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The variability in the Caribbean Sea is investigated using high resolution (1/15°) general circulation model experiments. For the first time in this region, simulations were carried out with a 2-way nested configuration of the NEMO primitive equation model. A coarse North Atlantic grid (1/3°) reproduces the main features of the North Atlantic and Equatorial circulation capable of influencing ocean dynamics in the Caribbean Sea. This numerical study highlights strong dynamical differences among basins and modifies the view that dynamics are homogeneous over the whole Caribbean Basin. The Caribbean mean flow is shown to organize in two intense jets flowing westward along the northern and southern boundaries of the Venezuela Basin, which merge in the center of the Colombia Basin. Diagnostics of model outputs show that width, depth and strength of baroclinic eddies increase westward from the Lesser Antilles to the Colombia Basin. The widening and strengthening to the west is consistent with altimetry data and drifter observations. Although influenced by the circulation in the Colombia Basin, the variability in the Cayman Basin (which also presents a westward growth from the Chibcha Channel) is deeper and less energetic than the variability in the Colombia/Venezuela Basins. Main frequency peaks for the mesoscale variability present a westward shift, from roughly 50 days near the Lesser Antilles to 100 days in the Cayman Basin, which is associated with growth and merging of eddies.  相似文献   

The variability of the Caribbean Current is studied in terms of the influence on its dynamics of the freshwater inflow from the Orinoco and Amazon rivers. Sea-surface salinity maps of the eastern Caribbean and SeaWiFS color images show that a freshwater plume from the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers extends seasonally northwestward across the Caribbean basin, from August to November, 3–4 months after the peak of the seasonal rains in northeastern South America. The plume is sustained by two main inflows from the North Brazil Current and its current rings. The southern inflow enters the Caribbean Sea south of Grenada Island and becomes the main branch of the Caribbean Current in the southern Caribbean. The northern inflow (14°N) passes northward around the Grenadine Islands and St. Vincent. As North Brazil Current rings stall and decay east of the Lesser Antilles, between 14°N and 18°N, they release freshwater into the northern part of the eastern Caribbean Sea merging with inflow from the North Equatorial Current. Velocity vectors derived from surface drifters in the eastern Caribbean indicate three westward flowing jets: (1) the southern and fastest at 11°N; (2) the center and second fastest at 14°N; (3) the northern and slowest at 17°N. The center jet (14°N) flows faster between the months of August and December and is located near the southern part of the freshwater plume. Using the MICOM North Atlantic simulation, it is shown that the Caribbean Current is seasonally intensified near 14°N, partly by the inflow of river plumes. Three to four times more anticyclonic eddies are formed during August–December, which agrees with a pronounced rise in the number of anticyclonic looper days in the drifter data then. A climatology-forced regional simulation embedding only the northern (14°N) Caribbean Current (without the influence of the vorticity of the NBC rings), using the ROMS model, shows that the low salinity plume coincides with a negative potential vorticity anomaly that intensifies the center jet located at the salinity front. The jet forms cyclones south of the plume, which are moved northwestward as the anticyclonic circulation intensifies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, north of 14°N. Friction on the shelves of the Greater Antilles also generates cyclones, which propagate westward and eastward from 67°W.  相似文献   

The tectonic mechanisms controlling how volcanic arcs migrate through space and geologic time within dynamic subduction environments is a fundamental tectonic process that remains poorly understood. This paper presents an integrated stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of Late Cretaceous to Recent volcanic arcs and associated basins in the southeastern Caribbean Sea using seismic reflection data, wide-angle seismic refraction data, well data, and onland geologic data. We propose a new tectonic model for the opening of the Grenada and Tobago basins and the 50-250-km eastward jump of arc volcanism from the Late Cretaceous Aves Ridge to the Miocene to Recent Lesser Antilles arc in the southeast Caribbean based on the mapping of three seismic megasequences. The striking similarity of the half-graben structure of the Grenada and Tobago basins that flank the Lesser Antilles arc, their similar smooth basement character, their similar deep-marine seismic facies, and their similar Paleogene sediment thickness mapped on a regional grid of seismic data suggest that the two basins formed as a single, saucer-shaped, oceanic crust Paleogene forearc basin adjacent to the now dormant Aves Ridge. This single forearc basin continued to extend and widen through flexural subsidence during the early to middle Eocene probably because of slow rollback of the subducting Atlantic oceanic slab. Rollback may have been accelerated by oblique collision of the southern Aves Ridge and southern Lesser Antilles arc with the South American continent. Uplift and growth of the southern Lesser Antilles arc divided the Grenada and Tobago basins by early to middle Miocene time. Inversion of normal faults and uplift effects along both edges of the Lesser Antilles arc are most pronounced in its southern zone of arc collision with the South American continent. The late Miocene to Recent depositional histories of the Grenada and Tobago basins are distinct because of isolation of the Grenada basin by growth and uplift of the Neogene Lesser Antilles volcanic ridge.  相似文献   

The structure of the Caribbean region testifies to the extremely unstable condition of the terrestrial crust of this intercontinental and simultaneously interoceanic area. In the recent geological epoch, the Caribbean region is represented by a series of structural elements, the main of which are the Venezuelan and Colombian deep-sea suboceanic depressions, the Nicaraguan Rise, and the Greater and Lesser Antilles bordering the Caribbean Sea in the north and east. There are 63 sedimentary basins in the entire Caribbean region. However, only the Venezuelan and Colombian basins, the Miskito Basin in Nicaragua, and the northern and eastern shelves of the Antilles, Paria Bay, Barbodos-Tobago, and Grenada basins are promising in terms of oil-and-gas bearig. In the Colombian Basin, the southwestern part, located in the rift zone of the Gulf of Uraba, is the most promising. In the Venezuelan Basin, possible oil-and-gas-bearing basins showing little promise are assumed to be in the northern and eastern margins. The main potential of the eastern Caribbean region is attributed to the southern margin, at the shelf zone of which are the Tokuyo-Bonaire, Tuy-Cariaco, Margarita, Paria Bay, Barbados–Tobago, and Grenada oil-and-gas-bearing basins. The rest of the deepwater depressions of the Caribbean Sea show little promise for hydrocarbon research due to the small thickness of the deposits, their flat bedding, and probably a lack of fluid seals.  相似文献   

A two-year long record from a triangular mooring array between the Lesser Antilles islands Tobago, Barbados, and St. Lucia is used to investigate the inflow into the Caribbean Sea, the amount of South Atlantic Water (SAW) carried with the inflow, and the role of North Brazil Current (NBC) rings in the observed variability. The data set consists of time series from temperature/conductivity recorders and current meters in the moorings, bottom-mounted inverted echo sounders at the Tobago and St. Lucia mooring positions, and supplementary shipboard measurements. The acoustic travel time measurements of the inverted echo sounders and the conductivity/temperature time series are used for continuous estimation of dynamic height profiles and geostrophic currents between the surface and 1000 dbar as well as the amount of SAW found at the mooring positions.The observations show a domination of intraseasonal variability between 0 and 15 Sv, superimposed on the long-term fluctuations. With time scales of one to three months, these represent the signature of the NBC rings. The baroclinic transport time series shows nine periods of increased variability, indicative of the rings interacting with the Lesser Antilles island arc; with the exception of one, these periods were associated with corresponding sea surface height anomalies. No marked seasonality was observed in the transport variability or the ring frequency.The arrival of individual rings leads to a weakening of the inflow into the Caribbean. Nevertheless, the rings carry large amounts of SAW into the area, and the immediate increase of the transport towards the end of a ring event suggests a subsequent flow of this SAW-rich water into the Caribbean. At St. Lucia, rings sometimes cause a short-term decrease of SAW content, indicative of an influx of northern hemispheric water and a blocking situation. The average transport of SAW into the Caribbean south of St. Lucia during the observations amounted to 5.5 Sv, with no significant seasonal cycle, but a small positive trend in SAW fraction as well as in transport of about 15% and 1 Sv, respectively; a corresponding trend in the baroclinic volume transport was not observed.  相似文献   

The biology of Kick’em Jenny (KEJ) submarine volcano, part of the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and located off the coast of Grenada in the Caribbean Sea, was studied during a cruise in 2003. Hydrothermal venting and an associated biological assemblage were discovered in the volcanic crater (∼250 m depth). Warm water with bubbling gas emanated through rock fissures and sediments. Shrimp (some of them swimming) were clustered at vents, while other individuals lay immobile on sediments. The shrimp fauna consisted of 3 mesopelagic species that had no prior record of benthic or vent association. We suggest that these midwater shrimp, from deeper water populations offshore, were trapped within the crater during their downward diel vertical migration. It is unknown whether they then succumbed to the hostile vent environment (immobile individuals) or whether they are potentially opportunistic vent residents (active individuals). Given the abundance of submarine arc volcanoes worldwide, this phenomenon suggests that volcanic arcs could be important interaction sites between oceanic midwater and vent communities.  相似文献   

本文利用1993–2019年基于海表面高度异常的涡旋数据集和高度计数据统计分析了日本海区域中尺度涡旋的大小、极性、生命周期、振幅、传播等表面特征的时空变化规律。27年间,共探测到1 429个涡旋,气旋和反气旋数量基本相当,其中气旋675个,反气旋754个。两种极性涡旋均具有较强的季节变化:秋季较多,冬季次之,春季最少。郁陵盆地、大和盆地等为涡旋多发区域呈现西南–东北向带状分布。其中,南部海域反气旋占优,靠近津轻海峡的北部海域气旋占优。西部和南部受东韩暖流和对马暖流的驱动,涡旋移动方向与流场基本一致,北部涡旋与黎曼寒流以及副极地锋流有关。研究表明,动力学不稳定是涡旋在秋冬季大量产生的重要原因。此外,半封闭盆地、局地流场以及复杂的海气相互作用等都可能会对涡旋的产生和消亡造成一定影响。  相似文献   

利用高度计海面高度异常数据和非线性1½层约化重力模式研究了南海东部中尺度涡的生成机制。模式结果表明,南海内区风场是南海东部中尺度涡生成的主要驱动力,且南海内区高频风场能解释约54%的南海东部中尺度涡。从西太平洋传来的信号同样有十分重要的作用,由西太区域高频风场大致能解释南海东部40%的中尺度涡。风驱动的赤道附近的海面异常信号能经过锡布图通道和民都洛海峡传播到吕宋岛西海岸,其中有部分能量会以罗斯贝波的形式往西传播。这种信号在西传的过程中会发生不稳定,可能形成孤立的涡旋。  相似文献   

A considerable amount of the Amazon River water that is discharged into the equatorial Atlantic is then advected northward along the shelf by the strong North Brazil Current (NBC). Being relatively fresh, this water remains in the near-surface layer and can serve as an excellent tracer for the complex and variable flow of the offshore mesoscale eddies. Both surface salinity observations and CZCS (Coastal Zone Color Scanner) imagery can be mapped to estimate the circulation patterns of the eddies. Presented here are two sets of XBT (expendable bathythermograph) sections that give the thermal structure of eddies off the Demerara Rise (6–9°N). They were occupied nearly contemporaneously with CZCS imagery obtained during October 1980 and November 1981. Several studies have shown from ship drift data, from CZCS observations, and from Geosat altimetry that, particularly during late summer and fall, the NBC is found to retroflect offshore to the east, supplying the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and is associated with eddies along the coast. Good agreement is shown between the CZCS and a NAVOCEANO AXBT (airborne bathythermograph) survey during this period as well as observations of surface phytoplankton and geopotential anomaly from an earlier 1964 survey. Estimates of volume transport within the eddy structure indicate that at times the offshore retroflection during spring as well as autumn can amount to 10 × 106 m3 s–1. The pronounced eddy variability off South America is shown by comparing a number of past hydrographic surveys. These suggest that considerable spatial variability can occur as can seasonal changes in volume transport of the NBC and the associated eddy circulation.  相似文献   

The statistical characteristics and vertical thermohaline properties of mesoscale eddies in the Bay of Bengal are studied from the view of satellite altimetry data and Argo profiles. Eddy propagation preferences in different lifetimes, eddy evolution process, and geographical distribution of eddy kinetic properties are analyzed in this area. Eddies exist principally in the western Bay of Bengal, and most of them propagate westward. There is a clear southward(equatorward) preference for eddies with long lifetimes, especially for cyclones. Moreover, the eddies in different areas of the bay show different north-southward preferences. Evolution of eddy kinetic properties with lifetime shows that eddies have the significant three-stage feature: the growth period in the former one-fifth lifetime, the stable period in the middle two-fifth to four-fifth lifetime, and the dying period in the last one-fifth lifetime. Large-amplitude and high-intensity eddies occur only in the relatively confined regions of highly unstable currents, such as the East Indian Coastal Current and eastern Sri Lanka. Based on Argo profile data and climatology data, the eddy synthesis method was used to construct three-dimensional temperature and salt structures of eddies in this area. The mean temperature anomaly is negative/positive to the cyclonic/anticyclonic eddies in the upper 300×10~4 Pa, and below this depth, the anomaly becomes weak. The salinity structures of positive anomalies inside cyclonic eddies and negative anomalies inside anticyclonic eddies in the Bay of Bengal are not consistent with other regions. Due to the special characteristics of the water mass in the bay, especially under the control of the low-salinity Bay of Bengal water at the surface and the Indian equatorial water in the deep ocean, the salinity of seawater shows a monotonic increase with depth. For regional varieties of temperature and salinity structures, as the eddies move westward, the temperature anomaly induced by the eddies increases, the effecting depth of the eddies deepens, and the salinity structures are more affected by inflows. In the north-south direction, the salinity structures of the eddies are associated with the local water masses, which comprise lowsalinity water in the northern bay due to the inflow of freshwater from rivers and salty water in the southern bay due to the invasion of Arabian Sea high-salinity water from the north Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

涡旋对海洋中的能量传递和物质交换有重要作用。黑海西北部陆坡边缘是长生命周期涡旋经常发生的海域,但涡旋引起的陆架和海盆之间水交换通量的季节性特征,以及海盆边缘环流对跨陆架水交换的作用等方面的研究还不是很充分。本文对黑海西北部陆架区与深海盆区间的跨陆架水交换进行了研究,利用高分辨率三维原始方程模式模拟的温、盐、流等资料,结合涡旋自动探测方法,统计了黑海西北部海域的涡旋活动,研究了涡致跨陆架水交换的季节性特征,计算对比了2002年到2010年间海盆边缘环流与涡旋对跨陆架水交换通量的各自贡献。结果表明:黑海西北部地区海盆边缘环流强度与跨陆架进、出通量的相关系数分别为0.57和0.67,海盆边缘环流位置与跨陆架交换量的相关系数为0.52;海盆边缘环流强度与位置的季节性变化导致了黑海西北部跨陆架通量的季节性变化。黑海西北部地区表层3月到8月之间涡旋所引起跨陆架交换量约占了跨陆架交换总量的16%~31%;涡致跨陆架通量也具有季节性特征。文中对单个涡旋进行了详细研究:2005年5月5日到2005年7月20日之间在黑海西北部存在一个直径最大值时达到120 km的反气旋式涡旋,涡旋存在期间完成了从陆架区向深海区的水体传输,相当于黑海西北陆架区水体积的30.9%。  相似文献   

An oceanographic survey of the Tasman Front   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Results of a detailed expendable bathythermograph survey in the northern Tasman Sea are presented. The Tasman Front, with its origin in the edge of an East Australian Current eddy, extended throughout the survey region. The front marked a coherent, meandering, zonal jet which crosses the Tasman Sea and hence links at least part of the East Australian Current to the other western boundary currents in the subtropical gyre. The frontal meandering derives from both the variability of the East Australian Current system and the topographic effects of the major ridge systems in the north Tasman Sea. The front is less distinct over the crests of these ridges. The flow field in the survey area contained a number of anticyclonic eddies, and current records show that the oceanic eddies are long‐lived features similar to the eddies in the East Australian Current.  相似文献   

Seven-year(2005–2011) Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images are applied to study oceanic eddies in the East China Sea. It is found that most of these eddies detected from the SAR images are less than 10 km, which are submesoscale eddies. Seasonal differences are evident in the distribution of eddies, with the highest and the lowest number of eddies noted in summer and winter, respectively. Since slick streaks in SAR images look dark, an eddy identified due to the slicks is referred to as "black eddy". As a result of wave-current interactions in the zones of current shear, it can be seen that an eddy exhibits a bright curve, the eddy is called "white eddy". During the seven years, 95 black eddies and 50 white eddies are identified in the study area. Black eddies are found in the whole study area while white eddies are mainly distributed in the vicinity of the Kuroshio Current. This study suggests that the distribution of the white eddy is denser around the Kuroshio because of the strong shear in the Kuroshio region. In terms of the eddy sizes, white eddies are generally smaller than black eddies.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of eddy kinetic energy in the South China Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mesoscale eddy activity and its modulation mechanism in the South China Sea (SCS) are investigated with newly reprocessed satellite altimetry observations and hydrographic data.The eddy kinetic energy ...  相似文献   

From January 9 to 17, 1981, detailed observations of the horizontal and vertical structure beneath one of the quasi-permanent semi-stationary mesoscale offshore eddy signatures in the California Current System (CCS) discussed by Bernstein, Breaker and Whritner (1977), Burkov and Pavlova (1980), and Simpson (1982) were made. The vertical sections of temperature and density show the presence of three-layer system. A subsurface warm-core eddy, whose diameter is about 150 km at the 7°C isotherm, is the dominant feature. A warm surface layer, which extends to a depth of 75 m, lies over the eddy. Between the warm surface layer and the subsurface warm-core eddy, there is a cold-core region which extends to a depth of about 200 m. There is a high degree of symmetry about the vertical axis of rotation. Vertical sections of salinity and dissolved oxygen are entirely different from sections of temperature and density. Diagrams of water mass characteristics confirm that the core of the eddy, found between 250–600 m, consists of inshore water from the California Undercurrent (CU). Below about 700 m, local waters from the Deep Poleward Flow (DPF) have been incorporated into the eddy. The observed distributions of properties (T, S, δθ, O2) are inconsistent with a single, local generation process for the eddy system. Radial distributions of angular velocity, normalized gradient velocity and relative vorticity support the use of a Gaussian radial height field as an initial condition in eddy models. Possible reasons why CCS eddies may differ dynamically from Gulf Stream rings are given in the text. At the time the observations were made, the system as a whole was in near geostrophic balance. Local geostrophic balance, however, cannot explain the observed distribution of properties and structure. The observed symmetry in the structure of the eddy system, chemical evidence (Simpson, 1984), biological distributions (Haury, 1984) and satellite images of the CC (Koblinsky, Simpson and Dickey, 1984) suggest that lateral entrainment of warm (oceanic) and cold (coastal) water into the upper two layers of the three-layer system by the subsurface eddy is a likely generation mechanism for the cold-core region. The coastal origin of the frontal structure along the northeastern quadrant and the oceanic origin of the frontal structure along the southwestern quadrant of the eddy system further support lateral entrainment as a generation mechanism for the cold core. This entrainment makes the CCS eddy system different from cold-core rings in the Gulf Stream and rather similar to some warm-core eddies found in the East Australian Current. The presence of CU water in the core of this eddy raises the question of how CU water was transported from the continental slope. Eddy generation mechanisms, other than baroclinic instability of the CC, may be required to explain the distribution, persistence, and core composition of offshore mesoscale eddies in the CCS. There is evidence that barotropic, in addition to baroclinic, processes may be important.  相似文献   

Eddy Field in the Japan Sea Derived from Satellite Altimetric Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Japan Sea is one of the eddy-rich areas in the world. Many researchers have described the variability of the eddy field and its structure in the Tsushima Warm Current region. On the other hand, since there are few data covering the northern part of the Japan Sea, we are not able to understand the detailed variability of the eddy field there. The variation of the eddy field in the Japan Sea is investigated using the temporal fluctuations of sea surface height measured by altimetric data from TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2. Tidal signals are eliminated from the altimetric data on the basis of the results of Morimoto et al. (2000). Distributions of sea surface dynamic height are produced by using the optimal interpolation method every month. The distributions warm and cold eddies that we obtained coincide well with the observed isotherms at 100 m depth measured by the Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute and the sea surface temperature measured by satellite. There are areas with high RMS variability of temporal fluctuation of sea surface dynamic height in the Yamato Basin, the Ulleung Basin, east of North Korea, the eastern part of the Yamato Rise, the Tsushima Strait and west of Hokkaido. The characteristics of eddy propagation in the high RMS variability regions are examined using a lag correlation analysis. Seasonal variations in the number of warm and cold eddies are also examined.  相似文献   

Gravimetric and light-scattering studies of total suspended matter reveal that the bulk of this material is introduced into the Caribbean through the passages of the Lesser Antilles, most likely the result of discharge of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. A broad suspended-matter high extends northward from the South American coast, apparently related to northward advection at the confluence of the westward-moving Caribbean Current and an easterly coastal countercurrent off Colombia. Particulate matter distribution may be accounted for by transport from the northern and eastern sills, with resuspension in the deep basins playing a minor role. Localized concentrations appear to be entering through the Greater Antillean sills, and then are carried westward by the prevailing currents.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies play vital roles in ocean processes. Although previous studies focused on eddy surface features and individual three-dimensional (3D) eddy cases in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, the analysis of unique eddy 3D regional characteristics is still lacking. A 3D eddy detection scheme is applied to 9 years (2000–2008) of eddy-resolving Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) output to obtain a 3D eddy dataset from the surface to a depth of 1 000 m in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (15°–35°N, 120°–145°E). The 3D characteristics of mesoscale eddies are analyzed in two regions, namely, Box1 (Subtropical Countercurrent, 15°–25°N, 120°–145°E) and Box2 (Southern Kuroshio Extension, 25°–35°N, 120°–145°E). In Box1, the current is characterized by strong vertical shear and weak horizontal shear. In Box2, the current is characterized by the strong Kuroshio, topographic effect, and the westward propagation of Rossby waves. The results indicate the importance of baroclinic instability in Box1, whereas in Box2, both the barotropic and baroclinic instability are important. Moreover, the mesoscale eddies’ properties in Box1 and Box2 are distinct. The eddies in Box1 have larger number and radius but a shorter lifetime. By contrast, Box2 has fewer eddies, which have smaller radius but longer lifetime. Vertically, more eddies are detected at the subsurface than at the surface in both regions; the depth of 650 m is the turning point in Box1. Above this depth, the number of cyclonic eddies (CEs) is larger than that of anticyclonic eddies (AEs). In Box2, the number of CEs is dominant vertically. Eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and mean normalized relative vorticity in Box2 are significantly higher than those in Box1. With increasing depth, the attenuation trend of EKE and relative vorticity of Box1 become greater than those of Box2. Furthermore, the upper ocean (about 300 m in depth) contains 68.6% of the eddies (instantaneous eddy). Only 16.6% of the eddies extend to 1 000 m. In addition, about 87% of the eddies are bowl-shaped eddies in the two regions. Only about 3% are cone-shaped eddies. With increasing depth of the eddies, the proportion of bowl-shaped eddies gradually decreases. Conversely, the cone- and lens-shaped eddies are equal in number at 700–1 000 m, accounting for about 30% each. Studying the 3D characteristics of eddies in two different regions of the northwestern Pacific Ocean is an important stepping stone for discussing the different eddy generation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two anticyclonic subsurface eddies (SSEs) are detected from the in-situ hydrography data of the southern South China Sea (SCS) during 15–25 October 2011. Both SSEs have the lens-shaped water bodies below the thermocline. Their maximum swirl speed appears at the depth of lens׳ core, which is also characterized by a dump in the TS diagram. These eddies do not have an enclosed saline-water or warm-water body in its lens׳ core, which is different from those SSEs reported in other seas. These SSEs should be locally generated by the horizontal shear of the Southeast Vietnam Offshore Current. In the SSE generation site of the southern SCS, there is an upper-layer anticyclonic eddy (AE2) that is right above the SSE (SE2). After leaving its generation site, the eddy loses its energy source and starts to weaken. In this case, the eddy will decay quickly in the upper layer due to the restraint of the thermocline, and finally evolves into a pure subsurface eddy (i.e. SE4).  相似文献   

Warm eddy movements in the eastern Japan Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Warm eddy movements and their areal extent in the eastern Japan Sea were described by presenting space-time diagrams for the warm eddy locations and magnitudes. The analyzed data were compiled from Japan Maritime Safety Agency thermal maps at 200 m depth from 1985 to 1992. Two to four warm eddies always existed in the eastern Japan Sea and exhibited both internnual and annual signals. We found that warm eddies were generated in spring around Oki Spur at least three times during the analyzed period of eight years, moved eastward, and interacted with neighboring warm eddies, which were involved in coalescences or separations. The warm eddy distributions off Noto Peninsula have clear seasonal preference. Warm eddies moved eastward from Noto Peninsula in winter-spring to North Japan in the next winter, with mean translation speeds of 0.5–2 cm s–1. Warm eddies reaching North Japan typically decayed during a few month after splitting into two or three mesoscale warm eddies.  相似文献   

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