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论地质历史中区域构造沉降史与海平面变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
区域构造沉降史和海平面变化是层序地层学中起决定作用的两个主参数。运用“反剥法”。(back-stripping)建立了研究区内泥盆纪至三叠纪盆地构造沉降地球动力学曲线模型,识别出盆地演化从被动大陆边缘、成熟被动大陆边缘、周缘前陆盆地到后造山前陆盆地的演化序列。同时,运用沉积体系域、地震及碳氧同位素信息反演编制了二叠-三叠纪海平面变化轨迹曲线,研究区内海平面变化与全球海平面升降具同步效应,至晚三叠世研究区海平面变化表现为上升趋势,而全球海平面变化总体处于海平面下降阶段,这与前陆挠曲变形和造山俯冲有关。  相似文献   

根据地层分层数据和古热流分析,对塔里木盆地玉北地区的5口代表性钻井进行了埋藏史、热史的模拟与分析,探讨了研究区烃源岩的热演化成熟过程,初步划分了烃源岩的成熟阶段和生烃期次。研究结果认为:玉北地区寒武系-泥盆系沉积时期,具有多次沉积埋藏和隆升剥蚀的交替;泥盆系沉积之后,石炭-二叠系呈现沉积埋藏的特征;中生代在玉北地区东部少量沉积三叠系,随后被剥蚀,而在中西部发生沉积间断;进入新生代,地层持续沉积,且沉积速率呈现增大趋势。研究区寒武系烃源岩自沉积以来成熟度演化相对连续,奥陶纪时进入生烃门限,成熟时期较早;志留-泥盆纪,受海西早期运动的影响,发生隆升剥蚀作用,烃源岩演化变缓;石炭-二叠纪受控于区域上持续稳定的地层沉积与广泛发育的火山活动,研究区寒武系烃源岩进入中高成熟阶段;由于喜马拉雅造山运动的远程效应,新生代研究区持续沉降,形成巨厚沉积,烃源岩成熟度达到高-过成熟,为天然气生成阶段  相似文献   

张建平 《地质论评》2020,66(6):1710-1718
本文从探讨人类对自然资源的认识、利用方式和属地管理的演变出发,叙述地质公园的发展历史,将其过程分成四个阶段:① 萌芽阶段;② 国家/欧洲地质公园阶段;③ 世界地质公园阶段和 ④ 联合国教科文组织世界地质公园阶段。不同阶段各具特征,反映了人类在了解、保护和利用自然资源的意识和方法的不断进步,指出现在世界地质公园的理念、地质遗迹资源的保护和利用、发展模式是适合当今社会发展的新思路,展现出美好的前景。对国家/欧洲/世界/联合国教科文组织世界地质公园的历史回顾和管理制度等内容的详细记述,可供地质公园从业者、研究者和管理者参考。  相似文献   

辽河盆地埋藏史及烃源岩成熟度演化史的数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
对辽河盆地烃源岩的埋藏史、热演化史建立了准三维模型 (X、Y和纵向的地质层段, 加时间 )并编制了相应程序。模型采用回剥法并考虑了不整合情况以恢复各凹陷的埋藏史, 根据古地温资料计算相应的TTI史, 依据TTI-Ro 关系式得出烃源岩Ro 的演化过程, 进而恢复成熟度演化史。模拟结果表明 :东部凹陷发育了牛居地区和高力房-荣兴屯两个沉积中心, 西部凹陷发育了台安地区和盘山-大清水沟两个沉积中心, 大民屯凹陷发育了静安堡以北地区和荣胜堡两个沉积中心 东部凹陷沙三段、西部凹陷沙四段及沙三段、大民屯凹陷沙四段及沙三段至今均已全段或大范围进入生油门限, 是辽河盆地主要生烃段。  相似文献   

The Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden have been closely connected for many centuries, not least from a geological point of view. Scientific cooperation as well as contentions have been common. The earliest known records of "geological" treatises are from the 16th century, but especially in the 18th century, when the natural sciences flourished all over Europe, Nordic scholars were in the forefront in geochemistry, mineralogy, and paleontology. This was also the century when "geology" started to be taught at the universities, and science academies were founded in Norden, adding greatly to "geological" studies. In the 19th century, like in so many other countries, national geological survey organizations and geological societies were founded. In Norden, geological research has long traditions within mineralogy and ore geology, paleontology and stratigraphy, tectonics and structural geology. During the last century, focus has turned also to Quaternary and glacial geology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, micropaleontology, petroleum geology, sedimentology, marine geology, geophysics, geochronology, and research related to geothermal energy and deposition of radioactive waste products. In many of these research areas, Nordic geoscientists have contributed greatly over the years to the development of the science of geology.  相似文献   

A time table showing the history of the terrestrial planets is submitted in this paper. The planetary evolution is presented within the framework of global tectonics, whereby a distinction is made between exogenous and endogenous processes. Beginning with the age of 4.5 × 109 years and extending to the age of 3.0 × 109 years all terrestrial planets are characterized by a primordial-meteoric-vulcanic period. The development of the Moon and Mercury had been terminated with the end of this primordial period. Even until most recent times endogenous mantle processes and exogenous erosion processes shape the lithospheres on Mars, Venus, and the Earth. The Earth represents here the extreme case with highly dynamic plate tectonics. The degree of evolution of a planet is proportional to its mass. This leads to the following evolutionary scheme:
Zusammenfassung Eine Zeittafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der terrestrischen Planeten wird vorgelegt. Die Planetengeschichte wird in den Rahmen einer globalen Tektonik gestellt, wobei exogene und endogene Prozesse unterschieden werden. Von ca. 4.5 bis 3.0 × 109 Jahre werden alle terrestrischen Planeten von einer ur-meteorischen-vulkanischen Periode geprägt. Damit ist für den Mond und den Merkur die Entwicklung im wesentlichen abgeschlossen. Bei dem Mars, der Venus und der Erde formen bis in die jüngste Zeit endogene Mantelprozesse und exogene Erosionsprozesse die Lithosphäre, wobei die Erde den Extremfall mit einer hochdynamischen Plattentektonik repräsentiert. Der Entwicklungsgrad eines Planeten ist proportional seiner Masse. Das führt zu folgendem Entwicklungsschema:

Résumé Une table chronologique décrivant l'évolution des planètes terrestres est proposée dans cette publication. L'évolution des planètes est présentée dans le cadre de la tectonique globale, où distinction est faite entre processus exogènes et endogènes. Entre environ 4.5 et 3.0 × 109 années toutes les planètes terrestres sont caractérisées par une période primordiale-météorique-volcanique. Le développement de la Lune et de Mercure s'est terminé vers la fin de cette période primordiale. Dans Mars, Vénus et la Terre, les processus endogènes du manteau et une érosion exogène ont formé la lithosphère jusque dans les périodes les plus récentes; la Terre représente le cas extrème avec une tectonique de plaques à caractère dynamique très prononcé. Le degré d'évolution d'une planète est proportionnel à sa masse. Ceci conduit au schéma d'évolution suivant:

. , . 4,5 3,0×10–9 - . . , , , , . , . . :

A.G.W. Cameron 《Earth》1973,9(2):125-137
A brief introduction is given to the various approaches which have been followed in attempting to construct models of the origin of the solar system. The author then outlines in more detail one of the more recent approaches, involving models of a massive primitive solar nebula. In this approach a massive gaseous disk is first formed during the course of star formation, and the Sun must subsequently form from the disk as a result of hydrodynamical dissipation processes. Both the dissipation and the accompanying formation of the planets are estimated to require only a few thousand years. As a consequence, there was little time for the Earth to radiate its energy of gravitational accretion, and the primitive Earth must have been extremely hot.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地热历史   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
塔里木盆地热历史潘长春,周中毅,范善发,解启来(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,广州510640)关键词古地温,热历史,塔里木盆地由于古地温是控制油气生成和演化的重要因素,十多年来塔里木盆地古地温和生烃史一直是倍受关注的课题。早期的研究认为该盆地古地温...  相似文献   

The cosmic ray exposure (CRE) ages of aubrites are among the longest of stone meteorites. New aubrites have been recovered in Antarctica, and these meteorites permit a substantial extension of the database on CRE ages, compositional characteristics, and regolith histories. We report He, Ne, and Ar isotopic abundances of nine aubrites and discuss the compositional data, the CRE ages, and regolith histories of this class of achondrites. A Ne three-isotope correlation reveals a solar-type ratio of 20Ne/22Ne = 12.1, which is distinct from the present solar wind composition and lower than most ratios observed on the lunar surface. For some aubrites, the cosmic ray-produced noble gas abundances include components produced on the surface of the parent object. The Kr isotopic systematics reveal significant neutron-capture-produced excesses in four aubrites, which is consistent with Sm and Gd isotopic anomalies previously documented in some aubrites. The nominal CRE ages confirm a non-uniform distribution of exposure times, but the evidence for a CRE age cluster appears doubtful. Six meteorites are regolith breccias with solar-type noble gases, and the observed neutron effects indicate a regolith history. ALH aubrites, which were recovered from the same location and are considered to represent a multiple fall, yield differing nominal CRE ages and, if paired, document distinct precompaction histories.  相似文献   

樊祺诚 《华东地质》2008,(3):196-203
长白山火山跨越中朝两国,在我国境内包括天池火山、望天鹅火山、图们江火山和龙岗火山,火山活动从上新世持续到近代,是我国最大的第四纪火山分布区.长白山火山的母岩浆是钾质粗面玄武岩,将长白山火山岩区称钾质粗面玄武岩省,岩浆结晶分异作用和混合作用主导了岩浆演化过程.天池火山之下地壳岩浆房和地幔岩浆房具双动式喷发特点,一方面来自地幔的钾质粗面玄武岩浆直接喷出地表;另一方面钾质粗面玄武岩浆持续补给地壳岩浆房,发生岩浆分离结晶作用和混合作用,导致双峰式火山岩分布特征和触发千年大喷发.西太平洋板块俯冲-东北亚大陆弧后引张是长白山火山活动的动力学机制.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1718-1723
Isostatic equilibrium occurs in many parts of the Earth that differ in history and current crustal structure, indicating that major changes,in crustal composition and thickness during development have tended to preserve the state of equilibrium. A state of equilibrium disturbed by tectonic processes is soon restored. Processes that disturb the equilibrium development of the crust are called causative; those that arise as a consequence and tend to restore equilibrium are compensative. There is evidence for these two processes, which are responsible for displacements of opposite sign in the base and surface of the consolidated crust when equilibrium is regained. These processes indicate changes in different parts of the crust and enable us to say that the crust shows two types of development. The structure of the crust corresponds to the Airy-Plan general model, and this structure may be described by isostatic equations when the two types of processes are in balance. The same equations can be used when the state is not in equilibrium if there is introduced a correction to be deduced from gravity anomalies and data on the deep structure of the crust. These equations can be used to describe changes in the crust, and isostatic equations enable one to combine ideas with new data to describe changes in thickness and composition in some layers of the crust during development as well as some aspects of block movement. Examples of the use of these isostatic equations are given.—C. E. Sears  相似文献   

北京地区基础地质研究史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京素有“中国地质工作摇篮”之称,是中国最早开展地质调查的地方,从1863年9月美国学者庞培莱调查京西地质开始,已有150多年的历史。中国学者编写了第一部基础地质专著《北京西山地质志》;民国时期“燕山运动”的提出和“北京猿人”的发现成为影响全国乃至世界的基础地质重大成果;解放后,地质工作者在北京率先实现1∶5万区域地质调查的全覆盖,出版了《北京市区域地质志》和《北京猿人遗址综合研究》;在唐山大地震后,开展北京平原基础地质的综合研究,提升北京区域地质研究程度。北京现在和将来的城市地质调查应立足于基础地质研究。  相似文献   

火是地球系统的重要组成部分,与气候、植被、生物地球化学循环和人类活动密切相关。火对全球气候和生态系统的影响已成为目前全球变化研究的一个热点。火灾发生后会在周围的环境中留下许多燃烧产物,如黑碳、木炭屑、多环芳烃、左旋葡萄糖等,它们广泛存在于海洋、湖泊、河流、土壤和陆地风成沉积物中;还会留下一些火灾痕迹,如树木火疤、土壤磁...  相似文献   

Levente Füköh 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):255-259
Based on phylogenetical, palaeoecological and biostratigraphical studies on the Holocene malacofauna of Hungarian medium high mountains and flatlands, four faunal periods could be recognised in the mountains, while three ones on the flat regions. They are defined by correlation (using anthracotomical, palynological, vertebrate palaeontological, archaeological and radiometric data, as well as by the Central European malacozones) as biozones of regional value.The mollusc fauna may be regarded as the main palaeoecological indicator for the Hungarian Quaternary, because it is generally abundant, in contrast to the vertebrate fauna. On the other hand, the Hungarian Quaternary fauna mostly consists of species still living in the area. The ecological demands of recent species are generally well known. Most of the ecological data about the Quaternary formations were yielded by the examination of the Hungarian mollusc fauna.The Quaternary mollusc fauna is not only suitable for palaeoecological reconstructions but it helps in the stratigraphical division of the sequences, as well, mainly due to Endre Krolopp's activity (Krolopp 1983). This study and investigations of Holocene molluscs enabled us to make an attempt (Füköh 1990) in describing the history of the last ten thousand years.  相似文献   

查干凹陷是内蒙古银-额盆地最具勘探潜力的凹陷, 为了揭示查干凹陷中、新生代热史及烃源岩热演化历史, 首先利用9口井的镜质体反射率数据恢复了查干凹陷中、新生代热史, 结果显示查干凹陷在早白垩世巴音戈壁组沉积开始至银根组沉积末期, 地温梯度逐渐增加, 且到银根组沉积末期达到最大, 为50~58 ℃/km; 自晚白垩世乌兰苏海组沉积开始至今, 地温梯度逐渐下降, 现今地温梯度仅为31~34 ℃/km.再以热史为基础, 结合沉积和构造发育史及烃源岩地球化学资料, 模拟了查干凹陷9口井3套烃源岩的成熟度演化历史, 模拟结果显示查干凹陷烃源岩成熟度演化受古地温控制, 3套烃源岩成熟度都在早白垩世晚期达到最大.   相似文献   

微生物地球化学及其研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文阐述了微生物地球化学的发展历程及微生物地球化学近期的研究进展。微生物可以促进许多地质地球化学过程,微生物地球化学作用主要表现在对岩石和矿物风化、元素迁移和聚集、有机质降解以及矿床形成等方面;还表现在部分控制大气成分,参与有机物和无机物循环并影响其全球分布,从而对地球形成以来物质在上部岩石圈、水圈和大气圈中的分布起到了重要的控制作用。微生物地球化学的成果已经从根本上修正了地球科学的核心观点,它的发展必将对地球科学和生命科学的发展起到重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

北京区域地质调查论著沿革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕金波  丁孝忠 《城市地质》2017,12(4):94-100
北京是中国最早开展区域地质调查的地区,1863年秋天庞培莱到达直隶北京调查,1867年出版《中国、蒙古和日本的地质研究》,提出了"震旦抬升系和震旦革命",后来维理氏在回忆文章中强调了"震旦方向"。1869年和1871年,李希霍芬2次到北京调查,1877年出版《中国》,提出了"震旦组"。1920年农商部地质调查所出版《北京西山地质志》,建立了西山沉积岩总剖面,划分了5个不整合。1958年至1961年,完成第一轮23个图幅的1∶5万区调,出版《北京的地质》。1964年至2002年,完成第二轮44个图幅的1∶5万区调。1991年出版《北京市区域地质志》,资料截止到1985年,突出了山区以"燕山运动"为特色的中生代地质。即将出版的《中国区域地质志——北京志》,亮点是平原"新构造运动"为代表的新生代地质,以及与城市发展、布局和建设相关的城市地质。  相似文献   

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