表明,本文采取的插值方式能有效地获得涡旋三维结构,垂向尺度上也与前人研究结果较为一致。在平均状态下,南海AE温盐异常强度明显大于CE,AE正位温异常主体结构深度约440 m,而CE仅在320 m以浅维持涡旋结构;两者最大位温异常均出现在次表层约80 m上下,AE达2.02℃,CE达-1.60℃。盐度异常影响深度约150 m,最大盐度异常出现在50 m深附近,AE达-0.24,CE达0.28,同时由于涡旋在不单调变化的背景盐度场中引起海水下沉(上升),AE盐度异常结构呈"上负下正"而CE呈"上正下负"式结构。南海各区域合成涡旋的温、盐异常的影响程度并不完全相同,可能与各区域涡旋的生成机制及背景温盐场有关。  相似文献   

The south-flowing waters of the Kamchatka and Oyashio Currents and west-flowing waters of the Alaskan Stream are key components of the western sub-Arctic Pacific circulation. We use CTD data, Argo buoys, WOCE surface drifters, and satellite-derived sea-level observations to investigate the structure and interannual changes in this system that arise from interactions among anticyclonic eddies and the mean flow. Variability in the temperature of the upstream Oyashio and Kamchatka Currents is evident by warming in mesothermal layer in 1994–2005 compared to 1990–1991. A major fraction of the water in these currents is derived directly from the Alaskan Stream. The stream also sheds large anticyclonic (Aleutian) eddies, averaging approximately 300 km in diameter with a volume transport significant in comparison with that of the Kamchatka Current itself. These eddies enclose pools of relatively warm and saline water whose temperature is typically 4 °C warmer and salinity is 0.4 greater than that of cold-core Kamchatka eddies in the same density range. Aleutian eddies drift at approximately 1.2 km d−1 and retain their distinctive warm and salty characteristics for at least 2 years. Selected westward pathways during 1990–2004 are identified. If the shorter northern route is followed, Aleutian eddies remain close to the stream and persist sufficiently long to carry warm and saline water directly to the Kamchatka Current. This was observed during 1994–1997 with substantial warming of the waters in the Kamchatka Current and upstream Oyashio. If the eddies take a more southern route they detach from the stream but can still contribute significant quantities of warm and saline water to the upstream Oyashio, as in 2004–2005. However, the eddies following this southern route may dissipate before reaching the western boundary current region.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of a cyclonic eddy and mode-water eddy on particle flux in the Sargasso Sea. The primary method used to quantify flux was based on measurements of the natural radionuclide, 234Th, and these flux estimates were compared to results from sediment traps in both eddies, and a 210Po/210Pb flux method in the mode-water eddy. Particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes at 150 m ranged 1–4 mmol C m−2 d−1 and were comparable between methods, especially considering differences in integration times scales of each approach. Our main conclusion is that relative to summer mean conditions at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site, eddy-driven changes in biogeochemistry did not enhance local POC fluxes during this later, more mature stage of the eddy life cycle (>6 months old). The absence of an enhancement in POC flux puts a constraint on the timing of higher POC flux events, which are thought to have caused the local O2 minima below each eddy, and must have taken place >2 months prior to our arrival. The mode-water eddy did enhance preferentially diatom biomass in its center, where we estimated a factor of three times higher biogenic Si flux than the BATS summer average. An unexpected finding in the highly depth-resolved 234Th data sets is narrow layers of particle export and remineralization within the eddy. In particular, a strong excess 234Th signal is seen below the deep chlorophyll maxima, which we attribute to remineralization of 234Th-bearing particles. At this depth below the euphotic zone, de novo particle production in the euphotic zone has stopped, yet particle remineralization continues via consumption of labile sinking material by bacteria and/or zooplankton. These data suggest that further study of processes in ocean layers is warranted not only within, but below the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

本文利用1993–2019年基于海表面高度异常的涡旋数据集和高度计数据统计分析了日本海区域中尺度涡旋的大小、极性、生命周期、振幅、传播等表面特征的时空变化规律。27年间,共探测到1 429个涡旋,气旋和反气旋数量基本相当,其中气旋675个,反气旋754个。两种极性涡旋均具有较强的季节变化:秋季较多,冬季次之,春季最少。郁陵盆地、大和盆地等为涡旋多发区域呈现西南–东北向带状分布。其中,南部海域反气旋占优,靠近津轻海峡的北部海域气旋占优。西部和南部受东韩暖流和对马暖流的驱动,涡旋移动方向与流场基本一致,北部涡旋与黎曼寒流以及副极地锋流有关。研究表明,动力学不稳定是涡旋在秋冬季大量产生的重要原因。此外,半封闭盆地、局地流场以及复杂的海气相互作用等都可能会对涡旋的产生和消亡造成一定影响。  相似文献   

采用AVISO提供的卫星高度计融合数据,对南海及西北太平洋(5°~35°N,105°~150°E)1993~2009年17a间的中尺度涡活动进行统计分析.结果表明南海中尺度涡活动具有明显的年际变化,每年观测到产生的中尺度涡个数平均为21~22个,标准差约为4个,占年平均值的20%;而西北太平洋中尺度涡个数的年际差异不大,平均每年观测到150~151个中尺度涡产生,标准差约为14个,仅占年平均值的9%.中尺度涡的逐月统计结果表明南海和西北太平洋的中尺度涡活动均有明显季节变化,1993~2009年间的各月南海和西北太平洋分别观测到30~31个和213~214个中尺度涡产生,标准差分别约为6个和41个,均占各自月平均值的19%.中尺度涡主要集中分布在南海东北部、越南东部和黑潮流轴附近海域.涡动能、海面高度距平均方根以及涡度均方根的空间分布大致与涡旋个数分布一致,但在西北太平洋的低纬海区和黑潮延伸体区域则不甚吻合.在相同的涡旋判别标准下,西北太平洋低纬海区(5°~15°N)观测到的中尺度涡个数比中高纬海区要少得多.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies play vital roles in ocean processes. Although previous studies focused on eddy surface features and individual three-dimensional (3D) eddy cases in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, the analysis of unique eddy 3D regional characteristics is still lacking. A 3D eddy detection scheme is applied to 9 years (2000–2008) of eddy-resolving Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) output to obtain a 3D eddy dataset from the surface to a depth of 1 000 m in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (15°–35°N, 120°–145°E). The 3D characteristics of mesoscale eddies are analyzed in two regions, namely, Box1 (Subtropical Countercurrent, 15°–25°N, 120°–145°E) and Box2 (Southern Kuroshio Extension, 25°–35°N, 120°–145°E). In Box1, the current is characterized by strong vertical shear and weak horizontal shear. In Box2, the current is characterized by the strong Kuroshio, topographic effect, and the westward propagation of Rossby waves. The results indicate the importance of baroclinic instability in Box1, whereas in Box2, both the barotropic and baroclinic instability are important. Moreover, the mesoscale eddies’ properties in Box1 and Box2 are distinct. The eddies in Box1 have larger number and radius but a shorter lifetime. By contrast, Box2 has fewer eddies, which have smaller radius but longer lifetime. Vertically, more eddies are detected at the subsurface than at the surface in both regions; the depth of 650 m is the turning point in Box1. Above this depth, the number of cyclonic eddies (CEs) is larger than that of anticyclonic eddies (AEs). In Box2, the number of CEs is dominant vertically. Eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and mean normalized relative vorticity in Box2 are significantly higher than those in Box1. With increasing depth, the attenuation trend of EKE and relative vorticity of Box1 become greater than those of Box2. Furthermore, the upper ocean (about 300 m in depth) contains 68.6% of the eddies (instantaneous eddy). Only 16.6% of the eddies extend to 1 000 m. In addition, about 87% of the eddies are bowl-shaped eddies in the two regions. Only about 3% are cone-shaped eddies. With increasing depth of the eddies, the proportion of bowl-shaped eddies gradually decreases. Conversely, the cone- and lens-shaped eddies are equal in number at 700–1 000 m, accounting for about 30% each. Studying the 3D characteristics of eddies in two different regions of the northwestern Pacific Ocean is an important stepping stone for discussing the different eddy generation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Macronutrients, photosynthetic pigments, and particle export were assessed in two eddies during the E-Flux I and III cruises to investigate linkages between biogeochemical properties and export flux in Hawaiian lee cyclonic eddies. Cyclone Noah (E-Flux I), speculated to be in the ‘decay’ stage, exhibited modest increases in macronutrients and photosynthetic pigments at the eddy center compared to ambient waters. Cyclone Opal (E-Flux III) also exhibited modest increases in macronutrient concentrations, but a 2-fold enhancement in total chlorophyll a (TChl a) concentration within the eddy center. As indicated by fucoxanthin concentrations, the phytoplankton community in the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) of Opal was comprised mainly of diatoms. During an 8-day time series in the center of Opal, TChl a concentration and fucoxanthin in the DCM decreased by 50%, which was potentially triggered by silicic acid limitation. Despite the presence of a substantial diatom bloom, Opal did not deliver the expected export of particulate carbon and nitrogen, but rather a large biogenic silica export (4-fold increase relative to export in surrounding waters). Results suggest that controls on the life cycle of a Hawaiian lee cyclone are likely a combination of physical (eddy dynamics), chemical (nutrient limitation), and biological (growth and grazing imbalance) processes. Comparisons between Noah and Opal and previously studied cyclones in the region point to a relationship between the spin-up duration of a cyclone and the resulting biological response. Nonetheless, Hawaiian lee cyclones, which strongly influence the biogeochemistry of areas 100's of km in scale in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean, still remain an enigma.  相似文献   

基于1993-2017年卫星高度计数据得到的中尺度涡追踪产品,分析了1000 m以深南海海盆中尺度涡移动速度C的时空分布特征。结果表明,南海海盆气候态平均的中尺度涡纬向移动速度cx均为西向,经向移动速度cy在海盆西北侧为南向,东南侧为北向。cy随经度的变化与背景经向流的变化一致,相关系数达0.96,而cx的变化与背景纬向流和β效应有关。cxC存在明显季节变化,夏季最慢,冬季最快。年际变化上,cxcy的大值多发生在太平洋年代际涛动(PDO)负位相期的La Nina年。中尺度涡在其生命周期的开始和结束阶段(即生成和耗散阶段)移速较快,而在稳定的“中期”阶段移动缓慢。该趋势与涡旋转速呈反相关,相关系数为-0.93。以移速小于1.5 cm/s和大于15.4 cm/s定义的极慢和极快涡旋,分别占总涡旋数量的1.5%和1.9%。移速极慢的涡多出现在海盆的中部,且主要发生在夏季;移速极快的涡多出现在海盆的边缘,且主要发生在冬季。机制分析显示,南海海盆中尺度涡移动速度的时空分布受到大尺度背景流场调制。  相似文献   

南印度洋是海洋中尺度涡的多发区域。本文利用卫星高度计资料及Argo浮标资料,对南印度洋(10°~35°S, 50°~120°E)区域中尺度涡的分布、表观特征等进行了统计分析,采用合成方法,构建了该区域中尺度涡的三维温盐结构。结果表明,涡旋频率呈明显的纬向带状分布,在18°~30°S存在一个明显的涡旋频率带状高值区;涡旋半径具有由南至北逐渐增大的趋势;长周期涡旋在其生命周期内,半径、涡动能、涡能量密度、涡度等性质均经历了先增大而后减小的过程;涡旋以西向运动为主,在经向上移动距离较小,长周期气旋(反气旋)涡具有明显的偏向极地(赤道)移动的倾向;涡旋平均移动速度为5.9 cm/s,速度大小大致沿纬向呈带状分布。在混合层以下,气旋涡(反气旋涡)内部分别呈现明显的温度负(正)异常,且分别存在两个位温负(正)异常的冷(暖)核结构;气旋涡(反气旋涡)整体上呈现"正-负"("负-正")上下层相反的盐度异常结构。中尺度涡对温盐的平均影响深度可达1 000×104 Pa以上。  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies, which are mainly caused by baroclinic effects in the ocean, are common oceanic phenomena in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and play very important roles in ocean circulation, ocean dynamics and material energy transport. The temperature structure of mesoscale eddies will lead to variations in oceanic baroclinity, which can be reflected in the sea level anomaly (SLA). Deep learning can automatically extract different features of data at multiple levels without human intervention, and find the hidden relations of data. Therefore, combining satellite SLA data with deep learning is a good way to invert the temperature structure inside eddies. This paper proposes a deep learning algorithm, eddy convolution neural network (ECN), which can train the relationship between mesoscale eddy temperature anomalies and sea level anomalies (SLAs), relying on the powerful feature extraction and learning abilities of convolutional neural networks. After obtaining the temperature structure model through ECN, according to climatic temperature data, the temperature structure of mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Pacific is retrieved with a spatial resolution of 0.25° at depths of 0–1 000 m. The overall accuracy of the ECN temperature structure is verified using Argo profiles at the locations of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies during 2015–2016. Taking 10% error as the acceptable threshold of accuracy, 89.64% and 87.25% of the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy temperature structures obtained by ECN met the threshold, respectively.  相似文献   

Fronts,baroclinic transport,and mesoscale variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) along 115°E are examined on the basis of CTD data from two hydrographic cruises occupied in 1995 as a part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment(WOCE cruise I9S) and in 2004 as a part of CLIVAR/CO2 repeat hydrography program.The integrated baroclinic transport across I9S section is(97.2×106±2.2×106) m3/s relative to the deepest common level(DCL).The net transport at the north end of I9S,determined by the south Australian circulation system,is about 16.5×106m3/s westward.Relying on a consistent set of water mass criteria and transport maxima,the ACC baroclinic transport,(117×106 ±6.7×10 6)m3/s to the east,is carried along three fronts:the Subantarctic Front(SAF) at a mean latitude of 44°-49°S carries(50.6×10 6 ±13.4×106)m3/s;the Polar Front(PF),with the northern branch(PF-N) at 50.5°S and the southern branch(PFS) at 58°S,carries(51.3×106 ±8.7×106)m3/s;finally,the southern ACC front(SACCF) and the southern boundary of the ACC(SB) consist of three cores between 59°S and 65°S that combined carry(15.2×106 ±1.8×106)m3/s.Mesoscale eddy features are identifiable in the CTD sections and tracked in concurrent maps of altimetric sea level anomalies(SLA) between 44°-48°S and 53°-57°S.Because of the remarkable mesoscale eddy features within the SAF observed in both the tracks of the cruises,the eastward transport of the SAF occurs at two latitude bands separating by 1°.Both the CTD and the altimetric data suggest that the mesoscale variability is concentrated around the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone(APFZ) and causes the ACC fronts to merge,diverge,and to fluctuate in intensity and position along their paths.  相似文献   

冬季南海北部中尺度涡旋的数值研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
南海环流的一个主要特征是上层海洋环流具有多涡结构,海洋中尺度涡旋的演变(时间上的生消和空间上的迁移)是南海环流季节调整的可能方式。文中依据卫星遥感海面高度资料和实际海洋观测所揭示的南海北部存在中尺度涡旋体系的基本事实,采用一个改进了涡分辨(eddy-resolving)普林斯顿海洋模式(POM),对冬季处于强盛的东北季风强迫以及黑潮在巴士海峡入侵的共同作用下的南海北部环流的中尺度涡旋体系进行了数值研究,初步再现了冬季南海北部中尺度涡的生命史。计算结果表明,在实际的气候冬季风应力驱动下,具有的实际侧边界地形的南海北部呈现有强烈的中尺度涡旋。文中探讨了中尺度涡的垂直结构、温盐场的配置以及大尺度水平辐合辐散、海洋垂直运动与之相关的时空结构。由此可以得知,在冬季南海北部中尺度涡旋生命史的不同阶段,上述动力学因子的重要性是相对的。不同的敏感性试验表明,斜压调整是形成冬季南海中尺度涡旋体系的决定性因子;边界的入流和风应力驱动是影响中尺度涡旋运动的主要因素。  相似文献   

N2 fixation rates(NFR, in terms of N) in the northern South China Sea(nSCS) and the East China Sea(ECS) were measured using the acetylene reduction assay in summer and winter, 2009. NFR of the surface water ranged from 1.14 nmol/(L·d) to 10.40 nmol/(L·d)(average at(4.89±3.46) nmol/(L·d), n=11) in summer and 0.74 nmol/(L·d) to 29.45 nmol/(L·d)(average at(7.81±8.50) nmol/(L·d), n=15) in winter. Significant spatio-temporal heterogeneity emerged in our study: the anticyclonic eddies(AE)(P...  相似文献   

The EDdy Dynamics, mixing, Export, and Species composition (EDDIES) project provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the response of the microbial community and further understand the biological and biogeochemical consequences of mesoscale perturbation events in an oligotrophic system. In order to characterize microbial dynamics, we performed measurements of bacterial biomass (BB) and production (BP) and phytoplankton pigment analyses in two upwelling eddies in the Sargasso Sea sampled in 2004 and 2005. We also observed a 3-fold increase in BP at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site during the passage of a cyclonic eddy in 2003. Although the integrated BB and BP over 140 m in 2004 and 2005 eddies remained within the climatological range measured at the BATS site, there was systematic variability in bacterioplankton dynamics across both eddies. Cyclonic eddy C1 demonstrated decreased BP at the feature's center relative to its periphery, and BP was not correlated with total chlorophyll a (TChl a) variability. However, BP correlated with prymnesiophyte pigments throughout the feature. In contrast, mode-water eddy A4 showed an enhancement in BP at the eddy center (EC) relative to its edges and was coincident with elevated TChl a, high primary production measurements, and a high concentration of diatoms. In eddy A4, the tight relationship between enhanced BP, TChl a and specific phytoplankton taxa implies that the phytoplankton community structure was an important factor influencing BP variability. While the heterotrophic bacterial response in C1 and A4 was not enhanced relative to BATS summer climatology, these data and the presence of similar nutrient fields across both eddies suggest that BP and BB were influenced by the eddy perturbations and responded to changes in the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

The magnetostratigraphy of sediments drilled at two sites (998 and 1001) in the Caribbean Sea during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 165 is established directly from downhole measurements. For the first time in the ODP, the magnetostratigraphy of sediments is determined from both logging magnetic data and paleomagnetic analysis of core material for an age interval of about 16 m.y. across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. The total magnetic induction and the susceptibility of the surrounding sediment were recorded in situ and continuously by the GHMT (Geological High-sensitivity Magnetic Tool). The aim of processing these data is to determine the magnetic polarity. At Site 998 (Cayman Rise), no paleomagnetic results are available from the recovered cores given a hard secondary overprint. Nonetheless, a magnetostratigraphic sequence from early Miocene to late Oligocene is proposed from the analysis of the GHMT data. The comparison with biostratigraphic results shows the accuracy of the resulting magnetic polarity. At Site 1001 (Hess escarpment), cores were recovered in two holes thus allowing the comparison of the magnetostratigraphic results obtained from the GHMT data and from paleomagnetic analysis of core samples over a length of 200 m representing about 16 m.y. from early Eocene to late Cretaceous times. The sedimentation rates computed from the determined magnetochrons are very similar and correspond to the ones obtained from shipboard biostratigraphic results. One of the most striking result obtained from the magnetostratigraphic results, especially the GHMT data, at Site 1001, is the abrupt decrease in the sedimentation rate across the K/T boundary. This suppressed sedimentation lasted at least 4 Ma after the K/T event.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡西部深海盆内孤立波潜标观测研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Mesoscale eddies have been suggested to have an impact on biological carbon fixation in the South China Sea (SCS). However, their overall contribution to primary production during the spring inter-monsoon pe riod is still unknown. Based on large-scale biological and environmental in situ observations and synchro nous remote sensing data, the distribution patterns of phytoplankton biomass and the primary production, and the role of mesoscale eddies in regulating primary production in different eddy-controlled waters were investigated. The results suggested that the surface chlorophyll a concentrations and water column inte grated primary production (IPP) are significantly higher in cyclonic eddies and lower in the anticyclonic eddies as compared to that in non-eddy waters. Although eddies could affect various environmental factors, such as nutrients, temperature and light availability, nutrient supply is suggested to be the most important one through which mesoscale eddies regulated the distribution patterns of phytoplankton biomass and pri mary production. The estimated IPP in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies are about 29.5% higher and 16.6% lower than the total average in the whole study area, respectively, indicating that the promotion effect of mesoscale cold eddies on the primary production was much stronger than the inhibition effect of the warm eddies per unit area. Overall, mesoscale eddies are crucial physical processes that affect the biological car bon fixation and the distribution pattern of primary production in the SCS open sea, especially during the spring inter-monsoon period.  相似文献   

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