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Approximately 300 kg/day of food-grade CO2 was injected through a perforated pipe placed horizontally 2–2.3 m deep during July 9–August 7, 2008 at the MSU-ZERT field test to evaluate atmospheric and near-surface monitoring and detection techniques applicable to the subsurface storage and potential leakage of CO2. As part of this multidisciplinary research project, 80 samples of water were collected from 10 shallow monitoring wells (1.5 or 3.0 m deep) installed 1–6 m from the injection pipe, at the southwestern end of the slotted section (zone VI), and from two distant monitoring wells. The samples were collected before, during, and following CO2 injection. The main objective of study was to investigate changes in the concentrations of major, minor, and trace inorganic and organic compounds during and following CO2 injection. The ultimate goals were (1) to better understand the potential of groundwater quality impacts related to CO2 leakage from deep storage operations, (2) to develop geochemical tools that could provide early detection of CO2 intrusion into underground sources of drinking water (USDW), and (3) to test the predictive capabilities of geochemical codes against field data. Field determinations showed rapid and systematic changes in pH (7.0–5.6), alkalinity (400–1,330 mg/l as HCO3), and electrical conductance (600–1,800 μS/cm) following CO2 injection in samples collected from the 1.5 m-deep wells. Laboratory results show major increases in the concentrations of Ca (90–240 mg/l), Mg (25–70 mg/l), Fe (5–1,200 ppb), and Mn (5–1,400 ppb) following CO2 injection. These chemical changes could provide early detection of CO2 leakage into shallow groundwater from deep storage operations. Dissolution of observed carbonate minerals and desorption-ion exchange resulting from lowered pH values following CO2 injection are the likely geochemical processes responsible for the observed increases in the concentrations of solutes; concentrations generally decreased temporarily following four significant precipitation events. The DOC values obtained are 5 ± 2 mg/l, and the variations do not correlate with CO2 injection. CO2 injection, however, is responsible for detection of BTEX (e.g. benzene, 0–0.8 ppb), mobilization of metals, the lowered pH values, and increases in the concentrations of other solutes in groundwater. The trace metal and BTEX concentrations are all significantly below the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Sequential leaching of core samples is being carried out to investigate the source of metals and other solutes.  相似文献   

A controlled field pilot has been developed in Bozeman, Montana, USA, to study near surface CO2 transport and detection technologies. A slotted horizontal well divided into six zones was installed in the shallow subsurface. The scale and CO2 release rates were chosen to be relevant to developing monitoring strategies for geological carbon storage. The field site was characterized before injection, and CO2 transport and concentrations in saturated soil and the vadose zone were modeled. Controlled releases of CO2 from the horizontal well were performed in the summers of 2007 and 2008, and collaborators from six national labs, three universities, and the U.S. Geological Survey investigated movement of CO2 through the soil, water, plants, and air with a wide range of near surface detection techniques. An overview of these results will be presented.  相似文献   

A controlled release of CO2 was conducted at a field site in Bozeman, Montana, USA in July of 2008 in a multi-laboratory study of near surface transport and detection technologies. The development of a subsurface CO2 plume near the middle packer section of the horizontal release was studied using soil-gas and surface flux measurements of CO2. A perfluorocarbon tracer was added to the CO2 released from this section of the horizontal well, and the development of atmospheric plumes of the tracer was studied under various meteorological conditions using horizontal and vertical grids of monitors containing sorbent material to collect the tracer. This study demonstrated the feasibility of using remote sensing for the ultra low level detection of atmospheric plumes of tracers as means to monitor the near surface leakage of sequestered CO2.  相似文献   

To determine periods of incremental landslide movement and their possible relationship to regional seismic events, the tree-ring records of 32 tilted and damaged conifers at three sites on landslides in the Gravelly Range of southwestern Montana were examined. Several signs of disturbance in the tree-ring record indicating landslide movement were observed. Commonly, the tree-ring record displayed a marked reduction in annual ring width and/or the reaction wood formation. The tree-ring records from the three landslide sites indicate multiple periods of movement during the 20th century. Many of the periods of movement indicated by the strongest signals (most trees) at the sites occurred the year following significant earthquakes in the region. Those seismic events for which evidence in the tree-ring record was found at one or more of the three sites are the 1983 Borah Peak, 1959 Hebgen Lake, 1935 Helena, 1925 Clarkson, and 1908 Virginia City earthquakes. This study suggests that many of the landslide movements were triggered by, or are coincident with, earthquakes as much as 200 km from the study area.  相似文献   

 A field study from October 1989 through July 1992, conducted on a 4.1-km2 area in south-central Wisconsin, USA, examined the distributions of atrazine and its chlorinated metabolites in groundwater and related those distributions to the groundwater flow system. MODFLOW and PATH3D were used to assess bedrock-aquifer susceptibility to contamination. Estimated travel time from water table to bedrock surface ranges from <0.25 to >512 yr. Spatial distribution of the estimates demonstrates that increased travel time to bedrock can result from the presence of shallow surface-water bodies, greater depths to bedrock, and smaller hydraulic conductivities. Estimated travel times to local domestic wells are inversely related to atrazine and desethylated atrazine concentrations observed in water from those wells. The potential impact of long-term atrazine use on aquifer water quality was investigated using MT3D in two best-case scenarios. Uncertainties associated with predicted atrazine concentrations at various depths and times were estimated. For shallow groundwater, widespread violations of Wisconsin's current preventive action limit were predicted, but with large uncertainty stemming from uncertain estimates of input parameter values. The simulations indicate, however, that moderate inputs at the water table are very unlikely to produce violations of Wisconsin's standards deeper in the aquifer. Received, October 1997 Revised, July 1998 Accepted, July 1998  相似文献   

Shales constitute more than 60% of the world's sediments, yet while facies models for sandstones and carbonates are at a high level of sophistication, the study of shales has clearly lagged behind. In the mid-Proterozoic Newland Formation six major shale facies types, deposited in nearshore to basinal environments, are distinguished on the basis of bedding characteristics, textural features, and the proportions of silt, clay and carbonate. Textural features of these shale types are related to sedimentary environments as deduced from associated lithologies. The shales are undisturbed by bioturbation, and their textural and sedimentary characteristics reflect subaqueous growth of microbial mats, erosion and deposition by storms, deposition of flocculated vs. dispersed clays, continuous slow background sedimentation, winnowing by waves or currents, and subaerial exposure.  相似文献   

An40Ar/39Ar age of 85.81 Ma±0.22 my was obtained on sanidine from a volcanic procellanite bed near the top of the 2135+m-thick Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation in the Lima Peaks area of southwestern Montana. This early Santonian age, combined with previously determined age data including a palynological age of Cenomanian for the lower Frontier at Lima Peaks, and a U-Pb isotopic date of about 95 Ma for the base of the Frontier Formation in the eastern Pioneer Mountains north of the Lima Peaks area, provides an age range for the nonmarine formation. In the Madison Range, farther east in southweastern Montana, this age range corresponds to marine strata of not only the Frontier Formation, but also the overlying Cody Shale and Telegraph Creek Formation, a sequence that totals less than 760 m thick.The Upper Cretaceous marine formations of the madison Range are closely zoned by molluscan faunas that are well constrained with radiometric dates. The40Ar/39Ar age of 85.81 Ma±0.22 my at Lima Peaks is bracketed by radiometric dates for theScaphites depressus—Protexanites bourgeoisianusbiozone and the overlyingClioscaphites saxitonianus—Inoceramus undulatopilcatusbiozone of the Western Interior. Fossils of both of these biozones are present in the Cody Shale and the Telegraph Creek Formation in the Madison Range. The Telegraph Creek contains two units of volcanic ash that are approximate time equivalents of the volcanic procellanite of the Lima Peaks area. Clasts in the conglomerate of the upper part of the Frontier in the Lima Peaks area were shed during the initial stages of uplift of the Blacktail-Snowcrest Highlands which rose to the north. The dated porcellanite lies above the conglomerates and indicates that the uplift was initiated by middle or late Coniacian, 87–88 Ma.  相似文献   

The Black Butte copper deposits (formerly known as Sheep Creek) are a group of sediment hosted, laterally extensive Cu–(Co–Ag) deposits hosted in dolomitic shale of the mid-Proterozoic Newland Formation. Copper–cobalt mineralization occurs in zones of massive, laminated pyrite that were locally reworked and infiltrated by Cu-rich fluids during early diagenesis. Cobalt, along with substantial nickel and arsenic, mainly occurs as impurities within early, porous pyrite, or as minute grains of sulpharsenides (i.e., cobaltite, glaucodot, and/or alloclasite). Later thermal events remobilized the Co, Ni, and As to form intergrowths of siegenite (Co,Ni)3S4 and tennantite. The temperature of this later event is constrained by the mineralogical assemblage to have been relatively low, between 125 and 225 °C. Although many of the characteristics of SEDEX-type deposits are present at Black Butte (e.g., laterally extensive massive pyrite horizons, interbedded black shales, abundant barite and local phosphate horizons, and rifted continental margin setting), the lack of economic Pb and Zn mineralization in the main deposits, and the abundance of Cu with high Co, is more typical of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits. The Neihart Formation, a hematitic quartz sandstone resting below the base of the Belt Supergroup, may have been an important source bed for Cu–Co–Ni–Ag fluids. It is speculated that these fluids, ideal for forming Cu deposits, were expelled along growth faults near the margin of the Belt Basin and deposited metals on or just below the sea floor in a setting that is typical of SEDEX deposits. This unique mineral deposit model may have applications to other districts where Cu–Co-rich sulfides are deposited in an exhalative setting.  相似文献   

Faults have been documented on nearly every solid surface in the solar system, from asteroids to moons to planets, and they provide a remarkable suite of data sets and critical problems for investigation and analysis by structural geologists. The lack of significant atmospheres on Mercury, the Moon, and most outer planet satellites, along with slow erosion rates and a lack of crustal recycling and Earth-like plate tectonics on most planetary bodies, allows for excellent preservation of fault scarp morphologies for study of fault populations and developmental sequences.  相似文献   

The Helena salient is a prominent craton–convex curve in the Cordillera thrust belt of Montana, USA. The Lombard thrust sheet is the primary sheet in the salient. Structural analysis of fold trends, cleavage attitudes, and movement on minor faults is used to better understand both the geometry of the Lombard thrust and the kinematic development of the salient.Early W–E to WNW–ENE shortening directions in the Lombard sheet are indicated by fold trends in the center of the thrust sheet. The same narrow range of shortening directions is inferred from kinematic analysis of movement on minor faults and the orientations of unrotated cleavage planes along the southern lateral ramp boundary of the salient. As the salient developed, the amount and direction of shortening were locally modified as listric detachment faults rotated some tight folds to the NW, and as right-lateral simple shear, caused by lock-up and folding of the Jefferson Canyon fault above the lateral ramp, rotated other folds northeastward. Where the lateral ramp and frontal-oblique ramp intersect, folds were rotated back to the NW. Our interpretation of dominant W–E to WNW–ESE shortening in the Lombard sheet, later altered by local rotations, supports a model of salient formation by primary parallel transport modified by interactions with a lateral ramp.  相似文献   

Chromite separates within the Peridotite Zone of the 2,700 Ma-old Stillwater Complex are characterized by low 187Re/188Os (0.009 to 1.74) and relatively high Os concentrations (8.74 to 78.2 ppb). Their calculated initial Os isotopic compositions likely reflect the compositions of the magmas from which they crystallized. The chromites show variable initial Os isotopic compositions (%Os of +2.0 to +16.4) over the vertical extent of the Peridotite Zone, implicating at least two sources of Os. Both the range of %Os and values of %Os decrease upsection. These variations in %Os were caused by mixing of variable proportions of two magmas having different Os isotopic compositions. One of the magmatic components was a more primitive magma with a nearly chondritic Os isotopic composition. The other magma had a radiogenic Os isotopic composition as a result of assimilation of crust, perhaps of sedimentary rocks beneath the Stillwater Complex. The gradual decrease in the initial %Os values of the chromite layers with increasing stratigraphic height implies a decreasing relative contribution from the contaminated magma throughout the growth of the Peridotite Zone. Small variations in %Os between different chromite occurrences within the H multicyclic unit reflects the petrologic requirement that chromite layers crystallize from slightly different proportions of the magmas, compared to chromite from olivine- and orthopyroxene-rich layers.  相似文献   

Sorption of Cs to micaceous subsurface sediments from the Hanford site, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sorption of Cs+ was investigated over a large concentration range (10−9−10−2 mol/L) on subsurface sediments from a United States nuclear materials site (Hanford) where high-level nuclear wastes (HLW) have been accidentally released to the vadose zone. The sediment sorbs large amounts of radiocesium, but expedited migration has been observed when HLW (a NaNO3 brine) is the carrier. Cs+ sorption was measured on homoionic sediments (Na+, K+, Ca2+) with electrolyte concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1.0 mol/L. In Na+ electrolyte, concentrations were extended to near saturation with NaNO3(s) (7.0 mol/L). The sediment contained nonexpansible (biotite, muscovite) and expansible (vermiculite, smectite) phyllosilicates. The sorption data were interpreted according to the frayed edge-planar site conceptual model. A four-parameter, two-site (high- and low-affinity) numeric ion exchange model was effective in describing the sorption data. The high-affinity sites were ascribed to wedge zones on the micas where particle edges have partially expanded due to the removal of interlayer cations during weathering, and the low-affinity ones to planar sites on the expansible clays. The electrolyte cations competed with Cs+ for both high- and low-affinity sites according to the trend K+ >> Na+ ≥ Ca2+. At high salt concentration, Cs+ adsorption occurred only on high-affinity sites. Na+ was an effective competitor for the high-affinity sites at high salt concentrations. In select experiments, silver-thiourea (AgTU) was used as a blocking agent to further isolate and characterize the high-affinity sites, but the method was found to be problematic. Mica particles were handpicked from the sediment, contacted with Cs+(aq), and analyzed by electron microprobe to identify phases and features important to Cs+ sorption. The microprobe study implied that biotite was the primary contributor of high-affinity sites because of its weathered periphery. The poly-phase sediment exhibited close similarity in ion selectivity to illite, which has been well studied, although its proportion of high-affinity sites relative to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) was lower than that of illite. Important insights are provided on how Na+ in HLW and indigenous K+ displaced from the sediments may act to expedite the migration of strongly sorbing Cs+ in subsurface environments.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral plant signatures can be used as a short-term, as well as long-term (100-year timescale) monitoring technique to verify that CO2 sequestration fields have not been compromised. An influx of CO2 gas into the soil can stress vegetation, which causes changes in the visible to near-infrared reflectance spectral signature of the vegetation. For 29 days, beginning on July 9, 2008, pure carbon dioxide gas was released through a 100-m long horizontal injection well, at a flow rate of 300 kg day−1. Spectral signatures were recorded almost daily from an unmown patch of plants over the injection with a “FieldSpec Pro” spectrometer by Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. Measurements were taken both inside and outside of the CO2 leak zone to normalize observations for other environmental factors affecting the plants. Four to five days after the injection began, stress was observed in the spectral signatures of plants within 1 m of the well. After approximately 10 days, moderate to high amounts of stress were measured out to 2.5 m from the well. This spatial distribution corresponded to areas of high CO2 flux from the injection. Airborne hyperspectral imagery, acquired by Resonon, Inc. of Bozeman, MT using their hyperspectral camera, also showed the same pattern of plant stress. Spectral signatures of the plants were also compared to the CO2 concentrations in the soil, which indicated that the lower limit of soil CO2 needed to stress vegetation is between 4 and 8% by volume.  相似文献   

A major mission of geosciences is to characterize the composition, structure and geodynamic history of the earth’s continental interiors. Because the evidence for such studies is spread over dif-ferent disciplines and in different spatial and temporal scales, advances in understanding the  相似文献   

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