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Debris flow often causes enormous loss to life and property,especially on alluvial fans.Engineering structures such as retention check dams are essential to reduce the damage.In hazard mitigation evaluation and planning it is of significance to determine the location,size and type of dam and the effects of damage mitigation.We present a numerical simulation method using Kanako simulator for hazard mitigation planning of debris flow disaster in Tanjutani Gully,Kyoto City,Japan.The simulations were carried out for three situations:1) the simulations of erosion,deposition,hydrograph changing and inundation when there were no mitigation measures;2) the simulations of check dams in four locations(470 m,810 m,1,210 m and 1,610 m from the upstream end) to identify the best location;3) the simulations of check dams of three types(closed,slit and grid) to analyze their effects on sediment trapping and discharge reduction.Based on the simulations,it was concluded that two closed check dams(located at 470 m and 1,610 m from the upstream end) in the channel and a drainage channel on the alluvial fan can reduce the risk on the alluvial fan to an acceptable level.  相似文献   

A probabilistic view of debris flow   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

复杂地形下冰雹预报的数值试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
充分考虑贵州低纬、高原山区特色,首先模拟由于下垫面的热力和动力不均匀造成的强对流云的初始扰动.在此初始扰动的基础上,用完全弹性三维冰雹云数值模式,模拟雹云的发生发展过程,对冰雹进行数值预报研究.通过现场试验和个例分析,发现模式能反映雹云的发生、发展等变化规律,并能对冰雹天气作预报,预报概括率为81%.  相似文献   

Natural consolidation characteristics of viscous debris flow deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pore water pressure and water content are important indicators to both deposition and consolidation of debris flows, enabling a direct assessment of consolidation degree. This article gained a more comprehensive understanding about the entire consolidation process and focused on exploring pore water pressure and volumetric water content variations of the deposit body during natural consolidation under different conditions taking the viscous debris flow mass as a study subject and by flume experiments. The results indicate that, as the color of the debris changed from initial dark green to grayish-white color, the initial deposit thickness declined by 3% and 2.8% over a permeable and impermeable sand bed, respectively. A positive correlation was observed between pore water pressure and depth in the deposit for both scenarios, with deeper depths being related to greater pore water pressure. For the permeable environment, the average dissipation rate of pore water pressure measured at depths of 0.10 m and 0.05 m were 0.0172 Pa/d and 0.0144 Pa/d, respectively, showing a positivechanging trend with increasing depth. Under impermeable conditions, the average dissipation rates at different depths were similar, while the volumetric water content in the deposit had a positive correlation with depth. The reduction of water content in the deposit accelerated with depth under impermeable sand bed boundary conditions, but was not considerably correlated with depth under permeable sand bed boundary conditions. However, the amount of discharged water from the deposit was greater and consolidation occurred faster in permeable conditions. This indicates that the permeability of the boundary sand bed has a significant impact on the progress of consolidation. This research demonstrates that pore water and pressure dissipations are present during the entire viscous debris consolidation process. Contrasting with dilute flows, pore pressure dissipation in viscous flows cannot be completed in a matter of minutes or even hours, requiring longer completion time — 3 to 5 days and even more. Additionally, the dissipation of the pore water pressure lagged the reduction of the water content. During the experiment, the dissipation rate fluctuated substantially, indicating a close relationship betweenthe dissipation process and the physical properties of broadly graded soils.  相似文献   

IIWr~IOWThesedimentarycharacteristicsofdebrisflowcanreflectthecompoSition,fluidtypeandsedimentaryprocess.ThescholarswhostudymoderndebrisfloWinChinagenerallyclassifydebrisflowbythemethodofviscositywithfloWpattern.SeveraltypicalschemesareshowninTable1,inwhichthemethodofunitweight(fluiddensityinunitvolumet/m3)isusedandfluidunitweightisthoughttobethedirectproPOSitiontotheviscosityofdebrisflow(Wu,1990).Ithasbeenprovedbyhydrcrmechacsthatnon-cohesivedebrisf1OwfollowsBagnoldgranular'flowmedel(B…  相似文献   

The reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste-shoal land plays an important role in the mitigation and control of debris flow hazards, which thus contributes a lot to the exploitation of insufficient land resources in mountainous areas and the reduction of losses caused by debris flow. The aim of this paper is to discuss the features and mechanism of soil evolution of debris flow waste-shoal land so as to search for the available modes of its reclamation and utilization. The Jiangjiagou Ravine, a typical debris flow ravine, was selected to study soil evolution features of debris flow waste-shoal land based on the analysis of soil physieochemical properties and soil microstructure. It was found that the soil evolution rates of debris flow waste-shoal land varied with different modes of reclamation. For the land which had been reclaimed for less than lO years, soil evolved most rapidly in paddy fields, and more rapidly in dry farmland than in naturally restored waste-shoal land. For the land which had been used for more than lo years, the soil evolution rates of dry farmland, naturally restored waste-shoal land and paddy farmland decreased in the file. For the same utilization period of time, significant differences were recognized in soil evolution features under different modes of reclamation. Analysis data showed that soil clay content, soil thickness, the psephicity of skeleton particles and contents of microaggregates (〈0.02 mm) in paddy farmland were all highest. Soil nutrients and porosity of dry farmland were better than those of paddy farmland and naturally restored waste-shoal land, and those of paddy farmland were superior to those of naturally restored waste-shoal land. Paddy farmland characterized by rapid pedogenesis, stable evolution and high utilizability was the priority candidate for the reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste -shoal land.  相似文献   

Debris flows are typical two-phase flows, which commonly accompany erosion in mountainous areas, and may destroy bridge engineering by scouring. In this study, a physically-based two-phase model is applied for the simulation of debris flow scouring of bridge pier. In this model, the shear stress of debris flow on an erodible bed is considered to be a function of the solid shear stress, fluid shear stress, and volume fraction; accordingly, the erosion is incorporated into the two-phase model. Using a highaccuracy computational scheme based on the finite volume method, the model is employed for simulating a dynamic debris flow over an erodible bed. The numerical results are consistent with the experimental data, and verify the feasibility of the two-phase model. Moreover, a simple numerical test is performed to exhibit the fundamental behaviour of debris flow scouring of bridge pier, which shows that the degree of erosion on each side of the pier is higher compared to other areas. The scouring depth is influenced by the variations of solid volume fraction and velocity of debris flow and pier width.  相似文献   

Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV) technique was used to test the analogues of hyperconcentrated flow and dilute debris flow in an open flume. Flow fields, velocity profiles and turbulent parameters were obtained under different conditions. Results show that the flow regime depends on coarse grain concentration. Slurry with high fine grain concentration but lacking of coarse grains behaves as a laminar flow. Dilute debris flows containing coarse grains are generally turbulent flows. Streamlines are parallel and velocity values are large in laminar flows. However, in turbulent flows the velocity diminishes in line with the intense mixing of liquid and eddies occurring. The velocity profiles of laminar flow accord with the parabolic distribution law. When the flow is in a transitional regime, velocity profiles deviate slightly from the parabolic law. Turbulent flow has an approximately uniform distribution of velocity and turbulent kinetic energy. The ratio of turbulent kinetic energy to the kinetic energy of time-averaged flow is the internal cause determining the flow regime: laminar flow(k/K0.1); transitional flow(0.1 k/K1); and turbulent flow(k/K1). Turbulent kinetic energy firstly increases with increasing coarse grain concentration and then decreases owing to the suppression of turbulence by the high concentration of coarse grains. This variation is also influenced by coarse grain size and channel slope. The results contribute to the modeling of debris flow and hyperconcentrated flow.  相似文献   

A low-frequency debris flow took place in the north coastal range of Venezuela on Dec. 16, 1999,and scientists all over the world paid attention to this catastrophe. Four characteristics of low-frequency debris hazard are discussed: long return period and extreme catastrophe, special rare triggering factors,difficulty in distinguishing and a series of small hazards subsequent to the catastrophe. Different measures, such as preventing, forecast - warning,engineering, can be used for mitigating and controlling the catastrophe. In engineering practice, it is a key that large silt-trap dams are used to control rare large debris flow. A kind of low dam with cheap cost can be used to replace high dam in developing countries. A planning for controlling debris flow hazard in Cerro Grande stream of Venezuela is presented at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

Experimental study on the viscoelastic behaviors of debris flow slurry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rheological properties of most liquid in nature are between liquids and solids,including both elastic changes and viscosity changes,that is socalled "viscoelastic".Dynamic oscillatory test was used to quantitatively study the distinct viscoelastic behaviors of debris flow slurry in the shear stress conditions for the first time in this study.The debris flow slurry samples were from Jiangjiagou Ravine,Yunnan Province,China.The experimental results were found that at the low and middle stages of shearing,when the angular velocity ω<72.46 s-1,the loss modulus(G") was greater than the storage modulus(G’),i.e.G">G’.At the late stage of shearing,when the angular velocity ω≧72.46 s-1,the storage modulus was greater than or equal to the loss modulus,i.e.G’≧G",tanδ≦1(where phase-shift angleδ=G"/G’),and the debris flow slurry was in a gel state.Therefore,the progress of this experimental study further reveals the mechanism of hyperconcentrated debris flows with a high velocity on low-gradient ravines.  相似文献   

Grain composition plays a vital role in impact pressure of debris flow. Current approaches treat debris flow as uniform fluid and almost ignore its granular effects. A series of flume experiments have been carried out to explore the granular influence on the impact process of debris flow by using a contact surface pressure gauge sensor(Tactilus~?, produced by Sensor Products LLC). It is found that the maximum impact pressure for debris flow of low density fluctuates drastically with a long duration time while the fluctuation for flow of high density is short in time, respectively presenting logarithmic and linear form in longitudinal attenuation. This can be ascribed to the turbulence effect in the former and grain collisions and grainfluid interaction in the latter. The horizontal distribution of the impact pressure can be considered as the equivalent distribution. For engineering purposes, the longitudinal distribution of the pressure can be generalized to a triangular distribution, from which a new impact method considering granular effects is proposed.  相似文献   

Debris flow is one of the most destructive phenomena of natural hazards. Recently, major natural haz-ard, claiming human lives and assets, is due to debris flow in the world. Several practical methods for forecasting de-bris flow have been proposed, however, the accuracy of these methods is not high enough for practical use because of the stochastic and non-linear characteristics of debris flow. Artificial neural network has proven to be feasible and use-fill in developing models for nonlinear systems. On the other hand, predicting the future behavior based on a time se-ries of collected historical data is also an important tool in many scientific applications. In this study we present a three-layer feed-forward neural network model to forecast surge of debris flow according to the time series data collect-ed in the Jiangjia Ravine, situated in north part of Yunnan Province of China. The simulation and prediction of debris flow using the proposed approach shows this model is feasible, however, further studies are needed.  相似文献   

The quadratic rheology model considers the yield stress, viscous stress, turbulent stress and disperse stress, so it is used in this study to derive the velocity profile of debris flows. The quadratic model with the parabolic eddy viscosity was numerically solved, and an analytical solution was derived for the quadratic model with a constant eddy viscosity. These two solutions were compared with the Arai-Takahashi model that excluded the viscous stress and the yield stress. The three models were tested by using 17 experiment cases of debris flows over rigid beds. The results prove that the quadratic model with parabolic and constant eddy viscosities is applicable to muddy and granular flows, whereas the Arai-Takahashi model tends to overestimate the flow velocity near the water surface if a plug-like layer exists. In addition, the von Karman constant and the zero-velocity elevation in the three models are related to sediment concentration. The von Karman constant decreases first and then increases as the sediment concentration increases. The zero-velocity elevation is below the bed surface, likely due to the invalidity of the non-slip boundary condition for the debris flows over fixed beds.  相似文献   

Debris flow susceptibility mapping(DFSM) has been reported in many studies, however, the irrational use of the same conditioning factor system for DFSM in regional-scale has not been thoroughly resolved. In this paper, a region-partitioning method that is based on the topographic characteristics of watershed units was developed with the objective of establishing multiple conditioning factor systems for regional-scale DFSM. First, watershed units were selected as the mapping units and created throughout the entire research area. Four topographical factors, namely, elevation, slope, aspect and relative height difference, were selected as the basis for clustering watershed units. The k-means clustering analysis was used to cluster the watershed units according to their topographic characteristics to partition the study area into several parts. Then, the information gain ratio method was used to filter out superfluous factors to establish conditioning factor systems in each region for the subsequent debris flow susceptibility modeling. Last, a debris flow susceptibility map of the whole study area was acquired by merging the maps from all parts. DFSM of Yongji County in Jilin Province, China was selected as a case study, and the analytical hierarchy process method was used to conduct a comparative analysis to evaluate the performance of the region-partitioning method. The area under curve(AUC) values showed that the partitioning of the study area into two parts improved the prediction rate from 0.812 to 0.916. The results demonstrate that the region-partitioning method on the basis of topographic characteristics of watershed units can realize more reasonable regional-scale DFSM. Hence, the developed region-partitioning method can be used as a guide for regional-scale DFSM to mitigate the imminent debris flow risk.  相似文献   

To accurately predict impact loads can ensure the safe operation of debris flow control projects. The instantaneous impact process is usually considered in the calculation of the debris flow impact force; however, the redistribution of an impact load after structural regulation is unclear. In this study we deduced the theoretical calculation of a debris flow impact on a double-row slit dam, and carried out a verification experiment on the debris flow impact.The calculation model considers the in...  相似文献   

The phenomenon of debris flow is intermediate between mass movement and solid transport. Flows can be sudden, severe and destructive. Understanding debris flow erosion processes is the key to providing geomorphic explanations, but progress has been limited because the physical-mechanical properties, movement laws and erosion characteristics are different from those of sediment-laden flow. Using infinite slope theory, this research examines the process and mechanism of downcutting erosion over a moveable bed in a viscous debris flow gully. It focuses specifically on the scour depth and the critical slope for viscous debris flow,and formulas for both calculations are presented.Both scour depth and the critical conditions of downcutting erosion are related to debris flow properties(sand volume concentration and flow depth) and gully properties(longitudinal slope,viscous and internal friction angle of gully materials,and coefficient of kinetic friction). In addition, a series of flume experiments was carried out to characterize the scouring process of debris flows with different properties. The calculated values agreed well with the experimental data. These theoretical formulas are reasonable, and using infinite slope theory to analyze down cutting erosion from viscous debris flow is feasible.  相似文献   

The Chedaren ravine belongs to high-prone areas of debris flow in Jilin Province, which threaten the local people' s life and security seriously. The authors used the residual correction theory to amend the GM ( 1, 1 ) model and forecast annual precipitation in disaster year of the Chedaren ravine ; it provides scientific foundation for early warning of debris flow disaster in the rainy season based on weather forecast. The prediction resuits show that annual precipitation is 724.7 mm in 2009 ; the region will probably occur large-scale debris flow during the rainy season.  相似文献   

Shangyao valley is located in Jin’an village of Songpan in Sichuan. Many material sources are accumulated in valleys. The debris flow will be triggered by a rain storm with short-duration and strong intensity, which may threaten people’s lives and property in downstream. Based on the investigation,the formation conditions of debris flow and its dynamic characteristics are analyzed and its hazard assessment is investigated. Research shows that there is the potential cause of debris flow in Shangyao valley,which is of the middle risk class.  相似文献   

The Chedaren ravine belongs to high-prone areas of debris flow in Jilin Province,which threaten the local people's life and security seriously. The authors used the residual correction theory to amend the GM (1, 1) model and forecast annual precipitation in disaster year of the Chedaren ravine; it provides scientific foundation for early warning of debris flow disaster in the rainy season based on weather forecast. The prediction results show that annual precipitation is 724.7 mm in 2009; the region will probably occur large-scale debris flow during the rainy season.  相似文献   

The occurrence of debris flow is affected by many factors. Risk zoning of debris flow plays a vital role in the early-warning and prediction of abrupt geological hazards, and exploration of new method is needed in the early-warning and prediction of geological hazards. The extension theory is a new method to solve contradiction matters. Based on extension theory, AHP and GIS, the risk zoning model of debris flow was established in this paper. The result of this research provides a new way in the risk zoning, early-warning and prediction of debris flow  相似文献   

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