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Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit[3] wurde das Problem der Auswahl des Geschwindigkeitsfeldes für kinematisches Modell eines hydromagnetischen Dynamos im Erdkern gelöst. Den Inhalt des vorliegenden Artikels bildet die Beendigung dieser Problematik in numerischer Beziehung und die Diskussion der Ergebnisse. Man hat die numerischen Methoden beantragt und daran zu arbeiten angefangen, die Kennzahl und daher auch die charakteristische Geschwindigkeit im Modell gefunden. Die numerische Stabilität der Lösung wurde nicht untersucht. Man beglaubigte die zur Existenz eines stationären Mechanismus der Generierung des geomagnetischen Feldes nötigen Voraussetzungen gleichzeitig mit den Bedingungen, die zur Einführung des Generierungs-KoeffizientenP notwendig sind. Der Koeffizient ist in sphärischen Koordinaten angeführt und es wird gezeigt, dass die Kennzahl seine Grösse nicht beeinflusst.  相似文献   

Summary The equation for density perturbation induced by plane hydromagnetic waves (responsible for geomagnetic secular variation) has been derived based on -plane formulation. It is deduced that for the usual physical properties of the earth's core such a density perturbation would be small and would not be, in the main, responsible for the recently discovered correlation between gravitation and geomagnetic potentials.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour of the poloidal and toroidal magnetic field at the core-mantle boundary is analysed in more detail, assuming that the conductive layer in the lowest mantle is thin. We can conclude that, in the case of the Z-model of the nearly symmetric hydromagnetic dynamo, the poloidal field may be considered potential everywhere in the mantle and that the azimuthal field depends on the geostrophic azimuthal velocity in the same manner as derived in[1] and[3].
aau ¶rt;-amu n¶rt;nuu m n¶rt; amuu aauum n¶rt;u nu¶rt;a u mu¶rt;a n. am ¶rt;, m Z-¶rt;u nmu umuu¶rt;aum ¶rt;ua aum nu¶rt;a n umam nmua ¶rt; amuu a n¶rt;u . ¶rt;m¶rt;am na [1] u [3] auum auma aum n m auma mu.

au am nu¶rt;, nuau ¶rt;u¶rt;aum ¶rt;ua, a u ¶rt; ma aum u¶rt;uu aam ma¶rt;am . a a au ¶rt; uuauu u nm nmu a u m muna, mm m¶rt; ma a anma n u. uunua muau u m¶rt; nua [4, 5]. n¶rt; am nuam m¶rt; u, u¶rt;u u m¶rt;a a u a nm nu nu¶rt;um au m u m¶rt;.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the Earth's core are dominated by a balance between Lorentz and Coriolis forces. Previous studies of possible (magnetostrophic) hydromagnetic instabilities in this regime have been confined to geophysically unrealistic flows and fields. In recent papers we have treated rather general fields and flows in a spherical geometry and in a computationally simple plane-layer model. These studies have highlighted the importance of differential rotation in determining the spatial structure of the instability. Here we have proceeded to use these results to construct a self-consistent dynamo model of the geomagnetic field. An iterative procedure is employed in which an α-effect is calculated from the form of the instability and is then used in a mean field dynamo model. The mean zonal field calculated there is then input back into the hydromagnetic stability problem and a new α-effect calculated. The whole procedure is repeated until the input and output zonal fields are the same to some tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper deals with theZ-model of the nearly symmetric hydromagnetic dynamo as a generation mechanism of the Earth's magnetic field. TheZ-model of Braginsky [2] was solved for viscous core-mantle coupling [3]. It is shown that a similarZ-model can also be constructed for electromagnetic core-mantle coupling, or for both effects combined. A new part of the azimuthal velocity appears in the equations, but the character of the boundary layer is not changed too much. No numerical solution is presented.
mam auam ma aa Z-¶rt; nmu umuu¶rt;aum ¶rt;ua, ma n¶rt;mam amu au aum n. Z-¶rt; au [2] a a ¶rt; a au¶rt;mu ¶rt; ¶rt; u amu. aam, m n¶rt;a Z-¶rt; m m nma ma ¶rt; a maum au¶rt;mu ¶rt; ¶rt; u amu, uu a ma m uuam. au nm a am auma mu, aam nau m. ua u u nu¶rt;um.

A short review of the present state of the nearly axially-symmetrical dynamo model is given. A simplified theory for hydromagnetic dynamos taking into account the forces acting in the Earth's core is considered. The role of weak core-mantle friction is discussed and a form of solution is suggested which is characterized by a large geostrophic velocity in the core and by a boundary layer of a new type. The consequences of such a model (called model Z) for the Earth's dynamo are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of expressing analytically the magnetic torque, acting on the electrically conducting part of the Earth's mantle, is treated as a function of the system of convection on the surface of the core. The changes of velocities in the system of convection are estimated for decadic changes of the Earth's rotation and for the perturbation of the Earth's rotation in 1897. As regards the decadic changes of the Earth's rotation a change of velocity in the system of convection at the surface of the core of the order of 10–4 m/s corresponds, and as regards the perturbation of the Earth's rotation in 1897 (10–3 s/year) a change of velocity of 10–3 m/s reduced to the whole surface of the core corresponds, and 10–2 m/s corresponds for the region of the focus of the world geomagnetic anomaly (dimension of this region is 106 m).  相似文献   


An attempt has been made to include the axially asymmetric velocities into the calculation of Braginsky's Z-model of the nearly symmetric hydromagnetic dynamo. In this axisymmetric non-linear model dominated by Lorentz and Coriolis forces and maintained by a specified convection, the α-effect is prescribed. An example is shown of the axially asymmetric Archimedean buoyancy, which can imply an arbitrary alpha effect in the model with viscous core-mantle coupling. The formalisms of Tough and Roberts (1968) is also discussed and a modified α-effect in the Z-model is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary In Paper III (Mohandis [1]2) we considered the sudden introduction of amagnetic dipole in the earth's core to act as a source of disturbance to the exitation field taken as a poloidal one. A symmetrical case was considered where the dipole axis is placed parallel to the original field and perpendicular to the earth's mantle. In the present work, we consider an unsymmetric case where the axis of themagnetic dipole is placed perpendicular to both the mantle and the exitation field which is taken as a toroidal one. A mathematical study is made for the resulting fluid motion in the core as well as for the generated hydromagnetic perturbations in both the mantle and the earth's fluid core. A more powerful method has been adopted than those used in previous cases.  相似文献   

Summary It is in the hope of establishing a theorem contributing to the origin of the Secular Variation of the geomagnetic field that this third paper under the same heading, is written, —In this paper it is supposed that amagnetic dipole is suddenly introduced in the earth's core to act as a source of disturbance to the exciting field taken as a poloidal one. The dipole axis is placed parallel to the original field and perpendicular to the mantle. Mathematical solutions have been obtained for the resulting fluid motion in the core as well as for the generated magnetohydrodynamic perturbations in the earth's core and in the mantle. It can be seen from the mathematical results obtained that although the disturbances in the core are so complicated, yet they are much less complicated in the mantle and specially at the plane boundary separating core and mantle.  相似文献   

Summary In paper I, (Mohandis [2]2)), the author contributes to the discussion of the origin of the secular variation of the earth's magnetic field. A mathematical solution of magnetohydrodynamic disturbances and fluid motion due to the sudden introduction of an oscillating dipole in the earth's core has been obtained. Only the symmetrical case of the problem, where the axis of the dipole is placed perpendicular to the mantle and parallel to a poloidal field, has been discussed.In this paper, the source of disturbance is still considered to be the oscillating dipole, but the exciting field is taken as a toroidal field always parallel to the mantle. Two unsymmetric different cases of the problem are considered but the disturbed field is sonsidered only in the mantle. It is worth to note here that simpler results can be obtained by applying more conditions than those used in the present work. The new method will be illustrated in a forthcoming paper of this series, Magnetolydrodynamic disturbances in the earth's core, IV where another case of the problem will be discussed.  相似文献   

¶rt;m uu maua anu, ¶rt;mu aau ¶rt;a u amuu a aumu¶rt;¶rt;uau ¶rt;uu ¶rt; u. a auum anu m u ¶rt;am au u mu u u¶rt;ua aum n. a nuu ¶rt; ¶rt;u naa, m u anmam u¶rt; . m uu u u ¶rt;uunauu a anmau mu . uu a u¶rt;, m m¶rt; a mu u m aum mm aumaua maum n ¶rt; u.  相似文献   

Summary A general theory of a time-dependent magnetic dipole in the earth is discussed. On the basis of the weastward drift of the «equatorial» dipole in the two eccentric dipoles model due toH. G. Macht, the impossibility of the origin of geomagnetic secular variation being in a deep interior of the earth's core is established from the standpoints of the shielding effect and the motions in the core. But the westward drift of the core's top layer relative to the mantle seems to be quite reasonable, even if we take into account the shielding effect of the mantle.  相似文献   

A rigorous singular perturbation theory is developed to estimate the electric field E produced in the mantle M by the core dynamo when the electrical conductivity σ in M depends only on radius r, and when |r?rln σ| ? 1 in most of M. It is assumed that σ has only one local minimum in M, either (a) at the Earth's surface ?V, or (b) at a radius b inside the mantle, or (c) at the core-mantle boundary ?K. In all three cases, the region where σ is no more than e times its minimum value constitutes a thin critical layer; in case (a), the radial electric field Er ≈ 0 there, while in cases (b) and (c), Er is very large there. Outside the critical layer, Er ≈ 0 in all three cases. In no case is the tangential electric field ES small, nearly toroidal, or nearly calculable from the magnetic vector potential A as ??tAS. The defects in Muth's (1979) argument which led him to contrary conclusions are identified. Benton (1979) cited Muth's work to argue that the core-fluid velocity u just below ?K can be estimated from measurements on ?V of the magnetic field B and its time derivative ?tB. A simple model for westward drift is discussed which shows that Benton's conclusion is also wrong.In case (a), it is shown that knowledge of σ in M is unnecessary for estimating ES on ?K with a relative error |r?r 1nσ|?1from measurements of ES on ?V and knowledge of ?tB in M (calculable from ?tB on ?V if σ is small). Then, in case (a), u just below ?K can be estimated as ?r×ES/Br. The method is impractical unless the contribution to ES on ?V from ocean currents can be removed.The perturbation theory appropriate when σ in M is small is considered briefly; smallness of σ and of |r?r ln σ|?1 a independent questions. It is found that as σ → 0, B approaches the vacuum field in M but E does not; the explanation lies in the hydromagnetic approximation, which is certainly valid in M but fails as σ → 0. It is also found that the singular perturbation theory for |r?r ln σ|?1 is a useful tool in the perturbation calculations for σ when both σ and |r?r ln σ|?1 are small.  相似文献   

Summary Regional variations have been indicated in the slope of theP travel-time curve in the shadow zone of the earth's core. Further study is needed since the uncertainties of the slope are large, especially for the observations from North American stations. There is no significant difference between themean slope of theP travel-time curve in the 95°102.9 range and those obtained byJeffreys, andJeffreys andBullen. However, there is a significant difference between themean slope in the 103° to 135° range as obtained in this study, and those obtained byJeffreys andBullen, and in a later revision byJeffreys. Themean travel-time curve ofP in the shadow zone of the earth's core should be lowered. A trial travel-time table is given with amean slope of 4.41 sec/deg. This table is in close agreement with the times obtained byGutenberg andRichter, and with the trial travel-times ofLehmann. Under the assumption of diffraction the longitudinal wave velocity has been determined to be 13.7 km/sec at the core-mantle boundary.This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America Reno, Nevada, 1966.  相似文献   

Hydromagnetic dynamos in rotating spherical shells are investigated using the control volume method. We present a validation of our code against the numerical dynamo benchmark. It is successfully benchmarked and we are able to conclude that the control volume method is another numerical method available for numerical modelling of self-consistent dynamos. In addition, the efficiency of our numerical code is tested. Computations provide conclusions that dynamo codes based on the spectral methods are much more efficient than our code based on the control volume method at the study of global fields on small and medium size parallel computers. However, our code could be much more efficient than codes based on the spectral methods on very large parallel computers, especially at the study of turbulence.  相似文献   

Summary A magnetic dipole is supposed to be suddenly introduced in the earth's core (taken as an inviscid, incompressible fluid of finite electrical conductivity) to act as a source of disturbance. It is shown that although in the symmetric case of the problem the disturbed fluid is stagnant in any direction at the interface separating core from the solid insulating mantle; yet it should slip in any tangential direction at the interface, in each of the three unsymmetric cases considered here.  相似文献   

Intermediate dynamos are axisymmetric, spherical models that evade Cowling's theorem by invoking an α-effect to create the meridional magnetic field from the zonal. Usually the energy source maintaining the motions is a specified thermal wind, but here the dynamo is driven by the buoyancy created by a uniform distribution of heat sources. It has been argued by Braginsky and Meytlis (this journal, vol. 55, 1990) that, in a rapidly rotating, strongly magnetic system such as the Earth's core, heat is transported principally by a small-scale turbulence that is highly anisotropic. They conclude that the diffusion of heat parallel to the rotation axis is then significantly greater than it is in directions away from that axis. A preliminary study of the consequences of this idea is reported here. Solutions are derived numerically using both isotropic and non-isotropic thermal diffusivity tensors, and the results are compared. It is shown that even a small degree of anisotropy can materially alter the character of the dynamo.  相似文献   


by J. A. Jacobs, 1975, Academic Press, London, New York, San Francisco, U.S.A., viii + 253 pages.  相似文献   

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