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用双曲线数学模型描述被动土压力变化和挡土结构位移变化的关系。基于Mindlin弹性解,推导了土体某深度矩形区域作用均布水平荷载时该矩形区域内任意点水平位移的表达式,并用该表达式确定双曲线模型初始刚度。应用对数螺旋线被动土压力理论求解被动土压力,把该法求解的做图过程转化为数学迭代过程。算例表明,这样的被动土压力理论概念明确,结果准确。  相似文献   

Passive earth pressure calculations in geotechnical analysis are usually performed with the aid of the Rankine or Coulomb theories of earth pressure based on uniform soil properties. These traditional earth pressure theories assume that the soil is uniform. The fact that soils are spatially variable leads to two potential problems in design: do sampled soil properties adequately reflect the effective properties of the entire soil mass and does spatial variability in soil properties lead to passive earth pressures that are significantly different from those predicted using traditional theories? This paper combines non-linear finite element analysis with random field simulation to investigate these two questions. The specific case investigated is a two-dimensional frictionless passive wall with a cohesionless drained soil mass. The wall is designed against sliding using Rankine's earth pressure theory. The unit weight is assumed to be constant throughout the soil mass and the design friction angle is obtained by sampling the simulated random soil field. For a single sample, the friction angle is used as an effective soil property in the Rankine model. For two samples, an average of the sampled friction angles is used. Failure is defined as occurring when the Rankine predicted passive resistance acting on the wall, modified by a factor of safety, is greater than that computed by the random finite element method. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the probability of failure of the traditional design approach is assessed as a function of the factor of safety using and the spatial variability of the soil.  相似文献   

挡土墙被动土压力研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
李永刚 《岩土力学》2003,24(2):273-276
研究土体被动极限状态时的大主应力拱,给出大主应力拱的曲线方程和被动土压力系数;利用水平层分析法,分析被动土压力的分布规律。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of inhomogeneous soil condition on the passive earth pressure is studied by using model tests. The model tests are carried out with two soil layers. The tests are compared with the corresponding results for homogenous soil. The shear band formation is identified with Particle Image Velocimetry measurements.  相似文献   

考虑土拱效应的挡土墙主动土压力与被动土压力统一解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱建明  赵琦 《岩土力学》2014,35(9):2501-2506
土拱效应对倾斜挡土墙下的主动土压力及被动土压力有重要的影响,但是相关计算理论研究略显不足。为了将土拱效应考虑到倾斜挡土墙下的土压力计算中,首先通过应力摩尔圆及静力平衡法分别给出了考虑土拱效应下主动土压力及被动土压力计算所需的两大因素:侧向土压力系数及竖向平均应力公式。在此基础上建立了考虑土拱效应的倾斜挡土墙主动土压力及被动土压力的统一表达式,并将其应用到求解土压力合力及其作用点高度的计算中。算例表明,土拱效应对于主动土压力与被动土压力的影响不同。随着墙体倾角的增大,主动土压力作用点高度逐渐降低,即土拱效应随着墙体倾角的增大而降低。与前述相反,随着墙体倾角的增大,被动土压力作用点高度逐渐降低,即土拱效应的影响随着墙体倾角的增大而增大。  相似文献   

不同墙体位移方式下被动土压力的颗粒流模拟   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
曾庆有  周健 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):43-47
用二维颗粒流程序(PFC2D)对各种移动模式的刚性挡墙被动土压力进行了模拟。再根据已有的模型试验建立颗粒流模型,分别让刚性墙体朝土体一侧平移、绕墙体顶部转动和绕墙体底部转动,给出了这三种情况下墙后被动土压力的分布图形以及相应的竖向应力的分布图形,同时给出了墙后被动土压力随墙体位移的变化规律。最后,将计算结果与实验结果进行了对比表明,颗粒流数值模拟方法不仅使用方便,而且能较好地模拟墙后被动土压力的分布规律。  相似文献   

韩同春  谢灵翔  刘振 《岩土力学》2018,39(12):4404-4412
坑中坑在基坑工程实践中普遍存在,使得基坑底部土体成为有限土体,因此,常规的建立在半无限空间土体假定上的朗肯土压力理论对于坑中坑条件下的基坑不再适用。基于极限平衡理论和平面滑裂面假定,考虑土体黏聚力和滑动土体不同的形状,推导了4种情况下被动土压力的计算公式,并给出了滑裂面剪切破坏角的数学表达式。通过算例,计算了不同内坑位置条件下被动土压力的大小和变化趋势。结果表明,滑裂面剪切破坏角是与土体内摩擦角、黏聚力、计算深度、内坑大小及位置有关的变量,内坑的存在将降低围护结构上的被动土压力,且存在一个内坑影响最不利位置,此时的被动土压力值最小。成果为基坑围护设计中被动土压力的计算提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

谢涛  罗强  张良  连继峰  于曰明 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1682-1690
极限状态下墙体侧向位移对土压力计算和支挡结构设计影响显著。根据Rankine变形体和Coulomb刚塑体模型,将墙后土体变形分别当作单剪和直剪试验中试样的剪切过程,以达到极限剪切变形(剪应变或单位长度剪切位移)作为进入主被动状态标准,构建了土体变形与墙体位移的几何关系,提出了反映土体变形与强度特性,同时考虑静止时初始应力状态影响的墙体极限侧向位移近似计算模型。分析表明:土体极限剪切变形、滑移区范围、初始应力状态是影响墙体极限位移的核心要素,其中极限剪切变形占据主导作用,是导致不同颗粒组成及密实程度土体进入极限状态所需墙体位移差异显著的主要原因,而主被动区范围不同和因静止土压力系数 1引起的初始剪切变形,则是被动状态墙体位移远大于主动的关键因素;算例中主动与被动状态下墙体位移与墙高之比分别介于0.5‰~13.2‰和?0.4%~?5.2%,且主动状态下细粒土墙体位移大于粗粒土,计算结果与工程经验及相关文献模型试验基本一致。  相似文献   

Conventional methods for calculation of passive earth pressure were mainly based on the assumptions of the linear Mohr‐Coulomb yield condition and plane strain failure mechanism. However, both theoretical and experimental studies have shown that such assumptions are not satisfied in some geotechnical projects. Herein, a novel method incorporating a kinematically admissible 3‐dimensional (3D) rotational failure mechanism and the nonlinear power‐law yield criterion is proposed to compute the passive earth pressure acting on the inclined retaining walls. Instead of using the nonlinear yield criterion directly, a straight line tangential to the nonlinear yield curve is employed to represent the strength of soils, and therefore, the nonlinear problem is transformed into the traditional linear problem. The 3D failure mechanism is generated through rotating a circle defined by 2 log‐spirals, and a plane strain block is inserted into the mechanism to consider the retaining walls with different widths. Earthquake effects are taken into account by using quasi‐static representation, and the horizontal seismic coefficient concept is adopted for the estimation of passive earth pressure under seismic conditions. An analytical expression about the 3D passive earth pressure is educed by means of the upper bound theorem of limit analysis. Numerical results for different practical parameters are obtained from an optimization scheme where the minimum of passive earth pressure is sought. Compared with available 2‐dimensional and 3D solutions, the proposed method is validated. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of different parameters on the 3D static and seismic passive earth pressure.  相似文献   

彭润民  纪秋林 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):34-38
基于Mononobe-Okabe假定,通过对滑动土体中水平薄层单元的分析,建立了墙体平动(T)模式、墙体绕基础转动(RB)模式和墙体绕墙顶转动(RT)模式下的被动土压力的一阶微分方程,给出了土压力强度、土压力合力、土压力作用点的理论计算公式,并将该理论计算公式与库仑理论结果进行了比较。结果表明:土压力强度分布呈曲线分布,合力作用点到墙底的距离依(RB)模式、(T)模式和(RT)模式次序增大。  相似文献   

宋飞  张建民 《岩土力学》2011,32(1):151-157
挡土结构上土压力的计算是土力学和岩土工程领域的基本研究课题之一。实际工程中的土压力通常是介于主动土压力和被动土压力之间的某一值,墙后填土由于碾压具有较高的密实度。经典的朗肯和库仑土压力理论只能计算极限状态下的土压力,没有考虑挡墙的位移以及剪切过程中密砂的强度从峰值强度降低到残余强度这一强度变化特性对于土压力的影响。给出了考虑挡墙位移效应的被动侧土压力计算方法,该方法能够同时考虑剪切过程中密砂的强度从峰值强度降低为残余强度这一强度变化特性对被动土压力的影响。通过土压力模型试验结果对计算方法进行了初步验证,计算结果和试验结果吻合较好,表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

张慧姐  曹文贵  刘涛 《岩土力学》2020,41(9):3022-3030
为了探讨墙背倾斜与粗糙程度对挡墙被动土压力的影响,首先,结合被动状态下受挡墙墙背和滑动面摩擦影响的滑动土楔内主应力传递特点,采用圆弧形主应力迹线描述滑动土楔中最大主应力传递规律,并提出了最大主应力迹线几何参数的确定方法;然后,采用沿最大主应力迹线的分层方法将挡墙后滑动土楔划分为若干圆弧形曲线薄层单元,并通过该薄层单元受力分析,依据其静力平衡条件建立了挡墙被动土压力分析新方法。该方法不仅可反映墙土摩擦和墙背倾斜程度对被动土压力的影响,而且有效避免了目前土压力分析方法研究中普遍采用的直线薄层单元难以准确考虑复杂的单元实际受力情况的问题,从理论上确保了新提出的挡墙被动土压力分析方法更具合理性;最后,通过试验、现有同类方法及所提方法分析曲线的对比,表明了新方法的合理性与优越性。就墙背倾斜与粗糙程度对挡墙被动土压力分布及合力作用点高度的影响规律也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the influence of the initial void ratio on the evolution of the passive earth pressure and the formation of shear zones in a dry sand body behind a retaining wall. For the numerical simulation a rigid and very rough retaining wall undergoing a horizontal translation against the backfill is considered. The essential mechanical properties of cohesionless granular soil are described with a micro-polar hypoplastic model which takes into account stresses and couple stresses, pressure dependent limit void ratios and the mean grain size as a characteristic length. Numerical investigations are carried out with an initially medium dense and initially loose sand using a homogeneous and random distribution of the initial void ratio. The geometry of calculated shear zones is discussed and compared with a corresponding laboratory model test.  相似文献   

The designing of retaining walls requires the complete knowledge of earth pressure distribution. Under earthquake conditions the design needs special attention to reduce the devastating effect, but under seismic conditions, the available literature mostly uses the pseudo-static analytical solution as an approximate to the real dynamic nature of the complex problem. This paper shows a detailed study on the seismic passive earth thrust behind a cantilever retaining wall with inclined backfill surface by pseudo-dynamic analysis. A planar failure surface has been considered. The effect of variation of parameters such as soil friction angle, wall friction angle and back fill inclination have been explored. A complete analysis shows that the time dependent non-linear behaviour of the pressure distribution obtained in the present method results in more realistic design values of earth pressures under earthquake conditions. Results are provided in tabular and graphical non-dimensional form and compared thoroughly with the existing values in the literature.  相似文献   

通过直剪试验研究了土的非线性破坏准则,给出了刚性挡土墙的朗肯非线性被动土压力公式并采用自适应步长Simpson积分法进行了求解,与线性Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则下朗肯被动土压力进行了对比,结果表明,采用线性Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则计算的被动土压力结果偏大35%~40%,在实际工程设计中偏于不安全。最后讨论了不同深度及非线性参数的影响。  相似文献   

The present study pertains to the finding of the lower bound solution, formulating it as a non-linear programming problem using the generalized method developed by Lysmer with certain variations to incorporate the non-linear no-yield condition constraints directly in the analysis. The method considers the family of plane stress fields having the property that all stresses vary linearly within each triangular element of some mesh which covers the soil mass under study. For this type of stress field it is possible to express all equilibrium conditions as a set of linear constraints and the no-yield as a set of non-linear constraints. The boundary condition constraints may be of linear equality or inequality type. By expressing some of the design variables in terms of the remaining variables the linear equality constraints are implicity satisfied. Such a technique minimizes the complexity of the problem by eliminating the equality constraints and reduces the dimensionality of the problem, saving much, computational effort. The optimal lower bound is isolated by formulating it as a non-linear programming (NLP) problem subjected to both linear and non-linear inequality constraints. The sequential unconstrained minimization technique using the extended penalty function method as suggested by Kavlie has been used to isolate the optimal lower bound. The method has successfully been applied to the passive earth pressure and bearing capacity problem. Numerical results are obtained and compared with Lysmer's solution to show the effectiveness of the present approach.  相似文献   

Results obtained with the finite element method are greatly affected by the overall dimensions of the mesh and the number and size of the elements used. Proper choice of the boundary conditions is also necessary to obtain an accurate estimate of the unknowns of the problem. This paper discusses some factors that influence the results of a finite element idealization of the problem of earth pressure behind a gravity wall with a dry, cohesionless backfill.  相似文献   

田雨  姚仰平  路德春  杜修力 《岩土力学》2019,(10):3945-3950
采用修正应力法考虑各向异性对土的抗剪强度的影响,该方法引入组构张量调整不同方向应力分量的相对大小,使得各向异性土在修正应力空间中等效成各向同性土。用修正应力张量代替真实应力张量,就能将摩尔-库仑强度准则发展至横观各向同性,公式的形式不发生改变,强度参数仍为与加载方向无关的常量。通过对比根据3种不同的修正应力公式得到的内摩擦角与加载方向的关系曲线,分析了组构值对内摩擦角变化规律的影响,在偏平面上绘出了连续规则的强度包线,并预测了不同各向异性岩土类材料的三轴压缩和真三轴试验结果。最后,根据横观各向同性摩尔-库仑准则计算水平沉积地层中挡土墙上的被动土压力,得到了简洁的显式表达式,验证了修正应力法的实用性。  相似文献   

不同变位模式下无黏性土非极限被动土压力计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨泰华  龚建伍  汤斌  俞晓  贺怀建 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2979-2983
假定内摩擦角与位移呈非线性关系,采用所提出的土压力计算理论,结合室内模型试验结果,对墙体的平移(T模式)、绕墙体底采点转动(RBT模式)、绕墙顶采点转动(RTT模式)变位模式下考虑位移的被动土压力进行计算分析,分析表明:计算结果在土压力强度沿墙高度上的分布、土压力合力大小以及合力作用点位置均与实测值较为吻合,从而表明:(1)用该计算理论公式计算不同变位模式下被动土压力是可行的。(2)从土压力强度的计算值和实测值吻合情况来看:RBT变位模式下计算值与实测值符合最好,T变位模式下次之,RTT变位模式下相对最差。(3)从达到朗肯被动土压力合力所需位移量来看:T变位模式下最小,RTT变位模式下次之,RBT变位模式下相对最大。(4)土压力合力作用点位置:T变位模式下在离墙底1/3高度处,RBT模式下均位于离墙底1/3高度以上,RTT模式下均位于离墙底1/3高度以下,并且RBT和RTT模式下均随着转动点至挡土墙最近端点的距离与墙高的比值n的增大逐渐向T变位模式下的合力作用点位置靠拢(即离墙底1/3高度处),这一观点与事实情况完全相符。  相似文献   

刚性挡土墙主动土压力颗粒流模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
周健  彭述权  樊玲 《岩土力学》2008,29(3):629-632
将土体离散为具有滑动连接模型的刚性条块,用颗粒流PFC2D程序数值从细观力学角度模拟了墙体平移(T)、绕墙底转动(RB)和绕墙顶转动(RT)位移模式下不同位移大小时刚性挡土主动土压力分布。模拟结果表明:刚性挡墙主动土压力非线性分布、墙土间外摩擦角和土体剪切角或内摩擦角对土压力有很大影响;墙体绕顶部转动时,大约0.3倍墙高以上的主动土压力大于静止土压力产生土拱效应;模拟计算值与模型试验实测数据吻合比较好,具有一定的理论价值。  相似文献   

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