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We present a new model of the jovian magnetosphere in which the flaring of the magnetopause boundary can be varied. Magnetopause flaring is expected to vary due to changing conditions in the upstream interplanetary medium, related both to the dynamic pressure of the solar wind, and to changes in the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. The model includes a tilted dipole field, which is screened by the magnetopause, a tail field current system, and the field of a screened equatorial current disc.  相似文献   

A magnetospheric field model is presented in which the usually assumed toroidal ring current is replaced by a circular disk current of finite thickness that extends from the tail to geocentric distances less than 3R E. The drastic departure of this model from the concept of the conventional ring current lies in that the current is continuous from the tail to the inner magnetosphere. This conceptual change was required to account for the recent results of analysis of the OGO 3 and 5 magnetic field observations. In the present model the cross-tail current flows along circular arcs concentric with the Earth and completes circuit via surface currents on the magnetopause. Apart from these return currents in the tail magnetopause, Mead's (1964) model is used for the field from the magnetopause current. The difference scalar field, ΔB, defined as the difference between the scalar field calculated from the present model and the magnitude of the dipole field is found to be in gross agreement with the observed ΔB (i.e. the observed scalar field minus a scalar reference geomagnetic field). An updated version of the ΔB contours from the OGO 3 and 5 observations, which is used for the comparison, is presented in this paper. Significant differences in details exist, however, between the model and the observed results. These differences will provide a guide for making modifications in the equatorial current system in future models.  相似文献   

The plasma flow in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere is examined within the framework of a one-dimensional model in which all quantities are supposed to depend only on the distance along the Sun-Earth axis. The following models are considered: (1) the gasdynamical model in which the Ampère force is ignored, (2) the magnetohydrodynamical model in which the normal component of the Ampère force on the magnetopause is taken into account. The flow regime is calculated in the region including two regions: (1) the layer of the return flow where flow velocity is directed from the Sun, (2) the region of convection where the velocity is directed toward the Sun - on the assumption that the form of the magnetopause and the distribution of the solar wind pressure on the magnetopause are known.The following physical mechanisms are taken into account: (1) the appearance of a centrifugal force owing to the magnetopause curvature, the centrifugal force partly compensating for the solar wind pressure; (2) the existence of the critical point which is analogous to the point of transition through the local sound velocity in the Laval nozzle or in the Parker model of the solar corona. The thickness of the layer of the return flow and the velocity of convection in the magnetosphere are calculated; and the following peculiarities are found: (1) in the gasdynamical model the convection regime is only possible with high velocities corresponding to the substorm, (2) in the magnetohydrodynamic model the convection velocity and the thickness of the layer of the return flow are reduced; the reduction being connected to the fact that the pressure of the solar wind is partially compensated for by the jump of the magnetic pressure on the magnetopause.  相似文献   

Magnetic field variations in the noon-midnight plane during the magnetospheric substorm are studied in terms of changes of three current systems: the dynamo-driven current on the magnetopause, the cross-tail current and the field-aligned current-auroral electrojet system. The field-aligned current is assumed to be generated as a result of interruption and subsequent diversion of the cross-tail current to the ionosphere. It is concluded that the available observations are consistent with a large increase of the three currents.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) changes and the associated responses of the magnetosphere on November 1, 1972, are examined. IMF Bz changes consisted of a sudden southward turning, a slow northward turning, and a subsequent steady northward sense. Magnetospheric substorms occurred throughout this period.  相似文献   

We propose a model three-dimensional current system for the magnetospheric substorm, which can account for the new findings of the field-aligned and ionospheric currents obtained during the last few years by using new techniques. They include (1) the ionospheric currents at the auroral latitude deduced from the Chatanika incoherent scatter radar data, (2) the field-aligned currents inferred from the vector magnetic field observations by the TRIAD satellite and (3) the global distribution of auroras with respect to the auroral electrojets appearing in DMSP satellite photographs. The model current system is also tested by a computer model calculation of the ionospheric current pattern. It is shown that the auroral electrojets have a strong asymmetry with respect to the midnight meridian. The westward electrojet flows along the discrete aurora in the evening sector, as well as along the diffuse aurora in the morning sector. The eastward electrojet flows equatorward of the westward electrojet in the evening sector. It has a northward component and joins the westward electrojet by turning westward across the Harang discontinuity. Thus, the latitudinal width of the westward electrojet in the morning sector is much larger than that in the evening sector. The field-aligned currents, consisting of two pairs of upward and inward currents (one is located in the morning sector and the other in the evening sector), are closed neither simply by the east-west ionospheric currents nor by the north-south currents, but by a complicated combination of the north-south and east-west paths in the ionosphere. The magnetospheric extension of the current system is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A magnetospheric model including convection and corotation electric fields is developed. Drift shells and pitch-angle evolution are obtained through perturbation methods. The asymmetry of the shell is maximum in a plane different from the noon-midnight meridian. As a consequence the dip in fluxes is not maximum in this meridian and the amount of shift is shown to be directly proportional to the convection electric field intensity. It is inversely proportional to the energy or the pitch-angle of the particles.  相似文献   

Toroidal and poloidal vector fields allow divergence free magnetic field representations in regions where currents flow. We derive general magnetospheric magnetic fields using combinations of spherical harmonic expansions of the toroidal and poloidal fields. Adding restrictive conditions like the field line topology symmetry or the magnetic field measurements, more specific magnetospheric magnetic field models can be derived. Two examples of this technique are given : an axisymmetric model with a ring current in the equatorial region and a time-dependent model of the Earth's magnetosphere. Our results are compared with the Olson-Pfitzer model.  相似文献   

The model under consideration is a pencil of radiation incident on a cloud, and the problem is to determine the reflection and transmitted radiation. Based on the method of principle of invariance, three mathematical models are constructed. The first is the basic model, which describes the radiation system completely. The second is the flux integral model, in which the integral average intensity is considered. The third is the diffusion model, which gives the most important information about the diffused radiation field.  相似文献   

Effects of solar wind parameters on the development of substorms during the events of southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lasting more than one hour were studied. Analysis on 175 events with average magnitude of the southward component of IMF larger than l·5γ as observed in July–December 1965 lead to the following results: (1) The total auroral electrojet (AEJ) current associated with the southward IMF event is approximately proportional to the time integral of the magnitude of the southward component. (2) The azimuthal component of IMF also affects the AEJ development. AEJ about twice as intense were observed when IMF was directed duskward than when IMF was directed dawnward. (3) AEJ intensity is strongly affected by the solar wind velocity during the southward IMF events, the intensity being approximately proportional to the square of the velocity. (4) No indication was found that the angle between the Sun-Earth line and the Earth's dipole axis plays any role on the development of substorms if effects of the solar wind parameters as described above are eliminated.  相似文献   

This paper reports some results of an attempt to simulate the large-scale changes of the internal structure of the magnetosphere during the magnetospheric substorm by assuming the growth of two current systems, one in the nightside and the other in the day-side.  相似文献   

The scientific rationale of the ROY multi-satellite mission addresses multiscale investigations of plasma processes in the key magnetospheric regions with strong plasma gradients, turbulence and magnetic field annihilation in the range from electron inertial length to MHD scales.The main scientific aims of ROY mission include explorations of:
turbulence on a non-uniform background as a keystone for transport processes;
structures and jets in plasma flows associated with anomalously large concentration of kinetic energy; their impact on the energy balance and boundary formation;
transport barriers: plasma separation and mixing, Alfvenic collapse of magnetic field lines and turbulent dissipation of kinetic energy;
self-organized versus forced reconnection of magnetic field lines;
collisionless shocks, plasma discontinuities and associated particle acceleration processes.
In the case of autonomous operation, 4 mobile spacecrafts of about 200 kg mass with 60 kg payload equipped with electro-reactive plasma engines will provide 3D measurements at the scales of 100-10000 km and simultaneous 1D measurements at the scales 10-1000 km. The latter smaller scales will be scanned with the use of radio-tomography (phase-shift density measurements within the cone composed of 1 emitting and 3 receiving spacecrafts).We also discuss different opportunities for extra measurement points inside the ROY mission for simultaneous measurements at up to 3 scales for the common international fleet.Combined influence of intermittent turbulence and reconnection on the geomagnetic tail and on the nonlinear dynamics of boundary layers will be explored in situ with fast techniques including particle devices under development, providing plasma moments down to 30 ms resolution.We propose different options for joint measurements in conjunction with the SCOPE and other missions:
simultaneous sampling of low- and high-latitudes magnetopause, bow shock and geomagnetic tail at the same local time;
tracing of magnetosheath streamlines from the bow shock to near-Earth geomagnetic tail;
passing “through” the SCOPE on the inbound orbit leg;
common measurements (with SCOPE and other equatorial spacecraft) at distances of ∼ few thousand km for durations of ∼several hours per orbit.
The orbit options and scientific payload of possible common interest are discussed in this work, including FREGAT cargo opportunities for extra payload launching and the “Swarm” campaigns with ejection of nano- and pico-satellites.  相似文献   

An approximate analytical expression for wave normal angle g0, at which whistler-mode group velocity is directed along magnetic field line in a hot anisotropic plasma, is derived. This expression is simple enough for practical applications in the magnetospheric conditions and is compatible with the results of numerical analysis for wave frequencies below but not close to the half of electron gyrofrequency.  相似文献   

A dispersion relation for left hand circularly polarized electromagnetic wave propagation in an anisotropic magnetoplasma in the presence of a very weak parallel electrostatic field has been derived with the help of linearized Vlasov and Maxwell equations. An expression of the growth rate has been derived in presence of parallel electric field for ion-cyclotron electromagnetic wave in an anisotropic media. The modification made in the growth rate by introducing parallel electric field and temperature anisotropy has been studied for fully ionized hydrogen plasma with the help of observations made on Jovian ionosphere and magnetosphere atL = 5.6 Rj. It is concluded that the growth (damping) of ion-cyclotron electromagnetic wave is possible when the wave vector is parallel (antiparallel) to the static electric field and effect is more pronounced at higher wave number.  相似文献   

Particle measurements from the low altitude polar-orbiting satellite GRS-A/Azur and from Explorer 41 in the magnetosheath during a time period after the sudden commencement at 14:30 UT on 8 March 1970, have been used in order to study the access mode of solar particles into the closed field line region of the magnetosphere. A particle decrease in the magnetosheath and over the central polar cap but not in the stable trapping region indicates that solar particles are temporarily trapped and can complete several drifts around the Earth. A single loss cone distribution ~2° inside of the stable trapping region cannot be explained by strong pitch angle scattering but is probably due to non-adiabatic particle motion.  相似文献   

The “paraboloid” model of Mercury’s magnetospheric magnetic field is used to determine the best-fit magnetospheric current system and internal dipole parameters from magnetic field measurements taken during the first and second MESSENGER flybys of Mercury on 14 January and 6 October 2008. Together with magnetic field measurements taken during the Mariner 10 flybys on 29 March 1974 and 16 March 1975, there exist three low-latitude traversals separated in longitude and one high-latitude encounter. From our model formulation and fitting procedure a Mercury dipole moment of 196 nT ·  (where RM is Mercury’s radius) was determined. The dipole is offset from Mercury’s center by 405 km in the northward direction. The dipole inclination to Mercury’s rotation axis is relatively small, ∼4°, with an eastern longitude of 193° for the dipole northern pole. Our model is based on the a priori assumption that the dipole position and the moment orientation and strength do not change in time. The root mean square (rms) deviation between the Mariner 10 and MESSENGER magnetic field measurements and the predictions of our model for all four flybys is 10.7 nT. For each magnetic field component the rms residual is ∼6 nT or about 1.5% of the maximum measured magnetic field, ∼400 nT. This level of agreement is possible only because the magnetospheric current system parameters have been determined separately for each flyby. The magnetospheric stand-off distance, the distance from the planet’s center to the inner edge of the tail current sheet, the tail lobe magnetic flux, and the displacement of the tail current sheet relative to the Mercury solar-magnetospheric equatorial plane have been determined independently for each flyby. The magnetic flux in the tail lobes varied from 3.8 to 5.9 MWb; the subsolar magnetopause stand-off distance from 1.28 to 1.43 RM; and the distance to the inner edge of the current sheet from 1.23 to 1.32 RM. The differences in the current systems between the first and second MESSENGER flybys are attributed to the effects of strong magnetic reconnection driven by southward interplanetary magnetic field during the latter flyby.  相似文献   

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