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东明县农村宅基地管理中,非法占地、非法转让土地、超面积占地、一户多宅、擅自改变宅基地用途和批新不交旧等各种违法行为普遍存在,造成了农村宅基地管理混乱的局面。针对存在的问题,提出了加强法制宣传力度,制定政策抓管理落实,节约挖潜整治土地资源,推进城乡一体化发展等对策建议。  相似文献   

Land in most of Africa is controlled under the customary tenure system which is governed by well intentioned social and cultural rules meant to grant equal access to families within groups with common interest in land. Rapid changes in the domestic situation of countries resulting from both refractions of policies and influences from the global economy and emerging complexities within the local socio-economic context has altered the traditional land tenure systems in most parts of Africa. In the rural setting and for agricultural purposes, the customary tenure system seems to be crumbling slowly, while in the urban centres and for housing, industrial and commercial purposes the system has collapsed in favour of a commoditised one. The emerging patterns of access in Northern Ghana show growing inequalities in access, control and ownership. There is the need for a new architecture of land rights negotiated by a participatory process and regulated by both state and traditional institutions.  相似文献   

A persistent theme in land and agrarian studies is the appropriation of land and natural resources by mostly Western foreigners and the inequitable division of land and natural resources between Indigenous people and white settlers. It was this overt racial inequality in land ownership and the accompanying structures of oppression that led to the rise of liberation movements in Africa, South America and Asia. Most, if not all, land and agrarian reform programmes in the former colonies take the racial inequality in land as their point of departure. The same applies to the process of changing the inequalities in the use and ownership of natural resources such as wildlife, fisheries and forests. Whereas critical scholarship and social movements vehemently opposed the racialized nature of land dispossession, less attention has been paid to the persistence of racialized tenure systems. The silence on the racial character of land and natural resource tenure is rather surprising given that colonial tenure systems were based on race and racist grounds. This paper draws on examples from nature conservancies and communal land reform in southern Africa to argue that the dual land and natural resource tenure inherent from colonialism and apartheid remains intact in contemporary southern Africa. It also suggests that the democratic governments in the region and critical scholarship have failed to challenge the racialized character of land tenure. Instead, they continued to reinvent orthodox views of society and culture. Race seems to matter most in property regimes in the region in as far as it relates to equity rather than its initial categorization of people. The consequences of the persistence of the racialized tenure systems are that the success or failure of land and resource use and management reproduces racial explanations.  相似文献   

Drawing on findings from a study of Indigenous housing in a regional Western Australian city, this paper examines the experiences of Indigenous peoples as a particular set of ‘right bearers’ within the right-to-the-city discourse. In settler-states, colonial discourses of absence, threat, and authenticity have informed policy frameworks that have militated against various Indigenous claims of belonging, rights, and aspiration in relation to urban places. Housing has been a representative domain of struggle in this respect. Consequently, today, Indigenous peoples have disproportionately high rates of dependence on more volatile and discriminatory forms of tenure than their non-Indigenous counterparts.The paper examines the incongruence between State aspirations to move (Indigenous) people along a housing continuum in urban environments, and the actual experiences of Indigenous urban residents, which fix discursively on barriers to such movements. It also traces the deleterious, displacing impacts for urban Indigenous households of the retreat of the State in its role as a landlord for the socio-economically disadvantaged, and in responding to market signals and particular sociological theses regarding poverty, with specific spatial logics. In so doing, we advance two interwoven arguments. First, we assert that Indigenous people face a unique precarity in the Australian urban housing system, which is a result of both colonial and racially discriminatory forces, and economically discriminating processes such as capital concentration and the commodification of land. Second, we contend that this precarity sets many Indigenous people on housing career trajectories that are antithetical to policy intentions.  相似文献   

The global ‘land grab’ debate is going urban and needs a specific conceptual framework to analyze the diverse modalities through which land commodification and speculation are transforming cities across the globe. This article identifies new avenues for research on urban land issues by drawing on an extensive body of academic literature and concrete cases of urban land transformations in Asia, Latin America and Africa. These transformations are analyzed by focusing on three types of urban investments – investments in property, investments in public space and public services, and investments in speculation, image building and ‘worlding’ – and the way these investments are intermingled with and enhanced by processes of gentrification and speculative urbanism. Addressing real estate and infrastructure investments, speculation and gentrification through a land-based lens allows us to deepen the discussion on urban land governance in the global South. We argue that urban land acquisition cannot be thoroughly understood in isolation from the workings of urban real estate markets, public policies, and displacement processes. The urban land grab debate needs to consider the dialectic interplay between land use change and general socio-spatial transformations both in central – or recentralized – and peripheral areas. This is why we plea for a kaleidoscopic perspective on urban land governance by uncovering the complex patchwork of urban land acquisitions and their diverse temporalities and spatialities, their hybrid character in terms of actors involved, and the multiple and often unpredicted ways in which urban dwellers try to gain control over and access to urban land.  相似文献   

农村宅基地管理工作中,非法占地、非法转让土地、超面积占地、一户多宅、擅自改变宅基地用途和划新不丢旧等各种违法行为层出不穷,造成了农村宅基地管理混乱的局面。因此,必须加强宣传,做好规划、编制,完善相关法律、法规及执法监察等工作。  相似文献   

张广安  王坤  张伟 《山东地质》2010,(4):34-35,38
泰安市泰山区积极探索强化动态巡查,有效发现制止违法用地行为,组织联合执法,把各种国土资源违法行为消灭在萌芽状态。组建国土城建联合执法中队,采用及时发现、快速制止、依法拆除的有效手段;组建国土资源信息协管员队伍,以形成耕地保护网络组织;组建泰山国土资源保护青年志愿者队伍,以带动广大青年积极参与国土资源管理工作,有效形成了国土资源监管共同责任机制,延伸了国土资源管理的触角,共同营造了珍爱国土、保护耕地的良好氛围。  相似文献   

Nabil Kamel 《Geoforum》2012,43(3):453-463
This paper reveals the contingent aspect associated with the actualization of a neoliberal space. The paper examines the material, institutional, and economic conditions necessary for a neoliberal agenda to transform its urban policy objectives into a material reality. The study follows changes in housing conditions in Santa Monica, California from 1990 to 2008. During this period, the confluence of three sets of events led to the actualization of a neoliberal space. First, housing damage from the 1994 Northridge earthquake removed “dead capital” from the housing sector. Second, subsequent administrative actions at the local level and more importantly deregulation legislation at the state level eliminated rent control regulations and created market incentives that favored upscale development. Finally, the state’s economic recovery generated a substantial flow of private investments into the real estate market. These combined factors led not only to the dismantling of affordable housing in Santa Monica, but also to the erosion of residents’ and local authorities’ ability to manage housing choices and, consequently, to a historic restructuring of Santa Monica’s physical and social space. These changes had a disproportionately and negative effect on low-income and minority renters.  相似文献   

针对中低收入家庭的住房保障这一重大社会问题,研究保障性住房设计,已成为建筑师所面临的现实任务。方案"民居·庭院·住宅",以弘扬民居传统文化为设计理念,提出创造以人为本、融入自然、高科技含量、低成本高质量的特色时代住宅,进而保障中低收入家庭平等的居住权利。  相似文献   

围绕城镇土地保有成本展开讨论,分析国内外城市土地保有成本的异同。针对当前中国城镇土地保有环节成本过低和调控手段较少的现状,重点分析土地保有成本对土地资源节约集约利用的作用,提出了增加土地保有环节成本和实行土地有限期出让的建议。  相似文献   

Since all agricultural systems depend on land, the ownership of, or access to, agricultural land becomes crucial in the consideration of factors which determine agricultural land-use systems. The land tenure system affects agricultural land use and prospects for improvement. This paper examines the structure of the land tenure system in the Okun Area of Kwara State, Nigeria, and its influence on the farming system in that area. It reveals that despite the fact that this is a predominantly agricultural rural community, the operation of the land tenure system is exceptionally liberal and only marginally affects both the size of individual farm holdings and the way the land is cropped. This situation results mainly from two factors. First, the Okun people perceive land as a God-given entity and therefore it is held in trust for Him and second, the population density is very low, with plenty of land to go round. In the present circumstances, large-scale agricultural projects developed in the Okun area over the last decade have been offered land freely by the people rather than finding the land tenure system a hinderance.  相似文献   

 Dolomite rock formations underlie large areas of the Gauteng, North, North-West and Mpumalanga Provinces in South Africa. Sinkholes, subsidences and dolines that may form at any place and at any time on these formations pose a threat to the properties and lives of thousands of people who live and work there. Since much urban, industrial and mining development has taken place in these areas, and the demand for housing development is on the increase, the risk of surface damage must be minimized by means of proper site investigations, hazard and risk evaluation and selection of appropriate development. The legal aspects pertaining to development on dolomite land in South Africa and the requirements for geotechnical investigations as outlined in the various ordinances and acts are reviewed here. Received: 15 September 1996 · Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

Land is a primary resource for international tourism development. The relation of indigenous systems of land tenure and the history of land alienation to tourism in Pacific Island nations, however, is problematic. Governments of some Pacific Island nations are now emphasizing the traditional land rights of indigenous people in determining land use for economic development. Land is a key resource for the local participation of Islanders in development, and indigenous land claims are a volatile political issue. There has been little substantive research on tourism and land tenure in Melanesia. This paper examines the history of the problem of land alienation, the nature of traditional land tenure, and the relation of current land claims to tourist development in Vanuatu. Land alienations are tied to modern tourist developments, and issues of land tenure are a central aspects of political debate in local cultures. Suggestions are offered for regional planning for tourism, and local control of tourist development and land use.  相似文献   

在农村土地整治工作中,土地权属管理是保护权利人合法权益、保证农村土地整治顺利进行的基础。因此,理顺土地权属关系、加强农村土地整治权属管理至为重要。该文对山东省66个土地综合整治项目和2006-2011年城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目涉及的土地权属管理工作进行了调研,全面分析了土地权属管理现状,结合工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策建议,以期为今后土地整治权属管理方面的深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

Adhvaryu  Bhargav  Mudhol  Sushmita S. 《GeoJournal》2021,87(4):485-509

Rapid urbanisation in India is a key contributor to the overstressed public infrastructure. The urban public transport system is one of the important infrastructure systems. An effective public transportation network helps the city improve its accessibility, lower carbon footprint, and enhances economic growth and societal equity. India is a relatively poor country with limited public resources. Therefore, investing in an effective urban public transport system needs a tailored approach. Such an approach would entail using public transport to guide urban development. In this context, the first step would be to measure the accessibility levels of the existing public transport network and then use the accessibility mapping outputs to better inform the urban planning process. This study explores the Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) tool that measures the accessibility of the public transport system and provides a spatial visualisation using Geographic Information System. PTAL is implemented taking Hubli-Dharwad as a case study for the base year (2020) superimposed with population and employment density, and future year (2031). The outcome of the research facilitates the city planning process by guiding transportation and land-use zoning integrations, direct public transport investments, demarcation of transit-oriented development zones, parking policies, and identifying locations of affordable and low-cost housing.


Fulong Wu 《Geoforum》2004,35(4):453-470
Residential displacement by urban regeneration in western economies and forced relocation in the Third World countries are contentious issues. This paper, based on a household survey in Shanghai, examines the process and outcomes of residential relocation under market-oriented urban redevelopment in China. The results show that commodification of the socialist tenancy right helped to initiate large-scale urban redevelopment. First, there has been a complicated process of negotiation during residential relocation, involving residents, development companies, and government agencies. The de facto right of public housing tenants is considered by a pragmatic attitude in urban redevelopment in the early years. Second, residential relocation is accompanied by the changes in housing tenure, housing conditions, and the improved built form of planned residential districts. Nevertheless, the social conflict has become intensified recently because the deepening of commodification began to favour property developers by constraining the compensation standard for relocated households.  相似文献   

Conclusion The sporadic application of ‘slum clearance’ programmes served only to exacerbate the already intransigent problem of urban housing shortage, as the example of Lagos has demonstrated. The continued application of Western assumptions in urban development (whereas they have since been modified in those countries) has inhibited a reassessment of issues in the Nigerian context. Some of the issues at stake have been considered in this paper. Conventional Western concepts have not only proved inappropriate to the realities of rapid urban growth and limited resources in Nigeria and most of tropical Africa, but have intensified the problems still further. In the context of Maroko slum clearance exercise as contained in this paper, they must be seen as an unsuccessful attempt to control rather than resolve the housing problems of the urban poor. I terms of planning five procedural steps are necessary to be followed to accomplish a desirable urban renewal exercise for the community. They are (1) to acquire land in accordance with the plan, consisting of purchase of land and the structures on it. (2) Relocation of residents from the acquired buildings into satisfactory quarters. The relocation exercise must be made not only mandatory on the government (local or state) undertaking renewal but made a legal requirement. (3) Site clearance — the razing of the structures on the land may be carried out only after the quality of such structures have been determined. This exercise also assumes that a process of data collection and analysis have been accomplished (social and physical). (4) Site improvements and supporting facilities and services are undertaken by the agency. Site improvements include streets, sewers, lightiing etc. Others may include parks, play ground, schools etc. (5) Land may be built upon by agency or sold to original owners if compensations have been paid. They may also be given back to owners with loans to rebuild either through self-help or cooperative venture. Amortization and interest on such loans should be made generous for the poor. Since demolition of housing must precede new construction in the project area, the existing stock of housing is decreased, forcing the displacees to seek shelter in the remaining housing in the city or erect squatter housing. This is especially likely at the low-quality end of the housing market, since the greatest reduction in the housing stock occurs there. The condition may remain depending on government’s degree of responsiveness. Perhaps the only way to avoid the problem of a reduced housing stock in any urban renewal project, thus curbing the incidence of the spiral process of slums among the poor, as the Maroko example has demonstrated in Lagos, is by building new dwelling units for relocatees before demolishing their present homes. Such policy would merge with general attempts to relocate the poor in suburbs, seeking a reduction in the concentrations of poverty in central cities of Nigeria.  相似文献   

Conflicts arise increasingly in Tanzania which involve claims in land located in conservation areas. These conflicts arise, in many cases, between members of the local communities and the state authorities in charge of the conservation areas. They concern customary land rights both of pastoral and of agricultural communities, a topic which also touches upon their identities. The article investigates the legal dimension of these disputes by discussing the law governing conservation areas in the wider context of land tenure legislation. Within this context, the legal framework of conservation areas is discussed from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Nature conservation must respect the needs of the local population affected. It is therefore argued that concepts of community-based conservation should be developed further to work towards the goal of integrating nature conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

What started as a media-driven hype about the global land rush has developed into a well-established academic debate on land governance and an important domain for policy intervention. Research over the past decade has deepened our understanding of how land, water and forests, which were once considered to be local assets and the sources of livelihoods, are transformed into global goods and the focus of capital investments. We are now clearly aware that such transformation generates significant impacts on the livelihood security of vulnerable groups. In response to this, a variety of policy interventions have been devised to minimize the negative impacts (‘do not harm’) and create new opportunities (‘do good’). Yet, it is still unclear how actual policy implementations play out on the ground, what the real impacts are at the local level and whether these interventions help people to improve their livelihoods. In this paper, we present an overview of the existing intervention approaches and their theoretical underpinnings, and discuss how to optimize the developmental outcomes. We argue that the once popular livelihood research framework should be revised and then incorporated more robustly in the existing intervention approaches, as it could help investors and governmental actors to engage in making their investments more relevant to local development.  相似文献   

Jon D. Unruh 《GeoJournal》1995,36(1):19-26
Indigenous resource tenure systems in Africa have evolved to meet the constraints and opportunities of often difficult biophysical environments, while facilitating the operation of complex spatial and temporal land use patterns. Traditional systems provide security of tenure in culturally relevant ways that permit adaptation to new circumstances. On the other hand imposed tenure structures in Africa have often not strengthened individual rights and have often blocked indigenous tenure development and adaption in response to new situations.Pastoralists in Africa have in particular been negatively impacted by the imposition of national tenure systems which in many cases have served to marginalize nomadic populations, with repercussions in land degradation, food security, and instability.In Somalia the transient resource rights and resource use arrangements that are critical to transhumant pastoralism were ignored in the formulation of the national tenure regime which favored crop cultivation. The results were increased land degradation, resource use conflicts, declines in pastoral production, and impacts on Somali clan alliances which in many cases regulate rational resource access and use.Somalia possesses the greatest proportion of pastoralists in Africa. Transhumant pastoralism, as the most widespread agricultural enterprise in the country, will play a critical role in food production for the foreseeable future. However, the relationship between indigenous pastoralist tenure and state imposed tenure has, in many locations decreased the ability of pastoralism to reproduce itself, thereby compromising the rational utilization of very large areas of rangeland interior, which have very few alternative uses.  相似文献   

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