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Hydrocarbon gases were determined in sediments from three mud volcanoes in the Sorokin Trough. In comparison to a reference station outside the mud volcano area, the deposits are characterized by an enrichment of high-molecular hydrocarbons (C2–C4), an absence of unsaturated homologues, a predominance of iso-butane in comparison with n-butane, and the presence of gas hydrate. The molecular composition of the hydrocarbon gases suggests their deep sources and thermogenic origin. In the pelagic sediments at the reference station, the methane concentration is relatively low (up to 49 ml/l); maximum concentrations are reached in deposits of the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (up to 400 ml/l). It was the first time that gas hydrate was sampled at the Dvurechenskii mud volcano. The gas extracted by dissociation of hydrate samples was dominated by methane (99.5%) with low amounts of ethane and propane (less than 0.5%). The isotopic composition of the methane varies between –62 and –66 PDB in 13C, and between –185 and –209 SMOW in D, indicating a mainly biogenic origin with an admixture of thermogenic gas.  相似文献   

Meteor cruise M52/1 documented the presence of gas hydrates in sediments from mud volcanoes in the Sorokin Trough of the Black Sea. In a mud flow on the Odessa mud volcano, a carbonate crust currently forms in association with anaerobic methane oxidation. Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV), a flat-topped mud pie-type structure, appeared to be very active. Pore water in sediments of DMV is enriched in several constituents, such as ammonium and chloride, which seem to originate at depth. High sediment temperatures of up to 16.5 °C in close contact to the ambient bottom water of 9 °C also suggest strong advective transport of material from greater depth. Steep temperature gradients indicate a high fluid and/or mud flux within DMV, which is confirmed by the shape of the pore water profiles. Active fluid expulsion sites are evidenced by direct seafloor observation, and a potential flux of methane from the sediment to the bottom water is indicated by water-column methane measurements.  相似文献   

Vodyanitskii mud volcano is located at a depth of about 2070 m in the Sorokin Trough, Black sea. It is a 500-m wide and 20-m high cone surrounded by a depression, which is typical of many mud volcanoes in the Black Sea. 75 kHz sidescan sonar show different generations of mud flows that include mud breccia, authigenic carbonates, and gas hydrates that were sampled by gravity coring. The fluids that flow through or erupt with the mud are enriched in chloride (up to ∼650 mmol L−1 at ∼150-cm sediment depth) suggesting a deep source, which is similar to the fluids of the close-by Dvurechenskii mud volcano. Direct observation with the remotely operated vehicle Quest revealed gas bubbles emanating at two distinct sites at the crest of the mud volcano, which confirms earlier observations of bubble-induced hydroacoustic anomalies in echosounder records. The sediments at the main bubble emission site show a thermal anomaly with temperatures at ∼60 cm sediment depth that were 0.9 °C warmer than the bottom water. Chemical and isotopic analyses of the emanated gas revealed that it consisted primarily of methane (99.8%) and was of microbial origin (δD-CH4 = −170.8‰ (SMOW), δ13C-CH4 = −61.0‰ (V-PDB), δ13C-C2H6 = −44.0‰ (V-PDB)). The gas flux was estimated using the video observations of the ROV. Assuming that the flux is constant with time, about 0.9 ± 0.5 × 106 mol of methane is released every year. This value is of the same order-of-magnitude as reported fluxes of dissolved methane released with pore water at other mud volcanoes. This suggests that bubble emanation is a significant pathway transporting methane from the sediments into the water column.  相似文献   

We consider data on the contents of hydrogen sulfide and silicic acid in waters of the Black Sea obtained in the course of field investigations during Cruise 4 of the R/VKiev. The special attention is given to the results of studying the influence of recently opened mud volcano manifestations on the chemical composition of benthic waters and, first of all, on the content of hydrogen sulfide. The data concerning the contents of hydrogen sulfide and silicic acid and the analysis of the relative chemical composition indicate the absence of any direct influence of mud volcanoes on the chemical composition of waters. At the same time, the investigations carried out confirmed the possibility of presence of distributed sources of hydrogen sulfide, which is a product of bacterial utilization of incoming hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

泥火山是地球运动和深部含流体物质向表层迁移的一种重要形式, 其喷溢及喷出物对认识地质动力、地层岩性和资源环境具有重要的意义。东沙海区新生界薄(~1km), 中生界厚(>5km), 是南海最典型的中生代沉积区和油气勘探待突破区。区内有众多的海山海丘, 过去都被推测为不利于油气成藏的岩浆火山。但近年来针对这些海山进行的调查发现了大量海底地层底辟形变与断裂、流体充注空白反射带和喷溢释放结构。通过浅表层取样采获了丰富的自生碳酸盐岩结核及深水珊瑚、海绵等生物, 表明众多海山、海丘具有明显的泥火山活动特征。东沙泥火山的发现表明区内具有良好的油气生成和运移条件, 为勘探源于中生界的油气和水合物提供了重要线索; 而大量深水珊瑚和海绵的出现指示东沙泥火山区可能是深水珊瑚礁、海绵礁发育区, 为研究油气泄漏、化养生物和环境三者的关系提供了重要的研究对象。  相似文献   

Earthquake triggering of mud volcanoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mud volcanoes sometimes erupt within days after nearby earthquakes. The number of such nearly coincident events is larger than would be expected by chance and the eruptions are thus assumed to be triggered by earthquakes. Here we compile observations of the response of mud volcanoes and other geologic systems (earthquakes, volcanoes, liquefaction, ground water, and geysers) to earthquakes. The compilation shows a clear magnitude–distance threshold for triggering, suggesting that these seemingly disparate phenomena may share similar underlying triggering mechanisms. The compilation also shows that pre-existing geysers and already-erupting volcanoes and mud volcanoes are much more sensitive to earthquakes than quiescent systems.  相似文献   

Results of numerical experiments on the hydrodynamic diagnosis and adaptation of the Black Sea climatic hydrological fields are briefly summarized. The principal features of the water dynamics for each season are discussed. The intra-annual variability of the Black Sea rim current is indicated, along with the existence of an array of anticyclonic eddies at its periphery and anticyclonic vorticity below the halocline in the central basin where a flow, opposite in direction to the surface flow, is generated at large depths.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Two mud volcano fields were explored during the French–Dutch MEDINAUT cruise (1998) with the submersible NAUTILE, one south of Crete along the Mediteranean Ridge at about 2000 m depth (Olimpi mud field) and the other south of Turkey between 1700 and 2000 m depth (Anaximander mud field) where high methane concentrations were measured. Chemosynthetic communities were observed and sampled on six mud volcanoes and along a fault scarp. The communities were dominated by bivalves of particularly small size, belonging to families commonly found at seeps (Mytilidae, Vesicomyidae, Thyasiridae) and to Lucinidae mostly encountered in littoral sulfide-rich sediments and at the shallowest seeps. Siboglinid polychaetes including a large vestimentiferan Lamellibrachia sp. were also associated. At least four bivalve species and one siboglinid are associated with symbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria, as evidenced by Transmission Electronic Microscopy and isotopic ratio measurements. Among the bivalves, a mytilid harbors both methanotrophic and sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. Video spatial analysis of the community distribution on three volcanoes shows that dense bivalve shell accumulations (mainly lucinids) spread over large areas, from 10% to 38% of the explored areas (2500–15000 m2) on the different volcanoes. Lamellibrachia sp. had different spatial distribution and variable density in the two mud volcano fields, apparently related with higher methane fluxes in the Anaximander volcanoes and maybe with the instability due to brines in the Olimpi area. The abundance and richness of the observed chemosynthetic fauna and the size of some of the species contrast with the poverty of the deep eastern Mediterranean. The presence of a specialized fauna, with some mollusk genera and species shared with other reduced environments of the Mediterranean, but not dominated by the large bivalves usually found at seeps, is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of three-dimensional acoustic seabed mapping in the region of the Taman Peninsula in the Black Sea using an interferometric side-scan sonar and an acoustic profiler. Mapping has revealed underwater objects identified as manifestations of underwater mud volcanism. Detailed analysis of sonar images of the relief and seabed profiles in the region of the objects has confirmed the original hypothesis.  相似文献   

The Dongsha Basin, circling Dongsha Island that is amid the northern margin of the South China Sea, is characterized by thin (∼0.5 km) Cenozoic sediments veneering on thick (up to 5 km) Mesozoic strata. Recently, several geophysical and geological surveys, including multiple channel reflection seismic, sub-bottom profiling and benthic dredging, have been conducted on the slope southwest to the Dongsha Island, where the water depth varies from 400 m to 2000 m. A novel discovery is numerous submarine mud volcanoes of various sizes over there, typically 50–200 m high and 0.5–5 km wide. Geophysical profiles document their unusual features, e.g., roughly undulating seafloor, high-amplitude seabed reflectivity, foggy hyperbolic diffractions up to 50 m in water column above seabed, and internal reflection chaos and wipe-out down to 2–3 km level or deeper below the seabed. Benthic dredging from the mud volcanoes gives abundant faunas of high diversity, e.g., scleractinian (stony coral), gorgonian, black coral, thiophil tubeworm, glass sponge, bryozoan etc., indicating booming chemosynthetic community, among which the Lophelia pertusa-like coral and the Euretidae-like glass sponges are the first reports in the South China Sea. Concomitantly with them, there are also abundant authigenic carbonate nodules and slabs, raw, brecciated and breccias with bio-clasts congregation. Besides, there coexist massive mudflows and allogenic coarse-grained quartz, feldspar and tourmaline most likely brought out by mud volcanism. Geochemical analysis of the bottom water samples give dissolved methane concentration up to 4 times higher than the background average. These results lend comprehensive evidences for the ongoing and historical mud volcanism. The escaping methane gas is inferred to source mainly from the Mesozoic strata. Occupying a large province of the deep water slope, ca. 1000 km2 or more, the mud volcanoes is prospective for gas hydrate and natural gas for the Dongsha Basin.  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes (MVs) are abundant along the eastern Mediterranean subduction zones, recording mud breccia extrusion over long timescales (106 years), but to date relatively few have been recognised in the northern Ionian Sea on the Calabrian accretionary prism (CAP). In the present study, the seafloor distribution and recent activity of MVs is investigated across a 35,600 km2 sector of the CAP using a regional acoustic dataset (multibeam bathymetric and backscatter imagery, integrated with subbottom profiles) locally ground-truthed by sediment cores. A total of 54 MVs are identified across water depths of 150–2,750 m using up to four geophysical criteria: distinctive morphology, high backscatter, unstratified subbottom facies and, in one case, a hydroacoustic flare. Fourteen MVs are identified from 3–4 criteria, of which five have been previously proven by cores containing mud breccia beneath up to 1.6 m of hemipelagic sediments (Madonna dello Ionio MVs 1–3, Pythagoras MV and the newly named Sartori MV), while nine others are identified for the first time (Athena, Catanzaro, Cerere, Diana, Giunone, Minerva, ‘right foot’, Venere 1 and 2). Forty other as yet unnamed MVs are inferred from 1–2 geophysical criteria (three from distinctive morphology alone). All but one possible MV lie on the inner plateau of the CAP, landwards of the Calabrian Escarpment in a zone up to 120 km wide that includes the inner pre-Messinian wedge and the fore-arc basins, where they are interpreted to record the ascent from depth of overpressured fluids that interacted with tectonic structures and with evaporitic or shale seals within the fore-arc basins. The rise of fluids may have been triggered by post-Messinian out-of-sequence tectonism that affected the entire pre-Messinian prism, but Plio-Quaternary sedimentation rates and depositional styles support the inference that significant mud volcanism has taken place only on the inner plateau. Sedimentation rates across the CAP applied to a 12 khz sonar detection depth of 225 cm imply that all MVs with backscatter signatures (50 of 54) have erupted mud breccias within the last 56 ka, and within the last 12.5 ka in the fore-arc basins. Ages of eruption estimated from the depth of cored mud breccias at five MVs, and a seismo-stratigraphic relationship at a sixth, indicate episodes at the last glacial maximum ca. 20 ka BP and during the postglacial period. Eruptive episodes within the Calabrian MV province constitute recurrent geohazards, separated by longer periods of quiescent (subdued) fluid seepage that are likely to support gas hydrate formation and chemosynthetic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The sediment–water interface is usually marked by an increase in acoustic impedance and is therefore displayed in a seismic section as a positive polarity reflection. Here, we use the term “seabed phase reversal” to describe areas of seafloor which are instead expressed as a negative polarity reflection in seismic data. We describe in detail a number of examples of seafloor phase reversals and use a simple one-dimensional geophysical model to test the hypothesis that they are the result of the presence of gas within the seafloor sediment. Our examples are all related to seismically imaged mud volcanoes located within the South Caspian Sea. Sections of phase-reversed seafloor at the summit area of these volcanoes have been mapped to reveal the existence of seafloor mud pools (salses) and recently erupted mud flows which show a strong similarity to smaller-scale features at onshore volcanoes in Azerbaijan. Synthetic geophysical modelling indicates that under the physical conditions likely to occur when the seabed sediment is gas-bearing, the seafloor will be expressed as a strong negative polarity reflection. Unlike other indicators of seafloor gas, such as pockmarks, which merely record the transient expulsion of fluids from sedimentary basins, seafloor phase reversals indicate the presence of gas in marine sediment at the time of survey acquisition. They therefore are of significance to engineering and site survey operations as well as the identification of biological communities and gas flux calculations.  相似文献   

The worlds >1500 mud volcanoes are normally in a dormant stage due to the short duration of eruptions. Their dormant stage activity is often characterized by vigorous seepage of water, gas, and petroleum. However, the source of the fluids and the fluid–rock interactions within the mud volcano conduit remain poorly understood. In order to investigate this type of activity, we have combined satellite images with fieldwork and extensive sampling of water and gas at seeping gryphons, pools and salsa lakes at the Dashgil mud volcano in Azerbaijan. We find that caldera collapse faults and E–W oriented faults determine the location of the seeps. The seeping gas is dominated by methane (94.9–99.6%), with a δ13C (‰ V-PDB) in the −43.9 to −40.4‰ range, consistent throughout the 12 analysed seeps. Ethane and carbon dioxide occur in minor amounts. Seventeen samples of seeping water show a wide range in solute content and isotopic composition. Pools and salsa lakes have the highest salinities (up to 101,043 ppm Cl) and the lowest δ18O (‰ V-SMOW) values (1–4‰). The mud-rich gryphons have low salinities (<18,000 ppm Cl) and are enriched in 18O (δ18O = 4–6‰).  相似文献   

Gas seepage, pockmarks and mud volcanoes in the near shore of SW Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to understand gas hydrate related seafloor features in the near shore area off SW Taiwan, a deep-towed sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler survey was conducted in 2007. Three profiles of high-resolution sub-bottom profiler reveal the existence of five gas seeps (G96, GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4) and one pockmark (PM) in the study area. Gas seeps and pockmark PM are shown in lines A and C, while no gas venting feature is observed along line B. This is the first time that a gas-hydrate related pockmark structure has been imaged off SW Taiwan. The relatively high backscatter intensity in our sidescan sonar images indicates the existence of authigenic carbonates or chemosynthetic communities on the seafloor. More than 2,000 seafloor photos obtained by a deep-towed camera (TowCam) system confirm the relatively high backscatter intensity of sidescan sonar images related to bacteria mats and authigenic carbonates formation at gas seep G96 and pockmark PM areas. Water column gas flares are observed in sidescan sonar images along lines A and C. Likewise, EK500 echo sounder images display the gas plumes above gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS1; the gas plumes heights reach about 150, 100 and 20 m from seafloor, respectively. Based on multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiles, an anticline structure trending NNE-SSW is found beneath gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS2. It implies that the gas venting features are related to the anticline structure. A thermal fluid may migrate from the anticline structure to the ridge crest, then rises up to the seafloor along faults or fissures. The seafloor characteristics indicate that the gas seep G96 area may be in a transitional stage from the first to second stage of a gas seep self-sealing process, while the pockmark PM area is from the second to final stage. In the pockmark PM area, gas venting is observed at eastern flank but not at the bottom while authigenic carbonates are present underneath the pockmark. It implies that the fluid migration pathways could have been clogged by carbonates at the bottom and the current pathway has shifted to the eastern flank of the pockmark during the gas seep self-sealing process.  相似文献   

Recent debates about the eruptive behavior of mud volcanoes and their activation mechanisms have been driven particularly by the LUSI eruption in Indonesia that resulted in huge commercial and cultural damages. Numerical modeling of mud volcanoes, of which few exist, can provide insight into eruptive behavior and contribute to hazard evaluation. In this paper, we present a simple model to describe fluid escape from an underground reservoir through a conduit, extruded as a mud volcano at the surface. The governing equations result in oscillatory behavior, and we study the influence of changes in rheological properties of surrounding rock and fluid characteristics of the mud on extrusion dynamics. We focus on understanding long-term eruption behavior, flow cycles, and decay factors. Model results can be used to estimate the discharge rates and extruded volume from assumptions on the mud reservoir and conduit, or conversely, the reservoir or conduit properties from discharge rates.  相似文献   

Three generations of mud volcanoes on the Louisiana continental slope   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Three mud volcanoes were identified in a small area of the upper continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. One is actively accreting by small, intermittent eruptions of gas and fluid mud. Eruptions occur from a pool of gas- and oil-saturated muds that upwell and spill over the central crater edge and down the flanks of the coneshaped buildup. A second structure, a possible sand volcano, is in the last stages of activity, with only slight evidence of gas-saturated sediments. The third structure is a dormant mud volcano with furrowed sides and scattered authigenic carbonate plates and rubble but no venting of gas or fluids.  相似文献   

Mud and fluid migration in active mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
Mud volcanic eruptions in Azerbaijan normally last for less than a few hours, and are characterized by vigorous extrusion of mud breccias, hydrocarbon gases, and waters. Recent fieldwork and mapping on four active mud volcanoes show that dormant period activity ranges from quiet to vigorous flow of mud and fluids. Geochemical analyses of expelled waters show a wide range in solute concentrations, suggesting the existence of a complex plumbing system. The mud and fluids have a deep origin, but are sometimes stored in intermediate-depth mud chambers. A mixing model between deep-seated saline waters and shallow meteoric water is proposed.  相似文献   

Samples were collected for foraminiferal studies by the Johnson Sea-Link I and II manned submersibles on the Louisiana continental slope. This paper documents that the mud, extruded onto the sea floor from depth by four mud volcanoes, ranges in age from Miocene to Pleistocene based on studies of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna. The vents are in water depths ranging from 300 to 690 m located in Garden Banks Block 382, Green Canyon Blocks 143 and 272, and Mississippi Canyon Block 929. Two mud volcanoes in GB 382 and MC 929 also have rich fossil foraminiferal microfaunas. We suggest that the extrusion of fossil sediments onto the sea floor during the Quaternary is a reasonable explanation for frequent occurrences of displaced fossil microfaunas encountered at depth in wells drilling on the flanks of salt diapirs in the slope environment. Results of this study have important implications for age dating subsurface sediments in bathyal locations.  相似文献   

We discuss the current state of the problem of experimental investigation of the bottom boundary layer of the Black Sea and present the data on a new measuring complex (designed and constructed at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute and called the OLT-D profilometer of the bottom layer) together with some results of its application. On the basis of the analysis of the data on the distributions of geothermal fluxes and parameters of the bottom boundary layer in the deep-water part of the sea, we deduce and justify the relations for the evaluation of the critical thickness of the bottom boundary layer as a function of the intensities of geothermal fluxes. It is shown that the numerical results are in good agreement with the data of direct measurements of the thickness of the bottom boundary layer. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

东沙群岛西南海区泥火山的地球物理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多道反射地震和CHIRP浅地层剖面显示在南海东沙群岛西南陆坡和白云凹陷东部陆坡之间的深水(600~1 000m)陆坡上矗立着一系列高出周围海底50~100m的丘形地质体,其内部地层发生褶皱,反射波呈现杂乱和空白,海底声波屏蔽严重。浅地层剖面还显示丘状构造带有气体羽状构造,从海底进入水体高达50m。海底沉积取样分析表明,这些海丘区的表层分布着生物成因的致密碳酸盐结核。可以推断东沙西南的丘形地质体就是泥火山带,并且可能是一个重要的水合物潜在区。东沙西南海区泥火山表现出构造挤压和带状分布的特点,不同于南海北部神狐和九龙甲烷礁已发现水合物区的非泥火山,也不同于全球其他典型被动大陆边缘的泥火山特征,其构造成因和水合物潜力有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

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