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A contradiction in the sulfuric acid cloud hypothesis of Venus, i.e., nondetection of 4.8 μm polarization by Landau (1975), is examined on the basis of the multiple scattering calculations for the cloud model of Hansen and Hovenier (1974) including an internal heat source. Results show that the polarized thermal component cannot depolarize the scattered sunlight, and therefore a large polarization of about 13% is expected at a phase angle of 110° and wavelength of 4.8 μm, in contrast with Landau's measurements. Our computations are, however, in agreement with the measurements by S. Sato et al. (in “Proceedings, 10th Lunar and Planetary Symposium,” pp. 179–182. Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, University of Tokyo, July 11–13, 1977).  相似文献   

The SOHO mission: An overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a space mission that forms part of the Solar-Terrestrial Science Program (STSP), developed in a collaborative effort by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The STSP constitutes the first cornerstone of ESA's long-term programme known as Space Science — Horizon 2000. The principal scientific objectives of the SOHO mission are a) to reach a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of the solar interior using techniques of helioseismology, and b) to gain better insight into the physical processes that form and heat the Sun's corona, maintain it and give rise to its acceleration into the solar wind. To achieve these goals, SOHO carries a payload consisting of 12 sets of complementary instruments. SOHO is a three-axis stabilized spacecraft with a total mass of 1850 kg; 1150 W of power will be provided by the solar panels. The payload weighs about 640 kg and will consume 450 W in orbit. SOHO will be launched by an ATLAS II-AS and will be placed in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrangian point where it will be continuously pointing to Sun centre with an accuracy of 10 arcsec. Pointing stability will be better than 1 arcsec over 15 min intervals. The SOHO payload produces a continuous science data stream of 40 kbits/s which will be increased by 160 kbits/s whenever the solar oscillations imaging instrument is operated in its highrate mode. Telemetry will be received by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN). Planning, coordination and operation of the spacecraft and the scientific payload will be conducted from the Experiment Operations Facility (EOF) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).  相似文献   

132 soft X-ray flare events have been observed with The Aerospace Corporation/Marshall Space Flight Center S-056 X-ray telescope that was part of the ATM complement of instruments aboard Skylab. Analyses of these data are reported in this paper. The observations are summarized and a detailed discussion of the X-ray flare structures is presented. The data indicated that soft X-rays emitted by a flare come primarily from an intense well-defined core surrounded by a region of fainter, more diffuse emission. Loop structures are found to constitute a fundamental characteristic of flare cores and arcades of loops are found to play a more important role in the flare phenomena than previously thought. Size distributions of these core features are presented and a classification scheme describing the brightest flare X-ray features is proposed. The data show no correlations between the size of core features and: (1) the peak X-ray intensity, as indicated by detectors on the SOLRAD satellite; (2) the rise time of the X-ray flare event, or (3) the presence of a nonthermal X-ray component. An analysis of flare evolution indicates evidence for preliminary heating and energy release prior to the main phase of the flare. Core features are found to be remarkably stable and retain their shape throughout a flare. Most changes in the overall configuration seem to be the result of the appearance, disappearance or change in brightness of individual features, rather than the restructuring or re-orientation of these features. Brief comparisons with several theories are presented.  相似文献   

Linearly polarized intensity distributions observed in sunspots with the Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC) vector magnetograph are interpreted taking into account magneto-optical effects. It is shown that these effects can be responsible for the observed spiral configuration in the pattern of linear polarization, even if a purely radial, conventional sunspot model is used.On leave from: Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi, 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A family of functions involving integrals of universal functions is introduced. These functions have some interesting mathematical properties including the fact that they may be expressed as Gaussian continued fractions. An unique method of performing the integration is demonstrated which indicates why these functions may be important in the variation of Kepler's equation.This work was supported at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS9-17560.  相似文献   

The success of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) first and then of the STIS and COS spectrographs on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) demonstrate the impact that observations at UV wavelengths had and are having on modern astronomy. Several discoveries in the exoplanet field have been done at UV wavelengths. Nevertheless, the amount of data collected in this band is still limited both in terms of observed targets and time spent on each of them. For the next decade, the post-HST era, the only large (2-m class) space telescope capable of UV observations will be the World Space Observatory–UltraViolet (WSO–UV). In its characteristics, the WSO–UV mission is similar to that of HST, but all observing time will be dedicated to UV astronomy. In this work, we briefly outline the major prospects of the WSO–UV mission in terms of exoplanet studies. To the limits of the data and tools currently available, here we also compare the quality of key exoplanet data obtained in the far-UV and near-UV with HST (STIS and COS) to that expected to obtain with WSO–UV.  相似文献   

For many years an ongoing research program performed at our laboratory has had the aim to investigate the implantation of reactive ions in ices relevant to planetology by using IR spectroscopy. We present new results obtained by implanting 200 keV sulfur ions into water ice at 80 K. We have looked at the formation of sulfur-bearing molecules such as sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. We find that hydrated sulfuric acid is formed with high yield (0.65±0.1 molecules/ion). An upper limit to the production yield of SO2 (Y0.025 molecules/ion) has been estimated; no hydrogen sulfide has been detected. The formation of hydrogen peroxide is confirmed. Ozone is not detected. The results are discussed relevant to the inquiry on the radiolytic sulfur cycle considered responsible for the formation of sulfur-bearing molecules on the surfaces of the Galilean satellites. We demonstrate that sulfur implantation efficiently forms hydrated sulfuric acid whose observed abundance is explained as caused by an exogenic process. It is more difficult to say if the observed sulfur dioxide is quantitatively supported by only sulfur implantation; additional experimental studies are necessary along with direct observations, especially at UV wavelengths such as those that could be performed by instruments on board Hubble Space Telescope or by the forthcoming World Space Observatory (WSO/UV).  相似文献   

We review high-spatial-resolution observations of the Sun which reflect on the role of mode coupling in the solar corona, and present a number of new observations. We show that typically polarization inversion is seen at 5 GHz in active region sources near the solar limb, but not at 1.5 GHz. Although this is apparently in contradiction to the simplest form of mode coupling theory, in fact it remains consistent with current models for the active region emission. Microwave bursts show no strong evidence for polarization inversion. We discuss bipolar noise storm continuum emission in some detail, utilizing recent VLA observations at 327 MHz. We show that bipolar sources are common at 327 MHz. Further, the trailing component of the bipole is frequently stronger than the leading component, in apparent conflict with the leading-spot hypothesis. The observations indicate that at 327 MHz mode coupling is apparently strong at all mode-coupling layers in the solar corona. The 327 MHz observations require a much weaker magnetic field strength in the solar corona to explain this result than did earlier lower-frequency observations: maximum fields are 0.2 G. This is a much weaker field than is consistent with current coronal models.On leave from the Indian Institute for Astrophysics, Bangalore, India.  相似文献   

The increasingly high flux predicted to the violet of 4500 Å by many model solar atmospheres stands in contradiction to the observations. Since one possible cause of the disagreement is that the solar windows by which the observed continuum is established might be obscured by line wings, we have made detailed calculations of these narrow spectral regions. With the exception of a few windows affected by the wings of Balmer lines, those redward of the Balmer discontinuity appear free of line blanketing. Even the assumption that the ultraviolet continuum is depressed 5% by unseen lines not included in our calculations leaves substantial disagreements between the models and observations. The discrepancies could perhaps be explained by a veil of weak lines across the ultraviolet spectrum.Our calculations indicate that the windows become narrower at shorter wavelengths. Many of the ambiguities to the violet of 3600 Å would be resolved if spectrophotometric tracings with a band pass of 10 mÅ were available.  相似文献   

The Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) has been studied as a space mission concept by the European Space Agency in the context of the M3 selection process. Through direct measurement of the atmospheric chemical composition of hundreds of exoplanets, EChO would address fundamental questions such as: What are exoplanets made of? How do planets form and evolve? What is the origin of exoplanet diversity? More specifically, EChO is a dedicated survey mission for transit and eclipse spectroscopy capable of observing a large, diverse and well-defined planetary sample within its four to six year mission lifetime. In this paper we use the end-to-end instrument simulator EChOSim to model the currently discovered targets, to gauge which targets are observable and assess the EChO performances obtainable for each observing tier and time. We show that EChO would be capable of observing over 170 relativity diverse planets if it were launched today, and the wealth of optimal targets for EChO expected to be discovered in the next 10 years by space and ground-based facilities is simply overwhelming. In addition, we build on previous molecular detectability studies to show what molecules and abundances will be detectable by EChO for a selection of real targets with various molecular compositions and abundances. EChO’s unique contribution to exoplanetary science will be in identifying the main constituents of hundreds of exoplanets in various mass/temperature regimes, meaning that we will be looking no longer at individual cases but at populations. Such a universal view is critical if we truly want to understand the processes of planet formation and evolution in various environments. In this paper we present a selection of key results. The full results are available in Online Resource 1.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis is used to determine the properties of metre-wavelength events which are associated with interplanetary type II bursts. It is found that the likelihood of an interplanetary type II burst is greatly increased if: (a) an associated metre-wavelength type II has a starting frequency less than 45 MHz; (b) a strong metre-wavelength continuum is present; (c) the type II contains herringbone fine structure; and (d) the metre-wavelength activity is accompanied by strong, long-lasting H and soft X-ray events.Visiting scientist at Division of Radiophysics, January 1983; previous address - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.  相似文献   

We compare completely independent vector magnetic field measurements from two very different polarimetric instruments. The Marshall Space Flight Center's imaging vector magnetograph is based on a birefringent filter, routinely measuring all four Stokes parameters integrated over the filter bandpass (1/8 Å) which is tunable across the Fei 5250 line in 10 mÅ steps. The Haleakala Stokes Polarimeter of the Mees Solar Observatory (MSO) is based on a spectrometer, routinely measuring all four Stokes parameters of the Fei 6302.5 line simultaneously and then spatially scanning to build up a vector magnetogram. We obtained active region magnetic field data with both the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and MSO systems on five days during June 1985. After interpolating the MSFC vector fields onto the more coarse spatial grid of MSO we make a point-by-point comparison of the two vector fields for data obtained on two of these days (June 8 and 9). From this comparison we conclude: (1) the spatially-averaged line-of-sight components agree quite well; (2) although the MSO spatial grid is coarser, the quality of the MSO image is better than that of the MSFC data because of better seeing conditions; (3) the agreement between the transverse magnitudes is affected by the poor image quality of the MSFC data; and (4) if the effects of Faraday rotation caused by including line-center linear polarization in the method of analysis are taken into account, the azimuths show good agreement within the scatter in the data caused by the averaging process.National Research Council Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

There are two guiding modes of the Hubble Space Telescope used for the acquisition of astronomical data by one of its six scientific instruments. The nominally more precise one is called Fine Lock and the other is known as Coarse Track. Two of the three Fine Guidance Sensors are locked onto Guide Stars, in one of these two modes, thus maintaining the spacecraft's line of sight to a few milli-arc seconds (nominally 7 milli-arc seconds for Fine Lock and 17 milli-arc seconds for Coarse Track). In this paper I report on the most realistic and extensive simulations to date of the Coarse Track guidance mode. These simulations clearly show that the precision of Coarse Track is influenced by one adjustable parameter and that for default operating conditions its precision is 12 milli-arc seconds. A factor of two improvement should be possible by modifying the key parameter which governs the precision of Coarse Track. The importance of this for the scientific mission on the Hubble Space Telescope is that the use of Coarse Track in place of Fine Lock will result in a 1/3 reduction of engineering overhead per scientific target acquisition.See text for a full explanation.  相似文献   

Asteroid 21 Lutetia is one of the objects of the Rosetta mission carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA). The Rosetta spacecraft launched in 2004 is to approach Lutetia in July 2010, and then it will be directed to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Asteroid 4 Vesta is planned to be investigated in 2011 from the Dawn spacecraft launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 2007 (its second object is the largest asteroid, 1 Ceres). The observed characteristics of Lutetia and Vesta are different and even contradictory. In spite of the intense and versatile ground-based studies, the origin and evolution of these minor planets remain obscure or not completely clear. The types of Lutetia and Vesta (M and V, respectively) determined from their spectra correspond to the high-temperature mineralogy, which agrees with their albedo estimated from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) observations. However, according to the opinion of some researchers, Lutetia is of the C type, and, therefore, its mineralogy is of the lowtemperature type. In turn, hydrosilicate formations have been found in some places on the surface of Vesta. Our observations also testify that at some relative phases of rotation (RP), the reflectance spectra of Lutetia and Vesta demonstrate features confirming the presence of hydrosilicates in the surface material. However, this fact can be reconciled with the magmatic nature of Lutetia and Vesta if the hydrated material was delivered to their surfaces by falling primitive bodies. Such small bodies are probably present everywhere in the main asteroid belt and can be the relicts of silicate-icy planetesimals from Jupiter’s formation zone or the fragments of primitive-type asteroids. When interpreting the reflectance spectra of Lutetia and Vesta, we discuss the spectral classification by Tholen (1984) from the standpoint of its general importance for the estimation of the mineralogical type of the asteroids and the study of their origin and evolution.  相似文献   

Onboard the International Space Station (ISS), two instruments are observing the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) at wavelengths from 16 to 2900 nm. Although the ISS platform orientation generally precludes pointing at the Sun more than 10?–?14 days per month, in November/December 2012 a continuous period of measurements was obtained by implementing an ISS ‘bridging’ maneuver. This enabled observations to be made of the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) during a complete solar rotation. We present these measurements, which quantify the impact of active regions on SSI, and compare them with data simultaneously gathered from other platforms, and with models of spectral irradiance variability. Our analysis demonstrates that the instruments onboard the ISS have the capability to measure SSI variations consistent with other instruments in space. A comparison among all available SSI measurements during November–December 2012 in absolute units with reconstructions using solar proxies and observed solar activity features is presented and discussed in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

The observed properties of young star clusters, such as the core radius and luminosity profile, change rapidly during the early evolution of the clusters. Here we present observations of six young clusters in M51 where we derive their sizes using Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) imaging and ages using deep Gemini-North spectroscopy. We find evidence for a rapid expansion of the cluster cores during the first 20 Myr of their evolution. We confirm this trend by including data from the literature of both Galactic and extragalactic embedded and young clusters, and possible mechanisms (rapid gas removal, stellar evolutionary mass loss and internal dynamical heating) are discussed. We explore the implications of this result, focussing on the fact that clusters were more concentrated in the past, implying that their stellar densities were much higher and relaxation times ( t relax) correspondingly shorter. Thus, when estimating if a particular cluster is dynamically relaxed (i.e. when determining if a cluster's mass segregation is due to primordial or dynamical processes), the current relaxation time is only an upper limit, with t relax likely being significantly shorter in the past.  相似文献   

The solar neutron detector Space Environment Data Acquisition Equipment – Attached Payload (SEDA-FIB) onboard the International Space Station (ISS) detected several events from the solar direction associated with three large solar flares observed on 05 (X1.1), 07 (X5.4), and 09 (M6.3) March 2012. In this study, we focus on the interesting event of 05 March, present the temporal profiles of the neutrons, and discuss the physics that may be related to a possible acceleration scenario for ions above the solar surface. We compare our data with images of the flares obtained by the ultraviolet telescope Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).  相似文献   

In this paper, the presence of Faraday rotation in measurements of the orientation of a sunspot's transverse magnetic field is investigated. Using observations obtained with the Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC) vector magnetograph, the derived vector magnetic field of a simple, symmetric sunspot is used to calculate the degree of Faraday rotation in the azimuth of the transverse field as a function of wavelength from analytical expressions for the Stokes parameters. These results are then compared with the observed rotation of the field's azimuth which is derived from observations at different wavelengths within the Fei 5250 Å spectral line. From these comparisons, we find: the observed rotation of the azimuth is simulated to a reasonable degree by the theoretical formulations if the line-formation parameter η o is varied over the sunspot; these variations in η o are substantiated by the line-intensity data; for the MSFC system, Faraday rotation can be neglected for field strengths less than 1800 G and field inclinations greater than 45°; to minimize the effects of Faraday rotation in sunspot umbrae, MSFC magnetograph measurements must be made in the far wings of the Zeeman-sensitive spectral line.  相似文献   

利用中国地壳运动监测网、亚太地球动力学计划(APSG)联测以及IGS速度场建立亚洲构造块体运动模型,分析其板内形变,并求出各构造块体相对欧亚板块运动的欧拉矢量,进而求出各构造块体绝对运动速度,分析各构造块体绝对运动,揭示亚洲区域构造块体的运动规律和特征.  相似文献   

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