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Conflicts between artisanal and industrial fishermen—targeting increasingly scarce resources in Senegal—are posing a serious threat to human security and are only symbolically addressed by the country's fisheries governance regime. Severely outmatched in terms of political influence and size, artisanal fishermen are more vulnerable to the fallout of conflicts at sea. The loss of fishing materials threatens the livelihoods of fishermen and their families; collisions and violence between members of the two sectors often result in injury and death. This study examines at-sea interactions between Senegal's artisanal and industrial sectors and the formal and informal mechanisms in place for managing them. Conflictive interactions are found to co-exist alongside cooperative ones and both emerge in response to changes in marine resource abundance and management. Formal systems in place to mediate at-sea conflicts are ineffective and seldom used by artisanal fishermen, who either accept their losses, attempt to informally resolve conflicts with industrial actors or resort to violence.  相似文献   

We study nonlinear three-wave interactions between edge waves propagating in the same direction over the shelf step. The conditions of synchronism are determined and the coefficient of interaction is computed for the cases where the waves of the five lowest modes participate in the interaction. The space-time dynamics is studied by analyzing, as an example, a single triad of edge waves. The possibility of interaction of edge waves in the regions with actual topography is demonstrated. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 3, pp. 3–19, May–June, 2008.  相似文献   

The wave-wave kinetic equation for surface gravity waves occurring in a deep sea and a sea of finite depth is solved numerically, using the Runge-Kutta technique. Spectral evolution was the result only of the waves’ being non-linear, without any contribution from wave generation and dissipation. The JONSWAP frequency spectra and the angular spectra of various widths were used to perform calculations. The existence of a steady angular wave spectrum, following its long evolution in a deep sea, has been confirmed here. For the sea of finite depth, a new result has been obtained. It exhibits the ‘focusing’ of the frequential and the angular spectra when the wavelength of a harmonic from the spectral maximum equals 2π, of the depth of the sea. With the depth further decreasing, the wave spectrum swiftly expands. The three-dimensional wave field in a deep sea becomes two-dimensional in the shallows. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

During the summer periods of 2003–2005, the spatial and vertical distributions of the suspended particulate matter and bacteria in stratified and homogeneous waters of the White Sea was studied. The results of the study of various quantitative characteristics of the suspended particulate matter (first of all, the area of the surface and the volumetric and mass concentrations) and the abundance of microorganisms in the water are discussed. A direct correlation between the value of the surface area of the suspended particulate matter and the total number of bacteria in the water is revealed. However, it was manifested only during the early summer period of the observations and was not expressed at the end of the summer. The enhanced surface area of the suspended particulate matter can indicate the higher biochemical activity of its particles. The influence of the pelitic fraction on the bacteria abundance in different parts of the sea during the summer is estimated.  相似文献   

吴进群  陈戈 《海洋通报》2015,34(4):407-414
采用1982-2012年NOAA最优插值海表温度(第二版)数据资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析海表气温数据资料,利用均方差分析法,分析海表温度和海表气温的年际变化特征。将31年数据按照El Nin軌o/La Nin軌a事件分为a,b,c 3组,利用超前/滞后相关性分析法,将中低纬度海域海表温度异常(SSTA)与海表气温异常(SATA)做超前/滞后相关分析,得到每个格点SSTA与SATA之间相关性最显著的时间,从而确定SSTA与SATA之间的超前/滞后相关关系。研究结果表明:中纬度海域以SATA超前SSTA为主,SATA滞后SSTA主要分布在20°S-20°N的热带海域。SATA与SSTA超前/滞后天数统计结果均呈现双峰型分布,SATA超前峰值出现在10 d左右,SATA滞后峰值出现-7 d左右。El Nin軌o/La Nin軌a事件的出现,对海气超前/滞后相关关系具有一定影响。  相似文献   

In order to understand and quantify the way in which organic matter is transported from the atmosphere to the oceans it is important to know not only the various mechanisms by which the material is transferred between the two phases, but also the role of natural organic material at the air—sea interface in modifying such transport. In order to predict the latter it is necessary to have some knowledge of the organic chemistry and physico-chemical properties of material at the sea surface. Its organic chemistry is presently the subject of considerable controversy, although surface pressure measurements and force-area data for sea surface material, together with its very mixed chemical nature, strongly suggest that over most of the oceans it cannot form a coherent film.Transfer of organic material across the air—sea interface can be by either wet (liquid) or dry (gas and solid) deposition. The flux carried by each path can be characterised by the product of the rate of transfer of the substance concerned and its concentration in the transporting phase. Any modifying effect of material at the sea surface will vary depending on the mode of transfer, as well as the properties of the interfacial material. Application of these ideas is illustrated by calculation of atmosphere—ocean fluxes for total organic carbon, CCI4, CCI3F, PCBs and DDT.  相似文献   

After a physical disturbance, such as a predatory stimulus, several marine organisms withdraw into a refuge to ensure survival. Consequently, they cannot engage in other essential activities. Re-emergence reflects a trade-off between avoidance of disturbance and lost feeding opportunities. The New Zealand sea anemone (Anthopleura aureoradiata) avoids predators by withdrawing its tentacles into its upper body. In a field experiment, responses of 480 A. aureoradiata to a physical disturbance were studied at three locations to assess the influence of the following factors on hiding time: physical contact with a neighbour; density of nearby conspecifics; total density per pool; and body size. Withdrawal times were significantly shorter for anemones in contact with a conspecific, occurring in high-density patches or of larger size. These patterns are consistent with rapid re-emergence being stimulated by competition for food from immediate neighbours and/or a lower risk of predation when in groups (i.e. a dilution effect), with larger size also potentially reducing vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

宁波市陆海及河海管理分界线的界定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁波市东临东海,杭州湾和三门湾分别从其北边和南边挟裹,象山港从中间嵌入陆域,与上海、舟山隔海相望,东西宽为175 km,南北长为192 km,海域面积为9 758 km2,大陆岸线全长为1 594 km, 辖区浅海面积为4 524.84 km2.宁波市海岸线由于自然和人为因素不断变化,其中自然的滩涂淤涨使岸线向海推进,人为接连岛工程使海岸线长度增加,而滩涂围垦往往把曲折海岸线变成直线岸线,使总体岸线缩短,这些海岸线变化给陆海管理分界线的确定带来了一定难度.宁波市主要入海河流有钱塘江和甬江,对于入海河流河海管理分界线和部门管理权限尚不清楚,区域管理同样存在多头管理和低效率现象.通过社会调查和实地考察,对宁波市海岸线、海岸带和主要入海河流分布特征以及管理现状进行了深入研究,并根据国际海岸线、海岸带和河海分界理论与实践经验,针对宁波市海岸线和入海河流自然地理环境特征、管理现状和宁波市经济发展的特殊需要,按照我国法律法规的相关规定,我们对宁波市海塘或海堤为界的陆海管理分界线、滩涂或淤涨型岸滩的陆海管理分界线、稳定岸滩的陆海管理分界线、港口码头海域界线、其它海岸工程界址线的界定和大潮高潮痕迹线为围海(涂)内界线的界定以及对钱塘江入海口的河海管理分界线和甬江的河海管理分界线的界定提出了初步建议,旨在为贯彻实施海洋法律法规,进一步加强宁波市海岸带区域开发管理和有效保障海洋管理职能的实现提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The wave-wave kinetic equation for surface gravity waves in a deep sea is solved numerically, using the Runge-Kutta technique. Spectral evolution of waves resulted only from their being non-linear, with no wave generation and decaying taking place. To perform computations the JONSWAP-type frequency spectra and a variety of angular wave spectra were used. The angular spectrum of waves turned out to be stable. The frequency spectrum differed from the JONSWAP spectrum in that it had a high-frequency part, which was not similar to the Phillips spectrum. The form of the high-frequency spectral slope was determined as a result of spectral evolution and proved to have the form of the ‘−6’ law. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

自2002年国务院办公厅发出《关于开展勘定省县两级海域行政区域界线工作有关问题的通知》(国办发〔2002〕12号,以下简称《通知》)以来,全国沿海省市政府对海域勘界工作高度重视,摆上了重要议事日程。在国家海洋局的具体指导及市、县两级政府的积极配合下,沿海各省紧张有序地推进了县际间海域勘界工作,取得了重大进展。但是也应当清醒地看到,目前各地海域勘界工作进展很不平衡,不少地方在向纵深推进之中因遇到诸多困难和而呈现胶着状态,能否如期全面完成海域勘界任务,不无令人担忧。全国县际间海域勘界工作之所以出现目前状况,其原因大致有以下三个方面。  相似文献   

菌藻相互作用是海洋生态学领域研究的重要方向之一.海洋微微型蓝藻(Marine picocyanobacteria)是遍布全球海洋的重要初级生产者,在全球碳循环和微食物网中发挥重要作用.原绿球藻属(Prochlorococcus)和聚球藻属(Synechococcus)是海洋微微型蓝藻最重要的两个类群.原位调查和培养实验...  相似文献   

In this study, the movement of polar lows is addressed from a novel and perspicuous viewpoint. The usual assumption has been that these mesoscale systems are, to a first approximation, advected by the larger scale flow in which they are embedded. However, when there are two or more polar lows in the same vicinity, binary interactions between pairs of polar lows can cause a cyclonic co-rotation of the pair. In geographic coordinates these interactions can appear as unusual loops, twists and turns in the low tracks, due to the interplay between the cyclonic co-rotation and the translation of the binary pair by the ambient flow. However when the tracks are replotted in centroid relative coordinates, a mutual rotation is unmistakable. Satellite imagery from several case studies has been examined to accurately determine the polar low tracks, and thus the co-rotations. Using surface wind observations, a theoretical rotation rate can be estimated, based on barotropic vortex dynamics. There is a good correspondence between the observed and calculated rotation rates. Recognizing the existence of binary interactions between polar lows emphasises the connection between polar lows and tropical cyclones, where binary interactions have been described in several studies. Indeed, in the cases studied here, binary interactions are strongest during the secondary (convective) stage of polar low development where the lows are somewhat analogous to arctic hurricanes.  相似文献   

The correlation between individual waves in a real sea state has a central role in existing theories of wave grouping. The attractive Kimura (1980) theory has two critical assumptions, that the sequence of individual wave heights follows a Markov process and that the joint distribution of consecutive wave heights follows a bivariate Rayleigh form. Analysis of measured water surface records suggests that sequences of individual waves can reasonably be described as a first order mixed autoregressive, moving-average or ARMA process, though a distinction among ARMA (1,0), ARMA (0,1) and ARMA (1,1) models was beyond the resolution of the data. These include the Markov or ARMA (1,0) model. The decisive detail, the joint distribution of consecutive wave heights in the sea state, was evaluated by a simulation methodology that is consistent with the Gaussian random wave model. The estimates are dependent on spectral shape and are consistently narrower and more sharply focussed at the peak than the corresponding bivariate Rayleigh estimate. The resulting predictions of run and group length statistics differ from the Kimura theory, though not by a sufficient margin to displace the Kimura theory as a pragmatic choice for wave grouping.  相似文献   

入海河口河海分界的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河口是河海之间从陆地因素为主向海洋因素为主转化的过渡地区.关于入海河口的河海分界问题,国际上已有法律先例.在法律方面,相关部门对有关法律、法规的理解不同,对河海界限存在不同认识.在自然科学方面,存在着不同的专业强调不同的划界方法的问题;在管理方面,存在着根据各自认为的管理权限提出的河海界限问题.世界各国的海洋管理实践证明,河口属于海岸带综合管理的重要区域.研究河海划分的科学问题,目的是为了管理,但管理不仅依赖于自然科学,同样也依赖于社会科学.河口属于"国家所有",无论哪个政府部门都是代表国家行使管理权利.不管哪个部门,在河口区管理过程中,都必须根据有关法律法规,从严管理,为可持续发展服务.河口管理应该有利于生态系统的维护和保全,坚持以生态系统为基础的管理.  相似文献   

探讨海藻共附微生物的生物活性,从青岛、烟台、威海市海域的两叉蜈蚣藻、舌状蜈蚣藻、蜈蚣藻、附着美叶藻、海萝、江蓠、石化菜中共分离得到38株微生物。采用4种溶剂对发酵液进行平行提取,黄瓜枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum)苹果腐烂病菌(Valsa mali)、番茄绵腐病菌(Pythium aphanidermatum)、番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)为供试菌种,对不同提取物进行抑菌活性测定。结果表明:在浓度为0.005 g/mL时石油醚、乙酸乙酯、乙醇的提取物对四种供试植物病原真菌具有明显的抑菌活性,对黄瓜枯萎病菌的抑菌率均在90%以上;乙醇、乙酸乙酯提取物对番茄灰霉病菌,乙酸乙酯、石油醚提取物对番茄绵腐病菌,均在68%以上。这些结果为海洋植物共附生微生物资源的开发及综合利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

郑崇伟  潘静  黎鑫  周林 《海洋通报》2014,33(2):140-147
以CCMP风场驱动目前国际先进的第三代海浪模式WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ,对1988-2009年中国海及周边海域的海浪场进行数值模拟,探索近22年期间该海域的大浪频率与El Nino现象的内在联系。结果表明中国海及周边海域的大浪频率与El Nino有着密切的联系:(1)大浪频率与nino3指数的同期、大浪频率滞后1-4个月与nino3指数表现出显著性负相关,尤其是当大浪频率滞后2个月时,与nino3指数的负相关最强;当大浪频率滞后7-10个月时,大范围海域与nino3指数呈显著性正相关,大浪频率滞后8个月时,与nino3指数的正相关达到最强。(2)无论1988-1997年还是1999-2009年,大浪频率滞后8个月的曲线走势与nino3指数的走势表现出非常好的一致性,相关系数高达0.70、0.73。(3)中国海及周边海域的大浪频率与nino3指数具有共同的5.87-6.29个月、11.00-13.54个月的显著性变化周期;同时还具有共同的3.5-4.7年的年际变化周期,以及7年的长周期变化。(4)中国海及周边海域的大浪频率与nino3指数在20世纪末、21世纪初存在共同的突变期,nino3指数的突变略超前于大浪频率的突变。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic interactions between two ships advancing in waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper the hydrodynamic problems between two moving ships in waves are analyzed using a three-dimensional potential-flow theory based on the source distribution technique. The potential is presented by a distribution of source over the ship hull. The corresponding Green functions and their derivatives can be easily solved numerically by using the series expansions of Telste and Noblesse's algorithm for the Cauchy principal value integral of unsteady flow. The numerical solution is evaluated by applying the present method to two pairs of models and compared with experimental data and strip theory. From the comparisons, it shows that the hydrodynamic interactions are generally important. In the resonance region, the hydrodynamic interaction calculated by the 3D method is more reasonable, which is not so significant as that by the 2D method. The technique developed here may serve as a more rigorous tool to analyze the related problems of two ships doing underway replenishment in waves.  相似文献   

南海海面高度异常与厄尔尼诺和大气环流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用经验正交函数分解和相关分析等方法分析研究了南海和赤道太平洋的海面高度异常、海面温度异常和风异常之间的相关关系.得出南海海面高度异常EOF第一模态为ENSO模态,方差贡献达到44.7%.在厄尔尼诺(El Ni(n)o)期间,整个南海海面下降,SSHA呈现不同的分布状态,本文讨论了爆发与下半年的El Ni(n)o期间南海SSHA呈现的典型分布状态.El Ni(n)o的先兆阶段南海中部为SSHA低值区,鼎盛阶段南部SSHA增大形成南高北低的分布状态,恢复阶段SSHA分布与El Ni(n)o过后是否发生La Ni(n)a密切相关.南海海面高度异常与大气环流存在明显的相关关系.El Ni(n)o期间,Hadley环流的加强使得南海东部和赤道西太平洋水交换加强,水温的降低和海水的流失使南海海面下降,Walker环流结构和强度的变化则进一步促进了南海SSH的下降.El Ni(n)o期间,南海海面高度会较常年偏低.  相似文献   

北极中央区海冰密集度与云量相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
纪旭鹏  赵进平 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):92-104
本文使用海冰密集度以及低云、中云、高云的日平均数据,借助滑动相关分析方法,研究了北极中央区海冰密集度与云量之间的相关性,分析了海冰与云的相互作用机制。研究表明,在春季海冰融化季节(4、5月)、秋季海冰冻结季节(10、11月),低云与海冰密集度之间表现为较好的负相关,表明在这段时间内冰区海面蒸发强烈,对低云的形成有重要贡献。在10月和11月,中云与海冰密集度也有很好的负相关,表明秋季低云可以通过抬升形成中云。高云与海冰密集度之间并没有明显的相关性,可能原因:一方面海冰的空间分布对高云无影响,另一方面,高云主要影响到达的短波辐射,从而影响海冰的融化和冻结速度,与海冰厚度有直接显著的关系,而与海冰密集度的关系不明显。此外,在海冰密集度与低云存在较好负相关的情况下会出现某些年份相关性不好的情况,我们的研究发现这是北极中央区与周边海区发生了海冰交换或云交换的结果。  相似文献   

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