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平原区区域Cd地球化学异常成因及其生态效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
区域Cd地球化学异常成因机理及其生态效应研究是目前多目标地球化学调查工作中的一个热点问题,但是许多问题仍不明确。本次研究结果表明,区域Cd地球化学异常由自然地质作用形成,主要受土壤机械(粒级)组成的控制,Cd的累积过程遵循吸附沉淀机理,由此决定了土壤中Cd的活性组分含量比较高,并导致部分异常区某些作物中Cd的含量超标。进一步研究发现,Cd异常的生态效应还具有区域分异特征,并因土地耕作方式不同而异,这一发现为农作物合理布局提供了依据。  相似文献   

区域生态地球化学评价思路及建议   总被引:25,自引:17,他引:25  
区城生态地球化学评价是在多目标地球化学调查基础上开展的一项区域评价研究工作,其目的是为国家和所薪究地区的国民经济建设、工农业结构调整和社会可持续发展提供基础地球化学资料。区域生态地球化学评价以异常元素的来源-成因-迁移转化-生态效应-预测预警为研究主线,以生态系统为研究基本单元,查明异常元素分布、分配、成因及来源,研究它们在地球表层备大层圈中的迁移转化规律,评价它们所产生的生态效应,应用地球化学和生态学的基本原理和方法对污染的生态系统进行预测预警,井提出治理建议,为国家区域性经济战略调整和工农业可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

针对平原区多目标地球化学调查工作中亟待解决的技术问题,在试验研究资料基础上,本文提出了平原区多目标地球化学调查异常查证及生态效应评价方法。异常查证阶段,首先应用相关关系法确定异常组分的地球化学基准值,而后进行异常分类,确定异常的成因和形成机理,为异常生态效应评价提供理论基础。在异常生态效应评价中,首先要弄清土壤中异常组分全量与其活性组分间的关系,进而探讨土壤和农作物中异常组分的含量关系,最终依据相关标准,评估农作物中重金属元素的含量水平,及其通过食物链对人体健康可能造成的危害。  相似文献   

恒河流域地下水舡中毒事件始于20世纪80年代。通过对恒河流域地下水舡中毒例案的时空演变、生态效应和成因的分析,指出中国正在开展的区域生态地球化学评价应从恒河流域舡中毒事件中吸取教训,尤其应关注中国长江流域发现的Cd异常带。沿江各省应有全局观念,把长江流域作为一个整体,开展Cd异常的区域生态地球化学评价。  相似文献   

以淄博城市土壤为研究对象,应用统计学方法对土壤地球化学特征进行研究,采用单因子指数和尼梅罗综合指数法对土壤环境质量进行评价,同时采用Hakanson提出的潜在生态危害指数法对土壤重金属的潜在生态危害进行评价,并对其产生的生态环境效应进行研究。结果表明:Hg、Cd、S、Pb、Se、Org C等元素或指标在表层土壤中的含量明显大于深层,二者间相关性较差,且表层土壤存在明显碱化特征,受到不同程度人为活动影响;单因子评价Cd、Cu、Hg、Ni、Zn都出现污染,其中Cd污染面积最大,达到5.11%,综合污染评价土壤环境质量整体良好,污染土壤占9.84%,其形成可能与工业生产和人类活动有关;潜在生态危害程度最强的重金属是Hg、Cd,局部地段已经达到强、极强潜在生态危害水平,综合重金属潜在生态危害水平整体表现为中等,其轻微、中等、强、很强生态危害的比例分别为29.32%、55.02%、12.85%、2.81%,从空间分布上来看,强、很强潜在生态危害区分布与各类工业空间布局相吻合,种植的蔬菜中Cd、Pb、Zn、Hg等重金属有不同程度超标现象,需加强对土壤及农产品进行协同监测与评价,防止土壤重金属污染加重影响人体健康。  相似文献   

Relative recharge areas are evaluated using geochemical and isotopic tools, and inverse modeling. Geochemistry and water quality in springs discharging from a volcanic aquifer system in Guatemala are related to relative recharge area elevations and land use. Plagioclase feldspar and olivine react with volcanically derived CO2 to produce Ca-montmorillonite, chalcedony and goethite in the groundwater. Alkalinity, Mg, Ca, Na, and SiO2(aq) are produced, along with minor increases in Cl and SO4 concentrations. Variations in groundwater δD and δ18O values are attributed to recharge elevation and used in concert with geochemical evolution to distinguish local, intermediate, and regional flow systems. Springs with geochemically inferred short flow paths provided useful proxies to estimate an isotopic gradient for precipitation (??.67 δ18O/100?m). No correlation between spring discharge and relative flow-path length or interpreted recharge elevation was observed. The conceptual model was consistent with evidence of anthropogenic impacts (sewage and manure) in springs recharged in the lower watershed where livestock and humans reside. Spring sampling is a low-budget approach that can be used to develop a useful conceptual model of the relative scale of groundwater flow (and appropriate watershed protection areas), particularly in volcanic terrain where wells and boreholes are scarce.  相似文献   

由于浅覆盖区特殊的地质景观,传统找矿方法难以直接获取地层、岩体、构造、矿产(化)等地质体信息,造成地质认识水平整体不高,最终影响找矿效果。本文以大兴安岭中北段东坡马场沟一带找矿工作为例,探讨利用物化探方法(地面高精度磁测、极化激发法、土壤测量)解译断裂构造、圈定岩体及矿化蚀变带、大致判别矿产种类,逐渐缩小找矿范围,最终查明矿(化)体的位置,发现金矿点1处、金矿化点2处、铅锌银矿点1处,取得了较好的找矿效果。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原植被生态分区及其水文地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保护生态环境是鄂尔多斯高原地下水可持续开发利用中亟待解决的问题。在查清植被生态群落分布特征的基础上,通过分析植被演替的自然驱动因素,将鄂尔多斯高原的植被生态划分为基岩台地植被生态水文地质区、沙盖基岩植被生态水文地质区、沙地植被生态水文地质区和滩地植被生态水文地质区。结果表明,气象和地形地貌控制着区内植被生态的总体分布格局,包气带和地下水因素控制着植被生态的演替,沙地植被生态和滩地植被生态的生长发育与地下水关系密切,是地下水开发时保护植被生态的靶区。  相似文献   

Guizhou is one of the dominating karst regions,where laterite is widespread,in China.Seventy-two laterite samples were taken from twelve laterite sections in the karst areas of Guizhou Province,which are possessed of typical subtropical karst geomphological and ecological environmental features and have evolved completely from dolostones and limestones.In terms of the major,trace and REE deta for thd samples this paper discusses the geochemical characteristics of laterite in the karst areas with an attempt to disclose the geochemical process and evolutionary rule of laterite formation.There have been involved three important pedogenetic geochemical precesses in the formation of laterite in the karst areas:(1)enrichment of silicon and aluminum and depletion of calcium and magnesium;(2)enrichment of iron and manganese;and(3) enrichment of aluminum and depletion of silicon.During the formation and evolution of laterite,obvious enrichment and differentiation of trace elements such as Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,Co,Cr,Pb,F,Cl,and As can be observed,but for the rare-earth elements,their enrichment is remarkable against a weak differentiation.The REE distribution patterns in the laterite are similar to those of its parental carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

为探究云南省碳酸盐岩风化区重金属污染特征及分布影响因素,选取云南省宣威市农垦区为研究对象,利用1:5万土地质量地球化学调查成果,通过分析表层土壤重金属元素累积特征及分布规律,并结合土壤理化性质及地形因素等数据,研究驱动农垦区土壤重金属元素富集的影响因素,并利用富集指数法(EF)和潜在生态风险评价(RI)进行污染评价.结...  相似文献   

Xiamen Bay (XMB) has received substantial loadings of pollutants from industrial and municipal wastewater discharged since the 1980s. To assess ecological risks and the current spatial changes of metal contaminants in bottom surface sediments, 12 samples were collected. Samples were subjected to a total digestion technique and analyzed by ICP–OES for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, and Cd, and by AFS for Hg and As. Among these metals, Zn had the highest values (68–268 mg kg−1), followed by Pb (27–71 mg kg−1), and lower concentrations were found for Cd (42–1,913 μg kg−1) and Hg (0–442 μg kg−1). In comparison with the average crustal abundance values, the results indicated that nearly half of the sediment samples of XMB and its adjacent areas were contaminated by Cd, Pb, Zn, and As. Furthermore, based on the modified BCR sequential extraction procedure, the chemical speciation of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, and As) in selected sediment samples were evaluated in this study. Data from BCR sequential extractions indicated that Cd posed a medium ecological risk, whereas, Cr posed low risk since its exchangeable and carbonate fractions were below 4%, and the mobility of heavy metals in XMB decreased in the order Cd > Pb > Cu > Zn > Hg > As > Cr. By applying mean effects range median quotients (mERMQ), the results showed that Yuandang Lagoon with mERMQ value >0.5 would be expected to have the greatest potential toxic risk in amphipod within XMB and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

确定岩性复杂区的地球化学背景与异常的方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郝立波  李巍  陆继龙 《地质通报》2007,26(12):1531-1535
地球化学背景和异常的确定是化探找矿的关键。不论是水系沉积物还是土壤地球化学测量,岩性对许多元素背景值的影响都是十分显著的。在地质情况复杂的区域内,采用统一的异常下限值圈定异常是不合理的。根据样品的成矿元素与氧化物(SiO2)的相关关系,确定了岩性对成矿元素背景的影响。对受岩性影响显著的成矿元素,通过线性回归模型,以残差置信带确定元素异常的下限。实例研究证明,该方法在很大程度上消除了岩性变化对成矿元素背景的影响,能够有效地区分元素背景和异常。  相似文献   

陕西关中地区生态环境评价及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以陕西关中各市为研究单元,通过建立生态环境指标体系,采用层次分析法,采用生物丰度,植被覆盖,水网密度,土地退化和环境质量指数5个指标,对2006年陕西关中各地区的生态环境状况进行评价,评价结果为:宝鸡市的生态环境状况为优,西安市、铜川市、咸阳市和渭南市的生态环境状况为良。并分析了陕西关中地区生态环境方面存在的不足,认为资源性缺水、水土流失严重是该区目前主要的生态环境问题,并提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Gediz Graben is an important area for geothermal activity in Turkey. Menderes Massif rocks consisting of gneisses, schists, marbles and granodiorite, comprise the aquifers of the geothermal systems. Neogene terrestrial sediments made up mainly of sandy and clayey conglomerates cap the systems. Gediz Graben geothermal areas are physically divided into seven main groups: Turgutlu-Urganl, Sart-Çamur, Caferbeyli, Üfürük, Kurunlu, Kavakldere-Sazdere and Alaehir geothermal areas. The third highest aquifer in Turkey temperature (182 °C) after Kzldere (242 °C) and Germencik (232 °C) was discovered in the Kavakldere-Sazdere area. The thermomineral waters of the Gediz Graben geothermal areas have outlet temperatures of 2595 °C and an electrical conductivity of 874–6020 S/cm. Mineralization is mostly dominated by Na+ (188–2027 ppm) and HCO3 (544–2950 ppm). Kavakldere-Sazdere area shows the highest boron content among the entire geothermal aquifers of Turkey. Major geochemical processes for thermomineral waters are carbonate and silicate dissolution and mixing.  相似文献   

为了解地质低背景区农田土壤-作物系统中重金属的富集及迁移特征,采集了广西钦北区878 km2酸性火成岩出露区的30套水稻籽实及根系土样品作为研究对象,研究酸性火成岩地质低背景区土壤和水稻中重金属(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn)分布特征、土壤Cd等重金属的赋存状态及其生物有效性。结果显示:研究区土壤呈酸性,pH值为4.66~5.36;Cd、As、Cr等重金属元素含量较低,均低于或远低于我国土壤环境质量标准规定的风险筛选值,水稻籽实中As、Cr、Hg和Pb均未超标,但Cd超标率为16.7%。土壤中As和Pb主要以残渣态存在,Hg主要以残渣态和强有机结合态存在,而Cd的生物富集系数和生物有效性最高,水溶态、离子交换态和碳酸盐结合态的比例总和为32%。水稻籽实吸收Cd等重金属主要与土壤pH值、Fe、Mn和土壤质地有关。酸性火成岩地质低背景区农田酸性、强酸性土壤Cd等重金属元素含量低,但生物有效性高,其生态风险值得关注。  相似文献   

第四系覆盖区元素地球化学制图方法新探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
受分析误差、成图方法以及众多人为因素的影响,根据分析测试数据制作的元素地球化学图有时并不能客观真实地反映元素区域分布起伏特征.笔者以浙北地区土壤元素资料为基础,探讨了成图处理方法对地球化学图的影响,旨在更好地利用计算机制图技术,有效削减分析误差及成图处理方法的畸变干扰,以绘制出更加准确可靠的元素地球化学图.  相似文献   

我国平原地区土壤地球化学异常普遍存在,但是目前对这些异常的成因缺乏系统认识。这里以长春和南京地区的Hg、Cd异常试验研究结果为例,利用元素相关关系法,对此进行了系统研究。结果表明,城镇及其周边地区的土壤地球化学异常,异常组分叠加量表现出表层累积型特点,此类异常的成因与人类活动有关。分布在河流沿岸的土壤地球化学异常,在垂向上,异常组分叠加量表现出了连续型分布特点,且异常组分含量主要受土壤物质组成的控制,此类异常是在河流沉积物自然沉积过程中形成的。  相似文献   

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