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Reported in this paper are: 1) the law of element abundance relationships: element abundances are of power function with each other in an igneous rock petrogenetically associated with fractional crystallization, 2) deduction of the law and relevant parameters: abundance relationship constant (a) and phase constant (R) from Henry’s law and the law of mass conservation. 3) the data basis and evidence of the law of element abundance relationships, 4) establishment of the equations for element abundance relationships in igneous rocks formed from the same parental magma during the same fractional crystallization stage. and all measurable parameters involved in the equations.  相似文献   

A primary magma not only represents the starting point of a fractional crystallization process, but also is the product of an equilibrium or fractional partial melting process in a mantle.Element abundance relationships in the primary magma obey both law of power function for fractional crystallization and the law of fractional linear function for equilibrium partial melting .Based on this double nature of the primary magma, the authors advanced a principle to restore the primary magma composition from that of an igneous rock series with petrogenesis of fractional crystallization and put forward an approach of estimating the element abundance of the primary magma, exempli-fied by the rar-earth elements in the Andes volcanic rock series.  相似文献   

Cenozoic lavas from Hainan Island,South China,comprise quartz tholeiite,olivine tholeiite,alkali basalt,and basanite and form a continuous,tholeiite-dominated,compositional spectrum.Highly incompatible elements and their relationships with isotopes in these lavas are shown to be useful in evaluating mantle-source composition,whereas modeling suggests that ratios of elements with bulk partition coefficients significantly larger than those of Nb and Ta may be sensitive to partial melting.Th/Ta and La/Nb ratios of alkali basalts are lower than those of tholeiites,and they are all lower than those of the primitive mantle,These ratios correlate positively with ^207Pb/^204Pb and ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios.Such relationships can be explained by mixing of depleted and enriched source components.A depleted component is indicated by alkali basalt compositions and is similar to some depleted OIB (PREMA).The enriched component,similar to sediment compositions,is indicated by tholeiites with high LILE/HFSE,^207Pb/^204Pb,and ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios.In general,basalts from Hainan and the South China Basin(SCB)share common geochemical characters.e.g.high Rb/Sr,Th/Ta,^207Pb/^206Pb,and low Ba/Th ratios.Such a geochemical trend is comparable to that of EMII-type OIB and best explained as the result of subduction.Occurrence of these characteristics in both continental Hainan basalts and SCB seamout basalts indicates the presence of a South China geochemical domain that exists in the mantle region below the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron activation analysis(INAA) of 14 single oldhamite grains separated from the Qingzhen chondrite (EH3) for refractory(La,Ce,Sm ,Eu,Yb,Lu,Ca,Sc,Hf, and Th),volatile (Na,Cr,Zn,Se,Br,etc.)and siderophile elements (Fe,Ni,Co,Ir,Au ,and As) revealed that oldhamite is highly rich in refractory elements.The mineral serves as the principal carrier of REE and contains about 80% of the REEs in the Qingzhen enstatite chondrite .Furthermore, the large enrichment of LREE relative to HREE is noticed in oldhamite from the Qingzhen .In general, the oldhamite from metal-sulfide assemblages is richer in REE than that from the matrix,i.e.,the earlier the oldhamite grains condensed, the richer they are in REE. Meanwhile.oldhamite is also rich in vol-atile elements such as Se,Br, etc.In terms of the distribution of trace elements in oldhamitc from the Qingzhen ,the chondrite is srggested to have resulted from high-temperature condensation of solar nebula.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are the chemical compositions and trace element (REE,Ba,Rb,Sr,Nb,Zr,Ni,Cr,V,Ga,Y,Sc,Zn,Cu,etc)abundances of Tertiary continental alkali basalts from the Liube-yizheng area,Jiangsu Province,China.The olivine basalt,alkali olivine basalt and basanite are all derived from evolved melts which were once af-fected by different degrees of fractional crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene(1:2)under high pres-sures.The initial melts were derived from the garnet lherzolite-type mantle source through low-degree par-tial melting.The mantle source has been affected by recent mantle-enrichment events(e.g.mantle metasomatism),resulting in incompatible trace element enrichment and long-term depletion of radiogenic isotopic compositions of Sr and Nd.  相似文献   

Samples were collected f5rom the Selong-Xishan Permian/Triassic boundary strata,Nyalam County in southern Tibet and systematically analyzed for their rare-earth elements(REE) and trace elements such as U,Th,Sr,Ba,Sc,Ta,Hf,Rb,Cs,Co,Ni,Cr,As and others with emphasis put on the distribution patterns of rare-earth elements and the variation of trace element contents along the Permial/Triassic boundary section.On this basis a discussion will be made of the paleo-ocean depositional environment.  相似文献   

It is suggested in this paper that the famous Taylor‘s model for the composition and evolution of the continental crust consists of three closely related key links.These links include an assumption that the surfical environment has no effect on the sedimentary REE patterns and the REE patterns in sdhales can reflect the composition of their provenance,a discovery about the discrepancy of sedimentary REE patterns between Archean and Proteroxoic,and a deduction that there was a global scale K-granitoid event at the end of the Archean.Based on a detailed discussion,this paper substantially negates the rationality of the Taylor‘s model and argues that its three critical links be three great errors indeed.Moreover,some other deficiencies or problems it confronts are described in this paper.The authors suggest that what led to the errors invoved in the Taylor‘s model is its wrongly neglecting the effect of the sedimentary envronment on the chemical composition of sediments.and that the environment should be an important factor affecting the distribution patterns of trace elements in the sediments.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions are commonly observed in various stages during the diage-netic evolution and the generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in Lower Permian carbonate rocks in the Xichang Basin, providing direct physico-chemical evidence for the process.Altogether seven stages can be recognized,ie.,the penecontemporane-ous, early and mid-late diagenetic stages, the epidiagenetic stage and the early, middle and late reburying stages.Karst and dissolution pores and structural fissures developed during the epidiagenetic and reburying stages constitute the major reservoirs for hydro-carbon accumulation.Oil generation and migration began in the early reburying stage in Late Permian time and developed to its climax in the middle reburying stage in the Triassic period, followed by extensive generation and migration of natural gases during the late stage of reburying in the Jurassic and later periods.The generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons are closely related to Hercynian basalt eruption and Indosinian and Yenshanian tecto-magmatism.  相似文献   

The regional migmatites in the Yunkai Block were formed under low-pressure metamorphism.The majority of their protolith are biotite-rich peraluminous gneisses.Detailed field observations,and studies of petrology,spatial distribution of minerals and geochemistry suggest that the leucosomes were derived from anatexis.The single grain zircon U-Pb dating data indicate that a pulse of migmatization occurred at 394-449 Ma and may have resulted from the large-scale Caledonian magmatism in the Yunkai Block.  相似文献   

Sn-polymetallic ores at Dachang,Guangxi Autonomous Region,China,are hosted in Middle-Upper Devonian reef limestones,siliceous rocks,banded and lenticular limestones,etc.Two types of orebodies can be distinguished according to their telations to the bedding:one is distributed along the bedding and the.other cuts across the bedding.Sn and sulfide orebodies associated with K-feldspare are mostly characterized by laminated ore structure. Microscopic examinations of K-feldspar-bearing rocks,in conjunction with X-ray diffraction,chemical composiion and cathodoluminescence data for K-feldspars,as well as their telations to mineralization,the authors consider that the K-feldspare are of authigenic origin,subordinate to the epigenetic stage of diagenesis,They resulted from the reaction of mixed,deep-seated,circulating underground hot waters rich in K,Al and Si with argillaceous carbonates during the Indo nesian orogenic movement.It is suggested more attention should be paid to the effect of authigenic K-feldspars on Sn mineralization.In the meantime the event related to circulating underground hot waters should also be taken into account so as to provide new clues to blind ore prospecting.  相似文献   

多期岩浆分离结晶作用中微量元素丰度关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了多期岩浆分离结晶中元素丰度关系的数学表达式;阐述了微量元素正向演化和反向演化的机理;指出了在不同岩浆分离阶段一些微量元素丰度关系常数(R)有明显变化,可以此作为阶段划分的依据。由峨嵋山玄武岩系及基性-超基性层状岩体研究所得出的元素丰度关系式,适用于其他成分岩浆分离结晶成因的岩浆岩系。本文着重列举数据较齐全的智利安底斯山脉玄武岩、玄武安山岩、安山岩、英安岩和流纹岩岩系的资料作为系统验证。  相似文献   

一种新的分配系数计算方法是以分离结晶的岩浆岩元素丰度(x,y)互成幂函数关系为理论基础,以冰岛分离结晶成因的玄武-流纹岩系的元素含量为例,运用元素比值与含量成份演化线的斜率即丰度常数R,计算分离结晶岩浆岩系分配系数。该方法的关键是选取理想元素,即分配系数极小(D<=0.01)的即极亲岩浆元素,然后选择与它配对的元素,通过作图或计算出配对元素的总分配系,进而计算出其它元素的总分配系数。这种方法的理论基础严密、操作简单、结果直观、可靠,与所研究岩系的实际情况十分吻合。  相似文献   

A stochastic model of the magmatic differentiation by fractional crystallization is given. The probability distribution of the quantity of crystallized solid removed from silicate melt was assumed to be binomial at any stage of the differentiation. According to this model, when concentrations of an element are transformed into their powers by using the reciprocal of the difference between bulk-partition coefficient for the element and unity as an exponent, the resultant frequency-distribution pattern becomes absolutely normal. The patterns of concentrations, however, cannot be expressed by a particular type of function but are variable according to the values of bulk-partition coefficients. Frequency distributions of element concentrations were computed under selected conditions on the basis of the model. The result shows that the skewed pattern often observed in frequency distributions of minor-element concentrations is explained by this fractional crystallization process. The frequency distributions of Ni and Cr concentrations in the geosynclinal basalt of southwestern Japan were examined in terms of this model. It was concluded that the model can be applied to the formation of the basalt concerning at least these two elements.  相似文献   

应用近代微束矿物学分析测试技术,对在中国陨落的随州、寺巷口和岩庄等三块球粒陨石中矿物的冲击熔融和分离结晶作用进行了较系统的研究。查明存在有硅酸盐单矿物熔体、硅酸盐矿物混合熔体和全岩熔体三种组成不同的冲击熔体。研究结果显示:(1)三种熔融相与未熔相之间在主成分和微量元素组成上没有明显差别,说明它们是原地熔融的产物,但在较大的冲击熔块中,也发现冲击熔融作用引发了一部分元素,如亲铁元素、硒元素和轻重稀土元素的分异现象;(2)查明Al2O3、Cr2O3、Na2O和CaO等优先进入从冲击熔体结晶的辉石常压相或辉石的高压相——镁铁榴石(属地幔过渡带矿物)中;(3)Al元素能进入阿基莫石(即辉石的钛铁矿结构相,属下地幔矿物)中,以固熔体形式稳定下来。ELNES的测定查明,其氧化铁组分中Fe3+/∑Fe的比值高达0.67(3);(4)陨石全岩熔体中硅酸盐相与金属-硫化物相之间为完全不混熔,后者以孤立的共结体团块产于硅酸盐熔体之中,除Zn、Na、Cr、Co和Cu在硫化物相中和Na在金属相中有明显富集外,其他元素的浓度则无明显变化;(5)在寺巷口陨石熔脉的金属-硫化物共结团块内发现了FeNi金属-硫化铁-磁铁矿组合,进一步证实了S和O等轻元素可以加入到以Fe-Ni金属为主要组成的地核成分中去;(6)在岩庄陨石的FeNi金属-硫化铁共结体团块的硫化铁内发现了Na、Mn和Fe的磷酸盐矿物小球体,说明P和Na、Mn等元素也能成为地核的组成元素。以上研究在行星演化、地幔矿物学和地球化学,以及陨石学研究上均有着重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

云南宝丰寺岩体地处扬子陆块西缘金沙江-红河断裂与程海-宾川断裂夹持部位,属于金沙江-红河富碱斑岩带组成部分,由细晶黑云母花岗斑岩(FCBGP)和粗晶花岗斑岩(CGGP)组成。通过对宝丰寺岩体开展的锆石Ti温度、锆石Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)值和δEu和δCe值研究结果表明:两类岩石锆石Ti温度相差不大(FCBGP为618.55℃—792.75℃,均值为692.42℃;CGGP为560.35℃~820.41℃,均值为714.13℃),与S型花岗岩浆形成温度相似,反映宝丰寺岩体属S型花岗岩;锆石Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)值、δEu和δCe值总体较高(FCBGP的Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)值、δEu和δCe分别为24.51~1190.06、0.32~0.49和10.17~1231.19,均值分别为390.36、0.42和264.29;CGGP的Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)值、δEu和δCe分别为50.13~494.56、0.44~0.58和24.87~262.76,均值分别为232.98、0.49和141.82),与金沙江-红河富碱斑岩带含矿岩体特征值类似,表明宝丰寺岩体形成于高氧逸度环境,有利于岩浆体系中的成矿金属元素保留至岩浆分异演化的晚阶段,有利于形成斑岩型矿床。  相似文献   

中酸性岩浆体系成矿流体及微量元素地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
从流体成矿作用角度出发,与酸性岩浆体系有关的成矿流体可以分为:酸性岩浆硅酸盐熔融体,岩浆一热液过渡阶段硅酸盐熔融体及其分异的流体,酸性岩浆熔体分异形成的热水成矿溶液。酸性岩浆体系主要提供热源和部分矿质,其提供的热源驱动地下水淋滤、萃取围岩中的成矿物质形成地下水热液成矿流体。变质岩混合岩化形成花岗质岩浆过程中所形成的混合岩化成矿流体。在此基础上,讨论了上述不同成矿流体的微量元素地球化学特征及其对成矿的控制作用。  相似文献   

泌阳凹陷核桃园组微量元素演化特征及其古气候意义   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组总体上表现为一个大的湖退体系,而其中的微量元素含量及有关元素比值却呈现出细微而明显的旋回变化特征。本文依据泥岩、页岩和碳酸盐岩中Ti、Sr、Ba等十六种微量元素含量及Sr/Ba、Fe/Mn、Sr/Cu等七种比值的变化特征,结合古盐度及岩相资料,对核桃园组沉积时的古气候作了系统的研究,基本上分出了温暖潮湿、干湿交替、炎热干旱、温热半干旱四类较为特征的古气候类型,以期为油气勘探提供依据。  相似文献   

丰度关系法估算分离结晶岩浆岩系原始岩浆成分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪云亮  张万林 《地球科学》1994,19(2):235-242
幔源原始岩浆是分离结晶过程的起点,又是地幔的平衡或分离部分熔融的产物,在这种原始岩浆岩中元素丰度关系既遵守分离结晶规律,又遵守地幔部分熔融规律。根据原始岩浆的元素丰度关系的这种双重特性,以安底斯山脉火山岩系的稀土元素为例,阐明了由分离结晶的岩浆岩岩系成分恢复原始岩浆成分的原理,并厘定出原始岩浆元素丰度的估算方法。  相似文献   

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