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The mechanism of the reaction 1 tremolite +3 calcite+2 quartz=5 diopside+3 CO2+1 H2O was investigated at 2 and 5 kb, , using powder experiments lasting from 14 to 170 days. Because experiments were at high ratios of fluid to solids, the study identified the mechanism under surface-control conditions and thus establishes which reactant surface determines the kinetics. To achieve a diopside nucleation rate high enough to gain detectable reaction in the time of experimentation, the equilibrium boundary had to be overstepped by 30°–60° C at 5 kb. Experiments in which diopside successfully nucleated show that the reaction proceeds by a dissolution-crystallization mechanism. Experimentally-produced textures are presented in a series of SEM images and demonstrate that diopside nucleates and grows topotactically exclusively on tremolite. The mechanism of the forward reaction is modeled by a simplified scheme consisting of three processes, each comprising formation, transport and incorporation of 1) the Ca-, 2) the Mg-, and 3) the Si-bearing species in the fluid in response to dissolution of the reactants and crystallization of diopside. Using the dependence of the overall-reaction rate on the surface area of the reactants, it was experimentally determined that process 2) (dissolution of tremolite, transport of the Mg-bearing species in the fluid and crystallization of diopside) will be rate-limiting in most cases where metamorphism occurs in an internally controlled system. Due to the experimental design chosen, the dissolution of tremolite at the beginning of process 2) is rate-limiting in the experiments. The magnitude of the probable temperature-overstep necessary to achieve a significant nucleation rate during metamorphism is discussed on the basis of the experimental evidence and a simple nucleation rate model.  相似文献   

 At the Bufa del Diente contact-metamorphic aureole, brine infiltration through metachert layers embedded in limestones produced thick wollastonite rims, according to Cc+Qz=Wo+CO2. Fluid inclusions trapped in recrystallized quartz hosts include: (1) high salinity four phase inclusions [Th(V-L)=460–573° C; Td(salts)=350–400° C; (Na+K)Cleq=64–73 wt%; X CO 2≤0.02]; (2) low density vapour-rich CO2-bearing inclusions [Th(L-V)≈500±100° C; X CO 2=0.22–0.44; X NaCl≤0.01], corresponding to densities of 0.27± 0.05 gcm−3. Petrographical observations, phase compositions and densities show that the two fluids were simultaneously trapped in the solvus of the H2O-CO2-salts system at 500–600° C and 700±200 bars. The low density fluid was generated during brine infiltration at the solvus via the wollastonite producing reaction. Identical fluid types were also trapped as inclusion populations in wollastonite hosts 3 cm adjacent to quartz crystals. At room temperature, both fluid types additionally contain one quartz and one calcite crystal, generated by the back-reaction Wo+CO2=Cc+Qz of the host with the CO2-proportion of the fluid during retrogression. All of the CO2 was removed from the fluid. On heating in the microstage, the reaction progress of the prograde reaction was estimated via volume loss of the calcites. In vapour-rich fluids, 50% progress is reached at 490–530° C; 80% at 520–560° C; and 100% at 540–590° C, the latter representing the trapping temperatures of the original fluid at the two fluid solvus. The progress is volume controlled. With knowledge of compositions and densities from unmodified inclusions in quartz and using the equation of state of Duan et al. (1995) for H2O-CO2-NaCl, along with f CO 2-values extracted from it, the reaction progress curve was recalculated in the P-T-X-space. The calculated progress curve passes through the two fluid solvus up to 380° C/210 bars, continues in the one fluid field and meets the solvus again at trapping conditions. The P-T slope is steep, most of the reaction occurs above 450° C and there is high correspondence between calculated and measured reaction progress. We emphasize that with the exception of quartz, back-reactions between inclusion fluids and mineral hosts is a common process. For almost any prograde metamorphic mineral that was formed by a devolatilization reaction and that trapped the equilibrium fluid or any peak metamorphic fluid as an inclusion, a fluid-host back-reaction exists which must occur somewhere along the retrograde path. Such retrograde reactions may cause drastic changes in density and composition of the fluid. In most cases, however, evidence of the evolving mineral assemblages is not given for they might form submicroscopical layers at the inclusion walls. Received: 15 March 1995 / Accepted: 1 June 1995  相似文献   

Stoichiometric mixtures of tremolite and dolomite were heated to 50° C above equilibrium temperatures to form forsterite and calcite. The pressure of the CO2-H2O fluid was 5 Kb and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) varied from 0.1 to 0.6. The extent of the conversion was determined by the amount of CO2 produced. The resulting mixtures of unreacted tremolite and dolomite and of newly-formed forsterite and calcite were examined with a scanning electron microscope. All tremolite and dolomite grains showed obvious signs of dissolution. At fluid compositions with \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) less than about 0.4, the forsterite and calcite crystals are randomly distributed throughout the charges, indicating that surfaces of the reactants are not a controlling factor with respect to the sites of nucleation of the products. A change is observed when \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) is greater than about 0.4; the forsterite and calcite crystals now nucleate and grow at the surface of the dolomite grains, thus indicating a change in mechanism at medium CO2 concentrations. As the reaction progresses, the dolomite grains become more and more surrounded by forsterite and calcite, finally forming armoured relics of dolomite. Under experimental conditions this characteristic texture can only be formed if the CO2-concentration is greater than about 40 mole %. These findings make it possible to estimate the CO2-concentration from the texture of the dolomite+tremolite+forsterite+calcite assemblage. The results suggest a dissolution-precipitation mechanism for the reaction investigated. In a simplified form it consists of the following 4 steps:
  1. Dissolution of the reactants tremolite and dolomite.
  2. Diffusion of the dissolved constituents in the fluid.
  3. Heterogeneous nucleation of the product minerals.
  4. Growth of forsterite and calcite from the fluid.
Two possible explanations are discussed for the development of the amoured texture at \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) above 0.4. The first is based upon the assumption that dolomite has a lower rate of dissolution than tremolite at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values resulting in preferential calcite and forsterite nucleation and growth on the dolomite surface. An alternative explanation is the formation of a raised CO2 concentration around the dolomite grains at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values, leading to product precipitation on the dolomite crystals.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal experiments with mixtures of synthetic minerals have shown the reversibility of the reaction 5 phlogopite + 6 calcite + 24 quartz = 3 tremolite + 5 K-feldspar + 2 H2O + 6 CO2. In an isobaric T – diagram the equilibrium curve reaches a maximum at = 0,75. The P, T-values for this maximum are: 2 kb-523°; 4 kb-585°; 6 kb-625°; P±5%, T±10° C. These results give a first approximation of the P, T conditions responsible for a similar mineral reaction which has been recorded from natural metamorphic assemblages.

Herrn Prof. H. G. F. Winkler danke ich für anregende Diskussionen, desgleichen Herrn Dr. D. Puhan für wichtige Hinweise und Mitteilung seiner exp. Daten. Herrn Prof. V. Trommsdorff und Herrn P. H. Thompson bin ich für petrographische Angaben zu Dank verpflichtet. Der Aufbau der Hydrothermalanlage und die Finanzierung der laufenden Untersuchungen wurde aus den Mitteln des Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung ermöglicht. Für diese Unterstützung gilt daher mein besonderer Dank.  相似文献   

The equilibrium curve for the reaction 3 dolomite + 1 K-feldspar + 1 H2O=1 phlogopite + 3 calcite + 3 CO2 was determined experimentally at a total gas pressure of 2000 bars using two different methods.
  1. In the first case water alone was added to the reactants. The CO2 component of the gas phase was producted solely by the reaction under favourable P-T conditions. This manner of carrying out the reaction is called the “water method”. With this method sufficient time must be allowed for the gas phase to attain a constant composition (see Fig. 1). Reverse reactions were carried out using reaction products of the forward reaction.
  2. In the second case silver oxalate + water were added to the reactants. Breakdown of the silver oxalate leads to formation of a CO2-H2O gasphase of definite composition. At constant temperature and gas pressure the \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) determines whether the reaction products will be phlogopite + calcite or dolomite + K-feldspar. In this case it is not necessary to wait for equilibrium to be attained. This method is abbreviated the “oxalate method”. Reactants for reverse reactions are not identical with the products of the forward reaction.
At high temperatures the results of the two different methods agree well (see Tables 1 and 2). Equilibrium was attained in one case at 490° C and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) of approximately 0.77, and in the other case at 520° C and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) of 0.90. At lower temperatures there are considerable differences in the results. With the water method an \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) of about 0.25 was reached at 450° C. With the oxalate method dolomite K-feldspar and water still react with each other at even higher \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) values. Phlogopite, calcite and CO2 are formed together with metastable talc. There are no criteria to indicate which of the methods is the correct one at lower temperatures and in Fig. 2, therefore, both equilibrium curves are plotted.  相似文献   

The equilibrium conditions of the following reaction 2 zoisite +1 CO2?3 anorthite+1 calcite+1 H2O 2 Ca2Al3[O/OH/SiO4/Si2O7]+1 CO2?3 CaAl2Si2O8+1 CaCO3+1 H2O have been determined experimentally at total pressures of P j= 2000 bars, P f =5000 bars, and P f =7000 bars. Owing to the vertical position of the equilibrium curves in isobaric T- \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) diagrams, the composition of the binary H2O-CO2 fluid phase coexisting with zoisite is independent of temperature in the temperature interval investigated. According to our experiments, orthorhombic zoisite is only stable in equilibrium with a fluid phase at a concentration of CO2 which is less than, respectively, ca. 2 Mol% CO2 at P f =2000 bars, ea. 6 Mol% at P f =5000 bars, and ca. 10 Mol% at P f =7000 bars. Thus, the fluid phase coexisting with zoisite is rich in H2O. While this is independent of temperature the experimental data demonstrate that the influence of pressure cannot be neglected: With increasing pressure the concentration of CO2 of the fluid phase coexisting with zoisite can rise a little. The position of the reaction studied, which is independent of temperature and exhibits small values of \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) ,leads to two important petrogenetic conclusions:
  1. The occurrence of zoisite is an indicator for a CO2-poor and H2O-rich fluid composition during metamorphism of marly calcsilicates.
  2. If the concentration of CO2 of the fluid phase coexisting with zoisite exceeds the equilibrium value of \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) calcite+anorthite+H2O is formed from zoisite+CO2. Thus, a considerable increase in the anorthite-content of plagioelase is possible.

The equilibrium constants for the reaction (2) Rhodochrosite + Quartz=Pyroxmangite+CO2 obtained are:logK(2)(bars)= $$\begin{gathered}{\text{log}}f_{co_2 } = - \frac{{(9862 \pm 102)}}{T} \hfill \\+ (15.887 \pm 0.220) + (0.1037 \pm 0.0020)\frac{{P - 1}}{T} \hfill \\\end{gathered} $$ and for the reaction (3) Rhodochrosite+Pyroxmangite=Tephroite+CO2: logK(3)(bars)= $$\begin{gathered}{\text{log}}f_{co_2 } = - \frac{{(6782 \pm 205)}}{T} \hfill \\+ (11.296 \pm 0.304) + (0.0835 \pm 0.0030)\frac{{P - 1}}{T} \hfill \\\end{gathered} $$ The present data lie within reasonable limits of error of the values calculated from previous experimental results at P tot = 2000 bars.  相似文献   

The phase relations in the system grossular-spessartine-H2O were investigated at 2.0 Kb aqueous fluid pressure and at subsolidus temperatures down to 420 ° C. Despite metastable persistence of a compositional gap found in some intermediate members, a complete solid solution between grossular and spessartine exists.Linear relations between the unit cell edge, a 0, and composition were readily observed down to 620 ° C with a 0=11.849(2) Å and 11.613(2) Å for grossular and spessartine, respectively. Hydrated garnets began to appear at higher temperature for the Ca-rich members. Grossular and spessartine formed at 420 ° C have a 0=11.901(2) Å and 11.632(2) Å, indicating the presence of 0.6 and 0.2 mol H2O, respectively. Intermediate members show varying degrees of hydration. Infrared spectra of the more hydrated members show a major and minor absorption bands at 3,620 cm–1 and 3,660 cm–1, respectively, in addition to a broad band around 3,430 cm–1. All the hydrogarnets formed at 420 ° C were proven to be metastable.The rare occurrence of the intermediate grossular-spessartine garnets may be attributed to the lack of appropriate bulk chemistry of the rock rather than to the P-T conditions to which the rock is subjected. There may be a stability field for hydrogrossular below 420 ° C at 2 Kb, but not for hydrospessartine. Any occurrence of hydrogarnet may be used as a temperature indicator setting the maximum of formation for the hydrogarnet-bearing assemblage below 420 ° C at 2 Kb.  相似文献   

Near-liquidus phase relationships of a spinel lherzolite-bearing olivine melilitite from Tasmania were investigated over a P, T range with varying , , and . At 30 kb under MH-buffered conditions, systematic changes of liquidus phases occur with increasing ( = CO2/CO2 +H2O+olivine melilitite). Olivine is the liquidus phase in the presence of H2O alone and is joined by clinopyroxene at low . Increasing eliminates olivine and clinopyroxene becomes the only liquidus phase. Further addition of CO2 brings garnet+orthopyroxene onto the liquidus together with clinopyroxene, which disappears with even higher CO2. The same systematic changes appear to hold at higher and lower pressures also, only that the phase boundaries are shifted to different . The field with olivine- +clinopyroxene becomes stable to higher with lower pressure and approaches most closely the field with garnet+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene at about 27 kb, 1160 °C, 0.08 and 0.2 (i.e., 6–7% CO2+ 7–8% H2O). Olivine does not coexist with garnet+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene under these MH-buffered conditions. Lower oxygen fugacities do not increase the stability of olivine to higher and do not change the phase relationships and liquidus temperatures drastically. Thus, it is inferred that olivine melilitite 2927 originates as a 5% melt (inferred from K2 O and P2O5 content) from a pyrolite source at about 27kb, 1160 dg with about 6–7% CO2 and 7–8% H2O dissolved in the melt. The highly undersaturated character of the melt and the inability to find olivine together with garnet and orthopyroxene on the liquidus (in spite of the close approach of the respective liquidus fields) can be explained by reaction relationships of olivine and clinopyroxene with orthopyroxene, garnet and melt in the presence of CO2.  相似文献   

Published phase diagrams for the siliceous carbonate system CaO–MgO–SiO2–CO2–H2O are contradictory because of different estimates of the relative stability of magnesite. Experimental data on magnesite are too ambiguous to determine the validity of these estimates. Therefore, field evidence is used to select the correct phase diagram topology for siliceous carbonate and carbonate ultramafic rocks at pressures of about 2–5 kbar. The primary selection criterion is provided by the existence of the stable assemblage talc+dolomite+forsterite+tremolite+antigorite, which occurs in the Bergell contact aureole and Swiss Central Alps. Field evidence also is used to argue that the reaction magnesite+quartz=enstatite must occur at lower temperature than the reaction dolomite+quartz=diopside. T-X CO 2 and P CO 2-T phase diagrams consistent with these observations are calculated from experimental and thermo-dynamic data. For antigorite ophicarbonate rocks, remarkable agreement is obtained between the spatial distribution of low variance mineral assemblages and the calculated diagrams.  相似文献   

Time resolved mass spectroscopy of the emissions accompanying the fracture of calcite (rhombohedral CaCO3) show that the principle volatile product, CO2, is released in bursts milliseconds after the fracture event. Similar measurements during the abrasion of calcite and during low temperature thermal decomposition of pulverized calcite show similar CO2 bursts. We argue that the observed bursts reflect localized decomposition of the calcite during the relaxation of reversible plastic deformation created by fracture and abrasion. This implies that mechanical, non-thermal processes play an important role in producing the observed decomposition products.  相似文献   

The enthalpy of calcite has been measured directly between 973 K and 1325 K by transposed-temperature- drop calorimetry. The excess enthalpy has been analysed in terms of Landau theory for this tricritical phase transition. The zero-point enthalpy and entropy allow estimates of the parameters a and C in the Landau expansion for free energy which expresses excess free energy G as a function of the order parameter Q and temperature T: G 1/2a(T 2cT)Q 2+1/6CQ 6 with a=24 J·K·mol-1, C = 30 kJ·mol T c = 1260 ±5 K. The entropy of disorder below the transition has been formulated as a function of temperature allowing the calculation of the calcite/aragonite phase boundary when taking this extra entropy into account. There is remarkable agreement between the calculated equilibrium curve and previous experimental observations. The Landau theory predicts behaviour which fully accounts for the change in slope of the calcite/aragonite phase boundary, which is thus wholly due to the R¯3cR¯3m transition in calcite.  相似文献   

Amphiboles approached edenite (NaCa2Mg5Si7AlO22(OH)2), richterite (Na2CaMg5Si8O22(OH)2), tremolite (□Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2) solid solutions were studied by conventional hydrothermal techniques employing the bulk compositions edenite, and edenite + additional quartz, all with excess H2O. For the stoichiometric edenite bulk composition + excess H2O, the equilibrium phase assemblage is diopside + Na-phlogopite + forsterite + fluid at, and just above the amphibole high-temperature limit at 850 ± 5°C, 500 bar, and 880 ± 5°C, 1000 bar. The breakdown temperature of sodic phlogopite is 855 ± 3°C at 500 bar, and 890 ± 5°C at 700 bar, producing nepheline + plagioclase (or melt), additional forsterite and fluid. Diopside and Na-phlogopite solid solution coexist over a broad Pfluid-T region, even within the amphibole field, where they are associated with an edenite-richterite (-tremolite) solid solution of approximate composition Ed35Rc50Tr15.In the system edenite + 4 quartz + excess H2O, nearly pure tremolite and albite coexist stably between 670° and 830°C at 1000 bar and give way to the possibly metastable assemblage diopside + talc + albite below 670°C. In the presence of albite, tremolite reacts to produce diopside + quartz + enstatite + fluid above 830°C at 1000 bar. For the investigated silica-rich bulk composition, amphibole Pfluid-T stability is divided by the albite melting curve into a tremolite + albite field, and a tremolite + aqueous melt field. Substantial equilibrium solid solution of tremolite towards edenite or richterite was not observed for silica-excess bulk compositions. Metastable edenite-rich amphiboles initially synthesized change to tremolite with increasing run length in the presence of free SiO2.Edenitic amphibole is stable only over a very limited temperature range in silica-undersaturated environments, thus accounting for its rarity in nature. Na-phlogopite solid solutions are also disfavored by high aSiO2; even for nepheline-normative lithologies, a hypothesized rapid low-temperature conversion to vermiculite or smectite could partly explain the scarcity of sodic phlogopite in rocks.  相似文献   

Reversals for the reaction 2 annite+3 quartz=2 sanidine+3 fayalite+2 H2O have been experimentally determined in cold-seal pressure vessels at pressures of 2, 3, 4 and 5?kbar, limiting annite +quartz stability towards higher temperatures. The equilibrium passes through the temperature intervals 500–540°?C (2?kbar), 550–570°?C (3?kbar), 570–590°?C (4?kbar) and 590–610°?C (5?kbar). Starting materials for most experiments were mixtures of synthetic annite +fayalite+sanidine+quartz and in some runs annite+quartz alone. Microprobe analyses of the reacted mixtures showed that the annites deviate slightly from their ideal Si/Al ratio (Si per formula unit ranges between 2.85 and 2.92, AlVI between 0.06 and 0.15). As determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy, the Fe3+ content of annite in the assemblage annite+fayalite +sanidine+quartz is around 5–7%. The experimental data were used to extract the thermodynamic standard state enthalpy and entropy of annite as follows: H 0 f,?Ann =?5125.896±8.319 [kJ/mol] and S 0 Ann=432.62±8.89 [J/mol/K] (consistent with the Holland and Powell 1990 data set), and H 0 f,Ann =?5130.971±7.939 [kJ/mol] and S 0 Ann=424.02±8.39 [J/mol/K] (consistent with the TWEEQ data base, Berman 1991). The preceeding values are close to the standard state properties derived from hydrogen sensor data of the redox reaction annite=sanidine+magnetite+H 2 (Dachs 1994). The experimental half-reversal of Eugster and Wones (1962) on the annite +quartz breakdown reaction could not be reproduced experimentally (formation of annite from sanidine+fayalite+quartz at 540°?C/1.035?kbar/magnetite-iron buffer) and probable reasons for this discrepancy remain unclear. The extracted thermodynamic standard state properties of annite were used to calculate annite and annite+quartz stabilities for pressures between 2 and 5?kbar.  相似文献   



A proposed strategy for immobilizing trace metals in the subsurface is to stimulate calcium carbonate precipitation and incorporate contaminants by co-precipitation. Such an approach will require injecting chemical amendments into the subsurface to generate supersaturated conditions that promote mineral precipitation. However, the formation of reactant mixing zones will create gradients in both the saturation state and ion activity ratios (i.e., ). To better understand the effect of ion activity ratios on CaCO3 precipitation kinetics and Sr2+ co-precipitation, experiments were conducted under constant composition conditions where the supersaturation state (Ω) for calcite was held constant at 9.4, but the ion activity ratio was varied between 0.0032 and 4.15.  相似文献   

The dependence of the electronic and the crystallographic structure on temperature of synthetic Mnbearing ilvaites CaFe2+ 2-xMn2+ xFe3+ [Si2O7/O/OH] with 0≤x≤0.19 has been investigated. The change of the electronic structure was studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The spectra show an increasing valence fluctuation rate between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the double chain of edge-sharing octahedra with increasing temperature resulting in a mixed valent state of iron. The valence fluctuation rate is distinctly increased by the Mnsubstitution. The temperature of the crystallographic phase transition T x as studied by a high temperature Guinier method is distinctly lowered by the Mn-substitution (x = 0.0, T x=390K; x = 0.12, T x =370K; x = 0.19, T x=295K). The reasons for this behaviour are discussed in terms of Fe2 +, Fe3 + cation order-disorder, electronic relaxation rate, and relaxation of the lattice. In the monoclinic phase there is electron hopping between Fe2 +, Fe3 + pairs whereas in the orthorhombic phase there is extended electron delocalization via a narrow, d-band mechanism.  相似文献   

The temperature-X CO 2-equilibrium data for the reaction 1 tremolite + 11 dolomite 8 forsterite + 13 calcite + 9 CO2 +1H2O have been determined at total pressures (P CO 2 + P H2O) of 3,000 and 5,000 bars. The results are shown in Figure 2 along with the data for the total pressure of 1,000 bars (Metz, 1967).The MgCO3 contents of the magnesian-calcites formed during the experiments agree very well with the calcite-dolomite-solvus which can be recalculated from Equation (1) and the activity coefficients for MgCO3 in magnesiancalcite as given by Gordon and Greenwood (1970).If the T-X CO 2-equilibrium data are calculated from the equilibrium constant as given by Skippen (1974), assuming ideal mixing of CO2 and H2O, good agreement is achieved for the total pressure of 1,000 bars (see Figs. 4 and 5). At a total pressure of 3,000 bars, however, the calculated equilibrium temperatures are about 40 ° C below the experimentally determined values (see Fig. 6). This difference increases up to 70 ° C for a total pressure of 5,000 bars (see Fig. 7).From the experimentally determined equilibrium conditions of the assemblage: tremolite + dolomite + forsterite + magnesian calcite (see Fig. 8) the pressure of metamorphism can be estimated if the temperature is determined by the MgCO3-content of the magnesian-calcite from the calcite-dolomite solvus. However, when using the data of Figure 8, attention has to be drawn to the limiting condition of X CO 20.2.Simplified reaction equation not considering solid solution in the carbonates  相似文献   

 The carbonation reaction CaMg(CO3)2 (dolomite)+2SiO2 (coesite)=CaMgSi2O6 (diopside)+2 CO2 (vapor) has been determined experimentally between 3.5 and 6 GPa in a multiple-anvil, solid-media apparatus. This reaction, a candidate for carbonation of eclogites (garnet+clinopyroxene) in the Earth’s mantle, lies at higher pressure for a given temperature than do the carbonation reactions for peridotites (olivine+orthopyroxene±clinopyroxene). A depth interval may exist within the Earth’s mantle under either ‘normal’ or ‘subduction’ thermal regimes where carbonated peridotite could coexist with carbonate-free, CO2-bearing eclogite. Received: 25 May 1994/Accepted: 13 June 1995  相似文献   

Hydrothermal reversal experiments have been performed on the upper pressure stability of paragonite in the temperature range 550–740 ° C. The reaction $$\begin{gathered} {\text{NaAl}}_{\text{3}} {\text{Si}}_{\text{3}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{1 0}}} ({\text{OH)}}_{\text{2}} \hfill \\ {\text{ paragonite}} \hfill \\ {\text{ = NaAlSi}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{6}} + {\text{Al}}_{\text{2}} {\text{SiO}}_{\text{5}} + {\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}} \hfill \\ {\text{ jadeite kyanite vapour}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ has been bracketed at 550 ° C, 600 ° C, 650 ° C, and 700 ° C, at pressures 24–26 kb, 24–25.5 kb, 24–25 kb, and 23–24.5 kb respectively. The reaction has a shallow negative slope (? 10 bar °C?1) and is of geobarometric significance to the stability of the eclogite assemblage, omphacite+kyanite. The experimental brackets are thermodynamically consistent with the lower pressure reversals of Chatterjee (1970, 1972), and a set of thermodynamic data is presented which satisfies all the reversal brackets for six reactions in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. The Modified Redlich Kwong equation for H2O (Holloway, 1977) predicts fugacities which are too high to satisfy the reversals of this study. The P-T stabilities of important eclogite and blueschist assemblages involving omphacite, kyanite, lawsonite, Jadeite, albite, chloritoid, and almandine with paragonite have been calculated using thermodynamic data derived from this study.  相似文献   

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