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Integrating remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS) and fractal theory, change characteristics of tidal flats and tidal creeks in the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta over the period of 1986-2001 were discussed. The results show that evolutions of tidal fiats throughout the Huanghe River Delta are influenced by various factors, and that progressive succession and regression of tidal flats concur in different coastal segments of the delta. Human activities have played an increasingly important role in the succession process of tidal flats. Due to land reclamation in coastal zones of the delta in the last 15 years, lots of tidal flats were occupied, the artificial coastline migrated seaward (the maximum change rate was 0.8 kmyr^-1) and tidal creeks became sparser (the highest decreasing rate of length of tidal creeks was 14.9 kmyr^-1). Except for two coastal segments from the Tiaohe Estuary to the 106 Station and from the south of the Huanghe River mouth to the north of the Xiaodao River Estuary,fractal dimension values of tidal creeks in the remaining coastal segments of the delta decreased. In addition, the time dimension, sediment fluxes into the sea, waves and tidal-currents have profound influences on the evolution process of tidal flats. Four types of tidal flats-river-dominated tidal flats,tide-dominated tidal flats, wave-dominated tidal flats and man-dominated tidal flats can be identified.Owing to the intensification of human activities in coastal zones of the delta, man-dominated tidal flats have become the main kind of tidal flats. 相似文献
黄河三角洲农作物种植分区的遥感研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
本文选取了一年中三个不同时相的TM影像,分别求出了三幅影像的NDVI分布图,将其合成为一幅影像图。由于不同区域种植的作物在三个时相中的NDVI变化是不同的,因此在NDVI合成图上会呈现不同的颜色区域。通过对不同颜色区域进行采样分析,可以确定桃红色区域为冬小麦、玉米(大豆)轮作区,蓝紫色区域为棉花、春玉米、杂粮种植区,亮蓝区域为水稻种植区,亮绿色区域为林地、草地。最后,根据不同颜色区域的NDVI变化特征用非监督分类和监督分类相结合的方法对影像进行了分类提取。这样便可对黄河三角洲农作物的种植情况进行宏观的了解,为农作物种植合理布局及农业可持续发展提供依据。 相似文献
黄河三角洲潮滩潮沟近期变化遥感监测 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
作者选用1986年和2001年两个时相的Landsat TM/ETM+影像,结合遥感、地理信息系统 (GIS) 和分形理论研究了黄河三角洲典型河口岸段潮滩潮沟的发育演变。结果表明:近15年来,挑河口~106站和现行水河口(1976~1996年黄河入海口,下同)~甜水沟岸段分维值D增大,呈顺向演替;其余岸段分维值均减小,表现为逆向演替。人工围垦挤占了大面积潮滩,人工岸线不断向海扩展,其最大推进速率达0.8 km/yr;同时,潮沟长度缩短,最严重的岸段每年减少14.9 km。通过分析表明,人类活动已成为影响三角洲潮滩发育的重要因子,其导致整个三角洲的潮滩体系严重退化,自然形成的潮沟时空谱系不复存在;另外,发育时间长短、入海泥沙、海浪和潮流对潮滩发育演变亦非常重要。目前,黄河三角洲潮滩可分为河口滩、潮控滩、浪控滩和人控滩4大类型。 相似文献
遥感反演土壤蒸发/植被蒸腾二层模型在华北地区的应用 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
利用一种可操作的地表蒸散遥感反演二层模型,以我国华北平原为研究区,选择2004年的3月至6月华北地区主要农作物冬小麦的生长季节作为研究时段,利用MODIS遥感卫星数据,结合地面130多个气象台站的空气温湿度实测数据,实现了土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾的反演。采用国家生态网络禹城综合试验站利用涡度相关系统观测的地表总蒸散半小时平均的数据进行了模型验证,结果表明模型估算的地表可利用能量与地面实测数据的相关系数可以达到0.92,均方差为30.4w.m-2;模型估算的地表总蒸散值与地面实测数据的相关系数为0.85,均方差为21.3 w.m-2,由此证明了模型的可用性。 相似文献
黄河三角洲刁口河流路湿地恢复遥感监测与评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用卫星遥感技术对生态调水及湿地恢复进行实时动态监测, 不仅可以及时掌握宏观地表的快速变化, 还可以为长期的区域生态效应评价提供支持。基于国产自主环境一号小卫星遥感数据, 对2010 年黄河三角洲生态调水暨刁口河流路恢复过水试验进行动态监测和初步评价。研究表明, 刁口河流路恢复过水后, 原废弃河道过流条件得到提高, 部分被开发利用的河滩地得到恢复, 水文条件好转, 河流水面面积总体上增加了526 hm2, 有利于河道生态条件的改善。通过对湿地引水修复, 自然保护区试验区块共有437 hm2的退化湿地得到了较大程度的改善。同时, 湿地景观多样性提高, 对维持区域景观多样性、改善鸟类栖息地质量具有重要意义。研究结果表明, 国产环境一号卫星遥感数据能提供丰富的地面信息, 其数据具有较高的时间分辨率, 可以作为中国湿地调查和监测的重要数据源。考虑到大尺度调水和湿地恢复对区域生态环境的影响是一个长期的过程, 今后应进一步挖掘环境一号卫星现有波段的光谱信息, 对湿地恢复进行长期跟踪监测, 为湿地恢复生态效应综合评估提供技术支撑。 相似文献
以1976年、1985年、1990年、2000年、2010年和2015年的Landsat MSS/TM/OLI影像为数据源,结合地形图及野外验证点信息,采用面向对象的遥感影像分类方法,提取黄河三角洲滨海地区人类干扰活动用地信息;利用人类干扰活动用地类型转移矩阵、人类干扰强度指数和景观质心模型等方法,分析6个时期研究区不同人类干扰活动用地的变化速度、转移类型与强度及时空演变等特征,并探讨研究区主要人类干扰活动用地的环境影响。结果表明,1976~2015年期间,黄河三角洲滨海地区渔业与养殖业、盐业和居工建设用地面积持续增加,农业用地面积减少,天然生态用地和围而未用地面积减少且波动变化;生态用地和农业用地被大量侵占为渔业与养殖业、盐业及居工建设用地,面积减少的生态用地、农业用地和围而未利用地主要转变为强度系数较高的盐业和居工建设用地,导致研究区人类干扰强度显著增加;渔业与养殖业和居工建设用地的增长极位于东营市和垦利区,农业用地空间格局变化没有明显的消长极,盐业用地的增长极位于寿光市,生态用地的消长极位于垦利区,围而未用地的消长极位于垦利区和昌邑市;受输沙量与径流量等自然因素影响,黄河三角洲湿地萎缩,生态用地面积减少;在水产养殖、围海晒盐和建设用地面积持续扩大的人类活动影响下,研究区人类干扰强度显著增强。 相似文献
陇西黄土高原陆面蒸散的遥感研究 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
该文以陆面能量平衡过程为基础,基于定量遥感的理论,提出了适合半干旱区(陇西黄土高原)的陆面蒸散估算遥感模型(SEBS)。结合该区域的NOAA/AVHRR数据、气象观测数据、土地利用数据和地形高程(DEM)数据,依据定量遥感的理论和技术,计算反照率、陆面温度、植被指数和地表比辐射率四个重要地表特征参数。应用SEBS模型,估算了该区域的陆面蒸散量。结果表明:该研究具有较好的理论和实践意义,为陆面过程、植被生产、生态环境保护与生态重建等研究提供科学依据。 相似文献
遥感蒸散模型的时间重建方法研究 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
本文提出的遥感蒸散模型的时间重建方法考虑了逐日蒸散可能的变化情况, 在阻抗- 彭曼单层模型的基础 上, 将图像去云处理与时间重建结合在一起, 先使用SEBS 能量平衡余项模型获得晴好日的地表阻抗信息, 选择了 叶面积指数LAI 作为反映植被表面阻抗的参量, 通过时间序列谐波分析(HANTS)获得逐日逐像元的LAI 信息, 将晴 好日的阻抗信息扩展至待定日, 并使用因子函数表达了极端温湿条件对植被叶面阻抗的限制作用。使用中科院禹 城站2003 年作物季的大型蒸渗仪数据对模型所得逐日蒸散结果进行了验证。在作物生长季, 模型结果相对于实测 结果表现出了良好的相关性(R2≈0.7), 远优于作为对比的蒸发比不变法。受单层模型假设局限, 方法在裸地及稀疏 植被上的结果还存在着较大的误差。 相似文献
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important parameter for water resource management. Compared to the traditional ET computation and measurement methods, the ET computation method based on remote sensing has the advantages of quickness, precision, raster mapping and regional scale. SEBAL, an ET computation model using remote sensing method is based on the surface energy balance equation which is a function of net radiance flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux. The former three fluxes can be computed through the parameters retrieved from remote sensing image, then the latent heat flux can be obtained to provide energy for ET. Finally we can obtain the daily ET. In this study SEBAL was applied to compute ET in the Yellow River Delta of China where water resource faces a rigorous situation. Three Landsat TM images and meteorology data of 1999 were used for ET computation, and spatial and temporal change patterns of ET in the Yellow River Delta were analysed. 相似文献
1IntroductionThe river deltas are generally those areas with a wealth of natural resources, and lots of ports, moreover they are important locations of human activity. Therefore, deltaic areas around the world, such as the Mississippi River delta, the Nile River delta, and the Yangtze River delta, have attracted the attentions of governments, scientists and common people. There are three big deltas in China, i.e., the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang River and the Yellow River deltas. The for… 相似文献
黄河废弃三角洲叶瓣海岸侵蚀与岸线演化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A statistic analysis predicting coastal change of the Yellow River abandoned delta lobe formed from 1964 to 1976 using Landsat TM imagery was conducted by calculating the coastal erosion/accumulation rates obtained flom four different classic profiles and plotting the change curves of coastline with time. The studies showed that the regularity of the evolution of the coastline was very obvious after the delta lobe was abandoned. The coastal evolution can be divided into three different phases: erosion phase, transition phase and cyclical change phase. At present, the coast has evolved to the cyclical change phase. The natural coastline change cycle is 4 years between the dam and is 5 years to the west of the dam. In the cyclical change phase, the quasi-equilibrium line of the coast was located near the coastline of 1996, the current coast may recede 1.79 km to reach the natural equilibrium coastline. Therefore, some measures must be taken to protect the dam or the dam will be destroyed by the force of nature. The curves also revealed the magnitude of erosion/accumulation rates would decrease gradually with time. The results of the study offer guidance for coast protection, and proves that the evolution of silty coast actually was a cyclical change process too. 相似文献
A statistic analysis predicting coastal change of the Yellow River abandoned delta lobe formed from 1964 to 1976 using Landsat TM imagery was conducted by calculating the coastal erosion/accumulation rates obtained from four different classic profiles and plotting the change curves of coastline with time. The studies showed that the regularity of the evolution of the coastline was very obvious after the delta lobe was abandoned. The coastal evolution can be divided into three different phases: erosion phase, transition phase and cyclical change phase. At present, the coast has evolved to the cyclical change phase. The natural coastline change cycle is 4 years between the dam and is 5 years to the west of the dam. In the cyclical change phase, the quasi-equilibrium line of the coast was located near the coastline of 1996, the current coast may recede 1.79 km to reach the natural equilibrium coastline. Therefore, some measures must be taken to protect the dam or the dam will be destroyed by the force of nature. The curves also revealed the magnitude of erosion/accumulation rates would decrease gradually with time. The results of the study offer guidance for coast protection, and proves that the evolution of silty coast actually was a cyclical change process too. 相似文献
及时获取凌汛期河冰和水体的空间分布特征,对于预测冰凌灾害、提高防凌信息化管理水平有重要意义。遥感技术是当前获取河冰和水体空间分布的最主要手段之一。但是,黄河水体有大量悬浮泥沙,这给基于遥感技术的高精度冰-水分类带来了挑战。以黄河内蒙古段为例,基于Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像数据,在利用归一化积雪指数(NDSI)及河道矢量数据排除无关地物的基础上,对比了近红外波段反射率值、归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)、归一化积雪指数(NDSI)、改进的归一化积雪指数(MNDSI)以及归一化差异未封冻水体指数(NDUWI)在黄河内蒙古段典型河道河冰、水体分类中的表现,计算各指标总体分类精度及Kappa系数并进行阈值稳定性分析。结果表明:在利用NDSI和高清历史影像排除河道外无关地物后,NDUWI在各子段影像中的总体分类精度和Kappa系数均达到90.00%及0.90以上,其河冰、水体最优区分阈值大体分布于阈值中值附近。研究结果可为凌汛期黄河冰凌监测方法的选取以及冰上爆破位置的拟定提供依据。 相似文献
It is a very complicated problem to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) over a large area of land surface. In this paper, the evapotranspiration estimation models for dense vegetation and bare soil are presented, based on the information of parameters like vegetation cover-degree and surface albedo. Combined with vegetation cover-degree data, a model for regional evapotranspiration estimation over the heterogeneous landscape is derived. Through a case study using remote sensing data over Northwest China, the accuracy of the model for regional evapotranspiration estimation is checked. The result shows that the accuracy of the model is satisfactory. The features of evapotranspiration over Northwest China are also discussed with the application of the model. 相似文献
1 IntroductionThe method for estimating evapotranspiration (ET) was first given by Dalton in 1802, and a number of models for ET estimation have been presented since then. Those models, from the experiential and semi-experiential models[1,2] and physical models[3,4] to the models in terms of the mechanism for energy and water fluxes in soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer system such as SiB, have improved the precision of ET estimation. It is, however, difficult to calculate regional ET by … 相似文献
黄河三角洲废弃叶瓣海岸侵蚀与岸线演化 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
利用Landsat TM卫星遥感图像,对黄河1964~1976年间形成的三角洲叶瓣自1976年废弃以后的岸线进行了识别,选取了四个典型剖面,绘制了它们的岸线蚀退或淤进平均速率曲线。结果显示,不同剖面处天然岸线的蚀退或淤进速率很有规律。根据曲线特征将其分为蚀退期,转换过渡期和周期性波动期。现废弃叶瓣已进入周期性波动期。由于受大坝影响,不同位置岸线波动周期不同,两大坝之间约为4年,大坝西侧约为5年,岸线变化准平衡线位于1996年的海岸线附近。岸线变化速率波动幅值将随着时间的延长而减小。 相似文献