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The paper presents original authors' data on the O, H, C, S, and Sr isotopic composition of water and sediments from the basins into which the Aral Sea split after its catastrophic shoaling: Chernyshev Bay (CB), the basin of the Great Aral in the north, Lake Tshchebas (LT), and Minor Sea (MS). The data indicate that the δ18О, δD, δ13C, and δ34S of the water correlate with the mineralization (S) of the basins (as of 2014): for CB, S = 135.6‰, δ18О = 4.8 ± 0.1‰, δD = 5 ± 2‰, δ13C (dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC) = 3.5 ± 0.1‰, δ34S = 14.5‰; for LT, S = 83.8‰, δ18О = 2.0 ± 0.1‰, δD =–13.5 ± 1.5‰, δ13C = 2.0 ± 0.1‰, δ34S = 14.2‰; and for MS, S = 9.2‰, δ18О =–2.0 ± 0.1‰, δD =–29 ± 1‰, δ13C =–0.5 ± 0.5‰, δ34S = 13.1‰. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of the groundwaters are similar to those in MS and principally different from the artesian waters fed by atmospheric precipitation. The mineralization, δ13С, and δ34S of the groundwaters broadly vary, reflecting interaction with the host rocks. The average δ13С values of the shell and detrital carbonates sampled at the modern dried off zones of the basins are similar: 0.8 ± 0.8‰ for CB, 0.8 ± 1.4‰ for LT, and –0.4 ± 0.3‰ for MS. The oxygen isotopic composition of the carbonates varies much more broadly, and the average values are as follows: 34.2 ± 0.2‰ for CB, 32.0 ± 2.2‰ for LT, and 28.2 ± 0.9‰ for MS. These values correlate with the δ18O of the water of the corresponding basins. The carbonate cement of the Late Eocene sandstone of the Chengan Formation, which makes up the wave-cut terrace at CB, has anomalously low δ13С up to –38.5‰, suggesting origin near a submarine methane seep. The δ34S of the mirabilite and gypsum (11.0 to 16.6‰) from the bottom sediments and young dried off zone also decrease from CB to MS in response to increasing content of sulfates brought by the Syr-Darya River (δ34S = 9.1 to 9.9‰) and weakening sulfate reduction. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the water and carbonates of the Aral basins do not differ, within the analytical error, and is 0.70914 ± 0.00003 on average. This value indicate that the dominant Sr source of the Aral Sea is Mesozoic–Cenozoic carbonate rocks. The Rb–Sr systems of the silicate component of the bottom silt (which is likely dominated by eolian sediments) of MS and LT plot on the Т = 160 ± 5 Ma, I0 = 0.7091 ± 0.0001, pseudochron. The Rb–Sr systems of CB are less ordered, and the silt is likely a mixture of eolian and alluvial sediments.  相似文献   

The Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex, as a part of the ophiolites on the southern side of the North Qinling belt, consists of gabbro and norite-gabbro. They were derived from different magma series: the gabbro was derived from tholeiitic magma series with higher TiO2, REE abundance and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio ; norite-gabbro was derived from calc-alkali magma series with lower TiO2, Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio and REE abundance and much lower HREE abundance, which suggests that the source of the norite-gabbro magma was deeper and controlled by eclogite facies. Geochemical characteristics of both plutonic rocks are similar to those of island-arc basalts, such as relatively high contents of Ba, Pb and Sr and relatively low contents of Nb, Zr and N j.The Sr, Nd isotopic characteristics of the Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex are similar to those of ophiolites. Its εNd values are constant, about+2; whereas εst values have wide variation from - 6.4 to +31.2 and positively correlate with Na2O, H2O+ and CO2 contents and the Fe3+/Fe  相似文献   

The current use of untreated river water for drinking purposes by the population of French Guiana has important impacts on public health. Consequently, groundwater is of major importance as a possible alternative drinking water supply to reduce these impacts. Since French Guiana belongs to the Guyana Shield, sustainable water management can be expected to depend increasingly on water from fissured aquifers in hard rocks. Groundwater samples were collected from shallow drill holes in the densely populated coastal area, and deeper wells in the basement (around Cayenne and along the Maroni and Oyapock rivers). This study reports on major and trace elements for which Na+ and Ca2+ excess with regard to Cl reflect the role of water-rock interaction, as well as Sr and Nd isotopes that reflect the role of the different lithologies. δ18O and δD in waters give constraints on the water cycle (recharge and evaporation processes).  相似文献   

Wudalianchi volcanic rocks are the most typical Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks in easten China.Compositional comparisons between whole rocks and glasses of various occurrences indicate that the magma tends to become rich in silica and alkalis as a result of crystal differentiation in the course of evolu-tion.They are unique in isotopic composition with more radiogenic Sr but less radiogenic Pb.^87Sr/^86Sr is higher and ^143Nd/^144Nd is lower than the undifferentiated global values.In comparison to continental pot-ash volcanic rocks,Pb isotopes are apparently lower.These various threads of evidence indicate that the rocks were derived from a primary enriched mantle which had not been subjected to reworking and shows no sign of incorporation of crustal material.The correlation between Pb and Sr suggests the regional heterogeneity in the upper mantle in terms of chemical composition.  相似文献   

Whole-rock geochemical and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data are presented for the Harrat Al-Madinah volcanic field, in the north western part of the Arabian plate, aiming to understand their origin and the composition of their mantle source. This area is an active volcanic field characterized by the occurrence of two historic eruptions approximately in 641 and 1256 A.D. Field investigation of the main volcanic landforms indicates dominantly monogenetic strombolian eruptions, in addition to local phreatomagmatic eruption style. The lavas consist mainly of alkali olivine basalt, olivine transitional basalt, and hawaiite with ocean island basalt (OIB)-like characteristics. Evolved rocks, represented by mugearites, benmoreites, and trachytes, occur mainly as domes, tuff cones and occasionally as lava flows. Chemical variations in the evolved rocks indicated their evolution by low pressure crystal fractionation of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and Fe–Ti oxides from the relatively primitive basalts. The isotopic compositions of 143Nd/144Nd (0.512954–0.512995), 87Sr/86Sr (0.702899 to–0.702977) and Pb (206Pb/204Pb = 18.5515–18.7446, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.5120–15.5222, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.1347–38.4468), show restricted variations suggesting only minor crustal contamination. They defined an array consistent with mixing of two geochemically distinct components of depleted MORB-mantle (DMM) and high 238U/204Pb ratio (HIMU). The variations in Tb/Yb, La/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios in the relatively primitive basalts (MgO > 6 wt.%) indicated garnet peridotite source. However, the positive Nb, Sr, Ba and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle-normalized incompatible element patterns and the significant variation between Zr/Nb vs. Ce/Y and La/Yb vs. Yb suggest contribution of an amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite source. Moreover, the negative correlations between SiO2 vs. 87Sr/86Sr and Th vs. 143Nd/144Nd are interpreted as an indication of mixing melts derived from two end-members; one is garnet bearing asthenospheric source with OIB characteristic and the other is amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite. The Harrat Al-Madinah volcanic field occurs near the Red Sea Rift System and its origin reflects a strong lithospheric control on the loci of partial melting. The dominantly NNW alignment patterns of the volcanoes, which is similar to the regional Red Sea trend, may suggest that the magmas were produced by decompression partial melting triggered by lithospheric extension related to the Red Rift.  相似文献   

The Haisugou Mo deposit is located in the northern part of the Xilamulun Mo–Cu metallogenic belt in northeastern China. The Mo mineralization mainly occurs as quartz-molybdenite veins within the Haisugou granite, which was emplaced into rocks of the Early Permian Qingfengshan Formation. Zircon U–Pb dating by LA–ICP-MS of the granite yields a crystallization age of 137.6 ± 0.9 Ma, suggesting emplacement during the peak time of Mo mineralization in eastern China, broadly constrained to ca. 150–130 Ma, when tectonic stresses shifted from compression to extension. Whole-rock geochemical data suggest that the granite belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline series, and is characterized by relatively high LREE; low HREE; depletion of Ti, Ba, and Nb; and a moderate negative Eu anomaly. The zircon εHf(t) and whole-rock εNd(t) values for the intrusion range from +4.5 to +10.0 and +0.2 to +1.6, respectively, indicating that the magma originated from the juvenile lower crust source derived from depleted mantle, with some component of ancient continental crust. The granite is also characterized by initial (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios ranging from 0.7040 to 0.7074, which suggest some contamination by the upper crust during the ascent of the primitive magma. Moreover, it can be recognized from the whole-rock major and trace element data that significant fractional crystallization occurred during magmatic evolution, with the separation of plagioclase and K-feldspar. Because Mo is an incompatible element and tends to concentrate in the melt during crystallization, fractionation processes likely played an important role in the formation of the Haisugou Mo deposit.  相似文献   

The medium-tonnage Sarsuk polymetallic Au deposit is located in the Devonian volcanic–sedimentary Ashele Basin of the south Altay Orogenic Belt (AOB), Northwest China. Within the deposit, the rhyolite porphyries and diabases are widespread, emplaced into strata. The orebodies are hosted by the rhyolite porphyries. We studied the petrography, geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes of the rhyolite porphyries and diabases, in order to understand the petrogenesis of these rocks and their tectonic significance. They display typical bimodality in geochemistry compositions. The diabases are characterized by SiO2 contents of 44.84–59.77 wt.%, high Mg# values (43–69), enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), depletion in Nb and Ta, low (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.706687–0.707613) values, positive εNd(t) (4.8–6.8) values, and positive and high εHf(t) (7.15–15.19) values, suggesting a depleted lithosphere mantle source that might have been metasomatized by subduction-related components. The rhyolite porphyries show affinity to sanukitoid magmas contents [high SiO2 (78.6–81.82 wt.%) and MgO (3.38–5.94 wt.%, one sample at 0.61 wt.%), and enrichments in LILE and LREE], they were derived from the equilibrium reactions between a mantle source and subducted oceanic crust materials. Those characteristics together with the positive εNd(t) (4.1–8.4) and εHf(t) (2.88–15.17) values indicate that the diabases and rhyolite porphyries were generated from the same mantle peridotite source. But the rhyolite porphyries underwent fractional crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides, plagioclase, and apatite due to their negative Eu (δEu = 0.21–0.28) and P anomalies. According to the geochemical and isotopic data, the Sarsuk Middle Devonian igneous rocks are considered to be the products of the juvenile crustal growth in an island arc setting. The Sarsuk polymetallic Au deposit formed slightly later than the Ashele Cu–Zn deposit in the Ashele Basin, but they have the same tectonic setting, belonging to the trench–arc–basin system during extensional process in the south AOB.  相似文献   

We report petrological, chemical and Os–Nd–Sr isotopic data for the Gaositai ultramafic complex from northern North China craton (NCC) to reveal its petrogenesis. The complex shows features of Alaskan-type intrusions, including (1) the concentric zoning from dunite core, to clinopyroxenite and hornblendite in the rim, and the common cumulative textures; (2) the abundance of olivine, clinopyroxene and hornblende, and the scarcity of orthopyroxene and plagioclase, and (3) the systematic decrease in Mg# of ferromagnesian phases from core to rim, accompanied by the Fe-enrichment trend of accessory spinel. The different rock types show highly varied, radiogenic Os isotopic ratios (0.129–5.2), and unradiogenic Nd isotopic composition (εNd(t) = −8 to −15), but are homogeneous in ISr ratios (0.7054–0.7066). The (187Os/188Os)i ratios are found to be anti-correlated with εNd(t) values and whole-rock Mg# as well. These data suggest significant crustal contamination during magma evolution. The crustal contaminants are dominantly Archean mafic rocks in the lower crust, and subordinate TTG gneisses at shallower crustal levels. The parental magma was hydrous picritic in composition, derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle source above a subduction zone. The zoned pattern of the complex formed probably through “flow differentiation” of a rapidly rising crystal mush along a fracture zone that was developed as a result of lithospheric extension in a back-arc setting in the northern margin of the NCC at ca. 280 Ma.  相似文献   

The Late-Cretaceous Catalão I contains stockworks of thin dykes of phoscorite-series rocks, which can be subdivided into P1 (olivine-bearing, phoscorites) and P2/P3 (olivine-lacking, nelsonites). Dolomite carbonatites (DC) are intimately associated with nelsonites, as pockets and dykes. The P2 apatite nelsonite, the P3 magnetite nelsonite, and, to a lesser extent DC, host the Catalão I niobium mineralization. C–O isotopes signatures in carbonates reveal several distinct magmatic and post-magmatic processes. Limpid carbonates with stable isotopic mantle-like composition show Rayleigh fractionation and are interpreted as primary, while those with brittle-turbid aspect, and higher oxygen isotope composition, probably underwent recrystallization by interaction with H2O-rich fluids. A group of samples shows higher oxygen compositions and lower carbon values, which could be explained by degassing of carbonatite magma during cooling. A degassing pattern, parallel to magmatic degassing but at higher oxygen and lower carbon compositions, observed in carbonate veins, may indicate degassing of fracture filling fluids. Furthermore, C–O isotopes of carbonate from monazite-bearing carbonatite have a positive correlation, indicating a distinct, late-stage carbo-hydrothermal event. Though the Catalão I nelsonites and phoscorites are of igneous origin, they underwent several post-magmatic events, which sometimes overprinted partially or entirely the magmatic isotope signature.  相似文献   

Ischia, one active volcano of the Phlegraean Volcanic District, prone to very high risk, is dominated by a caldera formed 55 ka BP, followed by resurgence of the collapsed area. Over the past 3 ka, the activity extruded evolved potassic magmas; only a few low-energy explosive events were fed by less evolved magmas. A geochemical and Sr–Nd–O isotope investigation has been performed on minerals and glass from products of three of such eruptions, Molara, Vateliero, and Cava Nocelle (<2.6 ka BP). Data document strong mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic heterogeneities likely resulting from mingling/mixing processes among mafic and felsic magmas that already fed the Ischia volcanism in the past. Detailed study on the most mafic magma has permitted to investigate its origin. The mantle sector below Ischia underwent subduction processes that modified its pristine chemical, isotopic, and redox conditions by addition of ≤1 % of sediment fluids/melts. Similar processes occurred from Southeast to Northwest along the Apennine compressive margin, with addition of up to 2.5 % of sediment-derived material. This is shown by volcanics with poorly variable, typical δ18O mantle values, and 87Sr/86Sr progressively increasing toward typical continental crust values. Multiple partial melting of this modified mantle generated distinct primary magmas that occasionally assimilated continental crust, acquiring more 18O than 87Sr. At Ischia, 7 % of Hercynian granodiorite assimilation produced isotopically distinct, K-basaltic to latitic magmas. A SW–NE regional tectonic structure gave these magmas coming from large depth the opportunity to mingle/mix with felsic magmas stagnating in shallower reservoirs, eventually triggering explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1614-1626
Two suites of leucogranites were emplaced at 508 ± 5.9 Ma in the Okombahe District of the Damara belt (Namibia) synchronous with the peak of regional high-temperature metamorphism. The Sr (87Sr/86Srinit: 0.707 to 0.711), Nd (εNdinit: − 4.5 to − 6.6), and Pb isotopic (206Pb/204Pb: 18.51–19.13; 207Pb/204Pb: 15.63–15.69; 208Pb/204Pb: 38.08–38.66) compositions indicate that these peraluminous S-type granites were derived from mid- to lower-crustal rocks, which are slightly different to the metapelitic rocks into which they intruded. Since the leucogranites are unfractionated and show no evidence for assimilation or contamination, they constrain the temperature and pressure conditions of their formation. Calculated Zr and LREE saturation temperatures of ca. 850 °C indicate high-temperature crustal melts. High Rb/Sr and low Sr/Ba ratios are consistent with biotite dehydration melting of pelitic source rocks. Qz–Ab–Or systematics reveal that melting and segregation for the least fractionated samples occurred at ca. 7 kbar corresponding to a mid-crustal level of ca. 26 km. However, there is no evidence for a mantle component that could have served as a local heat source for crustal melting. Therefore, the hot felsic magmas that formed close to the time of peak metamorphism are the result of long-lasting high temperature regional metamorphic conditions and intra-crustal collision.  相似文献   

Fluorite mineralization occurs along fractures and cracks of Middle Eocene and Pliocene limestones and marls in the north and northeast of the Pohrenk region (Qicekdagi, Kirsehir). Tb/Ca - Tb/La and Y/Ho ratios were obtained from REE contents of fluorites which have revealed that mineralization is of hydrothermal type. Negative Ce anomalies and positive Eu anomalies reflect that hydrothermal solutions once had high oxygen fugacity. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that homogenization temperatures of mineralization varied between 90℃ and 200℃, and hydrothermal solutions are composed of NaCl + KCl + MgCl2 + H2O. In addition, salinity measurements show that hydrothermal solutions were mixed with meteoric or rock formation water. Geologic setting, REE geochemistry and fluid inclusion studies suggest that mineralization was deposited from a solution generated by mixing of magmatic and meteoric water under epithermal conditions.  相似文献   

The Xishan deposit, located in the western Guangdong Province in South China, is a quartz-vein type W-Sn deposit with an average Sn grade of 0.1–0.4 wt%. The deposit is temporally and spatially associated with Xishan alkali feldspar granite. The W–Sn mineralization is present mainly as veins that are hosted by the granite. In this paper we present new zircon U–Pb age, whole-rock geochemical data, Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopic data and Re–Os age in order to constrain the nature and timing of magmatism and mineralization in the Xishan mining district with implications on geodynamic settings. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb analyses yielded an age of 79.14 ± 0.31 Ma for the alkali feldspar granite, consistent with the molybdenite Re–Os age of 79.41 ± 1.11 Ma. The alkali feldspar granite shows high contents of SiO2 (71.52–76.25 wt%), high total alkalis (Na2O + K2O = 9.35–13.51 wt%), high field strength elements (e.g. Zr = 95.4–116 ppm, Y = 97.1–138 ppm, Nb = 36.1–55.5 ppm, Ga = 97.1–138 ppm), and rare earth elements (total REE = 171.8–194.0 ppm) as well as high Ga/Al ratios (10,000 × Ga/Al = 3.23–3.82) suggesting that it has the geochemical characteristics of A-type granite and shows an A2 subtype affinity. Sr–Nd isotopes of the alkali feldspar granite show that (87Sr/86Sr)i values range from 0.7111 to 0.7183, and the εNd(t) values and Nd model ages (T2DM) vary from −6.8 to −6.5 and 1414 to 1433 Ma, respectively. The Pb isotopic compositions are variable, with 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values ranging from 18.783 to 18.947, 15.709 to 15.722 and 38.969 to 39.244, respectively, indicating that the alkali feldspar granite was derived from a mantle-crust mixed source. In situ Hf isotopic analyses reveal that the alkali feldspar granite has εHf(t) values ranging from −9.69 to −0.04 and two-stage Hf model ages from 1145 Ma to 1755 Ma, indicating that the alkali feldspar granite was formed by the partial melting of Mesoproterozoic crusts of the Cathaysia Block with additions of mantle-derived materials. These results, together with previously presented regional geological relationships, suggest that the formation of the Xishan granite and associated W–Sn mineralization is related to lithospheric extension and asthenospheric upwelling that are attributed to a directional change of Pacific plate motion.  相似文献   

The Langdu high-K calc-alkaline intrusions are located in the Zhongdian area, which is the southern part of the Yidun island arc. These intrusive rocks consist mainly of monzonite porphyry, granodiorite, and diorite porphyry. The K2O content of majority of these rocks is greater than 3%, and, in the K2O-SiO2 diagram, all the samples fall into the high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic fields. They are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs; LaN/YbN = 14.3-21.2), and show slightly negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.77-1.00). These rocks have high K, Rb, Sr, and Ba contents; moderate to high enrichment of compatible elements (Cr = 36.7-79.9 ppm, Co = 9.6-16.4 ppm, and MgO = 2.2%-3.4%); low Nb, Ta, and Ti contents, and characteristic of low high field strength elements(HFSEs) versus incompatible elements ratios (Nb/Th = 0.75, Nb/La = 0.34) and incompatible elements ratios (Nb/U = 3.0 and Ce/Pb = 5.1, Ba/Rb = 12.0). These rocks exhibit restricted Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, with (87Sr/86Sr) i values ranging from 0.7044 to 0.7069 and εNd(t) values from -2.8 to -2.2. The Sr-Nd isotope systematic and specific trace element ratios suggest that Langdu high-K calc-alkaline intrusive rocks derived from a metasomatized mantle source. The unique geochemical feature of intrusive rocks can be modeled successfully using different members of a slightly enriched mantle, a slab-derived fluid, and terrigenous sediments. It can be inferred that the degree of partial melting and the presence of specific components are temporally related to the tectonic evolution of the Zhongdian island arc. Formation of these rocks can be explained by the various degrees of melting within an ascending region of the slightly enriched mantle, triggered by the subduction of the Garzê-Litang ocean, and an interaction between the slab-derived fluid and the terrigenous sediments.  相似文献   

The K?rka borate deposit was deposited in a Miocene lacustrine basin which is closely associated with volcanic activity which lasted from Paleogene to the beginning of Quaternary. Borate mineralization alternates with claystone, mudstone, tuff and fine-layered limestone and mostly shows a lenticular structure. The mineral paragenesis is composed of borax, tincalconite, ulexite, kurnakovite, probertite, tunellite, colemanite, dolomite, smectite group minerals, illite and some firstly reported minerals for the K?rka deposit including hydrochloroborite, brianroulstonite, hilgardite-4M and searlesite minerals. In comparison to average values of earth crust, concentrations of Cs, Sr, Li, As and Se were significantly enriched with respective rates of 21, 15, 14, 3 and 188 folds. Regarding KY, KS1 and KS2 locations, there are differences in both element abundances and their geochemical tendencies which are attributed to variations in discharge regime and physico-chemical conditions of the depositional environment. Independent behaviour of B2O3 might indicate that boron is not associated with clays and carbonates and, therefore, most part of boron must be derived from volcanic activity (hydrothermal solutions, gases). REE data indicate that the K?rka borate deposit was formed in a sedimentary environment where highly alkaline (high pH) hydrothermal solutions also took part in borate precipitation process.  相似文献   

This paper reports a geochemical study on the major and trace elements and Pb–Sr isotopes of a weathering profile developed in the Lower Cambrian black shales in central Hunan (China). Six weathering horizons were identified and sampled vertically throughout the profile. The chemical composition of the profile consists of variable concentrations of the major elements Fe2O3, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, and P2O5 and of less variable concentrations of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, and K2O. The chemical change caused by weathering is estimated by mass-balance calculations, and the results show that the element mobility is characterised by substantial loss of SiO2, FeO, CaO, K2O, Na2O, LOI, Cr, V, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, U, and Th, and moderate loss of Al2O3, MgO, Fe2O3, Ni, Cu, Pb, Tl, Sn, Sc, Ge and REE (Y). The high field strength elements TiO2, Sn, Sc, U, Ga, Ge, Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta were immobile during weathering. The chemical changes and the Pb–Sr isotopic data suggest that four types of chemical reactions occurred: the oxidation of sulphide minerals (e.g., pyrite) and organic carbon (OS), the dissolution of less resistant clinochlore-Ia, calcite, and P-bearing minerals (DL), the dissolution of detrital albite and microcline (DA), and the transformation of clay (TC) minerals (e.g., muscovite and illite–smectite). These chemical reactions then led to two stages of geochemical processes, an early stage of chemical differentiation and a later stage of chemical homogenisation. The chemical differentiation dominated by the OS, DL, and DA reactions, led to the leaching of mobile elements (e.g., MgO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Sr, and REE) and the redistribution of some less mobile elements (e.g., SiO2 and Al2O3). In contrast, the chemical homogenisation, which was caused by TC reactions, led to the leaching of both mobile and less mobile elements from the system and ultimately transformed the weathered black shales into soil. Soils derived from black shales in South China might result from the above two geochemical processes.  相似文献   

The major and trace element, and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the Carboniferous Qi’eshan, Wutongwozi, and Yamansu volcanic rocks from the northern and southern parts of the Jueluotage Orogenic Belt in East Tianshan, China, were analysed to understand their genesis and geodynamic implications. The early Carboniferous Qi’eshan basalts are characterized by high Al2O3, with La/Sm (1.38–1.79) and Ba/La (27.06–58.76) values higher than those of typical normal mid-ocean ridge basalt. They are relatively enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), and depleted in high field strength elements. Overall, their initial Nd–Sr isotopic compositions are εNd(t) = (5.6–7.0) and Isr = 0.70397–0.70429, implying the magma originated from a mantle wedge source that was metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. In contrast, the late Carboniferous Wutongwozi basalts have lower Ba/La (4.86–12.82), La/Nb (0.87–2.45), and LILE concentrations. They have the isotopic characteristics of depleted asthenosphere, relatively high and heterogeneous εNd(t) (9.3–9.4), and high Isr (0.70471–0.70533). Thus, the late Carboniferous Wutongwozi basalts may have been derived from the partial melting of mantle sources during asthenospheric upwelling. The early Carboniferous Yamansu acid volcanic rocks are characterized by high Mg# (46–48) and Lu/Y (~0.15), and low K2O/Na2O (0.01–0.20), similar to M-type granites. However, their εNd(t) (5.0–5.5) and Isr (0.70642–0.70768) values are lower than those of depleted mantle, indicating they were contaminated by lower crustal material. The magma source originated from a mantle-derived magma that was contaminated by middle Tianshan massif in a continental margin arc setting. Based on the results and previous field-based studies, we conclude that the Carboniferous volcanics in the Jueluotage Orogenic Belt formed in a complex trench–arc–basin setting in the Kuguertage–Aqikuduke Suture Zone.  相似文献   

This work addresses the isotopic heterogeneity of the Archean lithospheric mantle by the example of high-Mg, moderate-alkali, LILE and LREE-enriched Panozero sanukitoid massif, which is located in the Central Karelia, southeastern Baltic Shield. Initial Nd and Sr isotope characteristics were determined for mantle source of the massif. ?Nd(T) in the source are plotted below DM line, varying from + 0.7 to + 1.4 (+1.1, on average). The 87Sr/86Sr(T) ~ 0.7017 significantly exceeds that of depleted mantle and reflects change of Rb/Sr ratio in the source due to metasomatic reworking of mantle. Data on Pb isotope composition of potassium feldspars indicate that source of monzonites of the Panozero Massif had lower μ (238U/204Pb) = 8 and higher (238Th/232U) = 4.05 relative to primitive mantle.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The Imnyakh Formation (1500–1800 m thick), which is developed east of the Mama–Bodaibo Synclinorium (inner zone of the Patom Upland), comprises...  相似文献   

Sr, Nd and O Isotopic Studies on the Genesis of the Huashan Granite Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Systematical Sr, Nd and O isotopic studies were made on the Huashan granite complex in Guangxi. Incombination with the studies of geological, petrological and geochemical data, it is believed that the complexconsists of granites of three stages. with different geneses and different source materials. They are not the prod-ucts of differentiation and evolution of one single consanguineous magma. Granites of the 1st stage are of theIndosinian syntectic type or I type, also derived from a mixed mantle-crustal source. Those of the 2nd stage areof the early Yanshanian syntectic type or I type. also derived from a mixed mantle-crustal source, and those ofthe 3rd stage are of the late Yanshanian transformed type or S type. derived from a crustal source.  相似文献   

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