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Phase-referenced observations of 13 star-forming regions in the  2Π1/2, J = 1/2  transition of rotationally excited OH at 4765 MHz have been carried out using MERLIN. Two of the regions were also observed at 4750 MHz and one at 4660 MHz. There were 10 maser detections at 4765 MHz and three non-detections. There were no detections at 4750 and 4660 MHz. The 4765-MHz masers have brightness temperatures of  ∼107 K  at MERLIN resolution (∼50 mas). Several cases of 4765-MHz masers overlapping in position and velocity with 1720- and 1665-MHz masers are reported. There are also isolated 4765-MHz masers with peak flux densities ≥30 times that of any ground-state counterpart. Most of the 4.7-GHz maser spots are unresolved at 50-mas angular resolution, but in four of the nearest sources the maser spots are resolved, indicating a characteristic size for 4765-MHz maser regions of ∼100 au. In W3(OH) we discovered that 20 per cent of the 4765-MHz emission comes from a narrow low-brightness filament that stretches north–south for ∼1.0 arcec (∼2200 au) between two previously known 4765-MHz maser spots. The filament appears in projection against the H  ii region and has a brightness temperature of  ∼4 × 105 K  . There are matching absorption features in mainline transitions of highly excited OH. The filament may trace a shock front in a rotating disc.  相似文献   

The University of Tasmania Mt Pleasant 26-m and Ceduna 30-m radio telescopes have been used to search for 6.7-GHz class II methanol masers towards 200 GLIMPSE ( The Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire ) sources. The target regions were selected on the basis of their mid-infrared colours as being likely to be young high-mass star formation regions and are either bright at 8.0 μm, or have extreme [3.6]–[4.5] colour. Methanol masers were detected towards 38 sites, nine of these being new detections. The prediction was that approximately 20 new 6.7-GHz methanol masers would be detected within 3.5 arcmin of the target GLIMPSE sources, but this is the case for only six of the new detections. A number of possible reasons for the discrepancy between the predicted and actual number of new detections have been investigated. It was not possible to draw any firm conclusions as to the cause, but it may be because many of the target sources are at an evolutionary phase prior to that associated with 6.7-GHz methanol masers. Through comparison of the spectra collected as part of this search with those in the literature, the average lifetime of individual 6.7-GHz methanol maser spectral features is estimated to be around 150 yr, much longer than is observed for 22-GHz water masers.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to search for 6.7-GHz methanol maser emission towards 87 galaxies. We chose the target sources using several criteria, including far-IR luminosities and the presence of known OH megamasers. In addition, we searched for methanol masers in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253, making a full spectral-line synthesis image. No emission was detected in any of the galaxies, with detection limits ranging from 25 to 75 mJy. This is surprising, given the close association of OH and methanol masers in Galactic star formation regions, and significantly constrains models of OH megamaser emission. This absence of maser emission may be a result of low methanol abundances in molecular clouds in starburst galaxies.  相似文献   

We report the observations of 289 methanol maser sources at 6.7 GHz obtained over a two month period with the Torun 32 m telescope. The data form a catalogue of all objects north of δ = –22° brighter than 7.5 Jy in the peak emission. The positions of sub‐arcsecond accuracy are updated for 76 % of the objects. We find that about one third of the sources show changes in the peak fluxes by a factor of two or more on time scales of 8.5–9.5 years (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present single-baseline Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) measurements of excited OH 6.0-GHz masers and methanol 6.7-GHz masers for the source W3(OH). These allow us to compare the positions of individual maser spots of these two species to ∼15 mas accuracy for the first time, and to compare these with previously published positions of ground-state OH masers near 1.7 GHz and excited-state OH masers near 4.7 GHz. There is a strong association between OH 6035-MHz and 1665-MHz masers. OH and methanol have very similar distributions, but associations of individual masers are relatively rare: most methanol 6.7-GHz masers are within 100 mas of OH 6.0-GHz masers, but only four methanol masers are within 15 mas of an OH 6.0-GHz maser. There are no correspondences of either species with excited OH 4.7-GHz masers. Zeeman splitting of the 6.0-GHz OH lines indicates an ordered magnetic field ranging from 3.2 to 14.4 mG. The magnetic fields estimated from co-propagating masers such as 6035 and 1665 MHz are generally in good agreement with each other.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) images at I , J , H and K bands were made of 12 southern 6.7-GHz methanol maser sources. Astrometry accurate to 0.5 arcsec was obtained. The positions of known H  ii regions, water masers, hydroxyl masers, and mid- and far-infrared objects in the region are examined in order to try to determine the nature of the methanol maser source. Deeply embedded NIR sources were found close to seven out of 14 maser sites. In three cases, no NIR source, H  ii region, water maser or hydroxyl maser could be found in likely association with the methanol masers.  相似文献   

The multi-element radio-linked interferometer network (MERLIN) measurements of 1665-, 1667- and 1720-MHz OH masers associated with NGC 7538 are presented. The masers are located at the centres of three bipolar molecular outflows associated with the infrared sources IRS 1, IRS 9 and IRS 11. The distribution of OH masers in IRS 1 is more extensive than previously reported and is displaced to the south of the methanol 6.7-GHz masers. The OH masers in IRS 9 have not previously been reported. Their distribution seems to be orthogonal to the direction of the outflow and to the distribution of H2O masers. The maser distribution in IRS 11 is parallel to the dust ridge and orthogonal to the outflow. Full polarization measurements of the OH maser emission show systematic differences between the three sources. IRS 1 has moderate polarization, with linear polarization vectors partially aligned with the bipolar outflow; IRS 9 exhibits larger polarization, but little linear component; IRS 11 shows the strongest polarization and has linear polarization vectors aligned parallel to the outflow. There is also evidence for a toroidal component of the magnetic field around the IRS 11 outflow, orthogonal to the outflow direction. It is suggested that the differences in polarization trace a possible evolutionary sequence from oldest (IRS 1) to youngest (IRS 11).  相似文献   

We have compared the results of a number of published class I methanol maser surveys with the catalogue of high-mass outflow candidates identified from the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire survey (known as extended green objects or EGOs). We find class I methanol masers associated with approximately two-thirds of EGOs. Although the association between outflows and class I methanol masers has long been postulated on the basis of detailed studies of a small number of sources, this result demonstrates the relationship for the first time on a statistical basis. Despite the publication of a number of searches for class I methanol masers, a close physical association with another astrophysical object which could be targeted for the search is still lacking. The close association between class I methanol masers and EGOs therefore provides a large catalogue of candidate sources, most of which have not previously been searched for class I methanol masers. Interstellar masers and outflows have both been proposed to trace an evolutionary sequence for high-mass star formation, therefore a better understanding of the relationship between class I methanol masers and outflow offers the potential for comparison and amalgamation of these two evolutionary sequences.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to make a sensitive  (5 σ ≃100 mJy)  search for maser emission from the 4765-MHz 2Π1/2   F =1→0  transition of OH. 55 star formation regions were searched and maser emission with a peak flux density in excess of 100 mJy was detected toward 14 sites, with 10 of these being new discoveries. In addition we observed the 4750-MHz 2Π1/2   F =1→1  transition towards a sample of star formation regions known to contain 1720-MHz OH masers, detecting marginal maser emission from G348.550−0.979. If confirmed this would be only the second maser discovered from this transition.
The occurrence of 4765-MHz OH maser emission accompanying 1720-MHz OH masers in a small number of well-studied star formation regions has led to a general perception in the literature that the two transitions favour similar physical conditions. Our search has found that the presence of the excited-state 6035-MHz OH transition is a much better predictor of 4765-MHz OH maser emission from the same region than 1720-MHz OH maser emission is. Combining our results with those of previous high-resolution observations of other OH transitions we have examined the published theoretical models of OH masers and find that none of them predicts any conditions in which the 1665-, 6035- and 4765-MHz transitions are inverted simultaneously.  相似文献   

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