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近45年太平洋海浪特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用来自欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)将风浪、涌浪分离的具有较高时空分辨率的45年ERA-40海浪资料,对太平洋的海表风场、风浪、涌浪、混合浪的特征进行分析。研究发现太平洋大部分海域的涌浪波高、混合浪波高呈显著的逐年线性递增趋势,趋势分别为0.3—0.6cm.a 1、0.3—1.2cm.a 1;太平洋的涌浪在混合浪中四季皆起主导作用,涌浪指标的低值区主要集中在南北半球的西风带,太平洋赤道附近海域存在明显的涌浪池;北太平洋的风场与风浪场的相关系数好于南太平洋,风场与涌浪场的相关系数则是南太平洋好于北太平洋;研究还发现太平洋的浪场与Nino3指数有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

The ocean is an important inventory of anthropogenic mercury (Hg), yet the history of anthropogenic Hg accumulation in the ocean remains largely unexplored. Dee...  相似文献   

A five-component (phytoplankton, zooplankton, ammonium, nitrate, detritus) physical–biological model was developed to investigate the effects of physical processes on daily to interannual time scales, on the lower trophic levels of the central equatorial Pacific. Many of the biological processes included in the ecosystem model respond to environmental fluctuations with time scales between 1 and 10 d, which are not typically resolved by basin- to global-scale circulation models. Therefore, the equatorial Pacific ecosystem model is forced using daily information (solar radiation, velocity, temperature) from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring array. The ecosystem model also requires vertical velocity information which necessitated the development of a method for computing daily vertical velocities from the TAO array. Much of the variability in primary production, plankton and nutrient concentrations observed in 1992 during the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study Equatorial Pacific Process Study time-series cruises (TS1 and TS2), is well reproduced in the model simulations. Simulations demonstrate that lower primary productivities during TS1 as compared to TS2 result from the deeper thermocline that persisted during TS1 as a result of El Niño conditions; however, because of the simultaneous reduction in grazing pressure, simulated chlorophyll levels are similar for these two time periods. Simulations of this single-species ecosystem model successfully reproduce data collected both during and after the El Niño, suggesting that species composition changes are not of first-order importance when examining the effects of the 1991–92 El Niño on the equatorial Pacific ecosystem. A 60–70% increase in chlorophyll concentration and a 400% increase in the chlorophyll contribution by diatoms was associated with the passage of a tropical instability wave (20-d period) across the study site during TS2. This period of high chlorophyll concentration and diatom abundance coincided temporally with strong northward velocities and strong downwelling velocities in the upper euphotic zone. Observations and simulations suggest that this increase in chlorophyll concentration and change in species composition not only results from in situ diatom growth stimulated by increased iron concentrations, but also results from the advection of diatoms toward the convergent front located along the leading (western) edge of the instability wave. Equatorially trapped internal gravity waves can also stimulate in situ phytoplankton growth as high-frequency vertical motions introduce limiting micronutrients, such as iron, into the euphotic zone. Because iron can be taken up by the picoplankton on time scales much shorter than the wave period (6–8 days), these waves may provide a mechanism for effecting a large flux of iron into the euphotic zone. Exclusion of these high-frequency motions results in an iron flux to the euphotic zone that may be underestimated by more than 30%.  相似文献   

Mass, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes and carbon and nitrogen compositions were determined for particulate samples from plankton net tows, shallow floating sediment traps, intermediate and deep moored sediment traps, and sediment cores collected along 140°W in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean during the US JGOFS EqPac program. Mass, particulate organic carbon (POC), and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) fluxes measured by the floating sediment traps during the Survey I (El Niño) and Survey II (non-El Niño) cruises follow essentially the same pattern as primary production: high near the equator and decreasing poleward. POC fluxes caught in free-floating traps were compared with alternative estimates of export fluxes, including 234Th models, new production, and other sediment trap studies, resulting in widely differing estimates. Applying 234Th corrections to the trap-based fluxes yielded more consistent results relative to primary production and new production. Despite factors of five differences in measured fluxes between different trap types, POC : 234Th ratios of trap material were generally within a factor of two and provided a robust means of converting modeled 234Th export fluxes to POC export fluxes. All measured fluxes decrease with depth. Trap compositional data suggest that mineral “ballasting” may be a prerequisite for POC settling. POC remineralization is most pronounced in the epipelagic zone and at the sediment–water interface, with two orders of magnitude loss at each level. Despite seawater supersaturation with respect to calcium carbonate in the upper ocean, 80% of PIC is dissolved in the epipelagic zone. Given the time-scale differences of processes throughout the water column, the contrasting environments, and the fact that only 0.01% of primary production is buried, sedimentary organic carbon accumulation rates along the transect are remarkably well correlated to primary production in the overlying surface waters. POC to particulate total nitrogen (PTN) ratios for all samples are close to Redfield values, indicating that POC and PTN are non-selectively remineralized. This constancy is somewhat surprising given conventional wisdom and previous equatorial Pacific results suggesting that particulate nitrogen is lost preferentially to organic carbon.  相似文献   

We investigated a year-long (September 1992 to August 1993) time series of total mass, calcium carbonate, organic carbon, opal, and alkenone fluxes in sinking particles collected with sediment traps moored at 1770 and 4220 m in the central equatorial Pacific. The total mass fluxes varied from 14.7 to 68.7 mg/m2/day at 1770 m, with greater fluxes in October–November and February–April, and from 14.6 to 50.4 mg/m2/day with peak fluxes during October–November at 4220 m. High flux in the spring season shown at 1770 m was not indicated at 4220 m; instead, a slight increase was shown during a broad period from March to June. The calcium carbonate fluxes varied from 10.8 to 49.1 mg/m2/day with higher fluxes in October–November and March–April at 1770 m, and from 8.9 to 37.0 mg/m2/day with a higher flux in October–November at 4220 m. The organic carbon fluxes varied from 0.36 to 5.91 mg/m2/day, with higher fluxes in October–November and March–April at 1770 m, and from 0.72 to 2.58 mg/m2/day at 4220 m. The annual mean organic carbon flux was 1.84 and 1.28 mg/m2/day at 1770 and at 4220 m, respectively. These values were less than half of those reported for the EqPac sediment trap experiment. The opal fluxes varied from 0.55 to 4.4 mg/m2/day at 1770 m and from 1.23 to 2.95 mg/m2/day at 4220 m. Alkenone fluxes varied significantly from 0.05 to 0.84 μg/m2/day, with high values in November, February–March, and June at 1770 m. For the 4220 m trap, these values ranged from 0.05 to 0.25 μg/m2/day, with slightly higher fluxes in April–May and June–July, which followed periods of high alkenone fluxes observed in February–April and June–July, respectively, at 1770 m depth. These values were remarkably low compared with those reported by the previous studies at other sites. U37K′ values were constantly high >0.95 throughout the collection period. However, relatively low U37K′ values (0.92 and 0.93) were occasionally observed during February to March. Estimated alkenone temperatures from those U37K′ values were about 27–29°C and consistent with the observed temperature of the upper layer at ca.100 m depth. The seasonal change of the U37K′ values could be affected by not only water temperature but also the relative amount of ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ types of alkenone producer in the central equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

As part of the U.S. JGOFS Program and the NOAA Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange Study (DACES), measurements of C02 partial pressure were made in the atmosphere and in the surface waters of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific during the boreal spring and autumn of 1992, the spring of 1993, and the spring and autumn of 1994. Surface-water pC02 data indicate significant diurnal, seasonal, and interannual variations. The largest variations were associated with the 1991–1994 ENSO event, which reached maximum intensity in the spring of 1992. The lower values of surface-water ΔpC02 observed during the 1991–1994 ENSO period were the result of the combined effects of both remotely and locally forced physical processes. The warm pool, which reached a maximum eastward extent in January-February of 1992, began in September of 1991 as a series of westerly wind events lasting about 30 days. Each wind event initiated an eastward propagating Kelvin wave which caused a deepening of the thermocline. By the end of January 1992 the thermocline was at its maximum depth, so that the upwelled water was warm and C02-depleted. In April of the same year, the local winds were weaker than normal, and the upwelling was from shallow depths. These changes resulted in a lower-than-normal C02 flux to the atmosphere. The results show that for the one-year period from the fall of 1991 until the fall of 1992, approximately 0.3 GtC were released to the atmosphere; 0.6 GtC were released in 1993, and 0.7 GtC in 1994, in good agreement with the model results of Ciais et al. [Science,269,1098–1102;J. Geophys. Res.,100, 5051–5070]. The net reduction of the ocean-atmosphere C02 flux during the 1991–1994 El Nifio was on the order of 0.8 – 1.2 GtC. Thus, the total amount of C02 sequestered in the equatorial oceans during the prolonged 1991–1994 El Nin˜o period was about 25% higher than the severe El Nin˜o of 1982–1983.  相似文献   

We determined the sensitivity of the calculated sinking flux of 234Th in the central equatorial Pacific to physical processes and scavenging mechanisms by imposing a meridional and vertical advection and diffusion field on a simple dissolved and particulate 234Th cycle. We used the model to estimate the efficiency with which the 234Th deficiency relative to 238U reflected the predicted sinking flux of 234Th on particles and compared our results with 234Th data taken during the JGOFS-EqPac 1992 Survey II Cruise. 234Th deficiencies near the equator were strongly affected by both vertical advection and horizontal diffusion. The model 234Th deficiency at the equator underestimated the model 234Th sinking flux by 144% in neglecting advection and diffusion in the presence of strong upwelling at the equator. The model 234Th deficiency at the equator corrected for advection overestimated the sinking flux of 234Th by 33% in neglecting horizontal diffusion. Analysis of the scavenging mechanism suggests that, during situations of export governed by rapidly sinking particles, 234Th-based estimates of particle export are only half as sensitive to advection compared to situations of export governed by slowly sinking particles. Given that results using the mechanism of slowly sinking particles compare better with the observed 234Th deficiency and calculated meridional 234Th fluxes at the equator than the mechanism of rapidly sinking particles, we consider the mechanism of slowly sinking particle more appropriate for this region. In agreement with previous studies based on observed 234Th gradients, this study supports the incorporation of vertical advection terms in the 234Th balance to estimate particulate carbon export at the equator but suggests that this method may have overestimated the sinking flux at the equator during EqPac Survey II by 0–63% due to the role of horizontal diffusion.  相似文献   

Using data collected during cruises of the JGOFS equatorial Pacific Study in March/April and October of 1992 at the equator (140°W), we examine the downward transport of carbon by three size classes of die] migrant mesozooplankton (200–500 gm, 500–1000 μm and 1000–2000 gm). In addition to respiratory carbon flux, we consider the flux due to mortality of migrators below the euphotic zone. Diel migrant mesozooplankton biomass was estimated from the difference between nighttime and daytime biomass within the euphotic zone. Except for a four-day period early in the March/April cruise, mesozooplankton nighttime biomass was significantly larger than daytime biomass within the euphotic zone during both cruises. We estimate that the downward flux of carbon from the euphotic zone due to mesozooplankton die] vertical migrators was an average of 0.6 mmol Cm−2 d−1 and 1.1 mmol C m−2 d−1 during the March/April and October cruises, respectively. Addition of this flux to the gravitational particle sinking flux estimated from234Th measurements during the same period results in a 31 % increase in the carbon export flux from the euphotic zone in the equatorial Pacific during the March/April cruise and a 44% increase in the October cruise. The migratory flux is strongly dependent on whether feeding takes place below the euphoric zone, the length of time migrators spend in the deep waters, and the mortality rate of migrators.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of abyssal (4300–5000 m) nematodes were investigated along a latitudinal gradient of phytodetritus deposition from 0 to 23°N in the central, equatorial Pacific (140–158°W). Nematode abundance in the oligotrophic, central, North Pacific gyre was 50% lower than at the equator while macrofauna abundance increased 6.5 times over the same transect. Nematode abundance and biomass in the surface (0–1 cm) sediment layer were significantly higher at phytodetritus stations than at non-phytodetritus stations. Abundance and biomass were within the range recorded from other sites of comparable depth that also receive an input of phytodetritus. Abundance was also strongly correlated with microbial biomass. An increase in body size was associated with an increase in food supply. The results demonstrate that the equatorial Pacific represents an immense zone of relatively high nematode standing stock.  相似文献   

The water masses of the central and western equatorial Pacific can be divided into two parts: the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and the Equatorial Upwelling Region (EUR). The behavior of the WPWP plays a significant role in global climate changes such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and it drastically modifies the oceanographic conditions in the area every few years. It is important to evaluate changes in time-series diatom fluxes during both the El Niño and the La Niña events. As a part of the Global Carbon Cycle and Related Mapping based on Satellite Imagery (GCMAPS) Program, time-series sediment trap moorings were deployed and recovered along the Equator at seven stations (Sites MT1–MT7) during five R/V Mirai cruises in the central and western Pacific during January 1999–January 2003. The entire length of this study is divided into two phases depending on the oceanographic conditions: the La Niña event (1999 and 2000); and the El Niño event (2002). Site MT3 was located in the WPWP and Sites MT5–MT7 were in the EUR. Annual means of total diatom fluxes increased towards the east in each year. The fluxes observed at Sites MT4–MT6 decreased from the La Niña event to the El Niño event. However, the fluxes observed at Site MT3 in 2001 and 2002 were higher than those in 2000. Total diatom fluxes showed different seasonal patterns at all sites. The diatom assemblages in the WPWP differed from those of the EUR. Pennate diatoms (e.g., Nitzschia bicapitata, Thalassionema nitzschioides) dominated in the WPWP, while the relative abundances of centric diatoms (e.g., Rhizosolenia bergonii, Azpeitia spp., Thalassiosira spp.) were higher than those of pennate diatoms in the EUR. The diatom fluxes during the La Niña event reflected seasonal oscillation of the WPWP in spatial extent. At Site MT3 during El Niño, terrestrial materials appeared to have been transported by subsurface currents, which might be a secondary influence on total diatom fluxes. The spatial extent of the WPWP reached Site MT7 in 2002, when total diatom fluxes decreased in the sediment traps located in the eastern region including Site MT7. Therefore, we conclude that the relationships between the ENSO and diatoms fluxes in the western and central equatorial Pacific can be explained by the geographic (west–east) expansion or contraction of the WPWP.  相似文献   

Detection and attribution of hydrographic and biogeochemical changes in the deep ocean are challenging due to the small magnitude of their signals and to limitations in the accuracy of available data. However, there are indications that anthropogenic and climate change signals are starting to manifest at depth. The deep ocean below 2000 m comprises about 50% of the total ocean volume, and changes in the deep ocean should be followed over time to accurately assess the partitioning of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) between the ocean, terrestrial biosphere, and atmosphere. Here we determine the changes in the interior deep-water inorganic carbon content by a novel means that uses the partial pressure of CO2 measured at 20 °C, pCO2(20), along three meridional transects in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. These changes are measured on decadal time scales using observations from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)/World Hydrographic Program (WHP) of the 1980s and 1990s and the CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography Program of the past decade. The pCO2(20) values show a consistent increase in deep water over the time period. Changes in total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) content in the deep interior are not significant or consistent, as most of the signal is below the level of analytical uncertainty. Using an approximate relationship between pCO2(20) and DIC change, we infer DIC changes that are at the margin of detectability. However, when integrated on the basin scale, the increases range from 8–40% of the total specific water column changes over the past several decades. Patterns in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), along with output from an ocean model, suggest that the changes in pCO2(20) and DIC are of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常是研究ENSO(El Ni?o-South Oscillation)的重要指标。本文利用海洋再分析数据,着眼于西太平洋暖池暖水体三维结构的年际变异特征,分析西太平洋暖池水体变动与赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常的关联性,并从前期西太平洋暖池三维暖水体的结构演变及其在上层海洋质量与热量配置中的作用角度,探究了赤道中东太平洋关键Ni?o分区海表温度异常变化的内在一致性,以期为ENSO的预测预报提供新的思路和依据。分析表明,ENSO尺度上西太平洋暖池三维结构变异主模态表现为暖水体平均约以170oE为轴的纬向时空振荡,其可超前赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化约达6个月,并以在赤道中东太平洋及附近海域形成双舌状异常"暖池"为显著特征。前期暖池暖水体的纬向振荡是赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化的重要前兆信息之一。作为海洋中ENSO暴发的重要源区和驱动因子,西太平洋暖池纬向振荡通过在中东太平洋形成不同强度(泛指暖水量及其深度和范围等的大小)的异常"暖池",进而在上层海洋质量和热量的纬向配置中起关键性作用,并且可能与不同EI Ni?o事件的触发机制密切相关,从这种意义上讲,不同ENSO事件的发生和发展存在一定的同源一致性。  相似文献   

The likelihood that the carbon fluxes measured as part of the US-JGOFS field program in the equatorial Pacific ocean (EgPac) during 1992 yielded a balanced carbon budget for the surface ocean was determined. The major carbon fluxes incorporated into a surface carbon budget were: new production, particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, CaC03 export, C02 gas evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) supply, and the time rate of charge. The ratio of the measured concentration gradients of DOC and DIC provided a constraint on the ratio of POC/DOC export. Uncertainties of ±30–50% for individual carbon flux measurements reduce the likelihood that a carbon balance can be measured during a JGOFS process-type study. As a benchmark, carbon fluxes were prescribed to yield a hypothetical surface carbon budget that was, on average, balanced. Given the typical errors in the individual carbon fluxes, however, there was only about a 30% chance that this hypothetical budget could be measured to be balanced to ±50%. Using this benchmark, it was determined that there was a 95 % chance that the carbon flux measurements yielded a surface DIC budget balanced (to ±50%) during El Nino conditions in boreal spring 1992, when the total organic carbon export rate was - 5 mmol C m-2 day- 1 and the POC export was 3 mmol C m−2 day−1. In boreal fall 1992, during cold period conditions, there was a 70% chance that the surface carbon DIC budget was balanced when the total organic carbon export rate was 20 mmol C m−2 day−1 and export was -13 mmol C m-2 day-'. The DOC to DIC concentration gradient ratio of - -0.15, measured in depth profiles down to 100m and in surface waters, was used as an important constraint that most (> 70%) of the organic carbon exported from the euphotic zone was POC rather than DOC. If a balanced surface DIC budget was used to test the compatibility of individual carbon fluxes measured during EgPac, then a three- to four-fold increase in total and particulate organic carbon export between spring and fall is indicated. This increase was not reflected in the POC loss rates measured by drifting sediment trap collections or estimated by234Th deficiencies coupled with the C/Th measured on suspended particles.  相似文献   

A four-year record from an inverted echo sounder deployed near Palmyra Island at 6°N in the central Pacific Ocean is compared with a simultaneous record of subsurface pressure from this island lagoon. A factor m, converting round-trip acoustic travel time to surface dynamic height relative to a deep pressure level, was estimated from the ratio of the spectra of the two records in the energetic synoptic oscillation band. Year-to-year variation in m was not statistically significant. For the overall record, m was found to be -70±8 dynamic m/s, where the error bounds represent a 90% confidence interval. This is consistent with first-baroclinic-mode excitation  相似文献   

Phytoplankton physiologies are dynamic and have sensitive responses to the ambient environment. In this paper,we examine photosynthetic physiologies of phytoplankton communities with Phyto-PAM in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the spring inter-monsoon. Environmental parameters were measured to investigate the coupling between phytoplankton photosynthetic physiologies and their habitats. During the cruise, the water column was highly stratified. The mixed layer extended to about 75 m and was characterized by high temperature(28°C) and low nutrient level. The F_v/F_m values and chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentrations were lower at the surface, as consequences of nutrient depletion and photo-inhibition. Subsurface Chl a maximum(SCM) occurred between 75 and 100 m, and had the highest F_v/F_m values. The formation of SCM was a balance between nutrient availability and light limitation. The SCM may contribute significantly to pelagic food web and primary production in the water column. Phytoplankton in different layers encountered different light, trophic and hydrographic dynamics and evolved distinct photosynthetic characteristics. Despite of co-limitation of nutrient limitation and photo-inhibition, phytoplankton in the surface layer showed their acclimation to high irradiance, had lower light utilization efficiencies(α: 0.061±0.032) and could exploit a wide range of light irradiance. Whereas, phytoplankton in the SCM layers presented the highest light utilization efficiencies(α:0.146±0.48), which guaranteed higher photosynthetic capacities under low light level. These results provide insights into phytoplankton photo-adaption strategies in this less explored region.  相似文献   

In order to examine temporal variations of the surface oceanic and atmospheric fCO2 and the DIC concentration, we analyzed air and seawater samples collected during the period May 1992–June 1996 in the northwestern North Pacific, about 30 km off the coast of the main island of Japan. The atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased secularly at a rate of 1.9 ppmv yr−1, and it showed a clear seasonal cycle with a maximum in spring and a minimum late in summer, produced mainly by seasonally-dependent terrestrial biospheric activities. DIC also showed a prominent seasonal cycle in the surface ocean; the minimum and maximum values of the cycle appeared in early fall and in early spring, respectively, due primarily to the seasonally-dependent activities of marine biota and partly to the vertical mixing of seawater and the coastal upwelling. The oceanic fCO2 values were almost always lower than those of the atmospheric fCO2, suggesting that this area of the ocean acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2. Values varied seasonally, mainly reflecting seasonal changes of SST and DIC, with a secular increase at a rate of 3.7 μatm yr−1. The average values of the annual net CO2 flux between the ocean and the atmosphere calculated by using the different bulk equations ranged between −0.8 and −1.7 mol m−2yr−1, and its magnitude was enhanced and reduced late in spring and mid-summer, respectively, due mainly to the seasonally varying oceanic fCO2.  相似文献   

用Non-Boussinesq POP模式和1960—1999年NCEP的1 000hPa大气温度和风场资料,模拟了最近40a太平洋海面高度和热容量的变化,通过与实际观测结果比较,得出模拟结果可信的结论,并且得到了如下有意义的结果。1960—1999年由热膨胀引起的太平洋海面高度平均以0.5mm.a-1的速度上升,如果在此之后假设全球气温不再升高,由于海洋特别是深海还没有达到平衡,在未来282a太平洋深海继续增温导致平均海面高度还将以0.15mm.a-1的速度上升。1960—1999年太平洋海面高度平均变化率的水平分布显示,最大的下降率在热带中西太平洋,为7mm.a-1;最大的上升率在热带东太平洋,为8mm.a-1左右;中纬度太平洋中部海面高度是下降的,下降率1mm.a-1左右;另外在南半球的中太平洋南部海面高度也是下降的,下降率小于1mm.a-1,而在太平洋沿岸则基本上是上升区域;中国沿海海面高度的上升率为1.0mm.a-1左右,它相对于东太平洋沿岸的上升率要小很多。太平洋热容量从海表向下传播的速度是由快变慢的,到170m再由慢变快,到500m达到最快,在500m深度以下又逐渐变慢;在大多数情况下,El Ni o年份整个太平洋的热容量是比较高的,而La Ni a年份的热容量则比较低。  相似文献   

We investigated marine and terrestrial environmental changes at the northern Japan margin in the northwestern Pacific during the last 23,000 years by analyzing biomarkers (alkenones, long-chain n-alkanes, long-chain n-fatty acids, and lignin-derived materials) in Core GH02-1030. The U 37K′-derived temperature in the last glacial maximum (LGM) centered at 21 ka was ∼10°C, which was 2°C lower than the core-top temperature (∼12°C). This small temperature drop does not agree with pollen evidence of a large air temperature drop (more than 4°C) in the Tokachi area. This disagreement might be attributed to a bias of U 37K′-derived temperature within 2.5°C by a seasonal shift in alkenone production. The U 37K′-derived temperature was significantly low during the last deglaciation. Because this cooling was significant in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition zone, the temperature drops are attributable to the southward displacement of the Kuroshio-Oyashio boundary. Abundant lignin-derived materials, long-chain n-alkanes and long-chain n-fatty acids indicate a higher contribution of terrigenous organic matter from 17 to 12 ka. This phenomenon might have resulted from an enhanced coastal erosion of terrestrial soils due to marine transgression and/or an efficient inflow of higher plant debris to river waters from 17 to 12 ka.  相似文献   

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