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The statistical features of the magnetic field and ion flux fluctuations in the boundary regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere have been studied on different timescales based on the Interball satellite measurements. Changes in the form and parameters of the probability density function have been studied for the periods when the satellite was in the solar wind plasma, different magnetosheath regions, and the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) at the polar cusp outer boundary. Variations in the probability density function maximum (P 0) and the kurtosis value as characteristics of the turbulence property evolution on different timescales have been studied. Two asymptotic regimes of P 0, which are characterized by different power laws, have been found. The structural functions of different orders and the types of diffusion processes in different regions, depending on time variations in the generalized diffusion coefficient, have been studied in order to analyze the character of diffusion processes. For the magnetosheath regions, TBL, and polar cusp, it has been found that the diffusion coefficient increases in the course of time (i.e., the regime of superdiffusion has been obtained). In the foreshock region before the main shock, turbulent processes are described by the Kolmogorov model of classical diffusion.  相似文献   

A review of studies devoted to the problem of exciting magnetic signals in the crust associated with the formation of the major rupture in an earthquake source and with the propagation of seismic waves was given in [Sgrigna et al., 2004]. However, this review contains incorrect citations from original papers and several erroneous statements concerning inertial and inductive mechanisms of conversion of the energy of rock motion into magnetic field energy. These mistakes are analyzed in the present paper. The formal and physical similarity between seismomagnetic waves in the crust and Alfvén waves in the magnetosphere is used in the analysis. A comparative analysis of the inertial and inductive mechanisms of seismomagnetic field generation is performed. The Cherenkov criterion of Alfvén wave generation due to the ionospheric effect of acoustic waves from earthquakes and explosions is derived. Attention is also given to nonlinear phenomena (nonlinearity of a mechanomagnetic conversion in the crust and anharmonicity and self-focusing of Alfvén waves in the magnetosphere).  相似文献   

The origination of various plasma inhomogeneities in the magnetosheath in front of the Earth’s magnetosphere is analyzed within classical magnetohydrodynamics. The effect of directional discontinuities or tangential and rotational discontinuities of the solar wind on plasma is studied. The origination of inhomogeneities of the type of secondary MHD waves in the magnetosheath is shown; the former equalize plasma parameters when restoring the stationary state. The effect of a rotational discontinuity on the bow shock–Earth’s magnetosphere system is of special interest, with distinguishing of plasma inhomogeneities of the plateau type observed in the near-Earth space.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the study of the generation of the equatorial noise—electromagnetic emission below the LHR frequency observed near the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere at distances of ~4RE. According to accepted views, the generation of the equatorial noise is related to the instability of ring current protons. In this work, a logarithmic distribution of energetic protons over the magnetic moment with an empty loss cone is proposed, and arguments for the formation of such a distribution are presented. The main result of the work is the calculation and analysis of the instability growth rate of waves forming the equatorial noise. The growth rate obtained in this work significantly differs from that encountered in the literature.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The process of resonant transformation of fast magnetosonic (FMS) waves originating from the solar wind in Alfvén and slow magnetosonic (SMS) oscillations in the...  相似文献   

The efficiency of energetic electron cyclotron acceleration in the Earth’s magnetosphere in different regimes of electron resonant interaction with parallel propagating whistler mode waves of variable frequency, specifically, with chorus ELF-VLF emissions, is considered. The regime of stochastic acceleration, typical of the interaction between particles and noise-like emissions, and particle acceleration in the regime of nonlinear trapping by a quasimonochromatic wave field are discussed. The specific feature of the latter regime consists in its non-diffuse character, i.e., the definite sign of the energy variation depending on the frequency variation in the wave packet. The trapped electron energy becomes higher if frequency increases within an element, which is typical of chorus emissions. For the parameters typical of chorus emissions (the amplitude of a wave magnetic field B = 102 nT, the initial frequency ω ~ 0.3ω H , and the frequency variation &;Dω ~ 0.15ω H , where ω H is the electron gyrofrequency), the energy increase during one act of such an interaction at L = 4?5 exceeds the rms variation in the energy of untrapped electron (during stochastic acceleration) by one-two orders of magnitude. The estimates indicate that a considerable fraction (several tens of percent) of the chorus element energy can be absorbed by electrons accelerated in the trapping regime during a single hop.  相似文献   

The collision of a solar wind tangential discontinuity with the bow shock and magnetopause is considered in the scope of an MHD approximation. Using MHD methods of trial calculations and generalized shock polars, it has been indicated that a fast shock refracted into the magnetosheath originates when density increases across a tangential discontinuity and a fast rarefaction wave is generated when density decreases at this discontinuity. It has been indicated that a shock front shift under the action of collisions with a tangential discontinuity is experimentally observed and a fast bow shock can be transformed into a slow shock. Using a specific event as an example, it has been demonstrated that solar wind tangential discontinuity affects the geomagnetic field behavior.  相似文献   

The motion of the MHD nonlinear shock in the Earth’s magnetosphere is considered in the scope of magnetic hydrodynamics. This wave comes from the solar wind and is refracted into the magnetosphere, generating a fast return rarefaction wave. It has been indicated that a wave refracted into the magnetosphere is a weak fast dissipative shock, propagating in magnetospheric plasma at a velocity higher than its propagation velocity in a solar wind stream. The wave motion near the Earth-Sun line with regard to the effect of the geomagnetic field transverse component is described. In this case, shock damping follows the generalized Crussard-Landau law and a wave retains its shock character up to the plasmapause, interacting with this region when an arbitrary MHD discontinuity is disintegrated. It is stated that an MHD shock loses its shock character when moving in a strongly inhomogeneous plasma within the plasmasphere and a weak shock reflected from the plasmapause can combine with a return secondary shock in the magnetosheath, promoting the experimentally observed backward motion of the bow shock front.  相似文献   

A statistical investigation of the location of onset of intermediate and gyrating ion populations in the Earths foreshock is presented based on Fixed Voltage Analyzer data from ISEE 1. This study reveals the existence of a spatial boundary for intermediate and gyrating ion populations that coincides with the reported ULF wave boundary. This boundary position in the Earths foreshock depends strongly upon the magnetic cone angle BX and appears well defined for relatively large cone angles, though not for small cone angles. As reported in a previous study of the ULF wave boundary, the position of the intermediate-gyrating ion boundary is not compatible with a fixed growth rate of the waves resulting from the interaction between a uniform beam and the ambient plasma. The present work examines the momentum associated with protons which travel along this boundary, and we show that the variation of the boundary position (or equivalently, the associated particle momentum) with the cone angle is related to classical acceleration mechanisms at the bow shock surface. The same functional behavior as a function of the cone angle is obtained for the momentum predicted by an acceleration model and for the particle momentum associated with the boundary. However, the model predicts systematically larger values of the momentum than the observation related values by a constant amount; we suggest that this difference may be due to some momentum exchange between the incident solar-wind population and the backstreaming particles through a wave-particle interaction resulting from a beam plasma instability.  相似文献   

Radial transport theory for inner radiation zone MeV ions has been extended by combining radial diffusive transport and losses due to Coulomb friction with local generation of D, T and 3He ions from nuclear reactions taking place on the inner edge of the inner radiation zone. Based on interactions between high energy trapped protons and upper atmospheric constituents we have included a nuclear reaction yield D, T and 3He flux source that was numerically derived from a nuclear reaction model code originally developed at the Institute of Nuclear Researches in Moscow, Russia. Magnetospheric transport computations have been made covering the L-shell range L=1.0–1.6. The resulting MeV energy D, T and 3He ion flux distributions show a strong influence of the local nuclear source mechanism on the inner zone energetic D, T and 3He ion content.  相似文献   

The nonlinear perturbation of a dipole field by a system of transverse currents, which arises due to the radial pressure distribution when the pressure is almost independent of the radial distance, is analyzed. This distribution of pressure was observed in the experiment. The radial dependences of the magnetic field depression, transverse current density, and volumes of magnetic flux tubes have been obtained at different values of the plasma parameter via nonlinear simulation. It is shown that a dependence of the volume of magnetic flux tube on the radial distance can change and a region of the negative gradient of volume can appear at some plasma-parameter values.  相似文献   

<正>Radiation belt dynamics and the related wave-particle interactions in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere are a very important research field in space physics.Since the launch of Van Allen Probes on August 30,2012,many substantial advances have been achieved,and some of them are briefly reviewed in this paper.Using Van Allen Probes data soon after its launch,Baker et al.(2013)discovered a relativistic electron storage ring that was embedded in Earth’s outer Van Allen belt.The  相似文献   

The processes of penetration, trapping, and acceleration of solar protons in the Earth’s magneto-sphere during magnetic storms in November 2004 and January 2005 are studied based on the energetic particle measurements on the CORONAS-F and SERVIS-1 satellites. Acceleration of protons by 1–2 orders of magnitude was observed after trapping of solar protons with an energy of 1–15 MeV during the recovery phase of the magnetic storm of November 7–8, 2004. This acceleration was accompanied by an earthward shift of the particle flux maximum for several days, during which the series of magnetic storms continued. The process of relativistic electron acceleration proceeded simultaneously and according to a similar scenario including acceleration of protons. At the end of this period, the intensification was terminated by the process of precipitation, and a new proton belt split with the formation of two maximums at L ~ 2 and 3. In the January 2005 series of moderate storms, solar protons were trapped at L = 3.7 during the storm of January 17–18. However, during the magnetic storm of January 21, these particles fell in the zone of quasi-trapping, or precipitated into the atmosphere, or died in the magnetosheath. At the same time, the belts that were formed in November at L ~ 2 and 3 remained unchanged. Transformations of the proton (and electron) belts during strong magnetic storms change the intensity and structure of belts for a long time. Thus, the consequences of changes during the July 2004 storm did not disappear until November disturbances.  相似文献   

The position of the auroral luminosity equatorward boundary during the interaction between the Earth’s magnetosphere and isolated solar wind streams from different solar sources has been statistically studied based on the ground and satellite observations of auroras. These studies continue the series of the works performed in order to develop the technique for predicting auroras based on the characteristics of the interplanetary medium and auroral disturbances. The dependences of the minimal position of the auroral luminosity equatorward boundary (Φ′) on the values of the azimuthal component of the interplanetary electric field (E y ) and AL indices of magnetic activity, averaged over 6 and 24 h, are presented. The distribution limits for each type of isolated solar wind streams on the Φ′-E y and Φ′-AL planes have been determined.  相似文献   

The muon fluxes on the Earth’s surface and at depths of 7, 20, and 40 m of water equivalent are calculated based on a simple model of pion generation by primary particles with different energies. This generation model is based on the known concepts of multiple pion production. The model parameters are compared with the data obtained using accelerating machines.  相似文献   

The propagation of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) is studied in the context of geometrical optics in the nonisothermal, viscous, and thermal-conductive atmosphere of Earth in the presence of wind shifts. Parametric diagrams are plotted, determining the regions of allowed frequencies and horizontal phase velocities of AGWs depending on the altitude. It is shown that a part of the spectrum of AGWs propagates in stationary air in an altitude range from the Earth’s surface through the ionospheric F1 layer. AGW from nearearth sources attenuate below 250 km, while waves generated at altitudes of about 300 km and higher do not reach the Earth’s surface because of the inner reflection from the thermosphere base. The pattern changes under strong thermospheric winds. AGW dissipation decreases with an adverse wind shift and, hence, a part of the wave spectrum penetrated from the lower atmosphere to the altitudes of F2 layer.  相似文献   

Extraterrestrial forcing of natural environmental processes by gravitational interaction between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth is considered. Based on the instrumental data, the main periodical components and cycles are identified in the time variations of some geophysical fields at the boundary between the Earth’s crust and the atmosphere. Correlation analysis shows that the lunar-solar tides are the key factor responsible for diurnal and quasi-biweekly variations in the ground electric field, radon emanation, water level in wells, and microseismic vibrations. The tidal influence on the various-scale movements of the blocks of the Earth’s crust is analyzed. In the context of the vertical, lateral, and rotational motion of crustal blocks, which is very important for the platforms, a new, precession-like type of displacements is revealed. These movements develop as a result of the nonsynchronous tidal responses of the block and the adjacent interblock gaps or tectonic structures whose strength and strain properties are different in different directions.  相似文献   

The ultimate strain value for rocks in aggregate with their other physicomechanical characteristics plays a substantial role when solving different problems related to the bearing capacity and behavior of soils. These include determination of the maximum displacement, velocity, and acceleration values of soils during earthquakes and estimation of the potential strain energy accumulated in a medium during strong earthquake preparation. The latter parameter is also key in predicting earthquakes from the ultimate strain of rocks. The paper describes a technique developed by the author for determining the ultimate strain of soil columns under natural conditions from their relative slope on the surface after a strong earthquake. The empirical dependences of the ultimate strain of rocks on earthquake magnitude, relative slip, rupture length, and the seismic moment are obtained by analyzing their values calculated by the proposed method for 44 strong earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.6–8.5. A comparative analysis of the ultimate strain values obtained by other researchers by geodesic triangulation is performed.  相似文献   

Based on vector magnetic data from the CHAMP German satellite, average daily spherical harmonic models of the main geomagnetic field to n = m = 10 have been constructed for the period from May 2001 to the end of 2009 at an interval of 4 days. The obtained 16 models, which were averaged over half a year, have been used to calculate the coordinates of the north and south magnetic poles (the points where magnetic field lines are vertical). The changes in these coordinates during these eight and a half years have been traced. Both poles continue moving northward and westward. The north magnetic pole has traveled 400 km during this period. The velocity of its motion has increased up to the year 2003, reaching 62.5 km yr−1, and then started decreasing and reached 45 km yr−1 by the end of 2009. In addition, the direction of motion changed from north-northwestward to northwestward; i.e., the pole started turning slightly towards Canada. The south magnetic pole moved slower by an order of magnitude and has traveled 42 km during this period. The coordinates of the geomagnetic (dipole) poles and the eccentric dipole parameters have also been calculated. The dynamics of these poles has been traced.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of the convection in the Earth’s core can act as a cause of its nonsolid rotation. In the case of differential rotation, the magneto-rotational instability (the Velikhov instability) can arise in the liquid core. It is shown that the development of the magneto-rotational instability of the hydromagnetic flows in the liquid core of the Earth can generate variations in the geomagnetic field observed on the Earth’s surface.  相似文献   

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