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We report the discovery of 42 red supergiant variables (RSVs) in the late-type spiral galaxy M101. Periods for the luminosity variation of these RSVs were determined from 20 epochs of ground-based CCD photometry in the Kron–Cousins R band obtained with the KPNO 2.1-m and WIYN 3.5-m telescopes over a span of three years. The periods found were in the range 200–1300 days. Using the relationship between the RSV periods and their luminosity in the Kron–Cousins I band, we estimate a reddening-corrected distance modulus to M101 of 29.40±0.16 mag (based on a distance modulus of 18.5±0.1 mag for the Large Magellanic Cloud). This distance is consistent with the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project Cepheid distances of 29.34±0.17 mag for the outer field of M101 and 29.21±0.17 mag for the inner field.  相似文献   

This is the second paper of a series where we study the clustering of luminous red galaxies (LRG) in the recent spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data release, DR6, which has 75 000 LRG covering over  1 Gpc3  h −3  for  0.15 < z < 0.47  . Here, we focus on modelling redshift-space distortions in  ξ(σ, π)  , the two-point correlation in separate line-of-sight and perpendicular directions, at small scales and in the line-of-sight. We show that a simple Kaiser model for the anisotropic two-point correlation function in redshift space, convolved with a distribution of random peculiar velocities with an exponential form, can describe well the correlation of LRG on all scales. We show that to describe with accuracy the so-called 'fingers-of-God' (FOG) elongations in the radial direction, it is necessary to model the scale dependence of both bias b and the pairwise rms peculiar velocity σ12 with the distance. We show how both quantities can be inferred from the  ξ(σ, π)  data. From   r ≃ 10 Mpc  h −1  to   r ≃ 1 Mpc  h −1  , both the bias and σ12 are shown to increase by a factor of 2: from   b = 2  to 4 and from  σ12= 400  to  800 km s−1  . The latter is in good agreement, within a 5 per cent accuracy in the recovered velocities, with direct velocity measurements in dark matter simulations with  Ωm= 0.25  and  σ8= 0.85  .  相似文献   

JHK s magnitudes corrected to mean intensity are estimated for Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) type II Cepheids in the OGLE-III survey the third phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE). Period–luminosity (PL) relations are derived in JHK s as well as in a reddening-free VI parameter. Within the uncertainties, the BL Her stars  ( P < 4 d)  and the W Vir stars (   P = 4  to 20 d) are colinear in these PL relations. The slopes of the infrared relations agree with those found previously for type II Cepheids in globular clusters within the uncertainties. Using the pulsation parallaxes of V553 Cen and SW Tau, the data lead to an LMC modulus uncorrected for any metallicity effects of  18.46 ± 0.10  mag. The type II Cepheids in the second-parameter globular cluster, NGC 6441, show a PL( VI ) relation of the same slope as that in the LMC, and this leads to a cluster distance modulus of  15.46 ± 0.11  mag, confirming the hypothesis that the RR Lyrae variables in this cluster are overluminous for their metallicity. It is suggested that the Galactic variable κ Pavonis is a member of the peculiar W Vir class found by the OGLE-III group in the LMC. Low-resolution spectra of OGLE-III type II Cepheids with   P > 20  d (RV Tau stars) show that a high proportion have TiO bands; only one has been found showing C2. The LMC RV Tau stars, as a group, are not colinear with the shorter period type II Cepheids in the infrared PL relations in marked contrast to such stars in globular clusters. Other differences between LMC, globular cluster and Galactic field type II Cepheids are noted in period distribution and infrared colours.  相似文献   

We present the results of a multiwavelength study of the 19 most significant submillimetre (submm) sources detected in the SCUBA 8-mJy survey. As described in Scott et al. , this survey covers ≃260 arcmin2 using the submillimetre camera SCUBA, to a limiting source detection limit   S 850 μm≃8 mJy  . One advantage of this relatively bright flux-density limit is that accurate astrometric positions are potentially achievable for every source using existing radio and/or millimetre-wave interferometers. However, an associated advantage is that spectral energy distribution (SED) based redshift constraints should be more powerful than in fainter submm surveys. Here we therefore exploit the parallel SCUBA 450-μm data, in combination with existing radio and Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ) data at longer and shorter wavelengths to set constraints on the redshift of each source. We also analyse new and existing optical and near-infrared imaging of our SCUBA survey fields to select potential identifications consistent with these constraints. Our derived SED-based redshift constraints, and the lack of statistically significant associations with even moderately bright galaxies allow us to conclude that all 19 sources lie at   z >1  , and at least half of them apparently lie at   z >2  .  相似文献   

We present the results of a long-term high-resolution spectroscopy campaign on the O-type stars in NGC 6231. We revise the spectral classification and multiplicity of these objects and we constrain the fundamental properties of the O-star population. Almost three quarters of the O-type stars in the cluster are members of a binary system. The minimum binary fraction is 0.63, with half the O-type binaries having an orbital period of the order of a few days. The eccentricities of all the short-period binaries are revised downward, and henceforth match a normal period–eccentricity distribution. The mass ratio distribution shows a large preference for O + OB binaries, ruling out the possibility that, in NGC 6231, the companion of an O-type star is randomly drawn from a standard initial mass function. Obtained from a complete and homogeneous population of O-type stars, our conclusions provide interesting observational constraints to be confronted with the formation and early evolution theories of O-stars.  相似文献   

We model the cosmological co-evolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes (BHs) within a semi-analytical framework developed on the outputs of the Millennium Simulation. This model, described in detail by Croton et al. and De Lucia and Blaizot, introduces a 'radio mode' feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) at the centre of X-ray emitting atmospheres in galaxy groups and clusters. Thanks to this mechanism, the model can simultaneously explain: (i) the low observed mass dropout rate in cooling flows; (ii) the exponential cut-off in the bright end of the galaxy luminosity function and (iii) the bulge-dominated morphologies and old stellar ages of the most massive galaxies in clusters. This paper is the first of a series in which we investigate how well this model can also reproduce the physical properties of BHs and AGN. Here we analyse the scaling relations, the fundamental plane and the mass function of BHs, and compare them with the most recent observational data. Moreover, we extend the semi-analytic model to follow the evolution of the BH mass accretion and its conversion into radiation, and compare the derived AGN bolometric luminosity function with the observed one. While we find for the most part a very good agreement between predicted and observed BH properties, the semi-analytic model underestimates the number density of luminous AGN at high redshifts, independently of the adopted Eddington factor and accretion efficiency. However, an agreement with the observations is possible within the framework of our model, provided it is assumed that the cold gas fraction accreted by BHs at high redshifts is larger than at low redshifts.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of MegaZ-LRG, a photometric redshift catalogue of over one million luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 0.7  with limiting magnitude   i < 20  . The catalogue is selected from the imaging data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4. The 2dF-SDSS LRG and Quasar (2SLAQ) spectroscopic redshift catalogue of 13 000 intermediate-redshift LRGs provides a photometric redshift training set, allowing use of ann z, a neural network-based photometric-redshift estimator. The rms photometric redshift accuracy obtained for an evaluation set selected from the 2SLAQ sample is  σ z = 0.049  averaged over all galaxies, and  σ z = 0.040  for a brighter subsample  ( i < 19.0)  . The catalogue is expected to contain ∼5 per cent stellar contamination. The ann z code is used to compute a refined star/galaxy probability based on a range of photometric parameters; this allows the contamination fraction to be reduced to 2 per cent with negligible loss of genuine galaxies. The MegaZ-LRG catalogue is publicly available on the World Wide Web from http://www.2slaq.info .  相似文献   

The Hipparcos Catalogue contains members of nearby OB associations brighter than 12th magnitude in V . However, membership lists are complete only to magnitude V =7.3. In this paper we discuss whether proper motions listed in the 'Astrographic Catalogue+Tycho' reference catalogue (ACT) and the Tycho Reference Catalogue (TRC), which are complete to V ∼10.5 mag, can be used to find additional association members. Proper motions in the ACT/TRC have an average accuracy of ∼3 mas yr−1. We search for ACT/TRC stars which have proper motions consistent with the spatial velocity of the Hipparcos members of the nearby OB associations already identified by de Zeeuw et al. These stars are first selected using a convergent-point method, and then subjected to further constraints on the proper-motion distribution, magnitude and colour to narrow down the final number of candidate members. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proper-motion distribution, magnitude, and colour constraints remove ∼97 per cent of the field stars, while at the same time retain more than 90 per cent of the cluster stars.
The procedure has been applied to five nearby associations: the three subgroups of Sco OB2, plus Per OB3 and Cep OB6. In all cases except Cep OB6, we find evidence for new association members fainter than the completeness limit of the Hipparcos Catalogue. However, narrow-band photometry and/or radial velocities are needed to pinpoint the cluster members, and to study their physical characteristics.  相似文献   

We present new spectroscopic data for 532 early-type galaxies, predominantly Abell cluster members with cz <12 000 km s−1. We tabulate 919 individual measurements, from six observing runs, for recession velocity, cz , central velocity dispersion, σ , and magnesium line-strength indices, Mg2 and Mg b . The median estimated error, per measurement, in σ is 5 per cent. The Mg2 line-strength data have median errors of 0.009 mag. The observed scatter between repeat measurements is largely accounted for by photon-counting errors. These data will be employed in forthcoming papers, where they will form part of a merged and standardized catalogue of Fundamental Plane data for use in cluster distance estimates and peculiar velocity analyses.  相似文献   

Photometric redshifts are used to determine the rest-frame luminosity function (LF) of both early- and late-type galaxies to  MB∼−17.6  for the cluster Cl 1601+42 at  z=0.54  . The total LF shows a steep faint-end slope   α ∼−1.4  , indicating the existence of a population of numerous dwarf galaxies. Luminous galaxies, with  MB≲−19.5  are mostly red, early-type galaxies, with a LF best described by a Gaussian. Faint galaxies are predominantly blue, late-type galaxies, well fitted by a Schechter function with   α ∼−1.7  . Compared with clusters at lower redshift, the steepening of the faint end starts at brighter magnitudes for Cl 1601+42, which may indicate a brightening of the present-day dwarf population relative to the giant population with increasing redshift. Early-type galaxies are centrally concentrated, and dominate the core region, implying that the radial gradient of early-type galaxies seen in local clusters is already established at  z∼0.5  . Bright, late-type galaxies are rare, consistent with a decrease in star formation in field galaxies as they are accreted on to the cluster, while faint, blue galaxies are evenly distributed across the cluster, except for a depletion in the core region. The blue fraction is  fB∼0.15  , which is somewhat lower than the Butcher–Oemler average at  z∼0.5  . The value of f B is found to increase with limiting magnitude and with radius from the centre.  相似文献   

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