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The midlatitude westerlies are one of the major components of the global atmospheric circulation. They play an important role in midlatitude weather and climate, and are particularly significant in interpreting aeolian sediments. In this study, we analyzed the behavior and the possible mechanism involved in the change of the westerlies, mainly in terms of the jet stream position, in the mid-Pliocene warm period(3.3 to 3.0 million years ago) using simulations of 15 climate models from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project(Plio MIP). Compared to the reference period, the mid-Pliocene midlatitude westerlies generally shifted poleward(approximately 3.6 of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere and 1.9 of latitude in the Southern Hemisphere at 850 h Pa level) with a dipole pattern. The dipole pattern of the tropospheric zonal wind anomalies was closely related to the change of the tropospheric meridional temperature gradient as a result of thermal structure adjustment.The poleward shift of the midlatitude westerly jet corresponded to the poleward shift of the mean meridional circulation.The sea surface temperatures and sea ice may have affected the simulated temperature structure and zonal winds, causing the spread of the westerly anomalies in the mid-Pliocene between the atmosphere-only and coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model simulations.  相似文献   

An East Asian Monsoon in the Mid-Pliocene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In this study, the authors simulate the East Asian climate changes in the mid-Pliocene (~3.3 to 3.0 Ma BP) with the Community Atmosphere Model version 3.1 (CAM3.1) and compare the simulated East Asian monsoon with paleoclimate data. The simulations show an obvious warming pattern in East Asia in the mid-Pliocene compared with the pre-industrial climate, with surface air temperature increasing by 0.5 4.0°C. In the warm mid-Pliocene simulation, the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) becomes stronger, while the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM) is similar relative to the pre-industrial climate. Compared with the paleoclimate data, our simulations depict the intensified EASM well but cannot reproduce the weakened EAWM. This model-data discrepancy may be attributed to the uncertainty in the reconstructed mid-Pliocene sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

Studying the vegetation feedback during warm periods of the past can lead to better understanding of those in the future.In this study,we conducted several simulations to analyze vegetation feedback during the mid-Pliocene warm period.The results indicate that the main features of vegetation change in the mid-Pliocene were a northward shift of needleleaf tree,an expansion of broadleaf tree and shrub,and a northward expansion of grass,as compared to the pre-industrial period.The global annual mean warming ratio caused by vegetation feedback was 12.1%,and this warming ratio was much larger in northern middle and high latitudes.The warming caused by vegetation change was directly related to the surface albedo change and was further amplified by snow/sea ice-albedo feedback.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP)大气科学与地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)的全球耦合模式(GOALS〖CD*2〗AVIM),进行了100年积分。利用后40年的结果对模式耦合植被动态过程(AVIM)前后输出的海洋物理场对比分析。结果表明:耦合AVIM后的模式可以合理地模拟全球海洋温盐环流的气候态、季节变化,可以改进模式的模拟效果,在一定程度上克服了耦合AVIM前模式的缺点,使模拟结果更接近实测。由于植被〖CD*2〗大气的双向作用,在季节变化的模拟中,9月的改进效果大于3月的,北半球大于南半球;对于年平均气候态,耦合AVIM后的模式结果在热带海区海表面温度(SST)的模拟效果得到了明显改善,尤其是赤道太平洋海区的海温偏低现象得到了改善;在年际变化的模拟中,改善了耦合AVIM前模式模拟的年际变化分布,加大了赤道太平洋的标准差的模拟,使得耦合AVIM后模拟的年际变化大于耦合前;增强了耦合模式对赤道太平洋ENSO的模拟能力,较耦合AVIM前的模式模拟出了更多的ENSO基本特征,也改善了耦合AVIM前ENSO变化周期偏弱、偏短的现象;同样改善了对气候系统中存在的相互作用的模拟,对于热带印度洋SST变化与赤道太平洋SST的相互关联的模拟中,更加真实地模拟出了气候系统中存在的相互关联关系,体现出了AVIM动态植被过程对气候耦合模式的改善。  相似文献   

The capability of an improved Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) in reproducing the impact of climate on the terrestrial ecosystem is evaluated. The new model incorporates the Community Land ModelDGVM (CLM3.0-DGVM) with a submodel for temperate and boreal shrubs, as well as other revisions such as the two-leaf scheme for photosynthesis and the definition of fractional coverage of plant functional types (PFTs). Results show that the revised model may correctly reproduce the global distribution of tempera...  相似文献   

In the past several decades, dynamic global vegetation models(DGVMs) have been the most widely used and appropriate tool at the global scale to investigate vegetation-climate interactions. At the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, a new version of DGVM(IAP-DGVM) has been developed and coupled to the Common Land Model(CoLM) within the framework of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Earth System Model(CAS-ESM). This work reports the performance of IAP-DGVM through comparisons with that of the default DGVM of CoLM(CoLM-DGVM) and observations. With respect to CoLMDGVM, IAP-DGVM simulated fewer tropical trees, more "needleleaf evergreen boreal tree" and "broadleaf deciduous boreal shrub", and a better representation of grasses. These contributed to a more realistic vegetation distribution in IAP-DGVM,including spatial patterns, total areas, and compositions. Moreover, IAP-DGVM also produced more accurate carbon fluxes than CoLM-DGVM when compared with observational estimates. Gross primary productivity and net primary production in IAP-DGVM were in better agreement with observations than those of CoLM-DGVM, and the tropical pattern of fire carbon emissions in IAP-DGVM was much more consistent with the observation than that in CoLM-DGVM. The leaf area index simulated by IAP-DGVM was closer to the observation than that of CoLM-DGVM; however, both simulated values about twice as large as in the observation. This evaluation provides valuable information for the application of CAS-ESM, as well as for other model communities in terms of a comparative benchmark.  相似文献   

The Common Land Model(CoLM) was coupled with the IAP Dynamic Global Vegetation Model(IAPDGVM), and the performance of this combined CoLMIAP model was evaluated. Offline simulations using both the original Common Land Model(CoLM-LPJ) and CoLM-IAP were conducted. The CoLM-IAP coupled model showed a significant improvement over CoLMLPJ, as the deciduous tree distribution decreased over temperate and boreal regions, while the distribution of evergreen trees increased over the tropics. Some biases in CoLM-LPJ were preserved, including the overestimation of evergreen trees in tropical savanna, the underestimation of boreal evergreen trees, and the absence of boreal shrubs. However, most of these biases did not exist in a further coupled simulation of IAP-DGVM with the Community Land Model(CLM), for which the parameters of IAP-DGVM were optimized. This implies that further improvement is needed to deal with the differences between CoLM and CLM in parameterizations of landbased physical and biochemical processes.  相似文献   

利用MODIS卫星观测资料,对一个考虑了生态系统碳氮循环过程的动态植被模型ICM的模拟性能进行了评估.重点对反映植被动力学的关键参数--叶面积指数(LAI)的模拟结果与观测进行了对比分析,评估了ICM对LAI季节变化特征的模拟能力.结果表明,ICM基本能够模拟出植被的季节变化特征.总体而言,模拟值在低纬度和高纬度地区大...  相似文献   

利用建立的一方程模式对植被气象场和湍流场进行了模拟计算。结果表明:在植被叶面积密度最大值处,由植被叶面积产生的阻力使风速急剧减小,而后平缓接近地面风速值。Reynolds应力从植被顶部向下剧烈减小,在Z/Hc值为0.4~0.6之间衰减迅速;冠层下部风速小且切变弱,湍流未能充分发展,因而动量输送甚微。由于在植被内部环境中存在着湍流通量的辐散或辐合的现象,湍流强度从植被底部开始由下至上逐渐增强,在冠层上方则基本保持不变。  相似文献   

利用NOAA AVHRR得到的19年(1982~2000)全球月平均的叶面积指数(LAI)与ERA40近地面气温和CMAP降水进行时滞相关分析,并研究了LAI的年际变化对后期温度、降水的反馈作用。结果表明,大部分地区LAI与同期气温的相关性更好,30°N以北(以南)基本上为正(负)相关。LAI滞后一个月时,北半球中低纬度和20°S以南大部地区LAI与降水的正相关更强;而在北半球中纬度大陆东部和南半球热带地区,LAI与前一个月温度的关系更密切。LAI与温度的相关性在春、秋季最明显,LAI与降水的关系在雨季最密切。LAI对气温比较显著的正反馈主要分布在北半球中高纬度地区;20°S以南大部地区为比较显著的负反馈。LAI对降水比较显著的正反馈分散在北美大陆西北部、东欧平原南部、欧亚大陆东北部和热带沿海地区。中高纬度(尤其是北半球)大部分地区LAI 对气温、降水反馈部分的解释方差达到总方差的20%以上。  相似文献   

探讨了植被双向反射函数的基本概念和物理意义,并对现有的几种植被双向反射模型,几何光学模型,混浊介质模型,混合模型及计算机模拟模型的理论作简要的论述,并比较各类模型的特点。  相似文献   

IAP大气-植被耦合模式的建立及其模拟   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了充分理解气候与植被之间在不同时间尺度上的反馈作用,需要把动态植被模式耦合到气候模式里.本研究通过引进动态植被模式VEGAS(VEgetation-Global Atmosphere-Soil),在中国科学院大气物理研究所9层(IAP9L)气候模式的基础上,初步建立了一个新的IAP大气一植被耦合模式IAP9L_VEGAS.对该模式积分多年的结果分析表明:IAP9L_VEGAS可以较合理地模拟出植被生态系统生产力和植被、土壤碳库的总量及其季节变化,而且该模式模拟的叶面积指数的全球分布与观测资料十分接近.与未耦合动态植被模式的IAP9L模式模拟结果的比较表明:在非洲和南美等热带雨林地区,IAP9L_VEGAS模拟的叶面积指数比IAP9L中根据经验设置的大3.5以上,更接近观测;此外,IAP9L-VEGAS模拟的降水和近地面气温均较IAP9L更加接近观测实况.  相似文献   

MODIS植被指数及其分县统计分析的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)已引起了广泛的注意,它与NOAA/AVHRR的NDVI既有联系又有区别。利用同一天的NOAA/AVHRR和EOS/MODIS资料,介绍了各县域内平均NDVI的统计方法和计算结果及NDVI与增强植被指数(EVI)的差异。MODIS和AVHRR两种资料得到的NDVI数值虽然有差异,但都能很好地反映植被的空间分布和时间变化。MODIS增强植被指数(EVI)对植被条件的变化更加敏感,使定量分析的精确性提高,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

不均匀植被分布对地表面和大气边界层影响的数值试验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
季劲钧  苗曼倩 《大气科学》1994,18(3):293-302
研究陆地与大气间相互作用的方法之一是建立联系地表面层与大气间各种过程的数值模式进行模拟。本文是建立一个陆面过程与二维大气边界层相耦合的模式,耦合模式中包含了发生在大气边界层、植被冠层和土壤表层各种动力、热力和水文过程。运用这一模式模拟了荒漠环境中一片绿洲的不均匀地表面形成的局地气候。由于绿洲植被与周围荒漠有着显著不同的水份与能量平衡关系,使绿洲表面与边界层较四周荒漠冷而湿,并形成了相应的局地环流,即所谓“绿洲效应”。试验结果表明,模拟的气候状况与观测现象是一致的。模式可以用于陆气相互作用的研究。  相似文献   

A global atmospheric general circulation model has been used to perform eleven idealized numerical experiments, i.e., TP10, TP10, .., TP100, corresponding to different percentages of the Tibetan Plateau altitude. The aim is to explore the sensitivity of East Asian climate to the uplift and expansion of the Tibetan Plateau under the reconstructed boundary conditions for the mid-Pliocene about 3 Ma ago. When the plateau is progressively uplifted, global annual surface temperature is gradually declined and statistically significant cooling signals emerge only in the Northern Hemisphere, especially over and around the Tibetan Plateau, with larger magnitudes over land than over the oceans. On the contrary, annual surface temperature rises notably over Central Asia and most parts of Africa, as well as over northeasternmost Eurasia in the experiments TP60 to TP100. Meanwhile, the plateau uplift also leads to annual precipitation augmentation over the Tibetan Plateau but a reduction in northern Asia, the Indian Peninsula, much of Central Asia, parts of western Asia and the southern portions of northeastern Europe. Additionally, it is found that an East Asian summer monsoon system similar to that of the present initially exists in the TP60 and is gradually intensified with the continued plateau uplift. At 850 hPa the plateau uplift induces an anomalous cyclonic circulation around the Tibetan Plateau in summertime and two anomalous westerly currents respectively located to the south and north of the Tibetan Plateau in wintertime. In the mid-troposphere, similarto-modern spatial pattern of summertime western North Pacific subtropical high is only exhibited in the experiments TP60 to TP100, and the East Asian trough is steadily deepened in response to the progressive uplift and expansion of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Wave-CISK、蒸发-风反馈和低频振荡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李桂龙  刘式适 《大气科学》1993,17(4):403-414
本文利用一个包含有Wave-CISK和蒸发-风反馈机制的斜压半地转模式来讨论低纬大气运动,其中引入了反映CISK机制的无量纲对流凝结加热参数η和反映蒸发-风反馈机制的无量纲参数α_0,求得了η=0情况下的解析解及η≠0情况下的一级近似解,对η≠0情况下向东传播的类似于低频振荡的波动进行了讨论,从理论上指出了蒸发及非均匀加热对低频振荡的维持所起的重要作用.  相似文献   

全球植被分布对气候影响的数值试验   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用一个新的陆-气双向耦合模式R42_AVIM, 通过有无植被覆盖的对比试验分析, 探讨了全球植被分布对气候和大气环流产生的潜在影响。得出: 陆面植被覆盖使得地表特征参数发生行星尺度的明显改变, 在叶面积指数大的热带和中高纬度森林带尤其显著。在现实植被分布下, 陆地表面反照率减小, 地表净辐射收支和地表潜热通量增加, 而地表感热通量减小。植被叶面积指数比较大的区域地表温度降低, 并且这种温度的改变一直延伸到对流层中上层, 在热带表现为斜压结构, 而在中高纬表现为相当正压结构。植被的存在使热带和中高纬度森林带的蒸发和相应的高层凝结潜热加热增强, 从而增强了经圈环流的上升支, 使得冬季在热带和南半球中纬度降水增多, 夏季在热带和北半球中高纬地区降水明显增多; 而经圈环流下沉支的增强致使副热带降水减少且更干旱。同时, 植被的存在使大陆潜热释放增强, 气温下降, 减小了海陆温度对比, 亚洲夏季风也有所减弱。  相似文献   

植被温度条件指数在土壤墒情遥感监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用多年极轨气象卫星遥感资料,在计算出植被条件指数和温度条件指数的基础上,计算了遥感监测土壤墒情的植被温度条件指数(TV)。通过实测土壤湿度和TV的散点图,可以得到土壤墒情遥感模型的干旱等级指标,可用于干旱等级定性监测;通过建立土壤湿度和TV的回归方程,可进行土壤墒情定量监测。该方法兼有植被条件指数和温度条件指数的优点,且计算简单,对地面气象要素依赖性小,实时性好,在作物生长旺盛期,其定量反演0~30 cm土壤墒情精度平均可达80%以上,可以替代作物缺水指数法。  相似文献   

大气订正对MODIS植被参数的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
胡晓  马耀明  王介民  田辉 《高原气象》2007,26(4):732-740
在"全球能量和水循环实验(GEWEX)亚洲季风青藏高原实验(GAME/Tibet)"实验区采用6S辐射传输模式,对MODIS的前三个波段进行了大气订正,得到订正后的植被参数。NDVI在订正后增大,而EVI在订正后减小,且在季风来临时的7月变化最大,而且EVI经订正后的变化大于NDVI。将订正后的结果与MODIS的植被参数产品进行比较,发现由MODIS植被参数产品得到的结果普遍大于订正后的结果,在季风中的7月和季风后的9月表现的相对明显,且EVI的差别大于NDVI。  相似文献   

耦合模式热带太平洋云—气候反馈模拟误差评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李志强  俞永强 《大气科学》2011,35(3):457-472
云—气候反馈是热带海气相互作用的重要过程, 同时也是气候模拟的难点。本文利用IPCC AR4提供的耦合模式20世纪模拟试验结果和观测资料, 通过滤波和经验正交展开 (EOF) 的方法将热带太平洋海表温度的年际变化和年代际变化信号分别提取出来, 然后再分别计算观测和模式在年际和年代际时间尺度上云—辐射和热通量反馈特征, 发现在上述两个时间尺度上, 耦合模式模拟的云—辐射和热通量的反馈都要比观测和再分析资料的偏弱。反馈偏弱的可能原因是模式中热带大气对流和云对海表温度变化的敏感性比真实大气要偏弱。值得注意的是, 尽管耦合模式热带太平洋年代际热力反馈偏弱, 但是耦合模式模拟的热带太平洋南北纬10°之间海表温度的年代际增温趋势与观测相当。进一步分析表明, 只用年代际热力反馈来解释热带太平洋的气候变化是不够的, 还必须考虑动力反馈对于海表温度变化的调节作用。  相似文献   

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