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A spectral algorithm is proposed to simulate an isotropic Gaussian random field on a sphere equipped with a geodesic metric. This algorithm supposes that the angular power spectrum of the covariance function is explicitly known. Direct analytic calculations are performed for exponential and linear covariance functions. In addition, three families of covariance functions are presented where the calculation of the angular power spectrum is simplified (shot-noise random fields, Yadrenko covariance functions and solutions of certain stochastic partial differential equations). Numerous illustrative examples are given.


The variogram matrix function is an important measure for the dependence of a vector random field with second-order increments, and is a useful tool for linear predication or cokriging. This paper proposes an efficient approach to construct variogram matrix functions, based on three ingredients: a univariate variogram, a conditionally negative definite matrix, and a Bernstein function, and derives three classes of variogram matrix functions for vector elliptically contoured random fields. Moreover, various dependence structures among components can be derived through appropriate mixture procedures demonstrated in this paper. We also obtain covariance matrix functions for second-order vector random fields through the Schoenberg–Lévy kernels.  相似文献   

Fitting trend and error covariance structure iteratively leads to bias in the estimated error variogram. Use of generalized increments overcomes this bias. Certain generalized increments yield difference equations in the variogram which permit graphical checking of the model. These equations extend to the case where errors are intrinsic random functions of order k, k=1, 2, ..., and an unbiased nonparametric graphical approach for investigating the generalized covariance function is developed. Hence, parametric models for the generalized covariance produced by BLUEPACK-3D or other methods may be assessed. Methods are illustrated on a set of coal ash data and a set of soil pH data.  相似文献   

The generation over two-dimensional grids of normally distributed random fields conditioned on available data is often required in reservoir modeling and mining investigations. Such fields can be obtained from application of turning band or spectral methods. However, both methods have limitations. First, they are only asymptotically exact in that the ensemble of realizations has the correlation structure required only if enough harmonics are used in the spectral method, or enough lines are generated in the turning bands approach. Moreover, the spectral method requires fine tuning of process parameters. As for the turning bands method, it is essentially restricted to processes with stationary and radially symmetric correlation functions. Another approach, which has the advantage of being general and exact, is to use a Cholesky factorization of the covariance matrix representing grid points correlation. For fields of large size, however, the Cholesky factorization can be computationally prohibitive. In this paper, we show that if the data are stationary and generated over a grid with regular mesh, the structure of the data covariance matrix can be exploited to significantly reduce the overall computational burden of conditional simulations based on matrix factorization techniques. A feature of this approach is its computational simplicity and suitability to parallel implementation.  相似文献   

This paper presents random field models with Gaussian or gamma univariate distributions and isofactorial bivariate distributions, constructed by composing two independent random fields: a directing function with stationary Gaussian increments and a stationary coding process with bivariate Gaussian or gamma distributions. Two variations are proposed, by considering a multivariate directing function and a coding process with a separable covariance, or by including drift components in the directing function. Iterative algorithms based on the Gibbs sampler allow one to condition the realizations of the substitution random fields to a set of data, while the inference of the model parameters relies on simple tools such as indicator variograms and variograms of different orders. A case study in polluted soil management is presented, for which a gamma model is used to quantify the risk that pollutant concentrations over remediation units exceed a given toxicity level. Unlike the multivariate Gaussian model, the proposed gamma model accounts for an asymmetry in the spatial correlation of the indicator functions around the median and for a spatial clustering of high pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

Gaussian Cosimulation: Modelling of the Cross-Covariance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whenever two or more random fields are assumed to be correlated in reservoir characterization, it is necessary to generate valid cross-covariance models to describe the relationship. The standard methods for constructing covariance matrices for correlated random fields are not very general. In particular, they do not allow one to specify different auto-covariance models for the two fields. It is not possible, for example, for one field to have a Gaussian auto-covariance and the other an exponential auto-covariance, unless the two fields are uncorrelated. The standard approaches also do not allow for nonsymmetric cross-covariance functions. In this report, I present a straightforward method of cosimulation based on the square root of the auto-covariances. The same approach is used for constructing cross-covariance models for the variables. The approach is quite general and does not require symmetry of the cross-covariance. The modelling of the cross-covariance is illustrated with gamma ray and spontaneous potential logs.  相似文献   

The space domain version of the turning bands method can simulate multidimensional stochastic processes (random fields) having particular forms of covariance functions. To alleviate this limitation a spectral representation of the turning bands method in the two-dimensional case has shown that the spectral approach allows simulation of isotropic two-dimensional processes having any covariance or spectral density function. The present paper extends the spectral turning bands method (STBM) even further for simulation of much more general classes of multidimensional stochastic processes. Particular extensions include: (i) simulation of three-dimensional processes using STBM, (ii) simulation of anisotropic two- or three-dimensional stochastic processes, (iii) simulation of multivariate stochastic processes, and (iv) simulation of spatial averaged (integrated) processes. The turning bands method transforms the multidimensional simulation problem into a sum of a series of one-dimensional simulations. Explicit and simple expressions relating the cross-spectral density functions of the one-dimensional processes to the cross-spectral density function of the multidimensional process are derived. Using such expressions the one-dimensional processes can be simulated using a simple one-dimensional spectral method. Examples illustrating that the spectral turning bands method preserves the theoretical statistics are presented. The spectral turning bands method is inexpensive in terms of computer time compared to other multidimensional simulation methods. In fact, the cost of the turning bands method grows as the square root or the cubic root of the number of points simulated in the discretized random field, in the two- or three-dimensional case, respectively, whereas the cost of other multidimensional methods grows linearly with the number of simulated points. The spectral turning bands method currently is being used in hydrologic applications. This method is also applicable to other fields where multidimensional simulations are needed, e.g., mining, oil reservoir modeling, geophysics, remote sensing, etc.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel approach for creating an efficient, general, and differentiable parameterization of large-scale non-Gaussian, non-stationary random fields (represented by multipoint geostatistics) that is capable of reproducing complex geological structures such as channels. Such parameterizations are appropriate for use with gradient-based algorithms applied to, for example, history-matching or uncertainty propagation. It is known that the standard Karhunen–Loeve (K–L) expansion, also called linear principal component analysis or PCA, can be used as a differentiable parameterization of input random fields defining the geological model. The standard K–L model is, however, limited in two respects. It requires an eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix of the random field, which is prohibitively expensive for large models. In addition, it preserves only the two-point statistics of a random field, which is insufficient for reproducing complex structures. In this work, kernel PCA is applied to address the limitations associated with the standard K–L expansion. Although widely used in machine learning applications, it does not appear to have found any application for geological model parameterization. With kernel PCA, an eigen-decomposition of a small matrix called the kernel matrix is performed instead of the full covariance matrix. The method is much more efficient than the standard K–L procedure. Through use of higher order polynomial kernels, which implicitly define a high-dimensionality feature space, kernel PCA further enables the preservation of high-order statistics of the random field, instead of just two-point statistics as in the K–L method. The kernel PCA eigen-decomposition proceeds using a set of realizations created by geostatistical simulation (honoring two-point or multipoint statistics) rather than the analytical covariance function. We demonstrate that kernel PCA is capable of generating differentiable parameterizations that reproduce the essential features of complex geological structures represented by multipoint geostatistics. The kernel PCA representation is then applied to history match a water flooding problem. This example demonstrates that kernel PCA can be used with gradient-based history matching to provide models that match production history while maintaining multipoint geostatistics consistent with the underlying training image.  相似文献   

Conditional Spectral Simulation with Phase Identification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spectral simulation is used widely in electrical engineering to generate random fields with a given covariance spectrum. The algorithms used are fast particularly when based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). However, because of lack of phase identification, spectral simulation only generates unconditional realizations. Local data conditioning is obtained typically by adding a simulated kriging residual. This conditioning process requires an additional kriging at each simulated node thus forfeiting the speed advantage of FFT. A new algorithm for conditioning is proposed whereby the phase values are determined iteratively to ensure approximative data reproduction while reproducing the frequency spectrum, that is, the covariance model. A case study is presented to demonstrate the algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents the characterization of the covariance matrix function of a Gaussian or second-order elliptically contoured vector random field on the sphere which is stationary, isotropic, and mean square continuous. This characterization involves an infinite sum of the products of positive definite matrices and Gegenbauer??s polynomials, and may not be available for other non-Gaussian vector random fields on spheres such as a ?? 2 or log-Gaussian vector random field. We also offer two simple but efficient constructing approaches, and derive some parametric covariance matrix structures on spheres.  相似文献   


Surface ocean currents are often of interest in environmental monitoring. These vectorial data can be reasonably treated as a finite realization of a complex-valued random field, where the decomposition in modulus (current speed) and direction (current direction) of the current field is natural. Moreover, when observations are also available for different time points (other than at several locations), it is useful to evaluate the evolution of their complex correlation over time (rather than in space) and the corresponding modeling which is required for estimation purposes. This paper illustrates a first approach where the temporal profile of surface ocean currents is considered. After introducing the fundamental aspects of the complex formalism of a random field indexed in time, a new class of models suitable for including the temporal component is proposed and applied to describe the time-varying complex covariance function of current data. The analysis concerns ocean current observations, taken hourly on 30 April 2016 through high frequency radar systems at some stations located in the Northeastern Caribbean Sea. The selected complex covariance model indexed in time is used for estimation purposes and its reliability is confirmed by a numerical analysis.


Positive definiteness is not enough   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Geostatisticians know that the mathematical functions chosen to represent spatial covariances and variograms must have the appropriate type of positive definiteness, but they may not realize that there are restrictions on the types of covariances and variograms that are compatible with particular distributions. This paper gives some examples showing that (1) the spherical model is not compatible with the multivariate lognormal distribution if the coefficient of variation is 2.0 or more (even in 1-D), and (2) the Gaussian covariance and several other models are not compatible with indicator random functions. As these examples concern quite different types of random functions, it is clear that there is a general problem of compatibility between spatial covariance models (or variograms) and a specified multivariate distribution. The problem arises with all distributions except the multivariate normal, and not just the two cited here. The need for a general theorem giving the necessary and sufficient conditions for a covariance or a variogram to be compatible with a particular distribution is stressed.  相似文献   

Soil pollution data collection typically studies multivariate measurements at sampling locations, e.g., lead, zinc, copper or cadmium levels. With increased collection of such multivariate geostatistical spatial data, there arises the need for flexible explanatory stochastic models. Here, we propose a general constructive approach for building suitable models based upon convolution of covariance functions. We begin with a general theorem which asserts that, under weak conditions, cross convolution of covariance functions provides a valid cross covariance function. We also obtain a result on dependence induced by such convolution. Since, in general, convolution does not provide closed-form integration, we discuss efficient computation. We then suggest introducing such specification through a Gaussian process to model multivariate spatial random effects within a hierarchical model. We note that modeling spatial random effects in this way is parsimonious relative to say, the linear model of coregionalization. Through a limited simulation, we informally demonstrate that performance for these two specifications appears to be indistinguishable, encouraging the parsimonious choice. Finally, we use the convolved covariance model to analyze a trivariate pollution dataset from California.  相似文献   

In reservoir characterization, the covariance is often used to describe the spatial correlation and variation in rock properties or the uncertainty in rock properties. The inverse of the covariance, on the other hand, is seldom discussed in geostatistics. In this paper, I show that the inverse is required for simulation and estimation of Gaussian random fields, and that it can be identified with the differential operator in regularized inverse theory. Unfortunately, because the covariance matrix for parameters in reservoir models can be extremely large, calculation of the inverse can be a problem. In this paper, I discuss four methods of calculating the inverse of the covariance, two of which are analytical, and two of which are purely numerical. By taking advantage of the assumed stationarity of the covariance, none of the methods require inversion of the full covariance matrix.  相似文献   

The problem of assimilating biased and inaccurate observations into inadequate models of the physical systems from which the observations were taken is common in the petroleum and groundwater fields. When large amounts of data are assimilated without accounting for model error and observation bias, predictions tend to be both overconfident and incorrect. In this paper, we propose a workflow for calibration of imperfect models to biased observations that involves model construction, model calibration, model criticism and model improvement. Model criticism is based on computation of model diagnostics which provide an indication of the validity of assumptions. During the model improvement step, we advocate identification of additional physically motivated parameters based on examination of data mismatch after calibration and addition of bias correction terms. If model diagnostics indicates the presence of residual model error after parameters have been added, then we advocate estimation of a “total” observation error covariance matrix, whose purpose is to reduce weighting of observations that cannot be matched because of deficiency of the model. Although the target applications of this methodology are in the subsurface, we illustrate the approach with two simplified examples involving prediction of the future velocity of fall of a sphere from models calibrated to a short-time series of biased measurements with independent additive random noise. The models into which the data are assimilated contain model errors due to neglect of physical processes and neglect of uncertainty in parameters. In every case, the estimated total error covariance is larger than the true observation covariance implying that the observations need not be matched to the accuracy of the measuring instrument. Predictions are much improved when all model improvement steps were taken.  相似文献   

A fast Fourier transform (FFT) moving average (FFT-MA) method for generating Gaussian stochastic processes is derived. Using discrete Fourier transforms makes the calculations easy and fast so that large random fields can be produced. On the other hand, the basic moving average frame allows us to uncouple the random numbers from the structural parameters (mean, variance, correlation length, ... ), but also to draw the randomness components in spatial domain. Such features impart great flexibility to the FFT-MA generator. For instance, changing only the random numbers gives distinct realizations all having the same covariance function. Similarly, several realizations can be built from the same random number set, but from different structural parameters. Integrating the FFT-MA generator into an optimization procedure provides a tool theoretically capable to determine the random numbers identifying the Gaussian field as well as the structural parameters from dynamic data. Moreover, all or only some of the random numbers can be perturbed so that realizations produced using the FFT-MA generator can be locally updated through an optimization process.  相似文献   

A natural extrapolation of stochastic operations (continuity and differentiation) already described in time domain (one-dimensional case) is established for spatial processes (two- or three-dimensional case). If stationarity decision is assumed, the continuity and differentiability (in the mean square sense) of a spatial process depends on the continuity and differentiability of the correlation function at the origin. Spatial processes described by stationary random functions are not continuous (in the mean square sense) when the covariance function presents a nugget effect, and they are not differentiable when the same covariance function is described by a spherical or an exponential covariance (models which are often used in geostatistics).  相似文献   

The numerical stability of linear systems arising in kriging, estimation, and simulation of random fields, is studied analytically and numerically. In the state-space formulation of kriging, as developed here, the stability of the kriging system depends on the condition number of the prior, stationary covariance matrix. The same is true for conditional random field generation by the superposition method, which is based on kriging, and the multivariate Gaussian method, which requires factoring a covariance matrix. A large condition number corresponds to an ill-conditioned, numerically unstable system. In the case of stationary covariance matrices and uniform grids, as occurs in kriging of uniformly sampled data, the degree of ill-conditioning generally increases indefinitely with sampling density and, to a limit, with domain size. The precise behavior is, however, highly sensitive to the underlying covariance model. Detailed analytical and numerical results are given for five one-dimensional covariance models: (1) hole-exponential, (2) exponential, (3) linear-exponential, (4) hole-Gaussian, and (5) Gaussian. This list reflects an approximate ranking of the models, from best to worst conditioned. The methods developed in this work can be used to analyze other covariance models. Examples of such representative analyses, conducted in this work, include the spherical and periodic hole-effect (hole-sinusoidal) covariance models. The effect of small-scale variability (nugget) is addressed and extensions to irregular sampling schemes and higher dimensional spaces are discussed.  相似文献   

Many variogram (or covariance) models that are valid—or realizable—models of Gaussian random functions are not realizable indicator variogram (or covariance) models. Unfortunately there is no known necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be the indicator variogram of a random set. Necessary conditions can be easily obtained for the behavior at the origin or at large distance. The power, Gaussian, cubic or cardinal-sine models do not fulfill these conditions and are therefore not realizable. These considerations are illustrated by a Monte Carlo simulation demonstrating nonrealizability over some very simple three-point configurations in two or three dimensions. No definitive result has been obtained about the spherical model. Among the commonly used models for Gaussian variables, only the exponential appears to be a realizable indicator variogram model in all dimensions. It can be associated with a mosaic, a Boolean or a truncated Gaussian random set. In one dimension, the exponential indicator model is closely associated with continuous-time Markov chains, which can also lead to more variogram models such as the damped oscillation model. One-dimensional random sets can also be derived from renewal processes, or mosaic models associated with such processes. This provides an interesting link between the geostatistical formalism, focused mostly on two-point statistics, and the approach of quantitative sedimentologists who compute the probability distribution function of the thickness of different geological facies. The last part of the paper presents three approaches for obtaining new realizable indicator variogram models in three dimensions. One approach consists of combining existing realizable models. Other approaches are based on the formalism of Boolean random sets and truncated Gaussian functions.  相似文献   

Storm surges are abnormal coastal sea level events caused by meteorological conditions such as tropical cyclones. They have the potential to cause widespread loss of life and financial damage and have done so on many occasions in the past. Accurate and timely forecasts are necessary to help mitigate the risks posed by these events. Operational forecasting models use discretisations of the governing equations for fluid flow to model the sea surface, which is then forced by surface stresses derived from a model wind and pressure fields. The wind fields are typically idealised and generated parametrically. In this study, wind field datasets derived from remotely sensed data are used to modify the model parametric wind forcing and investigate potential improvement to operational forecasting. We examine two methods for using analysis wind fields derived from remotely sensed observations of three hurricanes. Our first method simply replaces the parametric wind fields with its corresponding analysis wind field for a period of time. Our second method does this also but takes it further by attempting to use some of the information present in the analysis wind field to estimate future wind fields. We find that our methods do yield some forecast improvement, most notably for our second method where we get improvements of up to 0.29 m on average. Importantly, the spatial structure of the surge is changed in some places such that locations that were previously forecast small surges had their water levels increased. These results were validated by tide gauge data.  相似文献   

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