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Noble gases were measured both in bulk samples (stepped pyrolysis and total extraction) and in a HF/HCl residue (stepped pyrolysis and combustion) from the Klein Glacier (KLE) 98300 EH3 chondrite. Like the bulk meteorite and as seen in previous studies of bulk type 3 E chondrites (“sub-Q”), the acid residue contains elementally fractionated primordial noble gases. As we show here, isotopically these are like those in phase-Q of primitive meteorites, but elementally they are heavily fractionated relative to these. The observed noble gases are different from “normal” Q noble gases also with respect to release patterns, which are similar to those of Ar-rich noble gases in anhydrous carbonaceous chondrites and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (with also similar isotopic compositions). While we cannot completely rule out a role for parent body processes such as thermal and shock metamorphism (including a later thermal event) in creating the fractionated elemental compositions, parent body processes in general seem not be able to account for the distinct release patterns from those of normal Q noble gases. The fractionated gases may have originated from ion implantation from a nebular plasma as has been suggested for other types of primordial noble gases, including Q, Ar-rich, and ureilite noble gases. With solar starting composition, the corresponding effective electron temperature is about 5000 K. This is lower than inferred for other primordial noble gases (10,000-6000 K). Thus, if ion implantation from a solar composition reservoir was a common process for the acquisition of primordial gas, electron temperatures in the early solar system must have varied spatially or temporally between 10,000 and 5000 K.Neon and xenon isotopic ratios of the residue suggest the presence of presolar silicon carbide and diamond in abundances lower than in the Qingzhen EH3 and Indarch EH4 chondrites. Parent body processes including thermal and shock metamorphism and a late thermal event also cannot be responsible for the low abundances of presolar grains. KLE 98300 may have started out with smaller amounts of presolar grains than Qingzhen and Indarch.  相似文献   

We have investigated the distribution and isotopic composition of nitrogen and noble gases, and the Ar-Ar chronology of the Bencubbin meteorite. Gases were extracted from different lithologies by both stepwise heating and vacuum crushing. Significant amounts of gases were found to be trapped within vesicles present in silicate clasts. Results indicate a global redistribution of volatile elements during a shock event caused by an impactor that collided with a planetary regolith. A transient atmosphere was created that interacted with partially or totally melted silicates and metal clasts. This atmosphere contained 15N-rich nitrogen with a pressure ?3 × 105 hPa, noble gases, and probably, although not analyzed here, other volatile species. Nitrogen and noble gases were re-distributed among bubbles, metal, and partly or totally melted silicates, according to their partition coefficients among these different phases. The occurrence of N2 trapped in vesicles and dissolved in silicates indicates that the oxygen fugacity (fO2) was greater than the iron-wüstite buffer during the shock event. Ar-Ar dating of Bencubbin glass gives an age of 4.20 ± 0.05 Ga, which probably dates this impact event. The cosmic-ray exposure age is estimated at ∼40 Ma with two different methods. Noble gases present isotopic signatures similar to those of “phase Q” (the major host of noble gases trapped in chondrites) but elemental patterns enriched in light noble gases (He, Ne and Ar) relative to Kr and Xe, normalized to the phase Q composition. Nitrogen isotopic data together with 40Ar/36Ar ratios indicate mixing between a 15N-rich component (δ15N = +1000‰), terrestrial N, and an isotopically normal, chondritic N.Bencubbin and related 15N-rich meteorites of the CR clan do not show stable isotope (H and C) anomalies, precluding contribution of a nucleosynthetic component as the source of 15N enrichments. This leaves two possibilities, trapping of an ancient, highly fractionated atmosphere, or degassing of a primitive, isotopically unequilibrated, nitrogen component. Although the first possibility cannot be excluded, we favor the contribution of primitive material in the light of the recent finding of extremely 15N-rich anhydrous clasts in the CB/CH Isheyevo meteorite. This unequilibrated material, probably carried by the impactor, could have been insoluble organic matter extremely rich in 15N and hosting isotopically Q-like noble gases, possibly from the outer solar system.  相似文献   

The Sulagiri meteorite fell in India on 12 September 2008,LL6 chondrite class is the largest among all the Indian meteorites.Isotopic compositions of noble gases(He,Ne,Ar,Kr and Xe) and nitrogen in the Sulagiri meteorite and cosmic ray exposure history are discussed.Low cosmogenic(~(22)Ne/~(21)Ne)_c ratio is consistent with irradiation in a large body.Cosmogenic noble gases indicate that Sulagiri has a 4πcosmic-ray exposure(CRE) age of 27.9 ± 3.4 Ma and is a member of the peak of CRE age distribution of IX chondrites.Radiogenic ~4He and ~(40)Ar concentrations in Sulagiri yields the radiogenic ages as 2.29 and4.56 Ca,indicating the loss of He from the meteorite.Xenon and krypton are mixture of Q and spallogenic components.  相似文献   

Acid-resistant residues were prepared by HCl-HF demineralization of three H-type ordinary chondrites: Brownfield 1937 (H3), Dimmitt (H3,4), and Estacado (H6). These residues were found to contain a large proportion of the planetary-type trapped Ar, Kr, and Xe in the meteorites. The similarity of these acid residues to those from carbonaceous chondrites and LL-type ordinary chondrites suggests that the same phase carries the trapped noble gases in all these diverse meteorite types. Because the H group represents a large fraction of all meteorites, this result indicates that the gas-rich carrier phase is as universal as the trapped noble-gas component itself. When treated with an oxidizing etchant, the acid residues lost almost all their complement of noble gases. In addition, the Xe in at least one oxidized residue, from Dimmitt, displayed isotopic anomalies of the type known as CCFX or DME-Xe, which is characterized by simultaneous excesses of both the lightest and heaviest isotopes. The anomaly in the Dimmitt sample differs from that observed in carbonaceous-chondrite samples, however, in the relative proportions of the light- and heavy-isotope excesses.The results of this study do not show an inverse correlation between trapped 20Ne36Ar and trapped 36Ar abundance, as has been reported for acid-resistant residues from LL-chondrites. The results of this work therefore fail to support the hypothesis that meteoritic trapped noble gas abundances were established at the time of condensation.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the planetary noble gas carrier Q, we separated a Q-rich floating fraction from the Allende meteorite into ten fractions by a combination of colloidal and density separations. All five noble gases in the separated fractions were analyzed by pyrolysis in 600 and 1600°C temperature steps. Half of Q in the floating fraction is concentrated in the fraction C1-8D with the density of 1.65 ± 0.04 g/cm3. All the separated fractions show similar isotopic ratios except for 40Ar/36Ar ratios. C1-8D has the lowest 38Ar/36Ar and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (0.18784 ± 0.00020 and 4.36 ± 0.15, respectively) in the 1600°C fraction, confirming that the fraction is enriched in Q. Most grains in C1-8D are carbonaceous with small amounts of F and O. These results imply either that the density of Q is 1.65 ± 0.04 g/cm3 or that Q preferentially sticks to matter of that density. All the separates have similar Q to diamond ratios, indicating that Q and diamond are closely associated.  相似文献   

Meteorite “finds” from the terrestrial hot deserts have become a major contributor to the inventory of Martian meteorites. In order to understand their nitrogen and noble gas components, we have carried out stepped heating experiments on samples from two Martian meteorites collected from hot deserts. We measured interior and surface bulk samples, glassy and non-glassy portions of Dar al Gani 476 and Sayh al Uhaymir 005. We have also analyzed noble gases released from the Antarctic shergottite Lewis Cliff 88516 by crushing and stepped heating. For the hot desert meteorites significant terrestrial Ar, Kr, Xe contamination is observed, with an elementally fractionated air (EFA) component dominating the low temperature releases. The extremely low Ar/Kr/Xe ratios of EFA may be the result of multiple episodes of trapping/loss during terrestrial alteration involving aqueous fluids. We suggest fractionation processes similar to those in hot deserts to have acted on Mars, with acidic weathering on the latter possibly even more effective in producing elementally fractionated components. Addition from fission xenon is apparent in DaG 476 and SaU 005. The Ar-Kr-Xe patterns for LEW 88516 show trends as typically observed in shergottites - including evidence for a crush-released component similar to that observed in EETA 79001. A trapped Ne component most prominent in the surface sample of DaG 476 may represent air contamination. It is accompanied by little trapped Ar (20Ne/36Ar > 50) and literature data suggest its presence also in some Antarctic finds. Data for LEW 88516 and literature data, on the other hand, suggest the presence of two trapped Ne components of Martian origin characterized by different 20Ne/22Ne, possibly related to the atmosphere and the interior. Caution is recommended in interpreting nitrogen and noble gas isotopic signatures of Martian meteorites from hot deserts in terms of extraterrestrial sources and processes. Nevertheless our results provide hope that vice-versa, via noble gases and nitrogen in meteorites and other relevant samples from terrestrial deserts, Martian secondary processes can be studied.  相似文献   

Noble gases are not rare in the Universe, but they are rare in rocks. As a consequence, it has been possible to identify in detailed analyses a variety of components whose existence is barely visible in other elements: radiogenic and cosmogenic gases produced in situ, as well as a variety of “trapped” components – both of solar (solar wind) origin and the “planetary” noble gases. The latter are most abundant in the most primitive chondritic meteorites and are distinct in elemental and isotopic abundance patterns from planetary noble gases sensu strictu, e.g., those in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars, having in common only the strong relative depletion of light relative to heavy elements when compared to the solar abundance pattern. In themselves, the “planetary” noble gases in meteorites constitute again a complex mixture of components including such hosted by pre-solar stardust grains.The pre-solar components bear witness of the processes of nucleosynthesis in stars. In particular, krypton and xenon isotopes in pre-solar silicon carbide and graphite grains keep a record of physical conditions of the slow-neutron capture process (s-process) in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. The more abundant Kr and Xe in the nanodiamonds, on the other hand, show a more enigmatic pattern, which, however, may be related to variants of the other two processes of heavy element nucleosynthesis, the rapid neutron capture process (r-process) and the p-process producing the proton-rich isotopes.“Q-type” noble gases of probably “local” origin dominate the inventory of the heavy noble gases (Ar, Kr, Xe). They are hosted by “phase Q”, a still ill-characterized carbonaceous phase that is concentrated in the acid-insoluble residue left after digestion of the main meteorite minerals in HF and HCl acids. While negligible in planetary-gas-rich primitive meteorites, the fraction carried by “solubles” becomes more important in chondrites of higher petrologic type. While apparently isotopically similar to Q gas, the elemental abundances are somewhat less fractionated relative to the solar pattern, and they deserve further study. Similar “planetary” gases occur in high abundance in the ureilite achondrites, while small amounts of Q-type noble gases may be present in some other achondrites. A “subsolar” component, possibly a mixture of Q and solar noble gases, is found in enstatite chondrites. While no definite mechanism has been identified for the introduction of the planetary noble gases into their meteoritic host phases, there are strong indications that ion implantation has played a major role.The planetary noble gases are concentrated in the meteorite matrix. Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are largely planetary-gas-free, however, some trapped gases have been found in chondrules. Micrometeorites (MMs) and interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) often contain abundant solar wind He and Ne, but they are challenging objects for the analysis of the heavier noble gases that are characteristic for the planetary component. The few existing data for Xe point to a Q-like isotopic composition. Isotopically Q-Kr and Q-Xe show a mass dependent fractionation relative to solar wind, with small radiogenic/nuclear additions. They may be closer to “bulk solar” Kr and Xe than Kr and Xe in the solar wind, but for a firm conclusion it is necessary to gain a better understanding of mass fractionation during solar wind acceleration.  相似文献   

Abundances and isotopic compositions of nitrogen and argon have been investigated in bulk samples as well as in acid-resistant C-rich residues of a suite of ureilites consisting of six monomict (Haverö, Kenna, Lahrauli, ALH81101, ALH82130, LEW85328), three polymict (Nilpena, EET87720, EET83309), and the diamond-free ureilite ALH78019. Nitrogen in bulk ureilites varies from 6.3 ppm (in ALH 78019) to ∼55 ppm (in ALH82130), whereas C-rich acid residues have ∼65 to ∼530 ppm N, showing approximately an order of magnitude enrichment, compared with the bulk ureilites, somewhat less than trapped noble gases. Unlike trapped noble gases that show uniform isotopic composition, nitrogen shows a wide variation in δ15N values within a given ureilite as well as among different ureilites. The variations observed in δ15N among the ureilites studied here suggest the presence of at least five nitrogen components. The characteristics of these five N components and their carrier phases have been identified through their release temperature during pyrolysis and combustion, their association with trapped noble gases, and their carbon (monitored as CO + CO2 generated during combustion). Carrier phases are as follows: 1) Amorphous C, as found in diamond-free ureilite ALH78019, combusting at ≤500°C, with δ15N = -21‰ and accompanied by trapped noble gases. Amorphous C in all diamond-bearing ureilites has evolved from this primary component through almost complete loss of noble gases, but only partial N loss, leading to variable enrichments in 15N. 2) Amorphous C as found in EET83309, with similar release characteristics as component 1, δ15N ≥ 50‰ and associated with trapped noble gases. 3) Graphite, as clearly seen in ALH78019, combusting at ≥700°C, δ15N ≥ 19‰ and devoid of noble gases. 4) Diamond, combusting at 600-800°C, δ15N ≤ -100‰ and accompanied by trapped noble gases. 5) Acid-soluble phases (silicates and metal) as inferred from mass balance are expected to contain a large proportion of nitrogen (18 to 75%) with δ15N in the range -25‰ to 600‰. Each of the ureilites contains at least three N components carried by acid-resistant C phases (amorphous C of type 1 or 2, graphite, and diamond) and one acid-soluble phase in different proportions, resulting in the observed heterogeneity in δ15N. In addition to these five widespread components, EET83309 needs an additional sixth N component carried by a C phase, combusting at <700°C, with δ15N ≥ 153‰ and accompanied by noble gases. It could be either noble gas-bearing graphite or more likely cohenite. Some excursions in the δ15N release patterns of polymict ureilites are suggestive of contributions from foreign clasts that might be present in them.Nitrogen isotopic systematics of EET83309 clearly confirm the absence of diamond in this polymict ureilite, whereas the presence of diamond is clearly indicated for ALH82130. Amorphous C in ALH78019 exhibits close similarities to phase Q of chondrites.The uniform δ15N value of −113 ± 13 ‰ for diamond from both monomict and polymict ureilites and its independence from bulk ureilite δ15N, Δ17O, and %Fo clearly suggest that the occurrence of diamond in ureilites is not a consequence of parent body-related process. The large differences between the δ15N of diamond and other C phases among ureilites do not favor in situ shock conversion of graphite or amorphous C into diamond. A nebular origin for diamond as well as the other C phases is most favored by these data. Also the preservation of the nitrogen isotopic heterogeneity among the carbon phases and the silicates will be more consistent with ureilite formation models akin to “nebular sedimentation” than to “magmatic” type.  相似文献   

Three of the most highly metamorphosed meteorites of their respective classes, Shaw (LL7), Karoonda (C5), and Coolidge (C4), were analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Cs, Ge, In, Ir, Ni, Os, Pd, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U, and Zn. Comparison with data by Lipschutz and coworkers on artificially heated primitive meteorites shows that the natural metamorphism of meteorites cannot have taken place in a system open to volatiles. Shaw, metamorphosed at 1300°C for >106 yr, is less depleted in In, Bi, Ag, Te, Zn, and Tl than Krymka heated at 1000°C for 1 week. Karoonda, metamorphosed at 600°C for many millennia, is less depleted in Bi and Tl than Allende heated at 600°C for 1 week.Data on primordial noble gases also show that the volatile-element patterns of ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites were established by nebular condensation, and changed little if at all during metamorphism. For enstatite chondrites, the evidence is still incomplete, but seems to favor a nebular origin of the volatile pattern.The general constancy of Tl/Rb, Tl/Cs and Tl/U ratios in terrestrial and lunar rocks suggests that loss of volatile metals such as Tl is rare during normal magmatism or metamorphism. Only impact melts show such loss with any frequency.  相似文献   

Noble gases trapped in meteorites are tightly bound in a carbonaceous carrier labeled “phase Q.” Mechanisms having led to their retention in this phase or in its precursors are poorly understood. To test physical adsorption as a way of retaining noble gases into precursors of meteoritic materials, we have performed adsorption experiments for Ar, Kr, and Xe at low pressures (10−4 mbar to 500 mbar) encompassing pressures proposed for the evolving solar nebula. Low-pressure adsorption isotherms were obtained for ferrihydrite and montmorillonite, both phases being present in Orgueil (CI), for terrestrial type III kerogen, the best chemical analog of phase Q studied so far, and for carbon blacks, which are present in phase Q and can be considered as possible precursors.Based on adsorption data obtained at low pressures relevant to the protosolar nebula, we propose that the amount of noble gases that can be adsorbed onto primitive materials is much higher than previously inferred from experiments carried out at higher pressures. The adsorption capacity increases from kerogen, carbon blacks, montmorillonite to ferrihydrite. Because of its low specific surface area, kerogen can hardly account for the noble gas inventory of Q. Carbon blacks in the temperature range 75 K-100 K can adsorb up to two orders of magnitude more noble gases than those found in Q. Irreversible trapping of a few percent of noble gases adsorbed on such materials could represent a viable process for incorporating noble gases in phase Q precursors. This temperature range cannot be ruled out for the zone of accretion of the meteorite precursors according to recent astrophysical models and observations, although it is near the lower end of the temperatures proposed for the evolving solar nebula.  相似文献   

The abundance of C in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites decreases exponentially with increasing shock pressure as inferred from the petrologic shock classification of Scott et al. [Scott, E.R.D., Keil, K., Stoffler, D., 1992. Shock metamorphism of carbonaceous chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 4281-4293] and Stoffler et al. [Stoffler, D., Keil, K., Scott, E.R.D., 1991. Shock metamorphism of ordinary chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 3845-3867]. This confirms the experimental results of Tyburczy et al. [Tyburczy, J.A., Frisch, B., Ahrens, T.J., 1986. Shock-induced volatile loss from a carbonaceous chondrite: implications for planetary accretion. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 80, 201-207] on shock-induced devolatization of the Murchison meteorite showing that carbonaceous chondrites appear to be completely devolatilized at impact velocities greater than 2 km s-1. Both of these results suggest that C incorporation would have been most efficient in the early stages of accretion, and that the primordial C content of the Earth was between 10(24) and 10(25) g C (1-10% efficiency of incorporation). This estimate agrees well with the value of 3-7 x 10(24) g C based on the atmospheric abundance of 36Ar and the chondritic C/36Ar (Marty and Jambon, 1987). Several observations suggest that C likely was incorporated into the Earth's core during accretion. (1) Graphite and carbides are commonly present in iron meteorites, and those iron meteorites with Widmanstatten patterns reflecting the slowest cooling rates (mostly Group I and IIIb) contain the highest C abundances. The C abundance-cooling rate correlation is consistent with dissolution of C into Fe-Ni liquids that segregated to form the cores of the iron meteorite parent bodies. (2) The carbon isotopic composition of graphite in iron meteorites exhibits a uniform value of -5% [Deines, P., Wickman, F.E. 1973. The isotopic composition of 'graphitic' carbon from iron meteorites and some remarks on the troilitic sulfur of iron meteorites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 37, 1295-1319; Deines, P., Wickman, F.E., 1975. A contribution to the stable carbon isotope geochemistry of iron meteorites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39, 547-557] identical to the mode in the distribution found in diamonds, carbonatites and oceanic basalts [Mattey, D.P., 1987. Carbon isotopes in the mantle. Terra Cognita 7, 31-37]. (3) The room pressure solubility of C in molten iron is 4.3 wt% C. Phase equilibria confirm that the Fe-C eutectic persists to 12 GPa, and thermochemical calculations for the Fe-C-S system by Wood [Wood, B.J., 1993. Carbon in the core. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 117, 593-607] predict that C is soluble in Fe liquids at core pressures. The abundance of 36Ar in chondrites decreases exponentially with increasing shock pressure as observed for C. It is well known that noble gases are positively correlated and physically associated with C in meteorites [e.g. Otting, W., Zahringer J., 1967. Total carbon content and primordial rare gases in chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 31, 1949-1960; Reynolds, J.H., Frick, U., Niel, J.M., Phinney, D.L., 1978. Rare-gas-rich separates from carbonaceous chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 42, 1775-1797]. This suggests a mechanism by which primordial He and other noble gases may have incorporated into the Earth during accretion. The abundance of He in the primordial Earth required to sustain the modern He flux for 4 Ga (assuming a planetary 3 He/4 He; Reynolds et al. [Reynolds, J.H., Frick, U., Niel, J.M., Phinney, D.L., 1978. Rare-gas-rich separates from carbonaceous chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 42, 1775-1797] is calculated to be > or = 10(-8) cm3 g-1. This minimum estimate is consistent with a 1-10% efficiency of noble gas retention during accretion and the observed abundance of He in carbonaceous chondrites (10(-5) to 10(-4) cm3 g-1 excluding spallogenic contributions).  相似文献   

We have determined abundances of presolar diamond, silicon carbide, graphite, and Xe-P1 (Q-Xe) in eight carbonaceous chondrites by measuring the abundances of noble gas tracers in acid residues. The meteorites studied were Murchison (CM2), Murray (CM2), Renazzo (CR2), ALHA77307 (CO3.0), Colony (CO3.0), Mokoia (CV3ox), Axtell (CV3ox), and Acfer 214 (CH). These data and data obtained previously by Huss and Lewis (1995) provide the first reasonably comprehensive database of presolar-grain abundances in carbonaceous chondrites. Evidence is presented for a currently unrecognized Ne-E(H) carrier in CI and CM2 chondrites.After accounting for parent-body metamorphism, abundances and characteristics of presolar components still show large variations across the classes of carbonaceous chondrites. These variations correlate with the bulk compositions of the host meteorites and imply that the same thermal processing that was responsible for generating the compositional differences between the various chondrite groups also modified the initial presolar-grain assemblages. The CI chondrites and CM2 matrix have the least fractionated bulk compositions relative to the sun and the highest abundances of most types of presolar material, particularly the most fragile types, and thus are probably most representative of the material inherited from the sun's parent molecular cloud. The other classes can be understood as the products of various degrees of heating of bulk molecular cloud material in the solar nebula, removing the volatile elements and destroying the most fragile presolar components, followed by chondrule formation, metal-silicate fractionation in some cases, further nebula processing in some cases, accretion, and parent body processing. If the bulk compositions and the characteristics of the presolar-grain assemblages in various chondrite classes reflect the same processes, as seems likely, then differential condensation from a nebula of solar composition is ruled out as the mechanism for producing the chondrite classes. Presolar grains would have been destroyed if the nebula had been completely vaporized. Our analysis shows that carbonaceous chondrites reflect all stages of nebular processing and thus are no more closely related to one another than they are to ordinary and enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

Two examined fragments of the Kaidun meteorite principally differ in the concentrations of isotopes of noble gases and are very heterogeneous in terms of the isotopic composition of the gases. Because these fragments belong to two basically different types of meteoritic material (EL and CR chondrites), these characteristics of noble gases could be caused by differences in the cosmochemical histories of the fragments before their incorporation into the parent asteroid. As follows from the escape kinetics of all gases, atoms of trapped and cosmogenic noble gases are contained mostly in the structures of two carrier minerals in the samples. The concentrations and proportions of the concentrations of various primary noble gases in the examined fragments of Kaidun are obviously unusual compared to data on most currently known EL and CR meteorites. In contrast to EL and CR meteorites, which contain the primary component of mostly solar provenance, the elemental ratios and isotopic composition of Ne and He in the fragments of Kaidun correspond to those typical of the primary components of A and Q planetary gases. This testifies to the unique conditions under which the bulk of the noble gases were trapped from the early protoplanetary nebula. The apparent cosmic-ray age of both of the Kaidun fragments calculated based on cosmogenic isotopes from 3He to 126Xe varies from 0.027 to 246 Ma as a result of the escape of much cosmogenic isotopes at relatively low temperatures. The extrapolated cosmic-ray age of the Kaidun meteorite, calculated from the concentrations of cosmogenic isotopes of noble gases, is as old as a few billion years, which suggests that the material of the Kaidun meteorite could be irradiated for billions of years when residing in an unusual parent body.  相似文献   

Abundances of cosmic ray-produced noble gases and 26Al, including some new measurements, have been compiled for some 23 stone meteorites with exposure ages of < 3 × 106 yr. Concentrations of cosmogenic He, Ne, and Ar in these meteorites have been corrected for differences in target element abundances by normalization to L-chondrite chemistry. Combined noble gas measurements in depth samples of the Keyes and St. Séverin chondrites are utilized to derive equations for normalizing the production rates of cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar in chondrites to an adopted ‘average’ shielding: 22Ne21Ne = 1.114. The measured unsaturated 26Al concentrations and the calculated equilibrium 26Al for these meteorites are combined to estimate exposure ages. These exposure ages are statistically compared with chemistry- and shielding-corrected concentrations of cosmogenic He, Ne, and Ar to derive absolute production rates for these nuclides. For L-chondrites, at ‘average’ shielding, these production rates (in 10?8 cm3/g 106 yr) are: 3He = 2.45,21Ne = 0.47, and 38Ar = 0.069, which are ~ 25% higher than production rates used in the past. From these production rates and relative chemical correction factors, production rates for other classes of stone meteorites are derived.  相似文献   

Whole-rock samples of 25 carbonaceous chondrites were analysed for contents of C, H and N and δ13C, δD and δ15N. Inhomogeneous distribution of these isotopes within individual meteorites is pronounced in several cases. Few systematic intermeteorite trends were observed; N data are suggestive of isotopic inhomogeneity in the early solar system. Several chondrites revealed unusual compositions which would repay further, more detailed study. The data are also useful for classification of carbonaceous chondrites; N abundance and isotopic compositions can differentiate existing taxonomic groups with close to 100% reliability; Al Rais and Renazzo clearly constitute a discrete “grouplet”; and there are hints that both CI and CM groups may each be divisible into two subgroups.  相似文献   

A laser microprobe capable of analysing nitrogen and noble gases in individual grains with masses less than a milligram is described. It can be used in both continuous wave (CW) mode, useful for stepwise heating of an individual grain, as well as in pulsed mode, useful for ablating material from a small selected area of a sample, for gas extraction. We could achieve low blanks (in ccSTP units) for 4He(4.8 x 10{-12}),22Ne(1.0 x 10{-12}),36Ar(1.0 x10 -13),84Kr(2.9 x 10{-14}),132 Xe(2.6 x 10{-14}), and N (87 pg), using this system. Preliminary data for individual chondrules from the Dhajala meteorite show that noble gases and nitrogen from grains as small as 170 microgram can be analysed using the present laser microprobe setup. The amount of trapped neon in Dhajala chondrules is very small, and nitrogen in the chondrules is isotopically heavier as compared to the bulk meteorite.  相似文献   

The concentration of Pd in 7 carbonaceous chondrites, 18 ordinary chondrites, 3 achondrites, 29 iron meteorites and other samples has been determined by stable isotope dilution using solid source mass spectrometry. The Cl chondrite Orgueil gives a ‘cosmic’ abundance for Pd of 1.5 (Si = 106 atoms), in good agreement with the currently accepted value.The concentration of Pd shows little variation among the carbonaceous chondrites, but in ordinary chondrites decreases from the H to L to LL groups. Pd in achondrites is approx 100 times lower than in chondrites. Data for iron meteorites plot around the ‘cosmic’ PdNi ratio; however the Pd data falls into distinct groups, corresponding to the chemical group classification. These results support the hypothesis that at least two fractionation processes have occurred during the formation of iron meteorites.  相似文献   

Enstatite meteorites include the undifferentiated enstatite chondrites and the differentiated enstatite achondrites (aubrites). They are the most reduced group of all meteorites. The oxygen isotope compositions of both enstatite chondrites and aubrites plot along the terrestrial mass fractionation line, which suggests some genetic links between these meteorites and the Earth as well.For this study, we measured the Zn isotopic composition of 25 samples from the following groups: aubrites (main group and Shallowater), EL chondrites, EH chondrites and Happy Canyon (impact-melt breccia). We also analyzed the Zn isotopic composition and elemental abundance in separated phases (metal, silicates, and sulfides) of the EH4, EL3, and EL6 chondrites. The different groups of meteorites are isotopically distinct and give the following values (‰): aubrite main group (−7.08 < δ66Zn < −0.37); EH3 chondrites (0.15 < δ66Zn < 0.31); EH4 chondrites (0.15 < δ66Zn < 0.27); EH5 chondrites (δ66Zn = 0.27 ± 0.09; n = 1); EL3 chondrites (0.01 < δ66Zn < 0.63); the Shallowater aubrite (1.48 < δ66Zn < 2.36); EL6 chondrites (2.26 < δ66Zn < 7.35); and the impact-melt enstatite chondrite Happy Canyon (δ66Zn = 0.37).The aubrite Peña Blanca Spring (δ66Zn = −7.04‰) and the EL6 North West Forrest (δ66Zn = 7.35‰) are the isotopically lightest and heaviest samples, respectively, known so far in the Solar System. In comparison, the range of Zn isotopic composition of chondrites and terrestrial samples (−1.5 < δ66Zn < 1‰) is much smaller ( [Luck et al., 2005] and [Herzog et al., 2009]).EH and EL3 chondrites have the same Zn isotopic composition as the Earth, which is another example of the isotopic similarity between Earth and enstatite chondrites. The Zn isotopic composition and abundance strongly support that the origin of the volatile element depletion between EL3 and EL6 chondrites is due to volatilization, probably during thermal metamorphism. Aubrites show strong elemental depletion in Zn compared to both EH and EL chondrites and they are enriched in light isotopes (δ66Zn down to −7.04‰). This is the opposite of what would be expected if Zn elemental depletion was due to evaporation, assuming the aubrites started with an enstatite chondrite-like Zn isotopic composition. Evaporation is therefore not responsible for volatile loss from aubrites. On Earth, Zn isotopes fractionate very little during igneous processes, while differentiated meteorites show only minimal Zn isotopic variability. It is therefore very unlikely that igneous processes can account for the large isotopic fractionation of Zn in aubrites. Condensation of an isotopically light vapor best explains Zn depletion and isotopically light Zn in these puzzling rocks. Mass balance suggests that this isotopically light vapor carries Zn lost by the EL6 parent body during thermal metamorphism and that aubrites evolved from an EL6-like parent body. Finally, Zn isotopes suggest that Shallowater and aubrites originate from distinct parent bodies.  相似文献   

从球粒陨石的酸不溶残渣中分离出了携带有惰性气体同位素异常的金刚石、碳化硅和石墨颗粒。这些同位素异常用太阳系内部过程是无法解释的,它们被归因于太阳系外多种核合成组分的不完全混合,称为原始惰性气体同位素异常,这三种矿物颗粒被称为前太阳颗粒。介绍了这三种前太阳颗粒的分离过程、存在部位、粒度大小、所携带惰性气体组分的同位素组成,以及这些惰性气体和携带物的成因,并对它们的科学意义进行了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

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