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The problem considered is that of testing for small changes over time in the properties of a sinusoidal signal contaminated by noise. Two test statistics are proposed. The first is a frequency domain statistic based on the spectrum of the data, while the second is a time domain statistic due to Nyblom. Power studies are used to show that the Nyblom statistic is generally the better. The form of the Nyblom statistic appropriate for phase-change tests also performs well in testing for frequency changes.  相似文献   

The axial modes for non-barotropic relativistic rotating neutron stars with uniform angular velocity are studied, using the slow-rotation formalism together with the low-frequency approximation, first investigated by Kojima. The time-independent form of the equations leads to a singular eigenvalue problem, which admits a continuous spectrum. We show that for     , it is nevertheless also possible to find discrete mode solutions (the r modes). However, under certain conditions related to the equation of state and the compactness of the stellar model, the eigenfrequency lies inside the continuous band and the associated velocity perturbation is divergent; hence these solutions have to be discarded as being unphysical. We corroborate our results by explicitly integrating the time-dependent equations. For stellar models admitting a physical r-mode solution, it can indeed be excited by arbitrary initial data. For models admitting only an unphysical mode solution, the evolutions do not show any tendency to oscillate with the respective frequency. For higher values of l it seems that in certain cases there are no mode solutions at all.  相似文献   

The coupled set of equations of hydrodynamics and radiative transfer is derived for small disturbances in a plane, grey atmosphere. Only radiative transfer is taken into account in the energy equation; dynamical effects of radiation are ignored. A mean stationary radiative flux through the photosphere is taken into account. The radiative transfer equation is used by assuming the Eddington approximation, moreover, an exponential height profile of the temperature and an analytical opacity formula are supposed. For this model we obtained an asymptotic solution for plane nonadiabatic acoustic waves and radiation waves. The approach provides a detailed discussion of the interaction of nonadiabatic p‐modes and radiation waves in a realistic model of the photosphere of a solar‐like star.  相似文献   

Properties of the so-called strange modes occurring in linear stability calculations of stellar models are discussed. The behaviour of these modes is compared for two different sets of stellar models, for very massive zero-age main-sequence stars and for luminous hydrogen-deficient stars, both with high luminosity-to-mass ratios. We have found that the peculiar behaviour of the frequencies of the strange modes with the change of a control parameter is caused by the pulsation amplitude of a particular eigenmode being strongly confined to the outer part of the envelope, around the density inversion zone. The frequency of a strange mode changes because the depth of the confinement zone changes with the control parameter. Weakly non-adiabatic strange modes tend to be overstable because the amplitude confinement quenches the effect of radiative damping. On the other hand, extremely non-adiabatic strange modes become overstable because the perturbation of radiation force (gradient of radiation pressure) provides a restoring force that can be out of phase with the density perturbation. We discuss this mechanism by using a plane-parallel two-zone model.  相似文献   

We present a mathematically rigorous proof that the r-mode spectrum of relativistic stars to the rotational lowest order has a continuous part. A rigorous definition of this spectrum is given in terms of the spectrum of a continuous linear operator. This study verifies earlier results by Kojima concerning the nature of the r-mode spectrum.  相似文献   

A new eigenfrequency equation for low-degree solar-like oscillations in stars is developed, based on the assumption of purely classical propagation in the stellar interior of acoustic waves modified by buoyancy and gravity . Compared with high-frequency asymptotic analysis, the eigenfrequency equation has a new functional form, with expansion in powers of ℓ(ℓ+1) instead of 1/ ω . Basic observable quantities, the 'large' and 'small' frequency separations , are interpreted as the dependence on frequency and refraction angle of a classical action integral for waves propagating close to the stellar diameter. The new eigenfrequency equation gives a significant improvement in accuracy over previous analyses when tested with solar p modes, suggesting this as an alternative and more powerful tool for applications in stellar seismology.  相似文献   

We consider both mode calculations and time-evolutions of axial r modes for relativistic uniformly rotating non-barotropic neutron stars, using the slow-rotation formalism, in which rotational corrections are considered up to linear order in the angular velocity Ω. We study various stellar models, such as uniform density models, polytropic models with different polytropic indices n , and some models based on realistic equations of state. For weakly relativistic uniform density models and polytropes with small values of n , we can recover the growth times predicted from Newtonian theory when standard multipole formulae for the gravitational radiation are used. However, for more compact models, we find that relativistic linear perturbation theory predicts a weakening of the instability compared to the Newtonian results. When turning to polytropic equations of state, we find that for certain ranges of the polytropic index n , the r mode disappears, and instead of a growth, the time-evolutions show a rapid decay of the amplitude. This is clearly at variance with the Newtonian predictions. It is, however, fully consistent with our previous results obtained in the low-frequency approximation.  相似文献   

By using the Cowling approximation, quasi-radial modes of rotating general relativistic stars are computed along equilibrium sequences from non-rotating to maximally rotating models. The eigenfrequencies of these modes are decreasing functions of the rotational frequency. The eigenfrequency curve of each mode as a function of the rotational frequency has discontinuities, which arise from the avoided crossing with other curves of axisymmetric modes.  相似文献   

In the context of future space-based asteroseismic missions, we have studied the problem of extracting the rotation speed and the rotation-axis inclination of solar-like stars from the expected data. We have focused on slow rotators (at most twice solar rotation speed), first, because they constitute the most difficult case and, secondly, because some of the Convection Rotation and planetary Transits ( CoRoT ) main targets are expected to have slow rotation rates. Our study of the likelihood function has shown a correlation between the estimates of inclination of the rotation axis i and the rotational splitting δν of the star. By using the parameters, i and  δν=δν sin  i   , we propose and discuss new fitting strategies. Monte Carlo simulations have shown that we can extract a mean splitting and the rotation-axis inclination down to solar rotation rates. However, at the solar rotation rate we are not able to correctly recover the angle i , although we are still able to measure a correct  δν  with a dispersion less than 40 nHz.  相似文献   

We discuss some commonly used methods for determining the significance of peaks in the periodograms of time series. We review methods for constructing the classical significance tests, their corresponding false alarm probability functions and the role played in these by independent random variables and by empirical and theoretical cumulative distribution functions. We discuss the concepts of independent frequencies and oversampling in periodogram analysis. We then compare the results of new Monte Carlo simulations for evenly spaced time series with results obtained previously by other authors, and present the results of Monte Carlo simulations for a specific unevenly spaced time series obtained for V403 Car.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric pulsations of rotating neutron stars can be excited in several scenarios, such as core collapse, crust- and core-quakes or binary mergers, and could become detectable in either gravitational waves or high-energy radiation. Here, we present a comprehensive study of all low-order axisymmetric modes of uniformly and rapidly rotating relativistic stars. Initial stationary configurations are appropriately perturbed and are numerically evolved using an axisymmetric, non-linear relativistic hydrodynamics code, assuming time-independence of the gravitational field (Cowling approximation). The simulations are performed using a high-resolution shock-capturing finite-difference scheme accurate enough to maintain the initial rotation law for a large number of rotational periods, even for stars at the mass-shedding limit. Through Fourier transforms of the time evolution of selected fluid variables, we compute the frequencies of quasi-radial and non-radial modes with spherical harmonic indices l =0 , 1, 2 and 3, for a sequence of rotating stars from the non-rotating limit to the mass-shedding limit. The frequencies of the axisymmetric modes are affected significantly by rotation only when the rotation rate exceeds about 50 per cent of the maximum allowed. As expected, at large rotation rates, apparent mode crossings between different modes appear. In addition to the above modes, several axisymmetric inertial modes are also excited in our numerical evolutions.  相似文献   

One of the tools used to identify the pulsation modes of stars is a comparison of the amplitudes and phases as observed photometrically at different wavelengths. Proper application of the method requires that the errors on the measured quantities, and the correlations between them, be known (or at least estimated). It is assumed that contemporaneous measurements of the light intensity of a pulsating star are obtained in several wavebands. It is also assumed that the measurements are regularly spaced in time, although there may be missing observations. The amplitude and phase of the pulsation are estimated separately for each of the wavebands, and amplitude ratios and phase differences are calculated. A general scheme for estimating the covariance matrix of the amplitude ratios and phase differences is described. The first step is to fit a time series to the residuals after pre-whitening the observations by the best-fitting sinusoid. The residuals are then cross-correlated to study the interdependence between the errors in the different wavebands. Once the multivariate time-series structure can be modelled, the covariance matrix can be found by bootstrapping. An illustrative application is described in detail.  相似文献   

We develop a new perturbative framework for studying the r modes of rotating superfluid neutron stars. Our analysis accounts for the centrifugal deformation of the star, and considers the two-fluid dynamics at linear order in the perturbed velocities. Our main focus is on a simple model system where the total density profile is that of an   n = 1  polytrope. We derive a partially analytic solution for the superfluid analogue of the classical r mode. This solution is used to analyse the relevance of the vortex-mediated mutual friction damping, confirming that this dissipation mechanism is unlikely to suppress the gravitational-wave-driven instability in rapidly spinning superfluid neutron stars. Our calculation of the superfluid r modes is significantly simpler than previous approaches, because it decouples the r mode from all other inertial modes of the system. This leads to the results being clearer, but it also means that we cannot comment on the relevance of potential avoided crossings (and associated 'resonances') that may occur for particular parameter values. Our analysis of the mutual friction damping differs from previous studies in two important ways. First, we incorporate realistic pairing gaps which means that the regions of superfluidity in the star's core vary with temperature. Secondly, we allow the mutual friction parameters to take the whole range of permissible values rather than focusing on a particular mechanism. Thus, we consider not only the weak drag regime, but also the strong drag regime where the fluid dynamics are significantly different.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of the analysis of the B ‐light curve for the flares of the red dwarf YZ CMin (dM4.5e), which were observed on February of 2002, with the help of the 30‐inch Cassegrain telescope of the Stephanion Observatory, Greece. Discrete Fourier Transform analysis and the use of the Brownian Walk noise enable us to estimate the proper random noise and detect possible weak transient optical oscillations. Our results indicate that: (1) Transient high frequency oscillations occur during the flare event and during the quiet‐star phase as well. (2) The observed frequencies range between 0.0083 Hz (period 2 min) and 0.3 Hz (period 3 s) is not rigorously bounded. The phenomenon is most pronounced during the flare state. (3) During the flare state: (a) Oscillations with period 2 to 1.5 min, 60 s, 11 s, 7.5 s, and 4 s appear around the maximum light state and persist during the whole flare state, (b) from the flare maximum phase on, a progressive increase of oscillations with periods 30 s, 20 s down to 4.0 s is markedly indicated, and (c) at the end of the flare only the oscillation of the pre‐flare state do remain. Our observations are consistent with the phenomenology of impulsively exited oscillations on a coronal magnetic loop and subsequent chromospheric heating by electronic flux at the foot of the loop or/and by soft X‐ray coronal emission. Our observation give evidence that more than one impulsive events may occur in the course of an observed flare (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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